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Rudolf Nieuwenhuys

of the Brain

With 58 Figures

Berlin Heidelberg NewYork Tokyo
Professor of Neuroanatomy, Department of Anatomy,
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

ISBN-13:978-3-540-15349-8 e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-70426-0
DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-70426-0

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Nieuwenhuys, R., 1927, Chemoarchitecture of the brain.
Bibliography: p. 199. Includes index. 1. Brain chemistry. 2. Cytoarchitectonics. 3. Histochemistry. 1. Title. [DNLM:
1. Brain-anatomy & histology. 2. Brain Chemistry. 3. Brain Mapping. 4. Neuroregulators. 5. Peptides. WL 300 N682c]
QP376.N53 1985 612'.825 85-17258
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For Letty

The purpose of this book is threefold: (1) review, and I realized that the script had
to present a short but comprehensive survey spontaneously taken on the size and format
of the localization of a number of transmit- of a book. I wrote a letter to Mr. B. Lewer-
ters and other neuroactive principles in the ich, of Springer-Verlag, advising him that
mammalian central nervous system, (2) to there would be some delay in the production
provide some comments on the relation be- of the third edition of The Human Central
tween "classical" neuroanatomy and "chem- Nervous System, that I happened to have gen-
ical" neuroanatomy, and (3) to suggest that erated an entirely different book on a brand
by a synthesis of these two approaches of knowledge usually referred to as 'chemical
"new" entities in the brain can, be delin- neuroanatomy', and that I should like to
eated. publish this work, as previous ones, with
The history of the origin of this volume is Springer. Mr. Lewerich's reply was quite
somwhat unusual and may be worth relating. characteristic: 'I must admit that, in spite
In a previous book, namely Nieuwenhuys, of seven years of cooperation, you still suc-
Voogd and Van Huijzen: The Human Central ceed in surprising me; I had not the slightest
Nervous System (second editi9n, 1981), there idea about your plans so far.' Publishing and
is a brief chapter on monoamine neuron sys- neuroanatomy are apparently equally adven-
tems. The authors agreed that in the third turous professions! Mr. Lewerich continued:
edition of the work that chapter should be , Springer-Verlag will publish this book as a
considerably extended so as to cover not the separate monograph.'
monoamines alone, but all important trans- During the writing of this book I received
mitter-specified neuronal populations. It was the encouragement, advice and help of nu-
my task to write that chapter, so I started merous persons; hence, my gratitude is mani-
working on it, beginning with acetylcholine. fold.
As is common practice among the three of Jan Voogd and Chris van Huijzen generously
us, I forwarded my products at regular inter- accepted my excuses for the delay in the pro-
vals to Jan Voogd and Chris van Huijzen. duction of my share of the third edition of
Their comments were in general positive, but our joint book, as did Springer-Verlag.
after a few months they, and I too, became Dr. L.H. Bannister very kindly read the en-
rather concerned about the rate at which the tire manuscript. He carefully scrutinized the
chapter was growing, and somewhat later its English and made numerous valuable sugges-
length had surpassed that of the entire text tions. Without his encouragement and most
of the work mentioned. It was then agreed generous help this book would haveibeen im-
that my product would be published as a re- possible.
view paper, and that only the most salient Drs. A.R. Cools, C. Jaeger and C. Nicholson
data would be included in The Human Cen- have read through large parts of the manu-
tral Nervous System. Still later, the total body script and given valuable advice concerning
of text and illustrations had grown well special subjects about which they have first-
beyond the limits of even a very extensive hand knowledge.
VIII Preface

Dr. J.W.F.M. van Nispen collected the data Mr. W.P.J. Maas skilfully executed all of the
on the primary structure of the various neu- remaining drawings, and Mr. J. Konings
ropeptides and provided information on drew the chemical formulae.
chemical matters. Professor A. Hopf and Dr. L. Price kindly
ffi. J.G. Veening made some valuable sug- provided me with some photomicrographs of
gestions on neuroethological aspects. neuropathological cases.
Drs. G. Paxinos and H.W.M. Steinbusch The invaluable secretarial assistance afforded
made available manuscripts not yet pub- by Anneke Siebring and Mia Smeekens is
lished. especially acknowledged.
Dr. P. van Domburg meticulously collected
and processed part of the data upon which Finally, I extend my most sincere thanks to
Chap. 5 is based. Springer-Verlag and its staff - especially Mrs.
Mr. F. Geurts assisted in preparing the chem- Th. Deigmoller, Mrs. D. GroBhans, Mrs. U.
ical illustrations. Pfaff and Mrs. M. Schafer, for their help dur-
Chris van Huijzen remained what he has ing the publication of this book.
been continuously during the past 15 years:
my mentor and advisor in the art of prepar-
ing clear illustrations. Moreover, he designed
the cover and prepared Figs. 48 and 49. Summer 1985 R. NIEUWENHUYS

CHAPTER 1 Hypophysiotropic Peptides 70

Corticotropin-Releasing Factor 70
Introduction 1 Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing
Hormone 74
Somatostatin 77
CHAPTER 2 Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone 82

Plan and Program 6

Neurohypophyseal Peptides 84
Vasopressin and Oxytocin 84

Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Pro-Opiomelanocortin Derivatives 87

Groups and Pathways 7 Corticotropin, or Adrenocortico-
tropic Hormone (ACTH) 89
p-Lipotropin 91
Acetylcholine 7 0:- Melanocyte-Stimulating
Hormone 92
p- Melanocyte-Stimulating
Monoamines 11 Hormone 92
Dopamine 14 y- Melanocyte-Stimulating
Noradrenaline 19 Hormone 93
Adrenaline 30 p- Endorphin 93
Serotonin 33 Comment on the Functional
Histamine 41 Significance of POMC
Derivatives 94

Amino Acids 44
y-Aminobutyric Acid 44 Enkephalins 97
Glutamate and Aspartate 48
Dynorphins 104
Glycine 51
Taurine 51 Angiotensin II 108

Gut-Brain Peptides 52
Substance P 52 CHAPTER 4
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide 57
Cholecystokinin 60
Neurotensin 65 Conclusions and Comments . . . . . 114
x Contents


'New' Entities in the Central Nervous Classical Neuroanatomy, 'Chemical'

SYstem: The [Paracrine?] Core and Its Neuroanatomy and Neurobiology:
Adjuncts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Some Concluding Remarks . . . . . 194

References 199

Subject Index 235



Although the theory that neurons are true one and the same neurotransmitter at all its
secreting cells which act upon one another (synaptic) terminals", was generally consid-
by the passage of chemical substances was ered to be valid for the central nervous sys-
enunciated at the beginning of the 1900s tem as well. Evidence was adduced indicating
(Scott 1905), it was only half a century later that the neutrotransmitter molecules, once
that the significance of humoral transmission released into the synaptic cleft, reach and are
for the processing of information in the cen- recognized by specific receptors embedded in
tral nervous system became fully appreciated. the membrane of the postsynaptic element,
It was then established that the transfer of and that this interaction with the receptors
neural impulses occurs principally' at mor- elicits the opening of particular ionic chan-
phologically differentiated contact sites, the nels and the displacement of certain kinds
synapses, and that the chemical intermezzo of ions. It was held that at all of the synaptic
in the otherwise electrical flow of signals, terminals of a given neuron, the transmitter
though causing some delay, still falls within substance opens just one type of ionic chan-
the millisecond range. It appeared, moreover, nel, characterizing either excitatory or inhibi-
that the influence exerted by a presynaptic tory synapses (e.g. Eccles 1969). The micro-
element via a chemical mediator, or neu- electrode enabled the neurophysiologist to vi-
rotransmitter, could be either excitatory or sualize and to register the electric potentials
inhibitory (e. g. Anderson et al. 1964; Eccles correlated with the displacement of ions re-
1957, 1969). ferred to above (cf. Hubbard et al. 1969). Ini-
The electron microscope and the micro-elec- tially, the number of known central neu-
trode have been instrumental in these devel- rotransmitters was extremely small, including
opments. The synapses were found to in- hardly more than acetylcholine and nor-
clude, in addition to certain membrane spe- adrenaline (e.g. Paton 1958), and actually,
cializations, clusters of small vesicles lying the idea prevailed that the brain could man-
near the presynaptic membrane (Palade and age with one excitatory and one inhibitory
Palay 1954; de Robertis and Bennett 1954, transmi tter .
1955). It became widely accepted that these During and after the period just sketched
vesicles contain the transmitter substance there were two notable developments: (a) the
and release their content into the synaptic number of known or putative neurotransmit-
cleft (Whittaker 1965; de Robertis 1966, ters steadily increased, and (b) the views on
1967; Palay 1967; Katz 1969; Andres and the modes in which central neurons may be
von Diihring 1976). It has been possible in influenced widened considerably.
a few instances to 'capture' synaptic vesicles As regards neurotransmitters, at the end of
in this act of exocytosis (e. g. Heuser et al. the 1960s the following substances were gen-
1979). It should be added that a rule or prin- erally considered to be acting as such in the
ciple first formulated by Dale (1935) for the central nervous system: acetylcholine (ACh),
peripheral nervous system, which may be noradrenaline, dopamine, adrenaline and
epitomized as follows: "each neuron releases histamine. In the late 1960s and the early

R. Nieuwenhuys, Chemoarchitecture of the Brain

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985
2 Introduction

1970s came an appreciation that in addition testinal tract. Others of these so-called gut
to their metabolic role, certain amino acids, brain peptides, such as substance P and neu-
such as y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glu- rotensin, were initially isolated and charac-
tamic acid, aspartic acid and glycine, might terized in the brain prior to their description
serve as neurotransmitters (Graham et al. in the gastrointestinal tract. The rapid rate
1967; Johnson and Aprison 1971; Curtis and of growth in this field may be illustrated by
Johnston 1974). During the past decade there the fact that in 1980, Snyder mentioned the
has been a dramatic explosion in the number presence of 20 peptides in the mammalian
of possible neurotransmitters, with the in- brain, whereras three years later, Iversen
creasing recognition that various peptides are (1983) and Krieger (1983) listed 33 and 38
neuronally localized in the central nervous neuropeptides respectively. Several experts
system and may well be neurotransmitters have expressed the opinion that the isolation
(cf. Guillemin 1978; Emson 1979a; Snyder and characterization of neuropeptides is pre-
1980; H6kfelt et al. 1980 a; Krieger and Mar- sumably still in its initial phase. Thus, Stern-
tin 1981 a, b; Krieger 1983). Thus, it ap- berger wrote in 1980: 'Only a small propor-
peared that the so-called posterior lobe pep- tion of all neuropeptides have been identified
tides, derived from neurosecretory neurons so far', and Snyder (1980), in the same year:
in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, 'It would not be surprising if the known pep-
give rise to extra-hypothalamic projections, tide transmitters represent only 10 percent or
the terminals of which do not differ in any less of the total, whose number then may ex-
fundamental way from the classical transmit- ceed 200'. In the meantime it should be kept
ter-containing synapses in the brain (Buijs in mind that the terms 'neuropeptide' and
and Swaab 1979). The original concept that 'peptidergic neurotransmitter' are not syn-
other peptidergic hormones, originating from onymous.
the mediobasal hypothalamus, act solely via As regards the widening of views on the
thehypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system modes in which central neurons may be in-
on the anterior pituitary to regulate the re- fluenced, I should like to mention the follow-
lease of the appropriate trophic hormones ing aspects:
had to be abandoned. Several of these' hypo-
physeotropic factors' (Scharrer 1970), in- 1. Although there are neurotransmitters that
cluding growth hormone release-inhibiting are mainly excitatory in action (e. g. aspartic
hormone (somatostatin, SST), thyrotropin acid, glutamic acid) and others that are
releasing hormone (TRH) and luteinizing mainly inhibitory (e. g. GABA, glycine), none
hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), have of the known transmitters can be defined in
a wide distribution throughout the brain. their own right as either excitatory or inhibi-
Moreover, there is strong evidence indicating tory (and thus as instrumental in opening just
that several anterior pituitary peptides de- one type of ionic channel). The effect elicited
rived from the precursor pro-opiomelanocor- by a neurotransmitter depends not only on
tin (POMC) - such as corticotropin (ACTH), its chemical structure, but also on the nature
oc-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (oc- MSH) of the receptor with which it combines. There
and p-endorphin - are also synthesized in the is evidence suggesting the existence of ' both
brain. Finally - this brief summing up is by excitatory and inhibitory receptors for the
no means exhaustive - there are a number same transmitter (e. g. acetylcholine, nor-
of peptides which occur in the gastrointesti- adrenaline) on neurons in the mammalian
nal tract as well as in the central nervous brain, and in invertebrates, even co-existence
system. Some of these, such as vasoactive in- of' opposite receptors' for the same transmit-
testinal polypeptide (VIP) and cholecysto- ter on the same neuronal membrane has been
kinin (CCK), were originally demonstrated described (for review see Uchizono 1975;
to occur in secretory elements of the gastroin- Szabadi 1978).
Introduction 3

2. The 'conventional' synaptic transmission tion of the production of enzymes which cat-
is rapid in onset and termination, having a alyze the synthesis of neurotransmitters or
total maximal duration of 30 ms. The process even a genomic effect, involving RNA and
is essentially restricted in time to the duration protein synthesis (Nathanson 1977; Nathan-
of transmitter release, which in turn is deter- son and Greengard 1977; Greengard 1978,
mined by the duration of the presynaptic ac- 1979).
tion potential. That the time course of action 4. In 'classical' synaptic transmission the
of the transmitter does not exceed the time messenger substance is delivered across a
of its release is due to the availability of very narrow gap, separating the specialized
mechanisms to rapidly terminate the action pre- and postsynaptic parts of the two neu-
of the transmitter, the main mechanisms be- rons involved. However, in the mammalian
ing (a) inactivation of the transmitter central nervous system, numerous thin, un-
through enzymatic degradation and (b) inac- myelinated, varicose fibres occur. Many of
tivation through re-uptake by presynaptic the varicosities in these fibres are densely
terminals or by glial cells. However, evidence filled with typical 'synaptic' vesicles but do
has gradually accumulated that some neu- not exhibit the characteristic presynaptic
rotransmitters may elicit transmission pro- membrane specializations. Moreover, most
cesses of much longer duration. To mention of these varicosities lack a close and distinct
a few examples: (a) It is known that dopa- apposition to postsynaptic membrane spe-
mine may slowly depolarize the ~embrane cializations, for example, a local membrane
of its target neurons (Bernardi et al. 1978; thickening or a sub synaptic web. These find-
Libet 1979). (b) Depending on the type of ings have led to the hypothesis that the syn-
receptor with which it binds, acetylcholine aptic vesicles present in these varicosities re-
may elicit a rapid or a slow excitatory post- lease their contents in the extracellular space,
synaptic potential (Brown 1983). (c) Peptid- and that by doing so they are able to influ-
ergic neurotransmitters may provide relative- ence large numbers of rec'eptors located at
ly long-lasting signals. One reason for this relatively great distances from the site of re-
is that the released peptides are not re-accu- lease (Palay and Chan-Palay 1974: 'synapses
mulated into the nerve terminal (Ems on a distance'; Chan-Palay 1977,1978; Descar-
1979a). ries et al. 1975, 1977; Beaudet and Descarries
3. The binding of certain neurotransmitters 1978; Leger and Descarries 1978; Pickel et al.
to certain classes of receptors do~s not lead 1976, 1977). This hypothesis seems plausible,
to the opening of ionic channels (and to the because analogous processes have long been
well-known post-synaptic potentials corre- known to occur in the peripheral autonomic
lated with the ensuing ion displacement), but system. It should be noted, however, that no
rather to the activation of much longer last- one has so far succeeded in directly visualiz-
ing intraneuronal processes. The receptors ing the exocytosis of vesicle contents from
operative in this type of process are function- such varicosities, so at least some of these
ally related to the membrane-bound enzyme structures may not be functional in chemical
adenylate cyclase. Activation of this enzyme neurotransmission.
results in the amplified production of adeno- 5. Certain neurochemicals not directly in-
sine 3', 5' monophosphate, or cyclic AMP. volved in the process of synaptic transmis-
Thus, the neurotransmitter does not enter the sion in the strict sense are able to influence
cell; in its place cyclic AMP takes over the this process in various ways. These 'neu-
messenger function within the cell, which is romodulators' (see Florey 1967; Barchas
why it is often designated as the' second mes- et al. 1978; Weight 1979; Kupfermann 1979;
senger'. The enhanced production of cyclic Rotsztejn 1980) may be active at the presyn-
AMP leads to cascade reactions, which ulti- aptic site, e. g. by affecting the amount of
mately may result in such processes as activa- transmitter released and the time course of
4 Introduction

transmitter release, as well as on the postsyn- use in communicating with other neurons
aptic side, e. g. by regulating the sensitivity (Iversen'1983). The problems involved are
of the receptors. Certain properties are at- complex and cannot be discussed in depth
tributed to neuromodulators: (a) they are not within the frame of the present book. How-
only liberated by neurons, but may also be ever, the following aspects and possible
released by glial cells, including ependymal implications may be briefly mentioned:
elements, neurosecretory cells and gland (a) Hokfelt et al. (1980a) envisioned that a
cells; (b) the effect of their action usually given set of neurons, all containing the' clas-
lasts longer than that of conventional neu- sical' transmitter A, could be subdivided into
rotransmitters; (c) most important - they a number of subsets, each containing, in ad-
change the capacity of their target cells to dition to A, a different neuropeptide. The
respond to a given stimulus, or in other specific peptide of each would then confer
words, they set the levels of excitability at the ability to convey differentiated messages.
the synaptic junctions. Kupfermann (1979) (b) The parasympathetic fibres which inner-
emphasized that the neuromodulatory influ- vate the sweat glands contain both ACh and
ences increase the complexity of the process- VIP. There is evidence indicating that ACh
ing of information at the level of individual mainly causes secretion, by direct stimulation
neurons. He suggested the possibility that of the secretory cells in the gland, whereas
each class of synaptic input to a cell could VIP mainly causes vasodilatation, by relax-
be selectively depressed or enhanced by a cor- ing smooth muscle cells around blood vessels
responding modulatory input; he also pro- (Lundberg et al. 1979). It has now been
posed that the long duration of modulatory found that a single impulse preferentially in-
activities and their ability to alter the effects duces a response which is due to the release
of other synaptic events are properties ideally of ACh, but that upon stimulation with high-
suited to the control of behavioural phenom- er frequencies there is an increased functional
ena such as learning, motivational state, effect caused by VIE. Lundberg and H6kfelt
arousal and sensitization. In practice it is of- (1983) suggested that analogous synergistic
ten difficult to make a sharp distinction be- actions of a classical neurotransmitter and
tween neurotransmitters and neuromodula- a neuropeptide released by one and the same
tors, and there is evidence suggesting that, neuron could also occur in the central ner-
for instance, the monoamines noradrenaline vous system. (c) It is important to note that
and serotonin act either as neurotransmitters if a given neuron synthesized and released
or as neuromodulators, according to the site more than one true neurotransmitter, Dale's
at which the action takes place. principle would be compromised. However,
6. We know, thanks largely to the investiga- if only one of the substances liberated were
tions of Tomas Hokfelt and his associates, a true neurotransmitter, whereas the other(s)
that in many neurons more than one neu- exerted (a) neuromodulatory action(s), then
roactive principle is present (for reviews see Dale's principle could still be considered val-
Hokfelt et al. 1980a; Lundberg and H6kfelt id. (d) On the postsynaptic side the co-release
1983). Two or more neuropeptides may co- of more than one neuroactive principle may
exist within one and the same neuron, and lead to a variety of processes; for inst-ance,
the combination of a neuropeptide with one (i) different terminals of a single axon can
of the monoamines is also frequently encoun- innervate different cell types, ,defined on the
tered. Although the functional significance of basis of their complement of (postsynaptic)
the phenomenon just indicated remains to be receptors (Swanson 1983); (ii) the substances
explored, it will be clear that the co-existence liberated can act on different receptors of the
and co-release of different neurochemicals same neurons; (iii) the substances can inter-
potentially greatly increases the number of act at the same postsynaptic receptors.
different chemical signals that a neuron can 7. In spite of the presence of a blood-brain
Introduction 5

