Karachi Institute of Economics (Contractor Inn)

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Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology

Final Year Project


Submitted by:
SAMEER 10132


College of Computing & Information Sciences

A final year project report presented to the College of Computing & Information Sciences,
Pakistan Air Force – Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology in partial fulfilment of the
requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Science

pg. 1

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... 4

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... 7

LIST OF FIGURE ......................................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 1................................................................................................................................... 9

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 9

1.1 Motivations ................................................................................................................. 10

1.2 Problem statements ..................................................................................................... 11

1.3 Objectives and Contributions ...................................................................................... 12

1.4 Project Scope ............................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER 2................................................................................................................................. 15

2 Literature Review/Process Review..................................................................................... 15

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Literature Review ................................................................................................................ 15

2.3Functional and Non Functional Requirements .................................................................. 16

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................ 25

3 Projects diagrams ............................................................................................................. 25

3.1 USE CASE DIAGRAM ................................................................................................... 25

3.2 ER DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 27

3.3 Sequence Diagram ................................................................................................................. 28

3.4 Technology used: ............................................................................................................. 29

CHAPTER NO:4 ......................................................................................................................... 32

pg. 1
1. Project Planning ................................................................................................................. 32

1.1 Project Timeline Summary ......................................................................................... 32

4.2 Project timeline details.......................................................................................................... 33

4.3 Test Cases ............................................................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER NO 5.......................................................................................................................... 36

5. GUI of Application ............................................................................................................. 36

5.1 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER NO 6 ......................................................................................................................... 41

6.Conclusion and Future Work ................................................................................................. 41

6.1 Limitation ....................................................................................................................................................... 41

6.2Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 41

6.3 Future Works ................................................................................................................................................ 42

REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................. 43

CODE ........................................................................................................................................... 43

pg. 1
A Contractor inn is a platform that allows multiple construction companies or contractors To
collaborate on a house construction project. The system can include features such as project
management tools communication channels and document sharing. It may also allow for the
bidding and selection of subcontractors and suppliers, as well as the tracking of project
progress and budget.

Contractor Inn is a platform designed to facilitate collaboration and project management within
the construction industry. It serves as a centralized hub where construction companies and
contractors can work together efficiently, streamline processes, and enhance productivity.

The platform offers various features such as project management tools, communication
channels, document sharing, and vendor management. It allows users to create and manage
construction projects, track progress, allocate resources, and monitor budgets. Additionally, it
enables the bidding and selection of subcontractors and suppliers, ensuring transparency and
efficient decision-making.

Contractor Inn is built using modern technologies such as React for the front-end development
and MySQL for the backend database management. The user interface is designed to be
intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly, enabling seamless interaction between users
and the system.

The development process involves gathering requirements, conducting feasibility analysis, and
designing an optimized architecture. Rigorous testing and quality assurance ensure a reliable
and robust system. Ongoing maintenance and support are provided to address any issues and
incorporate enhancements based on user feedback.

The implementation of Contractor Inn aims to transform traditional construction project

management by digitizing processes, reducing paperwork, and providing real-time access to
critical information. It enhances collaboration, improves decision-making, and promotes
efficiency throughout the construction project lifecycle.

By leveraging the power of technology, Contractor Inn contributes to higher productivity,

quality assurance, and streamlined operations within the construction industry. It empowers
construction companies and contractors to effectively manage projects, reduce costs, and
achieve successful outcomes.

In our report we could discuss the benefits of using a multi-vendor construction in our contractor
inn, such as improved communication and collaboration among them members, increase
efficiency and productivity and the ability to manage projects more effectively you could also

pg. 1
discuss any challenges or drawbacks to using such a system, and how they can beaddressed
Additionally you could include a case study or examples of how a multi- vendor construction
has been successfully implemented on a real construction projects.

pg. 1

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Peace and
blessing of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

First of all we would like to acknowledge our parents, all the teachers, institutes and mentors
that have always supported us and helped us reach this level. Our most humble regards to the
Director CoCIS, Khalid Khan, our Program Manager, Dr. Salman Ahmad Khan and the
outstanding FYP committee members, Muhammad Zubair, Samrina Zameer, Ms. Aemon and
Ali Babar that have time and again guided us, tested us and clarified many problematic aspects
of our work. Adding to the long list we are grateful to have had Salman Khalid as our advisor.
And saving the best for the last we would like to acknowledge Our Lord the Almighty Allah for
everything He blessed us with and without whom no endeavor including this one could have
been successful.

Imran khan

Jan 2023

pg. 1

This report is dedicated to PAF-KIET University, our Teacher, our Supervisor, our Parents, our
fellow colleagues and the hard-working students of PAF-KIET, with a hope that they will
succeed in every aspect of their Academic Career and this project may help them in any aspect
of their life.

