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Test Features Excitation

GMR35 Software
Description of Test Features


TEST MODE........................................................................................................................ 2

SIGNAL SIMULATION MODE ............................................................................................ 4

DE Input Simulation ...................................................................................................................4

LAN Output Simulation..............................................................................................................5

STEP INJECTION TEST ..................................................................................................... 6

SIGNAL INJECTION TESTS............................................................................................... 8

Random Noise Generator ..........................................................................................................8

External Disturbance Signals....................................................................................................8

FIELD CIRCUIT BREAKER TEST .................................................................................... 10

OPEN LOOP TEST ........................................................................................................... 12

GENERATOR PERFORMANCE TESTS........................................................................... 13

Field Current Decay Test .........................................................................................................13

Sudden Short Circuit Test .......................................................................................................14

Voltage Recovery Test.............................................................................................................15

Short Circuit Test.....................................................................................................................16

SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE SIMULATION (SyMaSim)................................................... 18

TEST JACKS..................................................................................................................... 19

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Test Features Excitation

The test mode is a facility to change from shuntfield to a separate supplied excitation type in order to
perform some special generator or protection tests. The power supply might come from a brake or
test transformer or via a temporary test supply from a station service feeder. By selecting this mode
some software interlockings and restrictions for switching the excitation ON and OFF are skipped or
bypassed e.g. speed and generator CB interlockings, thyristor voltage supervision.
The power source of excitation during test condition is usually a temporary supply which probably is
not designed to cover all load requirements. To prevent an overload during test condition the field
current limiter can be used to keep the test-supply within the admissible limits.
Prepare a permanent supply to the excitation busbar.
To select this mode the excitation must be switched off.
When using the current limiter option – set the configuration parameter C21=1 (break/test transform-
er installed) and check the setting of current limitation for temporary supply V1942:
V1942 = --------------------
0,82 * Ifn
Imaxtst .... maximum admissible AC current of test supply in Amps
(consider the inverse time characteristic of the limiter)
Ifn ........ nominal field current in Amps
I 503 … selection variable for the "Excitation test" mode.
V1942… IPMXTR2 field current limitation second value (if a reduced limiter value is requested).
Test mode selection
When excitation is switched OFF - set I503 to "1" e.g. via ELTERM for all regulator configurations
(also dual channel regulators). Select menu 5 Terminal Mode to access all internal variables.
It is forced by the software when:
1) the "Master" button (I650) is pressed when excitation is OFF, but only when regulator is configured
as single channel (C4=0), *)
2) FB test mode is selected (I246=1) **)
Consequences when I503=1
1) excitation switches to current regulation = MAN mode.
During OFF condition it is forced to MAN. As soon as excitation is ON and the voltage is within the
regulator setting range – usually between 90% and 110% of nominal generator voltage, a transfer
to AUTO mode is possible.
2) the field current start - setpoint is forced to zero after the start command,
3) the field current limiter parameter is switched to the parameter IPMXTR2 (V1942) to prevent an
overloading of the test supply,
4) the excitation OFF command is released even when the generator CB is closed,
5) the excitation ON command is released even when the speed is below 90%,
6) the excitation ON command starts the break/test start sequence by closing the break/test AC cir-
cuit breaker to activate the separate supply,
7) thyristor voltage supervision is blocked, to prevent an excitation trip when missing ***),
8) the alarm "excit. test mode" appears on the alarm table.

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Test Features Excitation

To select or un-select this mode the excitation must be switch OFF.
During test operation an interruption of the AC supply circuit - e.g. by feeder overcurrent pro-
tection - must be absolutely avoided !
This interruption may harm or even destroy devices of the excitation or the feeder by overvoltages.
The discharge circuit of the excitation is the only device designed to interrupt the high inductive rotor
When exciting the machine consider that the brushes and sliprings have a significantly reduced cur-
rent capability at standstill of generator. In that case keep the rotor current below 5% of nominal !
Hazard of burn marks on the sliprings !
Switch excitation back to AUTO mode after finishing the tests, it will not return automatically.