barrier, certain sets of central neurons are It is against tp.e background of the develop-
important targets for circulating hormones, ments outlined above that the inception and
produced either by the pituitary or by the rise of what has become known as 'chemical
peripheral endocrine glands (cf. Stumpf 1970, neuroanatomy' (Emson 1983) should be ap-
1975; Stumpf and Sar 1975; Morell and Pfaff preciated. Taking the general validity of
1978; Heritage et al. 1976, 1980; Rees et al. Dale's principle for granted, the initial ques-
1980; Felten and Crutcher 1979; Felten and tion was, clearly and succinctly: What is the
Sladek 1983). By these sets of neurons, endo- neurotransmitter of this particular neuron or
crine signals are converted into neural activi- set of neurons? In this way it was hoped to
ties. The receptors for most of the hormones determine, as it was sometimes put, the
are probably situated at the external surface 'chemical fingerprint' of neurons. It will be
of their target neurons, but it is known that clear that this seemingly simple question has
steroid hormones are able to pass through led us into labyrinths of much greater com-
the cell membrane to encounter receptors plexity than those of fingerprints. The initial
that are located in the cytoplasm of the target impulse in this area was given by the pioneer-
cells. The mapping of the location of steroid ing work of Dahlstrom and Fuxe (1964,
hormones in the brain has grown into a neu- 1965), who charted the distribution of mono-
roanatomical subdiscipline, which has been aminergic cells and fibres in the central ner-
designated by Stumpf (1975) as 'hormone- vous system of the rat, using the formalde-
architectonics' . hyde-induced fluorescence technique devel-
oped by Falck and Hillarp (Falck 1962;
From the foregoing it may be concluded that Falck et al. 1962), and by that of Shute and
in the central nervous system, modes of Lewis (Shute and Lewis 1967; Lewis and
chemical transfer of information occur which Shute 1967), who used acetylcholinesterase
diverge markedly from classical synaptic staining as a potential marker for cholinergic
transmission. Chemical signalling appears to neurons in combination with lesions in the
be very complex in the central nervous sys- same species. The introduction of the power-
tem, and this complexity has led to the intro- ful technique of immunohistochemistry
duction of a host of terms such as 'classical (Coons 1958; Sternberger 1979) for the study
or genuine neurotransmitters', 'putative, of the localization of neurotransmitters and
possible or suspected neurotransmitters', their synthesizing enzymes has provided an
'neuromodulators " 'neuromediators " enormous impetus to the field of chemical
'chemical messengers', 'neuroactive princi- neuroanatomy. The dramatic increase in the
pies', ' neurochemicals' and even (infelici- number of neurotransmitters and possible
tously) 'neuroregulators'. The significance of neurotransmitters during the past several
several of these terms has been indicated in years - already alluded to - is a direct conse-
the preceding pages, and no attempt will be quence of this technical development.
made here to further define all of them (for
a critical review, see Van Dongen 1981 a).

Plan and Program

Although the mapping of neuroactive princi- 6. The neurohypophyseal peptides: vaso-

ples with the aid of histochemical techniques pressin, oxytocin and their related neurophy-
is still in full progress, a tentative interim sins
summation of what has been accomplished 7. The pro-opiomelanocortin dervatives:
so far may be appropriate. This book is in- corticotropin (ACTH), IX-melanocyte stimu-
tended to serve that purpose. It (a) presents lating hormone and p-endorphin
concise descriptions of the localization of a 8. The enkephalins and dynorphins
number of (putative) neuromediators in the 9. Angiotensin II
mammalian brain, based on the literature,
(b) provides pictorial surveys of the localiza- Although these substances are usually con-
tion of most of these substances, and (c) at- sidered (putative) neurotransmitters or neu-
taches some comments, conclusions and romodulators, we should not lose sight of
speculations to the data gathered. The fol- the possibility that at least some of them fulfil
lowing substances will be dealt with: roles entirely unrelated to the chemical
transfer of information.
1. Acetylcholine Before the descripti0ns of the localization of
2. The monoamines: dopamine, noradrena- the compounds mentioned are presented ~
line, adrenaline, serotonin and histamine few notes on the accompanying illustrations
3. The amino acids: y-aminobutyric acid, are in order. These pictorial overviews were
glutamate, aspartate, glycine and taurine prepared following a style developed in a pre-
4. The gut-brain peptides: substance P, va- vious publication (Nieuwenhuys et al. 1981).
soactive intestinal polypeptide, cholecysto- They are based on a medial view of the
kinin and neurotensin bisected human brain. The various centres
5. The hypophysiotropic peptides: cortico- and pathways have been projected upon the
tropin-releasing factor, luteinizing hormone- median plane. Several 'manipulations' have
releasing hormone, somatostatin and thyro- been applied. Thus, the hippocampal forma-
tropin-releasing hormone tion has been 'unrolled' in order to expose
its various parts, and the globus pallidus has
been turned 90°.

R. Nieuwenhuys, Chemoarchitecture of the Brain

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985

Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Gronps and Pathways

Acetylcholine able means of visualizing cholinergic neurons

in the central nervous system (cf. McGeer
Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter et al. 1984a; Wainer et al. 1984; Rossier
to be identified. Choline acetyltransferase 1984). The following survey of the major cen-
(ChAT) is the enzyme which is responsible tral cholinergic neuron populations and their
for the synthesis of ACh, whereas the enzyme efferent projections (Fig. 2) is based primar-
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) degrades this ily on the studies of Kimura et al. (1981),
substance (Fig. 1). In numerous older stud- Fibiger (1982) and Mesulam et al. (1983a, b,
ies, among which those of Shute and Lewis 1984a).
(Shute and Lewis 1967; Lewis ~nd Shute The skeletal motoneurons (0( as well as y)
1967) especially should be mentioned, it was and preganglionic autonomic neurons in the
attempted to study the anatomy of central brain stem and spinal cord are cholinergic in
cholinergic neurons by means of AChE histo- nature. The localization of these neurons is
chemistry. However, it is known that al- well known, and has not been indicated in
though cholinergic neurons generally show Fig. 2.
a very high content of AChE, a high activity The auditory receptor ceils in the organ of
of this enzyme is in itself not sufficient char- Corti receive a substantial efferent innerva-
acteristic for identifying cholinergic neurons tion originating from the peri olivary nuclei,
(Lehmann and Fibiger 1979; Butcher and small groups of cells surrounding the superi-
Woolf 1982; Eckenstein and Sofroniew or olivary complex. Axons arising from these
1983). The successful purification of ChAT nuclei, which include both crossed and ipsi-
and the subsequent procurement of anti- lateral fibres, reach the cochlea via the fasci-
bodies against this enzyme for use in im- culus olivocochlearis, or bundle of Rasmus-
munochemistry have recently yielded a reli- sen (1946, 1953; Moore and Osen 1979;

i HO - CH 2
CH 3
-N -CH 3
CH 3
Acetylcholinesterase Choline acetyl transferase

Acetylchol ine (ACLCH'~_O_CH'_CH'_~~~H,JAT) CH 3

Fig. 1. Synthesis and degradation of acetylcholine

R. Nieuwenhuys, Chemoarchitecture of the Brain

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985
8 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

I eocortex
2 Gyrus cinguli
3 ucleus caudatus

4 Putamen
5 Fornix
Corpus geniculatum mediale
Corpus geoiculatum laterale
6 uclei intralamioares thalami
ucleus anterior thalami
uclei laterales thalami
7 Stria medullaris thalami
8 ucleus habenulae medialis
9 ucleus septi medialis (Chi)
10 ucleus gyri diagonalis, pars dorsalis (Ch2) 22 Area tegmentalis ventralis
II Area lateralis hypothalami 23 Nucleus interpeduncularis
12 ucleus accumbens 24 Area pretectalis
13 ucleus basalis of Meynert (Ch4) 25 Colliculus superior
14 ucleus gyri diagonalis, par ventralis (Ch3) 26 Fasciculus tcgmentalis dorsalis (Shute and Lewis)
15 Bulbus olractorius 27 Area tegmentalis dorsolateralis (including nuclei
16 Tractus olfactorius parabrachiales) plus adjacent central grey (ChS +
17 Fibrae amygdalofugales ventrales Ch6)
18 ucleus basalis amygdalae 28 orrnatio reticularis medialis
19 Fimbria hippocampi 29 uclei periolivares
20 Hippocampus 30 Fasciculus olivocochlearis (Rasmussen)
21 Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis 31 Nervus vestibulocochlearis

Fig. 2. Cholinergic cell groups and pathways

Acetylcholine 9

White and Warr 1983; Adams 1983). There The basal forebrain contains a population of
is strong, though not conclusive evidence that large cholinergic neurons, extending from the
the olivocochlear neurons are cholinergic septal region rostrally to the subthalamic nu-
(Gut~et al. 1976). The bundle of Rasmussen cleus caudally. Mesulam et al. (1983 a, b,
forms the final link in a descending cortico- 1984a) subdivided this population into four
cochlear projection, by which the brain is groups, Ch1-Ch4. (For a charting of these
able to influence its own auditory input. cell masses in the human brain see Perry et al.
The rhombencephalic medial reticular forma- 1984.)
tion contains scattered large cholinergic ele- The Ch1 group corresponds to the medial
ments (Kimura et al. 1981). septal nucleus; about 10% of its neurons are
In the lateral tegmental area of the rostral cholinergic.
rhombencephalon a conspicuous, longitudi- The Ch2 group corresponds to the vertical
nally oriented zone of cholinergic neurons is limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band of
found. This zone does not coincide with a Broca; at least 70% of its neurons are cho-
particular cytoarchitectonic unit, but in- linergic.
cludes parts of the medial and lateral para- The Ch3 group most closely corresponds to
brachial nuclei and of the pedunculopontine the horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diag-
tegmental nucleus (Armstrong et al. 1983; onal band of Broca; only 1% of the neurons
Mesulam et al. 1983 b). Dorsomedially, this of this nucleus are cholinergic.
area is continuous with a group o,f choliner- The Ch4 group, which is very extensive in
gic neurons, most of which are located within the human brain, most closely corresponds
the central grey. In rodents these elements to the nucleus basalis of Meynert (Meynert
lie largely within a cytoarchitectonic entity 1872; Kolliker 1896). This nucleus lies em-
known as the nucleus laterodorsalis tegmenti bedded in the substantia innominata, a
(Mesulam et al. 1983 b). The complex of vaguely defined area situated ventral to the
cholinergic neurons just outlined gives rise globus pallidus. At least 90% of the neurons
to an ascending fibre system, the dorsal teg- in the nucleus basalis are cholinergic. Large
mental pathway of Shute and Lewis (1967), cholinergic neurons situated within the inter-
which projects upon the superior colliculus, nal and external medullary laminae of the
the pretectal area and several parts of the globus pallidus also form part of the Ch4
thalamus, including the medial and lateral group.
geniculate bodies, the intralaminar nuclei and The four cell groups just discussed give rise
the anterior and lateral nuclear groups (Shute to the following cholinergic projections:
and Lewis 1967; Hoover and Jacobowitz
1979; Hoover and Baisden 1980). Fibres orig- 1. Fibres originating from Ch1, Ch2 and
inating from the cholinergic neurons in the Ch3 pass via the stria medullaris and the trac-
lateral tegmental zone probably also distrib- tus habenulointerpeduncularis to the base of
ute to the interpeduncular nucleus and the the midbrain, where they terminate in the in-
ventral tegmental area of Tsai (Fibiger 1982). terpeduncular nucleus and in the area teg-
Mesulamet al. (1983b, 1984a) designated the mentalis ventralis (Fibiger 1982). Cholinergic
cholinergic cells in the lateral rhombence- fibres contained in the stria medullaris also
phalic tegmental area as Ch5 and the adja- project heavily to the medial habenular nu-
cent sector of the central grey as Ch6. They cleus (Gottesfeld and Jacobowitz 1'979), but
regarded both groups as forming part of the whether the same or different populations of
reticular formation and expressed the opin- cholinergic neurons innervate the habenula
ion that the cholinergic pathway passing and the ventromedial mesencephalon has not
from these groups to the thalamus provides yet been determined. The choliner~c projec-
an essential component of the ascending re- tion arising from the basal forebrain and
ticular activating system. passing by way of the tractus habenulointer-
10 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

peduncularis to the interpeduncular nucleus cated in a variety of physiological and behav-

is. reinforced by fibres originating from cho- ioural processes. The projection to the olfac-
linergic elements situated in the medial ha- tory bulb may well playa role comparable
benular nucleus (Villani et al. 1983). to that of the olivocochlear bundle in the au-
i? Ch1 and, particularly, Ch2 provide a sub- ditory system. The pathway to the hippocam-
stantial cholinergic projection to the hippo- pus is possibly involved in memory processes,
campus, as has already been suggested by and that to the amygdala may modulate af-
Lewis and Shute (1967). The fibres pass fective behaviour. The nucleus basalis has
through the fornix and terminate in the cornu been suggested to represent a telencephalic
ammonis as well as in the fascia dentata. extension of the reticular formation of the
3. Ch2 also sends fibres to the lateral hy- brain stem (Mesulam and Van Hoesen 1976;
pothalamus. Mesulam et al. 1983 a). It receives afferents
4. Cholinergic neurons situated mainly in from a variety of cortical and subcortical
Ch3 pass to the olfactory bulb, to terminate sources (Norgren 1974; Jones et al. 1976;
in the external layers of that structure. Leichnetz and Astruc 1977; Saper et al. 1979;
5. Cholinergic neurons located in the antero- Price and Amaral 1981; Mesulam et al.
lateral portion of Ch4 project, via the ventral 1983a; Mesulam and Mufson 1984). The
amygdalofugal pathway to the amygdaloid cortical input arises from the prepiriform cor-
complex, mainly to the nucleus basalis. tex, the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior in-
6. The remaining parts of Ch4 provide a ma- sula, the temporal pole, the entorhinal cortex
jor cholinergic projection to 'the entire neo- and the medial temporal cortex. Thus, in
cortex (Shute and Lewis 1967; Divac 1975; contrast to its widespread projections to all
Kievit and Kuypers 1975; Mesulam and Van parts of the neocortex, the nucleus basalis
Hoesen 1976; Bigl et al. 1982; Mesulam et al. receives reciprocal projections from only a
1983a). This projection is organized in a relatively small number of cortical areas. The
crude topographical fashion, with the more subcortical afferents. of the nucleus basalis
rostral cells projecting to the frontal and pa- originate from the septal nuclei, the nucleus
rietal cortex, and the more caudal cells inner- accumbens-ventral pallidum complex, the'
vating the occipital and temporal cortex (Me- amygdala, the hypothalamus, the peripedun-
sulam et al. 1983 a; cf. also Mayo et al. 1984), cular nucleus of the midbrain and the pontine
but its precise organization remains to be taste area. In light of its afference, Mesulam
worked out. Bigl et al. (1982) and Price and and co-workers (Mesulam et al. 1983 a; Me-
Stern (1983) have provided evidence suggest- sulam and Mufson 1984) considered it likely
ing that the individual cells in the nucleus that the Ch4 complex acts as a cholinergic
basalis project to very restricted areas within relay between limbic plus paralimbic areas
the cortex. Aston-Jones et al. (1984) have and the entire neocortex in a fashion that
demonstrated that cortically projecting nu- may influence complex behaviour according
cleus basalis neurons in the rat have hetero- to the prevailing emotional and motivational
geneous physiological properties. These ele- states. Finally, some recent neuropathologi-
ments yielded spontaneous discharge rates of cal findings deserve a brief mention. It has
0-40 Hz, a variety of impulse amplitudes and been reported that in Alzheimer's disease and
waveforms, and a wide range of conduction senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (a) the
latencies from the frontal cortex, yielding amounts of ChAT and AChE dn the cerebral
fibre conduction velocities of about cortex are considerably reduced (Davies
0.6-8.0 m/s. These values are within the 1979), (b) the neurons in the nucleus basalis
range of speeds for fine myelinated fibres. of Meynert undergo a profound and selective
degeneration (Whitehouse et al. 1981, 1982),
The large population of cholinergic cells situ- (c) there are marked decreases in AChE and
ated in the basal forebrain has been impli- ChAT in the substantia innominata (Rossor
Monoamines 11

et al. 1982), and (d) there is a loss of more (Eckenstein and Baughman 1984). Interest-
than 50% of ChAT -containing neurons in ingly, Mesulam et al. (1984a), who also used
the substantia innominata (Nagai et al. monoclonal antibodies against ChAT, were
1983 a.). These findings are of great potential unable to visualize cortical ChAT-positive
importance for the understanding of the cell bodies in the macaque. They pointed out
pathophysiology of the disorders mentioned. that if the primate cortex lacked intrinsic
However, as has been pointed out by Mesu- cholinergic neurons, then its cholinergic in-
lam et al. (1983 a), whether the loss of cho- nervation would be even more dependent on
linergic neurons in the nucleus basalis (Ch4) the projections from the nucleus basalis.
causes the loss of cortical cholinergic innerva- 2. Sugimoto and Hattori (1984) provided ex-
tion or instead the primary lesion is in the perimental evidence suggesting that in the
cortex, the alterations in the nucleus basalis rat, cholinergic neurons situated in the nucle-
reflecting retrograde degeneration, has not us tegmenti pedunculopontinus pars com-
yet been determined. pacta project to several thalamic centres, in-
All of the groups of cholinergic cells dis- cluding the centrolateral nucleus and the cen-
cussed so far are composed of long-axoned tromedian parafascicular complex, and to the
projection neurons. However, throughout subthalamic nucleus.
the neostriatum, i. e. the nucleus caudatus, the 3. In patients dying with paralysis agitans,
putamen and the nucleus accumbens, cholin- a considerable loss of neurons in the nucleus
ergic local circuit neurons are fO].lnd. These basalis of Meynert is frequently found (e.g.
elements are large and comprise approxi- Arendt et al. 1983). Given the high incidence
mately 1 % of the total population of neo- of senile dementia among Parkinsonians (cul-
striatal cells (Kimura et al. 1981; Woolf and minating in the Parkinson-dementia complex
Butcher 1981; Butcher and Woolf 1982; Fi- of Guam), this finding is not surprising. It
biger 1982). It is noteworthy that they remain seems very likely that there is an interrela-
unaffected in Alzheimer's. disease (Parent tionship between the pathological processes
et al. 1984). Mesulam et al. (1984a) reported underlying the two diseases. However, the
that in the macaque the density of cholinergic nature of this interrelationship remains to be
neurons is higher in the ventral striatum 0. e. elucidated (see Nakana and Hirano 1983;
the nucleus accumbens and the olfactory tu- Dubois et al. 1983; Whitehouse et al. 1983;
bercle) than in the dorsal striatum (i. e. the McGeer 1984).
caudate nucleus and the putamen). 4. It is worthy of note that in Huntington's
chorea, another major degenerative disorder
Addenda: that causes dementia, there is no reduction
1. Using monoclonal antibodies against of cortical ChAT activity and no significant
ChAT, Sofroniew et al. (1985; see also loss of neurons from the nucleus basalis of
Cuello and Sofroniew 1984) visualized cho- Meynert (Arendt et al. 1983; Clark et al.
linergic neurons in several additional regions 1983).
of the central nervous system of the rat, in-
cluding the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus,
the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory Monoamines
tubercle, the arcuate nucleus and layers IIl-
VI of the spinal dorsal horn. The cortical The biogenic amines include the" catechol-
neurons are small and bipolar, and most amines, dopamine, noradrenaline and adren-
probably represent local circuit neurons. aline, and the indolamine - serotonin, or
They occur throughout the neocortical and 5-hydroxytryptamine. All four of these
allocortical parts of the pallium. Most, if not monoamines have a claim to be regarded as
all, of these elements not only are cholinergic, central neurotransmitters. The biosynthesis
but also show immunoreactivity for VIP of monoamines takes place as the stepwise
12 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

