Coronation of Archaon

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em emma ON OF ARCHAON LI -TORD OF THE END TIME ARISES Le rears after the Great ‘War against Chaos, Archaon and his swarband, the Swords of Chaos began co bea ared and respected force in the northern Chaos Wastes. Fe ‘eentury Archaon joumeyed across the lands, seeking out the = actelacts of power belonging to the 42 CORONATION OF ARCHAON. ‘greatest Champions of Chaos that had ever roamed the lands. However, the last of these powerful talismans, the fabled Grown of Domination always eluded his search It was this ivem that Archaon nceded to prove he had gained the full fayour ofall the Chaos gods. At Last after years of searching, he learnt of its place of rest from the cursed spirit Be'lakor. This hate filled being had tried to claim the Grown for itself, But could and was, forced to lead Azchaon to the First Shrine of Chaos. The First Shrine is located high in the World's Edge Mountains, and Archaon led an army of Colossal size to the base of the towering peaks, 1is massive war horde had grown immeasurably in the years leading up to his attempt to claim the OF avoid its preordainec ‘Crown, as the legends surrounding his deeds spread, Leaving his the base of the Archaon, rid the back of his daemonic mount ascended the mountains as night was falling, With unnatural speed, his infernal steed carried him tirelessly through the twilight towards the shrine, following the sha high into the peaks wy creature Be lakor Arriving at the hidden shrine, built into 4 cliff fice and concealed with powerful magies, Archaon dismissed his daemonic steed back to its infernal place of origin. With a sereech, the beast returned to the Realm of Chaos, leaving only a trail of burning imprints where its hooves had touched the mortal world, As the illusions concealing the First peared, Archaon viewed the mighty portal to the holy place. Ie was maddening to look upon the great double-doors carved with rnumberless scenes of devastation and. bloodshed, Even as he watched, the scenes shifted, the carved figures hhacking at each other in bloodlust. Daemons swung uel blades around them, slaughtering their foes and each, other in glorious mayhem, Undaunted by the tiny figures that turned to-loak at him, Archaon strode to the doors that opened unaided before him. The spirit Be'lakor led Archaon insid immense, rough! ‘chamber. On the floor in the centse of the room a huge symbeil was « a. "carved, a great, black, cight-pointed star, ‘be stae of Chaos. No living creature had | salked these halls for centu -Aechaon was filled with awe “he eyes oF the gods upon him he felt ‘Seawing his ancient and powerful she Slayer of Kings, Archaon forced Se'lakor to lead him truly, for he knew at the jealous being would zy to lead ‘Bim to his death itt could. Tre corporeal spiritbeing recoiled, its exmense shadowy wings shrinking away ‘om the feared glowing blade, though ay norm: [weapon would have a ie Whispering like an icy wind, Be'lakor spoke, its hate- Siled voice seeping directly irto the ‘ind of the mighty Warrior o Chaos, From out of the darkness a lang arm of shadow was formed. Delicate talons of arkness unfurled, and the ereature beckoned Archaon to follow, The t arated, Te Gov of cha asad him with their ets one ater another, ombarding him with challenges to trercome and! thus prove his wort this Horie. ithe failed in these Binal tests Be woul be tortured fr ete, bat Gin is nothing wo the dark gods and they would suther vai for another to Sie thant have one noe worthy feesrng the Grown of Domiration Bays, he epi of he cursed Daaon Deine Be lao was thee, leading in ret onwards. The spin of deride Sed ound him, whispering ts words sf deen d bated in ba ea Sivempring to district Archon Som his Gallenges. A blinding ight asailélarchaon's eyes, Sod he raised a hand to cover therm, ‘hen the painfal ight faded, Archaon Send himself standing in the middle of th island of stone, barely rwenty fet in ameter, hanging in dackoess All Seovnd the floating stone island was Bitck as pitch, and Archaon circled serrily his glowing blade held in band. Tithe gloom, windows oflignt began to ppeat, torn open for brictrroments ‘Sefore snapping shut again. Flames id be seen in these rifts as they and silhouetted against the ibe scen the dick shapes of ag rents in the manner of daemon, igs Teatherce, feathery scene: on 4 ened talons clutching at ing 10 pull him of che stone darkness, He hacked around Sword of Kings, somashing ‘creatures from the ain, weaving cate and powerful dance with his fe. Where the ancient weapon

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