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‘The Eat Senpal Spe Southeast Asian Robert Brow Univer of Cari, Los Anges ‘The reatonip bamcen niin and Southeast Asian cua, patty Grigg the fit mibenm AD. when Iie cial infvence appears fecise in Soutbeast Ain, has long interested scholars. This prooss of Indian cut infoese on Soubeast Asia 6 wualy called Tadaiation My paper dels special wih one ape of nda hw ld sevptral forms dlaaged who lnvodiced ino Souteas Asa Till be Tiniing mys” to the period tere 800 AD, al which tine regional tet ‘bgin to predominate want to prope Unt the yay. Indo Seale tailored daring thie period im Sotheat Ass in some wom unapeted it no, Bower, wiow sins the way Indie Sits changed and dewoped inthe same are ding thie Gime (& point 1 wil ectun to atthe cad of the paper. I ould say a be ott that the saber of eaiy sculpture is eed controversial in lage part becouse scolding of much ofthe edene tree gry, The entre centers om how ealy Southeast Adan sage Get appears ‘While T wil cass the dating below, want fo tess thatthe rel sb Ie isnot precsly ow early Souead Asan ses began as much as the ways in ich they speared ‘Satna wha have Propet dats for ery Indanrelated scales in Soutirat Asa tend 16 fall ito two camps: thse who propose dates of ‘he fourth to sith canter and thro who plac sos? of the mail omental bc, sith to eighth centuries Tam speking here more of & tendency toward arty or ter ding eter thn sot poson oy shor’ pat. Taking, for example, thee Thal art isorlans ~Dr. NNandana Chutnongs, Prot MLC. Subbodrads, Diu, aad De Paya ‘Krarsh~ one finds a dear peeeace for euee das by De Krak and for Iter dts by De, Caiongs and Prt, Dike (ef. Krish 1977 ‘wth Dish 1978 Krish 1980 yh Disb 181; Kraak 1976 with Chtinongs 1978) One may dicers, perhaps, an oval mowmest tomar Tater dang of ely Southeast Aaa suptre by contemporary scholars (Cia tots sit wvard ater diag Pr Jean Baler rong of he Phaom Ds se scr, lang. proposed at the waren! Khmer Sie sealpire, fom the ft tif of the sith century (0 the socom Saif of that caatiry or ater! The eted of the Inter dating to move (he ger corpur of est Southeast Aan sculpture formar (the ler pare of the sth and seventh cemuies,bat i docs nt sea, of oars thatthe osu that car ‘By the Suh ceaty, Chinese Mitodes and lea isrpons to hat there are Hinduled igoms sn Suthout Asa This evidence welt and fae bean cept edb schol, withoe, neve ies, reali, any comensa ag 9 tro, means, aod estat I ‘uncon, The Chinese reference note Indian connections vith Sth fat Ass kom tho thd contry “AD; and sneritions i Sand tr from round 400 tha weston In ctrl and gious chara Tero, Ie mot ler, Rowers, 19 what extent the peace of (aly 1 few) tats iniaten Untied oct. Inn ery bal aed Uhorogh recat veiw of the Tndtion Wertre, LW. Mabe 197, 1S comes to the coodion tha “perape ght upto the sth eat, the Indian “epee thal ented ere ity fom, sal tring centres, asonomons, and aking, Matvands ith abundet and tized popations sch as Angkor sty repeats Mabbets enctsion ft well wih the suptel evens for es onl ia the ‘Sek conay, ba mh moce ery a the seventh and ci tate fod Iniinlenced sale appearing any quit. ‘This Indian fnlcnced at cea, owes, aeady Southeast Asan isle and ‘oso sod. show comiderle omopenciy over widely sated ‘en Suen As ‘The erucal period for us therefore, i roughly the sith to eighth eatuies AD. Wht pocedue might we expect forthe dopin of dian Seatral forms during this ese? Most ly, one wood spose ‘ben Ina sculpts was brut 10 Soutben ‘Asi, wold nial be Copied. We should fae evidence of Indian model and acl copie. As neice recarch hat shown that dan ilocos wie nde, fae fons a tary of teat im Tada (Coeds 18553), we