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Session #8 – Preposition

Preposition หรือ “คำบุพบท” เป็นคำที่ใช้เพื่อเชื่อมควำมสัมพันธ์ระหว่ำงคำ ๆ หนึ่ง กับคำอื่นในวลี
หรือประโยค ไม่ว่ำจะเป็น noun, pronoun หรือ verb และอื่นๆ โดยใช้เพื่อบอกควำมสัมพันธ์ เวลำ สถำนที่
ตำแหน่ง ทิศทำง วิธีกำร หรือเหตุผล เพื่อให้ประโยคสมบูรณ์
Examples of prepositions
The Prime Minister would arrive at 8.30 p.m.
My duty to clean the classroom is on Mondays.
Everyone finishes school in the afternoon.
A taxi is waiting for a passenger outside the building
You parked your car on the 4th floor.
The surfers were resting by the beach.
Paul goes to a temple by car.
We came to the gym on foot.
They texted each other without speaking.
Look up in the sky and you can see the stars.
On your right-hand side, there is a cage.
Driving to Pattaya is convenient.

สังเกตจำกตำรำงตัวอย่ ำงประโยคที่มี preposition ด้ำนบน เรำสำมำรถสรุปได้ว่ำคำบุพบทนั้นมีอยู่ห ลำย

ควำมหมำยและตำแหน่งที่สำมำรถวำงไว้ในประโยคได้ โดยควำมหมำยของคำบุพบทแปลว่ำอย่ำงไรมักจะ
ขึ้น อยู่ กั บ noun, pronoun, verb, adjective และ ฯ ที่ อยู่ ด้ ำนหน้ ำหรือ ด้ ำนหลั งของค ำบุ พ บทนั้ น ทั้ งนี้
ข้อสังเกตของของบุพบทคือ จำเป็นจะต้องมีคำนำมหรือสรรพนำมต่อท้ำย หรือ คำกริยำ คำนำมต่อหน้ ำด้ำน
คำบุพบทเองก็มีหลำกหลำยประเภทด้วยกัน เรำสำมำรถสรุปโครงสร้ำงประโยคอย่ำงคร่ำวๆ ได้ลักษณะดังนี้
“Subject + be + adjective + preposition + object.”, “Subject + verb + object + preposition +
object.”, “Preposition + object, + subject + verb + object.” และ ฯลฯ เป็นต้น
*หมายเหตุ* เมื่อ object อยู่หลัง preposition จะถือว่ำเป็นกรรมของคำบุพบทนั้น ไม่ใช่ เป็นกรรม
Preposition of place
Preposition of place เป็นคำบุพบทที่ใช้บอกเกี่ยวกับ สิ่งต่ำงๆ ว่ำอยู่ สถำนที่ใดหรือใช้กำรบอกว่ำ
เหตุกำรณ์เกิดขึ้นที่ใด พิจำรณำตัวอย่ำงต่อไปนี้
Preposition of
across The newly built bridge across the river has just collapsed.
in His alarm clock went off twice and he is still snoring in bed.
inside There was something like a snake or a rope inside the cage.
on There was a big fly on the bull’s nose.
outside I fell asleep outside the clinic while I’m waiting for my turn.
behind Behind his farmhouse was a scary large scarecrow.
beside I sat beside a snoring woman in the cinema.
between There is an awkward gap between her two front teeth.
in front of Someone parked a tractor in front of our house.
near Please don’t come near me; I have a bad cold.
at Peter has studied physics at Langford University for years.

Preposition of direction
Preposition of direction เป็นคำบุพบทใช้ประธำนหรือคำนำมในประโยคไปทิศทำงใดและยังใช้ใน
กำรบอกลักษณะกำรเคลื่อนไหวด้วยเช่นกัน สังเกตตัวอย่ำงต่อไปนี้
Preposition of
into We watched the bus disappear into the tunnel.
on A fly settled on my bread while I was eating it.
through The bullet had gone through his head, but he survived.
to The teacher has gone to the teachers’ office again.
toward The snake slithered toward the bullfrog.
away from He warned them to keep away from his apple tree.
from Two tigers are reported to have escaped from the circus.
off The strong wind blew the wig off his head.
out Everyone ran out the door when the fire started.
Exercise – Preposition of place and direction

Part I: จงเลือกเติมคำบุพบท to, at, on, in และ into ลงในประโยคให้ถูกต้องตำมควำมหมำย

1) They were stuck _____ a traffic jam for hours.

