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A little tour on se Co-ondinater graph, in ale Bh Bentity the poinh (2. %), (2%), (2 -%), (2.-%) 7%) a) Ty Sketch P= 2 5 Teo different ways pee (@) Whatever ‘he angle, (P= 2 Ta Sketbh P= Conze in polo Co-ordinates So tae hove fo Yoruy @ [ram 0° #9 20" 49 Bee fhe road | Bee nario. we % Firat vary it from 0 ty —> a bh > in this manner when © inavelr to 36", The guaph of Pe Cap2o takes The following “fm te 1 © nodian Note: = Qdsne if n is even there will be 2n equally paced pebh q nadiun ae if nin cad there will be euolly paced petals of radius o First pebol aterch from o° in care of Coane 360" 360 Fon the intenval of next peel we find hz 2 on HC , 4 even rd Allen thad final petal i» ot forerenn — for ddd n 67 Then we will gel the pele ot & orn, olezh, 43h, = uodil Hf goer 16 Fe cpmb/ ateenb be -oh [6 3@rDh eer eaaainie oun ewe Fire example if we niatch P= 2Gn0 5 5 pelo Stents oF 0% there petele ocer od 20° 4 (wah * + (NeY 360° x whene Far example Lt p= 2 Sin26 So we will have 4 Pela Frat petal eceutr ot xe = aes? 45° Polob distonce 260" = a9" Merck peta cccun ef apgtpoot eesti teeta” S425 ——= 20s 20885" DNRC) 4ertad, 4etrige’, 45°+ 270" 135° sage, = 3t5" Sin 38 Stent 20. so otkenndintence 3522120" For Pe 290" & Limacen's & Candioid GH Sketch the graph of =a (1+lo08) —_—o— First we sketch fon = o 7 if we continue upto 2n then we will gela heart Ahope (Called carcdioid) p= a(i- Sing) Th P= alt-ane) realise) ¢ a Grp. atbSind, P= atblese there 430 & bd “Thene ane foun. pomible rhaper OQaOOO oye! reyes ai on Perteemn aconed merce Conver imacon innen looP Enarplt We142000: 4 r= 21GR6 bP > -2Veonag she both Produc Came graph Sp thr Alonso Produce fees lemnineate Area under eunves in polar Coordinates Ff ecard pare the angler thet sohafy the condition. ASRS ATT and if fee) is centinuoun & either nonnegative onronpositive fon & £04. then the ana A Sf the nagion R enclased by the polan eunve v= fre) (X£02P) and the Linen, 8=L kO-Pb Pp . 6 af ¢limtic- [rue =o & of nlow debts know the inkuiton behind the equation O Now the anea of the cinde As rp Now Son thed foortion t | Areas 1rPYx. oe = dwiae when we take infinite ahieem *s : 2900 & thecencept of alo ariner. A Find The area of The wagion in The First quodreard thas by within the eardiond r= t~ Cone Solution: he Here © vores from o 7 Ma The apnea of fhe dlsined reyion We = i ECi- &0)"do ° va “4 Fs ateno-e b(t conse 48 a -¢ [4e- 2sine + qsinz0| | - 2 = 2r-a. Th Find the area of the nagion enclared by the none curve Pe tos20- Soludio Hen the anea of the region m4 7 | 4 Con 26 do 0 my _ a | oitr de _ 4 a2 J (14 conto)de a - [wrt sins] - GH Find the Area of fhe region thet is inside the candinid Yo 4t+htarp & outside the cinele P=6 , Solution. aes TS find The point sf intenrection We Arlve Ht htore~ 6 => tlre -2 1 => lorb> > o- enne © 8 = -I,-% Am devined oneg % Enelared Area = a 4 [ (orco0) & ] do ag 2 % offense > JP (ceo + 055 -19) do ‘a oe Ts = [lesing + (40-+25ino -rno] ~T. = 18s -4r,

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