Capitulo 5.1 - Estudo 13

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Human Performance Research Laboratory, Methodist University of Piracicaba, Piracicaba, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil; 2Department of
Health Sciences, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, New York; 3Faculty of Americana, Americana, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil;
Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Northridge, California; 5School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities,
University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil; and 6Adventist Faculty of Hortolaˆndia, Hortolaˆndia, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil


Zaroni, RS, Brigatto, FA, Schoenfeld, BJ, Braz, TV, Benvenutti, rimary goals of individuals engaged in resistance-
JC, Germano, MD, Marchetti, PH, Aoki, MS, and Lopes, CR. training (RT) programs are to improve strength
High resistance-training frequency enhances muscle thickness and muscle hypertrophy. In this context, it is well
in resistance-trained men. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000– accepted that the proper manipulation of RT var-
iables is a key factor in maximizing these musculoskeletal
000, 2018—The purpose of this study was to compare the
adaptations (12,23). The main RT variables are volume,
effect a split training routine with muscle groups trained once
intensity, amount of resistance or load, frequency of training,
per week (SPLIT) vs. whole-body split training routine with
rest interval, choice and order of exercises, velocity of exe-
muscle groups trained 5 days per week (TOTAL) on neuromus- cution, muscular action, and range of motion (23).
cular adaptations in well-trained men. Eighteen healthy men Resistance-training frequency refers to the number of
(height = 177.8 6 6.6 cm; total body mass = 84.4 6 8.1 sessions performed during a specific period, usually
kg; age = 26.4 6 4.6 years) were recruited to participate in described on a weekly basis. Frequency can be further
this study. The experimental groups were matched according characterized by the number of training sessions per week
to baseline strength and then randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 (sessions$wk21) in which the same muscle group is trained
experimental groups: SPLIT (n = 9) or TOTAL (n = 9). Prestudy (30). A majority of those involved in RT programs, with
and poststudy testing included 1RM for bench press, parallel muscle hypertrophy as a primary goal, train each muscle
back-squat and machine close-grip seated row, as well as an group with low frequency (once a week) and perform high
volume of work per muscle group in a session. This is
ultrasound analysis of the muscle thickness (MT) of the elbow
accomplished using a split-body routine (SPLIT), where
flexors, triceps brachii, and vastus lateralis. After 8 weeks of
multiple exercises and sets are performed for a specific mus-
training, no significant difference between groups was noted
cle group in a training session (30).
for all 1RM tests (p . 0.05). TOTAL induced a significantly The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
greater increase in MT of the forearm flexors and vastus later- position stands on progression models in RT, which is
alis (p , 0.05). In conclusion, muscle strength increment is specific to maximizing the improvement in muscle strength
similar regardless of the experimental conditions studied; how- and hypertrophy, recommends 4 to 6 split-body training
ever, TOTAL may confer a potentially superior hypertrophic sessions$wk21 for resistance-trained subjects, whereby mus-
effect. cle groups are trained once or twice a week (23). A meta-
analysis conducted by Rhea et al. (24) concluded that trained
KEY WORDS split-body routine, total-body routine, resistance- individuals demonstrated a maximum strength gain when
training frequency, muscle hypertrophy they performed 2 sessions$wk21 for each muscle group.
With respect to muscle hypertrophy, a recent meta-
analysis (27) concluded that at least 2 sessions$wk21 per
muscle group result in a superior hypertrophic adaptation
compared with 1 session$wk21 per muscle group.
Address correspondence to Felipe A. Brigatto, The aforementioned findings are especially interesting
00(00)/1–12 because bodybuilders (the sport in which maximizing
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research muscle hypertrophy is a crucial factor for success in
 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association competition) usually train each muscle group only once

VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2018 | 1

Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Resistance-Training Frequency

TABLE 1. Baseline descriptive data of TOTAL and SPLIT (mean 6 SD).*

Groups Age (y) Height (cm) Total Body Mass (Kg) RT Experience (y)

TOTAL (n = 9) 25.6 6 3.7 179.1 6 6.7 83.4 6 11.7 6.4 6 2.4

SPLIT (n = 9) 26.4 6 4.7 177.8 6 6.6 84.4 6 8.1 6.6 6 2.4

*RT = resistance-training; TOTAL = total-body routine group; SPLIT = split-body routine group.

