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Hossain, Md Al Amin. (2023). Networking Technology in Large Organizations:

Master’s Graduate Thesis School of Business Higher School of Economics
(HSE) Moscow.
Identification of the problem in this study shows that it is based on the
fact that most Bangladeshi organizations have used network systems to support
the performance of these organizations. Network systems that are widely used
in Bangladeshi organizations are LAN Network and Wireless Network. Even
though they are supporting the performance of organizations, LAN Networks
and Wireless Networks also have problems for Bangladeshi organizations in the
form of installation and maintenance costs, as well as vulnerable to be hit by a
network security system so that it can attack important data of organizations if it
is not protected by a strong network system. Based on this problem, the writer
interested in understanding how much influence of the use of LAN Networks
and Wireless Networks has on the work efficiency of Bangladeshi
In this study, the data collection has been done to consist of two types of
data, such as primary and secondary data. primary data is gathered from Survey
and interview of some networking engineers, managers and networking
technical persons. Secondary data are collected by different journals, research
papers, such as like Research Gate, Academia, JSTOR, Science Direct, EBSCO,
IEEE Explore, Oxford journals, Cambridge Journals and so on.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Local Area
Network (LAN) and Wireless Network effect on work efficiency in Bangladeshi
organizations. The design of the research is survey descriptive research that
blends quantitative and qualitative data. The data were obtained from
distributing questionnaires to 28 employees of Link3 Technologies Ltd and
Aamra network Ltd. which were obtained using purposive sampling, then
analyzed using quantitative data analysis. Quantitative analysis includes validity
and reliability tests, classic assumption tests, coefficient of determination tests
and multiple analysis, F significance test (F statistical test), individual parameter
significance test (t-test). While the data management uses SPSS 25.00 for
The variables used in this research are the independent variable and the
dependent variable. The independent variable in this study was "LAN Network
and Wireless Network". Independent variable affected the dependent variable
which is reflected in the "work efficiency of organizations".
From the results of the study data processing obtained from simple linear
regression Ŷ = 6.382 + 0.408 X1 + 0.222 X2 + e. Simultaneous calculation
results obtained partial test results for t count (2.835) > t table (2.059), the
significance of the LAN Network variable to the dependent variable work
efficiency of Bangladeshi organizations was 0.009 or less than the alpha value
of 0.05. The LAN Network variable has a significant effect on work efficiency
or H1 is accepted and H2 is rejected. While the value of the regression
coefficient for the Wireless Network variable is 0.239 or more than the alpha
value of 0.05. So, it can be stated that the value of t count ˂ t table and
significance 0.239 ˃ 0.05 means that the Wireless Network variable has low
significant on work efficiency or H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted.

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