Lecture 1

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Increasing population, industrialization, urbaniz- countries due to shortage of resources and
ation, economic growth and improved standard inadequate institutional set up.
of living has resulted increase in solid waste
generation [1]. Management of these huge quan- The solid waste, when not taken care properly
tities of municipal solid waste has become a becomes the reason of spreading diseases,
serious concern for government departments, environmental pollution and occupational
environmental protection agencies and hazards. Almost more than 50% of the
regulatory bodies. If the waste is not properly environmental pollution in Pakistani urban areas
managed, the time is not far when our planet will can safely be attributed to the inadequate solid
be filled with waste. Besides, waste contains waste management practices. Littering of food
materials that can be recovered, reused and and other solid waste on the streets, roads, and
recycled conserving resources and land required vacant lots lead to the breeding of rats, with their
for the disposal. attendant fleas carrying the germs of disease
and the outbreak of plague, as lately happened in
US, EPA defines solid waste as, "any discarded, India. The plague, called the Black Death, killed
rejected, abandoned, unwanted or surplus half of the Europeans in the fourteenth century
matter, whether or not intended for sale or for and caused many subsequent epidemics and
recycling, reprocessing, recovery or purification high death tolls. The United States Public Health
by a separate operation from that which Service (USPHS) has published the results of a
produced the matter; or anything declared by study tracing the relationship of 22 human
regulation or by an environment protection policy diseases to improper solid waste management.
to be waste" [2]. It can also be defined as anything Data are also available to show that the illness-
non- liquid and non-gaseous in terms of by- accident rate for sanitation workers is several
product that is produced because of any human times higher than that of industrial employees [4].
activity and can produce any detrimental impact
on environment [3].The term solid waste used in
1.2 Solid Waste Management
this context encompasses the heterogeneous
mass discarded by the urban community, as well Solid waste management may be defined as the
as more homogeneous accumulations of discipline associated with the control of
agricultural, industrial and mineral waste. generation, storage, collection, transfer and
transport, processing and recovery and disposal
of solid waste in a manner that is in accordance
1.1 Impacts of Solid Waste with the best principles of public health, econo-
Solid waste is being produced since the mics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics and
inception of human history. In early history, other environmental considerations and that is
human being used to throw their waste in open also responsive to the public attitude.
land because of small population and few
environmental hazards. But with the passage of If solid waste management is to be accomplished
time; population grew, human activities in an efficient manner, the functional aspects and
expanded, resource utilization increased, so the relationships involved must be identified and
waste production increased too. These expand- understood clearly. In this context, the activities
ed human activities have posed challenges to the associated with the management of solid waste
waste managers. If these wastes are not handled from point of generation to final disposal may be
properly, these can pollute air, water and also grouped into six functional elements.
canresult in epidemic diseases. Solid waste
manag-ement is a real challenge for developing
Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 2

1.2.1 Functional Elements of SWM recovered materials, the best place to separate
The functional elements of SWM are shown in a waste materials for reuse and recycling is at the
simplified flow diagram in Fig.1.1 [3]. The first source of generation. Onsite storage in proper
functional element "waste generation" includes containers is important because of public health
both the quantities and qualities of the waste. concerns and aesthetic considerations.
Reduction of SW at source, although not
controlled by solid waste managers, is now They provide cover, containment and convenie-
included in system evaluations as a method of nce in handling. Processing at source involves
limiting the quantity of waste generated. activities such as household composting and
The second of the six functional elements of the
solid waste management system is waste
The third functional element is "collection". It
handling, separation, storage and processing at
includes not only gathering of waste but also their
the source. Waste handling and separation
transportation to a point where collection vehicle
involves the activities associated with
is emptied.
management of waste until it is placed in storage
container for collection. Handling also
encompasses the movement of loaded The fourth functional element "transfer and
containers to the point of collection. Separation transport" involves two steps:
of waste components is an important step in the (i) Transfer of waste from smaller collection
handling and storage of solid waste at the source. vehicles to larger transport equipment, and
(ii) Subsequent transport of waste to disposal site
For example, from the standpoint of material or a processing facility.
specification and revenues from the sales of

Waste Generation

Waste Handling,
Separation,Storage &
Processing at souree


Transfer & Processing &
Transport Transformation of
Solid Waste


Figure 1.1: Interrelationships between the functional elements of MSWM system

3 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


The fifth functional element is "separation, (i) To recover maximum possible amount of
processing and transformation" of solid waste. reusable materials and energy from the
Separation involves separating the reusable and municipal solid waste stream through best
recyclable materials. Processing and transfor- available practices, and
mation involves transformation of waste to other
products which can be beneficial in one form or (ii) To avoid releasing the energy or matter into
the other. For example, processed solid waste the environment as a pollutant [8]. ISWM
can be further used for incineration and provides a hierarchy (an order from most
composting. preferred to least preferred) of approaches and
technologies for managing solid waste in order to
The last functional element is "disposal". This meet the goal of sustainability.
refers to disposal of solid waste by landfilling or
land spreading, which is the ultimate fate of all 1.3.1 Hierarchy of Integrated Solid Waste
solid waste in contemporary practice. Management
The ISWM hierarchy is based upon the material
1.3 Integrated Solid Waste Management and energy that is embodied in solid waste and
Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) is a that is associated with its recycling and disposal.
comprehensive waste prevention, recycling, The solid waste management hierarchy as
composting, and disposal program. An effective proposed by USEPA is shown in Fig. 1.2. The
ISWM system considers how to prevent, recycle, higher an option in the hierarchy, the more
and manage solid waste in ways that most benefits it has in terms of economic value. These
effectively protect human health and the options are briefly discussed below.
environment. ISWM involves evaluating local
needs and conditions, and then selecting and The waste management hierarchy is a wide-
combining the most appropriate waste spread element of national and regional policy of
management activities for those conditions. The various developed countries and is often
major ISWM activities are waste prevention considered as the most fundamental approach of
(source reduction), recycling, reusing, waste modern management operations according to
transformation (composting and combustion) their environmental or economic benefits.
and disposal in properly designed, constructed,
and managed landfill [5,6].
The hierarchy is a useful policy tool for
conserving resources, for dealing with landfill
The ISWM aims to manage the waste in an
shortages, for minimizing air and water pollution
environmentally and economically sustainable
and for protecting public health. In many develop-
way [7]. Accordingly, the twin goals of ISWM are:

§Most efficient
§Lowest ecological damage
§Highly preferred
Source Reduction



Resource Recovery
(Waste transformation)