2) She wasn't _____ home when I called her.
3) He came home and went _____ the kitchen.
4) Paula was _____ the computer surfing the net.
5) He had an accident and is _____ the hospital.
6) Our house is _____ the end of the street.
7) The bookstore is right next _____ the bakery.
8) You were flying _____ India, weren't you?
9) Please put your books _____ the desk.
10) We saw her _____ our way home.
11) They went _____ Amsterdam last weekend.
12) Did you grow up _____ Canada?
13) We're returning _____ Rome at the end of this month.
14) Come _____ my house this evening.
15) We ran _____ the house when it started to rain.
16) They were standing _____ the corner of the street.
17) Are the kids still _____ bed?
18) In her room there are a lot of paintings _____ the wall.
19) He always goes _____ work by bus.
20) The girls were playing _____ the streets.
21) They love skiing _____ the mountains.
22) Sam is studying Japanese _____ university.
23) We saw some dolphins swimming _____ the ocean.
24) The kids were swimming _____ the lake.
25) The sandwiches are _____ the table _____ the kitchen.
Part II: จงเลือกเติมคำบุพบท across, along, around, over, through และ under ลงในประโยคให้ถูกต้อง

1) While they were hiking _______ the forest to the waterfall, Laurelle and Frank saw a
mountain lion.
2) We walked _______ the river looking for a way to get _______ it, but there was no
3) The lions walked in a circle _______ the baby giraffe before they attacked.
4) The train passed _______ nine tunnels on the way to Denver.
5) They strolled _______ the beach watching the sunset.
6) The plane flew _______ the Grand Canyon on the way to Los Angeles.
7) Several animals, including emus, ran _______ the road in front of the car as Jack was
driving _______ the outback of Australia.
8) They walked _______ the building twice looking for the entrance.
9) The cruise ship passed _______ the Golden Gate Bridge as it was leaving San Francisco.
10) His dog is always trying to escape from the backyard. Sometimes he manages to jump
_______ the fence, and sometimes he digs a hole and crawls _______ it.

Part III: จงแต่งประโยคโดยใช้ preposition ประเภทต่ำงๆ ที่กำหนดให้ในแต่ละข้อ โดยห้ำมใช้คำบุพบทซ้ำ

1) (preposition of place)
2) (preposition of place)
3) (preposition of place)
4) (preposition of direction)
5) (preposition of direction)
6) (preposition of direction)
Preposition of time
Preposition of time เป็น คำบุ พบทที่ใช้บอกเกี่ยวกับ เวลำว่ำเป็นช่วงเวลำใด วันที่เท่ำไหร่ที่ หรือ
เหตุกำรณ์ในประโยคเกิดขึ้นเมื่อใด ลองพิจำรณำและสังเกตตัวอย่ำงต่อไปนี้
Preposition of
around We usually have a catnap at the same time around noon.
at I had a big argument with my grandma at lunchtime.
by The funeral should be over by five o’clock.
in The astrologer said I would be dead in five years.
on The boss is always sleepy on Monday mornings.
during I had a couple of terrifying nightmares during the night.
from She swears never to talk to me again from tomorrow.
since His girlfriend has been missing since last Sunday.
throughout He slept throughout the lecture.
until They said I was breastfed until the age of six.
after I start to wonder if I will be in Heaven or Hell after death.
before I need to go to the toilet before having my breakfast.