pg. 1
S.N Figure No. Figure Name Page No.
1 Figure 1.4 Project Scope 5

2 Figure 3.1 Use Case Diagram – web Application 6

3 Figure 3.2 Activity Diagram 7

4 Figure 3.3 Sequence diagram 8

5 Figure 4 Project Timeline 9

6 Figure 5 GUI of web application 10

pg. 1
1 Introduction

In today's era, everything is based on any kind of visualization. Like the coming era is of met
averse in which all are connected from their home. Contractor inn provide information in aquick
time according to the requirements that are to be fulfilled. This website provides inconsistency of
data and reduce the paper work. This technique will give us quality assurance and higher
Contractor Inn is an innovative platform designed to revolutionize collaboration and project
management in the construction industry. It serves as a digital hub where multiple construction
companies and contractors can come together to collaborate on house construction projects. With
a comprehensive suite of features and tools, Contractor Inn aims to streamline project workflows,
enhance communication, and improve overall efficiency.
At its core, Contractor Inn provides a centralized platform for project management, allowing
construction professionals to efficiently oversee and execute complex construction projects. The
platform offers an intuitive interface that enables easy navigation and accessibility for users of all
levels of technical expertise.
One of the key strengths of Contractor Inn is its robust project management tools. These tools
empower project managers and teams to effectively plan, schedule, and track project activities.
From task assignment and resource allocation to milestone tracking and progress monitoring, the
platform provides comprehensive project management capabilities that ensure projects stay on
track and are completed within the designated timelines.
Communication plays a pivotal role in the success of construction projects, and Contractor Inn
recognizes its significance. The platform incorporates various communication channels, such as
real-time chat systems, discussion forums, and video conferencing, to facilitate seamless
communication and collaboration among project stakeholders. This enables efficient coordination,
quick issue resolution, and effective information sharing, regardless of geographical locations or
time zones.
Document management is another integral aspect of Contractor Inn. The platform offers secure
and centralized document sharing and storage, allowing construction professionals to upload,
organize, and access project-related documents with ease. From blueprints and permits to contracts
and specifications, all essential documents are readily available, eliminating the need for manual
paperwork and ensuring that everyone has access to the most up-to-date project information.
Contractor Inn also provides a platform for subcontractors and suppliers to participate in the
project. Through a streamlined bidding and selection process, construction companies can evaluate
and choose the most suitable subcontractors and suppliers for their project requirements. This
fosters healthy competition, encourages quality workmanship, and ensures the selection of the best
partners for successful project execution.
Furthermore, Contractor Inn offers robust tracking and reporting features that allow project
managers to monitor project progress, track expenses, and manage budgets effectively. These tools

pg. 1
provide real-time insights into project status, financials, and performance, enabling data-driven
decision-making and proactive risk management.
In summary, Contractor Inn is a groundbreaking platform that facilitates collaboration, project
management, and communication among construction companies and contractors. By providing
an all-in-one solution, Contractor Inn aims to optimize construction project workflows, improve
efficiency, and foster successful project outcomes. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive
features, and commitment to streamlining processes, Contractor Inn is poised to revolutionize the
construction industry and drive positive change in the way construction projects are executed.

This application will take the place of traditional tape measures and total station on ground.
This emerging web application will allow users to work fast and effective way. This web
application project will allow the user to generate or interact with the environment of the real
cost of project perception this project is to develop the user friendly and interactive website

1.1 Motivations

The aim of the project is to build a simple, effective computerized Construction

web application. It starts from the process of collecting relevant details and
requirements from the Companies. The Scope of this application deals with the
administrator of the software. The administrator here is the advocate who deals with
the handling of addition, deletion and updating the detail This Daily Board software is
limited to advocates only who is the administrator of the software, who manages all the
working and allows the client to enroll and handle the data of clients in their respective
registered cases and its details.
The motivation behind Contractor Inn stems from the desire to address the inherent
challenges and inefficiencies present in the construction industry. The construction
sector has traditionally been characterized by complex projects, fragmented
communication, and a lack of streamlined processes. Contractor Inn seeks to
revolutionize the industry by providing a comprehensive platform that addresses these
pain points and enhances collaboration, efficiency, and productivity.
Streamlining Collaboration: One of the key motivations behind Contractor Inn is
to streamline collaboration among construction companies and contractors. The
platform brings together different stakeholders involved in a house construction
project, providing a centralized hub for effective communication, document sharing,
and coordination. By fostering collaboration, Contractor Inn aims to reduce delays,
miscommunication, and errors that can occur when multiple parties work in isolation.
Improving Project Management: Construction projects often involve intricate
planning, scheduling, and coordination of various tasks and resources. Contractor Inn
recognizes the need for robust project management tools to ensure projects stay on track
and are completed within budget and timelines. By offering a suite of project
pg. 1
management features, the platform enables efficient task assignment, progress tracking,
and resource allocation, thereby improving overall project management and execution.
Enhancing Communication: Effective communication is critical for successful
construction projects. However, communication gaps and delays can hinder progress
and lead to costly errors. Contractor Inn aims to bridge these gaps by providing
communication channels, such as chat systems and video conferencing, that facilitate
real-time collaboration and quick issue resolution. The platform encourages open
communication and transparency, enabling project stakeholders to stay connected and
aligned throughout the project lifecycle.
Digitizing Document Management: The construction industry is notorious for the
extensive use of paperwork and manual document management processes. Contractor
Inn recognizes the need for a digital solution to streamline document sharing, storage,
and retrieval. By providing a secure and centralized platform for document
management, the platform eliminates the risk of lost or outdated documents, improves
accessibility, and enhances overall project efficiency.
Promoting Efficiency and Productivity: Contractor Inn aims to boost efficiency
and productivity in the construction industry. By automating manual processes,
reducing administrative tasks, and providing intuitive tools, the platform enables
construction professionals to focus more on value-added activities and project
execution. This optimization of processes and resources helps save time, reduce costs,
and ultimately enhance overall project outcomes.
1.2 Problem statements
The construction industry faces various challenges in project management, collaboration, and
productivity. Manual processes, inefficient communication channels, and lack of centralized
information lead to delays, errors, and increased costs. These challenges highlight the need for a
solution like Contractor Inn, a web-based platform aimed at addressing the following problems:
Lack of Collaboration: Construction projects involve multiple stakeholders, including construction
companies, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. The absence of a centralized platform hinders
effective collaboration, resulting in miscommunication, delays in decision-making, and
coordination issues. Inefficient Project Management: Traditional project management methods rely
on manual processes, spreadsheets, and paperwork. This leads to difficulties in tracking project
progress, allocating resources, and managing budgets. The lack of real-time visibility hampers
efficient project management and increases the risk of cost overruns and delays. Document
Management Challenges: Construction projects generate a vast amount of documents, including
contracts, blueprints, permits, and invoices. Managing these documents manually is time-
consuming and prone to errors. Difficulties in organizing, sharing, and retrieving documents lead to
information gaps and delays in project execution. Suboptimal Vendor Management: Engaging and
managing subcontractors and suppliers is crucial for construction projects. However, the traditional
process of bidding, selecting, and managing vendors lacks transparency, making it challenging to
ensure competitive pricing, quality control, and timely delivery. Limited Real-time Data Insights:

pg. 1
Access to real-time data and analytics is essential for informed decision-making and proactive
project management. The absence of a system that provides comprehensive data insights makes it
difficult for construction companies to monitor project performance, identify bottlenecks, and
implement necessary adjustments. Ineffective Communication Channels: Communication gaps
between project stakeholders lead to misunderstandings, delays, and rework. Traditional modes of
communication, such as phone calls and emails, lack traceability and centralized record-keeping,
making it challenging to track and address communication-related issues. The Contractor Inn
platform aims to address these problems by providing a centralized hub for project management,
collaboration, and document sharing. It streamlines processes, improves communication, enhances
visibility, and enables efficient vendor management, ultimately leading to increased productivity,
reduced costs, and successful project outcomes.
1.3 Objectives and Contributions