*) @ version GMR35_20101005 or later

**) @ version GMR35_20101210 or later
***) @ version GMR35_20110905 or later

Test Mode Selection via Master-Button

Test supply current limitation feature

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Test Features Excitation


DE Input Simulation
For tests it is useful to force or to suppress signals of a digital input card DE of the AVR to skip inter-
lockings or to prevent unintententional trips.

Each physically wired digital input signal used in the AVR – controlling or feedback signal – is con-
nected to one of 32 inputs of one or several digital input cards DE32.
The 32 inputs of the first card (E00 to E31) are assigned in the firmware of the processor card to the
input variables E0 to E31, the 32 inputs of the second card are assigned to E32 to E63 and so on…

In software mailboxes the input variables E00 to E31 and E32 to E63 are assigned to an internal "I"
variable which are constantly used in the standard software.
To verify the assigned internal variable number please refer to the interface list or logic diagram.

Each digital input which have an assigned internal variable numbers between I200 and I231 is pre-
pared for a simulation mode and its logical status can be forced to HIGH = "1" or LOW = "0" via the
local ELTERM terminal when the simulation mode is activated.
Select menu 5 Terminal Mode to access all internal variables.
Set variable I700 = 1 to activate the signal simulation mode.
The internal variables I200 … I231 can now be forced.
To change the logical status of the variable I2xy (xy = 00 … 31) you have to select the corresponding
simulation variable V7xy.
Setting the "V7xy" variable to "1" forces the corresponding I2xy to "1" = HIGH,
setting the "V7xy" variable to "-1" forces the corresponding I2xy to "0" = LOW,
setting the "V7xy" variable to "0" leaves I2xy unchanged according status of the assigned input varia-
ble (E...).
Setting variable I700 back to zero will de-activate the signal simulation mode.
By this all V7xy variables are forced back to "0" and all simulated inputs will return to their input sta-

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Test Features Excitation

LAN Output Simulation

For verification of the correct signal transmition to the control system via LAN – all digital signals can
be simulated.

16 digital signals are summarized to one analogue "word" which is transmitted to via bus.
Totally 10 words are available for the LAN covering 10x16=160 digital signals.
The Variables in detail are:
Feedback and status indication: V799, 798, 797, 768,
Alarm indication: V791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796
For each variable V7xy one simulation variable V3xy is provided.
When activating the simulation mode (I900=>1) all LAN signals remain unchanged but are frozen
means any input signal change during activated simulation (I900=1) will not be recognized.
Select menu 5 Terminal Mode to access all internal variables.
Set variable I900 = 1 to activate the signal simulation mode.
Each input signal of the LAN variables V799, 798, 797, 768, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796 can now be
Simulate each input signal of V7xy to "1" by setting variable V3xy to the following value:
Bit 0 = 1 when V3xy = 1 (decimal) = 0.0005 (pu)
Bit 1 = 1 when V3xy = 2 (decimal) = 0.0010 (pu)
Bit 2 = 1 when V3xy = 4 (decimal) = 0.0020 (pu)
Bit 3 = 1 when V3xy = 8 (decimal) = 0.0039 (pu)
Bit 4 = 1 when V3xy = 16 (decimal) = 0.0078 (pu)
Bit 5 = 1 when V3xy = 32 (decimal) = 0.0156 (pu)
Bit 6 = 1 when V3xy = 64 (decimal) = 0.0313 (pu)
Bit 7 = 1 when V3xy = 128 (decimal) = 0.0625 (pu)
Bit 8 = 1 when V3xy = 256 (decimal) = 0.1250 (pu)
Bit 9 = 1 when V3xy = 512 (decimal) = 0.2500 (pu)
Bit 10 = 1 when V3xy = 1024 (decimal) = 0.5000 (pu)
Bit 11 = 1 when V3xy = 2048 (decimal) = 1.0000 (pu)
Bit 12 = 1 when V3xy = 4096 (decimal) = 2.0000 (pu)
Bit 13 = 1 when V3xy = 8192 (decimal) = 4.0000 (pu)
Bit 14 = 1 when V3xy = 16384 (decimal) = 8.0000 (pu)
Bit 15 = 1 when V3xy = 32768 (decimal) = -16.0000 (pu)
Setting variable I900 back to zero will de-activate the signal simulation mode.
By this all V7xy and V3xy variables will return to their input status.

