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Module 4 Preparation Work

Grading Rubric for Preparation Work

4 points 3.5 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points

Work was Most work Work, as a Most work Little work Practice work
thorough and was thorough whole, was was not was was not
complete. and complete somewhat completed. completed. completed.
but needed
more detail.


DATE 3/24/23

Watch the videos for each of the five main theories and write a BRIEF description IN YOUR
OWN WORDS for each.

Cognitive Learning Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development include the

Theory sensorimotor (birth to 2 years), preoperational (2-7 years), concrete
operational (7-11 years), and formal operational (11 to adulthood

Behaviorism Learning Skinner’s Behaviorism learning theory suggests that behavior is

Theory influenced and learned from external forces versus internal forces.

Constructivism Learning Dewey’s Constructivism learning theory is based on the idea that
Theory students create their own learning based on their experiences.

Humanism Learning Roger’s Humanism Theory focuses on a hierarchy of needs and is

Theory related to constructivism.

Connectivism Theory Seimen’s Connectivism is a newer educational learning theory. It

focuses on the idea that when people form connections, they learn
and grow.

Watch the videos for each of the following theories and write a BRIEF description IN YOUR
OWN WORDS for each. Include the theorist’s name.
Sociocultural Theory Sociocultural theory was developed by Lev Vygotsky. It highlights
the importance of culture, role language plays and zone of proximal

Spiral Curriculum Spiral Curriculum was developed by Jerome Bruner. Its Focus is
Content and topics can be revisited and expanded year after year;
Focused on understanding how the mind sorts information should
guide instructional design.

Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning was developed by John Dewey. It focus is

intentional and purposeful learning structures designed such that
students collaboratively work where group members have roles and
all are responsible for the hands-on learning

Multiple Intelligences Multiple Intelligence was developed by Howard Gradner. Its focus
was the traditional notion of intelligence, based on IQ testing that is
far too limited.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy was developed by Benjamin Bloom. Its levels of
questions include remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate
and create.

Sensory Learning Sensory Learning Theory was developed by Dugan Laird. Its focus:
Theory Providing visual prompts for students will enhance their learning
and Making lessons a multi-sensual experience will enhance
learning even further.

Levels of Learning Levels of Learning was developed by Robert Gagne. The 9 levels are
Gain attention, Inform students of the objective, Stimulate recall of
prior learning, Present content, Provide learning guidance, Elicit
performance (practice), Provide feedback, Assess performance,
Enhance retention and transfer.

Experiential Learning Experiential Learning Cycle was developed by David Kolb. The 4
Cycle - stages of stages are Concrete Experiences, Reflective Observation, Abstract
learning conceptualism and Active Experimentation.

Observational Learning Observational Learning theory was developed by Alber Bandura. It’s
stepped of modeling this practice is attention, retention,
reproduction and Motivation.
Watch the following video, and find an example of five different theories or aspects of the
theory in action. Give the name of the theory or the aspects of the theory (eg. scaffolding),
and describe the example from the video.

EI Video: How Many Beans: Clips 1 and 2

Bloom’s Taxonomy Scoop the beans and show them then ask them to guess again now
that they have new information.

Constructivist Learning Asked each student for their answer for how many beans are in the
Theory jar.

Logical Mathematics Booksmart, critical thinking, organized. Estimating how much beans
is in the jar

Levels of Learning He informed the students how many scoops are in the jar and

Stop - we will complete the remainder of M4 Prep in class

● Anchor Chart (45 minutes) The instructor will assign each table group 2 or more terms. In
your group, create an anchor chart for your theory. Briefly describe the theory and come up
with a classroom example. What would this theory look like in action in a classroom?
● Gallery Walk (30 minutes) Read the posters and add an example on a post-it note.

NOTE: Take notes, if you wish.

Theory Example

Vygotsky: Sociocultural Theory

Bruner - Spiral Curriculum

Dewey - Constructivism

Gardner - Multiple Intelligences

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