a week (11). Therefore, a discrepancy seems to exist between METHODS

the current literature and common practice in regard to opti- Experimental Approach to the Problem
mal RT frequency. It is important to note that, although the This study followed a randomized, longitudinal design (34).
scientific evidence indicates that higher frequencies result in Subjects were pair matched according to baseline strength
greater hypertrophic gains (27), to the authors’ knowledge, and then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 experimental groups:
only one previous study compared a high (3 sessions$wk21 SPLIT, where multiple exercises were performed for a spe-
per muscle group) vs. a low RT frequency (1 sessions$wk21 cific muscle group in a session (n = 9) or the TOTAL, where
per muscle group) in resistance-trained subjects using validated 1 exercise was performed per muscle group in a session with
diagnostic imaging methods (e.g., ultrasound) to assess a change all muscle groups trained in each session (n = 9). All other
in muscle size (30). This study showed a general trend toward RT variables (e.g., exercise selection, exercise order, range of
a greater muscle growth in the higher frequency condition. repetitions, rest interval between sets and exercises, range of
Dankel et al. (7) speculated that, from a muscle building motion, and velocity of execution) were held constant. The
standpoint, resistance-trained subjects might benefit by reduc- experimental period lasted 11 weeks as follows: 1st week—
ing the training volume (number of sets per muscle group per familiarization period; 2nd week—preintervention period
session) and increasing weekly frequency. This assumption is (baseline); 3rd–10th week—training intervention period;
based on the hypothesis that trained subjects likely complete 11th week—postintervention period. The training interven-
an RT volume per session above that needed to maximize the tion period lasted 8 weeks and the total load lifted (TLL)
postexercise muscle protein synthetic (MPS) response and and internal training load (ITL) were calculated for every RT
thereby were “wasting” some of the per-session volume (7). session to compare the accumulated external training load
Based on this hypothesis, Dankel et al. (7) proposed that (assessed by TLL) and the ITL between experimental
resistance-trained individuals may see a greater benefit in groups across the intervention period.
muscle hypertrophy by keeping the same number of sets per- Testing was performed in the preintervention and post-
formed per week but simply dispersing them over a greater intervention periods for maximal voluntary muscle strength
number of RT sessions (e.g., 2 sessions per muscle group per (1RM test for bench press, parallel back-squat, and machine
week, with 9 sets per session vs. 6 sessions per muscle group close-grip seated row exercises) and muscle thickness (MT)
per week, with 3 sets per session). However, this hypothesis of the elbow flexors (biceps brachii and brachialis), triceps
has yet to be investigated in a randomized trial, and to the brachii, and vastus lateralis. In the 1st week, subjects
authors’ knowledge, no published study using validated diag- attended 2 familiarization sessions in the laboratory report-
nostic imaging methods has compared the volume equated ing to have refrained from performing any exercise other
effects of 1 vs. more than 3 sessions per muscle group per than activities of daily living for at least 48 hours before the
week on muscular adaptation in trained men. first familiarization session. In the first session, subjects were
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the familiarized to 1RM test. The following day (24 hours after),
effects of a SPLIT routine (training a muscle group 1 day per subjects were familiarized to standardized procedures adop-
week) vs. a TOTAL routine (training a muscle group 5 days per ted in all RT exercises such as body position, cadence, range
week) on musculoskeletal adaptations in resistance-trained men of motion, rest period, etc. In addition, subjects were trained
with the number of sets per muscle group per week equated and instructed as to how to record their dietary intake.
between conditions. It was hypothesized that a TOTAL routine
would promote a greater strength gain compared with the Subjects
SPLIT routine as a result of more frequent neural stimulation Eighteen healthy men (26.4 6 SD 4.6 years [range 18 to 30
for the same muscle group. For muscle hypertrophy, based on years]; 177.8 6 6.6 cm; total body mass = 84.4 6 8.1 kg; RT
hypothesis developed by Dankel et al. (7), we hypothesized experience = 6.4 6 2.4 years) volunteered to participate in
that the TOTAL routine would promote a greater increase in this study. The sample size was justified by a priori power
muscular hypertrophy compared with the SPLIT routine as analysis based on a pilot study where the vastus lateralis MT
a result of more frequent elevation in MPS. was assessed as the outcome measure with an effect size
the TM

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the TM

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TABLE 2. Training protocols for TOTAL and SPLIT.*

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(n = 9)
Incline dumbbell Incline bench Bench press 3 3 10– Incline bench press Bench press machine
press 3 3 10–12 press 3 3 10– 12 RM machine 3 3 10– 3 3 10–12 RM
RM 12 RM 12 RM
Biceps curl 3 3 10– Dumbbell incline Dumbbell preacher Barbell preacher curl Dumbbell hammer curl
12 RM curl 3 3 10–12 curl 3 3 10–12 RM 3 3 10–12 RM 3 3 10–12 RM
Parallel back-squat Leg press 3 3 Barbell split squat 3 3 Hack squat 3 3 10– Deadlift 3 3 10–12
3 3 10–12 RM 10–12 RM 10–12 RM 12 RM RM
Lat pull-down 3 3 Machine lat pull- Neutral-grip lat pull- Machine close-grip Machine wide-grip
10–12 RM down 3 3 10– down 3 3 10–12 seated row 3 3 seated row 3 3 10–
12 RM RM 10–12 RM 12 RM
Cable triceps 3 3 Nosebreaker 3 3 Cable overhead Cable triceps press- Cable triceps
10–12 RM 10–12 RM triceps extension 3 down 3 3 10–12 kickback 3 3
3 10–12 RM RM 10–12 RM
(n = 9)
Incline dumbbell Biceps curl 3 3 Parallel back-squat 3 Lat pull-down 3 3 Cable triceps 3 3
press 3 3 10–12 10–12 RM 3 10–12 RM 10–12 RM 10–12 RM
Incline bench press Dumbbell incline Leg press 3 3 10–12 Machine lat pull- Nosebreaker 3 3
3 3 10–12 RM curl 3 3 10–12 RM down 3 3 10–12 10–12 RM
Bench press 3 3 Dumbbell Barbell split squat 3 3 Neutral-grip lat pull- Cable overhead
10–12 RM preacher curl 3 10–12 RM down 3 3 10–12 triceps extension 3
3 10–12 RM RM 3 10–12 RM
Incline bench press Barbell preacher Hack squat 3 3 10– Machine close-grip Cable triceps press-
machine 3 3 10– curl 3 3 10–12 12 RM seated row 3 3 down 3 3 10–12
12 RM RM 10–12 RM RM
Bench press Dumbbell Deadlift 3 3 10–12 Machine wide-grip Cable triceps
machine 3 3 10– hammer curl 3 RM seated row 3 3 kickback 3 3 10–
12 RM 3 10–12 RM 10–12 RM 12 RM