LAN Output Simulation

@ version
GMR35_20111215 or later

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Test Features Excitation


In order to verify the transient response characteristics of the excitation system and for adjustment
and verification of the parameter settings of AVR or PSS the setpoint of the AVR can be interfered by
a step signal for a defined amplitude and period.
V250 … magnitude of the disturbance in p.u.
the value of this variable is added to the AVR setpoint V11.
possible range: -16 … 15,9995 in steps of 0,0005
T37 … duration of the injection in 1/10 sec.
possible range 0 … 65535 = 0s … 1h 49min 13,5s in steps of 0,1s.
T46 … pre- and post history time of trace record in 1/10 sec. *)
possible range 0 … 65535 = 0s … 1h 49min 13,5s in steps of 0,1s.
I 460 … this digital variable starts the injection for the defined time.
It will return to "0" when time T37 is over.
V253 … output value added to the setpoint V11 (also output for the softstart ramp)

Software details
Default values after restart of regulator: V250 = 0, T37 = 10 = 1s, T46 = 30 = 3s, I460 = 0
Routine implemented in Task 7 (cycle time 100ms)

Test run
1) Select menu 5 Terminal Mode on the local operation terminal to access all internal variables.
2) Determine the value and the direction of the injection signal in p.u.
a negative value => step down, a positive value => step up
e.g. V250 = -0.05 will step down the setpoint by 5%.
3) Determine the duration of the step in 1/10 sec:
e.g. T37 = 50 will apply the disturbance signal V250 for 5 seconds.
4) Determine the pre-/post history time for the trace record in 1/10 sec
5) Start the step injection by setting I460 to "1".
The trace record starts instantly, *)
after T46/10 seconds the setpoint step starts, *)
after T37/10 seconds the setpoint step stops,
after T46/10 seconds the trace record stops *).
(When I460 is set to "0" during injection – the injection will stop immediately).

*) The auto trace feature is available in the standard software GMR35_20121111 or later.

This software facility serves for test purposes and is therefore UNLIMITED.
Any wrong typed value may bring the generator out of its capabilities (overvoltage, overcurrent). Be-
fore activating the injection please check the values if they are typed correctly, in per unit, the correct
sign, comma on proper place, etc.

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Test Features Excitation

Logic without auto trace feature (before software GMR35_20121111):

Logic with auto trace feature (software GMR35_20121111 or younger):

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Test Features Excitation


In order to obtain the frequency, phase or amplitude response of the excitation system or for verifica-
tion of mathematical models for use in power system stability studies it is possible to inject a signal
from an external source or an integrated random noise signal into the regulator reference and sens-
ing summing junction.

Random Noise Generator

In the standard software a Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Generator (PRBS) is integrated and
can be switched to the AVR summing junction by variable I506 (=>Error 68).
For further details and how to use this feature please refer to the separate "PRBS test description".

External Disturbance Signals

When using an external source to interfere the AVR – one of the standard analogue inputs can be
used to inject this signal to the regulator. Ain1 is provided for this feature and the corresponding in-
ternal variable V511 can be switched to the AVR summing junction by variable I505 (=>Error 67).
V511 … internal variable name of analog input signal Ain1 in p.u.
this value is added to the AVR summing junction,
record this variable as source signal to compensate the phase shift of the input filters.
V1808 … gain of Ain1 input, calibrate the signal by this variable (default = 1)
V1809 … offset of Ain1 input (default = 0)
V1911 … software filter time constant of Ain1 (default = 0,01 = 10ms)
I 505 ... switch variable to connect V511 to the AVR, when I505 = 0 the signal is forced to zero.
Soft- / Hardware
Ain1 terminals on IWK2: X101 (+) and X102 (– /ground).
Resolution of analogue input Ain1: 4ms
Ain1 Hardware low pass filter: 45,2Hz cut-off frequency (-3dB).
By PGS jumper X600 the Ain1 input voltage range can be selected:

For ac signal injection –

set jumper X610 to disable input signal

This software facility serves for test purposes and is therefore UNLIMITED.
Any wrong value may bring the generator out of its capabilities (overvoltage, overcurrent).
Before activating the injection please check if the value corresponds to the required interference.
Increase injection signal slowly and check its influence and effect to generator and grid.

