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The Indian Journal of Pediatrics (November 2019) 86(11):987–994


Effects of Exercise Intervention Program on Bone Mineral Accretion

in Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis: A Randomized
Controlled Trial
Sumita Gupta 1 & Aparna Mukherjee 1 & Rakesh Lodha 1 & Madhulika Kabra 1 & Kishore K. Deepak 2 & Rajesh Khadgawat 3 &
Anjana Talwar 2 & Sushil Kumar Kabra 1

Received: 8 February 2019 / Accepted: 14 June 2019 / Published online: 8 July 2019
# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2019

Objective To evaluate effect of one year exercise intervention program on bone mineral accrual in children and adolescent with
cystic fibrosis (CF).
Methods Fifty-two CF children (mean age 149.79 mo) were randomized into experimental (15 boys and 10 girls) and control
groups (15 boys and 12 girls). Experimental group performed prescribed exercises three times/week, while control group
continued with routine physical activities for one year. Following were assessed at baseline and at one year: Bone mineral
density (BMD) of whole body and lumbar spine, pulmonary function, exercise capacity, quality of life and habitual activity.
Results Change in whole body and lumbar spine BMD over 12 mo in experimental group was lower by 0.006 g/cm2 (95% CI
-0.02 to 0.02) and higher by 0.001 g/cm2 (95% CI -0.04 to 0.03) than controls, respectively. However, difference between
groups was non-significant for both parameters. Experimental group had a significant improvement in their exercise capacity
(p = 0.006), quality of life, and serum vitamin D (p = 0.007) levels. Differences between groups for changes in pulmonary
function and habitual activity were non-significant.
Conclusions Exercise regime was not associated with significant improvement in BMD of CF patients, but it had a positive
impact on both physical and psychological health of these patients.

Keywords Bone mineral density . Cystic fibrosis . Exercise . Exercise capacity . Quality of life . Vitamin D

Introduction Many factors contribute to low bone mineral density

(BMD) in CF patients like malnutrition, chronic respiratory
Cystic fibrosis (CF) was thought to be a disease of the inflammation, delayed puberty, reduced physical activity and
Caucasian population, but studies suggest that it is far more glucocorticoid usage [2].
prevalent in India than previously thought. Its estimated prev- Several pharmaceutical agents assist in managing bone
alence in Indian population is 1/43,321 to 1/100,323 [1]. turnover in CF patients but these just add to number of drugs
already prescribed to them. “Weight bearing exercises” are
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article established as most effective non-pharmacological method to
( contains supplementary optimise bone mass in healthy population [3].
material, which is available to authorized users. In children with CF, exercise has recognised health benefits
such as improving lung function, exercise capacity, and qual-
* Sushil Kumar Kabra ity of life [2]. Several correlation studies suggest that exercise
may have some positive impact on BMD in CF patients [4, 5].
Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Though, the main focus of these studies was not to investigate
New Delhi 110029, India relationship between exercise and bone health, they do pro-
Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, vide some evidence that regular exercise may benefit bone
New Delhi, India health of these patients. As no interventional trial has investi-
Department of Endocrinology, All India Institute of Medical gated effects of exercise on bone health of CF patients, this
Sciences, New Delhi, India study aimed to evaluate the effect of one year exercise
988 Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994