ทั้งนี้คำบุพบอกเวลำบำงคำมีลักษณะหรือหลักกำรใช้ที่ตำยตัวเช่นคำว่ำ in, on และ at เป็นต้น จงพิจำรณำ

Explanation of preposition of time Examples
in: จะถูกใช้เพื่อบอกช่วงเวลำอย่ำงเดือน in October
ฤดูกำล ปี ทศวรรษและระยะเวลำอื่นๆ ที่มี in winter
ระยะเวลำยำวนำน in the summer
in 1969
in the Jurassic Period
at: จะถูกใช้เพื่อบอกเวลำที่มีควำมระเอียด at 6 o'clock
หรือเวลำที่แน่นอน at 10.45 am
at noon
at bedtime
at the moment
Explanation of preposition of time Examples
on: จะถูกใช้เพื่อบอกวันและวันที่ on Monday
on Sundays
on October 23
on January 3, 2001
on Halloween
on your birthday
on New Year's Eve

Preposition of manner
Preposition of manner เป็นคำบุพบทที่ใช้บอกกริยำอำกำรของประธำนในประโยคนั้นทำอย่ำงไร
หรือด้วยวิธีกำรใด จงพิจำรณำตัวอย่ำงต่อไปนี้
Preposition of
by We couldn't afford to go there by taxi.
The supplies were dropped by parachutes.
in He fell in his dash for the finishing line.
She left the room in tears.
like Many say he laughs like a hyena.
He acted like there was no other option.
on The tourists arrived on the island on a hovercraft.
They traveled on foot
with She reacted with anger to what he said.
He faces danger with courage.
as/ as if I have worked as a teacher and counselor.
She spoke as if she was the head of the team.
Exercise – Preposition of time and manner

Part I: จงเลือกเติมคำบุพบท at, on และ in ลงในประโยคให้ถูกต้องตำมควำมหมำยในประโยคแต่ละข้อ

1) Mary wore a witch costume _____ Halloween.

2) I have English classes _____ Tuesdays.
3) My dad comes home _____ lunchtime.
4) The children like to go to the park _____ the morning.
5) Henry's birthday is _____ November.
6) Lots of people go shopping _____ Christmastime.
7) Justin Bieber was born _____ March 1, 1994.
8) Leaves turn red, gold and brown _____ Autumn.
9) My friends like to go the movies _____ Saturdays.
10) 10.The pilgrims arrived in America _____ 1620.
11) My sister likes to watch TV _____ the evening.
12) Mum always reads stories _____ bedtime.
13) I like to watch the parade _____ Independence Day.
14) Hippies protested against the war _____ the 1960s.
15) We finished the marathon _____ the same time.
16) I like to eat pancakes _____ the morning.
17) Dad is not home _____ the moment.
18) Mammoths lived _____ the Ace Age.
19) My family gets together _____ dinnertime.
20) I take my dog for a walk _____ the morning.
Part II: จงเลือกเติมคำบุพบท by, in, with, และ without ลงในประโยคให้ถูกต้องตำมควำมหมำย

1) The Millers bought a house _______ a view of the canyon.

2) Please send us your reservation _______ letter.
3) They say it’s easy to find a job when you’re qualified, but _______ reality it is difficult.
4) They were speaking _______ Italian, so I couldn’t understand a word.
5) That is _______ doubt a great present.
6) It was hard to understand him as he was speaking _______ a strong accent.
7) A lot of kids go to school _______ bus nowadays.
8) Why are you always _______ a hurry?
9) A: Do you like this scarf?
B: Not much. I think it would look better _______ red.
10) I love crime novels written _______ Scandinavian writers. They’re so good.

Part III: จงแต่งประโยคโดยใช้ preposition ประเภทต่ำงๆ ที่กำหนดให้ในแต่ละข้อ โดยห้ำมใช้คำบุพบทซ้ำ

1) (preposition of time)
2) (preposition of time)
3) (preposition of time)
4) (preposition of manner)
5) (preposition of manner)
6) (preposition of manner)
Prepositions of cause and effect
Prepositions of cause and effect (or reason) เป็ น ค ำบุ พ บทที่ ใช้ ในกำรบอกสำเหตุ ห รือ บอก
เหตุผลที่ทำให้เหตุกำรณ์นั้นๆ เกิดขึ้น และบอกผลที่เกิดขึ้นหรือผลที่ตำมมำ พิจำรณำตัวอย่ำงต่อไปนี้
Preposition of
cause and effect
because of He cannot play football because of his swollen leg.
due to The quarrel was due to the rudeness on both sides.
for They divorced for many reasons.
from Businesses don’t succeed from luck alone.
on account of She doesn’t eat much on account of her acute depression.
through Their sales increase through effective marketing.
as a result of As a result of the landslide, the road is blocked for hours.