Catecholami nes :

Tyrosine HO~CH-CH-NH
-~- 21 2

Tyrosine hydroxylase
( TH)


1 Aromatic amino-acid

Dopamine h
2 2 2

1 Dopamine {3-hydroxy/ase

Noradr~naline HO ~
2 2
1 Phenylethanolamine-
N- methyltransferase

Adrenaline HO ~
\J- 1
2 3
- OH

Fig. 3. Biosynthetic pathway of the catecholamines dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline

conversion of amino acids in the presence of the synthesis of dopamine) converts this in-
specific enzymes. The catecholamines are de- termediary amino acid into serotonin or
rived from the L-amino acid tyrosine, which 5-hydroxytryptamine (Fig. 4).
is converted into L-dihydroxyphenylalanine The distribution of monoamine-containing
(DOPA) by the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase neurons in the central nervous system has
(TH). A second enzyme, aromatic amino acid been studied in various mammals using fluo-
decarboxylase (AADC), converts DOPA into rescence histochemical techniques based on
dopamine, which may be consecutively con- condensation with formaldehyde (Falck et al.
verted into noradrenaline and adrenaline, re- 1962) or glyoxylic acid (Axelsson et al. 1973;
actions which are specifically catalyzed by Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974 b). The chief
the enzymes dopamine fi-hydroxylase (DBH) limitations of these techniques are that they
and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-transfer- do not distinguish between th6'various cate-
ase (PNMT) respectively (Fig. 3). The se- cholamines (all fluoresce green) and they
quence of reactions by which serotonin is have a low sensitivity towards serotonin.
formed involves two steps: the amino acid More recently, antibodies against the various
tryptophan is first converted into 5-hydroxy- enzymes involved in catecholamine synthesis
tryptophan by the enzyme tryptophan hy- have been prepared and antibodies against
droxylase; then AADC (which also catalyzes serotonin (Steinbusch et al. 1978) and dopa-
Monoarnines 13


1 Trypfophanhydroxylase

(Try H)

5- Hydroxy tryptophan I I~ CH 2- yH-NH 2

H lAromatic amino-acid decarboxylase

5- Hydroxytryptamine
-:;/ I I
~ N

Serotonin H

Fig. 4. Biosynthesis of serotonin

mine (Geffard et aL 1984) have also become In earlier mapping studies carried out on the
available, rendering it possible to study the brain of the rat, 26 monoaminergic cell
localization of these substances with sensitive groups have been identified (Bjorklund and
immunohistochemical techniques_ The data Nobin 1973; Dahlstrom and Fuxe 1964,
obtained using the classical histofluorescence 1965; Halasz etaL 1977; Hokfelt etaL
of monoamines are now being progressively 1974b).
re-examined in the light of the newer immu- The dopaminergic and' noradrenergic cell
nohistochemical techniques, and further in- groups have been collectively designated as
formation concerning the organization of the A1-A15, the serotoninergic cell groups as
monoaminergic neurons and their projec- B1-B9, and the adrenergic cell groups as C1-
tions is being gained by the combination of C2. This numerical system will be followed
immunohistochemical techniques with place- here, but the classical neuroanatomical
ment of lesions or with retrograde labelling names of these structures will be added wher-
methods_ ever possible. Studies on a variety of species,
The literature on the structure and functional including primates (Garver and Sladek 1975;
significance of the monoamine-containing Schofield and Everitt 1982; Schofield and
neuron populations has grown to enormous Dixson 1982; Felten and Sladek 1983) and
proportions, and within the framework of man (Nobin and Bjorklund 1973; Olson
this overview no more than a brief survey et aL 1973; Pearson et aL 1983), have shown
of the main findings can be presented_ For a remarkable constancy in the organization
details the reader is referred to the following of the monoamine-containing cell groups
reviews: Moore and Bloom 1978, 1979; among mammals. The distribution of neu-
Lindvall and Bjorklund 1983; Stein busch romelanin-pigmented neurons in the human
and Nieuwenhuys 1983; Felten and Sladek brain appears to correspond closely to that
1983. of the catecholamine cell groups (Bogerts
The neuron groups which synthesize mono- 1981; Saper and Petito 1982). This is of
amines are situated mainly in the brain stem practical importance, because the study of
and distribute their products be fine-fibred, the pattern of neuromelanin pigmentation
profusely ramifying projections to a great may be a rapid and reliable means of assess-
many regions of the brain and spinal cord. ing the integrity of the catecholamine neuro-
14 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

nal populations in neuropathological speci- the confines of the infundibular nucleus, and
mens (Saper and Petito 1982). cell group A14, which is small and inconspic-
In the following survey the dopaminergic, uous in primates, is found in the periventricu-
noradrenergic, adrenergic and serotoninergic lar zone of the rostral hypothalamus.
c~ll groups and their projections will be dealt As far as is known, the olfactory bulb is the
with consecutively. Finally, brief considera- only telencephalic centre containing dopa-
tion will be given to histamine, another bio- minergic neurons. These elements are scat-
genic amine. Adequate techniques for study- tered in the outer zone of the bulb and form
ing the distribution of this putative neu- part of a set of interneurons, the peri- or jux-
rotransmitter in the brain have only recently taglomerular cells (Halasz et al. 1977; Priest-
been developed (Watanabe et al. 1983, 1984; ley et al. 1979; Fallon and Moore 1978a).
Steinbusch and Mulder 1984). They have been collectively designated as
group A15 (Halasz et al. 1977).
Some findings pertaining to the (possible)
presence of additional dopaminergic cell
Neurons which synthesize dopamine (Fig. 5) groups should be briefly mentioned. Arm-
are found in the mesencephalon, the dien- strong et al. (1982) presented immunohisto-
cephalon and the telencephalon. The mesen- chemical evidence (presence of TH, absence
cephalic dopaminergic cells have been de- of DBH) suggesting that the dorsal vagal nu-
scribed as forming three cell groups - A8, cleus contains a group of dopaminergic cells.
A9 and Al0, but the boundaries between They considered it likely that these elements
these groups are indistinct (Felten et al. 1974; represented vagal efferent neurons. However,
Hubbard and Di Carlo 1974a; Moore and Jaeger et al. (1984) recently reported that
Bloom 1978; Lindvall and Bjorklund 1983). these cells lack the enzyme AADC and,
The cells of group A8 are found in the lateral hence, are presumably not dopaminergic.
tegmentum, just caudal to the level of the Histofluorescence (Hokfelt et al. 1976a;
red nucleus. This group merges ventrome- Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974a) as well as im-
dially with group A9, which is constituted munohistochemical (Ochi and Shimizu 1978;
by the compact part of the substantia nigra. Miachon et al. 1984) studies have shown that
Group Al0 is an unpaired midline aggregate the nucleus raphes dorsalis and its immediate
that is situated medial to the substantia nigra surroundings contain dopaminergic cell bod-
and ventral to the red nucleus. It is limited ies. Finally, it is worthy of note that, accord-
ventrally by the interpeduncular nucleus. The ing to Swanson et al. (1981), the parvocellu-
majority of the cells of group Al0 are located lar portion of the paraventricular nucleus
within the confines of the ventral tegmental contains significant number of TH-positive,
area. presumably dopaminergic neurons.
Four different dopaminergic cell groups - The mesencephalic population of dopamin-
A11, A12, A13 and A14 - have been recog- ergic cells gives rise to a massive ascending
nized in the diencephalon (Dahlstrom and projection which Ungerstedt (1971) divided
Fuxe 1964; Ungerstedt 1971; Bjorklund and into two 'systems': the nigrostriatal dopa-
Nobin 1973; Felten et al. 1974; Felten 1976; minergic system, which (as its name implies)
Felten and Sladek 1983). Group A13 consists originates mainly from the substantia nigra
mainly of small clusters of cells situated in or A9 group, and the mesolimbic dopamin-
the caudomedial part of the zona incerta. ergic system, which arises mainly from the
Group All is a diffuse caudal continuation Al0 group. In the more recent literature (e. g.
of group A13; its cells are located in the cau- Moore and Bloom 1978; Fallon and More
dal hypothalamus and are scattered princi- 1978b; Lindvall and Bjorklund 1983) it has
pally around the mamillothalamic tract. The been emphasized that the dopaminergic neu-
compact group A12 is situated largely within rons in the midbrain constitute a single group
Monoamines 15

1 Corpus callosum
2 Gyrus cinguli , pars rostralis
3 Caput nuclei caudati
4 Putamen
5 Cauda nuclei caudati
6 Cortex frontalis
7 Bulbus olfactorius (AI 5)
8 Nucleus accumbens
9 Nucleus septi lateralis
10 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
11 Commissura anterior
12 Nucleus paraventricularis pars parvocellularis 37
13 Cell group A14
14 Cell group A 13
15 Cell group All
16 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis 27 ucleus habenulae lateralis
17 Nucleus olfactorius anterior 28 Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
18 Substantia pcrforata anterior 29 Substantia nigra, pars compacta (A9)
19 Cortex praepiriformis 30 Area tegmenta lis lateralis (A8)
20 Eminentia mediana 31 Nucleus raphes dorsalis
21 Lobus posterior hypophyseos 32 Locus coeruleus
22 Nucleus infundibularis (A12) 33 Nucleus parabrachia lis lateralis
23 Nucleus cenlralis amygdalae 34 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
24 Nucleus basalis amygdalae 35 Nucleus solitarius
25 Cortex entorhinalis 36 Substantia gelatinosa
26 Area tegmentalis ventralis (AIO) 37 Nucleus intermediolateralis

Fig. 5. Dopamine-containing cells and fibres

16 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

projecting in at least a crude topographic internal capsule, these fibres fan out in the
order to striatal, limbic and cortical telen- caudate nucleus and the putamen, where they
cephalic regions. The entire forebrain projec- form an extremely dense terminal network.
ti.on is, accordingly, now commonly referred The nucleus accumbens, which is often con-
t6 as the 'meso telencephalic dopaminergic sidered a ventromedial extension of the cau-
system' (Moore and Bloom 1978; Lindvall date nucleus occupying an intermediate posi-
and Bjorklund 1983). Fallon and Moore tion between the 'extrapyramidal' and
(1978 b) have studied the topographical orga- 'limbic' systems, is also richly supplied with
nization of the mesotelencephalic dopamin- meso striatal dopaminergic fibres. The cells
ergic projection in some detail. According to projecting to the nucleus accumbens are
their findings this projection is organized in mainly situated in the A10 group, although
three planes, medial-lateral, rostral-caudal some are localized in the medial part of the
and dorsal-ventral. The medial-lateral topog- substantia nigra (Simon et al. 1976; Wang
raphy is organized such that the medial sec- 1981; Swanson 1982). The dopaminergic in-
tors of the substantia nigra-ventral tegmental nervation of the nucleus caudatus and the
area project to more medially located termi- putamen originates largely from the compact
nal areas, whereas the lateral sectors of the part of the substantia nigra, but the A8 and
substantia nigra-ventral tegmental area pro- A10 groups also participate in this innerva-
ject to more laterally located areas in the tion. Cell group A8, which may be considered
forebrain. Rostrally located mesencephalic a caudolateral extension of the substantia ni-
dopaminergic cells appeared to project more gra, has been shown to project to the ventral
rostrally, and caudal cells to more caudal ar- putamen (Fallon and Moore 1978b; Beck-
eas of the telencephalon. The dorsal-ventral stead et al. 1979). With regard to the contri-
topography appeared to be inverted, in that bution of the A10 group to the innervation
ventral mesencephalic cells tend to project to of the neostriatum, there is no unanimity in
more dorsal structures such as the septum, the literature. Some "groups of investigators
the nucleus accumbens and the neostriatum, (Carter and Fibiger 1977; Fallon and Moore
whereas dorsal mesencephalic cells tend to 1978b; Moore and Bloom 1978; Simon et al.
project to more ventral structures, such as 1976) report that this projection is confined
the olfactory tubercle and the amygdaloid to the most rostromedial portion of the cau-
complex. For details on the organization of datus-putamen complex, but another group
the dopaminergic projection to the caudatus- (Beckstead et al. 1979) presents evidence sug-
putamen complex the reader should also con- gesting that the efferents from the ventral teg-
sult the studies of Beckstead et al. (1979) and mental area are more widely distributed, ex-
Veening et al. (1980). tending over the entire ventromedial half of
For practical reasons the meso telencephalic the neostriatum. Collaterals of the mesostri-
system will be subdivided here into three sub- atal projection constitute a rather sparse
systems, the meso striatal projection, the me- plexus of dopamine-containing terminal ax-
solimbic projection and the mesocortical pro- ons throughout the globus pallidus (Fallon
jection. and Moore 1978 b; Lindvall and Bjorklund
The mesostriatal projection originates from 1979).
the cell groups A8, A9 and A10 (Anden et al. There is evidence that the dopaminergic me-
1964; Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974a, 1983; sostriatal projection participates in the regu-
Moore and Bloom 1978). Its fibres assemble lation of complex behaviour and plays a cru-
in the medial tegmentum and enter the dien- cial role in determining the ability of the or-
cephalon in the dorsal part of the lateral hy- ganism to cope with available exteroceptive
pothalamic area. Coursing rostrally through sensory information in various ways. This
the latter area, most of its fibres diverge dor- specific capacity has been denoted as 'the
sally and laterally. After having traversed the ability to arbitrarily switch motor pro-
Monoamines 17

grammes' (see Cools 1980; Cools et al. minergic outflow to limbic structures may
1984b; Jaspers et al. 1984). play an important role in the pathophysiolo-
Parkinson's disease is characterized by a pro- gy of schizophrenia (Stevens 1973, 1979). In
gressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the accordance with this theory, Bird and col-
substantia nigra, with consequent degenera- leagues (1979) reported that in the brains of
tion of their ascending projections. This de- patients dying with schizophrenia the dopa-
generation is believed to be responsible for mine concentrations in the nucleus accum-
the akinesia and rigidity associated with this bens and anterior perforated substance are
disease (Hornykiewicz 1978). The area teg- significantly elevated. The curious finding of
mentalis ventralis, which is rather poorly de- Reynolds (1983, see also MacKay 1984) that
veloped in man, also appears to be affected there is gross asymmetry of dopamine con-
in Parkinson's disease (Bogerts et al. 1983). centrations in the amygdalae of post-mortem
In relation to what has been stated above brains from schizophrenic patients, the left
concerning the functions in which the dopa- amygdala showing an abnormally high con-
minergic meso striatal projection is impli- centration of this catecholamine, should also
cated, it is important to note that patients be mentioned in this context.
suffering from Parkinson's disease appear to A sharp distinction between the mesolimbic
have an impaired ability to arbitrarily switch and the mesocortical projections cannot be
their behaviour. These patients show a so- made, firstly because both projections origi-
called shifting aptitude disorder, wbich mani- nate from cell group A10 and from the me-
fests itself both at the motor level and at the dial portion of the substantia nigra (Lindvall
cognitive level (Cools et al. 1984a). et al. 1974a; Simon et al. 1976; Carter and
The mesolimbic projection arises from cell Fibiger 1977; Fallon et al. 1978; Fallon and
group A10 and from the most medial part Moore 1978b; Emson and Koob 1978; Lind-
of the substantia nigra. Its fibres ascend me- vall et al. 1978; Beckstead et al. 1979; Simon
dial to the meso striatal projection in the me- et al. 1979; Swanson 1982), and secondly, be-
dial forebrain bundle and are distributed to cause most of the cortical areas of termina-
the following telencephalic structures (U n- tion of the latter projection can be considered
gerstedt 1971; Lindvall 1975; Moore 1978; part of the limbic system. These areas include
Fallon et al. 1978; Fallon and Moore 1978a, the medial part of the frontal lobe, the pre-
b; Lindvall and Stenevi 1978; Lindvall and piriform and piriform cortices, the entorhinal
Bjorklund 1983): bulbus olfactorius (scat- cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex
tered terminals in all layers), anterior olfacto- (Lindvall et al. 1974 a, 1978; Hokfelt et al.
ry nucleus (a sparse to moderate innerva- 1974a; Emson and Koob 1978). In most of
tion), olfactory tubercle or anterior perfo- these areas the dopaminergic fibres constitute
rated substance (a very dense input), lateral dense and well-delineated fields of termina-
septal nucleus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis tion.
(a dense plexus, particularly in its dorsal It is important to note that not all fibres
part) and the amygdaloid complex (concen- which ascend from the compact part of the
trated in the central and basal nuclei and in- substantia nigra and the area tegmentalis
tercalated cell groups). ventralis to the telencephalon are dopamin-
There is experimental evidence indicating ergic (Hedreen and Chalmers 1972; Thierry
that activation of the dopaminergic projec- et al. 1980; Guyenet and Crane 1981; Van
tion from the area tegmentalis ventralis to der Kooy et al. 1981; Swanson 1982). Thus,
the nucleus accumbens produces enhanced the meso striatal projections to caudatus, pu-
locomotor activity (Pijnenburg and Van Ros- tamen and nucleus accumbens contain a
sum 1973; Pijnenburg et al. 1976). small proportion ofnon-dopaminergic fibres.
It has been suggested that hyperactivity of A larger percentage of non-dopaminergic
the area tegmentalis ventralis and its dopa- fibres has been found in the mesolimbic pro-
18 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