intervention program on bone mineral accretion in children control group, sample size was calculated as 25 subjects
and adolescents with CF, aged 6–18 y. in each group.
The primary outcome was whole body and lumbar spine
BMD measured by DXA scan (Hologic QDR 4500A,
Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA, USA). Measurements taken were
Material and Methods lumbar spine and whole body bone mineral density (in g/cm2),
lean body mass and fat mass (in grams).
Children with confirmed diagnosis of CF, attending the out- Since there are substantial changes in bone dimensions
patient department of a tertiary care hospital in northern India during childhood especially in early teens and DXA scan
were enrolled in this one year randomized controlled trial. does not take into account thickness of bone, bone min-
The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics eral apparent density (BMAD) was calculated for lumbar
Committee (IESC/T-178/04.05.2012) and registered with spine and whole body using the method suggested by
Clinical Trials Registry-India (Trial No: REF/2013/01/ Katzman et al. [7]. BMAD minimizes the effect of bone
004447). geometry and allows comparisons of mineral status
CF children aged 6–18 y were invited to participate in among bones of similar shape but different size.
the study. Inclusion criteria were confirmed diagnosis of Short term precision error for DXA scans was calculated by
CF, not having required intravenous antibiotics prior to 1 triplicate measurement of 15 healthy subjects as per method
mo of enrolment and forced expiratory volume in 1 s suggested by Glűer et al. [8]. Single trained technician per-
(FEV1) ≥ 20% predicted. Children with any prior diag- formed and analysed all scans to avoid inter personnel varia-
nosed musculoskeletal disorder such as rheumatoid ar- tions. Calculated coefficient of variation was 1.3% for whole
thritis, muscular dystrophy or chronic renal failure were body BMD.
excluded. Eligible children were enrolled in the study Secondary outcomes included pulmonary function, ex-
after obtaining informed consent from parents or the le- ercise capacity, daily physical activity and quality of life.
gal guardians. For pulmonary function, spirometric parameters were
Anthropometric parameters were recorded at baseline measured every 3 mo for a period of one year with a
and at the end of one year. All participants’ body mass portable spirometer (Super Spiro Micromedics,
was measured to nearest 0.1 kg using calibrated scales Rochester, UK), using standard method for test perfor-
(Seca 803; Seca, Hamburg, Germany), height was mea- mance [9]. For each child best of the three attempts was
sured to nearest 0.1 cm using a standardized stadiometer recorded. Based on pulmonary function test, disease se-
(Harpenden Stadiometer; Holtain Limited, Crymych, UK) verity was classified as [10]:
and body mass index (BMI) (in kg/m2) was calculated.
Z scores were calculated using WHO Anthroplus software Normal: FEV1 ≥ 90% of predicted
(Version 1.0.4 based on WHO Growth Reference 2007 for 5– Mild: FEV1 70–89% of predicted
19 y). Pubertal development was determined by a self- Moderate: FEV1 40–69% of predicted
assessment questionnaire using drawings and written descrip- Severe: FEV1 < 40% of predicted
tions of Tanners’ breast, genital and pubic hair classification
[6]. Maximal exercise testing was done on treadmill using
All enrolled subjects were managed as per the unit’s pro- Modified Bruce protocol as per the American College of
tocol. Measurements which included clinical assessment, pul- Sports Medicine guidelines [11]. Heart rate was monitored
monary function, bone mineral density, exercise testing, qual- by continuous ECG and saturation with pulse oximeter.
ity of life, daily physical activity, bone related biochemical Measurements included were maximum oxygen uptake, max-
parameters and dietary intake were conducted at baseline imum minute ventilation, exercise duration, maximum heart
and at end of one year exercise intervention. All enrolled sub- rate and minimum oxygen saturation. Effort was considered to
jects were followed up every 3 mo (+ 2 wks) for a period of 12 be at a maximal level when the participant showed clinical
mo. The three monthly assessment included spirometric mea- signs of intense effort or saturation fell below 90% and when
surements and assessment of compliance. at least one of the following criteria was met: heart rate at peak
As there were no studies to document the effect of exercise >180 beats·min−1 or a respiratory exchange ratio at
physical exercise on BMD in CF children, dual energy peak exercise >1.0 [11].
X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans of 26 patients with Habitual activity estimation scale (HAES) was used to as-
CF, aged 7–16 y, were used to calculate the sample size. sess daily physical activity [12]. Subject was asked to recall
Taking alpha as 0.05, power of 90%, mean [SD] whole one usual weekday and one usual weekend day separately
body BMD value of 0.81 [0.13] g/cm2, and assuming from past 2 wk. Sum of somewhat active and active categories
15% improvement in experimental group and none in was used for comparison.
Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994 989