mig eect Copies ia + wry of Sol Indian es and wil vaning Snonrapies Akepesing om fat Indian se and sonography war adopted by sh fro of Sound Aa. te oer words, oral working ia Cambodia ‘ould be producing in the seventh cenay copies in ve se, wile om {be Sam esinale nother school weld: fe. producing, selpre ‘other Inn sl, and x0 ford And oe might suppose thatthe copies sald bear fl to the Indian model az the art in Southeast As hull pode. If be were an eps Inn art of a Indan-taned Soules Aan the ference from the Indian model shoal! be ne fib, The result of a foal sealer (bat one untained Indian at) ‘ying an Taian model wookd move o kas ack We the Indian nage, “epeeding pops on the lent of the aris but whatever the ro, the sels specie ‘oduct. "This doce mt, Bower, appear to fave eon the way i which toian sealtre was adopted in Soho Asn There a very few copies and ‘Gen fewer pone Indi imported septal mole datable tony Sine Sing the fat eight centres A.D, We do have the smal group of wll Town bronze sanding oddha images, such as he Buddha fom Dos ang in Vietam (Sallowe 1975 fg. 19), that were found in ations Ioctons in Southont Aus. Thy are prebbly Sinhalese and date 1o the fith to ach centwies (or even lner), but know of lmost 90 chet sell cely South” Asan soup record trom Southeast As, ‘ertape we tan spect that thre would be maby copies but oa fe ‘mods or oat oor Indian model may be ceded (0 spawn mumeroas Ioeally made epic, aod the fow fedian med could easly have been Tot Bt there ae a ve ed equal few apes ‘Alesnder Growl, who ota the ie of coping i hs important antigo Iages and tho Notre of Coping in he Ar of Sim (ase) fae sid tat there wore shoals Of seupere producing Budde Inge: (Bedell largely onthe Sinialee (pe soch a the Don Dang ‘udds) in Peninsular Thad and) Maya by the end of the sch featur, He ghes as one example ofthe lo school the add image i pu 9, ba I vane Co pinout tht th a wth aber of Be tabu ‘hone this aise, i & my opinion open fo question: Jean Boiseber 1995225, for example, Bae tad of the samo Buddha that "It seems oul that his work ax catia Thin Nevers, even if me copa of Griwols ideifcaon, we are lft withthe impression of ‘nea production. And what ofthe et of Southeast Ais 1 ant to soggest sow another set of carne thal appears reprsen beter than the copy and. code parm the way Lian ‘ealpral change took place in Souteast Asia When we begin t dently Toe sealpur, it ie esdy what would call fly Soubeas Asian in fle, 1 clesely oat Inan Furthermore, the Sout Asin sles Me not necessary strong loaned a the same se is sometimes found in widely separated. geographical ares. T propose tha may tventualy be posable to Sad among all those ear Soueat Alan Shee sett wihig charactors that wool! deine Souteast ‘kin sitio (in conrat to am Indian acctht). I am stgaesing, therefore, tht the eaiet Sota isn seulpurs shred more soticly and iooograpbiealy among, themsches thas they seems 1 be ffom the sh ceatry at of the Andhra" (OConner 19723), ‘Among the Tadan Via fags O'Connor er to compare tothe Chai fue. te Keston and cry Gupte period conch mip inages om ‘Neth Inia: The hse relation forthe Chain fare among these naps ito «Vien fom Bhinmal i Rajasthan which OComor (19729) ‘bie on UP, Stak, dis toc, M(. The Bhinnal Vion, howe, i Probably aa ery sith cemtry scale (Willams, 192.18; Schatok RSM. A second Vigo, aoe wed in OCosnors dcusion, but that Fels lossy to. toh the Bkimal aad Chae Vius, & preseoly Tocted inthe Circus House at Manson (2). Again the probably 2h century seule (Wim 19212; Sohal 198537). A onparson between the Chae and’ Mandoor Vinar (Gp. 20 aad 21) fovels their sme, for cample the way in which the cols of har ‘ah on th sara? There