jection to the lateral septal nucleus, whereas dence suggesting that dopamine released
in the mesocortical projection to the medial from the tubero-infundibular fibres is trans-
frontal cortex only about one-third of the ported to the anterior pituitary via the hy-
fibres appear to be dopaminergic. It is also pothalamo-hypophyseal portal system to in-
worth mentioning that in a certain propor- hibit the release of prolactin-secreting cells
tion of the perikarya situated in the ventral (Macleod and Lehmeyer 1974; Ben-Jonathan
tegmental area dopamine co-exists with cho- et al. 1977). However, the control of prolac-
lecystokinin, and that some of these cells pro- tin release appears to be complex, and dopa-
ject to the nucleus accumbens (Hokfelt et al. mine is most probably not the only prolactin-
1980b; Studler et al. 1984). inhibiting factor (McCann et al. 1984). The
Apart from the large meso telencephalic pro- function of the dopaminergic tubero-hy-
jection, the mesencephalic dopaminergic neu- pophyseal fibres is unknown.
ron population has been reported to give rise The incerto-hypothalamic dopaminergic pro-
to some additional efferent projections. jection arises from the complex formed by
Thus, there is strong evidence that group A10 the A11 and A13 groups. It consists of short,
projects - via the fasciculus retroflexus - to diffusely arranged fibres, which distribute
the lateral habenular nucleus (Swanson 1982; within its areas of origin and in the adjacent
Lindvall and Bjorklund 1983; Skagerberg dorsal and rostral hypothalamic regions
et al. 1984), that the subthalamic nucleus (Bjorklund et al. 1975).
contains a plexus of catecholaminergic fibres, The diencephalo-septal dopaminergic projec-
which is possibly constituted by collaterals tion consists of fibres which pass from the
of the nigrostriatal bundle (Nobin and Bjork- A11, A13 and A14 groups to the lateral sep-
lund 1973; Lindvall and Bjorklund 1983), tal nucleus (Lindvall and Stenevi 1978).
and, finally, that the ventral tegmental area Thus, this septal centre, which is mainly sup-
projects bilaterally to the locus coeruleus and plied with dopaminergic fibres originating
possibly to the lateral para brachial nucleus from the midbrain, receives an additional do-
(Swanson 1982). paminergic projection from the diencepha-
The diencephalic dopaminergic cell groups lon.
A11-A14 give rise to four efferent systems, During the past few years experimental evi-
the tubero-infundibular projection, the in- dence has accumulated for the presence of
certo-hypothalamic projection, the hypotha- a dopaminergic hypothalamo-spinal projection
lamo-septal projection and the hypothalamo- (Bjorklund and Skagerberg 1979; Hokfelt
spinal projection. et al. 1979 a; Skagerberg et al. 1982; Lindvall
The tubero-infundibular dopaminergic projec- and Bjorklund 1983). In the rat, this projec-
tion arises mainly from the cells of the A12 tion originates from perikarya located in the
group. The axons of these cells pass to the caudal hypothalamus belonging to cell group
rostroventral part of the infundibulum and A11 and passes to the ipsilateral half of the
terminate in all layers of the median emi- spinal cord, where its fibres descend partly
nence, but are most abundant in the external within lamina I of the dorsal horn and the
layer. Many axons continue beyond the me- adjoining part of the dorsolateral funiculus
dian eminence and traverse the pituitary stalk and partly along the central canal.' The
to reach the neurointermediate lobe, where former pathway supplies the lateral parts of
they form a dense plexus (Ungerstedt 1971; the superficial layers of the, dorsal horn,
Felten 1976; Hokfelt et al. 1978b; Moore whereas the latter innervates the intermedio-
and Bloom 1978). According to Bjorklund lateral cell column and associated parts in
et al. (1975), the incerto-hypothalamic pro- the intermediate zone of the thoracic and up-
jection (to be discussed below) contributes per lumbar segments. The exact course of
substantially to the dopaminergic innerva- these descending dopaminergic fibres
tion of the median eminence. There is evi- through the brain stem is not known as yet.
Monoamines 19

However, it has been suggested (Bjorklund the lateral funiculus and extend dorsome-
and Skagerberg 1979; Lindvall and Bjork- dially into the lateral part of the reticular
lund 1983) that these fibres form part of a formation; those of group A2 lie in the nucle-
dorsal periventricular catecholaminergic us solitarius, the dorsal vagal nucleus and
bundle, which in turn is a component of the the intervening area. Armstrong et al. (1982)
fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schutz. reported that numerous neurons of the A2
Blessing and Chalmers (1979) reported that group are situated in the area postrema. On
in the rabbit the dopaminergic diencephalo- the basis of its topography the A2 group is
spinal fibres originate from the A13, rather also designated as the nor adrenergic dorsal
than from the All group, and it is also worth medullary cell group. Cells corresponding to
noting that, according to Swanson et al. group A3 in the rat, lying just dorsal to the
(1981), dopaminergic neurons present in the inferior olivary complex, have not been ob-
parvocellular part of the paraventricular nu- served in primates. Group A4 consists of a
cleus project to the region of the dorsal vagal band of subependymal neurons which ex-
complex and/or to thoracic levels of the spi- tends along the superior cerebellar peduncle.
nal cord. This group merges rostromedially with the
caudal portion of group A6. Group A5 is
Addendum: Lindvall et al. (1984) provide ex- situated in the caudolateral part of the pon-
perimental evidence indicating that in the rat tine tegmentum and consists of rather loosely
the supraoptic, paraventricular and dorsome- arranged cells lying adjacent to the facial nu-
dial nuclei of the hypothalamus and the para- cleus and the superior olivary complex.
ventricular nucleus of the thalamus receive Group A6 is a densely packed accumulation
a dopaminergic innervation, which most like- of cells within the locus coeruleus, a macros-
ly originates from the diencephalic All-A14 copically visible blue-black streak of tissue
cell groups. They suggest that the dopamin- situated in the floor of the fourth ventricle
ergic innervation of hypothalamic neurosec- at rostral pontine levels. Evidence suggests
retory nuclei participates in the regulation of that all of the neurons situated in the central
oxytocin and vasopressin release from the pi- part of this structure are noradrenergic
tuitary. (Garver and Sladek 1975; Swanson 1976a).
Somewhat schematically it may be said that
the noradrenergic cell group situated within
the locus coeruleus has three extensions: ros-
tral, ventral and caudolateral. The rostral ex-
Neurons that synthesize noradrenaline tension consists of elements lying in the cau-
(Figs. 6 and 7) are restricted to the pontine dolateral part of the mesencephalic central
and medullary tegmental regions. Seven nor- grey (A6cg). The ventral extension is formed
adrenergic cell groups, designated as Al-A 7, by scattered neurons situated within a cytoar-
have been described in rodents (Dahlstrom chitectonic entity usually referred to as the
and Fuxe 1964). Most of these have also been subcoeruleus area (A6sc). The caudolateral
recognized in primates (Felten et al. 1974; extension of the noradrenergic cell cluster sit-
Garver and Sladek 1975; Hubbard and Di uated within the locus coeruleus is consti-
Carlo 1973, 1974a; Jacobowitz and Mac- tuted by the A4 group already mentioned.
Lean 1978; Schofield and Everitt 1982; Scho- The A4, A6cg and A6sc cell groups are com-
field and Dixson 1982; Felten and Sladek monly designated together as the (noradren-
1983), including man (Nobin and Bjorklund ergic) locus coeruleus complex. The cells of
1973; Olson et al. 1973; Bogerts 1981). the A 7 group are situated in the rostral pon-
Groups Al and A2 are both situated in the tine part of the lateral reticular formation
lower part of the medulla oblongata. The and lie mainly medial to the lateral lem-
cells of group Al surround the nucleus of ruscus.
20 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

The Ai, A5 and A 7 groups form a caudoros- Explanations to Figure 6

tral continuum in primates, which extends
throughout the lateral rhombencephalic teg- 1 Neocortex
2 Gyrus cinguli
mentum. The caudal part of this (noradrener- 3 Striae longitudinales
~c) lateral tegmental complex is connected 4 Corpus callosum
by strands of noradrenergic cells with the A2 5 Fornix
6 Stria terminalis
group. Rostrally, a comparable string of cells 7 Nucleus anterior thalami
forms a bridge between the locus coeruleus 8 Stria medullaris thalami
complex and the A5 and A 7 groups. These 9 Thalamus
10 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
intervening cells lie partly within the confines 11 Lamina medullaris interna
of the medial parabrachial and Kolliker-Fuse 12 Nucleus habenulae lateralis
nuclei (Lackner 1980), these last two centres 13 Nucleus habenulae medialis
14 Tractus mamillothalamicus
together constituting the functionally defined 15 Lamina medullaris externa
'pneumotaxic centre'. 16 Corpus geniculatum mediale + laterale
The nor adrenergic cell groups just discussed 17 Nucleus septi medialis
18 Nucleus paraventricularis, pars parvocellularis
give rise to extensively branched ascending 19 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis
and descending fibre systems that course the 20 Bandeletta diagonalis
length of the neuraxis and form terminal net- 21 Bulbus olfactorius
22 Nucleus olfactorius anterior
works in a variety of grisea. At present we 23 Substantia perforata anterior
have a fairly complete picture of the total 24 Nucleus gyri diagonalis
distribution of noradrenergic fibres and ter- 25 Ansa peduncularis + tibrae amygdalofugales
minal fields, but the extent to which individ- 26 Nucleus centralis amygdalae
ual terminal fields arise from separate neuro- 27 Nucleus basalis amygdalae
nal groups is still a matter of dispute. In this 28 Gyrus dentatus
29 Cornu Ammonis
condensed and simplified survey a sharp and 30 Subiculum
perhaps too sharp distinction has been made 31 Gyrus parahippocampalis
between the projection 'of the locus coeruleus 32 Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis
33 Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
and those of the remaining nor adrenergic cell 34 Colliculus superior
groups. ·35 Colliculus inferior
Containing about half of the total number 36 Griseum centrale mesencephali
37 Nucleus raphes dorsalis
of noradrenaline-synthesizing neurons, the 38 Nucleus interpeduncularis
locus coeruleus complex (Fig. 6) is quantita- 39 Cortex cerebelli
tively by far the most important noradrener- 40 Locus coeruleus, rostral extension (A6cg)
41 Locus coeruleus (A6)
gic centre of the brain. Its efferents constitute 42 Area subcoerulea (A6sc)
two ascending fibre systems, the large dorsal 43 Nuclei lemnisci lateralis
noradrenergic bundle and the much smaller 44 Locus coeruleus, caudal extension (A4)
45 Brachium conjunctivum
rostral limb of the dorsal periventricular 46 Nuclei centrales cerebelli
pathway. Other efferents are distributed to 47 Nuclei pontis
the cerebellum and still others descend to the 48 Formatio reticularis metencephali
49 Nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini
lower medulla oblongata and to the spinal 50 Nucleus cochlearis ventralis·
cord. 51 Nucleus cochlearis dorsalis
The dorsal noradrenergic bundle or dorsal teg- 52 Formatio reticularis myelencephali
53 Nucleus solitarius
mental bundle (Lindvall and Bjorklund 54 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
1974a, 1978), which forms part of the major 55 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
longitudinal catecholamine bundle, described 56 Cornu posterius (Laminae IV, V, VI)
57 Cornu anterius
by Jones and Friedman (1983), traverses the
midbrain tegmentum in a position ventrolat-
eral to the periaqueductal grey. At the level
of the fasciculus retroflexus the bundle arches
Monoamines 21

Fig. 6. Noradrenaline-containing cells and fibres: 1. The locus coeruleus complex

22 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

rostroventrally and attains the hypothala- reach this part of the brain via the dorsal
mus, where it joins the dorsal portion of the periventiicular system to be discussed be-
medial forebrain bundle complex. Within this low.
complex the dorsal noradrenergic bundle The main telencephalic areas of termination
proceeds to the septal region. Along its of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle and its
course, numerous smaller and larger branches are: (a) the amygdala (mainly the
branches emerge to innervate a large number central and basal nuclei; Tohyama et al.
of mesencephalic, diencephalic and telence- 1974; Jones and Moore 1977; Fallon etal.
phalic grisea. The mesencephalic areas of ter- 1978); (b) the olfactory tubercle or anterior
mination include the central grey substance, perforated substance, the anterior olfactory
the dorsal raphe nucleus, the superior and nucleus and the olfactory bulb (Blackstad
inferior colliculi and the interpeduncular nu- et al. 1967; Ungerstedt 1971; Swanson and
cleus (Levitt and Moore 1979; Marchand Hartman 1975; Fallon and Moore 1978a);
et al. 1980). In the rostral mesencephalon a (c) the nucleus of the diagonal band, the me-
large group of fibres of the dorsal noradren- dial septal nucleus and the bed nucleus of
ergic bundle turns dorsally and passes along the stria terminalis (Moore 1978; Lindvall
the fasciculus retroflexus toward the habenu- and Stenevi 1978; Krayliak et al. 1981);
lar complex. However, a major component (d) the hippocampal formation (gyrus denta-
of this group does not reach the epithalamus tus, cornu Ammonis and subiculum; Black-
but rather enters the internal medullary lam- stad et al. 1967; Ungerstedt 1971; Lindvall
ina of the thalamus and ascends within it. et al. 1974a; Jones and Moore 1977; Loy
A second group of fibres leaving the dorsal et al. 1980); and (e) the entire neocortex, in-
bundle at the level of the fasciculus retrofle- cluding the cingulate, retrosplenial and ento-
xus ascends within the external medullary rhinal cortical areas (Ungerstedt 1971; Gat-
lamina. These two fibre groups together pro- ter and Powell 1977; Lindvall and Bjorklund
vide most of the very large input of the locus 1978; Levitt and Moore 1978; Lindvall et al.
coeruleus to the dorsal thalamus. A more 1978). In most of the areas mentioned the
rostral branch of the dorsal noradrenergic afferents from the locus coeruleus are mixed
bundle, the fibres of which join the stria me- with axons originating from other noradren-
dullaris, also supplies a number of thalamic ergic cell groups. However, the noradrenergic
centres as well as the epithalamus. Within fibres innervating the hippocampus and the
the latter, both the medial and lateral haben- neocortex seem to originate exclusively from
ular nuclei receive a noradrenergic input the locus coeruleus.
(Moore and Bloom 1979). Practically all ar- The paths along which the efferents from the
eas of the dorsal thalamus receive afferents locus coeruleus ascend to the various telen-
from the locus coeruleus, most notably, the cephalic centres mentioned, via the dorsal
anterior, ventral and lateral nuclear com- noradrenergic bundle, are complex; several
plexes and the medial and lateral geniculate of these centres are approached along two
bodies. The fibres to the anterior nuclei as- or more different channels. The following
cend with the mamillothalamic tract (Lind- simplified survey of the organization of these
vall et al. 1974b). Ishikawa and Tanaka pathways is based mainly on Moore and
(1977) found that in the rhesus monkey, nor- Bloom (1979). Along its course through the
adrenergic fibres originating from the locus hypothalamus, a large cont~gent of nor-
coeruleus distribute to most of the thalamus, adrenergic fibres leaves the medial forebrain
except for the midline and medial nuclei. The bundle laterally to enter the complex formed
hypothalamus does receive noradrenergic in- by the ansa peduncularis and the ventral
put from the locus coeruleus (Jacobowitz amygdalofugal pathway. Some of these fibres
1975; Jones and Moore 1977; Sawchenko enter the amygdala, but others innervate the
and Swanson 1982a), but most of these fibres entorhinal cortex and the hippocampal for-
Monoamines 23

mation. Upon attaining the septal region, the tion from the ipsilateral locus coeruleus, a
dorsalnoradrenergic bundle breaks up into limited number of fibres from the contralat-
four major fibre groups. The first of these eral locus coeruleus. These fibres pass from
turns .llledially into the diagonal band of one dorsal noradrenergic bundle to the other
Broca-'to innervate the nucleus surrounding via a number of commissures, among which
that fibre system and the medial septal nucle- the posterior commissure, the dorsal su-
us. Some of the fibres of this group enter praoptic decussation and the anterior com-
the fornix, along which they pass to the hip- missure may be mentioned (Jones and Moore
pocampus. The second group enters the stria 1977; Moore and Bloom 1979).
terminalis and follows this path to the amyg- The rostral limb of the dorsal periventricular
daloid complex. The third group continues pathway arises mainly from the A6, A6sc,
in the medial forebrain bundle as it enters and A6cg cell groups and ascends to the dien-
the basal telencephalon. A certain proportion cephalon within the ventromedial part of the
of the fibres of this group innervate the olfac- mesencephalic periaqueductal grey, forming
tory tubercle, the anterior olfactory nucleus part of the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
and the olfactory bulb, but others continue complex (Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974a;
rostrally in the external capsule. These may Schofield and Everitt 1982; Tanaka et al.
well correspond partly to the large fibre con- 1982; Felten and Sladek 1983). Rostrally,
tingent which, according to Morrison et al. this pathway continues into the diencephalic
(1981), continues rostrally from tpe medial periventricular fibre plexus. It has been sug-
forebrain bundle into the frontal pole of the gested that its fibres innervate several hypo-
hemisphere, from where they arch caudally thalamic centres, including the dorsomedial
to supply the entire frontal, dorsal and lateral nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus and the
neocortex (see also Shimizu et al. 1974; To- supraoptic nucleus (Lindvall and Bjorklund
hyama et al. 1974). The fourth group of 1974a; Jones and Moore 1977). However,
fibres traverses the rostral septum and encir- the experimental studies 6f Sawchenko and
cles the corpus callosum to innervate the neo- Swanson (1981, 1982a) have revealed that
cortex and the hippocampal formation. Un- only the parvocellular portion of the para-
gerstedt (1971) suggested that this group of ventricular nucleus receives a substantial pro-
fibres travels caudally in the cingulum bundle jection from the locus coeruleus complex. As
and furnishes laterally directed branches that described below, the major noradrenergic in-
innervate practically the entire neocortex. nervation of the hypothalamus arises from
Morrison et al. (1981) reported, however, the dorsomedial medullary (A2) and lateral
that the fibres arching around the corpus cal- tegmental (Al, AS, A 7) cell groups.
losum do not follow the cingulum bundle but The noradrenergic fibres passing to the cere-
rather the supracallosal striae, and that these bellum follow the superior cerebellar pedun-
fibres furnish only a marginal innervation of cle and terminate in the central nuclei as well
the medial parts of the neocortex. In several as in the cortex. These fibres originate mainly
earlier studies (e.g. Ungerstedt 1971; Gatter from the locus coeruleus (Ungerstedt 1971;
and Powell 1977) the noradrenergic innerva- Olson and Fuxe 1971), but some have been
tion of the neocortex is described as diffuse reported to arise from the subcoeruleus area
and uniform throughout. However, more re- (Pasquier et al. 1980).
cent investigations have revealed regional The descending efferents of the loctis coeru-
variations in pattern and density of cortical leus complex follow two different routes,
noradrenergic innervation, adhering to cy- which may be designated as the caudal limbs
toarchitectonic boundaries (e. g. Morrison of the dorsal periventricular pathway and the
et al. 1979, 1982a; Levitt et al. 1984). dorsal noradrenergic bundle respectively.
It is noteworthy that most of the centres men- The caudal limb of the dorsal periventricular
tioned above receive, in addition to a projec- pathway, like the rostral limb of the same
24 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

