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the kloe theme.

Working Abroad
Business English
Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students will be able to:

• discover vocabulary surrounding the “Working abroad” topic.

• select relevant information from the provided recording.
• recall the use of passive voice in future perfect tense.
• apply the learned grammatical feature (phrasal verbs in a working/business context) correctly.

2 Business English – Working Abroad

Warm Up Same as Jesita I would say Korean is the country that I want to.
Because i love their culture and also I am a Kpop Fans, i'd like to get closer with them :D
I think things that you must considered before working abroad one of the most important
is Legal stuff such as visa, work permit, and any other paperwork. There are plenty of
What thingstoshould
documents you your
prepare from consider
side too,before
such asworking abroad?
résumés, criminal record checks, and so

3 Business English – Working Abroad

Working Overseas
Essential tips for landing a job overseas
Use the words in the box to complete the cloze sentences below.

1) Develop a _______ strategy. a) job leads

2) Determine what jobs you want to _______ overseas. b) Develop/polish/acquire

3) _______ potential jobs, companies, and countries. c) Contemplate

4) _______ key job/language skills. d) pursue

5) Prepare job-search _______ . e) global

6) Build and use your network of contacts -- _______. f) obtaining

7) Prepare for the _______ job interview. g) correspondence

8) Follow-up all _______. h) Research

9) Consider _______ a graduate degree. i) job-search

10) _______ going/moving abroad. j) Locally and internationally

Business English – Working Abroad
Working Overseas: Answer Key
Essential tips for landing a job overseas
Use the words in the box to complete the cloze sentences below. Check the answers below.

1) Develop a job search strategy. a) job leads

2) Determine what jobs you want to pursue overseas. b) Develop/polish/acquire
3) Research potential jobs, companies, and countries. c) Contemplate
4) Develop/polish/acquire key job/language skills.
d) pursue
5) Prepare job-search correspondence.
e) global
6) Build and use your network of contacts -- Locally and
f) obtaining
g) correspondence
7) Prepare for the global job interview.
h) Research
8) Follow-up all job leads.
9) Consider obtaining a graduate degree. i) job-search

10) Contemplate going/moving abroad. j) Locally and internationally

Business English – Working Abroad
What To Remember When Working Abroad
Complete the gaps in the sentences below using the words from the box on the right.

1. It’s really important to be ____________________ in some countries – people will

get annoyed if you turn up late to a meeting. a. dynamic
2. In the some countries, staying loyal to one company for your whole life is
considered ____________________ – hardly anyone does it any more. b. stressful
3. It’s very important to be ____________________ of other people’s beliefs when you
move to another country. c. punctual
4. Living far away from your family can be quite ____________________, especially
when you’re ill or having a difficult time, so it’s important to meet people and d. harmful
make friends quickly.
5. These days, many companies are looking for ____________________ individuals e. regulated
who will bring creativity and enthusiasm to the job.
6. Try not to be ____________________ if someone does something that is
f. offended
considered rude in your culture – most likely they are just unaware of these g. old-fashioned
7. The issuing of work visas is often heavily ____________________ and it can be h. tolerant
difficult to get one for some countries.
8. Not taking time to learn about how things work in your host culture can be
___________________ to your success in fitting in with your colleagues.

Business English – Working Abroad
What To Remember When Working Abroad: Answer Key

Check the answers below.

1. It’s really important to be punctual in some countries – people will get annoyed
if you turn up late to a meeting. a. dynamic
2. In the some countries, staying loyal to one company for your whole life is
considered old-fashioned – hardly anyone does it any more.
b. stressful
3. It’s very important to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs when you move to c. punctual
another country.
4. Living far away from your family can be quite stressful, especially when you’re d. harmful
ill or having a difficult time, so it’s important to meet people and make friends
quickly. e. regulated
5. These days, many companies are looking for dynamic individuals who will bring
creativity and enthusiasm to the job. f. offended
6. Try not to be offended if someone does something that is considered rude in
your culture – most likely they are just unaware of these differences. g. old-fashioned
7. The issuing of work visas is often heavily regulated and it can be difficult to get
one for some countries. h. tolerant
8. Not taking time to learn about how things work in your host culture can be
harmful to your success in fitting in with your colleagues.