Landfill §Least efficient

§Higher ecological damage
§Least preferred

Figure 1.2: Hierarchy of solid waste management

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 4


ing countries, some aspects of this hierarchy are something that we previously considered as
already in place, since traditional practices re- "garbage". In this way, the garbage we are
volving around waste prevention reuse, and sending to the landfill sites will be reduced and
recycling are prevalent. the operational life span of the landfill site will
At the same time, keeping in view the regional
conditions, it should be recognised that all waste Recycling
m a n a g e m e n t p ra ct i ce s h ave f i n a n ci a l The third option in the ISWM hierarchy is
implications as well as benefits. This means the recycling, which involves (1) the separation and
hierarchy cannot be followed rigidly because in collection of waste materials; (2) the preparation
particular situations the cost of a prescribed of these materials for reuse, reprocessing, and
activity may exceed the benefits when all remanufacture; and (3) the reuse, reprocessing,
financial, social, and environmental and remanufacture of these materials. Recycling
considerations are taken into account [9,10].
is an important factor in helping to reduce the
demand of resources and the amount of waste
In recent years, after the establishment of Lahore requiring disposal by landfilling.
Waste Management Company(LWMC), the
concept of integrated waste management is Resource Recovery
being introduced especially in Punjab.
The fourth option in the ISWM hierarchy,
resource recovery (waste transformation), Waste Reduction involves the physical, chemical, or biological
The highest priority option in ISWM hierarchy is alteration of waste. The transformation of waste
to avoid or reduce the solid waste generation at materials usually results in the reduced use of
the source. It involves reducing the amount landfill capacity. The reduction in waste volume
and/or toxicity of the waste generated. Waste through combustion is a well-known example.
reduction may occur through the designing,
manufacturing, and packaging of products with Landfilling
minimum toxic content, minimum volume of
material, or a longer useful life. Waste reduction Landfilling is the last and least preferred option of
may also occur at the household, commercial, or the ISWM hierarchy. It involves the controlled
industrial facility through selective buying disposal of waste on or in the earth's mantle, and
patterns and the reuse of products and materials. it is by far the most common method of ultimate
disposal for waste residuals. Reusing
Municipal solid waste generation could be
1. Define solid waste.
reduced through reusing the items that are no
longer required by someone. Most of our daily 2. What is meant by solid waste management?
use products are reusable. For example, plastic 3. What is meant by integrated solid waste
bags obtained from the market are often used to management?
pack the household waste and transport it from 4. Arrange functional elements of SWM in a flow
the house to the waste bin. Newspapers are diagram.
rolled up to make fireplace logs, and coffee cans 5. What is meant by '4R' in SWM?
are used to hold bolts and screws. All of these are 6. Give down three examples of waste reduction
examples of reuse. Reusing is thus about that you might be able to implement in your
extending the life or giving a second life to routine life.

5 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


REFERENCES management plan, 2009, accessed from

literature.html on 20-12-12.
[1] I.R. Ilaboya, Design of an integrated solid
waste management scheme: a model design for
Igbinedion University Community, Journal of [10] Jibril D.J., Integrated Solid Waste
Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation, Management as a tool for effective sustainable
1 (2): 125-138, 2011. practice, Oida Iinternational Journal of
Sustainable Development 04: 04 2012.
[2] US EPA, Waste Guidelines, 2009 accessed
Guideline/guide_waste_definitions.pdf on 02-

[3] M. Govindaraju, Integrated Waste

Management In Urban Areas Using Geographic
Information System (GIS), Proceedings of the
International Conference on Solid Waste 2011-
Moving Towards Sustainable Resource
Management,Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China, 2 – 6
May 2011.

[4] Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Eliassen,

R. Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and
Management Issues. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, USA, 1993.

[5] Frank KreithHand book of Solid waste

management, 2nd Edition, The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.pp 26-37, 2002.

[6] US EPA, What is Integrated Solid Waste

Management (ISWM) accessed from epa.gov/
w.pdf on 20-12-12.

[7] White, P.R., Franke, M. and Hindle, P.

Integrated Solid Waste Management: A Life
Cycle Inventory, Springer, New York, 1-12, 1999.

[8] Stokoe, J. and Teague, F., Integrated Solid

Waste Management for Rural Areas: A Planning
Tool Kit for Solid Waste Managers.

[9] UNEP, Developing integrating solid waste

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 6

Knowledge of the sources and types of solid definitions of "solid waste" term vary greatly in
waste, along with data on the composition and literature.
rates of generation, is basic requirement for the
design and operation of the functional elements There are different types of solid waste
associated with the management of solid waste. originating from different resources, with varying
quantities, characteristics and different methods
2.1 Sources of Solid Waste Generation of handling. Some type of waste are toxic,
Sources of solid waste are, in general, related to carcinogens, and malicious and require special
land use and zoning. Although any number of care for its management and disposal. That is
source classifications can be developed. Table why there is a need to classify waste according to
2.1 depicts the main sources of the solid waste. their source of origin and quantity of production.

Table 2.1: Sources of solid waste generation [1]

Sr No. Waste Source Typical facilities, activities or locations where wastes are generated
Includes single and multi-story houses and high density apartments. Type
1 Residential
of solid waste includes: food waste, rubbish, ashes and special wastes.
Includes stores, restaurants, markets, office building, hotels, auto repair
shops, medical facilities etc. Type of waste includes food waste, rubbish,
2 Commercial
ashes, demolition and construction wastes, occasionally hazardous
School, universities, hospitals, prisons, governmental centers etc. Waste
3 Institutional
similar to residential and commercial is produced in these institutions.
The term “municipal” normally is assumed to include both the residential
and commercial solid wastes generated in the community. It is thus a
4 Municipal
combination of both sources at serial no. 1 and 2 as given above. In this
book, the major focus will be on the municipal solid waste.
Generated from construction, fabrication, light and heavy manufacturing,
refineries, chemical plants, mining, power plants, demolition etc. Type of
5 Industrial
waste includes food waste, rubbish, ashes, demolition and construction
waste, special wastes, hazardous waste etc.
Includes streets, parks, vacant lots, play grounds, beaches, highways,
6 Open Areas
recreational areas etc. Type of waste includes special waste, rubbish etc.
Treatment It includes water and wastewater treatment plants. Waste is principally
Plant Sites composed of residual sludge and other minor components.
It comes from field and row crops, orchards, dairies, farms, feedlots etc.
8 Agriculture Types of waste include spoiled food waste, agricultural waste, rubbish
etc.SWM systems in Pakistan deal with wastes at Sr. No. 4 and 6 only.

2.2 Types of Solid Waste Various Investigators from the field of

The term solid waste is all-inclusive and environmental sciences and engineering had
encompasses all sources, types of classifi- classified the solid waste into the following
cations, compositions and specifications. The categories:

7 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


2.2.1 Garbage 2.2.5 Treatment Plant Waste

This refers to the component of solid wastes that The solid and semi-solid wastes from water,
consists of animal, fruit, or vegetable residues. It wastewater and industrial waste treatment
normally results from the handling, preparation, facilities are included in this classification.
cooking and eating foods. It is also called 'food
waste'. It is highly putrescible and will de- 2.2.6 Agricultural Waste
compose rapidly. Often, decomposition will lead Waste and residues resulting from diverse
to the development of offensive odor. It can agricultural activities-including planting and
originate from residences, restaurants, hospitals harvesting of crops, production of milk,
and prisons etc. production of animals for slaughtering and
operation of feedlots-are collectively called
2.2.2 Rubbish agricultural waste.
Rubbish consists of combustible and non-
combustible solid wastes of households, 2.2.7 Hazardous Waste
institutions, commercial activities, etc. excluding Chemical, biological, flammable, explosive or
food waste or other highly purtrescible items. radio-active wastes, that pose a substantial
Typically combustible rubbish include paper, danger, immediately or over time, to human,
cardboard, plastics, textiles, rubber, leather, plant or animal life are classified as “hazardous”.
wood, furniture and garden trimmings, timber, Due to immense danger associated with them,
unused furniture, dressed timber. Non- this waste must be handled and disposed of with
combustible rubbish consists of items as glass, great care and caution.
crockery, tin cans, aluminum cans, ferrous and
other non-ferrous metals and dirt. 2.3 Characterization of Solid Waste
The solid waste is a mixture of heterogeneous
2.2.3 Ashes and Residues matter, and its composition differs with the origin,
Materials remaining from the burning of wood, i.e., residential waste are different from commer-
coal, and other combustible waste in homes, cial waste and industrial waste are different from
institutions, industrial and municipal facilities for agricultural waste.
purposes of heating, cooking and disposing of
combustible wastes are categorized as “ashes In order to decide about the handling of solid
and residues”. It is composed of fine powdery waste at all the stages of solid waste manage-
materials and small amounts of burned and ment, i.e., storage, collection, processing and
partially burned materials. recovery and disposal, it is necessary to know
the exact nature of wastes. In this respect, the
2.2.4 Demolition and Construction Waste knowledge of the following parameters is
Waste from razed buildings and other structures essential:
are classified as demolition waste. Whereas,
i. Physical composition of solid waste
waste from construction, remodeling and ii. Chemical composition of solid waste
repairing of individual residences and other iii. Energy content of solid waste
buildings are classified as construction waste. iv. Moisture content of solid waste
v. Density of solid waste
These include dirt, stones, concrete, bricks,
plaster, timber, plumbing, heating and electrical 2.3.1 Physical Composition Analysis
parts. Physical analysis is used to determine the

