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Tang, Beyonce Fernandina Y. September 27, 2022

STEM 11-11 Ms. Lovely Rose Ozo

“There is life in mining.” It’s amazing to think how words can be so simple yet so powerful. There
is no doubt that there are different views about mining, some may find it good, and some may find
it bad. But here’s the thing, we can never really have both. Something can never be fully good and
fully bad. Mining is truly impactful to many, to us people, and to the world we live in.

Ever since mining started in Surigao Del Sur, many mountains and bodies of water were affected
because of it. The mountains that was once full of trees, that was once full of greens, are now in
color brown. The rivers and the lakes that were once clear, are now in the color of a mud. On the
other hand, the miners that do this job can finally bring food to the table, they can finally afford to
send their children to school, they won’t have to worry too much because the minerals they remove
from the mountains will help them live. Maybe that was what the protester meant when he said,
“There is life in mining.” Because there really is.

But what really are the benefits and the disadvantages of mining? Let’s start with the positive–
benefits. First, mining helps us have the resources need to construct our homes, schools, hospitals,
roads, highways, bridges, and airports, as well as affordable, dependable electricity. Mining is
frequently a source of employment locally and may have an impact on local and regional
economies. As I’ve watched in the documentary, there are several protesters that are fighting
against the closing of mineral companies due to the reason that if these companies close down,
many workers will lose their job, and these workers have families to feed, they have children to
take care of, and a future to plan ahead. Mining is a local source of employment, and with the
system we have in our country right now, I doubt they’ll find a job right after they lose the job
they have if ever the mining companies close down. Mining also plays a big role in helping our
economy, mining helps with the construction of roads, hospitals, autos, homes, satellites,
computers, and a variety of other consumer-favorite products and services all need the usage of
mined materials. Furthermore, mining is economically significant for producing nations and

Now, let’s tackle the disadvantages of mining. Through direct and indirect mining practices,
mining can have an impact on the environment at local, regional, and international levels. The
consequences can include soil erosion, sinkholes, biodiversity loss, and contamination of surface,
ground, and freshwater resources by chemicals released during mining operations. Let’s talk about
nature, the mountains, the bodies of water, everything will be affected because of mining. If too
much mining continues, and trees are being tore down in the mountains, we will be facing a
disastrous event in the future. Imagine if a strong storm comes, and no trees are present within the
mountains, imagine the aftermath. Imagine what would happen. Think about the lives that will be
affected and how will the economy bounce back after such a catastrophic calamity. Also, mining
is a dangerous industry. There are risks, such as breathing in coal dust, hearing damage from mine
noise, and chemical hazards, still exist, but the evolving nature of mining has given rise to a number
of new problems. As mines are getting deeper, the risk of collapse has greatly increased.
How can we solve the disadvantages and problems of mining, especially in our country? These are
several ways to make mining more environmentally friendly. First, we can build from reusable
waste. If the proper steps are not taken to ensure that the mining process is carried out as safely
and effectively as possible, mining may not only pose a risk to the environment but may also be
perceived as having a negative impact on public health. How can we prevent this? Here’s an
example, aluminum can be substituted as a recyclable material rather than using bauxite ore, which
is a rarer and less reusable material. We can also help solve the problems of mining in our country
by being reasonable, excessive mining must not be tolerated, we only have to take what is needed.
This way, we can achieve a civil relationship with mining.

How can we achieve sustainable development? Reusing mining waste. Mining waste can be
recycled to re-extract minerals, supply extra fuel for power plants, supply construction materials,
and repair surface and subsurface land structures damaged by mining processes themselves if it is
properly assessed.

“There is life in mining.” I agree, however, we also lose lives in mining. The lives of the
environment that will be affected, we may lose the lives of the plants, and the animals. And when
this happens, we are also affected, how can we find a source to live if they die? We are tasked to
take care of our environment, not destroy it. We don’t really have to lose lives if proper mining
will be done, and in that way, we can all finally fully agree with the saying “There is life in mining.”

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