*TOTAL = total-body routine group; RM = repetition maximum; SPLIT = split-body routine group.

difference of 0.75, an alpha level of 0.05, and a power (12b) body mass (35). All subjects read and signed an informed
of 0.80 (9). Subjects were well trained; all had been perform- consent document approved by the Methodist University of
ing RT a minimum of 3 days to weeks for at least 1 year in Piracicaba research ethics committee (protocol #1.749.141).
the University RT facility. The range of RT experience was
2–10 years. All subjects regularly performed (minimum fre- Procedures
quency of once a week) all exercises used in the training Resistance-Training Program. The RT protocol consisted of 25
intervention and in the strength tests for at least 1 year exercises targeting each of the major muscle groups. Subjects
before entering the study. Moreover, subjects were free from were instructed to refrain from performing any additional
any existing musculoskeletal disorders, history of injury RT for the duration of the study. Over the course of each
(with residual symptoms of pain, or “giving-away” sensa- training week, all subjects performed the same exercises and
tions) in the trunk, upper, and lower limbs within the last similar repetition volume throughout the duration of the
year, and stated they had not taken anabolic steroids or any study. The external load was adjusted for each exercise as
other illegal agents known to increase muscle size currently needed on successive sets to ensure that subjects achieved
and for the previous year. Thus, participation in the study failure in the target repetition range. The specific protocols
required that the subjects answered negatively to all ques- for TOTAL and SPLIT are outlined in Table 2. The exercises
tions on the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (32) were chosen based on their common inclusion in bodybuild-
and had a minimum 1RM parallel back squat of 31.25 total ing and strength-type RT programs (12). The RT protocol
body mass and a 1RM bench press of at least equal to total for both groups consisted of 5 weekly sessions performed on

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Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Resistance-Training Frequency

consecutive days (Monday–Friday) for 8 weeks. Subjects

performed 3 sets per exercise for a total of 15 sets per

606.6 3,074.2 6 606.6 3,072.9 6 615.8

session. Each set involved 10–12 maximum repetitions

161.7 6 24.3
345.5 6 83.1
115.5 6 29.2
(RM) with 60 seconds of rest between sets and 120 sec-

Week 8
onds between exercises (8). All sets were performed to the
point of momentary concentric muscular failure and
defined as the inability to perform another concentric
repetition while maintaining proper technique. Cadence
161.9 6 23.6 of repetitions was performed in a controlled fashion, with
346.7 6 82.2
115.2 6 29.2
concentric and eccentric actions of approximately 1.5
Week 4

*TOTAL = total-body routine group; SPLIT = split-body routine group; Total (Kcal) = total kilocalories intake (3 recorded days’ average); g = grams.
seconds for total repetition duration of approximately 3
seconds. All subjects reported a rating of perception
exertion (RPE) based on the RPE/RIR scale (13) of 9.5–
10 for all sets and exercises across RT sessions.
All routines were directly supervised by research

assistants to ensure proper performance and technique

Week 1


of the respective routines. Before the training intervention


period, all subjects underwent 10RM testing (according to

guidelines established by the National Strength and
Conditioning Association [NSCA] (12)) to determine
SPLIT (n = 9)

individual initial training loads for each exercise. Attempts

were made to progressively increase the external loads
lifted each week while maintaining the target repetition
range. No injuries were reported and the adherence to the
program was 100% for both groups.
367.2 2,906.9 6 367.2 2,860.9 6 371.9
160.8 6 24.5
329.4 6 68.5
100.0 6 6.1
Week 8

Estimate of Food Intake. To avoid potential dietary con-

founding of results, subjects were advised to maintain
TABLE 3. Estimated dietary nutrient intake for TOTAL and SPLIT (mean 6 SD).*

their customary nutritional regimen and to avoid taking

any supplements during the study period. Dietary nutrient
intake was assessed by 24-hour food recalls on 2 non-
160.5 6 25.8
333.7 6 67.2

consecutive weekdays and 1 day of the weekend. The

103.3 6 5.6
Week 4

subjects were instructed to record in detail: time of

consumption, types, and quantity of food preparations
consumed during 24 hours. The quantity of food was
recorded in cooking units (spoons, cups, and glass) and
transformed in to grams. The estimation of energy intake

(macronutrients) was analyzed by NutWin software

Week 1

(UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil). The estimated food intake


was assessed during weeks 1, 4, and 8 of the training


intervention period.

Criterion Measurements: Muscle Strength. Upper-body and

TOTAL (n = 9)

lower-body maximum strength was assessed by 1RM

testing in the bench press (1RMBENCH), parallel back-
squat (1RMSQUAT), and machine close-grip seated row
(1RMROW) exercises. Subjects reported to the laboratory
having refrained from any exercise other than activities of
Carbohydrate (g)

daily living for at least 48 hours before baseline testing and

at least 48 hours before testing at the conclusion of the
Total (Kcal)
Protein (g)

Lipids (g)

study. Maximum strength testing was consistent with rec-

ognized guidelines as established by the NSCA (12).
Before testing, subjects performed a general warm-up
consisting of 5-minute cycling (Schwinne, AC Sport) at
60–70 rpm and 50 W; next, a specific warm-up set of the
the TM

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TABLE 4. Preintervention vs. Postintervention Muscle Strength measures for TOTAL and SPLIT (mean 6 SD).*

d (690% CL) Qualitative Chances

Variables Pre Post D% p classification assessment (%)