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 8


composition of household waste and the c) And with respect to individual components,
estimation of its recycling and scientific waste the major types are
treatment options. · Food wastes,
· Paper and cardboard
Physical composition of solid waste is · Polyethylene bags
determined with respect (a) sources (b) char-
· Other plastics
acteristics, and (c) individual components.
· Garden trimmings
a) With respect to sources the solid wastes may · Rags
be: · Glass
· Residential waste. · Metals
· Commercial waste · Debris (dust, stones etc.)
· Industrial waste
· Institutional waste Physical composition describes the individual
· Agricultural Waste components of solid waste stream and their
relative distribution, usually based on
b) With respect to characteristics, the solid percentage by weight. Data on the physical
waste can be categorized as: composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) of
· Organic and inorganic Lahore were collected in 2011 by Istanbul
· Putrescible and non-putrescible. Environmental Management Industry and
· Combustible and non-combustible. Trading Company (ISTAC) Average values of
· Hazardous and non-hazardous. different components in percentage by weight,
are presented in Table 2.2.
Table 2 2: Average physical composition of MSW of Lahore

Classification according to waste source

Components of the Low Middle High
Municiapal Waste Commercial Institutional Over All
Income Income Income
Percentage by weight

Combustible waste 1.25 1.94 1.26 1.86 15.25 3.83

Diaper 5.75 7.64 7.10 3.56 0.96 5.35
Electronic waste 0.03 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.05
Glass 0.16 0.56 0.22 0.26 1.09 0.43
Hazaduous waste 0.11 0.45 0.14 0.04 0.10 0.18
Biodegradeable waste 76.15 71.63 77.26 73.78 62.59 72.76
Metals 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.17 0.04
Non-combustible waste 4.13 2.92 2.68 5.02 2.67 3.42
Paper-Card 0.78 2.67 1.16 1.74 6.14 2.34
PET 0.02 0.08 0.03 0.05 0.24 0.08
Nylon 4.93 6.26 5.32 6.29 5.27 5.58
Plastics 0.34 0.84 0.35 0.20 0.44 0.45
Tetrapack 0.26 0.49 0.33 0.37 2.84 0.77
Inert Waste 6.06 4.38 4.09 6.77 2.22 4.72
Source: Consulting services project for integrated solid waste management of Lahore city of the state of Punjab in
Pakistan”, ISTAC, 2011

9 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Physical composition of solid waste can be To obtain this 100 kg sample, coning and
determined by either using input method or quartering method is utilized (Fig: 2.1). First of all,
output method [1] the large pieces of the waste items are converted
to smaller ones to homogenously mix the waste.
On national level, Input method can be used to Then waste heap is converted to a conical shape
estimate the waste production through collecting with pile diameter 4 to 8 times the pile height
data from the production industries. The (approximately 0.8 m high) [2,3]. The cone is then
accuracy of this method depends upon the data flattened and is divided into four quarters using
collection and the refuse rate. For example, if the straight lines, perpendicular to each other. The
national glass production is 10,000,000 tons opposite quarters are discarded and again rests
annually, and we can safely assume that all this of the two quarters are mixed. The above
will end up (sooner or later) in waste that would procedure is repeated to get a sample size of
be dumped to the sanitary landfilled, recycled or approximately 100-200 kg (minimum 100 kg).
recovered. In this method, data are obtained from This sample is then segregated in different
specialized agencies or institutions that regularly components like food waste, paper, plastics,
collect and publish data. This system provides rags, garden trimmings, glass, metals and debris
regular updates about the current and future etc., and percentage of each is calculated on
waste production estimates. However, this weight basis. The extra two quarters from the last
method is expensive because of the data collec- reduction are utilized for moisture content
analysis and bulk density computations.

The instruments and equipment required for

For local level, reliable, accurate and most
physical analysis of the municipal waste are;
acceptable is output method of analysis and to
gloves, face mask, safety shoes, weighing
perform sampling studies. This method requires
balance, polythene bags, polyurethane sheet,
less effort and finance as compared to input
scissors, string, sieve, buckets with labels(such
method. Sample size and method of
as recyclable plastic, non-recyclable plastic
characterizing the refuse are the most important
leather, food waste, textile, bones, stones, hairs,
variable for this method, which should be
wood, grass, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals,
carefully chosen before initiating the composition
hazardous waste, diapers, miscellaneous ) and
analysis of any waste stream.
spade. Measuring Waste Composition by The number of waste categories should be

Load Count Analysis decided early in the sampling program before
The procedure involves unloading and analyzing initiating the composition study. This is usually
a quantity of wastes in a controlled area of a decided depending upon where the data are to
disposal site, that is isolated from winds. A be utilized.
representative sample may be a truck load
resulting from a typical week day collection route For commercial and industrial MSW the field
in residential area. For analysis, a sample size of procedure for component identification for
100-200 kg is sufficient from a truck load. commercial and non-process industrial solid
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) wastes involves the analysis of representative
has named this method as ASTM-D5231-92
waste samples taken directly from the source
standard method for composition analysis of the
and not from a mixed waste load in a collection
municipal solid waste.

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 10


Top view Side view

Conical pile

Pile diameter 4 to 8 times the pile height

Flattened pile

Quartered pile

Sweep 2 diagonal quarters away

Separated quarters

Figure 2.1: Coning & quartering method [3] Measuring Composition by 0

directly from the above (90 with the substrate
Photogrammetry surface) and the picture is then projected on a
Photogrammetry is an alternative of the manual large screen that is divided into about 10×10 grid
sampling and characterizing the refuse in order blocks. The waste components such as paper,
to save time and to make the characterization of plastic, food items, textile, leather, drink can, PET
solid waste safer. In this method, the bottles, glass are identified and tabulated. Using
representative portion of the solid waste (refuse) already known bulk densities (which include
is photographed and is analyzed. interior space, e.g., in a beverage can),
percentage of each component is then
The photograph of the selected refuse is taken calculated [1].

