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Diana Marcela Mora Cristancho

Fundación universitaria del área andina AREANDINA.

Programa de pregrado finanzas y negocios internacionales.

Asignatura: Ingles IV-9114

Homework: WHAT IF…
Objective: The student is able to use conditionals effectively.
Writing Activity

Writing Activity 1. Answer the following questions and explain your answers.

1. If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, where would you go?

R/ I would like to go to Europe and visit several countries on the continent. My first stop

would be Barcelona, which is located in Spain, i think it is a beautiful city and its architecture

is not comparable to any other city. I want to see the church of the Sagrada Familia there. In

Madrid i would like to see a flamenco dance show, I consider that it is a romantic and

mysterious dance, also to try the gastronomy, i think it is very varied and has a lot of flavor.

Additionally, i want to go to Rome because it is a historical site, i want to see the architecture

and also eat some of its gastronomy, i think that Europe is a continent with a lot of cultural

richness, i like it a lot.

2. If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?

R/ My favorite animals are cats, i would like to be a lioness, the lions are strong,

independent, protective, fierce, and intelligent animals. They have many qualities that i

identify with, and their fur and eyes are very pretty. I would like to be able to have your sight

since i wear glasses and i would like to be able to see better.

3. What would you do if you won a lottery?

R/ It is a difficult question, the first thing I would do is pay for my studies and then invite my

family to a dinner where we can celebrate my winning the lottery. I would like to take my

family on a trip to another country without us having to worry about spending more money
than we had budgeted, I would also look for ways to invest my money so as not to spend it all,

I like to think about my future and that of my family.

4. If you could speak any other language (besides English) which language would you like to

R/ Mandarin is a language that i would like to learn, i study international business and Asian

countries are good providers, i would like to be able to speak this language in order to have

better job opportunities.

5. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?

R/ I would like to be with family, telling them that and i love them very much and that they

never forget me, i would also give away my things so that my family does not have the painful

task of having to collect my belongings.

Speaking Activity

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