TOTAL 1RMBENCH 104.2 6 17.6 113.5 6 19.3† 8.5 ,0.001 0.48 (60.11) small Possibly trivial 38/62/0
(n = 9) (kg)
1RMSQUAT 105.6 6 20.2 125.1 6 24.6† 18.5 ,0.001 0.87 (60.21) Most likely 100/0/0
(kg) moderate
1RMROW 107.0 6 14.8 114.7 6 14.4† 6.6 ,0.001 0.49 (60.19) small Possibly trivial 46/54/0
1RMBENCH 93.2 6 13.5 100.9 6 12.9† 8.2 ,0.001 0.58 (60.25) small Possibly 71/29/0
SPLIT 1RMSQUAT 111.9 6 18.8 121.8 6 18.7† 8.8 0.002 0.53 (60.25) small Possibly 58/42/0
(n = 9) (kg)
1RMROW 89.7 6 11.7 95.6 6 11.9† 6.6 0.001 0.50 (60.22) small Possibly 50/50/0

*d = Effect Size; CLs = confidence limits; chances = rate of having better/similar/poorer chances; TOTAL = total-body routine
group; 1RMBENCH = 1 maximal repetition test in bench press exercise; kg = kilograms; 1RMSQUAT = 1 maximal repetition test in parallel
back-squat exercise; 1RMROW = 1 maximal repetition test in seated row machine exercise; SPLIT = split-body routine group.
†Significantly greater than the corresponding preintervention value (p , 0.05).

given exercise of 5 repetitions was performed at ;50% 1RM tempts until the subject was unable to complete 1 maximal
followed by 1–2 sets of 2–3 repetitions at a load correspond- concentric muscle action. The 1RM was considered the
ing to ;60–80% 1RM. Subjects then performed sets of 1 highest external load lifted. A 3- to 5-minute rest was af-
repetition of increasing weight for 1RM determination. The forded between each successive attempt. All 1RM determi-
external load was adjusted by ;5–10% in subsequent at- nations were made within 5 attempts.

Figure 1. Efficiency of the group that have trained in the total-body routine (TOTAL) in comparison with the group that have trained in the split-body routine
(SPLIT) to improve maximum strength in bench press (1RMBENCH), parallel back-squat (1RMSQUAT), and seated row machine (1RMROW) exercises; muscle
thickness of the triceps brachii (MTTB), elbow flexors (MTEF), and vastus lateralis (MTVL) muscles; accumulated total load lifted (ATLL) and internal training load
(ITLTOTAL) (bars indicate uncertainty in the true mean changes with 90% confidence intervals). Trivial areas were the smallest worthwhile change (SWC) (see

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Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Resistance-Training Frequency

TABLE 5. Preintervention vs. Postintervention Muscle Morphology measures for TOTAL and SPLIT (mean 6 SD).*

d (690% CL) Qualitative Chances

Variables Pre Post D% p classification assessment (%)

TOTAL MTEF 44.9 6 5.7 48.7 6 5.5†z 8.5 ,0.001 0.68 (60.13) moderate Very likely 99/1/0
(n = 9) (mm)
MTTB 44.4 6 4.2 49.4 6 4.2† 11.2 ,0.001 1.22 (60.25) large Almost certain 100/0/0
MTVL 47.6 6 4.3 52.2 6 3.2†z 9.7 ,0.001 1.22 (60.45) large Almost certain 100/0/0
MTEF 40.1 6 6.2 41.6 6 6.3† 3.8 0.003 0.24 (60.12) small Most likely trivial 0/100/0
SPLIT MTTB 43.9 6 5.4 46.4 6 5.7† 5.8 0.001 0.46 (60.21) small Possibly trivial 37/63/0
(n = 9) (mm)
MTVL 45.5 6 3.3 47.9 6 2.8† 5.4 0.001 0.80 (60.35) moderate Likely 92/8/0

*d = Effect Size; CLs = confidence limits; Chances = rate of having better/similar/poorer chances; TOTAL = total-body routine
group; MTEF = muscle thickness of the elbow flexors muscles; mm = millimeters; MTTB = muscle thickness of the triceps brachii
muscle; MTVL = muscle thickness of the vastus lateralis muscle; SPLIT = split-body routine group.
†Significantly greater than the corresponding preintervention value (p , 0.05).
zSignificantly greater than SPLIT (p , 0.05).

