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A. The sentences given below are incorrect. Rewrite them after making corrections.

1. Tutu leapt on the back of washer man.


2. Tutu put some dry fruits in the wedding cake.


3. Rocky took grandmother to the jeweller’s shop.


4. The street entertainer had five more monkeys.


5. Grandmother believed boys were less troublesome than girls.



A. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follows:-

1.”It’s true that some of the guests were not seen for several days after the wedding but no one said
anything against the cake. Most of the people thought it had an interesting flavour.”

Q1. Whose wedding is mentioned here?

Q2. Why is ‘cake’ very important here?


Q3. Why did the cake have an interesting flavour?


Q4. Why did no one say anything against the cake?


Q5. Pick two each:-

• Noun ________________________

• Verb _________________________

B. “The jeweller left his shop and ran after us. So did Rocky. So did several bystanders who had seen the
incident. And others, who had no idea what it was all about, joined in the chase. As grandfather
used to say, ‘In a crowd, everyone plays follow the leader even when they don’t know who is
Q1. Why did the jeweller leave his shop?


Q2. Who was Rocky?


Q3. Why is Tutu called the leader?

Q4. How did Tutu end the chase?


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