Quality of life was assessed using validated Cystic quadriceps strengthening. Intensity of exercise was in-
fibrosis questionnaire – revised (CFQ-R) [13]. This ques- creased by increasing the weight and the number of rep-
tionnaire had three versions – child, parent and adoles- etitions. Plyometric regime started with three types of
cent. The questions had to be answered keeping in mind jumps each to be done 20 times/day. Intensity was in-
physical and psychological health status over last 2 wk, creased by adding new type of jumps.
proceeding the day of administration of the question- Exercises were demonstrated and taught for 2 d during first
naire. Scores ranged from 0 to 100 with higher scores week. A CD of animated demonstration of exercise was given
indicating better health. Scores of all domains were to each subject in experimental group. Telephonic guidance
summed to generate a questionnaire score for and assessment of compliance was done every 2 wk. Patients
comparison. were asked to record details of exercises performed in a dairy.
In addition, fasting blood samples were taken to measure Compliance to exercise regime was calculated as: (Number of
calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase (Hitachi Modular exercise done in a year/Number of exercise prescribed in a
P 800 autoanalyser), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (DiaSorin year) X 100.
LIAISON, Minnesote, USA) and intact parathyroid hormone Data were analysed using Stata 12.0 software
(Roche COBAS e411, Japan). The reference range of serum (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). Comparison of
25[OH] D was taken as [14]: data collected at baseline and at end of one year was
done. Both inter- and intra-group comparison of primary
Sufficient: 20–100 ng/ml and secondary outcome variables was carried out.
Insufficient: 15–19 ng/ml Student t-test was used for continuous variables. Mann-
Deficient: below 15 ng/ml Whitney test was used for analysis of non-parametric
data and Chi-square test for proportions. A p value of
Dietary intake was assessed using validated 24-h food <0.05 was considered as significant.
recall and semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire
for calcium rich sources. The data collected were entered
into an Indian Nutritional Software (Diet Soft, Invincible Results
Ideas, Delhi, India) which gave the calories, carbohy-
drates, proteins, fat, minerals and vitamins content of The participants' disposition as per CONSORT guidelines
consumed food. is shown in Fig. 1. Fifty-seven children with CF were
Enrolled children were stratified into two strata based on assessed for eligibility from May 2013 through
their pubertal stage as pre-pubertal and peri-/post-pubertal. July 2014. Five children (8.8%) were not eligible; four
Children of both strata were further stratified into two had recent pulmonary exacerbations and one had FEV1
groups based on their pulmonary function, that is, children (% predicted) less than 20%.
with FEV1 (% predicted) ≥ 20% & ≤ 50% and children with Fifty-two enrolled children were divided into four
FEV1 (% predicted) > 50%. Children of the four strata were groups according to their pubertal stage and pulmonary
then assigned to experimental or control group by block status. Children of the four groups were then randomized
randomization, using computer software by an individual into experimental and control group. There were 25 chil-
not involved in the study. Concealment of allocation was dren in experimental (females = 10) and 27 (females = 12)
achieved by enclosing assignments in sequentially num- in control group. There was 100% follow-up every 3
bered opaque, sealed envelopes for the four strata. There monthly (total 4 follow-ups) with a maximum delay of
was no blinding of the study subjects. However, the per- 2 wk with no drop-out throughout the study from either
sonnel performing the DXA and laboratory assays were of the two groups (Fig. 1).
unaware of the assigned group. The mean [SD] age of enrolled children was (149.79
In addition to routine management both groups were [37.84]) mo; range: 75–214 mo. Baseline characteristics of
given vitamin D and calcium supplements at twice the two groups were similar. Table 1 presents baseline character-
recommended dietary allowance. Control group was asked istics of participants.
to continue with routine physical activity and experimental All children in experimental group did home exercise pro-
group was prescribed a set of home based exercise pro- gram. Overall compliance to exercise program was 63%.
gram to be done three times a week. The exercise pro- Eight (32%) children had adherence above 70% to exercise
gram incorporated resistance training and plyometric whereas 5 (20%) had adherence below 50%.
jumping exercises. Exercise intensity was increased every The change in whole body BMD over 12 mo of study
three monthly. Resistance training was performed using period was lower by 0.006 g/cm2 (95% CI -0.04 to 0.03)
sand-bag tied to waist or ankles and consisted of squats, in experimental group as compared to controls. For lum-
forward lunges, toe raise-heel drops, push-ups and bar spine BMD, the change in experimental group was
990 Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994