Successful 1RM BENCH was achieved if the subject dis- arating tests. Recording of foot and hand placement were
played a 5-point body contact position (head, upper back, made during familiarization strength testing and then used
and buttocks firmly on the bench with both feet flat on the for preintervention and postintervention performance tests
floor), lowered the bar to touch his chest, and executed full as well as at all training sessions. All testing sessions were
elbow extension. The grip width was standardized at 200% supervised by the research team to achieve a consensus for
of biacromial width (22). In the 1RMSQUAT, subjects were success on each attempt. The test-retest intraclass correla-
required to squat down, so that the top of the thigh was tion coefficient (ICC) calculated through the data collected
parallel to the ground (;908 of knee joint flexion) for the during the familiarization period and the preintervention
attempt to be considered successful as determined by period for 1RMBENCH, 1RMSQUAT, and 1RMROW is 0.989,
a research assistant who was positioned laterally to the sub- 0.990, and 0.988, respectively. The coefficient of variation
ject. The barbell was positioned on the shoulders (high bar (CV) from our laboratory for these measures is 0.8, 0.7,
position), and the subjects’ feet were positioned at hip width and 0.9%, respectively. The SEM from our laboratory for
(5). Successful 1RMROW was achieved if the subject dis- these measures is 2.05, 1.95, and 2.23 kg, respectively.
played a 4-point body contact position (chest firmly on the
pad of the seated row machine, buttocks firmly on the Muscle Thickness. Ultrasound imaging was used to obtain
bench, and both feet flat on the floor), executed full elbow measurements of MT. A trained technician performed all
extension (while grasping the handles), and pulled the han- testing using an A-mode ultrasound imaging unit (Body-
dles back until the elbows reached the trunk line (;08 of metrix Pro System; Intelametrix, Inc., Livermore, CA, USA).
shoulder flexion). Seat height was adjusted so that the pad After a generous application of a water-soluble transmission
maintained its upper border at the height of the sternum gel (Mercur S.A.—Body Care, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brazil)
(manubrium). The distance of the pad was adjusted, so that to the measured site, a 2.5-MHz linear probe was placed
subjects reached full elbow extension at the finish of the perpendicular to the tissue interface without depressing the
eccentric portion of the movement. The handles were given skin. Equipment settings were optimized for image quality
to the subject by 2 research assistants, so that the subject according to the manufacturer’s user manual and held con-
started the test by first performing the eccentric action of the stant among testing sessions. When the quality of the image
movement (shoulders flexion, elbows extension, and shoul- was deemed to be satisfactory, the image was saved to the
der blades abduction). Subjects were instructed to keep their hard drive, and MT dimensions were obtained by measuring
elbows close to their sides and to avoid swinging the body the distance from the subcutaneous adipose tissue–muscle
forward. interface to the muscle-bone interface per methods used by
The sequence of maximum strength tests was 1RMBENCH, Abe et al. (1). Measurements were taken on the right side of
1RMSQUAT, and 1RMROW with a 20-minute rest period sep- the body at 3 sites: elbow flexors (MTEF), triceps brachii
the TM

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of one another, a fourth image was obtained and the closest

3 measurements were then averaged. The test-retest ICCs
from our laboratory for MTEF, MTTB, and MTVL are 0.996,
0.998, and 0.999, respectively. The CVs for these measures
are 0.4, 0.6, and 0.6%, respectively. The SEM values for these
measures are 0.29, 0.42, and 0.41 mm, respectively.

Total Load Lifted. Total Load Lifted: sets 3 repetitions 3

external load (kgf ) (31) was calculated from training logs
filled out by research assistants for every RT session. The
weekly TLL (TLLWEEK) was calculated as the values corre-
sponding to the sum of the loads calculated for the 5 RT
sessions in each week. The accumulated TLL (ATLL) was
the sum of all RT weeks. Only repetitions performed through
a full range of motion were included for analysis. The data
were expressed in kilogram-force units (kgf ).

Internal Training Load. Subjects reported their session-RPE

(sRPE), according to the OMNI-Resistance Exercise Scale
(OMNI-RES), validated to measure RPE in RT (25). Sub-
jects were shown the scale 10 minutes after each session
(3,4) and asked “How intense was your session?” and were
instructed to make certain that their RPE referred to the
intensity of the whole session rather than to the most recent
exercise intensity. The ITL for each session was calculated
Figure 2. Mean and SD values for (A) weekly total load lifted and (B) by multiplying the total time under tension spent in the
weekly internal training load for TOTAL and SPLIT. *Significantly greater
session in minutes by the sRPE (10). The weekly ITL (ITL-
than week 1 of the respective group (p , 0.05). **Significantly greater
than week 4 of the respective group (p , 0.05). WEEK) was calculated as the values corresponding to the sum
of the ITLs calculated for the 5 RT sessions in each week.
Total ITL (ITLTOTAL) was the sum of all RT weeks. The data
were expressed in arbitrary units (a.u.).
(MTTB), and vastus lateralis (MTVL). The upper-arm mea-
surement was conducted while subjects were standing and Statistical Analyses
the measurement of thigh muscle involved subjects lying The normality and homogeneity of the variances were
supine on an examination table. verified using the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests, respec-
For the anterior and posterior upper-arm measurements tively. The mean, SD, and 90% confidence intervals (CIs)
were taken 60% distal between the lateral epicondyle of were used after the data normality was assumed. To com-
the humerus and the acromion process of the scapula; for pare mean values of the descriptive variables, ATLL and
the thigh muscle, measurements were taken 50% of the ITLTOTAL between groups (TOTAL vs. SPLIT), a paired t-
distance between the lateral condyle of the femur and test was used. A 2 3 2 repeated-measures analysis of vari-
greater trochanter. For each measurement, the examined ance (ANOVA) (interaction groups [TOTAL and SPLIT] 3
limb was secured so as to minimize unwanted movement. time [preintervention vs. postintervention]) was used to
To maintain consistency between preintervention and compare the dependent variables (1RMBENCH, 1RMSQUAT,
postintervention testing, each site was marked with henna 1RMROW, MTEF, MTTB, and MTVL). A 2 3 3 repeated-
ink (reinforced every week). In an effort to help ensure measures ANOVA (interaction groups [TOTAL and SPLIT]
that swelling in the muscles from training did not obscure 3 time [weeks 1, 4 and 8]) was used to compare the food
results, images were obtained 48–72 hours before com- intake variables, TLLWEEK and ITLWEEK. Post hoc compar-
mencement of the study and after the final training ses- isons were performed with the Bonferroni test (with correc-
sion. This is consistent with research showing that an tion). Assumptions of sphericity were evaluated using
acute increase in muscle thickness returns to baseline Mauchly’s test. In cases which sphericity was violated (p ,
within 48 hours after an RT session (21). 0.05), the Greenhouse-Geisser correction factor was applied.
To further ensure accuracy of measurements, at least 3 In addition, effect sizes were evaluated using a partial eta
images were obtained for each site. If measurements were squared (h2p ), with ,0.06, 0.06–0.14, and .0.14 indicating
within 1 mm of one another, the figures were averaged to a small, medium, and large effect, respectively (34). All anal-
obtain a final value. If measurements were more than 1 mm yses were conducted in SPSS-22.0 software (IBM Corp.,

