Preposition For Class-8, CT-2

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Preposition for CT-2

1. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.

2. The examination commences on the 5th instant.
3. Comment upon or on this passage.
4. I shall communicate with him on this matter.
5. I compensated him for his loss.
6. He commenced his speech with a short prayer.
7. This angle is common to both the triangles.
8. I have no bias against him.
9. Do not brood so much on or over your misfortune.
10. You are not competent for the post.
11. This angle is common to both the triangles.
12. Find out the clue to the mystery.
13. His house is close to mine.
14. He closed with (accepted) the offer.
15. He was cheated of or out of his dues.
16. The people are clamoring for more autonomy.
17. He was charged with theft.
18. What is the charge against him?
19. He is cautious of giving offence.
20. He cautioned me against thieves.
21. He is always busy about nothing.
22. He is busy at his desk.
23. He is careful of or about his health.
24. Take proper caution against malaria.
25. Keep clear of (free from) wicked friends.
26. I beg of you to keep quiet.
27. This book belongs to me.
28. He is beset with dangers.
29. He is blessed in his children.
30. He was born of poor parents.
31. I had to bow to circumstances.
32. Do not boast of you wealth.
33. I want a certificate of character.
34. He was charged with theft.
35. He was cheated of or out of his dues.
36. He clung to me through my troubles.
37. Your story coincides (agrees) with his.
38. He is cautious of giving offence.
39. He is careful (or careless) of or about his health.
40. Take care of your health.
41. He is not capable of hard work.
42. He is busy at his desk.
43. He is bound for England.
44. He is blind of or in both the eyes.
45. He is bent on going.
46. The meeting was adjourned to Sunday next.
47. Your conduct admits of on excuse.
48. He was admitted into the room.
49. He was admitted to class VIII.
50. He took advantage my absence to steal my book.
51. He gained advantage over me in the race.
52. The new rule is advantageous to us.
53. Your plan is adverse to our interests.
54. He has affection for or towards me.
55. He is afflicted with gout.
56. There is an affinity between the two languages.
57. The affinity of milk for water poses a problem.
58. I feel a strong affinity to or for him.
59. Affix this stamp to or on the letter.
60. He is affectionate to or towards me.
61. She is afflicted at the death of her son.
62. I am afraid of him.
63. He is afraid of doing this.
64. The boys were agog with excitement at the start of the match.
65. I agree with you on this point.
66. He is suffering from fever accompanied with headache.
67. The girl is accomplished in dancing
68. Your story accords (agrees) with his.
69. I have to account for this money.
70. I have to account for this money.
71. We are accountable to God for our deeds.
72. Great benefit will accrue to the country from the measure.
73. He was accused of theft.
74. I am accustomed to such a life.
75. He acquiesced in the proposal.
76. I am acquainted with him.
77. This work is not adapted to my abilities
78. This story is adapted for school boys from a story of Rabindranath.
79. Add this to that.
80. There has been an addition to their family.
81. During my absence, he will look after my job in addition to his own duties.
82. He is adept in music.
83. This amount is adequate to our wants.
84. He is addicted to wine.
85. His house is adjacent to mine.
86. I shall abide by your decision.
87. Abide with me, O Lord.
88. I shall not abide long in Calcutta, or at Bankura.
89. Wild animals abound in Indian forests.
90. Indian forests abound with wild animals
91. Read newspapers to keep abreast of or with.
92. He was absent from the meeting.
93. I absolve you from blame.
94. The priest absolved him of sin.
95. He is absorbed in thought
96. I shall abstain from smoking.
97. The building abuts on the temple.
98. I cannot accede to your request.
99. We have free access to him
100. He is accessible to all
101. Your offer is acceptable to me.
102. They will need some time to get acclimatized to the new surroundings.
103. He accommodated me with a loan.
104. We should accommodate ourselves to circumstances.
105. I was accompanied there by my friend.
106. He came to our house about that matter.
107. He will come at 7 pm.
108. The car ran at 100 miles per hour.
109. He shouted at the top of his voice.
110. He will return by 5 P.M.
111. What is the time by your watch?
112. He had her rice bought by her servant.
113. Please do it in my own decision.
114. He came of a rich family.
115. This basket is made of bamboo.
116. Put the laptop on the table.
117. He was forgiven by the teacher on my request.
118. We invited him to the party.
119. I found the place to my liking.
120. I do everything with my own hand.
121. With this word he went away.
122. We will finish the work within a month.
123. I walked across the field.
124. He came in the morning.
125. He came at noon.
126. He is in the room.
127. He went into the room
128. He has been living in Dhaka since 2000.
129. I have been reading for three hours.
130. Distribute the fruits between Zaheen and Sumit.
131. He will come in a week.
132. The whole village is under water.
133. His behavior is beneath contempt.
134. Dhaka is on the Buriganga.
135. Kashmir is in the north of India.
136. Myanmar is to the east of Bangladesh.
137. Paper is made from wood.
138. Please sit beside me.
139. We are Bangladeshi by birth.
140. The egg is sold by dozen.
141. I came here by bus.
142. I am going to Dhaka on the bus.
143. She came here on foot.
144. We spoke on/over the phone yesterday.
145. The man is from South Africa.
146. He is a man of letters.
147. He comes of a respectable family.
148. I prefer death to dishonor.
149. He is junior to me.
150. She was forced to marry against her will.

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