Fig. 1 Design and flow of participants through the trial

0.001 g/cm2 (95% CI -0.02 to 0.02) more than controls. duration was 1.43 min (95% CI 0.32 to 2.55; p = 0.01)
However, the effect size in both cases was non-signifi- more than the controls (Table 3).
cant. Similarly, changes in whole body and lumbar spine The activity scores of HAES of the two groups did not
BMAD of the two groups over 12 mo remained compa- show any significant inter-group difference either for week-
rable (Table 2). days or for weekend (Table 3).
At the end of one year study period, changes in FEV1 (% For CFQ-R, reports were available for 16 child-parent
predicted) and forced vital capacity (FVC) (% predicted) of pairs in each group. For adolescent version, reports were
the two groups showed no significant difference between the retrieved from 9 and 11 subjects in experimental and
groups (Table 3). control group, respectively. The changes in experimental
In terms of exercise testing variables, in experimental group’s scores of child (mean difference 41.31; p = 0.02)
group there was significant improvement in maximal ox- and adolescent versions (mean difference 86.6; p = 0.005)
ygen uptake and exercise duration whereas there were no over 12 mo were significantly higher than controls but
statistically significant difference in maximum minute changes in score of parent version were similar in both
ventilation, heart rate and saturation. Change in experi- groups (Table 4).
mental group for maximal oxygen uptake was 4.15 ml/ In biochemical parameters, only vitamin D showed signif-
kg/min (95% CI 1.22 to 7.08; p = 0.006) and for exercise icantly more increase over 12 mo in experimental group in
Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994 991

Table 1 Baseline characteristics

of participants Characteristics Experimental group Control group
(n = 25) (n = 27)

Age (months) 147.16 (33.96) 152.22 (40.02)

Gender, n males (%) 15 (60) 15 (55.6)
Height (cm) 138.44 (14.75) 137.67 (15.66)
Height for age Z score * −1.68 (−2.36, −1.15) −1.96 (−2.92, −1.15)
Weight (kg) 28.08 (10.13) 29.79 (11.69)
BMI (Kg/m2) 14.23 (3.16) 15.03 (2.97)
BMI for age Z score * −2.46 (−3.79, −1.48) −1.93 (−3.59, −0.91)
Vitamin D (ng/mL) 11.2 (5.85) 10.19 (5.79)
Calcium (mg/dL) 9.35 (0.47) 9.05 (0.57)
Phosphorus (mg/dL) 4.82 (0.63) 4.66 (0.7)
Parathyroid hormone (pg/mL) * 46.33 (37.09, 76.74) 48.15 (38.8, 70.89)
Alkaline phosphatase (I.U./L) 521.36 (193.92) 591.52 (332.53)
Shwachman-Kulczycki score 79.33 (13.63) 78.39 (16.87)
Number of Creon tablets (10,000 U lipase) taken daily * 15 (7, 20) 12 (7, 15)

Values as Mean (SD); *Values expressed as Median (IQR); BMI Body mass index

comparison to controls; effect size being 8.88 ng/ml (95% CI There was no difference in the two groups with re-
2.57 to 15.18; p = 0.007) (Table 3). The between group com- gard to whole body bone mineral parameters and lum-
parison of all dietary variables had comparable values. bar spine bone mineral parameters in relation to puber-
Twenty-seven (52%) of the total 52 enrolled children tal stage and pulmonary function tests (Supplementary
were colonised with Pseudomonas. Experimental group material).
had a significantly higher number of children colonized
with Pseudomonas (17 [68%] vs. 10 [37.04%]; p = 0.03).
Forty-six (88.5%) of them were taking inhaled glucocor- Discussion
ticoids, 5 (9.6%) were on long term oral glucocorticoids
and 5 (9.6%) had taken oral corticosteroids for short In view of paucity of data available on immediate association
durations during the study period. Number of children between exercise and bone mass of CF patients, the present
taking inhaled steroids was similar in both groups (p = study attempted to evaluate influence of exercise program on
0.92). bone accretion in children and adolescents with CF. There