The objectives and contributions of the Contractor Inn project can be summarized as
Record Keeping: The primary objective of Contractor Inn is to serve as a centralized
platform for storing and managing records of construction projects. This includes essential
project documents, such as blueprints, permits, contracts, and specifications. By providing a
secure and easily accessible repository, Contractor Inn ensures that project records are
organized, up-to-date, and readily available to authorized users.
User Management: The project aims to provide user management functionality, with
the role of an admin responsible for creating new users and assigning specific roles to them.
Super admin, as an elevated role, has the authority to assign roles such as construction project
coordinator (CCD), account manager, and admin to users. This role-based access control
ensures that users have appropriate permissions and access levels based on their
Purchase Order Creation: Contractor Inn facilitates the creation of purchase orders
within the platform. This feature allows users, particularly admins, to generate purchase
orders for construction materials, equipment, or services needed for the project. By
streamlining the purchase order process, Contractor Inn helps in managing procurement
activities efficiently, ensuring timely delivery of required resources.
Vendor Management: The project also includes vendor management functionality,
enabling the creation and management of vendor profiles. Users can add and maintain
information about vendors, such as contact details, capabilities, and performance metrics.
This helps in establishing a reliable network of vendors and streamlining the process of
engaging and collaborating with them during the project.
Collaboration and Communication: Contractor Inn contributes to improved
collaboration and communication among project stakeholders. By providing a centralized

pg. 1
platform, it enables real-time communication channels such as chat systems and discussion
forums. This facilitates effective collaboration, quick issue resolution, and seamless
information sharing, enhancing overall project coordination and reducing delays.
Overall, the objective of the Contractor Inn project is to develop a web-based
construction management system that centralizes project records, streamlines processes such
as purchase order creation and vendor management, and fosters collaboration and
communication among project stakeholders. By achieving these objectives, Contractor Inn
contributes to enhanced efficiency, effective resource management, and improved project
outcomes in the construction industry..

1.4 Project Scope

The scope for Contractor Inn is significant, as the platform addresses critical pain points in
the construction industry and offers a wide range of features and benefits to its users. Here are some
aspects that highlight the scope of Contractor Inn:

Construction Collaboration: Contractor Inn provides a platform for construction companies,

contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers to collaborate effectively on house construction projects.
The platform allows for seamless communication, document sharing, and coordination among all
stakeholders involved, irrespective of their geographical locations. This enhances collaboration,
reduces delays, and improves project outcomes.
Project Management: Contractor Inn offers robust project management tools and features
that empower construction professionals to efficiently plan, schedule, and track project activities. It
provides functionalities for task assignment, resource allocation, milestone tracking, and progress
monitoring. By centralizing project management activities, Contractor Inn helps streamline
workflows, improve coordination, and ensure projects are completed on time and within budget.

Communication and Transparency: Effective communication is crucial in construction

projects, and Contractor Inn facilitates seamless communication among project stakeholders. The
platform includes communication channels such as chat systems, discussion forums, and video
conferencing, enabling real-time collaboration, quick issue resolution, and improved transparency.
Clear communication enhances project coordination and minimizes misunderstandings or delays.
Document Management: Contractor Inn simplifies document management by offering a
secure and centralized platform for document sharing and storage. Construction professionals can
easily upload, organize, and access project-related documents such as blueprints, permits, contracts,
and specifications. This eliminates the need for physical paperwork, reduces the risk of document
loss, and ensures that all stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date project information.

Bidding and Selection: The platform can incorporate features for subcontractors and

pg. 1
suppliers to submit bids for project tasks or supplies. Construction companies can evaluate bids,
compare offerings, and select the most suitable subcontractors or suppliers. This streamlines the
bidding and selection process, encourages healthy competition, and ensures the engagement of high-
quality partners in the construction project.

Project Tracking and Reporting: Contractor Inn provides tools for tracking project progress,
monitoring expenses, and managing budgets. These features offer real-time insights into project
status, financials, and performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and effective project
control. Contractors can generate reports, track key performance indicators, and identify areas for

The scope for Contractor Inn extends to various construction projects, ranging from small-
scale residential construction to large commercial or infrastructure projects. By addressing critical
needs and challenges in the construction industry, Contractor Inn has the potential to become a go-
to platform for construction professionals, fostering collaboration, improving project management,
and driving efficiency and productivity.

pg. 1
2 Literature Review/Process Review
2.1 Introduction

In today's era, everything is based on any kind of visualization. Like the coming era is of met
averse in which all are connected from their home. Contractor inn provide information in a
quick time according to the requirements that are to be fulfilled. This website provides
inconsistency of data and reduce the paper work. This technique will give us quality assurance
and higher productivity
Contractor Inn is an innovative platform designed to revolutionize collaboration and project
management in the construction industry. It serves as a digital hub where multiple construction
companies and contractors can come together to collaborate on house construction projects.
With a comprehensive suite of features and tools, Contractor Inn aims to streamline project
workflows, enhance communication, and improve overall efficiency.
At its core, Contractor Inn provides a centralized platform for project management, allowing
construction professionals to efficiently oversee and execute complex construction projects.
The platform offers an intuitive interface that enables easy navigation and accessibility for
users of all levels of technical expertise.
One of the key strengths of Contractor Inn is its robust project management tools. These tools
empower project managers and teams to effectively plan, schedule, and track project
activities. From task assignment and resource allocation to milestone tracking and progress
monitoring, the platform provides comprehensive project management capabilities that
ensure projects stay on track and are completed within the designated timelines.

