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CII1 - 1
Let’s get started

Make a list of as many personal values as you can.

What are the five top values you consider important in a person?

Group Work
From the values previously discussed, would you
venture to rate those values in terms of percentages
held by most people you know?

Talk about a case or cases in which most people

seem to lack of the most important values.
Support your answers to illustrate your point of

Lexical Enrichment
Work with a partner and discuss the meaning of the following idioms. If you do not
know what they mean, guess the context in which they can be used.

Barefaced liar Catch red-handed

Live a lie Smokescreen

Stretch the truth

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 2
To check your expertise on these idioms, answer the following questions with your

Do you know anyone who can be considered as a “barefaced liar”? Explain

the reasons why.

Have you ever been caught red-handed or have you ever caught anyone
red-handed? What happened?

Why do you think people live a lie, instead of telling the truth?

Do you know of any situations in which a smokescreen has been created?

Is it common to stretch the truth? Why do you think that happens?

What about you?

What would you do if....?

1. ... there was a mistake in the Would you come up with an extra
restaurant bill? couple of questions that are a matter of
2. ... you found a wallet on the
street? Share them with your classmates

3. ... you asked for one product

and received two?


Look at the picture and preview the context

in which the topic of “Personal Values
and Ethical Choices” can be applied.

Watch the video and check if you

were right.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 3
If you could choose only one value that most Peruvians lack, which one would it be?
Support your answer.
Are you aware that your behavior affects others? Think of what you could you do to
have a better or more beneficial impact on others and share your thoughts with
someone else.

Pronunciation - Enunciation awareness pill

Google episode 46 Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Assimilation

of /t/ and /p/

The first of a series of pronunciation-enunciation videos created by the BBC that will
help you to be a better listener and a more fluent speaker.

Your teacher will be aware of how well you intake those recommendations while
engaged in your conversations in class.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 4
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to be able to participate in this unit-topic?

(Being 5 the most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while working with this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to reinforce some areas? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to take.)

Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most important things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you do the suggested task?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 5
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
participation in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your speaking skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 6

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 7
CII1 - 2
Let’s get started

What impactful events usually take place in a person’s life? Make

a list of them.

From the previous list, discuss with a partner what impactful events may turn
into a life changing experience and why.

Group Work

Most new and life changing experiences imply making radical

decisions. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of leaving our
comfort zone.

Once you are done with this evaluation, outweigh their impact
with your group.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 9
Reading and discussing
Take a look at the picture in the following reading, and based on our topic “Life
Changing Experiences”.

Work with a partner and foresee what kind of impactful event could come
out of the context of a beautiful country cottage. Then, read the text silently
to find out if your anticipated events were right or wrong.

Jake’s story

My parents had a small cottage in The Peak District, which they used for
walking holidays. After I was born they started to go to the cottage more. In the
end, we used to pack up the car every Friday evening after school and drive for
3 hours to get to the peace and quiet of our lovely cottage. During the week
my parents worked in the IT industry near London, we went to expensive
private schools and we all worked long hours and travelled a long way to school
or work.

We hardly saw each other. We had a lot of babysitters as my parents had to

work long hours. Every Sunday evening we used to lock up the cottage. But it
got harder and harder to leave. Every Sunday morning was torture and we all
hated the idea of leaving our village friends and the beautiful views. Last year, my
Dad had had enough. He sold our big house near London and my parents gave
up their jobs and long working hours. They bought a smaller car and sold our
speedboat. We are now squashed in to our holiday cottage, two adults, three
kids and a dog. My parents get the work they can and do lots of work from
home. We never have babysitters. The best change for me is that I am not in a
large class in a huge school. I go with my brothers to a tiny local school. After
school my Mum doesn't need to drive us around as we get on our bikes and
cycle round to see friends. My life is just so different. We feel calm and happy.
We have got fewer things. Dad can't buy us all the CDs and stuff we used to
want. I am outdoors more and have less time for my computer. I have got less
but for me it seems like so much more. I am so glad we changed our life.


® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 10
What would you say the turning point of this story was?

Make a list of things that both parents may have had to assess before making such
Evaluate the immediate results this family has experienced with such change in
their lives.

What impactful event or events may force this family to make another
life-changing decision after moving to the countryside?