Business English – Working Abroad
Discussion Points I would love to because I love
watching K Dramas since I'm in the
Elementary school. My very first
What do you know of the following jobs?
drama that I watched is Boys Before
Discuss each job below with your teacher or the other participants.Flowers hahaha, since then I always
have a dream to be right there just to
learn something and of course if I
8 Best Jobs Abroad getting the job there i must be soooo
1. Teaching English in South Korea with Greenheart Travel—9.3 Ratingexcited and so glad for that rare
2. Resort Jobs with Smaller Earth in New Zealand—10.0 Rating
3. Au Pair in Australia with InterExchange—10.0 Rating
4. Working Holidays with Stint Ireland—9.4 Rating
5. AuPair with LoPair in China—8.4 Rating
6. Hospitality and Wellness Jobs with Instituto Hemingway in Spain—9.0
7. Teach English with TEFL Heaven—9.3 Rating
8. Working Holidays with BUNAC—8.0 Rating

Business English – Working Abroad
Listening 28.1 (Click the headphones icon for the audio access)
Working as an au pair
Sandra is working as an au pair in London. Listen to her talking about her job.
What does she think about these things. Tick the correct box.

Love Enjoy Like Not mind Not like Hate

• her job in general

• being with children
• cooking
• washing - up
• washing clothes
• ironing
• getting up early
• being indoors
• meeting people

9 Business English – Working Abroad

Listening: Answer Key
Listening 28.1 (Click the headphones icon for the audio access)
Working as an au pair
Sandra is working as an au pair in London. Listen to her talking about her job.
What does she think about these things. Tick the correct box.

Love Enjoy Like Not mind Not like Hate

• her job in general

• being with children
• cooking
• washing - up
• washing clothes
• ironing
• getting up early
• being indoors
• meeting people

10 Business English – Working Abroad

Grammar Brush-Up

Let’s review your knowledge on passive voice

in f u t u r e p e r f e c t tense

Complete the following cloze sentences with the correct future perfect form in passive voice

1. By this time tomorrow, the project _________ (complete).

2. I’m sure the car _______ (sell) by next week.
3. _______ the entire house ________ (clean) by the time we finish lunch?
Because it’s very dirty.
4. The report ________ (write) by lunchtime.
5. I assure you the contract _______ (draft and email) to you tomorrow

11 Business English – Working Abroad

Grammar Brush-Up: Answer Key

Let’s review your knowledge on passive voice

in f u t u r e p e r f e c t tense

Complete the following cloze sentences with the correct future perfect form in passive voice .
Check the answers below.

1. By this time tomorrow, the project will have been completed (complete).
2. I’m sure the car will have been sold (sell) by next week.
3. Will the entire house have been cleaned (clean) by the time we finish lunch?
Because it’s very dirty.
4. The report will have been written (write) by lunchtime.
5. I assure you the contract will have been drafted and emailed (draft and
email) to you tomorrow evening.

12 Business English – Working Abroad

Grammar Bits
Phrasal verbs
What is phrasal verb?
Phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb.

Phrasal verb formula: 1• Look forward to : To be excited because an event or activity is going to happen.
• verb + adverb (V) (Adv) (Prep)
I’m looking forward to working as a translator in Tokyo next week
• verb + preposition
• verb + both adverb & preposition 2 Branch out : Expand or extend one’s interests.
(V) (Adv)
The supermarkets have branched out into banking.

3• Break into : Enter (with effort or force)

(V) (Prep)
It’s always been his ambition to break into broadcasting.

4• Close down : Stop operating.

(V) (Adv)
The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.

13 Business English – Working Abroad

Grammar Bits
Phrasal verbs
What is phrasal verb?
Phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb.

Phrasal verb formula: 5• Step down : Resign or leave (a position/job).