2.2 Literature Review

A literature review plays a crucial role in research as it synthesizes and evaluates the
available literature on a specific topic. It goes beyond an annotated bibliography by analyzing
the conclusions and credibility of the sources to provide an overall understanding of the subject
matter. In the case of developing a contractor inn website using React, a literature review is
essential for establishing the foundation of the research question and primary investigation.
Purpose of a Literature Review: The primary purpose of a literature review is to review and
synthesize the significant sources on a topic, irrespective of whether they support or contradict
the claims being explored. By examining various sources, including research articles, books,
and scholarly publications, a literature review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding
of the current knowledge on the topic, identify gaps or inconsistencies in existing research, and
set the context and rationale for the research project.
Benefits of React for Contractor inn Websites:
One area of interest is the development of contractor inn websites using React, a popular
JavaScript library. React offers several advantages for construction companies:

pg. 1
1. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: A React-based website provides a
platform for improved communication and collaboration among project stakeholders.
Real-time messaging, document sharing, and project updates foster efficient
information exchange and coordination.
2. Streamlined Project Management: React-based websites offer robust project
management capabilities. Features such as task tracking, milestone management, and
resource allocation enhance project planning, monitoring, and control.
3. Improved Document Management: React's component-based architecture enables
the development of intuitive document management systems within the construction
website. Companies can organize and store project-related documents, making them
easily accessible to authorized users.
4. Enhanced Visualization and Reporting: React's data visualization and interactive UI
components facilitate the presentation of construction project data in a clear and
visually appealing manner. Interactive dashboards and reports allow stakeholders to
analyze project progress and financial metrics.
5. Mobile Compatibility and Accessibility: React's responsive design features enable
the development of construction websites that are mobile-friendly and accessible across
various devices. This ensures stakeholders can access project information and
collaborate seamlessly.
In conclusion, a literature review is an essential step in the research process. It involves
synthesizing and evaluating the available literature to gain a comprehensive understanding
of the research topic. For the development of a contractor inn website using React, the
literature review provides insights into the benefits of React, such as enhanced
communication and collaboration, streamlined project management, improved document
management, visualization and reporting capabilities, and mobile compatibility. By
examining the existing literature, construction companies can make informed decisions and
contribute to the advancement of website development in the construction industry.

2.3Functional and Non Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements
Functional requirements for the contractor inn website can include the following:
1. User Registration and Authentication:
 Allow users to register and create accounts with appropriate roles (admin, contractor,
client, etc.).
 Implement authentication mechanisms to ensure secure access to the website's
features and data.
pg. 1
2. Project Management:
 Provide functionality to create and manage construction projects.
 Allow users to assign project roles, set project timelines, and track project progress.
 Enable task assignment, monitoring, and collaboration among project team
 Allow users to upload and share project-related documents and files.
3. Bid Management:
 Allow contractors to submit bids for projects.
 Enable the evaluation and comparison of bids by project owners.
 Provide a platform for communication between project owners and contractors
during the bidding process.
4. Document Management:
 Enable uploading, organizing, and sharing of construction-related documents such
as blueprints, permits, contracts, and invoices.
 Implement version control to track document revisions and ensure the availability of
the latest versions.
5. Communication and Collaboration:
 Provide messaging and notification systems to facilitate communication between
project stakeholders.
 Enable real-time chat or discussion forums for project teams to collaborate and
exchange information.
6. Vendor and Supplier Management:
 Allow users to create and manage vendor profiles.
 Enable the tracking of vendor information, including contact details, services
offered, and ratings/reviews.
 Provide functionality to generate and manage purchase orders for materials and
7. Reporting and Analytics:
 Generate reports on project progress, budget, and resource allocation.
 Provide analytics and data visualization to enable stakeholders to make informed
decisions based on project data.
8. Integration with External Systems:
 Integrate with third-party services or APIs for features such as payment processing,
geolocation, or weather updates, as required.
9. Accessibility and Usability:
 Ensure that the website is user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and responsive
 Implement accessibility standards to accommodate users with disabilities.
10. Security and Privacy:
 Implement necessary security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized

pg. 1
 Comply with relevant privacy regulations, such as data encryption and user consent
These functional requirements form the foundation for the contractor inn website's features and
capabilities. It is important to further analyze the specific needs of the project and stakeholders to
ensure all relevant functionalities are considered and implemented.

Non-Functional Requirement’s
Non-functional requirements for the contractor inn website can include the following:
1. Performance:
 The website should load quickly and respond promptly to user actions.
 It should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users without significant
performance degradation.
 The system should have efficient database querying and processing to ensure optimal
2. Scalability:
 The website should be scalable to accommodate future growth and increasing user
 It should be able to handle a growing number of projects, users, and data without
performance issues.
3 Reliability:
 The website should be highly reliable and available, minimizing downtime and system
 It should have backup and disaster recovery mechanisms in place to ensure data
integrity and system stability.
4 Security:
 The website should have robust security measures to protect user data, including
authentication and authorization mechanisms.
 It should implement secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS) to encrypt
sensitive information during transmission.
 User passwords and other sensitive data should be stored securely, using hashing and
encryption techniques.
5 Compatibility:
 The website should be compatible with different web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox,
Safari, etc.) and their different versions.
 It should be responsive and compatible with different devices, such as desktops,
laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
6 Usability:
 The website should have a user-friendly and intuitive interface, ensuring ease of
navigation and interaction.
pg. 1
 It should provide clear instructions and error messages to guide users through the
 The website should have appropriate color schemes, font sizes, and contrast to enhance
readability and accessibility.
7 Maintainability:
 The website should be built using modular and well-documented code to facilitate
future enhancements and maintenance.
 It should follow coding best practices and design patterns for maintainability and code
 The system should allow for easy bug fixes and updates without disrupting the overall
8 Compliance:
 The website should comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards,
such as data protection and privacy regulations.

