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REF; G/20211218/7059, G/20220824/2001

In January 2022 before Chinese New Year, when Mr Harry Ong was running his
unlicensed CNY cookies trading in his flat, I overheard a conversation of him
with his client/supplier intended to hire a hitman, could be Indonesian or
China man to take care of us and then run road after the job is done. Reason
behind was that we took photos and reported to SFA about his home based
large scale trading.

A lanky guy (hereafter called Mr Lanky), son of an old couple residing at 11-
2503 is suspected to be luring cats to urinate and defecate at our frontage by
touching/rubbing against the wall or doormat that we hung on the wall for
sunning. His mom intended to turn our frontage into a “jamban”. We have no
quarrel with them before. They are very close to Mr Harry Ong whom we don’t
talk to, they hold grudges on us. As Malay community is very closely knitted,
they misconstrued situations, roping in my direct upstairs unit, Madam
Zunaidah’s family and their clan/gang started bullying us for years. For known
and unknown, we are their common enemy.

On 6 Sep 2022 1419, Mr Lanky was filming our frontage using his mobile phone
while conversing with someone.

On 6 Sep 2022, I happened to snap a photo of Mr Iqbal, son of Madam

Zunaidah, smoking at upstairs balcony past 2300. He came down knocking at
our door but we avoided him as it was quiet time preventing a commotion.
Moreover he has past record in a Boys’ home and a member of Zeus Fitness for
Muay Thai.

Between 1100 till 1400 on 8 Sep 2022, a group of strangers consists of 3 males
and 3 females were walking up and down along our corridor leaving a trail of
cats odour. We discovered that Mr Lanky’s mother, at 1224 was gesturing a
thumb-up while talking to Mr Harry Ong outside his unit. We suspect that Mr
Lanky’s mom had instigated to the strangers that we had stolen their orange
cat as it defecated twice outside our unit past midnight. While the two were
chatting, Madam Serene Wong from #11-2505 joined in. She started behaving
hostility towards us after her husband passed on. At 1232 a fat lady from the
group of strangers told them that they were looking for a missing orange cat.
On 19 Sep 2022, Mr Lanky was filming our CCTV on his mobile phone on his
way back from work at 1434. He had done so for many times captured on

On 24 Sep 2022, around 1250, Mr Lanky was talking to Mr Harry Ong outside
unit #11-2509. Mr Lanky was showing double thumb-ups and expressing
gratitude to the latter, subsequently he gestured slitting throat, pointing finger
at us as well as upstairs.

At1423, two men in red T-shirts walked pass our unit with the fierce looking
man wearing a black cap in front posing a threatening punching action before
out CCTV. After 8 minutes, 1431, the aforementioned two men were coming
back from the opposite direction led by Mr Iqbal. At 2305, again the fierce
looking man in black T-shirt and black cap walked pass again. This is blatant
intimidation/harassment owing to our non-response to Mr Iqbal’s knocking the
other day.

I have always suspected that Mr Harry Ong is the mastermind behind all this
nuisance since we moved in a few years ago. After the incident that his wife,
Madam Christine Lim climbed up and peeped through our window in the wee
morning while we were sleeping, we stopped talking to them without any
quarrel. Reason behind was to check our layout of furniture so that they could
bang the walls while we are sleeping. Hence, many police reports had been
lodged over these years against them.

As for Mr Lanky’s family #11-2503, Madam Zunaidah’s family #12-2507, unit

#11-2513 and Mr Vincent Wan & Madam Joey Chin #11-2515 are all Mr Harry
Ong’s henchmen/executors of nuisance acts cum watchdogs monitoring our
daily movements resulting in many counts of stalking. They would hurl
expletives and derogatory words like “CB, anak sundal, gila, kurang ajar and
berak” at us. They are disrupting the community peace and neighbourliness
promoting bullying culture/hooliganism.

How Mr Vincent Wan is connected to Mr Harry Ong? When the former was
serving his term in prison, his ex-wife, a Thai nationality with a son were
residing in his unit. She had introduced the latter to a love letters supplier, KS
Food Industries for his CNY cookies trading. Since then, he started keeping an
eye on us. We suspected that he is the one who initiated the surveillance from
opposite block 31 .

Despite Mr Harry Ong’s family is in the midst of moving out, I am afraid his evil
plans will continue by his followers. For instance, the banging and furniture
dragging from direct upstairs unit is intensified throughout day and night. I
really worry for the safety of my family in Singapore.

*CCTV footages will be provided if needed for investigation purposes.

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