11 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


(a)Bulk sample (b)Representative sample

(c)Training staff to carry out segregation (d)Segregation process

(e) weighing each component (f) Recording weighing results

Figure 2.2: Physical composition analysis of Lahore waste

Most commonly used method in Pakistan is load Besides that, determination of carbon, hydrogen,
count or coning and quartering method. In the oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur helps in estimating
recent study for Lahore, ISTAC used the same the potential of the waste to produce biogas.
method for analysis of the physical composition Furthermore, energy contents of solid waste can
of Lahore waste as shown in the Fig. 2.2 [4]. also be evaluated from this information.

2.3.2 Chemical Composition Average chemical composition i.e., percent by

Determination of chemical composition of solid weight of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
waste is important in evaluating alternative and sulfur of different components of residential
processing and recovery facilities. For example MSW is shown in Table 2.3. Example 2.1
carbon / nitrogen ratio of solid waste shows illustrates the use of this information in
whether it is suitable for composting or not. determining approximate chemical formula.

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 12

Table 2.3: Typical data on the ultimate analysis of the combustible components in residential MSW [5]

Percent by weight (dry basis)

Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur Ash
Food wastes 48.0 6.4 37.6 2.6 0.4 5.0
Paper 43.5 6.0 44.0 0.3 0.2 6.0
Cardboard 44.0 5.9 44.6 0.3 0.2 5.0
Plastics 60.0 7.2 22.8 - - 10.0
Textiles 55.0 6.6 31.2 4.6 0.15 2.5
Rubber 78.0 10.0 - 2.0 - 10.0
Leather 60.0 8.0 11.6 10.0 0.4 10.0
Yard Wastes 47.8 6.0 38.0 3.4 0.3 4.5
Wood 49.5 6.0 42.7 0.2 0.1 1.5
Glass 0.5 0.1 0.4 <0.1 - 98.9
Metals 4.5 0.6 4.3 <0.1 - 90.5
Dirt, ash, etc. 26.3 3.0 2.0 0.5 0.2 68.0

Solved Example 2.1

Estimation of the chemical composition of a solid waste Sample
Determine the approximate chemical formula of the residential solid waste with the typical
composition shown in the table below and ultimate analysis given in Table 2.3. Typical physical
composition and moisture content in residential MSW.

Component Percentage by weight Moisture Content (%)

Food waste 15 70
Paper 35 6
Cardboard 7 5
Plastic 5 2
Textiles 3 10
Rubber 3 2
Leather 2 10
Garden Trimmings 20 60
Wood 2 20
Glass 4 2
Tin Cans 3 3
Aluminum 0.5 2
Other metals 1 3
Dirt, ashes etc. 105 8

13 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Solution: Col. 1 = Copied from table 2.3

Set up a computation table as shown on page 15 Col. 2 = Copied from table 2.3
to determine the total weight of the major Col. 3 = Dry weight = Col.1 × (100 Col.2) 100
elements i.e., carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, Col. 4 = Copied from table 2.3
nitrogen and sulfur in different components of the Col. 5 = Col.4 × Col.3 100
waste according to the percentages of each Col. 6 = Copied from table 2.3
element given in Table 2.3. The steps for finding Col. 7 = Col.6 x Col.3 100
out the chemical formula are shown in the Col. 8 = Copied from table 2.3
computation table, on page 14. Col. 9 = Col.8 x Col.3 100
Col. 10 = Copied from table 2.3
Key for various columns in the computational Col. 11 = Col.10 x Col.3 100
table (on page 14) is as follows. Col. 12 = Copied from table 2.3
Col. 13 = Col.12 x Col.3 100

Computation Table for Solved Example 2.1

Col No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Carbon [C] Hydrogen [H] Oxygen [O] Nitrogen [N] Sulphur [S]
% age
Components by Moisture Dry % age % age % age % age % age
Sr. weight Total Total Total Total Total
weight Content by
No. weight weight weight weight weight

% kg kg kg kg kg kg

1 Food waste 15 70 4.50 48.00 2.16 6.40 0.29 37.60 1.69 2.60 0.12 0.40 0.02

2 Paper 35 6 32.90 43.50 14.31 6.00 1.97 44.00 14.48 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.07

3 Cardboard 7 5 6.65 44.00 2.93 5.90 0.39 44.60 2.97 0.30 0.02 0.20 0.01

4 Plastic 5 2 4.90 60.00 2.94 7.20 0.35 22.80 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

5 Textiles 3 10 2.70 55.00 1.49 6.60 0.18 31.20 0.84 4.60 0.12 0.15 0.00

6 Rubber 3 2 2.94 78.00 2.29 10.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.06 0.00 0.00

7 Leather 2 10 1.80 60.00 1.08 8.00 0.14 11.60 0.21 10.00 0.18 0.40 0.01

8 Garden 20 60 8.00 47.80 34082 6.00 0.48 38.00 3.04 3.40 0.27 0.30 0.02
9 Wood 10 20 8.00 49.50 3.96 6.00 0.48 42.70 3.42 0.20 0.02 0.10 0.01

Total 34.98 4.58 27.76 0.89 0.14

A=34.98 B=4.58 C=27.76 D=0.89 E=0.14

Finding Chemical Formula

CA/12 HB/1 OC/16 ND/14 SE/32
C34.98/12 H4.58/1 O27.76/16 N0.89/14 S0.14/32
C2.91 H4.58 O1.73 N0.06 S0.0044
Dividing all by 0.0044, which is the lowest value
C2.91/0.0044 H4.58/0.0044 O1.73/0.0044 N0.06/.0044 S0.0044/.0044
C665 H1045 O369 N14 S (Chemical formula of the solid waste components shown in Table 2.3)

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 14


2.3.3 Energy Content ignited with electric energy. The initial and final
Energy content of solid waste can be determined temperatures (after ignition) are noted. This
in two different ways (1) in the laboratory by using temperature change is used to find out the
Bomb Calorimeter or (2) by using the data from energy content.
the literature if the elemental composition of solid
waste is known. The other method of finding energy content is
using the data on elemental composition. This
A bomb calorimeter is a device used to measure data may be available in the literature. Typical
the energy contents of solid waste in the data for energy content of residential MSW are
laboratory. A diagram of a bomb calorimeter has given in Table 2.4 and the use of these data to
been shown in Fig. 2.3. It consists of a calculate energy content of solid waste has been
thermometer attached to an insulated container. illustrated in Solved Example 2.2.
Solid waste and fuel is placed in the crucible and

Oxygen supply

Ignition wires

Magnifying eyepiece


Air space


Heater Crucible


Ignition coil Sample Steel bomb

Figure 2.3: Bomb calorimeter [6]

15 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Table 2.4: Typical data on energy content of residential MSW

Solid Waste,1 Energy, 2 Total Energy,
[5] Component
lb (1) Btu/lb (2) Btu (1)(2)
Energy, Btu/lb
Component Food wastes 2000 30,000
Range Typical
Paper 7200 232,000
Cardboard 7000 49,000
Food wastes 1500–3000 2000
Plastics 14000 70,000
Paper 5000–8000 7200
Textiles 7500 22,500
Cardboard 6000–7500 7000
Rubber 10000 30,000
Plastics 12000–16000 14000
Leather 7500 5,000
Textiles 6500–8000 7500
Yard Wastes 2800 56,000
Rubber 9000–12000 10000
Wood 8000 16,000
Leather 6500–8500 7500
Yard Wastes 1000–8000 2800
Glass 60 240
Wood 7500–8500 8000
Tin cans 300 900
Aluminum - ---
Glass 50 – 100 60
Other metal 300 300
Tin cans 100 – 500 300
Dirt, ashes, etc. 3000 3000
Aluminum -- -
Total 544.440
Other metal 100 – 500 300
Dirt, ashes, etc. 1000 – 5000 3000 (1) Quantities of organic components derived
Municipal solid from Table 2.3
4000 – 6000 5000
(2) Adopted from Table 2.4.