system, forms part of the fasciculus longitu- in the ventral parts of the dorsal horn (la-
dinalis dorsalis complex (Felten and Sladek minae IV, V, VI), the intermediate grey and
1983). The contribution of the locus coeru- the ventral horn (Nygren and Olson 197-7;
leus to this pathway in the rat is confined Westlund and Coulter 1980). The locus coe-
to a limited number of fibres which arise ruleus complex does not innervate the sym-
from the ventral part of that centre and ter- pathetic intermediolateral column in the
minate in the nucleus solitarius (Takahashi thoracic cord (Nygren and Olson 1977; Com-
et al. 1979). However, Westlund and Coulter missiong et al. 1978; Westlund and Coulter
(1980) traced a considerable number of fibres 1980); however, in the rhesus monkey the
in the rhesus monkey from the locus coeru- parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in
leus to the dorsal motor vagus nucleus. the sacral cord have been shown to receive
The caudal limb of the dorsal noradrenergic major input from the locus coeruleus (West-
bundle forms part of the major longitudinal lund and Coulter 1980).
catecholamine bundle, described by Jones From the foregoing survey it appears that
and Friedman (1983). It descends through the locus coeruleus complex projects widely
the lateral part of the rhombencephalic retic- over vast areas of the neuraxis, from the ol-
ular core and continues caudally into the lat- factory bulb to the spinal cord. It was long
eral funiculus of the spinal cord (Moore and thought that this projection is diffuse, with
Bloom 1979; Jones and Friedman 1983). In little topography. In several earlier publica-
primates and man this bundle follows over tions evidence was presented suggesting that
a certain distance the trajectory of the central not only the locus coeruleus as a whole, but
tegmental tract (Pearson et al. 1983). Nor- also its individual neurons innervate widely
adrenergic fibres originating from the locus different regions of the central nervous sys-
coeruleus complex supply, partly directly and tem via collateral branches (Olson and Fuxe
partly by way of the bundle just discussed, 1971; Unge'rstedt 1971; Tohyama et al. 1974;
the following rhombencephalic centres (Le- Nygren and Olson 1977). More recently,
vitt and Moore 1979): the nuclei of the lateral these findings have been substantiated by th~
lemniscus, the principal sensory trigeminal work of several groups of investigators, using
nucleus, the cochlear nuclei (Kromer and multiple fluorescent retrograde tracers (Ader
Moore 1976, 1980), the pontine nuclei, the et al. 1980; Room et al. 1981; Nagai et al.
spinal trigeminal nucleus and the entire 1981; Steindler 1981). However, it has also
rhombencephalic reticular formation. The been experimentally established that, with re-
three centres last mentioned also receive, in spect to their efferent projections, the locus
addition to fibres from the locus coeruleus, coeruleus neurons show a considerable de-
input from other nor adrenergic cell gree of regional topographic organization.
groups. Thus, the study of Mason and Fibiger (1979)
The locus coeruleus complex innervates all has shown that, like the coeruleospinal neu-
segments of the spinal cord (Nygren and Ol- rons (see above), the elements projecting to
son 1977; Westlund and Coulter 1980). This the septum, the thalamus and the hypothala-
innervation is bilateral, the decussation oc- mus are preferentially located in particular
curring at spinal levels (Karoum et al. 1980; areas of the locus coeruleus complex. On the
Commissiong 1981). The coeruleospinal other hand, the projections to the hippocam-
fibres originate in the ventral part of the lo- pus, the neocortex, the amy,gdala and the
cus coeruleus and in the subcoeruleus area cerebellum originate, according to those au-
(Satoh et al. 1977; Hancock and Fouge- thors, mainly from cells scattered throughout
rousse 1976; Mason and Fibiger 1979; the complex. As regards the noradrenergic
Guyenet 1980; Westlund et al. 1984), de- projection to the neocortex,' Loughlin et al.
scend in the lateral funiculus of the cord (1982) presented experimental evidence indi-
(Westlund and Coulter 1980), and terminate cating that the axons of coeruleocortical neu-
Monoamines 25

rons arborize more extensively in the rostro- nal subpopulations within the complex is un-
caudal direction than in the mediolateral di- known at present.
rection, which is in keeping with the pattern A discussion of the vast literature on the pos-
of n<JI"adrenergic cortical innervation de- sible functional significance of the locus coe-
scribed by Morrison et al. (1981). According ruleus complex is beyond the scope of this
to Nagai et al. (1981), the coeruleocortical book. However, some idea of the various the-
projection arises from two different types of ories and concepts concerning the function-
neurons: a predominant type innervating a ing of this intriguing centre may be gained
restricted region and, less commonly, those from the following brief notes.
projecting widely to various areas of the cere- 1. It has been found that many of the nor-
bral cortex. Both types were found inter- adrenergic terminals of locus coeruleus neu-
mingled in the A6 and A4 groups. Fallon rons are intimately associated with cerebral
and Loughlin (1982) also distinguished be- arterioles and capillaries, and the suggestion
tween locus coeruleus cells with divergent has been made that the locus coeruleus exerts
collateral systems and those with more re- an influence on the regulation of cerebral mi-
stricted arborizations in a study of the pat- crocirculation via these structures (Hartman
terns of monoaminergic innervation of the 1973; Raichle et al. 1975; Swanson et al.
forebrain; moreover, these authors estab- 1977; Bates et al. 1977). In relation to this
lished that the neurons with divergent collat- and other presumed functions, the locus
eral systems are located mainly in the central coeruleus has been characterized as 'a central
zone of the locus coeruleus, whereas in the analogue of a sympathetic ganglion' (Amaral
peripheral zone the less highly collateralized and Sinnamon 1977). However, Grzanna
elements prevail. These few examples may et al. (1978) reported that the vast majority
suffice to illustrate that, with respect to the of the noradrenergic fibres in the brain bear
organization of its efferent projections, the no relationship to cerebral blood vessels, and
locus coeruleus is very complex, and that this Dahlgren et al. (1981) remained unable to de-
centre most probably contains a number of tect any influence of the locus coeruleus on
subunits with different target areas. cerebral blood flow.
The afferents of the locus coeruleus are mul- 2. It has repeatedly been reported that stimu-
tifarious and include fibres from the central lation of the locus coeruleus elicits a rise in
nucleus of the amygdala, the preoptic region, heart rate and blood pressure. The pathways
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the along which these cardiovascular reactions
lateral hypothalamic area, the periaqueductal are effected are not known as yet (Lightman
grey, the ventral tegmental area, the mesence- et al. 1984; Gurtu et al. 1984).
phalic and rhombencephalic reticular forma- 3. Redmond and colleagues (Redmond et al.
tion, the contralateral locus coeruleus, the 1977, 1979; Charnay and Redmond 1983)
parabrachial region, most of the raphe nu- noted that locus coeruleus cells are activated
clei, the vestibular nuclear complex, the deep by stressful, threatening stimuli, and that
cerebellar nuclei, the Ai, A2, AS, C1 and stimulation of the locus coeruleus may pro-
C2 cell groups and the marginal zone of the duce a syndrome of behaviours characteristic
spinal dorsal horn (Conrad and Pfaff 1976; of fear. They proposed that the locus coeru-
Edwards 1975; Pierce et al. 1976; Cedar- leus functions as part of an 'alarm system'.
baum and Aghajanian 1978; Clavier 1979; The cardiovascular effects mentioned under
Beckstead et al. 1979; Morgane and Jacobs point 2 were included in the reactions caused
1979). Interestingly, many of these connec- by this system.
tions reciprocate efferent projections of the 4. Combining the evidence that the locus
locus coeruleus. To what extent the fibres of coeruleus is activated by stressful stimuli with
these afferent systems are distributed over the the results of physiological experiments indi-
entire complex or specifically address neuro- cating that noradrenaline released from locus
26 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

coeruleus terminals inhibits ongoing activity Turning. now to the efferents of the dorsal
in most target neurons, Amaral and Cinna- medullary (A2) and lateral tegmental (Al,
mon (1977) hypothesized that the locus coe- AS, A 7) noradrenergic cell groups (Fig. 7),
qdeus has a 'stress-dampening function'. it should be mentioned first of all that, ac-
i. It has been shown that locus coeruleus cording to the classical mapping study of Un-
neurons are not exclusively activated by nox- gerstedt (1971), these cell groups collectively
ious or other threatening or stressful stimuli. give rise to a long, ascending fibre system,
Foote et al. (1980), for instance, demon- the ventral noradrenergic pathway. According
strated that in rats locus coeruleus cells can to his description, this pathway ascends
be activated by the presentation of various through the reticular zone of the brain stem
non-noxious auditory, visual or somatosen- and continues rostrally, mainly within the
sory stimuli, and that in the monkey these medial forebrain bundle. Terminal areas of
cells respond vigorously to complex arousing this pathway were observed in the mesen-
stimuli such as preferred food. It also appears cephalon (the ventrolateral part of the sub-
that the activity of locus coeruleus cells can- stantia grisea centralis and the reticular for-
not be described simply in terms of excitation mation), the diencephalon (the entire hypo-
or inhibition. Rather, their action selectively thalamus, especially the dorsomedial, peri-
enhances or diminishes the effects of the neu- ventricular, infundibular, supraoptic and
rotransmitters released by other afferents or paraventricular nuclei and the internal layer
by intrinsic neurons in their target areas (see of the median eminence), and in the telen-
Van Dongen 1981 a). On the basis of this and cephalon (the preoptic area and the bed nu-
other information (Mason 1980, 1981; Van cleus of the stria terminalis). Later studies
Dongen 1980, 1981 b; Foote et al. 1983), the (Swanson and Hartman 1975; Lindvall and
generalization may be made that in the wak- Bjorklund 1974a, 1978; Moore and Bloom
ing state the locus coeruleus exerts an 'atten- 1979; Jones and Friedman 1983) have shown
tion function', i. e. continuously 'monitors' that the dorsal and ventral noradrenergic
the environment for' important stimuli/ bundles as described by Ungerstedt (1971),
events, and prepares the organism to cope cannot be sharply separated; they form one
with emergency situations. complex, which has been termed the' central
tegmental tract' (Lindvall and Bjorklund
As regards pathology in the brains of patients 1974a; Swanson et al. 1981; Moore and
dying with Parkinson's disease and Alz- Bloom 1979) or the 'major longitudinal cate-
heimer's disease, a significant loss of neurons cholamine bundle' (Jones and Friedman
in the locus coeruleus has been found (Van 1983). In this complex, ascending fibres are
Dongen 1981 b). According to arecent report mixed with descending ones. The axons of
(Mann et al. 1984), in younger patients with the lateral tegmental group feed into it at
Alzheimer's disease the cell loss is even successive levels through radially coursing,
greater in the locus coeruleus than in the nu- transverse fibres (Jones and Friedman
cleus basalis of Meynert. It is also worthy 1983).
of note that in certain forms of schizophrenia As regards the areas of termination of the
there may be a disturbance of the locus coer- dorsal medullary and lateral tegmental' nor-
uleus and its outflow. In postmortem exami- adrenergic cell groups, the findings of Unger-
nations of brains of chronic paranoid schi- stedt (1971) have been conftrmed and ex-
zophrenia patients, Farley et al. (1978) found tended by several more detailed studies.
noradrenaline concentrations to be above Thus, it has been reported that fibres arising
normal in several limbic forebrain regions, from these cell groups form a very dense ter-
including the ventral part of the septum and minal plexus in the ventral part of the bed
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, i. e. nucleus of the stria terminalis and also pro-
terminal areas of the locus coeruleus. ject to the nucleus of the diagonal band and
Monoamines 27

1 Thalamus, peri ventricular region

2 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
3 Nucleus septi lateralis
4 Nucleus paraventricularis, pars magnocellularis
5 Nucleus paraventricularis, pars parvocellularis
6 Area lateralis hypothalami
7 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis
8 Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
9 Nucleus gyri diagonalis
10 Nucleus anterior hypothalami
11 Nucleus dorsomedialis
12 Area caudalis hypothalami
13 Nucleus praeopticus medialis
14 Nucleus supraopticus 26 Nuclei pontis
15 Nucleus infundibularis 27 Nucleus raphes magnus
16 Corpus amygdaloideum 28 Cell group A5
17 Eminentia mediana 29 Nucleus nervi facialis
18 Formatio reticularis mesencephali 30 Formatio reticularis myelencephali
19 Griseum centrale mesencephali 31 Cell group Al
20 Nucleus centralis superior 32 Cell group A2
21 Locus coeruleus 33 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
22 Cell group A 7 34 Nucleus solitarius
23 Formatio reticularis metencephali 35 Substantia grisea centralis
24 Nuclei parabrachiaies 36 Substantia gelatinosa
25 Nucleus motorius nervi trigemini 37 Nucleus intermediolateralis

Fig. 7. Noradrenaline-containing cells and fibres: II. Remaining cell groups

28 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

to the lateral septal nucleus (Lindvall and thalamic cell masses originate exclusively
Stenevi 1978; Moore 1978). The amygdaloid from the caudal medullary A1 and A2
complex, particularly the central nucleus, has groups. Thus, it has been established that the
been shown to receive a non-coerulean nor- A1 group innervates the bed nucleus of the
adrenergic projection via the ventral amygda- stria terminalis and the medial preoptic area
lofugal pathway (Fallon et al. 1978). Speciale (McKellar and Loewy 1982); the contralater-
et al. (1978) found a considerable decrease al amygdala (Ottersen 1981); the anterior,
of the noradrenaline levels in the nucleus cau- lateral and posterior hypothalamic areas
datus, the piriform cortex, the bed nucleus (Sakumoto et al. 1978); the dorsal hypotha-
of the stria terminalis, the medial preoptic lamic area, the dorsomedial nucleus and the
nucleus and the median eminence following median eminence (McKellar and Loewy
lesions in the A5 group, whereas Palkovits 1982); and the parvocellular and magnocellu-
et al. (1980) concluded from comparable ex- lar portions of the paraventricular nucleus
periments, supplemented with electron mi- as well as the supraoptic nucleus (Sawchenko
croscopical identification of degenerating ter- and Swanson 1981; 1982a). In the magnocel-
minals, that the medullary noradrenergic cell lular part of the paraventricular nucleus and
groups, particularly the A1 group, project to in the supraoptic nucleus the projections
the paraventricular, periventricular, dorso- from the A1 group appear to terminate pre-
medial, ventromedial and infundibular nu- ferentially in areas rich in vasopressinergic
clei. Finally, Moore and Bloom (1979) re- neurons (Sawchenko and Swanson 1982a).
ported that the medial preoptic nucleus, the The A2 group has been shown to innervate
anterior hypothalamic area, the supraoptic the medial preoptic area (Ricardo and Koh
nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus are 1978; Sakumoto et al. 1978; Day et al. 1980;
all densely innervated by the lower brainstem Berk and Finkelstein 1981), the ipsilateral
cell groups, but the ventromedial nucleus is amygdala (Ottersen 1981); the anterior, later-
nearly free of noradrenergic innervation. al and posterior hypothalamic areas and the
Apart from the ventral" noradrenergic path- nucleus dorsomedialis (Sakumoto et al.
way (Ungerstedt 1971), or central tegmental 1978; Berk and Finkelstein 1981); the nucle-'
tract (Lindvall and Bjorklund 1974a; Swan- us infundibularis (Ricardo and Koh 1978);
son et aI. 1981; Moore and Bloom 1979), the and the parvocellular portion of the paraven-
dorsal periventricular pathway may also con- tricular nucleus (Basbaum et al. 1978). Most
tain long, ascending noradrenergic fibres. It of the long, ascending projections from the
has been suggested that in the rat a consider- A1 and A2 cell groups are bilateral with an
able number of fibres originating from the ipsilateral predominance.
lower medullary cell groups project via this In addition to long, ascending projections,
route to the nucleus paraventricularis tha- the dorsal medullary and lateral tegmental
lami (Lindvall et al. 1974b; Lindvall and noradrenergic cell groups give rise to various
Bjorklund 1983). propriobulbar projections and to fibres de-
Studies using tracer techniques (Ricardo and scending to the spinal cord. With regard to
Koh 1978; Sakumoto et al. 1978; Berk and the propriobulbar connections, Levitt and
Finkelstein 1981; Ottersen 1981; McKellar Moore (1979) concluded from biochemical
and Loewy 1982), and particularly analyses and histofluorescence studies done following
in which the use of retrograde tracers was locus coeruleus lesions that the dorsal motor
combined with techniques for identification nucleus of the vagus, the facial nucleus, the
of labelled catecholaminergic cells (Day et al. motor trigeminal nucleus, the nucleus solitar-
1980; Blessing et al. 1982; Ottersen 1981; ius, the rhombencephalic raphe nuclei and
Sawchenko and Swanson 1981, 1982a), have the parabrachial nuclei are' heavily inner-
shown that the non-coerulean noradrenergic vated by the non-coerulean noradrenergic
projections to basal telencephalic and hypo- cell groups, whereas the hypoglossal nucleus,
Monoamines 29