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Test Features Excitation

Block Diagram AVR

Position of the jumpers on the

PGS card

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Test Features Excitation


This software feature is a facility to switch the field breaker on or off when the unit is shut down, with
no requirement of any start up condition and without initiating the start up sequence.
The feature is available in the standard software GMR35_20101210 or later.
Before activating this test mode the speed (signal n>90%) and the thyristor voltage (UTHY>0.2) must
be LOW and they must remain LOW during the whole test period.
To close the FB additionally no internal or external trip must exist.
I 246 … selection variable for the "Field Breaker switch test" mode.
I 415 … FB switch test released. It is HIGH when pre-conditions are fulfilled and test is selected.
I 373 … negation of I415. Disables "excitation ready" signal.
I 429 … signal "End FB switch test", a 0,5 second pulse to restore normal conditions when:
1) test mode is resetted by setting I246 back to zero,
2) when speed or thyristor voltage raises during the test.
Both are also resetting I246 back to zero.
Test run
1) Select menu 5 Terminal Mode on the local operation terminal to access all internal variables.
2) Set variable I246 to "1". The alarm "excit. test mode" and a summary alarm appears instantly. Also
"excitation ready for start" disappears.
3) Switch field breaker ON and OFF as required by local Excitation ON and OFF commands on the
terminal or by remote ON and OFF commands when "REMOTE" is selected on terminal.
4) Reset this test mode by setting variable I246 to "0".

This software function serves only field breaker test purposes when the unit is shut down and must
not be activated when the unit is still turning or starting. When test mode is selected the ON/OFF
command will only switch the field breaker but not activate the bridge, field flashing or any other
breaker in the excitation system.
Any internal or external trip signal will block only the ON command to the field breaker or trip it when
it is ON. It will not alter the selection of this test mode.
When one of the pre-conditions vanishes during the test (speed, voltage) the FB will be tripped in-
stantly and the test mode will be de-selected. In this case please restore the correct pre-conditions
and re-select this mode.
A de-selection of this mode when FB is still closed will instantly trip the breaker and restore normal
operating conditions.

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Test Features Excitation

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Test Features Excitation


For some tests it is necessary to prevent any regulation and to use a controlled operation mode.
It is also used when the regulation loop is not closed or incorrect, e.g. bridge heat run.

The regulator card PGS3 contains the gate firing unit. On its front plate there is located a HST switch
to activates this mode. Below the switch is a second ± switch to raise / lower the output at this mode.

Test run
When excitation is switched OFF and supplied separately (no shuntfield connection) – push the HST
switch on the front of PGS card to the upper position "1". The gate pulses will be enabled, an alarm
appears and indicates that the device is not ready for automatic operation.
The mode can also be activated during operation, the actual firing angle will not be changed, i.e. the
change-over is bumpless.
Set the output to the requested value by using the ± button. Pushing upwards will move the firing an-
gle to raise the exciter output voltage, pushing the button downwards moves the firing angle to lower
the output voltage.
The firing angle can be checked on the ELTERM by selecting in main menu 2 Actual Values – move
the cursor down to parameter "V509 Firing Angle".
Measuring jack "U" on the front of card PGS allows the measurement of the adjusted firing angle by a
meter or scope, (0...5V corresponds to 0...180°). Please refer to chapter "Test Jacks"

V509 … Firing Angle (alpha)
P200 … minimum firing angle = positive ceiling, default value GR = 0.4444 = 5°
P201 … maximum firing angle = negative ceiling, default value WR = 13.3335 = 150°
I 520 … manual gate control selected => Alarm: "PIM0 man.gate contr"

The shown value of V509 corresponds to the firing angle.