ae af couse, dilerences bewees the ina. Tele sashes me Ged diferealy, apd the sash forming » round loop teres the Hom of the thighs “on the Chive Vp mas ptiery ‘petant fr ‘O'Coonor in ting the closest Lian tiie our tov andhra in South Indias The compaizon Bee oa fo 8. Vi ima from Yaleenram (O'Comor 197, fi 12}, probably Ise fourth oF fit satury ine Suh lope sites, however, our on ea sith sentry ‘iw imap om the Elepasta nea, mitral tx spicy cle tothe Manoa Bhi Vins (Scho 985 fs. 18 ad 116). “One feature hat the Chapa iage ft that may sigget an. Aodhan like the tasted caengs (Kesh 18020), Soch earings were ‘ery poplar in Andra sclpare fom an exly psi. and they fall on (he suldrs ofthe Andhran image in manner sia 1 those the (Chaya Viswe (@. Ghosh 19637, STB). Neverthe, such carting ‘xcr in North Todian supre of the Ath and sich cen incaing ‘0 Vis images a well Hare 17, gs. 34 and, Asher 18, pL) ‘Wile anus can that be mde thal the. Cha Vane i forth sentry wih Andhran souresy suggestions can ao be made hat iti th centry wih North Indian rises What occurs with the, Chaya Vigo comparione “happes ropeely when comparing ely Soutien ‘Asim seulpore wh Indian sculpt 20 parley low nds fonparkont can to loand. Ths ic et, my opin, teste the Chale Yau i pce of nin ayer fom varoas ares. Rather, | think is im par tecause we we eatemelylinied ia ow comparthe mute from tna (fr example, the sculpt from And chat das to the le fourth, fh, and car ath cence =the period of the coal and nique Yalswaam Vise is alnost ttl uaknows); and mach of What is stb ofea open & ream! of dc. Als the Cha Yiu ie probaly nt eagle a lod image Bt isan ina i 9 series of” Southeast Assn sure ith wate efor awh fame afer largely lst? The Chua, Mondor, and Yalesmaram. Vis fe aot dic cel, Bo share fst or yet noun teal protege 1s with polos dscsions of ery man, the Kod eine hs tended 0 be srg tostber ia a staight Une Of rateable che tal puters is probaly mek more one of numerous paral but red Trane of development “ter wore popular in Souteat Asa and were olen asacted ith royally The ito mation of 4 sige in. Southeat Aa is a8 Incrtion fom Champa (Vietnam) of around 40 A.D. (Ui 1965.18 20), but nose tie carly has een ientfed among the ett Sota ‘Adaa camles, Louis Mallret attempted «general poly of ga from the Mekong eta (Cambodia and. Vien), peopesing that the carl exaat enumplen were lle Ctheny ith sed coud be Heted by thee dre of rela the more atomic reali the py, the fier i i The ‘commento gar, chose cided into hee secon ‘oth un upper eral Bed «central ocagoal shay sd square ou, fe thas ter thon the realtic figs, aioagh Mallet is ot lar a {other preste ditng, Be appears toss they. dhe fom he ‘Angkrian period (ox, wile the rele gar ae pre-Anghorian (tare 1959.37.38). ven among the comeational gar the degree ‘of reasm of the Bead continues to be rteion or dai. Mos if ot al scholars wing the Southeast Ain tngar hve scepted the ‘Segoe! of ral as the primary character for dag, combined a ROBERT BROWN ‘when pail, with he a ad ionography of Si’ aceon mai, Liar india abo propesed ough an iil period of anatomist reaiom to a ter more stjzd geometric ype. The dating of the realise and" geomare liggar in India and Soubeut Asi bore, opens tobe quite diferent For Soubent Asan lg, the west ‘eile cramps may be Ite Kf or sich wile the more comet lized nos ae Me sath, seeath cetuy, and Iter, Precision of ding (Se continuum from relic to geometric esp imposible as chlas opsinr of dhe vary v0 condonbly. Neverles, 4 range of ith 10 ahh century shoud saity most scholars for the period om seaitie ‘elnino geomet end. Idan fgar, on the ote ha go trou the tamion uch earer, and ae” fly geomarczed bythe ith ‘etary