Note 1: British thermal unit (BTU) is a unit of Energy content =

energy. It is defined as the energy required
raising the temperature of 1 lb of water from 63 F
o 544,440 Btu 5444 Btu 12,674 kJ
to 64 F. = =
100 lb lb kg
Note 2: Btu/lb x 2.326 = K Joul/Kg. (Btu / lb ´ kJ / kg)
2.326 =
Solved Example 2.2
Estimation of energy content of typical residential
MSW [5] The computed value compares well with the
typical value of 5000 Btu/lb given in Table 2.4.
Determine the energy content of a typical
residential MSW with the average composition
shown in Table 2.4. Take quantities of different
2.3.4 Moisture Content
components of solid waste from Table 2.3. The moisture content of solid waste is usually
expressed in two ways. (1) Either the moisture
Solution: content in a sample is expressed as a
1. Assume the heating value will be computed percentage of the wet weight of the material, or
on as discarded basis.
(2) as a percentage of the dry weight of the
2. Determine the total energy content using the
data given in Table 2.4. The necessary material. Mostly, the wet-weight method is used
computations are presented in the following in the field of solid waste management. The wet-
weight moisture content can be expressed as

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 16


æ dö Solution:
ç ÷100 (2.1)
èw ø
Determine the moisture content of the solid
Where M = Moisture content, % waste sample using Eq. (2.1) i.e.
w = Initial weight of sample as
delivered, lb (or kg).
100 -
æ 78.8 ö
d = Weight of sample after drying at Moisture content (%) = ç 100 =
÷ 21.2 %
è 100 ø
1050C, lb (or kg).
2.3.5 Bulk Density
Typical data on the moisture content of the solid Density or specific weight is defined as the
waste components has been presented in weight of a material per unit volume e.g., kg/m3.
Solved Example 2.1. For most MSW, the Since the density varies markedly with
moisture content will depend on the composition geographic location, season of the year and
of the wastes, the season of the year, and the length of time in storage, great care should be
humidity and weather conditions, particularly used in selecting typical value. However average
values of density of MSW at different stages are
rain. The use of data in Table 2.3 to estimate the
given in Table 2.5. These values relate to local
overall moisture content of solid waste is conditions in Pakistan. Sand replacement
illustrated in example 2.3. method can be used to determine the density in
Solved Example 2.3:
Table 2.5: Density of solid waste at different stages under
Estimation of moisture content of typical MSW [5]
local conditions in Pakistan [7]
Estimate the overall moisture content of a sample
of as collected MSW with the typical composition
given in Example 2.1. Bulk density kg/m3
Stage of Collection
Range Average
Percent by Moisture Dry weight*
Component Filth depots 150 – 250 200
weight (1) content, %(2) (%) (1)-(1x2)
Hand Carts 150 – 250 200
Donkey Carts 250 – 350 300
Food wastes 9.0 70 2.7
Dumpers 500 – 600 550
Paper 34.0 6 32.0
Tractor carrier 400 – 500 450
Cardboard 6.0 5 5.7
Hoist trucks 400 – 500 450
Plastics 7.0 2 6.9
Tractor – Trolleys 400 – 500 450
Textiles 2.0 10 1.8
Disposal (Open dumps
Rubber 0.5 2 0.5 1000 – 1300 1200
after natural compaction)
Leather 0.5 10 0.4
Yard Wastes 18.5 60 7.4
Wood 2.0 20 1.6 2.4 Quantification of Solid Waste
Misc organics - - - Generation of solid wastes is a diffused process
Inorganic and takes place in every nook and corner of the
Glass 8.0 2 7.8 society. The prominent sectors include
Tin cans 6.0 3 5.8 residential, commercial, industrial and
Aluminum 0.5 2 0.5 agricultural areas. Furthermore, it varies with
Other metal 3.0 3 2.9 season, geographical location and prosperity
Dirt, ashes, etc. 3.0 8 2.8 difference within the residential areas. Generally
Total 100.0 78.8 the quantities generated are calculated on the
basis of generation per capita per day basis.
* Based on an as delivered sample weight of 100 lb

17 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Knowledge of generation rates is very important waste in Pakistan varies from 0.3 to 0.6
for designing a solid waste management system kg/capita/day.
and to determine the total amount of waste to be
managed. Different measuring methods and 2.4.2 Methods Used to Determine
waste classifications adopted have caused Generation Rate
confusion. Nevertheless, the goals must clearly Most solid waste generation rates, reported in
be established before collection of such data. the literature are actually collection rates and not
generation rates. This is because many factors
Four topics are discussed in this regard. affect collecting all generated waste data.
1. Expression for unit generation rates Commonly used methods are: (i) Load count
2. Methods to determine generation rates analysis; and (ii) Material balances analysis.
3. Factors that affect generation rates.
4. Statistical analysis of generation rates. Load Count Analysis for Solid Waste
Generation Rate Computations
2.4.1 Expression for Unit Generation Rate In this method, the number of individual loads is
Generation rates can be measured either on counted. The method is illustrated in Solved
volume or weight basis i.e., how much of volume Example 2.4.
or weight of solid waste is generated by one
person per day. Use of volume as a measure of Solved Example 2.4
quantity can be extremely misleading. For Estimate the unit generation rate for 1600 homes
example, a cubic meter of loose waste from the following data collected from a transfer
represents different quantity than a cubic meter station for one week.
of compacted waste and each of these is
different from a cubic meter of waste that has 1. Number of compactor trucks = 10
been compacted in a landfill. 2. Average size of compactor truck = 20 m3
3. Density of solid waste in compactor truck
To avoid confusion, solid waste quantities should = 170 kg/m3
be expressed in terms of weight. Weight is the 4. Number of flat bed trucks = 10
only accurate basis for records because
5. Density of solid waste in flat bed truck
tonnages can be measured directly, regardless
= 70 kg/m3
of the degree of compaction.
6. Average flat bed truck volume = 1.5 m3
7. Number of loads of private vehicles = 20
The use of weight records is also important in the
transport of solid wastes because the quantity 8. Estimated volume per private vehicle
that can be hauled is restricted by highway weight = 0.3 m3
limits rather than by volume. The general 9. Density of solid waste in private vehicle
expression for residential areas is kg per capita = 50 kg/m3
per day, and due to lack of more rational data the
same unit is being applied to industrial and Determine the unit waste generation rate based
agricultural wastes. The more rational units for on the assumption that each household is
these should be: comprised of 6 people.
35350 kg / wk
• Industrial waste: kg/repeatable unit of Unit rate =
(1600´6) ´7days/ wk
production, e.g., kg per automobile.
• Agricultural: kg/ton of raw product = 0.53 kg per capita per day

The average generation rate of municipal solid

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 18


Set up the computation Table as shown below:
Number Average Total volume Density (kg/m ) Total weight
Item 3 3
of loads volume (m ) (m ) (1) (2) (kg) (1)X(2)
Compactor truck 10 20.00 200 170 3400
Flatbed truck 10 1.50 15 70 1050
Private vehicle 20 0.30 6 50 300
Total kg/wk 35350 Materials Balance Analysis Solved Example 2.5