the pontine nuclei, the locus coeruleus and vascular contr:ol and respiration. The nucleus
the pontine and medullary reticular forma- solitarius, in which the A2 group is largely
tion receive a less rich innervation from these embedded, receives via the vagus and glosso-
sourc~~. They noted that the locus coeruleus pharyngeal nerves impulses from, among
compl~x innervates mainly sensory and asso- others, atrial stretch receptors and aortic and
ciation nuclei, whereas the axons of the re- carotid baro- and chemoreceptors. These
maining noradrenergic cell groups are dis- viscerosensory impulses may evoke coordi-
tributed primarily to motor and visceral nu- nated autonomic and neuroendocrine re-
clei. Little is known of the exact localization sponses along various routes. Relying heavily
of the cells of origin of the various projec- upon the excellent studies of Ricardo and
tions described by Levitt and Moore (1979). Koh (1978) and Sawchenko and Swanson
However, there is experimental evidence indi- (1982a), some of these routes may be briefly
cating that the Ai group innervates the nu- indicated as follows:
cleus solitarius and other nuclei of the dorsal
vagal complex, the locus coeruleus and the 1. A substantial, though non-catecholamin-
parabrachial nuclei (Blessing et al. 1981 a; ergic pathway passes from the nucleus soli-
Loewy et al. 1981; Sawchenko and Swanson tarius to the Ai group, and the A1 and A2
1982a), and that the A2 group projects groups both project to the A5 group. Loewy
heavily and bilaterally to the nucleus solita- and collaborators (1979a, b) demonstrated
rius (Takahashi et al. 1979). . that the A5 group projects directly to the
According to the earlier studies of Dahlstrom sympathetic nucleus intermediolateralis in
and Fuxe (1965) and Lindvall and Bjorklund the thoracic cord, and presented physiologi-
(197 4 a), the non-coerulean noradrenergic cal evidence indicating that the A5 group rep-
fibres descending to the spinal cord originate resents a vasomotor centre.
mainly from the lower medullary Ai and A2 2. Alterations in blood pressure and cardiac
groups. However, more recent experimental frequency, as well as modifications of respi-
investigations have revealed that this projec- ratory function, can be induced by stimula-
tion arises largely, if not exclusively, from tion of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis,
the pontine A5 and A 7 groups (Loewy et al. the central amygdaloid nucleus and the me-
1979 b; Blessing et al. 1981 b; Ross et al. dial preoptic area (see Ricardo and Koh
1981; Sawchenko and Swanson 1982a; Ste- 1978). All of these telencephalic centres have
vens et al. 1982; Lindvall and Bjorklund been shown to receive a direct projection
1983; Westlund et al. 1983, 1984). This pon- from the Ai and/or A2 groups.
to spinal projection presumably descends in 3. The parvocellular portion of the paraven-
the major longitudinal catecholamine bundle tricular nucleus may well occupy an analo-
of Jones and Friedman (1983) and enters the gous position at the diencephalic level. This
deeper part of the lateral funiculus of the spi- centre, which is known to influence cardio-
nal cord (Satoh et al. 1977; Loewy et al. vascular functions, receives direct input from
1979b). Its fibres terminate in the superficial the Ai and A2 groups and projects to various
layers of the dorsal horn, in the area around autonomic centres in the lower brain stem
the central canal and, with great density, in and spinal cord (Sawchenko and Swanson
the thoracic sympathetic intermediolateral 1982a).
column (Satoh et al. 1977; Crutcher and 4. It has been shown that the peripheral car-
Bingham 1978; Loewy et al. 1979b; West- diovascular receptors connected to the vagus
lund et al. 1984). and glossopharyngeal nerves participate in
The caudal medullary and lateral tegmental the mechanism of vasopressin ( = antidiuretic
nor adrenergic cell groups and their efferent hormone) release. The baroreceptors and the
projections are probably involved in a wide atrial stretch receptors inhibit the release
range of visceral functions, including cardio- mechanism, whereas the chemoreceptors
30 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

probably stimulate vasopressin secretion (Ri- (1954) and later substantiated by a consider-
cardo and Koh 1978). The glossopharyngeal able number of biochemical studies
and vagus fibres involved terminate in the (Gunne 1962; McGeer and McGeer 1964;
nucleus solitarius, and the cells which release Saavedra et al. 1974; Van der Gugten et al.
vasopressin in the posterior pituitary are lo- 1976; Lew et al. 1977; Goldstein et al. 1978,
cated in the supraoptic and paraventricular 1980). Immunohistochemical evidence for
nuclei. Sawchenko and Swanson (1982 a) the existence of adrenaline-containing neu-
consider it likely that the central route taken rons in the central nervous system has been
by the visceroceptive inputs to the hypothala- produced by some groups of investigators
mus involves (a) the large, non-catechol- (Hokfelt et al. 1974b, 1980d; Goldstein et al.
aminergic pathway which connects the soli- 1978; Howe et al. 1980), all of whom used
tary nucleus with the Ai region and (b) the antibodies against the synthesizing enzyme
direct projection which they demonstrated to PNMT.
run from the Ai group to the magnocellular Three PNMT -containing cell groups have
parts of the paraventricular nucleus and to been distinguished, all of which are located
the supraoptic nucleus. in the caudal rhombencephalon. By analogy
with the nomenclature of Dahlstrom and
Finally, it should be mentioned that the med- Fuxe (1964) these groups have been desig-
ullary noradrenergic cell groups have been nated as Cl, C2 and C3 (Hokfelt et al.
implicated in the control of various anterior 1974b; Howe et al. 1980).
pituitary hormones, including growth hor- Cell group Cl is the largest of the three. It
mone, luteinizing hormone and ACTH (for is located in the ventrolateral myelencepha-
reviews see Weiner and Ganong 1978; Moore lon between the inferior olivary complex and
and Bloom 1979). Given the fact that the ac- the nucleus funiculi lateralis, and in the rat
tivity of the anterior pituitary is regulated it contains 69% of the total number of
by neurosecretory processes in the median PNMT-positive cells,(Howe et al. 1980).
eminence, it is noteworthy that noradrenergic Cell group C2, which like group C1 consists,
fibres originating from the cell groups men- of multipolar, medium-sized perikarya, lies
tioned are involved in three different projec- partly within and partly adjacent to the nu-
tions leading to that structure, one direct and cleus solitarius. It comprises 22% of the total
two indirect. The direct projection originates number of PNMT -containing cells.
from cell group Ai. The indirect projections Cell group C3, which contains the remaining
are constituted by fibres arising from the Ai 9% of the PNMT -positive cells in the rat,
and A2 groups which terminate in the nucle- is situated between the dorsal raphe region
us infundibularis and in the parvocellular di- and the initial parts of the intramedullary ax-
vision of the paraventricular nucleus. Both ons of the hypoglossal nerve. The elements
of the centres last mentioned are known to of this small group lie interspersed amongst
project to the median eminence (Sawchenko the bundles of the medial longitudinal fasci-
and Swanson 1982a). cle (Howe et al. 1980).
Hokfelt and colleagues (1974 b), who first de-
scribed the cell groups C1 and C2, pointed
out that these groups are identical to the ros-
Adrenaline (Fig. 8) is the final product of the tral parts of the catecholaminergic cell
catecholamine chain, dopamine-noradrena- groups Ai and A2 respectively of Dahlstrom
line-adrenaline (see Fig. 3). The conversion and Fuxe (1964). Howe and co-workers
of noradrenaline to adrenaline is specifically (1980), on the other hand, emphasized that
catalyzed by the enzyme PNMT. The pres- the PNMT -containing cell groups C1 and C2
ence of adrenaline in the central nervous sys- are situated rostrally to, rather than within
tem was first suggested by Marthe Vogt the confines of, the cell groups A1 and A2.
Monoamines 31

I Thalamus
2 ucleus para ventricularis
3 ucleus dorsomediaJis
4 Griseum centrale mesencephaJi
5 Locus coeruleus
6 Cell group Cl
7 Cell group C3
8 Cell group C2
9 ucleus solitariu
10 ucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
11 ucleus intermediolateralis

Fig. 8. Adrenaline-containing cells and fibres

32 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

According to their observations, most of the The authors who have studied the adrena-
PNMT -positive cells do not show catechol- line-containing projections with the help of
amine histofluorescence. However, they dem- antibodies against PNMT (Hokfelt et al.
onstrated by pharmacological manipulation 1974b; Goldstein et al. 1978) cautioned that
{hat these cells are capable of synthesizing the sensitivity of their technique was presum-
and storing catecholamines. ably too low to obtain a complete picture
From the overall area in which the cell of the distribution of adrenergic axons and
groups C1-C3 are located a bundle of terminals. It is interesting to note in this con-
PNMT -containing axons can be traced, as- text that some groups of investigators who
cending through the reticular formation, the have analyzed the regional distribution of
area tegmentalis ventralis and the lateral adrenaline (or PNMT) in the brain with bio-
hypothalamic area (Hokfelt et al. 1974b). chemical techniques (Saavedra et al. 1974;
This bundle closely follows the trajectory of Van der Gugten et al. 1976; Lew et al. 1977)
the ventral noradrenergic bundle described detected this substance (or the activity of its
by Ungerstedt (1971). synthesizing enzyme) not only in all terminal
PNMT -containing fields of terminals have regions described by Hokfelt and colleagues
been observed in many areas of the central (1974b), but also in several other brain areas,
nervous system. The most prominent of these including the basal ganglia, the nucleus ac-
terminal fields include: some thalamic mid- cumbens, the amygdala, the septum, the pre-
line nuclei; the dorsomedial and paraventric- optic region, the habenula, the nucleus infun-
ular hypothalamic nuclei, the latter of which dibularis and the median eminence.
shows a high density of terminals; the ventral Only little is known concerning the central
part of the periaqueductal grey and the later- actions of the adrenergic neurons. The dense
al peri ventricular zone of the rostral rhomb- innervation of the paraventricular nucleus
encephalon; the ventral part of the locus suggests that adrenaline might be involved
coeruleus; the nucleus solitarius; the nucleus in oxytocin and vasopressin secretion, and
dorsalis of the vagal nerve; and the nucleus the innervation of the dorsomedial hypotha.-
intermediolateralis in the spinal cord. The lamic nucleus indicates a possible influence
three nuclei last mentioned all show a high on food intake. Effects on the regulation of
density of PNMT -containing terminals blood pressure and respiration are suggested
(Hokfelt et al. 1974b). Exact knowledge of by the dense adrenergic innervation of the
which cell groups give rise to which terminal nucleus solitarius, the dorsal motor vagal nu-
networks is lacking, and therefore the rela- cleus and the sympathetic intermedioventral
tions shown in Fig. 8 should be considered nucleus in the spinal cord.
highly speculative. However, Hokfelt and Physiological experiments (see e. g. Dampney
colleagues (1980d) have presented experi- and Moon 1980) have shown that the ventro-
mental evidence indicating that the projec- lateral portion of the medulla oblongata con-
tions to the hypothalamus and the spinal tains a circumscribed and highly sensitive va-
cord originate mainly from cell group C1. sopressor area, and Goodchild et al. (1984)
The experiments of Ross et al. (1981) have recently presented evidence suggesting that
also shown that adrenaline-containing neu- this centre corresponds to the adrenergic C1
rons in the C1 group project to the thoracic group. It has also been reported (Goldstein
cord. Sawchenko and Swanson (1982a) con- et al. 1978) that in spontaneously hyperten-
sidered it likely that the C1 group projects sive rats the PNMT activity in the C1 and
to the supraoptic nucleus and to the magno- C2 regions is notably elevated, and that in
cellular and parvocellular portions of the these animals the adrenaline level in the C2
paraventricular nucleus, and that the parvo- region is also much higher than in normoten-
cellular portion of the nucleus last mentioned sive rats.
also receives afferents from the C2 group.
Monoarnines 33

Serotonin line, GABA, CCK, L-enkephalin, M-enke-

phalin, substance P, VIP, SST and TRH (for
Serotonin-containing neurons (see Fig. 9) oc- references, see Steinbusch and Nieuwenhuys
cur in the mesencephalon, pons and medulla 1983; Bowker et al. 1983). In several raphe
oblongata, but in all of these parts of the nuclei, cells containing serotonin as well as
brain the elements mentioned are essentially a peptide have been observed, e. g. serotonin
confined to the median and paramedian plus substance P (Hokfelt et al. 1978c; Chan-
zones. In marked contrast to most of the Palay et al. 1978) and serotonin plus L-enke-
catecholaminergic cell groups, the serotonin- phalin (Glazer et al. 1981); moreover, evi-
ergic neurons are distributed mainly within dence has been presented that in some medul-
specific cytoarchitectonic entities, namely the lary raphe neurons serotonin, co-exists with
nuclei of the raphe. However, it is important substance P as well as TRH (Johansson et al.
to note that the groups of serotoninergic neu- 1981). Hence, the raphe nuclei may be aptly
rons, although widely overlapping the raphe designated as a multiple transmitter complex
nuclei, are by no means congruent with them. (Bowker et al. 1983). In the following synop-
It was for this reason that Dahlstrom and sis of the serotoninergic cell groups the no-
Fuxe (1964) introduced a new classification menclature of Dahlstrom and Fuxe (1964)
of the indolamine-containing cells in the will be employed. The description of the var-
brain stem of the rat, distinguishing nine cell ious raphe nuclei follows, as far as possible,
groups numbered B1-B9. Most, of these those of Taber et al. (1960) and Braak
groups have also been recognized in other (1970).
mammals (Felten and Cummings 1979; Ta- Cell group B1 is situated in the ventral part
keuchi et al. 1982 b; Howe et al. 1983), in- of the medulla oblongata and borders ven-
cluding primates (Felten et al. 1974; Hub- trally on the pyramidal tracts. It is limited
bard and Di Carlo 1974b; Sladek and mainly to the nucleus raphes pallidus, al-
Walker 1977; Sladek et al. 1982; Schofield though some of its cells extend laterally in
and Everitt 1981; Takeuchi et' al. 1982c; Fel- the ventral part of the reticular formation.
ten and Sladek 1983). The most important The rostral part of group B1 is continuous
incongruities between the raphe nuclei and with the caudal part of group B3. Cell group
the serotoninergic cell groups are that (a) in B2 is situated at the same level as group B1,
many places scattered serotoninergic neurons but occupies a more dorsal position. Its cells
spread lateral to the raphe nuclei into the form two narrow paramedian sheets that co-
adjacent medial reticular formation, and incide with the nucleus raphes obscurus. Cell
(b) throughout the brain stem, but particu- group B3 is situated in the borderland be-
larly at pontine levels, serotoninergic ele- tween the medulla oblongata and the pons.
ments form wing-like expansions, which ex- Most of its cells are found within the nucleus
tend laterally either in the subventricular area raphes magnus, but others constitute a later-
or in the most ventral part of the tegmentum ally extending band along the fibre bundles
(for details see Steinbusch 1981; Stein busch of the corpus trapezoideum. Cell group B4
and Nieuwenhuys 1983; Takeuchi et al. is difficult to delineate as a separate entity.
1982b, c; Felten and Sladek 1983; Howe It is reportedly situated at the level of the
et al. 1983). It should also be mentioned that medial vestibular nucleus lying just dorsal to
not all of the neurons situated in the raphe the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi.
nuclei contain serotonin. In fact, in most Cell group B5 is rather small and located
raphe nuclei only a minority of the neurons within the nucleus raphes pontis at the level
are serotoninergic (Wiklund et al. 1980). of the motor nucleus of the fifth nerve. In
Within the confines of these nuclei, cells con- the upper pons and lower midbrain. the data
taining the following (putative) neurotrans- derived from cytoarchitectonic studies are
mitters are present: dopamine, noradrena- difficult to reconcile with those resulting
34 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

Fig. 9. Serotonin-containing cells and fibres

Monoamines 35

Explanations to Figure 9 from histofluQrescence studies on the distri-

bution of serotoninergic cells. However, it
1 Neocortex seems likely that cell groups B6 and B8 both
2 Gyrus cinguli lie largely within the confines of the superior
3 Striae longitudinales + cingulum
4 Nucleus caudatus central nucleus of Bechterew. This nucleus
5 Corpus callosum is situated in the upper part of the tegmentum
6 Putamen pontis and extends rostrally into the tegmen-
7 Fornix
8 Stria terminalis tum of the midbrain. At rostral pontine levels
9 Thalamus numerous serotoninergic neurons belonging
10 Stria medullaris to the B6 and B8 groups extend laterally
11 Nucleus habenulae medialis
12 Nucleus septi medialis + lateralis beyond the boundaries of the raphe nuclei
13 Nucleus dorsomedialis into the lateral tegmentum, where some of
14 Area lateralis hypothalami them lie intermingled with the noradrenergic
15 Area tegmentalis ventralis
16 Nucleus accumbens cells of the locus coeruleus, the subcoeruleus
17 Nucleus praeopticus medialis + lateralis area and the parabrachial nuclei (Sladek and
18 Nucleus ventromedialis Walker 1977; Leger et al. 1979; Sladek et al.
19 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis
20 Bulbus olfactorius 1982; Takeuchi et al. 1982 b).
21 Nucleus olfactorius anterior The large mesencephalic cell group B7 is lo-
22 Nucleus gyri diagonalis calized mainly within the nucleus raphes dor-
23 Nucleus suprachiasmaticus
24 Ansa peduncularis + fibrae amygdalofugales salis. The latter is situated in and ventral to
ventrales the periaqueductal grey. It extends from the
25 Nucleus anterior hypothalami level of the dorsal tegmental nucleus to the
26 Nucleus infundibularis
27 Corpus mamillare caudal pole of the oculomotor nucleus. The
28 Corpus amygdaloideum ventral part of the nucleus is situated between
29 Gyrus parahippocampalis the two medial longitudinal fascicles. Cell
30 Gyrus dentatus
31 Cornu Ammonis group B9, finally, is smalloand occupies a po-
32 Subiculum sition in the midbrain close to the medial
33 Substantia nigra lemniscus.
34 Griseum centrale mesencephali
35 Nucleus raphes dorsalis (B7) It has already been mentioned that the raphe
36 Nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis nuclei contain considerable numbers of non-
37 Colliculus superior serotoninergic neurons. Wiklund et al. (1980)
38 Colliculus inferior
39 Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis determined the proportions of serotoninergic
40 Nucleus interpeduncularis neurons in the various raphe nuclei of the
41 Nucleus centralis superior (B6+B8) cat to be as follows: nucleus raphes obscurus,
42 Plexus supraependymalis
43 Locus coeruleus 35%; nucleus raphes pallidus, 50%; nucleus
44 Nucleus raphes pontis (B5) raphes magnus, 15 %; nucleus raphes pontis,
45 Nuclei parabrachiales 10%; nucleus centralis superior, 35% and
46 Formatio reticularis metencephali
47 Ventriculus quartus
nucleus raphes dorsalis, 70%. However, Des-
48 Cortex cere belli carries et al. (1982) reported that in the rat
49 Nuclei centrales cerebelli only one-third of the neurons in the nucleus
50 Nucleus raphes magnus (B3)
51 Nucleus raphes obscurus (B2) raphes dorsalis are serotoninergic.
52 Formatio reticularis myelencephali The serotoninergic neurons in the brain stem
53 Nucleus raphes pallidus (B1) are provided with highly branched fibres
54 Nucleus solitarius
55 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi which innervate virtually the entire central
56 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini nervous system, thus comprising the most ex-
57 Substantia gelatinosa pansive central neuronal network yet de-
58 Cornu anterius
59 Nucleus intermediolateralis scribed. The axons of the serotonin-contain-
ing cells differ in diameter, though most are
thin, unmyelinated and varicose. Azmitia
36 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