These non-functional requirements focus on the performance, scalability, reliability, security,

compatibility, usability, maintainability, and compliance aspects of the contractor inn website.
Adhering to these requirements ensures that the website not only meets the functional needs but also
provides a high-quality user experience and a robust system infrastructure. Business Requirements

Business requirements for the contractor inn website can include the following:

1. Project Management:
 The website should provide comprehensive project management capabilities to
streamline the construction process.
 It should facilitate effective communication and collaboration among project
stakeholders, including clients, contractors, and team members.
 The website should support project planning, scheduling, and monitoring to ensure
timely completion and delivery of projects.
2.Bid Management:
 The website should enable efficient bid management processes, allowing contractors to
submit bids for construction projects.
 It should provide a transparent and fair platform for evaluating and selecting the most
suitable contractor for each project.
3.Document Management:
 The website should offer robust document management features to handle the large volume
of construction-related documents.
 It should provide secure storage, organization, and version control for blueprints, permits,
pg. 1
contracts, and other project documents.
4.Cost Management:
 The website should support cost estimation, budget tracking, and financial management for
construction projects.
 It should enable accurate and real-time monitoring of project expenses, ensuring that costs
are within budgetary constraints.
5.Vendor and Supplier Management:
 The website should facilitate efficient vendor and supplier management, allowing users to
source materials and services from reliable providers.
 It should enable the creation and management of vendor profiles, including contact
information, capabilities, and performance evaluations.
6.Reporting and Analytics:
 The website should provide comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities to generate
insights into project performance, resource utilization, and financial metrics.
 It should offer customizable reports and data visualization tools to support informed
decision-making and strategic planning.
7.Efficiency and Productivity:
 The website should enhance overall efficiency and productivity in construction project
 It should automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual paperwork, and streamline workflows to
optimize resource allocation and time management.
8.Competitive Advantage:
 The website should provide a competitive advantage by offering advanced features and
functionalities that set the contractor inn apart from competitors.
 It should contribute to improved project outcomes, client satisfaction, and business growth.
9.Scalability and Flexibility:
 The website should be scalable and flexible to accommodate the changing needs and future
growth of the contractor inn.
 It should support the addition of new projects, users, and functionalities without
compromising performance and usability.
10.Regulatory Compliance:
 The website should adhere to relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards, such
as data privacy and security regulations in the construction industry.

These business requirements align with the strategic goals and objectives of the contractor inn,
aiming to enhance project management efficiency, cost control, vendor management, and overall
business performance. Meeting these requirements will contribute to the success and
competitiveness of the contractor inn in the industry.

pg. 1 User Requirements
User requirements for the contractor inn website can include the following:

1.User Registration and Profile Management:

 Users should be able to create an account and provide their personal information.
 They should have the ability to manage and update their profile, including contact details,
preferences, and notifications.
2. Project Creation and Management:
 Users should be able to create new construction projects and define project details such as
name, location, description, and timeline.
 They should have the ability to assign project roles, invite team members, and manage
project permissions.
 Users should be able to track project progress, monitor milestones, and update project status.
3.Document Management:
 Users should have the ability to upload, organize, and share project-related documents such
as blueprints, permits, contracts, and reports.
 They should be able to easily search for and access relevant documents within the system.
4.Communication and Collaboration:
 Users should have communication channels within the website to interact with project team
members, clients, contractors, and other stakeholders.
 They should be able to send messages, share updates, and collaborate on project-related
5.Bidding and Contract Management:
 Contractors should be able to view and bid on available construction projects.
 Users should have the ability to review and evaluate bids, select contractors, and manage the
contract process.
6.Reporting and Analytics:
 Users should have access to project reports, including financial summaries, resource
allocation, and project progress tracking.
 They should be able to generate customized reports and visualize project data in charts or
7.Vendor and Supplier Management:
 Users should be able to manage vendor and supplier information, including contact details,
services offered, and ratings/reviews.
 They should have the ability to generate and manage purchase orders for materials and
pg. 1
8.Notifications and Reminders:
 Users should receive notifications and reminders for important project updates, tasks,
deadlines, and milestones.
9.Mobile Accessibility:
 Users should have the ability to access and interact with the website on mobile devices,
ensuring a seamless user experience on different screen sizes.
10. User Support:
 Users should have access to customer support, FAQs, and documentation to address any
questions or issues they may encounter while using the website.

These user requirements focus on providing a user-friendly and efficient experience for all
stakeholders involved in construction projects. Understanding and addressing these requirements
will contribute to the success and usability of the contractor inn website. System Requirements

There are things like software and hardware specifications, system Response or systemactions.
Need system which has that which supports the Application
Software Requirements:
 Web server : Wamp/Xamp server.
 OS : Windows/Linux
 Platform : React
 Editor : Notepad++ Editor
 Browser : All
Hardware Requirements:

 Processor: dual core or above

 Hard disk: 60GB ABOVE
 Memory: 512Mb or above

Here are some non-functional requirements of the system:

These are one of the attributes that our software act upon. These Quality Attributes are one of the
key components of any successful software.
 Usability
 Supportability
pg. 1
 Performance
 Scalability


Our system is reusable, if anybody want to take our Alumni portal for their organization, they can
buy our system which can help them to provide and maintain their record in best and easy way.


