GR Tarea5

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Tarea 5

Se entrega el Martes 7 de Noviembre

1. For the one form field p̃ whose Cartesian components are (x2 + 3y, y 2 +
3x), compute: a) pα,β in Cartesian; b) the transformation Λαµ0 Λβν 0 pα,β to
polars; c) the components pµ0 ;ν 0 directly in polars using the Christoffel

2. In flat space with standard Euclidean coordinates ξ µ and arbitrary

coordinates xµ (ξ α ), the Christoffel symbol can be found as

∂ 2 ξ ν ∂xµ
Γµαβ = (1)
∂xα ∂xβ ∂ξ ν
Derive the transformation law for Γµαβ between arbitrary coordinate
systems xµ and x̃µ :

∂ x̃α ∂xρ ∂xσ ∂ 2 xσ ∂ x̃α

Γ̃αβγ = Γµρσ + (2)
∂xµ ∂ x̃β ∂ x̃γ ∂ x̃β ∂ x̃γ ∂xσ
3. Show that the Christoffel symbol must transform according to eq. (2)
not only in flat space but also in arbitrary space. Hint: consider the
covariant derivative of a vector field:

Aα;β = Aα,β − Γµαβ Aµ , (3)

and demand that the components Aα;β transform as a tensor.

4. Derive the explicit form of the covariant derivative

T αβγδµ;ν (4)

for a tensor field T αβγδµ .

5. Prove the Leibinitz rule in the following specific case,

Aα B β = Aα;γ B β + Aα B β;γ (5)

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