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Policy Paper Analysis 1

Improving the Efficiency and Accessibility

of the US Immigration System
Tasnuva Hasan Reete
College of Social Work, University of South Carolina


John Doering White, Ph.D., MSW, Assistant Professor

Date: 01/28/2022
Policy Paper Analysis 2


As an immigrant myself, I have firsthand experience with the complexities and difficulties of

navigating the US immigration system. Despite the efforts of the government and various

organizations to make the process more streamlined, it remains a challenging and overwhelming

experience for many individuals and families. In this proposal, I will outline my interest in a

specific US immigration policy that aims to improve the efficiency and accessibility of the

immigration system for all individuals seeking to enter or remain in the United States.

I have acknowledged the recently undertaken policy regarding immigration and higher education

actions and adopted for the incoming Biden/Harris administration to reinforce USA research and

sectoral development, it is entitled to “President’s Alliance on Higher Education and

Immigration”. According to the resources, the actions and documents have been outlined for

immigration-related higher education. Here is a definite policy for international non-immigrant

and immigrant students which is known as the “Memorandum on International Education

Policy” and was established on April 19, 2000.

Proposed Policy
My proposed policy is focused on implementing several key changes to the immigration system

to make it more efficient and accessible for all individuals. These changes include:

1. Expanding the use of technology to streamline the application process and reduce wait times.

This could include online applications, digital document submissions, and online status updates.

2. Increasing the number of immigration officials and staff to ensure that applications are

processed in a timely manner and to provide better customer service to applicants.

Policy Paper Analysis 3

3. Providing more resources for individuals with limited resources or language proficiency, such

as hiring more multilingual staff and providing translation services.

4. Providing more transparency and information about the application process to reduce

confusion and uncertainty for applicants.

5. Creating a more flexible and responsive system that can adapt to changing circumstances and

needs, such as changes in the economy or political climate.


As a new immigrant student in this land of dollars, I understand the importance of having a fair

and efficient immigration system that is accessible to all individuals. I believe that implementing

these changes will improve the overall experience for immigrants and make the US immigration

system more effective and beneficial for the country. I am confident that my experience and

knowledge of the current immigration system will enable me to contribute to the success of these

proposed changes.

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