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Amos & Hosea Worksheet (20 points)

Directions: Respond to the following. The assignment has 2 parts.

Part 1: Amos (10 points)

(a) Identify 2 issues of social injustice that you see in the world? Include a 15 word rationale
for making each choice (total 30 words).
1. The inequality in education where we see how many kids can not be able to receive no
education and there’s nothing that governments do in order for these kids to have
education while other wealthy kids have the best education and are wasting it.

2. Discrimination is one that has existed over many years, but nowadays in every possible
scenario people gets discriminated for example in may sports there is people been
discriminated by the fans of the opponent with so many insults that may affect
emotionally someone.

(b) What are 3 plans you might take action on to address these injustices?" (20 words each)
1. For Discrimination maybe it will great to give a fine of a considerable amount of
money to everyone who begins saying insults trying to offend someone’s skin color
or race

2. On the other side, for the inequality in education it would be great for governments
and people that is at the very top of the country try to make some programs in where
they begin to offer education to those who can’t afford, not talking about scholarships
but other ways in which at least the simplest form of education would be good for

3. Finally make campaigns in where people can go help raise funds for education and
others in which we could give a talk to people on why we should not treat others
different because of how they look or because they are from a different place and
teach them a good lesson about it

Part 2: Hosea (10 points)

(a) What are 2 things that Hosea teaches you about faithfulness & love? (20 words each)
1. Faithfulness- Something very important learned from faithfulness in this books is that
it is very healthy to our relationships with others and God in order to be doing things
in the correct way and it is an essential quality for our life.

2. Love- Something very important about love that Hosea teaches us is that love
requires a lot of sacrifice and forgiveness because he ends up marrying a prostitute
and has a family with her and that is something that not every people could be brave
to do.

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