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1) Write the number literally.

30 __________ 100__________ 122 ____________________

1001 _____________________________ 1.000.000____________________

2) What time is it?

12:00 ______________________________

14:40 ______________________________



Two to two: Half past eight:

3) Complete the sentences with the correct word, between months, days of the week or

It must be ____________________, there’s a lot of snow falling.

In ____________________ holidays, we use to go to the beach.

I hate sweeping the leaves when it’s ____________________.

I love ____________________, there are a lot of flowers!

Christmas is in ____________________, and Easter is in ____________________.

The month that follows July is ____________________, and the preceding is _________________.

The week starts on _____________________, and ends on ________________________.

School days are from __________________________ to __________________________.

4) Complete the text with the words in the box.

we – who – I – his – my – us – it - her

Tom was having a party with _____, when suddenly the light went off and _____ decided to turn
on my mobile phone’s torch, and everybody followed _____ idea. Someone played music on
_____ mobile, and the party went on! As _____ were dancing, and Anna, _____ was very drunk,
tripped over and fell down on the floor, everyone laughed and nobody helped _____. _____
laughed too, stood up with difficulty, and continue dancing. _____ was a very funny night!

5) Choose and complete with a, an, the or - .

- Because of _____ traffic I had a delay. When I got to _____ office, _____ employee was
cleaning my place, and I had to wait _____ hour and _____ half until he finished.
- When I was 18, I went to _____ university of Massachusetts, _____ very good one.
- I love going to _____ University, I really enjoy studying.
- _____ financial struggles are very difficult to solve, especially if you don’t have _____
- _____ way that _____ economy in London is managed is_____ great example to follow.
- _____friends are _____ best company you have during _____ bad moments.

6) Choose between some, any, much, many, little, few and a lot and complete the

There’s not _____ milk.

He doesn’t have _____ money.

I have _____ of money.

There are not _____ tourists.

She has _____ apples.

She has _____ of apples.

I don’t have _____ cats.

We have a _____ time.

There are _____ possibilities to win the race.

7) Find the mistake and write the sentence in the correct form.

In winter there is a lot of tourists visiting Moscow.

Max have got a little time to do the homework.

I enough have time to do my task.

I bought this book also.

I haven’t yet finished reading.

Susie love the American singer Lady Gaga.

We enjoy play football in the street.

Steve studies these days.

I’m believing that God exists.

New York is biger than Los Angeles.

Puerto Rico is expensiever than Royal.

Longman is best dictionary to look up a word.

Try to put your headphones on and then tell me.

8) Write a short story of not more than 200 words, using all these verbal tenses: past
simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous.

9) Write an article of no more than 120 words, talking about technology in the future.
Use the future simple, future continuous, and going to.

10) Write a short description of you, no more than 3 paragraphs long. Use the present
simple, present continuous, present perfect and present perfect continuous.

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