Our system is portable, if any system is using browser, then it is useable. it can be used on Windows
and Android. Its portability will help to use it on any device which will provide its portability


The performance of the Contractor Inn website is a crucial aspect to consider for ensuring a smooth
and efficient user experience. Here are some key factors that contribute to the performance of the
website: Page Load Time: The website should load quickly to minimize waiting times for users.
Optimizing the code, compressing assets such as images and scripts, and leveraging caching
techniques can help reduce page load time. Responsiveness: The website should be responsive and
adapt to different devices and screen sizes. Ensuring that the layout and content adjust dynamically
based on the user's device enhances the overall user experience. Database Performance: Efficient
database design, indexing, and query optimization techniques can enhance the performance of
database operations. Minimizing the number of database queries and optimizing the data retrieval
process can improve overall system performance. Server Response Time: The server response time
should be minimal to provide near-instantaneous feedback to user requests. Utilizing caching
mechanisms, optimizing server configurations, and employing scalable infrastructure can help
improve server response times. Scalability: The website should be designed to handle increasing
user traffic and data volume without significant degradation in performance. Implementing
horizontal scaling techniques, load balancing, and using cloud infrastructure can ensure scalability.
Code Efficiency: Writing clean, optimized, and efficient code can significantly impact website
performance. Removing unused code, minimizing code complexity, and following best practices
for performance optimization can contribute to a faster and more responsive website. Network
Performance: Minimizing the size of network requests, leveraging compression techniques, and
optimizing the delivery of assets such as images, stylesheets, and scripts can improve the network
performance of the website. Monitoring and Optimization: Regularly monitoring website
performance using tools and techniques such as performance profiling, load testing, and monitoring
tools can help identify and address performance bottlenecks. Continuous optimization based on
performance metrics can lead to improved overall performance. By prioritizing and implementing
these factors, the performance of the Contractor Inn website can be optimized, resulting in a fast,

pg. 1
responsive, and reliable user experience. It is important to continually monitor and fine-tune the
performance to ensure it meets the evolving needs of the users and the system.


Our proposed system will be flexible enough as in case of any changes system will respond well on
time. If any changes are done system will be able to respond well on time

pg. 1
3 Projects diagrams

Based on the above literature review and project scope here are some diagrams, which
illustrates that what will be our project or the system is capable to reach the desired results.


 Member

pg. 1






3.3 Sequence Diagram

3.4 Technology used:

1) React:

Today, front-end frameworks and libraries are becoming an essential part of the modern web
development stack. React.js is a front-end library that has gradually become the go-to
framework for modern web development within the JavaScript community.
The React.js framework is an open-source JavaScript framework and library developed by
Facebook. It’s used for building interactive user interfaces and web applications quickly and
efficiently with significantly less code than you would with vanilla JavaScript. In React, you
develop your applications by creating reusable components that you can think of as independent
Lego blocks. These components are individual pieces of a final interface, which, when
assembled, form the application’s entire user interface.
React is a popular choice for building the Contractor Inn website due to its numerous

Component-Based Architecture: React follows a component-based architecture, where the

user interface is divided into small, reusable components. This promotes code reusability,
maintainability, and scalability, making it easier to manage and update the application as it

Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which is an in-memory
representation of the actual DOM. This allows React to efficiently update and render only the
necessary components when there are changes, resulting in faster rendering and improved

Declarative Syntax: React uses a declarative syntax, allowing developers to describe how the
UI should look based on the application's state. This simplifies the development process and
makes the code more readable and easier to understand.
Efficient Rendering: React optimizes rendering by performing a diffing algorithm to identify
and update only the necessary changes in the DOM. This minimizes the number of DOM
manipulations, leading to better performance and faster application updates.
Large Ecosystem and Community Support: React has a large and active community, with
numerous libraries, tools, and resources available to support development. This ecosystem
provides developers with a wide range of options to enhance the functionality and efficiency of
the Contractor Inn website.

Reusable Components: React encourages the creation of reusable components, which can be
shared across different parts of the application. This promotes code modularization, reduces
duplication, and allows for faster development and easier maintenance.
Single-Page Application (SPA) Support: React is well-suited for building single-page
applications, where the content is dynamically updated without requiring page reloads. This
allows for a smoother and more seamless user experience on the Contractor Inn website.

Overall, React provides a powerful and efficient framework for building the front-end of the
Contractor Inn website. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, declarative syntax, and
large community support make it an ideal choice for developing dynamic, interactive, and
scalable web applications.

2) My Sql:

 MySQL is a widely used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It

is known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use. Here are some key points about MySQL:

 Open-Source Database System: MySQL is an open-source database system, which means it

is freely available for use, modification, and distribution. This has contributed to its
popularity and widespread adoption across various industries.

 Speed and Robustness: One of the main goals of MySQL is to provide fast and efficient data
processing capabilities. It is designed to handle large volumes of data and perform complex
queries quickly, making it suitable for applications with demanding performance

 SQL (Structured Query Language): MySQL is based on SQL, a standardized language for
managing and manipulating relational databases. It supports a wide range of SQL operations,
allowing developers to perform tasks such as data insertion, retrieval, modification, and
deletion with ease.

 Developer-Friendly: MySQL is designed to be developer-friendly, offering a

straightforward and intuitive interface for database management. It provides extensive
documentation, a rich set of APIs and connectors, and compatibility with various
programming languages, making it accessible for developers of different backgrounds.

 Distributed and Supported: MySQL is developed, distributed, and supported by MySQL AB,
which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation. It has a strong and active community of
users and contributors who provide support, share knowledge, and contribute to the ongoing
development of the database system.

 Scalability and Flexibility: MySQL is known for its scalability, allowing applications to
handle increasing amounts of data and users without sacrificing performance. It supports
various storage engines, such as InnoDB and MyISAM, which offer different features and
trade-offs, allowing developers to choose the most suitable option for their specific needs.

 Widely Used: MySQL is one of the most widely used database systems globally, with a large
user base that includes individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises. It is commonly
used in web applications, content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and other
data-driven applications.

In summary, MySQL is a popular open-source database management system known for its
speed, robustness, and developer-friendly features. It provides a reliable and efficient solution
for managing and manipulating relational databases, making it a suitable choice for various
applications and industries.