• verb + adverb (V) (Adv)
The chairman was forced to step down due to ill health.
• verb + preposition
• verb + both adverb & preposition 6• Carry on : Continue.
(V) (Prep)
He moved to New York to carry on his work.

7• Note down : Write something down.

(V) (Adv)
Her answers were noted down on the chart.

8• Take off : Become successful or popular very fast

(V) (Adv)
Her business has really taken off.


14 Business English – Working Abroad

Grammar Exercise
Complete the following cloze sentences with the correct phrasal verbs

1. Let's ________ with what we agreed for the moment.

2. The shop is ________ because the owner is moving to Jamaica and work there.
a. look forward to
3. We ________ hearing from you soon.
4. The bookshop has decided to ________ into selling software and electronic
b. note down

publications. c. break into

5. Can you please _______ what I’m about to say? d. step down
6. Someone tried to ________ our hotel room last night. The door handle is now e. closing down
broken. f. branch out
7. Allen didn’t think that his online shop business would ______ so quickly. He
g. take off
feels really blessed.
h. carry on
8. She unwillingly agreed to ________ as managing director.

15 Business English – Working Abroad

Grammar Exercise: Answer Key
Complete the following cloze sentences with the correct phrasal verbs.
Check the answers below.
1. Let's carry on with what we agreed for the moment.
2. The shop is closing down because the owner is moving to Jamaica and work
there. a. look forward to
3. We look forward to hearing from you soon. b. note down
4. The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling software and electronic c. break into
publications. d. step down
5. Can you please note down what I’m about to say?
e. closing down
6. Someone tried to break into our hotel room last night. The door handle is now
f. branch out
g. take off
7. Allen didn’t think that his online shop business would take off so quickly. He
feels really blessed.
h. carry on

8. She unwillingly agreed to step down as managing director.

16 Business English – Working Abroad

Idiomatic Expressions
Study the following idiomatic expressions and practice using them in sentences
A long shot
An attempt or guess with very small chance of succeeding or being accurate.
• Getting a senior position in a corporation one day is a long shot, but if you don’t try you’ll never
find out if it’s possible.

Learn the ropes

Learn how to do things.
• He still needs to learn the ropes, but he has great skills.

Touch base
Briefly make or renew contact with someone.
• I just wanted to touch base and make sure you hadn’t changed your mind about seeing me.

Move the needle

To make a difference; to have a noticeable impact on something.
• They hired her to increase sales, but her strategies failed to move the needle.

17 Business English – Working Abroad

Role play
Act out the following roles with your teacher or the other participants

Set 1
Your name is Eduardo. You are Your name is Fatima. You are from Morocco. You
from Ecuador. You live in left Africa five years ago and now you
Madrid and you work as a work in Toulouse. You have your own business– a
waiter in a central restaurant. shop in the centre of the city.

Set 2

Your name is Nana. You moved from Athens

Your name is Magda. You are from the Czech
to Milan twenty years ago. You are married to
Republic. Now you live in Birmingham in the
an Italian and you work as a part-time
UK. You work as a nurse.
receptionist in a hotel in the city centre.

18 Business English – Working Abroad

Pronunciation Drill
Practice speaking these following words!

Thick Mouth Birthday

Sick Mouse Bath day

Arrive Math Light

Alive Mass Right

19 Business English – Working Abroad

Pronunciation Drill
Practice speaking these following words!

Words Pronunciation
• Acquire /əˈkwaɪər/
• Pursue /pɚˈsuː/
• Contemplate /ˈkɒn.təm.pleɪt/
• Obtain /əbˈteɪn/
• Correspondence /ˌkɔːr.əˈspɑːn.dəns/
• Au pair /ˌəʊ ˈpeər/

20 Business English – Working Abroad

Learning Reflection
Think of today’s learning session and answer the following questions

What new knowledge have you obtained today?

(Could be a new concept(s) or new vocabulary items)
Own your
learning! What do you think you can do with what you have learnt today?

What’s your favorite part of today’s learning topic?

21 Business English – Working Abroad

the kloe theme. Source:,

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