As compared to load count analysis, this method 1. A cannery (where food/fruits are canned)
gives relatively accurate value of generation receives on a given day.
rates. However, high expenses and large amount i) 12 tons of raw produce
of work is involved as compared to load count ii) 5 tons of cans
analysis. This method should be used only in
iii) 0.5 tons of cartons
special circumstances. Under majority of
situations, load count analysis will serve the iv) 0.3 tons of miscellaneous materials
2. As a result of internal activity
In this method, a detailed material balance i. 10 tons of product are produced, re-
analysis for each generation source, such as an mainder discharged to sewer
individual home or a commercial and industrial ii. 4 tons of cans are stored, remainder used
activity is made. Following steps can be followed iii) 3% of cans used are damaged and
for material balance analysis. These steps are incinerated, remainder used.
also pictorially presented in Fig. 2.4. iv) 75% of miscellaneous materials become
paper waste and incinerated, remainder
1. Draw a system boundary around the unit to be is disposed of.
2. Identify all activities that cross or occur within 3. Determine the generation rate of wastes.
the boundary and affect generation rate.
3. Give generation rate in each activity. Solution:
4. Determine the quantities of waste generated, Cans used in product = (1 – 0.03) ton
collected and stored by using a material balance. = 0.97 ton
Cartons incinerated = (0.03) (0.5 ton)
A simplified material balance analysis is = 0.015 ton
illustrated in Example 2.5 [5]. Cartons used in product = (0.5–0.015)ton
Incineration, gases, ashes
= 0.485 ton
System boundary Miscellaneous incinerated = (0.75) (0.3 ton)
= 0.225 ton
Storage & Materials Miscellaneous disposed of = (0.3 – 0.225) ton
materials Processing Products
= 0.075 ton
Total incinerated = (0.015+0.225)ton
= 0.240 ton
Solid Waste Total produce = (10+0.97+0.485) tons
Figure 2.4: Material balance analysis sketch = 11.455 tons

19 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Neglecting the amount of materials discharged in
Generation Units
the incinerator stack gases, a materials flow
In these method representative houses, shops
diagram is shown in Fig. 2.5.
etc are selected and sampling made for a definite
period, which may be one week, one month or
Comment: This simple example was presented
one year. The method is illustrated in the Solved
to illustrate some of the computations involved in
Example 2.6.
the preparation of a materials-balance analysis. If
the internal processing activities are more
2.4.3 Factors Affecting Generation Rate
complex, the amount of work involved in arriving
Factors that influence the quantity of wastes
at a materials balance obviously could become
generated include geographic location,
prohibitively expensive.
frequency of collection, the habits and economic
12 tons raw produce 0.03 tons cans recycled status of the people, the extent of salvage and
5 tons can 4 Tons 0.24 tons paper incinerated recycle operations, legislation, and public
0.5 tons cartons cans stored 0.075 tons wastes disposed of
0.3 tons 11.455 tons product
attitudes [5]. All these factors are important in
planning for solid waste management. Broad
2 tons waste produce
generalizations are of little or no value. However,
Figure 2.5: Materials balance flow diagram sketch for
example 2.5 the impact of several factors must be evaluated
separately in each situation. The above
mentioned factors have been briefly discussed
below [5].

Solved Example 2.6

A number of houses were selected in different areas of Lahore showing the poor middle and rich
population of the city. The generation thus obtained was 0.2 kg/capita/day as calculated in the table

Residential waste generation rate (kg/capita/day)

No. of Duration Total Wt. Generation
Sample Sample Income Population
Houses of Sample of sample Rate
No. Area Level Sampled
(No.) (Days) (Kg) (Kg/Capita/day)
1 Gulberg High 21 4 10 69.3 0.33
2 Ichhra Middle 40 5 10 56 0.14
3 Sanda Middle 50 5 12 126 0.21
4 Walled City Middle 45 5 8 97 0.27
5 Mustafa Abad Low 46 5 10 79 0.17
6 Begumpura Low 65 6 10 71.5 0.11
Average 0.2

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 20

Chapter - 2 WASTE GENERATION QUANTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION Geographic Location waste generated. For example, the quantity of

The influence of geographic location is related yard waste generated on a per capita basis are
primarily to the different climates that can considerably greater in many of the wealthier
influence both the amount of certain types of neighborhoods than in other parts of the town.
solid waste generated and the collection
operation. Substantial variations in the amount of Extent of Salvage and Recycling
yard and garden waste generated in various The existence of salvage and recycling
parts of the country are also related to climates. operations within a community definitely affects
For example, in the warmer areas where the the quantity of waste collected. Whether such
growing season is considerably longer than in operations affect the quantity generated is
the colder areas, yard waste are collected not another question.
only in considerably greater amounts but also
over a longer period of time. Legislation
Perhaps the most important factor affecting the
Because of the variation in the quantities of generation of certain types of waste is the
certain types of solid waste generated under existence of local, provincial and federal
varying climates, special studies should be regulations concerning the use and disposal of
conducted when such information will have a specific materials. For example, in United States
significant impact on the system. Often, the a legislation popularly called 'Bottle Bill' was
necessary information can be obtained from a passed in 1971. It requires carbonated soft drink
load-count analysis. and beer container to be returned. [8] This law
reduced the road side litter from 40 to 60% and Frequency of Collection increased containers recycling in USA. With the
In general, it has been observed that where return rates averaging 90%, another major
unlimited collection service is provided, more benefit was in waste reduction and resource
waste is collected. This observation should not conservation, particularly for aluminum [9].
be used to infer that more waste is generated. For
example, if a homeowner is limited to one or two Public Attitudes
containers per week, he or she may, because of Significant reductions in the quantity of solid
limited container capacity, store newspaper or waste generated will occur when and if people
other materials in the garage or storage area. are willing to change their habits and lifestyles to
With unlimited service, the homeowner would conserve national resources. It will also reduce
tend to throw them away. In this situation the the economic burdens associated with the
quantity of waste generated may actually be the management of solid waste.
same, but the quantity collected is considerably
different. Thus the fundamental question of the 2.4.4 Statistical Analysis of Generation Rate
effect of collection frequency on waste In developing solid waste management systems,
generation remains unanswered. it is often necessary to determine the statistical
characteristics of solid waste generation. For Characteristics of Population example, for many large industrial activities, it
It has been observed that the characteristics of would be impracticable to provide container
the population influence the quantity of solid capacity to handle the largest conceivable

