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Reading/Writing Lesson Plan

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Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

-A Restaurant Picture (can be -Students will be able to scan a restaurant’s menu.
shown online) -Students will be able to decide which item belongs to
-A Scrambled Restaurant Menu where on the menu.
(both as online and handout) / see -Students will be able to write their own menu using an
below to have it. online website.
-An Empty Copy of the Menu -Students will be able to write an advertisement text
-Website to create a menu: using given words.
Technology used: A Website,
Whiteboard , MSOffice

Warm-up and Objective Discussion (Brainstorming) 10mins

Teacher greets students and asks if they have heard about the new restaurants’ opening at the
weekend. Teacher shows a picture of a restaurant and asks questions below:
-Have you ever been in a restaurant?
-What was the name of it?
-How was your experience?
-Do you remember what you ate?
-Do you remember the price of a coke?
After ss. answer these questions, the teacher shows a menu to them and asks if they have
recognized it. Teacher says “So today we are going to scan this menu and work on it. At the
end of the lesson, you will be able to answer questions about the menu and choose what to eat
according to given information.”

Instruct and Model 7mins X R ❑ W ❑ L ❑ S

So let’s start by examining the menu. (Teacher distributes or shows the menu on the
whiteboard) Please read the names of the food and drinks, check the prices. (Gives time to
students 2-3 mins.)
This menu is a bit scrambled, we need to categorize them. (Teacher runs a MSOffice
document which has an empty version of the menu. Since students have a copy of the original
menu, the teacher continues;)
Here you see the cheese burger, which section should we put it? Yes, the food/snacks.
(Teacher writes Cheese Burger in the snacks section.)
How much is it? (Teacher elicits the answer and writes it next to the hamburger.)
Okay, next one is Fresh Orange Juice. Where should we put it? (Teacher elicits the answer and
writes it in the Beverages section.)
How much is it? Scan your scrambled menus. (Teacher elicits the answer and notes it next to
the Fresh Orange Juice.)
Guided Practice (Scanning) 8mins X R ❑ W ❑ L ❑ S
So this is what I want from you. Teacher distributes an empty copy of the menu as a handout.
And asks students to fill it in as the teacher has just done on the whiteboard.
This continues until they finish the whole menu. The teacher helps students if they need. After
the teacher prints the new menu. (or has it already.)

Independent Practice ❑ R XW ❑ L ❑ S
(Technology-Integrated) 30mins
“Since you are all familiar with a restaurant menu now, I want you to create your own menus.
Now please run your computer and type ‘Restaurant Menu Maker’ click the link (T shows the website online in the
classroom.) This activity may take longer compared to our other activities. So you are allowed
to listen to appropriate music with your earphones during the activity. You need to answer the
following questions before starting the activity; (T writes the list on the board)
-What kind of a restaurant do you have?
-What categories do you have in the menu?
-Do you have any special offers?
After deciding these, choose your theme and edit it online. Send the last product to my mail for me to check. Best three menus will be displayed on the classroom
board. The rubric is; (T notes these on the board)
-There must be at least 3 categories.
-The theme should match with the name of the place.
-Spelling matters
-Prices should be realistic

I will be walking around to help you. If you need me, just raise your hand.”
T scaffolds students during the activity as showing them where to click to do what to do.

Assessment 5mins ❑ R XW ❑ L ❑ S
“I appreciate the hard work guys! I am going to check your menus and send them back to you
until tomorrow night. However, we are not finished yet. As an assignment, you are going to
create an advertisement text for your restaurant. The text should have at least 200 words and a
slogan. And also you must use the following words: special offer, brunch, credit card, pet
friendly, take-out. Please send your texts to my mail address with your names clearly included.
(T notes the important parts and the mail address on the board.)

Menu (taken from
This menu has modified to used in this activity as below:
Empty Copy:

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