Table 2 Bone mineral outcomes at baseline and one year after intervention for experimental (n = 25) and control (n = 27) groups

Measurement Month 0 Month 12 Within-group effect Between-group effect Between-group effect

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Median (IQR) Mean (95% CI) p value

Whole body BMD (g/cm2)

• Experimental group 0.78 (0.12) 0.87 (0.13) 0.061 (0.04, 0.15) −0.006 (−0.04 to 0.03) 0.74
• Control group 0.79 (0.16) 0.87 (0.16) 0.064 (0.05, 0.17)
Whole body BMAD (g/cm3)
• Experimental group 0.08 (0.01) 0.09 (0.01) 0.005 (0.004, 0.011) −0.0003 (−0.004 to 0.004) 0.87
• Control group 0.08 (0.01) 0.09 (0.01) 0.005 (0.002, 0.013)
Lumbar spine BMD (g/cm2)
• Experimental group 0.59 (0.15) 0.62 (0.17) 0.019 (−0.01, 0.04) 0.001 (−0.02 to 0.02) 0.91
• Control group 0.61 (0.17) 0.64 (0.17) 0.016 (−0.02, 0.05)
Lumbar spine BMAD (g/cm3)
• Experimental group 0.12 (0.02) 0.12 (0.03) 0.001 (−0.007, 0.009) −0.001 (−0.006 to 0.003) 0.58
• Control group 0.12 (0.02) 0.12 (0.02) 0.002 (−0.004, 0.007)

BMAD Bone mineral apparent density; BMD Bone mineral density

992 Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994

Table 3 Spirometric parameters, exercise testing variables and biochemical parameters at baseline and after intervention of experimental (n = 25) and
control (n = 27) groups

Outcomes Month 0 Month 12 Within-group effect Between-group effect

EG CG EG CG EG CG EG minus CG p value
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Median (IQR) Median (IQR) Mean (95% CI)

FEV1 (% predicted) 61.44 (24.72) 60.93 (24.87) 57.56 (24.06) 59.89 (22.16) −3 (−12, 3) −4 (−9, 3) −2.84 (−9.85 to 4.16) 0.42
FVC (% predicted) 68.8 (19.99) 65.89 (20.55) 71.04 (23.46) 68 (9.21) −1 (−8, 8) 0 (−7, 12) 0.13 (−7.65 to 7.91) 0.97
Maximal O2 uptake 29.91 (6.65) 27.15 (7.03) 32.51 (8.05) 25.59 (6.09) 2.71 (−0.81, 5.34) −1.27 (−5.31, 2.36) 4.15 (1.22 to 7.08) 0.006
Maximum minute 27.15 (9.73) 23.55 (8.72) 27.37 (10.29) 22.55 (8.3) 0.81 (−3.83, 3.43) −0.59 (−4.29, 2.91) 1.21 (−1.42 to 3.85) 0.36
ventilation (L/min)
Maximum heart 167.08 (9.39) 162.22 (13.27) 165.8 (9.48) 160.07 (15.24) 0 (−2, 2) 0 (−2, 2) 0.51 (−2.35 to 3.37) 0.7
rate (beats/min)
Exercise duration (min) 12.16 (2.1) 11.95 (3.32) 12.93 (3.09) 11.29 (3.54) 1.14 (−0.43, 2.26) −0.22 (−0.86, 0.62) 1.43 (0.32 to 2.55) 0.01
Minimum saturation (%) 96.16 (1.59) 95.63 (2.57) 95 (2.55) 95 (2.87) −1 (−2, 0) −1 (−1, 0) −0.53 (−1.23 to 0.17) 0.14
HAES weekend (hours) 6.49 (1.39) 6.28 (1.47) 6.83 (1.37) 6.26 (1.38) 0.18 (−0.28, 1.04) −0.18 (−0.61, 0.72) 0.36 (−0.14 to 0.87) 0.15
HAES weekdays (hours) 6.07 (1.59) 5.97 (1.83) 6.27 (1.67) 5.93 (1.73) −0.02 (−0.34, 0.65) 0.13 (−1.3, 1.03) 0.23 (−0.45 to 0.91) 0.49
Vitamin D (ng/ml) 11.2 (5.85) 10.19 (5.79) 27.6 (14.96) 17.7 (10.54) 14 (8, 22) 5 (1, 12) 8.88 (2.57 to 15.18) 0.007
Calcium (mg/dl) 9.35 (0.47) 9.05 (0.57) 9.77 (0.52) 9.2 (0.59) 0.59 (0.1, 0.79) −0.1 (−0.29, 0.59) 0.27 (−0.07 to 0.62) 0.12

