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• For final exam, you will present a general study or research about tourism in
the destination.
• There will be a written paper and a presentation. Both will be counted as the
final test.


Groups and region will be posted in this space.

*Speaking will be graded individually. NOT READING

CONTENT. ( highlighted points must be in the presentation)

1. General information about the place. (Location, weather, if is already popular

or not, whether it has been touched by tourism or not, folclor and culture and
local customs that differentiate from the rest of the country, etc.).
2. Touristic Infraestructure: Explain how are the conditions to develop tourism in
the place. Transportation, accommodation, food & Beverage, Entertainment,
Sites of interest. (how to get to the place). (This point is highly related to the
3. Economic importance of tourism in the region: How is economically the
situation in the place, whether people has education or not, if people speak
other languages, if people are open-minded and are willing to receive people
from other parts of the world.
4. Target Market: Who are the ideal people who would enjoy more this place.
(Classified by age, income, interests, health condition, etc..). Who are our
principal customers right now, who would be potential customers, local,
foreigners, students, researchers. (what profiles, will it be luxury tourism or for
everyone, will it be for backpackers or for family members)
5. Budget ($): You must work on how much money people can spend going to
that place. The amount of money must be giving in USD using as exchange rate
1usd = 3.500cop. Budget: the vist to the place will be held from august 10th to
august 19th 2021 and it will be for 3 people.
Following aspects must be considered:
a. Flight (or bus) from Bogota, to final destination (It could be multiple
types of transport, all must be counted in the budget). Having Bogotá
as beginning point, how do we get to the place (all different ways to get
there, bus, car, airplane)
b. Transportation: How to get to the city center, and the places where I
will visit.
c. Acommodation: What type of accomodation are in the place and how
much it cost.
d. Food & Beverage: How much would a typical dish cost, or how much is
a regular dish. Considering that will be 3 meals during the day. (Br,
Lunch, Dinner). Option can be given as cook ourselves, going to a
restaurant or having someone to cook for us.
e. Visit places: How much does it cost to get to the main attractions, or
enjoy them.
6. Types of tourism: Kind of tourism that can be done (remember all the types of
tourism exposed by your classmates. I.E.: Someone may want to go a natural
park because of health issues in order to do some wellness activities. )
a. Principal attractions: What are the most interesting things to do and
see there.
7. Develop a slogan: Find a sentence like “Santa Marta la bahía mas linda de
8. Main competitors: If people don´t come to my place, where they would prefer
to go and why.
9. Marketing Strategy: What activities you would do to boost tourism at this
place. (have a website, social media, documentaries, post on newspapers, find
influencers, etc.)
10. Tourism organizations support: How can I get support from a tourism
11. Security: One important fact related to international tourism in colombia is
the lack of security in some areas. You must explain if this is a factor that
affects the flow of tourists at the place. (could be because of guerrilla, or
social problems such as robbery, etc)

Dear Students. I Forgot to tell you about item 11.

I hope you enjoy doing this, and learn that Colombia has a

lot of places that can be visited. Not only the beaches and

big cities.

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