Simple and compound preposition

คำบุ พ บทมีห ลำกหลำยประเภทดังหั วข้อดังข้ำงต้น แต่ ถ้ำหำกแบ่ งประเภทคำบุ พบทตำมจำนวน
คำศัพท์ที่ใช้ในคำบุพบท เรำสำมำรถจำแนกประเภทของคำบุพบทออกเป็นได้ 2 ประเภทใหญ่ดังนี้คือ simple
preposition (คำบุพบทคำเดี่ยว) และ compound preposition (คำบุพบคำรวม)
Simple preposition
Simple preposition หรือ “คำบุพบทคำเดี่ยว” โดยจะมีเพียงคำศัพท์คำเดียวเท่ำนั้นที่ใช้ในกำรสื่อ
ควำมหมำยนั้นๆ จงพิจำรณำตัวกำรใช้ในประโยคในตำรำงต่อไปนี้
against The children were against their mother riding a camel.
among The mother calls her sons to divide the pizza among them.
atop Six cats slept atop a three-metre wall.
bar She has eaten all my grapes, bar one.
beside She was sure someone stood beside her in the picture.
despite He went to catch crabs despite the bad weather.
of he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the roof.
with She believes her weight increases with each passing day.
Compound preposition
Compound preposition หรือ “คำบุพบทคำรวม” โดยจะมีเพียงคำศัพท์ที่ใช้ในกำรสื่อควำมหมำย
นั้นๆ มำกกว่ำหนึ่งคำขึ้นไป จงพิจำรณำตัวกำรใช้ในประโยคในตำรำงต่อไปนี้
according to According to his mother, he often talked in his sleep.
as of As of next week, all of you will eat less to lose weight.
aside from Her face was perfect aside from that one hairy mole.

because of The bucks fought hard and it’s all because of a doe.
instead of We waste a lot of time arguing instead of agreeing.
next to The detective didn’t know he was sitting next to a wanted man.
out of Sometimes, my grandfather cuts pictures out of my magazines.
as far as The explosion could be heard as far as five kilometers away.
in addition to We keep five dogs in addition to two cats.

in front of It’s his habit to doze off in front of the television.

in spite of Their rescue mission continues in spite of the bad weather.
on account of He can’t sing any more on account of his failing health.
on top of their The villagers carried pails of water on top of their heads.
Exercise – Simple and compound preposition

Part I: จงหำควำมหมำยของคำบุพบทที่กำหนดให้ลงไปในช่องว่ำงที่กำหนดไว้
Compound preposition Definition Compound preposition Definition
according to outside of
as to other than
opposite to together with
away from up to
aside from at that point in time
in favor of at this point in time
in front of by means of
because of by reason of
as for by virtue of
near to during the course of
on account of for the reason that
on behalf of from the point of view of
but for in accordance with
ahead of inasmuch as
close to in a manner similar to
depending on in excess of
due to in favor of
in addition to in order to
next to in receipt of
in between in relation to
in case of in routine fashion
owing to in terms of
along with in the event that
apart from in the nature of
in return for in the immediate vicinity of
out of in close proximity with
instead of on the basis of
Compound preposition Definition Compound preposition Definition
prior to in favor of
pursuant to in order to
similar to in receipt of
subsequent to in relation to
with a view to in routine fashion
with reference to in terms of
with regard to in the event that
with respect to in the nature of
at that point in time in the immediate vicinity of
at this point in time in close proximity with
by means of similar to
by reason of subsequent to
by virtue of with a view to
during the course of with reference to
for the reason that with regard to
from the point of view with respect to
in accordance with in a manner similar to
inasmuch as in excess of
Part II: จงแต่งประโยคโดยใช้ preposition ประเภทต่ำงๆ ที่กำหนดให้ในแต่ละข้อ โดยห้ำมใช้คำบุพบทซ้ำ
1) (simple preposition)
2) (simple preposition)
3) (simple preposition)
4) (simple preposition)
5) (simple preposition)
6) (compound preposition)
7) (compound preposition)
8) (compound preposition)
9) (compound preposition)
10) (compound preposition)

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