1. Project Planning

1.1 Project Timeline Summary

In this development of project, we divided project points into sub points and we set date
for every points to complete these points on time, and we set priority for each task. In
the development of this project, we will first check to see if our project is feasible
functionally, technically and economically. Then we collect the requirements from the
end users and analyze it. We also analyze similar systems to get an exact idea of how
to create this system. Hence, we gather all the requirements which we need to develop
our system. Then, after thoroughly understanding the need of end user, we will develop
the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI is viewed by the user and the user
communicates with the system and hence, it should be appealing an attractive. After this
comes the coding part, which involves handling databases and manages queries and
forms etc. There are certain coding standards to be followed so that the flow of program
is easily understood. The development process for the Contractor Inn project involves
several steps to ensure feasibility, gather requirements, analyze existing systems, and
proceed with the development of the system. Here is an overview of the process:
Feasibility Analysis: Determine the functional, technical, and economic feasibility of
the project. Evaluate whether the proposed system is viable and aligns with the goals
and resources of the organization. Requirement Gathering: Collect requirements from
end users and stakeholders. This involves understanding their needs, expectations, and
desired functionalities for the Contractor Inn system. Conduct interviews, surveys, and
workshops to gather comprehensive requirements. System Analysis: Analyze existing
systems or similar solutions to gain insights and identify best practices for developing
the Contractor Inn system. This analysis helps in understanding the architecture,
workflows, and features required for the new system. Requirement Analysis:
Thoroughly analyze the gathered requirements, prioritize them, and document them in
a clear and concise manner. This ensures a shared understanding between the
development team and stakeholders. GUI Development: Design and develop the
Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the system. The GUI should be user-friendly,
visually appealing, and align with the requirements and expectations of the end users.
Use UI/UX design principles to create an intuitive interface. Coding and
Implementation: Develop the system's functionality by writing code, implementing
databases, managing queries, and integrating forms and modules. Adhere to coding
standards and best practices to ensure maintainability and readability of the codebase.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Conduct thorough testing of the system to identify and
fix any bugs or issues. Perform functional, integration, and user acceptance testing to
ensure the system meets the defined requirements and works as expected.
Documentation: Create comprehensive documentation that includes system
specifications, user manuals, technical guides, and any other relevant documentation to
assist users and future developers. Deployment and Training: Deploy the system in the
production environment and provide training to end users to familiarize them with the
functionalities and usage of the Contractor Inn system. Maintenance and Support:
Provide ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues, implement updates,
and incorporate new features as required. By following this development process, the
Contractor Inn project can ensure a systematic and structured approach to deliver a
high-quality system that meets the requirements and expectations of the end users.

4.2 Project timeline details

Phase 1: Feasibility Analysis and Planning

Duration: 1 week
 Conduct feasibility analysis to assess the viability of the project
 Define project goals, objectives, and scope
 Identify project stakeholders and their roles
 Develop a high-level project plan and timeline

Phase 2: Requirements Gathering and Analysis

Duration: 2 weeks
 Conduct interviews, surveys, and workshops with end users to gather requirements
 Analyze and document the collected requirements
 Prioritize requirements based on their importance and feasibility
 Define system use cases and user personas

Phase 3: Design and Prototyping

Duration: 3 weeks
 Design the system architecture and database schema
 Create wireframes and prototypes of the user interface
 Review and iterate on the design based on feedback from stakeholders
 Finalize the system design and obtain approval

Phase 4: Development and Implementation

Duration: 8 weeks
 Set up the development environment and infrastructure Implement the front-end using
 React and design the user interface
 Develop the back-end using Node.js and integrate with the database Implement the core
functionality and features of the Contractor Inn system
 Conduct regular testing and bug fixing throughout the development phase
Phase 5: Testing and Quality Assurance
Duration: 2 weeks
 Perform functional testing to ensure all requirements are met
 Conduct integration testing to verify the system's compatibility with external
 Perform performance testing to optimize system response times and scalability Identify
and fix any bugs or issues
 Conduct user acceptance testing with a selected group of end users
Phase 6: Deployment and Training
Duration: 1 week
 Deploy the Contractor Inn system to a production environment Set up hosting, configure
servers, and ensure system stability
 Provide training sessions to end users on how to use the system effectively
 Create user documentation and guides for reference

Phase 7: Maintenance and Support Ongoing activity after deployment

 Provide ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues or bugs
 Monitor system performance and conduct regular updates and enhancements
 Gather user feedback and incorporate new features and improvements

Please note that the durations provided are approximate and can vary based on project
complexity, team size, and other factors. It is important to regularly review and adjust the project
timeline as necessary to ensure successful project delivery

4.3 Test Cases

Sure! Here are some sample test cases that can be used to verify the functionality and quality of
the Contractor Inn system:

1.User Registration:
 Test case 1: Verify that a new user can successfully register with valid credentials.
 Test case 2: Verify that an error message is displayed when trying to register with an
existing username or email.
 Test case 3: Verify that all mandatory fields are validated and appropriate error messages
are displayed for missing or invalid information.

2. Project Creation:
 Test case 1: Verify that a user with admin privileges can create a new project with all
required details.
 Test case 2: Verify that a user without admin privileges cannot create a new project.
 Test case 3: Verify that an error message is displayed when trying to create a project with
missing or invalid information

3. Document Sharing:
 Test case 1: Verify that a user can upload and share documents related to a specific project.
 Test case 2: Verify that only authorized users have access to view and download shared
 Test case 3: Verify that an error message is displayed when trying to upload unsupported
file formats.

4. Vendor Management:
 Test case 1: Verify that a user with admin privileges can add new vendors to the system.
 Test case 2: Verify that vendors can be assigned to specific projects and their information
is accurately recorded.
 Test case 3: Verify that only authorized users can view and edit vendor details.

5. Project Progress Tracking:

 Test case 1: Verify that project progress is accurately tracked and displayed for each
 Test case 2: Verify that project milestones and tasks can be updated and marked as
 Test case 3: Verify that project progress reports generated and exported a suitable format.