At standard settings the range is:
V509 = 0.4443 …………... 8 …………… 13.3335
alpha = 5° ……………… 90° …………… 150°
max.output = pos.ceiling … zero … min.output = neg.ceiling

The setting range 0 … 8 on the display corresponds to rectifier operation (firing angle 0° to 90°) and
the range 8 … 16 corresponds to inverter operation (firing angle 90° to 180°).
Therefore the field voltage starts increasing with a setting of 8 (firing angle 90°).
The relation is:
Firing angle Alpha = N * ---------
N … value of V509, P200, P201

Use this mode only with external (separate) supply.
When using this HST mode with excitation in shunt-field connection the field voltage can hardly be
controlled in open loop mode (exciter output drifts permanently towards one ceiling).
A bumpless de-activation of switch HST is not possible.
De-activate the HST switch at PGS card to its normal operating position after completing the tests.

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Test Features Excitation


Some special generator performance tests are depending on the correct use of the excitation system
or can be performed easier when using some features or facilities of the excitation.
The description below contains hints how to make those generator tests effective by taking ad-
vantage of the excitation system facilities.

Field Current Decay Test

To verify the direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant Td0' of the generator the decay of the sta-
tor-voltage, field current and field voltage must be measured.
This software facility switches the gate firing unit to freewheel operation for a defined period. That
means on the thyristor bridge only two serial connected thyristors (L1+ and L1-) are fired by a pulse
chain. At the end of the timer the field breaker opens automatically and the excitation shuts down.

V1955… duration of freewheel operation
possible range 0 … 15,9995 = 0s … 1638s in steps of 50ms (1=102 sec).
default value of V1955 = 0,4 = 41s,
I 507 … (= Error 69) this digital variable starts the decay test for the defined time.
it returns to "0" when time V1955 is over.
After this time the field breaker trips automatically and the excitation switches off (I365)

Test run:
1) Select menu 5 Terminal Mode on the local operation terminal to access all internal variables.
2) Select variable V1955 and re-adjust the duration of the test when 41s is not sufficient.
3) Adjust the generator voltage to the requested value.
4) Start the stator voltage, field voltage and field current measurement.
5) Start the decay test by setting I507 to "1".
When during the test I507 is set to "0" then the excitation stops instantly by opening the field
breaker without endangering the equipment and machine.

This software facility serves only for no-load test purposes and must NOT be started when unit is
parallel to the grid.
Please consider: when the test is started with loaded generator the field current will decay to zero and
the unit remains unexcited on the grid !!

Routine implemented in Task 5, cycle time = 50ms

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Test Features Excitation

Sudden Short Circuit Test

For the verification of the transient direct-axis reactance Xd', the sub-transient direct-axis reactance
Xd", the direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant Td', the direct-axis sub-transient short-circuit
time constant Td" and the armature short-circuit time constant Ta of the generator – the course of the
generator voltage and current and the field current must be measured.

For this test the generator will be excited under no load condition up to a certain voltage level. Then
the generator terminals will suddenly be short circuited. From the course of the stator current after
switching the short circuit the sub-transient and transient parameters of the generator can be deter-
The sudden short circuit test is also used to verify the toughness of the stator winding at failure condi-

To get correct curves and measuring results the excitation must be operated without any regula-
tion by setting the firing angle to a fixed value in OPEN LOOP mode.
Please refer to the OPEN LOOP TEST in this description.

Use the HST switch on the front plate of PGS card to activate this mode. Use the ± switch to raise /
lower the output and adjust the requested exciter voltage. Watch the firing angle on the ELTERM by
selecting in main menu 2 Actual Values – move the cursor down to parameter "V509 Firing Angle".
Before switching ON the excitation and after activating this mode (HST=>1) please check if the value
of V509 is greater than 8 (means: exciter output = below zero).
If not press down the button until reaching this condition.

On the generator busbars a temporary short circuit busbar must be prepared.

Consider that the circuit breaker used to switch the sudden short circuit and all other temporary
equipment and precautions have an adequate toughness and design to sustains the expected transi-
ent peak values of current and the corresponding forces and mechanical stress.

