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Morpho shawlette


Row 1: Ch4, in fourth ch from hook work 8 dc’s, turn

Row 2: Ch4, *dc in next st, ch1* work * to * 7 times, dc in last stitch, turn (9dc’s, 8 ch1

Row 3: Ch5, *dc in next st, ch2*, work * to * 7 times, dc in last stitch, turn

Row 4: Ch4,* dc in ch2 space, ch1, dc in next st, ch1* work * to * until the lat ch 2
space, then dc in ch2 sp, ch1, dc in last stitch, turn (17 dc’s, 16 ch1 spaces)

Row 5: Ch5, * dc in next stitch, ch2* work * to * until the last stitch, and dc, turn

Row 6: Ch5, dc in same stitch, V-st in every remaining dc of previous row, turn

Row 7: Slip stitch into ch2 space, ch3, work 6 dc’s into same space, *sc into next ch2
space, 7dc’s into next ch2 space*, work * to * across row, turn (9 fans)

Row 8: Ch5, dc in same stitch, *ch2, sc in center dc of previous rows fan, ch2, V-st into
sc of previous row*, work * to * and work V-st into last stitch of the previous row’s fan,
turn (10 V=sts)

Row 9: Slip stitch into ch2 space, ch3, work 6 dc’s into same space,* ch2, sc in sc of
previous row, ch2, work 7 dc’s into next ch2 space* repeat * to * until the end of the
row, turn (10 fans)

Row 10: Ch5, dc in same st, , *ch2, sc in center dc of previous rows fan, ch2, V-st into
sc of previous row*, work * to * four times (this will put you at the fifth fan), ch2, V-st,
ch2, dc into same stitch (between the fifth and sixth fan), work * to * to end and work V-
st into last stitch of the previous row’s fan, turn

Row 11: Slip stitch into ch2 space, ch3, work 6 dc’s into same space,* ch2, sc in sc of
previous row, ch2, work 7 dc’s into next ch2 space* repeat * to * until last sc before the
center V-sts, ch2, 7dc’s into each ch2 sp of the center V-sts, work * to * until the end of
the row, turn

Row 12: Ch5, dc in same st, , *ch2, sc in center dc of previous rows fan, ch2, V-st into
sc of previous row*, work * to * center, sc in 4th dc of previous row’s fan, ch2, (V-st,
ch2, dc in same space) between the center dc’s on center fans, , *ch2, sc in center dc of
previous rows fan, ch2, V-st into sc of previous row*, work * to * to end and work V-st
into last stitch of the previous row’s fan , turn

Continue repeating Rows 11 and 12 until desired size.


The last two rows will build upon the last row of fans to make a nice, simple, scalloped

Row 1: Ch4, (DC, ch1) in next 6 sts, dc in sc of previous row, ch1 *(DC, ch1) in next 7
sts, dc in sc of previous row, ch1, * Work * to * until you reach the center fans. Work
(DC, ch1) fourteen times, dc in sc of previous row, ch1, then work * to * to end of the
row ending with (DC, ch1) in first 6 sts of last fan, DC in last st, turn

Row 2: Ch2, HDC into each space and stitch for the next 12 sts, (these will all be worked
across the top of the fan), skip the ch1 space of previous row,SCc in DC of previous row,
skip ch1 space of previous row, *Work 13 HDCs across the top of the next fan (one per
st and space), skip the ch1 space of previous row, sc in DC of previous row, skip ch1
space of previous row* Continue working * to * until the center fans at which point you
will work 27 HDCs ( one per st and space, including the center space between fans), skip
ch1 sp, sc in DC of previous row, skip ch1 space. Start working * to * until the end of
the row, ending with 13 HDCs worked into the sts and spaces of the last fan.

Cut yarn, weave in ends and block as desired.

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