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Historical Background

Indian Constitution  derived from Government of India Act, 1935 (Basic skeleton
of Indian Constitution)

Regulating Act (1773)  Pitt’s India Act (1784)  Charter’s Act (1793, 1813, 1833,
1853)  Indian Councils Act (1861, 1892, 1909)  Government of India Act (1858,
1919, 1935)

Regulating Act, 1773

 1st definite step for parliamentary control of East India Company
 Supreme court  established in Calcutta

Charter’s Act, 1793

 Trade monopoly given to  East India Company

Charter’s Act, 1813

 Trade monopoly of East India Company  came to an end
 Christian missionaries were allowed to spread religion

Charter’s Act, 1833

 Business of East India company was stopped
 Governor General of Bengal  Governor General of India
 1st Governor General of India: William Bentinck
 Ended slavery

Charter’s Act, 1853

 Civil services exam
 Revolt of 1857

Government of India Act, 1858

 Power went to British crown
 Government of India Act, 1858  Indian Councils Act, 1861  Indian
Councils Act, 1892  Indian Councils Act, 1909
Historical Background
Indian Council’s Act, 1909
 Also known as  Morley-Minto Reform Act
 Introduced Communal electorate (Separate representation for Muslims)
 It sowed the seeds for partition

Government of India Act, 1919

 Known as  Montague – Chelmsford Reform
 Introduction of Diarchy (Centre and Province)
o Devotion of legislative authority to provinces
 Introduction of Bicameral (Indian Legislative)  Upper and Lower House

Government of India Act, 1935

 Biggest source for “Constitution of India”  Basic Skeleton
 Jawaharlal Nehru called it  “Charter of Slavery” : it was made after
recommendation of Simon Commission
 World War II (1940)  August Offer  Cripps Mission  Cabinet Mission 
Independence of India Act, 1947

Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946

Staford Formation of Constituent Assembly  to

Cripps form the constituent of India

Alexander  Con

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