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First day of ojt


At the first of OJT in the Naic BFP. There are so many happen that will do. First of all
there are several fire officer that introduce to and briefing us about what can happen in the bfp
station and what work do we expect in the bfp naic station. On my first day F03 ilagan ask me to
wear the bfp costume and to become a mascot for the kids that can tour in the bfp fire station
naic. The name of mascot is BERO and I will entertain all the kids and make them happy and
proud and also to inspire to become a bfp. The second task will do is the cook for the fire
personnel and officer. The third task that will do is to clean the whole station and always don’t
forget to greet everyone in the station. In the afternoon the chief of BFP briefing us and introduce
to us. At 6;20 all the ojt students will pull out.

In the first day there are so many learnings that I learned that to become a BFP it is not
easy work there are so many work that they handled and also need to become fast in every move.
Also always on the alert and prepared because there are no time in case the fire happen and there
is no exception in case the alert will hear.
Second day


On the second day of our OJT at 0700H the first priority always is to clean the whole
station, because all the BFP personnel need to see that the whole station is always clean specially
to the officers in the station. After cleaning the whole station at 0825H we go to the office to
assist in the paperwork of the personnel, we assist also to the client that will go to the office if
they need to do to their requirements for their business at 1200H the morning duty is already
done and ask permission to eat lunch.

In 1300H in the afternoon we go back to the office and we continue the all paperwork
that will assign to us by the BFP personnel. At 1500H FO1 Justine Joy Padero teach us about fire
safety drills there are so many lesson that I learned. The lesson that I learned is all about the fire
tetrahedron, classification of fire, stages of fire, extinguishment theory, how to use the fire
extinguisher and so many more. After the first lesson FO1 Angelo Mark Feranil teaches us the
different parts of the ladder, and the 7 types of carrying the ladder if there is an operation.

There is no shortcut of being a firefighter there are so many trainings and seminars to
became a firefighter, because being a firefighter is very crucial the life and property is the
number priorities. So that every situation need to take it seriously and need it to response

On the third day of our OJT at 0700H same as always the first priority is the cleaning of
the whole station the kitchen, office and the barracks of the personnel. Also we are tasking to
cook for the morning breakfast of the BFP personnel. At 1100H BFP personnel teaching us the
proper way of donning and doffing of personal protective equipment of the BFP in the lessons
we need to wear the personal protective equipment within 2 mins and we need to undressed it
within 1 min, because in time of the operation we need to move faster before we come to the
location we must be ready quickly.

In the late afternoon all the BFP personnel alert because there is a grass fire incident at
the Barangay Sabang Naic, Cavite the 5 personnel response with 5 OJT students. After the fire
suppressed FO1 Angelo Mark Feranil teach us the proper way of handling the hose and the
proper aiming to the fire. These is the first response with the OJT students and it is not easy
because we need to move faster because there is come cases the fire can spread easily because it
is an open space. Then the second call happen in the late afternoon at Barangay Malainen Bago
Naic, Cavite with 4 BFP personnels and 4 OJT students a grass fire incident happen again the
fire suppressed immediately and no towards incident happen.

I learned about the response in case the fire happened that we need to alert at any times
and we need to move quickly because there is some cases that the fire can spread easily and
sometimes there is some property can be affected.
4th day of OJT

May 9, 2023
5th day of OJT

May 10, 2023

6th day of OJT

On the the 6th day of OJT May 11, 2023 at 0700H every morning cleaning the whole BFP
Station. The in 0900H FO1 Feranil give the task to the three cvsu students to paint their double
deck bed and finish it with the first coating. After we finish the painting to the double deck bed
we waiting the BFP personnel to teach us about the different kinds of hose folding.

At exactly 1330H we proceed to the ___________ and FO1 Fadero, FO1 Gavillano and
FO1 Feranil teaches us the proper way of hose folding. There are so many types of hose folding
that they teach to the cvsu and grandby students. Also after they teach to us the different kind of
hose folding every one of us must performed the different kind of hose folding and present it to
the BFP personnel. After we present the different kind of hose folding at exactly 1600H FO2
Cunanan discuss about the parts of the hose and how to combined the hose to the another hose.
After to discuss all the BFP personnel want us to perform fire drill. In the fire drill we need to
indicate the 3 hose quickly with the nozzle and aim the target cone first. After we down the
target cone the BFP personnel said that there is a dead hose and we must change it quickly and
need to stop and manipulate the fire in the fire pit.

I learned that all the movement that we create incase of fire disaster coming we need to
move faster and quickly to respond before the fire will spread. Also we know about the proper
hose folding and its functions. Hose folding is very important because it show us the proper way
to use the hose incase fire happen.
7th day of OJT

May 16, 2023

On May 16, 2023 the 7th day of of OJT at 0700H cleaning the whole BFP station. After
we clean the station at 1034H the BFP personnel give us the task to cook the ginataang langka
and paksiw na isda. Those are the lunch foods of all BFP personnel in the Naic Station. After we
do the cooking task at exactly 1230H the BFP personnel told us to eat our lunch and back at
exactly 1300H.

In the afternoon at exactly 1428H, FO3_______ teach the Cvsu and grandby students of
basic ropemanship. In the basic ropemanship there are so many learnings that we learn. We learn
about the different knot and how the rescuers use the proper way of knot to the severe
environmental conditions. FO3 ________ discuss all the uses of different kinds of knots and the
purpose. Also he presents to us actually to make more understand by the students.

In the 7th day of our OJT, I learned a lot about knot and its purposes in the time of severe
environmental conditions if we conduct a rescue operations especially. Because in ropemanship
lessons we must know the basic because it is very important and also we must use it incase the
disaster happen and no safety equipment that we can provide. So the number one we us is the
rope that there are so many use while in the time of rescue operations.
8th day of OJT

May 17, 2023

On may 17, 2023 the 8th day of OJT, cleaning the whole BFP station is the number 1
priority because FO3 moralina said that always need to be clean. After we clean the whole
station FO3 Aquendo ask the OJT students to help to move all the documents in the office. After
we remove all the documents in the office, we inspect every single documents if there is a
missing requirements or did not attach to the folder.

At 1000H FO3 moralina and FO1 david teach us or review us the proper bend, knot of
rope, because every one of us must need to performed all the different types of knot, bend of
rope. At exactly 1230H FO3 moralina dismiss us to have lunch then need to help FO3 Aquendo
to arrange all the folder that we remove in the office.

In the 8th day of OJT, the different kinds of knot and bend of rope it is very helpful to us
because we have an actual program that we need to apply all the basic of knot, bend and special
knot. Because in rescue operation all the basic that FO3 moralina is important.

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