thir stom welt ped begs inthe fst centry BC. fn in ost way ir var by the eed of the fourth contr (Mitertlloer 1984), fe other wordy, when the eat and most reatic Souhest ‘Asin lgar appear in theft or ih canary, the Ins ar ae Shen fly conventionalized in fom, Thus as wih the neta images, the east Soutbeas Asian digo do not rela det 10 the oot ory gain India, bot appear rao eater types The OCEO Inger poised. ty Miler (5 2) are the mest eaistie of the Soueet Asin examples, ned they rele to ea Kisign period (ea osad cetary AD) examples (Miele 1984, pl). Whi iis fot imposible tat the Octo ner are the car, It gppous unkely (ie tthe der of other finde a the ie. Matere Rima campus the (OcEo gar to ove published by T. A. Gopiaata Rap (Rao. 1921: LS, SD. Rass cumple, from 2 temple im Ker in South Ini is Sltely vary cine "the OE ig, Rao OMS2E0) ca the [Kerala fig ances, by wich he meant st catey A.D. of caer ie thas, ar wth the Kagga ample sod bor, much carer (ya ‘inna of vee” deed yeas) than Mallerers Southeast Asin camps “The Oca Mga in shape and fora are thar quite cose to seer Indian cramples. Sich sry i, however, erepona, and Soahest ‘Asian agar sucky took Toons tht are diticly Southeast. Asian sod that show a wide geopaphie dabuton, Pehape the most iteroing of thee fs form of magn on which the fae of Sai shown a the ‘ge of the prague aed with the jot on ine wth the vets fet (Gomi) (Gge 25. snd 28) Typically the Sim Taos are very sal in ‘atom to the size of the Ang. No Indian source for this (pe of Image reniy presents ial "The coe parallel 1 have Toond fo the pisces and Tene ze of the Si face (but not the shape of the Bigs) hs ge rom Aghapta, tar Pradesh (25), ahough the INDIAN ARTTRANSFORMED ° ie a very cay (ft ceetury A.D} ctample (Kec 1886280), and has rpposdy lille rect rlstoasip tothe Souheat Adan examples, The Srateed Asn geopaphie eteton of in tye iv eal fore ap ‘mt the sinh cena inclader camples from co (Malert 195, BL 8), Wat Sok Sampo, Cambodia Parmeter 195, pL 1A, Uthone (Cena Thala) (ig 9), we the Indonesian archipelago (ig. 2). We thus sco again. sow Clr chuactrai actus Ge te Souheat ‘Aden in so and foompary, wth 2 io geoehic ond ermal ‘Gestion, aod wth no dear Indian mpd allosk rlaomipe can ‘eat with aan teri tha (sete nc caer ne “ate the pastes we hae seen with the Capes, Buda, Vigny, ani igs images help ia understanding the dereopmeat of ely seapure i Soabeast Asa? It would mean tht Sotheat Aan sje developed {fom few shared Soutbeut Asan sey rather thas Com Betco- encom spnting of nan acs ald mean that the Soules ‘Recent the Indian dessin omelet the mde Se thar fet to ent, Ke woul! mean tat there sas. m0 lengthy ‘lod of copying or of exprincatatn, Tor whick wy ined, have hte ‘Sadece, I ond en Gat thre, were ow lnc rc flee (einod aris working im Southeast Aun? 1C woul wean ha tore as ‘chee consct mong the iely Kingdoms, cen purge 2 ow joe ‘ems reponse forth erent yee ‘What Sally, might be the mecharism for this developmeat? What caphim tke meetions we oe? Almoa all schol ae eplainod the fety alr by the wave theory of sie infuence, scoring 10 which ‘ach wave of Indian artic ifence leer arse, 20 10 speak Tegnning nth Amaromll ence of the second (6 third cntures AD. ‘Tu the ramos Soutens Asan iagse arly look Eke any paar Indian images is that Southemt Aan cupare ig a montage the pnoriauon lg ont might be Amara, the Bigh apne pow Gp, tod so foth, That the wore waves of ifeace tr, in so for at Souths Acia wos expat artis, and perbpe more imporanly religous, developments and inortions in India ower the enti, and ‘oad, andi, when desir, arate i thm, Bat 1 60 Bt th that Soutbeas Asian scape cam be vowed in any way a patie of Indian ayes