If this storyline were your family living in Peru, not in the UK, would you make the
same decision? Support your answer.

Share some ideas with your classmates

What about you? Think about a life
changing experience in your own or in
your family life.
Tell your classmates about it.

What happened? Where did it happen?

Any further details? When did it happen?

Who was involved? How did it change your life?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 11
Flipped task

Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? Figure it out by getting some

information about the characteristics of fixed and growth mindset for the
following class. Which one do you have? How does it impact your own life?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 12
Pronunciation and enunciation practice

Enunciating your words clearly is an essential element to communicating

your message.

Say the following tongue twister aloud.

Start slowly and slightly increase your speed each time.

Peter Piper

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 13
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to be able to participate in this unit-topic?

(Being 5 the most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while working with this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 14
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 15

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 16
CII1 - 3
Let’s get started

Based on your previous research, what are the main characteristics of

each kind of mindset?

Which one do you have and how does it help or constraint you?

Do you think there is a different kind of
mindset between your generation and your
parents’ generation? Elaborate the main points
of agreement and disagreement.

Think of a situation or situations in which you feel that young and old people
speak two different languages.
Work with a partner and discuss the major reasons of disagreement
amongst both generations and why they happen.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 18
Group Work
Discuss the following situations where the generation gap may influence people’s
decisions or recommendations over the following situations:

Situation 1 Situation 2
Are there any changes Is there a difference in the
regarding dating someone way you feel when you have
special between your a young boss/teacher as
generation and your with an older boss/teacher?
parents’ generation? Which Why do you think that
ones? Extent your answers happens? Discuss possible
with clear examples to scenarios to bridge that gap
support your argument. in a positive and fruitful way.

How do you envision the gap between your generation and the next generation will
be? If you could give one important message to the next generation, what would it be?

Share your message with other classmates in class.

Pronunciation - Enunciation awareness pill

Google episode 47 Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Linking /r/

From BBC videos, so that next class you are more aware of how you pronounce the
sounds you are practicing with.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 19
Flipped task

Being a “digital nomad” is a term that is becoming common in the labor market.
Surf the net and get information about what that term implies.What are the
benefits and risks of being one?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 20
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to get engaged in this unit-topic? (Being 5 the
most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while developing this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 21
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 22

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 23
CII1 - 4
Let’s get started

How can you define “Digital Literacy”? Discuss with a partner

how much you know about this term and if you consider
yourself a digital-literate or not, provide extra support to your
answers by mentioning characteristics you think are important
to fit into this term.

Now watch a video to decide how close or far

you were from the real definition. Take notes of
their main characteristics to contrast them later
with your previous ideas.


Work with a partner and make a list of activities where technology has changed
the workplace. Next to each place and/or activity you should write the media or
technology currently used in it.

Once you are done with the previous task, compare your findings with other
groups and rank the media or technological devices from the most relevant to the
least important one. Compare your answers again.

Remove the most important technology from your list and with a different
partner discuss what impact it would have on the current working environment.
What could we do then?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 25

From your previous research, evaluate and

compare with a partner what the advantages and
disadvantages of being a “Digital Nomad” are.

Would you like to become one? Elaborate and

support your answer.

Being a “digital nomad” is a term that is becoming common in the labor market.
Surf the net and get information about what that term implies.What are the
benefits and risks of being one?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 26
Group work
Think of an event that may shut down the electric power source of a city or a country
for more than a week and make a list of daily activities that may be critically affected
by it. Discuss the consequences of such event in the lives of the average citizen.

Having reflected on the dangers of

becoming a tech-dependent, prepare a
two-minute speech about “getting
ready for a week of electrical power
shutdown”. Work in groups and
organize your speech.

Before going over the reading, work with a partner and answer the question posed in
the heading of the reading.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Changing the Workplace?

SAN FRANCISCO—A workplace run by artificial intelligence (AI) and

robotics is not a futuristic concept. Such technology is already a part of
the workplace and will continue to shape the labor market. Therefore,
employers need to anticipate changes in job functions and be aware of
legal pitfalls associated with evolving technology.

