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Capstone Project: Road to Zero – Project Plan

The Road to Zero: Every year, approximately 100 people in Manitoba lose their lives as a result of preventable
traffic crashes on our roads. The provincial Road Safety Plan provides a vision for Manitoba to have the safest
roads in Canada and lays the groundwork for one day achieving zero lives lost. How can we get there?

You will create a capstone project that engages and encourages Manitobans to recognize driving risk, and
aligns with the Road to Zero vision. Hand in your completed project plan to your instructor at the end of Class 5.

Project Title:

Purpose: What is the purpose of your project? How does it support the Road to Zero vision?
the purpose of this project is to make drivers understand that the risks they take put the themselves

in danger as well as other drivers who never did anything wrong

Summary: What topic(s) does your project cover? What key points will you address in the presentation?
• Long-term safe driving behavior: wearing your seatbelt, driving at an appropriate speed, etc

• Risk perception: understanding the risks of not commiting to safe driving behavior

Format: How will you present your project (video, presentation, poster, live play, essay, etc.)? What do
you need to present your project (e.g., whiteboard, projector, etc.)? In addition to the summary you
provide the instructor, what other supporting material will you provide (e.g., commercial or play script,
link to YouTube, essay, etc.)?
i will present it with a powerpoint presentation

i have a link to a youtube video to play at the end of my presentation

Impact: If your project becomes a reality, how do you think its success could be measured?
i hope that this project will make drivers understand how dangerous there actions can be while

Capstone Project: Road to Zero – Project Plan
What project responsibilities does each group member have? (max. 4 per group)

Group Member #1: Nahom Group Member #2:

presenting powerpoint and everything

else nessesary for my presentation

Group Member #3: Group Member #4:

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