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Resistance-Training Frequency

groups showed a significant increase from baseline to post-

intervention by 9.3 6 3.9 kgf (D% = 8.5, p , 0.001, d = 0.48)
and 7.7 6 3.1 kgf (D% = 8.2, p , 0.001, d = 0.58) for TOTAL
and SPLIT, respectively (Table 4). In addition, no substantial
difference between groups was observed for 1RMBENCH {D%
= 20.8, d = 0.35 (90% confidence level [CL] = 6 0.39), 0/
75/25% [possibly trivial] with changes for greater/similar/
lower values, respectively} (Figure 1).
There was a significant main effect of time (F1,16 = 60.073,
p , 0.001, h2p = 0.790) and group 3 time interaction (F1,16 =
6.475, p = 0.022, h2p = 0.288) for 1RMSQUAT. Both groups
showed a significant increase from baseline to postinterven-
tion by 19.5 6 9.3 kgf (D% = 18.5, p , 0.001, d = 0.87) and
9.9 6 6.6 kgf (D% = 8.8, p = 0.002, d = 0.53) for TOTAL and
SPLIT, respectively (Table 4). Post hoc analysis showed no
significant difference between groups at the baseline (p =
0.501) and postintervention (p = 0.750). Moreover, no sub-
stantial difference between groups was observed for
1RMSQUAT (D% = 96.9, d = 1.20 [90% CL = 6 6.20], 33/
10/57% [unclear]) (Figure 1).
A significant main effect of time (F1,16 = 39.280, p , 0.001,
h2p = 0.711), but not group 3 time interaction (F1,16 = 0.347,
p = 0.564, h2p = 0.021), was observed for 1RMROW. Both
groups showed an increase from baseline to postintervention
Figure 3. Mean and SD values for (A) total load lifted (sun of the 8
weeks) and (B) internal Training load (sun of the 8 weeks) for TOTAL and
by 7.7 6 4.8 kgf (D% = 6.6, p , 0.001, d = 0.49) and 5.9 6 4.0
SPLIT. *Significantly greater than SPLIT (p , 0.05). kgf (D% = 6.6, p = 0.001, d = 0.50) for TOTAL and SPLI-
T, respectively (Table 4). In addition, no substantial
difference between groups was observed for 1RM ROW (D%
Armonk, NY, USA). The adopted significance was 5%. Fur- = 30.5, d = 0.28 [90% CL = 6 0.16], 0/99/1% [very likely
thermore, the magnitudes of the difference were examined trivial]) (Figure 1).
using the standardized difference based on Cohen’s d units
Muscle Thickness
by means of effect sizes (d) (14). The d results were qualita-
There was a significant main effect of time (F1,16 = 76.883, p
tively interpreted using the following thresholds: ,0.2, triv-
, 0.001, h2p = 0.828) and group 3 time interaction (F1,16 =
ial; 0.2–0.6, small; 0.6–1.2, moderate; 1.2–2.0, large; 2.0–4.0,
14.516, p = 0.002, h2p = 0.476) for MTEF. A significant
very large; and .4.0, nearly perfect. The quantitative chan-
increase was noted for both TOTAL 3.8 6 0.9 mm (D% =
ces for higher or lower differences were qualitatively as-
8.5, p , 0.001, d = 0.68) and SPLIT 1.5 6 1.6 mm (D% = 3.8,
sessed as follows: ,1%, almost certainly not; 1–5%, very
p = 0.003, d = 0.24) from baseline to postintervention (Table
unlikely; 5–25%, unlikely; 25–75%, possibly; 75–95%, likely;
5). Post hoc analyzes showed no significant difference
95–99%, very likely; and .99%, almost certain. If the chan-
between groups at the baseline (p = 0.108), but at the post-
ces for having higher or lower values than the smallest
intervention period, a significant difference between groups
worthwhile difference were .5%, the true difference was
was observed (p = 0.021). In addition, a substantial difference
considered unclear. Data analysis was performed using
between groups was observed for MTEF (D% = 153.3, d =
a modified statistical Excel spreadsheet (14).
1.79 [90% CL = 6 1.20], 0/4/96% [very likely]) (Figure 1).
RESULTS A significant main effect of time (F1,16 = 79.032, p , 0.001,
h2p = 0.832) and group 3 time interaction (F1,16 = 8.422, p =
No significant difference was noted between groups in any
0.010, h2p = 0.345) was observed for MTTB. A significant
baseline measurements (all p . 0.05 [Table 1]). There was no
increase was noted for both TOTAL 5.0 6 1.5 mm (D% =
significant difference in any dietary intake variable either
11.2, p , 0.001, d = 1.22) and SPLIT 2.5 6 2.1 mm (D% =
within or between groups over the course of the study (all
5.8, p = 0.001, d = 0.46) from baseline to postintervention
p . 0.05 [Table 3]).
(Table 5). Post hoc analysis showed no significant difference
Maximal Strength between groups at the baseline (p = 0.839) and postinterven-
A significant main effect of time (F1,16 = 100.230, p , 0.001, tion (p = 0.227). Moreover, no substantial difference between
h2p = 0.862), but not group 3 time interaction (F1,16 = 0.546, groups was observed for MTTB (D% = 100.0, d = 1.37 [90%
p = 0.471, h2p = 0.033), was observed for 1RMBENCH. Both CL = 6 1.90], 5/17/78% [unclear]) (Figure 1).