Parthormore, T-doabt tat thre ever vat an Amira period of ifloens, nls ove mea late Amarr xeth t0 nth entries) propaned by Dols Bart (195) Unfors bare no eplantion of How the arty Southeast Asan tle developed, in elle oat of thing, Are we sag in expecting 8 2 ROBERT. BROWN toeg period of development and experinestaton as being necesary 10 rode now art see? We hive other inane of ee pearing af fulllony, sich ar Palivs soptre tat appears suddenly in the eaiy even centry to develop wiki lly year 10 grees We wstme, Tomove, tht” the. Paliwas were” working. in non perancet atrl, evape fr cesta, Before wang won, and dat this ay explain the Keel at which Palin sone selpte bogie. Perhaps and period of wood and brick may help explain the ably of the Southest Aan {eaipor as well Iti let wooden pretes tat is the most lop ‘pliaion forthe ingancer when cary Soutbot Asha sculpt relates fore cely 19 eivier rater tan’ contemporary todan sculpture tog it in 20 way teppin all he amen Inde, the deelopment ‘cry “Souteas” Asan pare ie sereaywndosood, ad my pobings bere re lea eat, Lat mo conclude by aviag atteaion fo ceain yrallls betwen wat have propos fo salu change abd what sas be noted Sappened when Indian scxips appear i Sout Ada. MY tW0 auto ier for thre observations are Prono HLL. Start (197) and 10. de Capris (79). The eben Soothemt Adan ac, taal called "Pallant, te from ie appenace ia the thd century AD. already ‘noid, 6 Souhoast Stn, 50 that m9 parclar Idan model can be ented. Thi Palen sari thes sted Yor almost all cay epgaphs in watever langange In Souths Asin and shows 2 Bomogeacos aad Meera, Soutbca “Adie dovlopment op uni the ch ‘zt, whee Incl scits begin to appear Ths leds Storto (7B) to speak of 3 ecreaon and ol cramplanatn” of Indian scp and to snag tht the homagenety and apa development of piaraphy "of he middle of the ft mllesiam argues Io me competiie contagion edt fir depres of commerce beon the sales coneto Tink hates comments can app supra development wel. INDIAN ART TRANSFORMED s Sc et Ba eee cba a a SS ee ‘gees mot eho eat tr ine or tay Cte ie Chap sump a ft te ea Se Sheri Ee aiig Svatonena es Uy Brae 1, a, Wily 198.29 noe STE oni he gegen mee ‘Sik Dr ne Rose racing mateetba ae See een sagt Gas recess tee cm a an SSS eae SSeS ‘Wee Capa 4 ete Nal St Toomer 2 Sars oh Aime bw ee wt aa We ee ‘ec voi Vous tatoo dn, Fs Oe ian A Guar " ooo sey Se haa ay lee Tie em be Wn Se Fa Te it Vn 0, Oe iat bn Rn 7S a a te ny i mn ef a fn Ost Wein tt we Sa hte ne Staedn 3te Ea Pee 2 ROBERT, BROWN een ne iene a ne " a) ap of eB Spr An wy Pega Pa, 0 ‘Stes ey Sct som Patan Soa, ‘racing hutnsnt nt nin nen ain eck scr fn ae ‘oS ‘egy ey nin ranchoncy tnt Eomiyaandy chsh Wa 03 Oars Od ne ld ad Cae apt, rt eran nn manatee Be Raeemginemanemsnnie ot Se meets “Sar vat: vienna ae — SSeS ‘tie Amuro eo nt Ate en St ean nent ta oo perdi a este pig the ao Si eB parecer ee “oe ‘Serra npr rh cis AD. Fee ae co ‘sinfowate Pinar aon ct 2 Mang: TC hemenarnewton mtr ous ar rear Songer Se ere inns tata tren, SNneon “ et oe naman mente Pare: Bele Prone sree Ore os We "Eh athe a a Dir on Se Pec ¢eponon Eee aye necator seman, SOE Sa eseereet atm nnat it test hr ge TS Sncearepmstireteyrapcsniente Seprertee seg teeecane etna sunt, Pin Ca Amn ete dd - SA eeeemeegnee . emer SBT Lee ceeemmanaun cea oto eaimore sea Seesamratermn ey cea gue OH Ona Oecd a oe eerie emp ng: a Pe PANELS OF THE VITH WORLD SANSKRIT CONFERENCE Kern Inaitte, Leen: August 28-29, 1987 Gena Bier: JOMANNES BRONKHORST Idiom Arta Arcacolgs zat? INDIAN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY ELLEN M, RAVEN BJ. BRILL LEIDEN + NEW YORK + KOBENHAWN + KOLN

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