and Gannon (1983) studied the serotonin- mentum, after which they enter the medial
ergic fibres in the medial forebrain bundle forebraIn bundle in the lateral hypothalamic
of the rat and monkey at the ultrastructural area. During its course through the midbrain,
level, with an antibody against serotonin. fibres are given off to the interpeduncular
They found that the percentage of serotonin- nucleus, the substantia nigra (mainly its com-
immunoreactive myelinated axons is much pact part), and the area tegmentalis ventralis
greater in the monkey than in the rat (25.4% (Bobillier et al. 1976; Taber Pierce et al.
versus 0.7% of the total number of serotonin- 1976; Palkovits et al. 1977; Fibiger and Mil-
immunoreactive fibres respectively). ler 1977; Nojyo and Sano 1978; Bobillier
The fibre connections of the serotoninergic et al. 1979). The fibres terminating in the area
cell groups have been studied with a variety tegmentalis ventralis originate mainly from
of techniques, including fluorescence histo- the nucleus centralis superior. The major in-
chemistry (Felten and Sladek 1983), histo- put to the nucleus interpeduncularis and the
fluorescence combined with chemical or sur- substantia nigra comes from the nucleus
gical lesions (Ungerstedt 1971; Fuxe and raphes dorsalis. It has been demonstrated
Jonsson 1974), radioimmunology combined that the dorsal raphe neurons which project
with surgical lesions (Palkovits et al. 1977), to the substantia nigra also distribute axonal
autoradiography following intraventricular branches to the caudatus-putamen complex
administration of tritiated serotonin (parent (Van der Kooy and Hattori 1980). In the ros-
et al. 1981), amino acid-autoradiography fol- tral mesencephalon a number of fibres leave
lowing chemical lesions (Moore and Halaris the major group to ascend in and around
1975), immunohistochemistry (Kojima et al. the habenulo-interpeduncular tract to the
1982, 1983; Kojima and Sano 1983) and ret- thalamus. Some of these fibres terminate in
rograde transport of HRP in combination the medial habenular nucleus, but the majori-
with immunohistochemistry (Bowker et al. ty turn rostrally in the internal medullary
1983). In addition, the efferents of the var- lamina to innervate, various thalamic centres,
ious raphe nuclei have been studied with ret- including several midline nuclei, the nucleu,s
rograde (Sakai et al. 1977; Van der Kooy and medialis, the nucleus parafascicularis, the an-
Kuypers 1979) and anterograde (Conrad terior and ventral nuclear complexes, the nu-
et al. 1974; Bobillier et al. 1975, 1976, 1979; cleus lateralis dorsalis and the nucleus ven-
Taber Pierce et al. 1976; Basbaum et al. tralis corporis geniculati lateralis (Conrad
1978; Azmitia and Segal 1978; Moore et al. et al. 1974; Bobillier et al. 1976, 1979; Moore
1980; Tohyama etal. 1980) tracer tech- et al. 1980; Mantyh and Kemp 1983; Crop-
niques. On the basis of these studies and of per et al. 1984). Some of these centres may
additional publications cited below, the fol- receive additional serotoninergic input via
lowing mainly - or at least partly - serotonin- the mamillothalamic tract and the stria me-
ergic projections may be distinguished: dullaris (Moore et al. 1980; Bobillier et al.
(a) the ventral ascending pathway, (b) the 1979). In the caudal part of the diencephalon
dorsal ascending pathway, (c) projections to fibres are distributed to the posterior hypo-
various rhombencephalic centres, (d) the cer- thalamic area and the corpus mamillare (Bo-
ebellar pathway, (e) bulbospinal pathways, billier et al. 1976, 1979; Taber Pierce' et al.
and (f) the supra-ependymal plexus. These 1976).
fibre systems will now be briefly discussed. Two large fibre contingents leave the ventral
The large ventral ascending serotoninergic ascending serotoninergic pathway along its
pathway arises mainly from the cell groups course through the lateral hypothalamic
B6-B8, which include the nucleus raphes dor- area, one directed laterally, the other ventro-
salis and the nucleus centralis superior. Its medially. The laterally directed fibres follow
fibres sweep ventrally from these nuclei and the ansa peduncularis-ventral amygdalofugal
then curve rostrally through the ventral teg- pathway system and continue through the in-
Monoamines 37

ternal capsule into the amygdala, the stria- its course fibres are given off to the cingulate
tum and the external capsule to reach the and entorhinal cortex and to the adjacent
lateral and caudal parts of the neocortex neocortical areas. In the hippocampus the su-
(Fuxe and Jonsson 1974; Bobillier et al. pracallosal projection fans out into the subi-
1976;Moore et al. 1980). The distribution of culum and the cornu Ammonis. (g) Some
fibres in the amygdala is complex. Dense in- fibres proceed rostrally into the stria olfac-
nervation has been observed in parts of the toria medialis to terminate in the anterior ol-
anterior amygdaloid area and of the basal, factory nucleus and the glomerular layer of
basal posterior, lateral and medial posterior the olfactory bulb. (h) Finally, it should be
nuclei. As regards the striatum, the nucleus mentioned that serotoninergic fibres ascend-
caudatus, the putamen, the nucleus accum- ing with the medial forebrain bundle termi-
bens and the globus pallidus are all supplied nate in the organum vasculosum of the lam-
by serotoninergic fibres, but in none of these ina terminalis as well as in the subfornical
centres does this innervation attain a high organ (Moore 1977). There is experimental
density (Steinbusch 1981). The medioven- evidence indicating that the nucleus caudatus
trally directed fibres innervate a large and the putamen are supplied by the nucleus
number of preoptic and hypothalamic raphes dorsalis, whereas the efferents of the
centres, among which are the dorsomedial, nucleus centralis superior are distributed
ventromedial and infundibular nuclei, the an- mainly to more medially situated structures,
terior and lateral hypothalamic areas and the such as the hypothalamus and the hippocam-
medial preoptic, lateral preoptic and supra- pus (Azmitia and Segal 1978; Bobillier et al.
chiasmatic nuclei. The ventromedial and su- 1979; Van de Kar and Lorens 1979). On the
prachiasmatic nuclei are densely innervated basis of anterograde tracer experiments, To-
(Nojyo and Sano 1978; Van de Kar and Lo- hyama et al. (1980) claimed that the rostral
rens 1979; Steinbusch and Nieuwenhuys part of the nucleus raphes dorsalis supplies
1981). the lateral parts of the cerebral cortex, where-
In front of the hypothalamus the ventral as- as the caudal part of that nucleus innervates
cending serotoninergic pathway splits up as the medial cortical areas. The entire neocor-
follows (Azmitia and Segal 1978; Moore tex receives a serotoninergic innervation,
et al. 1980; Bobillier et al. 1979; Parent et al. which spreads over all cortical layers. In the
1981): (a) Some fibres enter the stria medul- rat this innervation is relatively uniform (Li-
laris to terminate in the periventricular region dov et al. 1980), but in the monkey different
of the thalamus and the medial habenular cytoarchitectonic fields may show consider-
nucleus. (b) Some fibres pass with the stria able differences in the density and the lam-
terminalis to the amygdaloid complex. inar distribution pattern of their serotonin-
(c) Some fibres traverse the fornix to the gy- ergic innervation (Takeuchi and Sano
rus dentatus and the cornu Ammonis (Moore 1983).
and Halaris 1975). (d) Some fibres enter the The dorsal ascending serotoninergic pathway
diagonal band of Broca to supply the nucleus consists of fibres that pass rostrally along the
of the same name and the medial and lateral dorsal longitudinal fascicle of Schlitz (Bobil-
septal nuclei (Gall and Moore 1984). lier et al. 1976; Moore et al. 1980; Parent
(e) Some fibres pass by way of the rostral et al. 1981) and somewhat more ventrally in
portion of the external capsule to the rostral the vicinity of the medial longitudinal fascicle
part of the nucleus caudatus and to the ros- (Bjorklund et al. 1973; Felten and Sladek
tral and lateral parts of the neocortex. (f) A 1983). Its fibres originate mainly from the
bundle of fibres which traverses the rostral nucleus raphes dorsalis but, according to
septum enters the cingulum bundle and the some authors, also from the nucleus centralis
supracallosal striae to eventually reach the superior (Bjorklund et al. 1973; Felten and
hippocampus via a caudal approach; during Sladek 1983) and the nucleus raphes magnus
38 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

(Bobillier et al. 1976). After having distrib- tegmental grey, the lower rhombencephalic
uted fibres to the mesencephalic central grey raphe nuclei and the pontine and medullary.
and the posterior hypothalamic area, most reticular formation (Bobillier et al. 1976,
of the fibres of the dorsal pathway enter the 1979; Tohyama et al. 1980; Yezierski et al.·
:.medial forebrain bundle to join the ventral 1982). The nucleus raphes pontis and nucleus
pathway. According to Parent et al. (1981), raphes magnus project likewise to the reticu-
the dorsal ascending serotoninergic pathway lar formation (Bobillier et al. 1976), and the
(i.e. the periventricular 5-HT system, in their nucleus raphes magnus sends in addition
terminology) emits distinct fibre contingents fibres to the nucleus solitarius, the dorsal va-
to the inferior and superior colliculi and to gus nucleus and the superficial layers of the
the subcommissural organ. spinal trigeminal nucleus (Basbaum et al.
Serotoninergic projections to the various 1978). Bobillier et al. (1979) reported that the
rhombencephalic centres: According to the fibres descending from the nucleus centralis
detailed immunohistochemical mapping superior are diffusely arranged and follow
study of Steinbusch (1981) in the rat, a great the trajectories of the dorsal and the medial
number of rhombencephalic centres receive longitudinal fasciculi.
a serotoninergic innervation. In (parts of) the The cerebellar serotoninergic pathway
following cell masses a medium, high, or very emerges from all raphe nuclei, but particular-
high density of serotonin-containing fibres ly from the nuclei raphes pontis and obscurus
and terminals was observed: nucleus senso- (Taber Pierce et al. 1977), and passes via the
rius principalis and nucleus spinalis of the pedunculus cerebellaris medius to the cere-
trigeminal nerve, nucleus solitarius, locus bellum, where its fibres are distributed to
coeruleus, nuclei parabrachiales, nucleus teg- both the cortex and the central nuclei (Ta-
menti dorsalis, nucleus praepositus hypo- keuchi et al. 1982a).
glossi, the pontine and medullary reticular The bulbospinal serotoninergic pathways are
formation, nucleus nervi abducentis, nucleus formed by fibres that arise mainly from cell
motorius nervi trigemini, nucleus nervi facia- groups B1-B3 (Ungerstedt 1971; Bowker
lis, nucleus ambiguus and nucleus dorsalis et al. 1981 a). In the spinal cord most of thes'e
nervi vagi. Little is known of the specific sites fibres descend immediately below the pia in
of the serotoninergic projections to all of the lateral funiculi (Bowker et al. 1981 b).
these centres. However, it has been estab- The bulbospinal serotoninergic fibres project
lished that the locus coeruleus receives a sub- throughout the length of the cord to both
stantial projection from fhe nucleus raphes the dorsal and ventral horns (Stein busch
dorsalis (Conrad et al. 1974; Taber Pierce 1981). In the dorsal horn laminae I and II
etal. 1976; Bobillier etal. 1976; Sakai etal. are supplied by numerous fibres. The deeper
1977; Cedarbaum and Aghajanian 1978; layers of the dorsal horn also receive a sero-
Morgane and Jacobs 1979). The nucleus cen- toninergic innervation, though this is of
tralis superior and the nucleus raphes pontis much lower density than that of the superfi-
are also reported to project to the locus coe- cial zone. In the ventral horn the cells in the
ruleus (Leger et al. 1980). The serotoninergic medial and lateral motoneuronal groups are
axons in the locus coeruleus are thin and var- surrounded by networks of serotoninergic
icose. Pickel et al. (1977) and Leger and Des- fibres. This plexus around the motoneurons
carries (1978) observed that these axons are is in much closer apposition, to the somata
frequently in close approximation to the nor- in primates than in rodents or carnivores
adrenergic locus coeruleus neurons, but only (Kojima and Sano 1983). In the intermediate
rarely form specialized synaptic contacts with grey of the spinal cord Kojima and col-
these elements. The nucleus raphes dorsalis leagues (1982, 1983) observed two bundles
and the nucleus centralis superior also send of descending serotoninergic fibres, a small
fibres to the dorsal tegmental nucleus, the medial one and a much larger lateral one.
Monoamines 39

The medial bundle, which is situated directly ependymal serotoninergic plexus ongmates
lateral to the central canal, extends through- mainly from neurons located in the nuclei
out the length of the cord. The large lateral raphes dorsalis and centralis superior (Agha-
bundle is confined to the thoracic and upper janian and Gallager 1975; Cupedo and de
lumbir segments and coincides with the nu- Weerd 1980; Parent et al. 1981). Some of its
cleus intermediolateralis. The sympathetic fibres may arise from the supra-ependymal
preganglionic neurons within that nucleus serotoninergic neurons which have been
are densely surrounded by serotoninergic found on the basal surface of the fourth ven-
fibre networks. tricle and in the aqueductus cerebri (Stein-
Experimental neuroanatomical studies which busch and Nieuwenhuys 1983).
do not distinguish between serotoninergic As regards the possible functional signifi-
and non-serotoninergic fibres suggest that cance of the various groups of serotoninergic
most of the raphe spinal fibres originate from neurons, I will confine myself to a few
the nucleus raphes magnus, with smaller con- notes.
tributions from the nuclei raphes pallidus
and obscurus (Brodal et al. 1960; Leichnetz 1. Perikarya and dendrites of serotoninergic
et al. 1978). Wessendorf et al. (1981) estab- raphe neurons frequently contact blood ves-
lished experimentally that the nucleus raphes sels and tanycyte-like glia cells, i. e. elements
magnus contains numerous serotoninergic with cell bodies forming part of the ependy-
cells that project to the spinal cord, and mal ven~ricular lining and provided with one
Loewy and McKellar (1981) found that sero- or a few long, peripherally extending pro-
toninergic neurons situated in the B1 and B3 cesses. Cummings and Felten (1979; see also
groups project to the intermediolateral col- Felten and Harragan 1980; Felten et al.
umn and the ventral horn. Finally, it should 1981; Felten and Sladek 1983), who first de-
be mentioned that Bowker and collaborators scribed these relationships, considered it like-
(1981 a, b), using the HRP technique in com- ly that the direct neuron-vascular contacts
bination with immunohistochemistry, dem- and the tanycyte shafts represent communi-
onstrated that the nuclei raphes magnus, pal- cation channels along which substances car-
lidus and obscurus contain serotoninergic ried by the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in-
neurons which project to all levels of the spi- fluence raphe cells. They suggested that
nal cord. These authors established, more- raphe neurons might act as both neurons and
over, that axonal branches of a limited endocrine-neural transducer cells.
number of serotoninergic neurons situated in 2. Serotoninergic fibres originating from the
the nucleus raphes dorsalis and the adjacent nuclei raphes dorsalis and centralis superior
mesencephalic reticular formation attain the project to small intraparenchymal blood ves-
cervical part of the spinal cord. sels within the brain (Reinhard et al. 1979),
The supra-ependymal serotoninergic plexus: as well as to the pial arteries and arterioles
Throughout the ventricular system of the (Edvinsson et al. 1983). These serotoninergic
brain a supra-ependymal plexus of thin, vari- fibres may be involved in the regulation of
cose serotoninergic fibres is found. Accord- cerebral blood flow and, furthermore, may
ing to Stein busch (1981), this plexus is well be implicated in the aetiology of sero-
strongly developed on the ventricular surface tonin-related cerebrovascular disorders, in-
of the rhombencephalon, in the cerebral aq- cluding migraine, ischaemia ami stroke
ueduct, and in the lateral ventricles, but only (Welch et al. 1977; Edvinsson et al. 1983).
moderately developed in the dorsal part of 3. There is evidence indicating that the med-
the third ventricle. In the ventral part of the ullary serotoninergic neurons which project
third ventricle, i. e. the zone adjacent to the to the sympathetic intermediolateral column
hypothalamus, this plexus is entirely lacking. in the thoracic spinal cord exert an inhibitory
There is evidence suggesting that the supra- influence on the neurons in that centre, and
40 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

that this sympathetico-inhibitory pathway found that serotonin-radiolabelled axons

participates in the central control of cardio- contact enkephalin-immunoreactive neurons
vascular function (Antonaccio 1977; Cabot in the superficial dorsal horn.
et al. 1979; Loewy and Neil 1981). Two points concerning the raphespinal pro-
4l The ascending projections from the mes- jection just discussed deserve emphasis:
encephalic and upper rhombencephalic sero- (a) Although serotonin is presumably a very
toninergic cell groups are involved in the reg- important neurotransmitter in this system, it
ulation of sleep (see e. g. Puizillout et al. is by no means the only one. As mentioned
1981), but the theory of Jouvet (1967, 1969) before, Bowker et al. (1983) have demon-
that the raphe nuclei play a dominant role strated that at least five different putative
in the initiation of slow-wave sleep appears neurotransmitters are contained within raphe
to be untenable in its original form. neurons that project to the spinal cord.
5. The serotoninergic neuron population lo- (b) The fibres passing from the medullary
cated in the nucleus raphes dorsalis projects raphe nuclei to the dorsal horn not only in-
heavily to the locus coeruleus and the sub- hibit the transmission of noxious stimuli, but
stantia nigra. Because serotonin inhibits cate- presumably also control the transmission of
cholaminergic neurons (Dray et al. 1976), it other impulses which enter the cord via the
seems likely that the most important seroto- thin-fib red medial portion of the dorsal
ninergic centre exerts a strong inhibitory in- roots, e. g. those encoding mechanoreceptive
fluence on the locus coeruleus and the sub- and thermal messages.
stantia nigra, i. e. the principal noradrenergic 7. According to Anderson and Proudfit
and dopaminergic centres. (1981), activation of the serotoninergic neu-
6. Axons descending from the medullary rons that project to the ventral horn facili-
raphe nuclei to the spinal cord form part of tates all motoneurons, extensors as well as
a system which controls the transmission of flexors, and 0: as well as y motoneurons. They
nociceptive messages (Fields et al. 1977; Bas- point out that mass ,excitation of the bulbo-
baum et al. 1978, 1984). Serotoninergic neu- spinal serotoninergic projections would si-
rons situated in the nucleus raphes magnus multaneously diminish the influence of the
which project to the spinal dorsal horn, par- somatic input, and increase motor respon-
ticularly to laminae I, II and V, most probab- siveness.
ly form an important component of this de- 8. Concerning the role of the serotoninergic
scending pain-control system. It has been intraventricular neuronal processes, the fol-
shown that the activity of many dorsal horn lowing suggestions have been made: (a) Dur-
neurons, including elements situated in lam- ing neural activity, serotonin is released by
inae I, II and Y, is suppressed by direct ionto- these axons into the surrounding cerebrospi-
phoresis of serotonin (Engberg and Ryall nal fluid for wide dissemination over the ven-
1966; Randie and Yu 1976; Weight and Sal- tricular surfaces of the brain. This serotonin
moiraghi 1966). La Motte and de Lanerolle may enter the brain parenchyma by transcel-
(1983b) have presented ultrastructural evi- lular routes through certain ependymal cells,
dence suggesting that in the dorsal horn sero- after which it is free to act upon serotonin
toninergic fibres terminate on neurons situ- receptor sites located within the range of dis-
ated in lamina I as well as in lamina II; pre- persal (Chan-Palay 1977). (b) The serotonin
sumably, the elements in the former layer released from these axons m~y function to
represent spinothalamic projection neurons regulate the flow of cerebrospinal fluid by
and those in the latter arise from local circuit modulating the motility of ependymal cell
neurons. These authors also observed sero- cilia (Aghajanian and Gallager 1975). (c) The
toninergic terminals which were presynaptic supra-ependymal fibres make synapse-like
to primary afferent fibres possibly containing contacts with the ependymal cells, via which
substance P. Glazer and Basbaum (1984) they participate in the regulation of the pro-
Monoamines 41