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A significant main effect of time (F1,16 = 67.433, p , 0.001, Alternatively, from a muscle building perspective, the find-
h2p = 0.808) and group 3 time interaction (F1,16 = 6.146, p = ings of this study suggest a potential hypertrophic benefit to
0.025, h2p = 0.278) was observed for MTVL. A significant a higher frequency of training when training volume (num-
increase was noted for both TOTAL 4.6 6 2.1 mm (D% = ber of sets per muscle group) is equated between conditions.
9.7, p , 0.001, d = 1.22) and SPLIT 2.4 6 1.5 mm (D% = 5.4, This would suggest that the increased muscle mass achieved
p = 0.001, d = 0.80) from baseline to postintervention (Table in TOTAL did not translate into greater strength gains.
5). Post hoc analyzes showed no significant difference The increase in maximal strength from baseline to post-
between groups at the baseline (p = 0.245), but at the post- intervention between conditions showed a percentage
intervention period, a significant difference between groups increase in 1RMBENCH for TOTAL compared with SPLIT
was observed (p = 0.009). In addition, a substantial difference (D% = 20.8, d = 0.35), 1RMSQUAT (D% = 96.9, d = 1.20), and
between groups was observed for MTVL (D% = 91.7, d = 1.17 1RMROW (D% = 30.5, d = 0.28). However, these results were
[90% CL = 6 0.69], 0/5/95% [likely]) (Figure 1). not significantly different between conditions. These findings
refute the initial hypothesis that the TOTAL approach
Total Load Lifted
would elicit a superior strength gain.
Figure 2 shows the TLLWEEK measured during the interven-
This study used a high RT volume because of evidence of
tion period. A significant main effect of time (F1.429,22.865 =
a dose-response relationship between RT volume and
35.332, p , 0.001, h2p = 0.688), but not group 3 time inter-
muscle hypertrophy, with a greater volume (10 or more
action (F1.429,22.865 = 0.027, p = 0.935, h2p = 0.002), was
weekly sets per muscle group) resulting in additional
observed for TLLWEEK. For TOTAL, there was a significant
improvement in muscle mass (28) and also because this
difference between weeks 1 vs. 4 (p = 0.047), 1 vs. 8 (p =
RT volume is typically associated with bodybuilding-style
0.010), and 4 vs. 8 (p , 0.001). For SPLIT, a significant
training (9). Thus, according to the current findings, it seems
difference was observed between weeks 1 vs. 4 (p = 0.029),
that weekly RT volume is more important than RT fre-
1 vs. 8, (p = 0.001) and 4 vs. 8 (p = 0.010).
quency for promoting strength gains in well-trained men.
A significant difference between groups was noted such
In other words, when a weekly RT volume used is highly
that TOTAL produced superior TLL compared with SPLIT
enough, there seems to be a diminished neural advantage of
(D% = 22.3, p = 0.029, d = 1.13 [90% CL = 6 0.82], 0/10/
the higher training frequency observed in other studies with
90% [likely]) (Figures 1 and 3).
trained subjects (15,20).
Internal Training Load In regard to muscular hypertrophy, significantly greater
No significant main effect of time (F1.261,20.176 = 2.940, p = increase in MTEF and MTVL was observed in TOTAL when
0.094. h2p = 0.155) and no significant group 3 time interac- compared with SPLIT. In addition, in TOTAL, the increase
tion (F1.261,20.176 = 0.203, p = 0.713, h2p = 0.013) was observed in MTEF from baseline to postintervention was 153.3%
for ITLWEEK (Figure 2). Moreover, no significant between greater than SPLIT, with a large effect size (ES) between
groups difference was observed for ITLTOTAL (D% = 5.33, p groups (d = 1.79). To the MTVL, the percentage difference
= 0.406, d = 0.40 [90% CL = 6 0.82], 3/55/42% [possibly between groups was 91.7%, with moderate ES (d = 1.17).
trivial]) (Figures 1 and 3). Moreover, the magnitude-based inference (MBI) analysis
(14) showed that clinical differences between groups were
DISCUSSION very likely and likely for MTEF MTVL, respectively.
The current study aimed to compare the effect of a split Although MTTB was not statistically different between
training routine with muscle groups trained once per week groups, the percentage difference was 100.0%, with a large
vs. whole-body training routine with muscle groups trained ES (d = 1.37) that favored TOTAL. Nevertheless, MBI
5 days per week on neuromuscular adaptations in resistance- showed that clinical difference between groups for MTTB
trained men. The main findings were that (a) muscle was unclear. In combination, these data provide evidence
strength increases were similar regardless of the experimen- that resistance-trained individuals benefit from including pe-
tal conditions studied and (b) a whole-body training routine riods of training muscle groups more frequently than 1
with all muscle groups trained 5 days may confer a poten- sessions$wk21 when the goal is to maximize muscle
tially superior hypertrophic effect compared with a split hypertrophy.
routine where muscles are worked just once per week. Schoenfeld et al. (30) observed a significantly greater
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that increase in elbow flexors MT for a higher frequency (3
compared musculoskeletal performance and morphological sessions$wk21) vs. a lower frequency protocol (1
adaptations between RT protocols using different routines session$wk21). Moreover, although triceps brachii MT was
schemes (TOTAL vs. SPLIT) based on different RT weekly not statistically different between groups as in this study, the
frequencies of 1 vs. 5 days per muscle group in resistance- ES reported by Schoenfeld et al. (30) for a higher frequency
trained individuals. The findings of this study demonstrated protocol was 96% greater than that of a lower frequency
that training a muscle group only once a week is as efficient protocol (0.90 vs. 0.46, respectively). Although, vastus later-
as training 5 times per week to maximize strength gains. alis MT was not statistically different between groups,