At usual generator design please consider that the adjusted pre-voltage before switching on the sud-
den short circuit should not exceed a level of appr. 50% of nominal voltage. Up to this value the
stress remains usually within the normal operating conditions.

Usually the first test will be started at a low level of 10% and repeated on increasing voltage levels of
20, 30 and finally at 50% of nominal stator voltage.
On values above 50% generator voltage the forces during the test on generator stator-, rotor winding
and shaft torque exceeds the normal stress level.

In any case this test must be discussed with and agreed by the generator and turbine manu-
facturer !

Test run:
1) Prepare a temporary separate supply for the excitation.
2) Prepare a temporary short circuit on the generator busbar behind the main CB.
3) Switch ON HST switch on PGS card (pos.1). Check on local operation terminal ELTERM menu
2 Actual Values that V509 is greater than 8 (firing angle above 90°).
4) Speed up the generator to rated speed.
5) Switch ON the excitation (excitation terminal must indicate "Ready") and adjust the generator volt-
age to the requested value by pressing the ± button on PGS upwards.
6) Start the stator voltage/current and field voltage/current measurement.
7) Short circuit the generator terminals by closing the main CB.
8) After test remove all temporary precautions – restore normal conditions. De-activate HST.

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Test Features Excitation

Voltage Recovery Test

This test needs the preparations as the sudden short circuit test, only the test sequence is reversed.
It is used for the verification of the direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant Td0' of the genera-
tor. According IEC standard the field current decay test is the preferred method for this determination.
As the voltage recovery test can easily be done after the sudden short circuit test – it is usually per-
formed to cross check the value of Td0'.

For this test the generator will be excited under short circuit condition up to a certain stator current
level. Then the generator terminals will suddenly be opened. From the course of the stator voltage
after switching off the short circuit the transient parameter of the generator can be determined.

To get correct curves and measuring results the excitation must be operated without any regula-
tion by setting the firing angle to a fixed value in OPEN LOOP mode.
Please refer to the OPEN LOOP TEST in this description.

Use the HST switch on the front plate of PGS card to activate this mode. Use the ± switch to raise /
lower the output and adjust the requested exciter voltage. Watch the firing angle on the ELTERM by
selecting in main menu 2 Actual Values – move the cursor down to parameter "V509 Firing Angle".
Before switching ON the excitation and after activating this mode (HST=>1) please check if the value
of V509 is greater than 8 (means: exciter output = below zero).
If not press down the button until reaching this condition.

Test run:
1) Use the preparations for the sudden short circuit test:
a) the temporary separate supply of the excitation and
b) the temporary short circuit on the generator busbar behind the main CB.
2) HST switch on PGS card is ON (pos.1). Check on local operation terminal ELTERM menu
2 Actual Values that V509 is greater than 8 (firing angle above 90°).
3) Generator @ rated speed.
4) Switch ON the excitation (excitation terminal must indicate "Ready")
5) Short circuit the generator terminals by closing the main CB.
6) Adjust the generator current to the requested value by pressing the ± button on PGS.
7) Start the stator voltage/current and field voltage/current measurement.
8) Switch off the short circuit on generator terminals by opening the main CB.
9) After test remove all temporary precautions – restore normal conditions. De-activate HST.

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Test Features Excitation

Short Circuit Test

This software is a feature which only can be used on excitation systems provided with dynamic brake.
It uses the existing generator short circuit breaker for performing short circuit tests on the generator.
The short CB can be switch on or off when the unit is shut down, with no requirement on any brake
condition and it skips the internal interlockings of the short CB feedback signals when the relevant
software switch is selected.
The feature is available in the standard software GMR35_20120726 or later.
Before activating this test mode the excitation must be in OFF condition, the generator voltage must
be < 5% and the thyristor voltage must be < 20% (I176 UTHY<0.2 must be HIGH).
A separate power supply / brake supply must be available. The shuntfield supply from the excitation
transformer is not available during this short circuit test.
To close the FB additionally no internal or external trip must exist.
I 508 … selection variable for the "short circuit test" mode.
I 503 … selection variable for the "Excitation test" mode (see chapter "Test Mode")
Must be selected before selecting I508
C13 … configuration variable "dynamic brake installed"
I 1113 … overrules C13 (forced to LOW) during the test mode to skip the interlockings.
I 569 … short CB ON command. 1 second pulse when mode is selected (I508 -> H)
I 570 … short CB OFF command. 1 second pulse when mode is un-selected (I508 -> L)