21 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


quantity of solid waste to be generated at a given 2) Even number of observations

day. The container capacity to be provided must
be based on statistical analysis of the generation e.g. 3, 8, 9, 11, 16, 22 (Median = = 10)
rates [3]. 2 Mode
The statistical measures that must be The value occurring with the greatest frequency
considered include the frequency, mean, mode, in a set of observations is known as mode.
median, standard deviation and coefficient of Set of observations = 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9
variation. These statistical measures combined (Mode = 5).
with some graphical representation of the bulk of
data (normally collected in solid waste studies) Standard Deviation (S.D)
helps in obtaining necessary information from There is uncertainty in any set of measurement.
such data. The above mentioned statistical terms The precision of a set of measurement can be
are defined below. assessed in a number of different ways. Most
commonly, the error of an individual Frequency measurement in a set is defined as the difference
The frequency of occurrence represents the between the arithmetic mean and the value of
number of times a given value occurs in a set of measurement. Mathematically;
f ()
S. D = å x-
x i i ....(2.3) Mean n-
The mean is defined as the arithmetic average of Where
a number of individual measurements and is n = no. of observations
given by: xi = for grouped data it is mid-point
of ith data range; for ungrouped data xi = ith
x1 +
x2 +
x3 + x4 +
.... x n
x i
x = or i=
1 ..(2.2)
n n x = Mean value
fi = for grouped data it is frequency;
Where for ungrouped data fi = 1
th (See example 2.7 for grouped
xi = i observation
data and 2.8 for ungrouped
n = total no. of observations data)
S.D shows scatter in a set of measurements. The Median larger the scatter in a set of measurements, the
If a series of observations are arranged in order of greater will be S.D. Conversely, as the precision
increasing value, then the middle-most in a set of measurement improves, the value of
observation (if observations are in odd numbers) S.D will decrease.
or the arithmetic mean of two middle-most
observations (if observations are in even Coefficient of Variation (CV)
numbers), in a series is known as median. Although, the S.D can be used as an indication of
e.g. 1) Odd number of observations e.g. 3, 8, 9, the absolute dispersion of a set of measured
11, 16 (Median = 9) values, in itself it provides little or no information

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 22


as to whether the value is large or small. To Time Series

overcome this difficulty, the coefficient of Observations arranged in the order of
variation (CV), as given below, is used as a occurrence in time are often called time series. It
relative measure of dispersion. shows trends, cycles or periodicities and
fluctuations that may be of value in
S .D
CV = ´
100 ....(2.4) understanding the basic nature of phenomenon
x under evaluation.
Consider the following two data sets

Data Set 1 Data Set 2

2200 19

Generation Rate
2000 32
1500 36
Mean 1900 29
S.D 360 8.8
C.V 19% 30.6% Time

As can be seen from the above two data sets that Figure 2.6: Graph showing time series
numerically the S.D of data set 1 is larger i.e. 360
than the S.D of data set 2 i.e. 8.8 and it appears Frequency Plots/Histogram
that scatter is more in data set 1. However, C.V for Observations arranged in order of magnitude
data set 1 is 19% while for data set 2 it is 30.6% form an array. If whole numbers are assigned to a
which shows that scatter is more in data set 2. magnitude range, then the frequency of
Thus while comparing scatter in two different occurrence of whole numbers can be plotted
data sets, C.V is more useful than the S.D. against the magnitude ranges. The resulting plot
Typically, the C.V for solid waste generation rates is called histogram.
will var y from 10 to 60 percent. For
measurements in biological field C.V will vary 14
from 10 to 30 percent. For chemical analysis C.V

varies from 2 to 10 percent. 8

2.4.5 Pattern of Variations 2
Variation seems inevitable in nature. It is Generation Rate (magnitude ranges)
necessary to have some simple method of
describing pattern of variation. The graphical Figure 2.7: A typical histogram

presentations and analysis of observed data can

be used to depict and evaluate trends and to Cumulative Frequency Curves
determine the reliability of conclusions made It is sometimes advantageous to tabulate
from a limited set of observations. Time series, magnitude ranges against cumulative frequency
histograms or frequency plots and cumulative to find the Percentage age of time a particular
frequency curves are extensively used for the magnitude is exceeded or less than.
presentation and analysis of data.

23 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management



Cumulative frequency (%)
y 80
u 60
it 40
m 20
900-1000 1000-1100 1100-1200 1200- 1300 1300- 140 0 1400-1500 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700- 1800 1800-1900 1900-2000

Collection rate (m agnitude ranges)

Figure 2.8: Cumulative frequency curve

From Fig. 2.8, it can be seen that 50% of the time continuously from center to the extreme values
the generation rate is more than 1200-1300. but – unlike normal are not symmetric about the
mean. In skewed curves, extreme values occur
2.4.6 Types of Frequency Plots
more frequently in one direction from the center
There are two types of frequency plots (1)
Normal and (2) Skewed. than the other as shown in Fig. 2.10. Normal Curve Mean

Many frequency distributions found in nature, do

correspond roughly to the curve shown in Fig.

The above curve is called 'normal' or Gaussian
curve. In normal distribution, about 2/3 (66%) of
the occurrences fall within one S.D. on either side
of the average or mean. Curve is symmetric
about mean/average value. Generation rate

Frequency curve Figure 2.10: Skewed frequency distribution

(skewed to right)

The above frequency curve is skewed to the right

i.e.extreme variation occurs more frequently

above the mean than below it. Similarly Fig. 2.11
shows a frequency distribution which is skewed
to the left i.e. extreme values occur more
frequently below the mean than above it. Most
frequency distributions in SWM are skewed.

Generation rate 2.4.7 Comparison of Mean, Median & Mode

Figure 2.9: Normal frequency distribution The arithmetic mean is the most widely used
measure of the central tendency. It is usually Skewed Curves preferred over median and mode. The reason
There are many other frequency patterns, which being, it is easy to manipulate mathematically. It
are like the normal in that frequency decrease is the most reliable, provided there are no

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 24


extreme values in the data because all the values sociological and educational data. It is therefore
in the data are used in calculating mean unlike popular in the study of social sciences because
the mode and the median. Whenever, a set of much of data contain extreme values.
data contain extreme values, the median and the
mode will, probably, be a better indicator of The mode is more useful in business planning as
central tendency of the whole set of data a measure of popularity that reflects central
because they are not influenced by extreme tendency or opinion. Examples include the drink
values. seller wanting to know the most popular brand of
drinks, manufacturers who want to know the
The median may be a preferred measure of most popular size of shoe, shirt etc.
central tendency for describing economic,


Generation rate
Figure 2.11: Skewed frequency distribution (skewed to left)

Solved Example 2.7

(Grouped Data) [3]
The residential and commercial solid waste of a city with 25,000 people is collected on Tuesday and
Saturday morning. The volume of waste collected has been recorded for 1 year and the data for
Tuesday is given below. Prepare a frequency histogram and cumulative frequency distribution curve
for Tuesday. Find the mean, median, mode, standard deviation and coefficient of variation for the data
given. Discuss briefly the nature of the distribution and its significance. (In grouped data, instead of
mentioning individual readings, a magnitude range is defined for a set of reading falling within a
specific range e.g. 1000-1100 and number of reading falling within that range is shown as a frequency
i.e. 4 in this case).
Generation Rate Frequency Generation Rate Frequency
(m3/collection day) (Weeks) (m3/collection day) (Weeks)
800-900 0 1400-1500 7
900-1000 0 1500-1600 4
1000-1100 4 1600-1700 2
1100-1200 9 1700-180 0
1200-1300 14 1800-1900 1
1300-1400 11 1900-2000 0
Total 52

25 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Set up a computational table as shown below:

Generation Cumulative
Rate Frequency Frequency - -
xi fixi (xi - x)* fi (xi - x)2
(m3/collection fi % w.r.t
day) Total
total (52)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
800-900 0 0 0 850 0 -465 0
900-1000 0 0 0 950 0 -365 0
1000-1100 4 4 7.7 1050 4200 -265 280900
1100-1200 9 13 25 1150 1036 -165 245025
1200-1300 14 27 51.9 1250 117500 -65 59150
1300-1400 11 38 73 1350 14850 35 13475
1400-1500 7 45 86.5 1450 10150 135 127575
1500-1600 4 49 94.2 1550 6200 235 220900
1600-1700 2 51 98.1 1650 3300 335 224450
1700-1800 0 51 98.1 1750 0 435 0
1800-1900 1 52 100 1850 1850 535 286225
1900-2000 0 52 100 1950 0 635 0
∑ 68400 1457700
* x mean = 1315 m /day as calculated on the next page.