CG Control group; EG Experimental group; FEV1 Forced expiratory volume during first second; FVC Forced vital capacity; HAES Habitual activity
estimation scale

was no increased bone accretion in experimental group with be possible that prolonged energy deprivation resulted in
exercise, but improvement in terms of exercise capacity, negative systemic influences on bone metabolism which
quality of life, and changes in bone related biochemical pa- may have overridden the positive effects of exercise of
rameter were indicative of better bone acquisition as com- experimental group.
pared to controls. Majority of subjects (63.5%) had moderate to severe
More than one disease related factors like malnutrition lung disease. Aerobic capacity of patients with severe
and pulmonary disease may have contributed for ob- lung disease may be restricted due to decreased alveolar
served results. The study cohort was malnourished, as ventilation and lung diffusion capacity. Decrease in FEV1
indicated by mean BMI (14.7 kg/m2) and BMI for age is associated with decrease in bone mass and increased
Z score (−2.4) and no change in weight or energy intake glucocorticoid usage is associated with decreased bone
was observed over one year. Literature suggests that mass [4, 5]. Also, there is increased osteoclastic activity
sustained energy deprivation is associated with increased during episodes of exacerbations [16]. Patients with se-
bone resorption relative to bone formation [15]. It may vere disease might not have been able to perform

Table 4 Scores of child, parent and adolescent versions of cystic fibrosis questionnaire – revised at baseline and after intervention of experimental and
control groups

Measurement Month 0 Month 12 Within-group effect Between-group effect Between-group effect

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Median (IQR) Mean (95%CI) p value

Score of child version

• EG (n = 16) 587.78 (92.51) 637.78 (104.44) 45.14 (26.29, 74.8) 41.31 (7.37 to 75.25) 0.02
• CG (n = 16) 559.59 (76.71) 568.28 (88.16) 0.88 (−9.62, 26.29)
Score of parent version
• EG (n = 16) 804.01 (77.49) 847.14 (137.93) 56.12 (1.39, 105.91) 17.99 (−47.67 to 83.66) 0.58
• CG (n = 16) 727.38 (146.39) 752.52 (141.82) 12.96 (−7.97, 51.3)
Score of adolescent version
• EG (n = 9) 834.54 (196.48) 924.74 (178.27) 66.67 (51.09, 80.55) 86.6 (30.01 to 143.19) 0.005
• CG (n = 11) 928.71 (199.59) 931.74 (217.34) 8.32 (−38.86, 34.44)