Test run
1) Select menu 5 Terminal Mode on the local operation terminal to access all internal variables.
2) Set variable I503 to "1". The alarm "excit. test mode" and a summary alarm appears instantly. Also
"excitation ready for start" appears.
3) Set variable I508 to "1". Error 70 appears additionally.
4) When I508 becomes "1" a one second ON pulse goes to the short CB.
The pulse only comes when the conditions mentioned above are fulfilled.
When the short CB is not closing due to any missing conditions or interlockings you have to set
the variable I508 to "1" again to create a new ON pulse.
5) Now the excitation can be switched ON and OFF according requirements. It can be switched by
local commands or remotely.
6) De-activation of this mode is only possible when excitation is OFF.
Set I508 back to "0" to switch OFF the short CB and deactivate only this mode and keep the "test
mode" with the brake/test transformer supply.
When I508 becomes "0" a one second OFF pulse goes to the short CB
Setting I503 back to "0" will de-activate both varialbles, (also I508)

The ON and OFF pulse to the short CB happens only once. When it was not successful you have to
repeat the procedure.

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Test Features Excitation

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Test Features Excitation


When real time simulations are carried out by using the SyMaSim components connected to an AVR
rack - it might be useful to bring the excitation to ON or OFF condition easily without real switching or
activating the related power components (e.g. field breaker, AC-breaker, bridge, etc), mostly they are
even not available during this simulation conditions.

For this reason a software switch is provided to bypass all interlockings, prepare feedback signals,
blocks all digital outputs and also blocks voltage supervisions which probably are not useable under
this test condition.

Selecting this mode activates the following:

1) the outputs A00 … A23 and A28 … A63 are blocked
2) feedback signals of AC-breaker, field breaker and bridge in compliance to the state of operation
are provided after excitation ON or OFF command.
3) synchronizing voltage supervision and ASYNF are blocked
4) speed signal n>90% is forced

For details of using SyMaSim please refer to the SyMaSim MANUAL or SyMaSim QUICK GUIDE.

The feature is available in the standard software GMR35_20100208 or later.

I 288 … selection variable for "SyMaSim" mode.
I 1318 … CB OFF simulation (signal is forced automatically)
I 1319 … FB OFF simulation (signal is forced automatically)
I 1320 … bridge OFF simulation (signal is forced automatically)

Test run
1) Select menu 5 Terminal Mode on the local operation terminal to access all internal variables.
2) Set variable I288 to "1". The "excitation ready for start" appears.
3) Switch excitation ON and OFF as required by local ON and OFF commands on the terminal (check
that "LOCAL" mode is selected on the terminal).
4) Reset this test mode by setting variable I288 to "0".

This software facility serves only for stand still test purposes and must NOT be started when unit is
excited or even parallel to the grid.

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Test Features Excitation

On the front plate of the PGS card there are 4 test jacks located.
One for ground GND (top right) and one output jack for testing signals of each processor (A, B, C).

Via software it can be selected which signal is represented on the test jacks.
By setting the value of 3 variables – one for each processor – you can select the signal.
The attached list shows the value in decimal format (T) and also the calibration of each signal.
Note: the calibration is not exact, it depends on the input voltage. That means if the input voltage is
e.g. 5,2V then the maximum output voltage is also appr. 5,2V. ?…depends on act.value calibration.

V544 …selection variable for processor A / jack top left. Default value = 0 => firing angle alpha
V542 …selection variable for processor B / jack bottom left. Default value = 0 => field current
V543 …selection variable for processor C / jack bottom right. Default value = 0 => gen. voltage

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