Eighty percent of U.S. jobs are service-oriented, according to the Bureau

of Labor Statistics. AI developments in the service sector will have a
dramatic impact on the labor market and the types of jobs that will be
available in the future, Wisskirchen said Nov. 8 at the American Bar
Association's 2018 Labor and Employment Law Conference.

"In the past, we saw trends coming slowly," she said. But now, new
technology is disrupting whole industry sectors, and business leaders may
not see it coming. "That's scary for companies."

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 27
Tasks Are Changing

Robots don't just passively do what someone programmed them to do

anymore, said Brian Koncius, an attorney with Bogas & Koncius in Bingham
Farms, Mich.Historically, robots were used in a fenced-off area of a factory
to perform physical tasks, but they can now work beside people to do
complex and intelligent job duties. Algorithms are able to determine
patterns, learn from them and make decisions.

But Wisskirchen said she doesn't think that intelligent robots will
eliminate a lot of jobs overnight. "A high percentage of tasks—not jobs—
will be changing soon," she said. Repetitive, monotonous tasks will be
replaced. Even lawyers, journalists and other professionals perform tasks
that are repetitive and monotonous that AI can take over, she noted.

It will be a gradual move for many businesses, but certain jobs and
industries will see rapid change, she added. For example, labor-replacing
technology for cashiers is already out there. Some casual-dining
establishments and retail stores use kiosks to take orders and payments
from customers. Making the switch to technology is a matter of
investment for large retailers—and many leaders are waiting to see what
their competitors do—but the change is already happening, she said.What
skills will still be needed in the future? Creativity, problem solving, critical
thinking and teamwork will be important as the workplace evolves,
Wisskirchen said. Education and training programs will need to focus on
these skills. AI will also impact workforce design, Wisskirchen said. For
example, businesses will likely increase the number of freelancers they
(adapted from the article by Lisa Nagele-Piazza, J.D., SHRM-SCP)

Discuss the following questions with your partner:

How close was your previous answer to what you have found in this article?
How is AI impacting on the workplace?

What should employers keep in mind?

Have you seen any usage of AIinyourcity? Support your answer with facts.

Do you think AI will replace human beings in the future?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 28
In the light of all the issues that have been discussed in this session. How ready is your
professional profile to fit into the demands of this global tech work environment?

Pronunciation - Enunciation awareness pill

Google Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: 'Twinning' or

Gemination Episode 48

From the pronunciation-enunciation videos created by the BBC to gain more insights
on how to improve your diction and pronunciation.

Your teacher will be aware of the progress you make in class.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 29
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to get engaged in this unit-topic? (Being 5 the
most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while developing this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 30
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 31

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 32
CII1 - 5
Is it better than
20 years ago?
Let’s get started

In pairs elaborate a definition of what “lifestyle” is to you.

Share that definition in class to evaluate the concepts you

have about it.

Watch a video to evaluate how close or far

your definitions were. Based on a clearer
concept of what lifestyle is, make a list of
different lifestyles and with a partner,
discuss characteristics that are part of each
of them and why.
How would you describe your own

Is life better nowadays than it was 20 years ago? Why? You may use the
following ideas and topics to elaborate a better-supported argument:
Eating habits Studies Entertainment Work

Children’s games Clothing Exercise Media

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 34
Do you think that a person’s lifestyle
has an impact on their health?
Identify positive and negative traits
associated to this concept.


Regarding lifestyles. Do you think people are getting enough sleep as

they used to? Why? How does sleep deprivation affect people’s lives?

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

How can sleep deprivation affect a person?

Do you know anyone who may not be getting enough sleep? Relate
your answers based on the video information.

What tips can you give to those people?

Are there any changes you would like to make regarding your sleeping

Group work
You are going to deliver a talk on: How to have a balanced lifestyle? Provide examples,
facts, experiences, etc.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 35
Flipped task
Flipped task

Do some research on social networks. What are

they about? How useful can they be?

Social Connections (e.g. Facebook)

Professional (e.g. Linkedin)
Multimedia Sharing (e.g.Youtube)

Academic (e.g. Research Gate)

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 36
Pronunciation and enunciation

Google Episode 49 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Elision of /t/

From BBC videos, so that next class you, your classmates and your teacher will be
more aware of your progress.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 37
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 38
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 39

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 40
CII1 - 6
Let’s get started

Based on your previous research, list the social networks you

have identified. According to your criteria, rank them from the
most useful to the least useful one.
Compare your list with a partner and discuss your findings
and ranking.