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Resistance-Training Frequency

Schoenfeld et al. (30) also reported a markedly greater ES for (10–12RM) was the same for both groups, it is plausible to
vastus lateralis thickness increase on a higher frequency pro- state that both groups were exposed to similar volume and
tocol compared with a lower frequency protocol (0.70 vs. relative intensity of training, consequently the ITL (product
0.18, respectively). of both variables) accumulation was similar.
This study agrees with the results observed by Schoenfeld On the other hand, if the weekly volume (sets and
et al. (30) (i.e., in comparison with lower frequencies, higher repetitions) was similar for both groups, there remains the
frequencies elicited a similar strength gain, and significantly question as to how TLL was superior in the TOTAL group.
greater increase in hypertrophy of upper-body muscles) and The answer seems to lie in the different RT routine schemes
expands on previous findings by providing direct evidence of used among experimental groups. Although SPLIT per-
a greater MT increase in lower-body muscles with a higher formed 5 exercises for the same muscle group in a session
RT frequency (5 sessions$wk21) in trained subjects. These with 2-minute rest intervals between each exercise, TOTAL
results confirm the initial hypothesis and seem to support had a rest of 24 hours between each exercise for the same
the hypothesis of Dankel et al. (7), who proposed that the muscle group. Hence, TOTAL avoided issues with neuro-
magnitude and duration of the elevated MPS in response to muscular fatigue from the previous exercise (for the same
RT bout in well-trained RT individuals favored working muscle group), thereby promoting a higher TLL. Indeed,
muscles more frequently (6). Research by Burd et al. dem- evidence shows that longer rest intervals between sets for the
onstrated that a relatively low number of sets (i.e., 4 sets to same muscle group result in a higher TLL and hypertrophic
volitional failure) may be sufficient to elicit a large increase in increases in resistance-trained men (29). Therefore, it seems
MPS for up to 24 hours afterexercise (2). It therefore can be that a higher weekly frequency per muscle group is able to
speculated that performing fewer sets per muscle group per increase TLL without changing the magnitude of ITL com-
session may be more effective at reducing prolonged neuro- pared with condensing the weekly volume in a single
muscular fatigue and allowing the same muscle group to be session.
trained more frequently. In this way, the more repetitive Results observed for TLL expands on previous findings by
stimuli would hypothetically result in a greater time spent providing direct evidence of the greater TLL increase with
in a net-positive protein balance. Hence, Dankel et al. (7) a higher weekly RT frequency (5 vs. 1 weekly session per
hypothesized that resistance-trained individuals may see muscle group) in well-trained men. This is very relevant
a greater benefit in muscle hypertrophy by simply dispersing because the increment in muscle strength and muscle mass is
the same RT volume (number of sets per muscle group) over strongly dependent on TLL of RT. A clear dose-response
a greater weekly frequency (i.e., greater number of training relationship has been reported between TLL and both
sessions). The present findings seem to experimentally con- muscle strength (18) and hypertrophy (19,28). Moreover,
firm the proposed hypothesis (7). a higher load induces a greater mechanical tension, which
In relation to TLL, the TOTAL produced a 22.3% greater is purported to be a primary driving force in respect to
accumulated external training load with a moderate-associ- hypertrophy development (26). Therefore, it is plausible to
ated ES (d = 1.13). Because of the fact that the magnitude of speculate that the greater ATLL in TOTAL compared with
the ITL is determined largely by the external training load SPLIT played a meaningful role in the superior hypertrophy
(although the individual characteristics also are very rele- gains observed in TOTAL.
vant) (16), it was hypothesized that the significantly greater This study has some limitations that should be considered
ATLL observed in TOTAL compared with SPLIT would when interpreting the current results. First, the small sample
result in significantly greater ITLTOTAL. Conversely, size affected statistical power. As is the cases in most
although TOTAL produced 2059 a.u. more ITLTOTAL than longitudinal RT studies, a high degree of interindividual
SPLIT, this difference was not statistically significant. variability was noted among subjects, which limited the
The ITL for each session was calculated multiplying ability to detect a significant difference in several outcome
a measure of volume (total time under tension spent in the measures. Despite this limitation, analysis of effect sizes
session in minutes) by the measure of intensity of the session provides a good basis for drawing inferential conclusions
(sRPE) (10). Although sRPE is indicative of the relative from the results. Second, the findings of this study are
intensity of effort (10,31), it is possible that the relative inten- specific to young resistance-trained men and therefore
sity of the sessions was the same for both groups because all cannot necessarily be generalized to other populations
sets were performed until concentric muscle failure. Indeed, including adolescents, women, and elderly. It is possible that
if sets are designed to achieve muscular failure, the exertion the higher RT volumes and frequencies may not be as well
of subjects should be similar within any intensity level (33). tolerated in these individuals and perhaps could hasten the
Confirming these assumptions, the sRPE reported by all onset of overtraining when combined with a high intensity
subjects in all training sessions ranged among 8–9. The other of effort. Future research is required to determine the
part of the ITL equation considers the time under tension of frequency-related responses to RT across different popula-
the session, given that the velocity execution was controlled tions. Finally, results may have been influenced by the
(3 seconds) and the number of sets and range of repetitions novelty of changing RT programs. Prestudy interviews
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