6. User Roles and Permissions:

 Test case 1: Verify that different user roles (admin, contractor, etc.) have appropriate
access rights and permissions.
 Test case 2: Verify that user roles can be assigned and updated correctly by authorized
 Test case 3: Verify that unauthorized users are restricted from accessing restricted areas of
the system

These are just a few examples of test cases that can be used to validate the functionality of the
Contractor Inn system. It is important to consider additional scenarios and edge cases specific
to the project requirements during the testing process.

5. GUI of Application

5.1 Main Menu


User login

Admin login

Sign up





6.Conclusion and Future Work

6.1 Limitation
While Contractor Inn offers numerous benefits and functionalities for construction project
management, it is important to consider its limitations:

1.Dependency on Internet Connectivity: Contractor Inn being a web-based platform requires a

stable internet connection for users to access and utilize its features. In areas with poor or no internet
connectivity, the system may not be readily available, impacting productivity and collaboration.

2.User Adoption and Training: Introducing a new system like Contractor Inn requires users to
adapt to the platform and undergo training to effectively utilize its features. Resistance to change or
lack of proper training can hinder the adoption of the system and limit its effectiveness.

3.Compatibility with Older Systems: Contractor Inn may have compatibility issues with older
hardware or software systems that are unable to meet the technical requirements of the platform.
This can restrict access for some users or require additional upgrades to their systems.

4.Data Security and Privacy: As Contractor Inn deals with sensitive project information and user
data, ensuring robust data security and privacy measures is crucial. Adequate security measures
need to be in place to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential risks to
5.Customization and Scalability: Contractor Inn may have limitations in terms of customization
options and scalability, especially for specific project requirements or as the user base expands. The
system should be designed with flexibility and scalability in mind to accommodate evolving needs
and future growth.

6.Technical Support and Maintenance: Regular technical support and maintenance are essential
to address any issues, bugs, or updates required for the Contractor Inn system. Availability of
reliable technical support and timely maintenance is crucial for uninterrupted usage and user

It is important to evaluate these limitations and consider potential mitigations while implementing
Contractor Inn to ensure a successful and effective project management solution.


This website is basically used for keep data on related construction. This website provides features
that member can create Projects, Branches, Vendors, items, etc. of construction. And also they can
change the created records. This website is fast and easy retrieval and to reduce the work and time.
Use of this project would make the website interactive. In conclusion, the Contractor Inn project
aims to develop a web application that serves as a collaborative platform for construction companies
and contractors to manage construction projects efficiently. The project has been analyzed for

feasibility, considering functional, technical, and economic aspects. The development process
involves gathering requirements from end users, analyzing similar systems, and designing an
appealing and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). Following the GUI development, the
coding phase includes handling databases, managing queries, and adhering to coding standards.
Thorough testing and quality assurance are conducted to ensure the system functions as intended.
Documentation is created to provide comprehensive information and guides for users and future
developers. Upon deployment, training is provided to users to ensure they can effectively utilize the
features and functionalities of the Contractor Inn system. Ongoing maintenance and support are also
provided to address any issues, implement updates, and incorporate new features. Overall, the
Contractor Inn project aims to provide a reliable, user-friendly, and collaborative platform that
enhances project management in the construction industry. By following a systematic development
process and incorporating user requirements, the project strives to meet the needs of its stakeholders
and contribute to improved productivity and efficiency in the construction sector.

6.3 Future Works

Future work for Contractor Inn can involve several enhancements and expansions to further
improve its functionality and address the evolving needs of the construction industry. Some
potential areas for future development include

Mobile Application: Developing a mobile application for Contractor Inn can provide users with
the convenience of accessing and managing projects on the go. This can include features such as
task management, document sharing, and real-time project updates.

Integration with Building Information Modeling (BIM): Integrating Contractor Inn with BIM
software can enable seamless collaboration and data exchange between project stakeholders. This
integration can enhance project visualization, clash detection, and improve overall project
coordination and efficiency.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics: Enhancing the reporting capabilities of Contractor Inn can
provide users with comprehensive project insights and analytics. Advanced reporting features can
include cost analysis, resource allocation, project performance metrics, and predictive analytics to
support informed decision-making.

IoT Integration: Integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices with Contractor Inn can enable real-
time monitoring of construction sites, equipment, and materials. This integration can help track
project progress, identify potential issues, and optimize resource utilization.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Implementing AI and ML algorithms within

Contractor Inn can automate certain tasks, such as document classification and sentiment analysis,
and provide intelligent recommendations for project planning, risk assessment, and resource

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration Tools: Improving communication and

collaboration features within Contractor Inn can enhance team collaboration, including instant
messaging, video conferencing, and shared task boards. Integration with popular communication
platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can streamline communication channels.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration: Incorporating AR and VR
technologies into Contractor Inn can enable virtual walkthroughs, immersive project visualization,
and on-site training simulations for improved project planning and execution.

Expansion to Other Industries: While initially targeting the construction industry, expanding
Contractor Inn to cater to other related industries, such as architecture, engineering, and facility
management, can broaden its user base and provide a comprehensive project lifecycle
management solution.

These future developments and enhancements can help Contractor Inn stay at the forefront of
technology and meet the growing demands of the construction industry, further improving project
management efficiency, collaboration, and productivity.

1. Construction Management: Project Delivery Systems by Hinze, J. (2008).
2. Construction Project Management: A Complete Introduction by Lock, D. (2016).
3. Construction Project Management: Theory and Practice by Chitkara, K.K. (2018).
4. Construction Project Management: Planning and Scheduling by Oberlender, G.D. (2014).
5. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by Project
Management Institute (PMI).
6. Agile Construction Management: The Lean, Sustainable, and Technology-Driven Future of
Construction by Howell, G. et al. (2016).
7. Building Information Modeling: Planning and Managing Construction Projects with 4D CAD
and Simulations by Eastman, C. et al. (2011).
8. Software Project Management for Dummies by Portny, S.E. (2016).
9. Agile Project Management with Scrum by Schwaber, K. (2004).
10. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create
Radically Successful Businesses by Ries, E. (2011).



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