What is the impact of Social Networks upon society? You may focus your
discussion on different areas of interest: education, work, social life,
commerce, etc. How much do they contribute or distract people’s

Based on your previous discussion, give a
well-supported argument in favor or
against the use of social networks by
pre-teens and teenagers. Should they be
allowed to use them whenever they want?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 42

According to you what is the best way parents could deal with their
kids in relation to the use of social networks?

Watch a video and check if your criteria approaches or differs from the ones in
the video or not; explain your partner the reason of such similarities or
differences. Finally, discuss with your partner whether you agree or disagree with
the tips provided in the video.

What other suggestions can you make?

Group work
After having discussed the many angles of social networks, evaluate their pros and


Take this online quiz: Google

What social network are you? and find out the answer. It will not take you more than
2 minutes.

Discuss your findings with your classmates and tell them if you agree or disagree
with the results and why.

Pronunciation and enunciation practice

The following tongue twister will help you to enunciate better the sound S & Sh.
Repeat it three times. Remember to start slowly and slightly increase your speed each
Susie Shine

I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.

Where she shines, she sits, and where she sits, she shines.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 43
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 44
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 45

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 46
CII1 - 7
Let’s get started

Let’s talk about shopping! How much do you like or dislike this
activity? Talk to a partner about that.
Recall the last experience you had when shopping and share it
with your partner.

How has the shopping experience
changed over the last few years? List the
changes you have observed over the last 5
years and share them with your partner.

Are you into online shopping? If so, how has the experience been so far?
If not, tell your partner what refrains you from getting online.

What do you need to keep in mind when shopping online? Make a list of
tips to make that experience satisfying and discuss it with your group.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 48
Take some time to answer the following questions individually. Then compare it with
a partner, to find out how similar or different your behavior towards shopping is.

Me My partner

How often do you buy

online tickets (cinema,
concerts, airplane, etc)?

Have you ever bought

anything from a door to
door salesman or a street

Are you a bargain-

hunter? Do you tend to
wait for the sales before
buying things?

Have you ever haggled?

How successful were you?

When you get some extra

money, do you tend to go
on a shopping spree or
you prefer to save up?

You are a team leader in a marketing company that wants to raise their online sales
by 20%. Work in groups and present arguments in favor of online shopping to a group
of customers reluctant to do so. Be persuasive and convincing. In groups play both

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 49
Useful Language

The first point I would like to raise is this...

Here’s the main point I want to establish...
Let me just restate my position. My partner
Our opponents have still not addressed the question we raised
a moment ago...

We said that...but the other side has not replied to our point

Let me just respond to that, please

If you would allow me to add a comment here...

Do you do shopping for pleasure or
because you actually need new products?
How much does it affect your personal

Pronunciation and enunciation practice

Google Episode 50 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Intrusive /r/

from BBC videos, so that next class you, your classmates and your teacher will be
more aware of your progress.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 50
Flipped task
Flipped task

Search on the internet and find out about the

technology being used in the world to reduce
the negative effects of natural disasters.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 51
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 52
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 53

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 54
CII1 - 8
Let’s get started

List the most common natural disasters you know about and rank
them from the most to the least lethal.
Discuss your findings with a partner.

Have you or any of your close relatives
or friends ever been through a natural
disaster? Tell the class about your

Are we prepared to face a disaster? If a 7.5 earthquake hit our city, right
How well prepared are you, your family and your workplace?
What immediate actions would you take?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 56
Flipped task
Flipped task

Based on your previous research, tell your

classmates what is being done in the world
regarding disaster preparedness.

Contrast information from different places. Is

there some progress about getting prepared to
face a disaster? How about our country? What’s
being done and what is missing?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 57
Group work

Work in groups and develop a project called “Getting prepared for a

disaster” to be conducted in your community.

After this discussion, what actions are you going to take to be prepared against
disasters? Give a two-minute encouraging speech.

Pronunciation and enunciation

Google Episode 51 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Schwa

from BBC videos, so that next class you, your classmates and your teacher will be
more aware of your progress in this area.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 58
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 59
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 60

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 61

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