Column 1 shows the generation rate in m3/collection day i.e. on Tuesday. Column 2 shows the
frequency. Column 3 shows the cumulative frequency and column 4 shows percentage of cumulative
frequency in 52 which are the total number of Tuesday in a year. Column 5 shows xi which is the middle
of a magnitude range i.e. for 800-900 range, it is 850. Column 6 shows the product fixi. Column 7 gives
the difference between mean value of the magnitude range xi and mean value of the entire data i.e., x.

a) Histogram
Histogram can be drawn by plotting values of generation rates (col. 1) along x-axis and frequency (Col.
2) along y-axis as shown below.
14 Mean

800-900 900- 1000- 1100- 1200- 1300- 1400- 1500- 1600- 1700- 1800- 1900-
1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Generation rate (cubic meter per day)

Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 26


b) Cumulative frequency curve e) Mode

Cumulative frequency curve can be drawn by
plotting generation rates (col. 1) along x-axis and Mode = 1250
cumulative frequency in percentage (Col. 4)
along y-axis.


) 100
Cumulative frequency (%)

c 80
rf 60
t 40
u 20
800- 900- 1000- 1100- 1200- 1300- 1400- 1500- 1600- 1700- 1800- 1900-
900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Generation rate (cubic yard per day)

The above figure shows that for 50% of the time f) Standard Deviation
the collection rate lies below 1200-1300 m3/day
and 50% of the time it lies above 1200-1300 x) 2
å( xi - 145770 m3
m3/day. Therefore, we can conclude that 50% of S.D = = = 169
n- 1 52 -
1 day
the time the generation rate lies in a range of 800-
1200 m3/day and 50% of the time it lies in a range g) Coefficient of variation
of 1200-2000 m3/day.
S .D
c) Mean CV =´ 100
Mean = = 68400 = 1315.38
i i m

n 52 day = ´ 100
From the value of mean, it can be seen that the
curve is not symmetric about the mean; hence =
12.84 0 0
the frequency curve is skewed.

d) Median

26th observation + 27th observation

Median =
1250 + 1250 m3
= = 1250
2 day

27 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management


Solved Example 2.8 EXERCISES

Ungrouped Data 1. Differentiate between garbage, rubbish,
Determine the mean, standard deviation and refuse and trash based on their composition and
coefficient of variation for the following solid source.
waste generation data for a period of 10 days. 2. What are the different types of solid wastes
produced? What are different characteristics of
Generation rate (m3/day) Municipal solid waste?
34 170 3. What do you understand by unit generation
48 120 rate?
290 75 4. What are typical generation rates in different
61 110 countries? What do you derive from such data?
205 90 5. Describe the method devised by the ASTM
for the physical composition analysis of the
unprocessed municipal solid waste.
This example refers to ungrouped data. In such
6. Population of Lahore is 8 million. Daily
data, fi is unity. Set up a computational table as
generation of special wastes is 400 metric tons.
shown below.
Average generation rate from all other sources is
- - 0.45 kg/capita/day. Estimate the overall
Sr. No xi (xi - x) (xi - x)2
generation rate. Domestic component of overall
1 34 -86.3 7447.69
generation is 20% and animals dung 25%.
2 48 -72.3 5227.29
Calculate the daily generation of these
3 290 169.7 28798.09 components.
4 61 -59.3 3516.49 7. What are different methods for determining
5 205 84.7 7174.09 generation rates? Comment on their merits and
6 170 49.7 2470.09 demerits.
7 120 -0.3 009 8. How does the density vary from point of
8 75 -45.3 2052.09 generation to point of disposal for solid wastes?
9 110 -10.3 106.09 Comment on its importance in designing an
10 90 -30.3 918.09 efficient system.
∑ 1203 57716.1 9. How can you calculate the moisture content,
a) Mean and what is its significance?
10. It is normally very difficult to sort out the
å xi 1203
Mean === 120.3
m wastes at open dumps in our cities. How will you
n 10 day proceed to know the physical composition of the
wastes keeping this constraint in view?
b) Standard deviation
11. In a solid waste sample, food wastes are
2 25%. Carbon content in the dry food wastes is
S.D =
(x -
x) 57716.1
= =

50% and moisture content in the sample is 30%.

1 10 -
1 day
Calculate the overall percentage of food waste
c) Coefficient of variation carbon in the sample.
12. What future changes you expect in the
S .D 80 composition and generation rate of Lahore solid
CV =´ 100 = ´ 100 =
66 . 5 0 0
x 120 .3 wastes. Discuss different factors.
Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management 28

13. As a municipal engineer how would you go [2] Matt Crowe & G.Carty, “Municipal Waste
about to estimate the generation rate and Characterization Procedures”, EPA Irreland,
composition of solid wastes for various sources pp.10-11, 1996
of your community. If these data were needed
within a month, how would you estimate the [3] Robert W.Gerlach & John M. Nocerino,
seasonal effect? “Guidance for Obtaining Representative
14. One hundred grams of dried refuse was Laboratory Analytical Subsamples from
found to consist of 25 grams ash, 34 grams Particulate Laboratory Samples, USEPA, pp.65-
carbon, 36 grams oxygen, 4 grams hydrogen and 66, 2003.
one gram nitrogen. Determine the empirical
chemical formula. [4] Consulting services project for integrated
15. How do you categorize the solid wastes on solid waste management of Lahore city of the
the basis of their physical composition, state of Punjab in Pakistan”, ISTAC, 2011
characteristics and chemical composition? How
does this information help you in deciding about [5] Tchobanoglous, G. Theisen, H. and
their disposal? Eliassen, R. Solid wastes, Engineering Principles
16. Determine the arithmetic mean, median, and Management Issues, McGraw Hill , USA,
mode, standard deviation, coefficient of variation 1993
for the solid waste generation data for a
community. Also draw the frequency histogram [6] http://www.marinediesels.info/Theory/
and cumulative frequency curve. calorific_value.htm
Generation rate Frequency
[7] NESPAK “Construction of Model Landfill
(m3/day) (days/year)
Facility for Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste
800-900 0
(June, 2007) – PC-I Multan”, Government of
900-1000 0
Punjab, Environmental Protection Department,
1000-1100 1
1100-1200 3
1200-1300 4
[8] Jone, M.Bottle up, Willamette Week
1300-1400 9
Online, Issue 3305.
1400-1500 11
http://w week.com/editorial/3305/8332/ (12
1500-1600 10
June, 2008)
1600-1700 7
1700-1800 4
[9] Department of Environmental Quality
1800-1900 2
(2004). The Oregon Bottle Bill Fact Sheet.
1900-2000 1 http://wmc/pubs/fact.sheets/sw/oregon.bottle.bi
ll.pdf (12 June, 2008)

[1] Worrel, W.A. & Vesilind, P.A., Solid Waste

Engineering, 2nd edition, Cengage Learning,
pp.43, 2011

29 Municipal Solid Waste, Engineering Principles and Management

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