CG Control group; EG Experimental group

Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994 993

exercises to the required level of intensity to get the The strengths of study include randomization and ex-
desired results. The disease severity itself may have di- cellent follow-up with no drop-out. A comprehensive
minished the beneficial effects of exercise on bone investigation of bone mineral status and cardio-
growth. pulmonary fitness of Indian CF patients was done for
Studies investigating influence of exercise programs the first time. This study not only helped in changing
on lung function, aerobic fitness, quality of life, etc in the outlook of children and their parents regarding abil-
CF patients have observed that results are dependent on ity of these children to participate in vigorous physical
compliance and intensity of exercises [17–19]. Also re- activities but also has shown a way for improving their
sults were better with supervised programs as compared quality of life in a resource constrained environment.
to unsupervised ones [20]. Current study was based on a Limitation of study was inclusion of children with
home-based, semi-supervised exercise program. Although severe lung disease and malnutrition which may have
children were motivated, as indicated by 100% follow- limited their ability to perform high impact exercise to
up, factors such as lack of time, particularly in school the prescribed levels. Also, the authors were unable to
going children, as well as, some other socio-cultural fac- provide individualized, supervised exercise protocol. The
tors may not have allowed children and parents to give authors followed the children once in 3 mo; a more fre-
due importance to the prescribed exercises. quent follow-up may have improved the compliance with
Studies have shown that increase in maximal oxygen the exercise program.
uptake from training results primarily from increase in
cardiac output [21] indicating that experimental group
despite having pulmonary limitation had an improved
aerobic capacity via increased cardiac output. Evidence Conclusions
also suggests that vitamin D has positive association with
cardiopulmonary fitness [22]. In this study, maximal ox- In this study, the experimental group did not show sig-
ygen uptake was found to be related to vitamin D levels nificant improvement in BMD but had a significant im-
[p = 0.001] and increase of experimental group was sig- provement in terms of exercise capacity, quality of life
nificantly higher than controls. Therefore, both increase and changes in bone related biomedical parameters indic-
in cardiac output and higher levels of vitamin D may ative of improved bone acquisition in comparasion to the
have contributed to improved aerobic capacity of exper- control group. The findings of this study thus provide a
imental group. supportive evidence of using weight bearing exercises as
As per subject’s own assessment, experimental group means of improving bone mineral accretion in a cost-
had a significant improvement in their quality of life. effective way in children and adolescents with CF.
This may have resulted from improvement in their aero- Results of the study have stressed on implementation of
bic capacity and from realization of their own physical vigorous strategies to manage skeletal health of these
potential. However, respective parents’ responses did not children from early childhood. In CF, several factors
suggest that there was any significant change in their concomitantly adversely affect bone mineral accretion.
children’s quality of life. This can probably be explained Beneficial effects of improving any one of the above
by various factors such as variable involvement of par- factor on bone mass may be masked by other factors.
ents with their child’s way of life, parents having higher Therefore, a holistic approach, including nutritional sup-
expectations from the protocol, or due to fact that emo- port, weight bearing activity, sex steroid replacement etc.
tions are expressed better personally than by an observer may be helpful in improving bone accretion of these
such as parents. patients. Further interventional studies are required to
Serum vitamin D levels of both groups increased sig- determine the type, frequency and intensity of exercises
nificantly, but experimental group had a significantly which may be most beneficial for skeletal health of these
higher increase over 12 mo as compared to controls. patients.
Literature suggests that there is a relationship between
Acknowledgements The authors would like to offer our humble thanks
exercise and vitamin D levels, even when performed in-
to all the children and their parents for having faith in them, for partici-
doors [23, 24]. It is postulated that increased body heat pating in the study and for making it on all the scheduled visits, in-spite of
resulting from physical exercise facilitates increased for- all odds.
mation of vitamin D3 from previtamin D3, as this reac-
tion is temperature dependent [25]. Another theory is that Authors’ Contribution SG: Developed the protocol, collected the data
and wrote the manuscript; AM, RL, MK, KKD, RK, AT: Helped in
exercise stimulates osteoblastic bone formation for which
carrying out the study, review of data and manuscript writing; SKK:
vitamin D endocrine system modifies to provide extra Protocol development, monitoring of study and helped in manuscript
calcium for the newly formed bone tissue [26]. writing. SKK will act as guarantor for this paper.
994 Indian J Pediatr (November 2019) 86(11):987–994

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