I I- CH2- C1H-NH2

1 Histidine decarboxylase (His DC)

Aromatic amino-acid decarboxylase (AADC)

· .
HIstamlne I ,-CH 2-CH 2-NH 2

Fig. 10. Synthesis of histamine

duction of cerebrospinal fluid and hormones Schwartz et al. 1980b). Neurochemical stu-
by these elements (Ribas 1977; Steinbusch dies (Taylor and Snyder 1972; Schwartz
and Nieuwenhuys 1983). 1975) have revealed that HIST is distributed
widely, though unevenly in the brain. Thus,
Finally, it is worthy of note that in a certain the HIST content appears to be highest in
category of patients suffering from endoge- the hypothalamus, intermediate throughout
nous depression the concentration of sero- the telencephalon, and lowest in the brain
tonin and its major metabolite (5-hydroxyin- stem. A similar regional distribution has been
dolacetic acid: 5-HIAA) in the cerebrospinal demonstrated for HDC (Taylor and Snyder
fluid are markedly reduced (Van Praag and 1972; Schwartz 1975; Barbin et al. 1980).
Korf 1974; Van Praag 1977). Whether there The distribution of histaminergic perikarya
is in these patients a malfunctioning of the and their axonal processes in the central ner-
entire population of serotoninergic neurons vous system of the rat has recently been stud-
or only of a certain subset" is unknown at ied by Watanabe and co-workers (1983,
present. However, it might be relevant that 1984), using antibodies against HDC. Their
the supra-ependymal serotoninergic plexus results may be summarized as follows
arises mainly from the nucleus raphes dorsa- (Fig. 11):
1. HDC-immunoreactive perikarya were
concentrated in the caudal part of the hy-
pothalamus, and no HDC-containing cells
The monoamine histamine (HIST) is formed were observed in other areas. The labelled
from the amino acid histidine by decarboxy- cells were concentrated in the following four
lation, a reaction which is catalyzed by the more or less distinct groups: (a) a large group
enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC) or by situated mainly within the tuberal magnocel-
aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC; lular nucleus but extending rostrally into the
Fig. 10). There is neurochemical, neurophys- dorsomedial nucleus; (b) a cluster of neurons
iological and pharmacological evidence situated in the caudal magnocellular nucleus,
which, taken together, stronlgy suggests that extending rostrolaterally along the ventral
HIST functions as a neurotransmitter in the surface of the hypothalamus; (c) scattered el-
mammalian central nervous system (Taylor ements situated in the lateral hypothalamic
and Snyder 1972; Taylor 1975; Calcutt 1976; area ; (d) some cells located in the posterior
Schwartz 1975,1977; Schwartz et al. 1980a). hypothalamic nucleus.
Moreover, two different types ofHIST recep- 2. Widespread but uneven net\vorks of
tors (Hi and H2) have been shown to be HDC-immunoreactive fibres have been ob-
present in the brain (Schwartz 1979; served in the brain. Most of these fibres were
42 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

~ I


1 Cortex cerebri
2 Corpus callosum
3 Nucleus caudatus
4 Putamen
5 ucleus accumbens
6 Nucleus olfactorius anterior
7 Bandeletta diagonalis
8 Nuclei septi
9 Nucleus gyri diagonalis
10 Organum subfornicale
11 Nucleus interstilialis striae terminalis
12 Histaminergic axons passing via capsula interna to
the nucleus caudatus, putamen and cortex cerebri
13 Nucleus supraoplicus
14 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis
15 Nucleus ventromedialis 29 Griseum centrale mesencephali
16 Nucleus supraopticus 30 Colliculus inferior
17 Nucleus suprachiasmalicus 31 Nucleus raphes dorsales
18 Fibrae amygdalofuga\es ventralcs 32 Lemniscus lateralis
19 Eminentia mediana 33 Griseum centrale mesencephali
20 Nucleus medialis amygdalae 34 Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis
21 Lobus posterior hypophyseos 35 Nucleus nervi facialis
22 Nucleus dorsomedialis 36 Nucleu pont is
23 Nucleus posterior hypothalami 37 Nucleus vestibularis medialis
24 Group of histaminergic neurons 38 Nucleus corporis trapezoidei
25 Nuclei mamillares 39 ucleus cocblcaris ventralis
26 Stria terminalis 40 ucleus cochlearis dorsalis
27 Nuclei perivenlriculares thalami 41 ucleus solitarius
28 Nucleus habenulae medialis 42 ucleus dorsalis nervi vagi

Fig. 11. Histamine-containing cells and fibres

Monoamines 43

very thin and had a distinct varicose appear- phalic centratgrey, the nucleus raphes dorsa-
ance. lis, the lateral para brachial nucleus, the nu-
3. Within the diencephalon numerous fibres cleus vestibularis medialis, the nucleus soli-
have b,een observed in the ventral half of the tarius (particularly its caudal, commissural
posterIor hypothalamic area, in the ventro- part) and the dorsal nucleus of the vagus
medial nucleus and throughout the entire nerve. The fibres supplying the periaqueduc-
mamillary body. In the thalamus a few fibres tal grey were observed to emanate from the
appear to be present in the periventricular dense plexus surrounding the groups of
nucleus and in the lateral geniculate body. HDC-positive perikarya. Fibres proceeding
4. From the caudal hypothalamus two caudally through the pontine and medullary
groups of HDC-positive fibres have been periventricular zone, following the general
traced rostrally, one periventricular and the trajectory of the fasciculus longitudinalis
other lateral, the latter ascending through the dorsalis of Schlitz, presumably project to the
ventral part of the medial forebrain bundle. remaining brain stem centres mentioned
Both groups enter the basal telencephalon above.
and unite in the diagonal band of Broca. 7. Several other structures in the brain stem
5. Within the telencephalon the following ar- contain HDC-positive fibres; among these
eas appear to contain HDC-immunoreactive are the pontine nucleus, the motor nucleus
fibres: the anterior olfactory nucleus (moder- of VII, the dorsal and ventral cochlear nucle-
ate density), the entire cerebral co~tex (fibres us, the nucleus of the trapezoid body, the
with moderate density, showing no regional lateral lemniscus and the inferior colliculus.
or laminar predominance), the amygdaloid The fibres could not be traced into continuity
complex - particularly the medial amygda- with the clusters of HDC-containing cells in
loid nucleus, the nucleus of the diagonal the hypothalamus. It is noteworthy that sev-
band (moderate density), the medial and lat- eral cell masses belonging to the vestibular
eral septal nuclei (low to moderate density), and auditory systems contain HDC-immuno-
the nucleus accumbens (low density) and reactive fibres. However, in the vestibular
the caudatus-putamen complex (scattered complex, only one of the four nuclei forming
fibres). From observations of serial sections this complex contains such fibres (i. e. the nu-
it was deduced that the peri ventricular and cleus medialis), and in the auditory system
lateral fibre groups, and the diagonal band the superior olivary nuclei and the medial
of Broca supply the telencephalic centres as geniculate body appeared to be devoid of
follows: The periventricular fibre group HDC-containing fibres.
issues fibres which pass dorsolaterally and With regard to the telencephalic projections,
enter the stria terminalis, with which they the observations of Watanabe (1984) summa-
reach the amygdaloid complex. Fibres disso- rized above are in general agreement with
ciating from the lateral group enter the cap- those of Garbarg et al. (1974) and Ben-Ari
sula intern a to pass to the caudatus-putamen et al. (1977). These two groups of investiga-
complex and to the cerebral cortex. Other tors demonstrated that, following lesions in
fibres emanating from this group join the the hypothalamus, the HDC activity de-
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and termi- creased ipsilaterally in various telencephalic
nate in the amygdala and prepiriform cortex. centres. However, the presence of HDC-con-
The diagonal band of Broca, finally, distrib- taining cells in the mesencephalic reticular
utes to its bed nucleus, the septal nuclei, the formation claimed by Pollard et al. (1978)
nucleus accumbens and the cerebral cortex. could not be confirmed by Watanabe and
6. In the dorsal and periventricular zones of co-workers (1984).
the brain stem, HDC-immunoreactive fibres
(mostly in moderate density) have been ob- Comparison of the distribution of HDC-con-
served in the mesencephalic and metence- taining fibres with that of histamine Hi re-
44 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

ceptors, as determined auto radiographically Amino Acids

by Palacios et al. (1981), reveals many simi-
larities, but also some striking differences. y-Aminobutyric Acid
Thus, the following centres, which all con-
fained HDC-immunoreactive fibres, also The amino acid y-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
showed high receptor concentrations: the is the most important inhibitory neurotrans-
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the ven- mitter in the central nervous system (Curtis
tromedial hypothalamic nucleus, the medio- and Johnson 1974; Fagg and Foster 1983).
caudal hypothalamic area, the medial amyg- GABA is produced by the removal of a car-
daloid nucleus, the pontine nucleus, the mo- boxyl group from glutamate, a reaction
tor facial nucleus, the medial vestibular nu- which is specifically catalyzed by the enzyme
cleus, the nucleus solitarius and the dorsal glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD; Fig. 12).
vagal nucleus. Similarly, many components Techniques for localizing GAB A in the cen-
of the auditory system had significant densi- tral nervous system include autoradiography
ties of receptors. However, some cell masses, after injection of tritiated GABA, the study
as for instance the nucleus preopticus peri- of high affinity uptake for GABA, and im-
ventricularis and the nucleus raphes magnus, munohistochemistry with antibodies directed
which as far as is known are not supplied against GAD (and most recently against
by any HDC-containing fibres, nevertheless GAB A itself: Segue1a et al. 1984). The fol-
show high receptor concentrations. lowing survey will show that, although
Most recently, Steinbusch arid Mulder (1984) GABA is primarily synthesized and released
carried out an immunohistochemical analysis by local circuit neurons, a number of long-
of the brain of the rat, using antibodies raised axoned projection systems also use this inhib-
against HIST coupled to a carrier protein. itory neurotransmitter (Fig. 13).
These authors confirmed that HIST-contain- There is considerable evidence implicating
ing perikarya are confined to the caudal hy- GABA as an important transmitter in the
pothalamus. As regards the distribution of spinal cord (Curtis and Johnson 1974), used
HIST -containing fibres and terminals, their by interneurons to mediate both pre- and
results closely correspond to those of postsynaptic inhibition as well as presynaptic
Watanabe et al. (1984); however, they made facilitation (Barber et al. 1978). This amino
the following additional observations: acid appears to be present in terminals that
(a) The supraoptic and paraventricular nu- form synaptic complexes throughout the
clei, the caudal part of the suprachiasmatic cord (McLaughlin et al. 1975) and GABA-
nucleus and the medial habenular nucleus all containing perikarya have been found in all
contain HIST -immunoreactive fibres. regions of the spinal grey matter except the
(b) The central portion of the subfornical or- motor neuron pools (Barber et al. 1982).
gan contains a dense plexus of HIST -positive GAB A is released by endings that are presyn-
axons. (c) HIST -containing fibres are also aptic to primary afferent terminals (Barber
present in the median eminence and in the et al. 1978), and it is presumably also in-
posterior pituitary; in the median eminence volved in Renshaw cell-mediated recurrent
these fibres are found mainly in its lateral inhibition of motoneurons (Cullhei111 and
parts. (d) Frequently, HIST-positive fibres Kellerth 1981; Pole and Haefely 1982).
were observed close to the ventricles, and It has been established that the Purkinje cells
some of these fibres form a supra-ependymal in the cerebellar cortex synthesize GABA and
plexus, suggesting that HIST might be re- release this inhibitory transmitter in their tar-
leased from these structures into the cerebro- get areas, i. e. the deep cerebellar nuclei and
spinal fluid. Steinbusch and Mulder (1984) the lateral vestibular nucleus (Obata et al.
do not mention the presence of histaminergic 1967, 1970; Fonnum et al. 1970; Kawaguchi
fibres in the brain stem. and Ono 1973; Saito et al. 1974; McGeer
Amino Acids 45

Glutamic acid COOH-CH2-CH 2-CH-NH

or I 2

y-Aminobutyric acid
1 Glutamic acid decarboxylase

or COOH- CH 2-CH2-CH 2-NH 2


Aspartic acid COOH- CH2-CH- NH2

or I

Aminoacetic acid


Fig. 12. Amino acid neurotransmitters

et al. 1975). GABA has also. been suggested The nucleus caudatus and the putamen con-
to be the transmitter of the inhibitory local tain numerous GABA-ergic neurons, the ax-
circuit neurons (Golgi, stellate and basket ons of which traverse the globus pallidus and
cells) in the cerebellar cortex (Kuriyama et al. terminate in the substantia nigra, pars reticu-
1966; McLaughlin et al. 1980; Saito et al. lata (Hattori et al. 1973; Ribak et al. 1976;
1974). Brownstein et al. 1977; Fonnum et al. 1978;
The nucleus raphes dorsalis contains GABA- Jessell et al. 1978), where they are believed
synthesizing elements which exert a tonic in- to influence, either directly or indirectly, the
hibitory control on the serotoninergic neu- cells of origin of the dopaminergic nigrostria-
rons present in that centre (Nanopoulos et al. tal pathway. Several authors (Brownstein
1982; Scatton et al. 1984). The superficial et al. 1977; Fonnum et al. 1978; Jessel et al.
zone of the superior colliculus contains two 1978) have reported that the GABA-ergic
different types of small neurons, which accu- strionigral fibres arise preferentially from
mulate GABA (Mize et al. 1982). Through- neurons situated in the posterior parts of the
out the nucleus reticularis thalami numerous striatum. It has been suggested that these
GABA-synthesizing neurons are found. neurons are of the medium-sized, densely
These elements project primarily to other spiny type (Ribak 1981; but see Bolam et al.
thalamic nuclei on which they probably exert 1983a).
an inhibitory influence (Houser et al. The globus pallidus contains numerous
1980). GABA-ergic terminals which belong to strio-
GABA is a prominent neurotransmitter in pallidal fibres (Fonnum et al. 1978; Jessell
the so-called extrapyramidal motor system. et al. 1978). Whether the cells or' origin of
Within this system it occurs in projection these fibres are the same as those of the
neurons as well as in local circuit elements. strionigral projection or rather constitute a
46 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways




I "..~~ ...

1 Neocortex
2 ucleus caudalus
3 Putamen
4 Fornix
5 Thalamus
6 Stria medul1aris thalami
7 Nucleus habenulae medialis
8 Nucleus reticularis thalami
9 ucleus ubthalamicus
10 Area tegmentali ventralis
II Globus pallidu , pars medialis
12 Globus pallid us, pars lateralis 21 Cortex entorhinalis
J3 GABA-containing cell groups in 22 Substantia nigra
caudal hypotbalamus 23 Col1iculus superior
14 Nucleus septi medialis 24 Nucleus raphes dorsalis
15 Nucleus accumbens 25 Tegmentum mesencepbali
16 ucleu gyri diagonalis 26 Purkinje cells
17 Bulbus olfactorius 27 Golgi, stellate and basket cells
18 Fascia dentata 28 uclei centrale cerebelli
19 Cornu Ammonis 29 Nucleus vestibularis lateralis
20 Subiculum 30 Medulla spinalis

Fig. 13. GABA-containing cell groups and fibres

Amino Acids 47

separate neuron population remains to be de- present in the medial septal nucleus and in
termined. In addition to the strionigral and the nucleus of the diagonal band project to
striopallidal projections, GABA has been the hippocampal region and to the entorhinal
shown, to be the neurotransmitter of a palli- area (Kohler et al. 1984a). The medial ha-
donig(al pathway (Fonnum et al. 1978; Jes- benular nucleus has also been reported to re-
sell et al. 1978). ceive a GABA-ergic input from the nucleus
In the nucleus caudatus and the putamen of the diagonal band (Contestabile and Fon-
GABA-accumulating local circuit neurons num 1983).
are present (McGeer and McGeer 1975). A certain proportion of two types of inter-
These elements, which comprise up to 15% neurons present in the olfactory bulb, namely
of the total population of striatal neurons, the granule cells and the periglomerular cells,
belong to a category characterized as 'medi- use GABA as a neurotransmitter (Ribak
um-sized aspiny' (Bolam et al. 1983a). The et al. 1977; Halasz et al. 1979; M ugnaini
nucleus accumbens, which according to et al. 1984a).
Heimer and Wilson (1975) constitutes the There is strong evidence that GABA is con-
ventral part of the striatum, contains GABA- centrated within the basket cells and other
ergic neurons which project to the rostrome- inhibitory intrinsic elements of the hippo-
dial part of the substantia nigra and possibly campal region (Storm-Mathisen and Fon-
also to the ventral tegmental area (Walaas num 1971; Storm-Mathisen 1972; Okada
and Fonnum 1980a; Strahlendorf and and Shimada 1975; Storm-Mathisen et al.
Barnes 1983). The pars reticulata of the sub- 1983), and the same holds true for the neo-
stantia nigra contains numerous GABA-syn- cortex (Ribak 1978; Somogyi et al. 1981;
the sizing neurons, which project massively to Hendry and Jones 1981).
the ventrolateral and intralaminar thalamic
nuclei, to the intermediate and deep layers Addenda:
of the superior colliculus and, diffusely, to 1. Nagai etal. (1983b) studied the neuro-
the pontomesencephalic tegmental region nal distribution of GABA-transaminase
(Vincent et al. 1978; Di Chiara et al. 1979; (GABA-T), i.e. the enzyme which metabo-
Chevalier et al. 1981; Childs and Gale 1983). lizes GABA, with a histochemical technique
There is evidence suggesting that GAB A is in the rat. The stained cells included numer-
a neurotransmitter in the subthalamo-palli- ous neuronal groups previously reported to
dal pathway (Nauta and Cuenod 1982; Rou- be GABA-ergic on the basis of GAD-immu-
zaire-Dubois et al. 1983). nohistochemistry. In addition, a number of
The caudal part of the hypothalamus con- GABA-T-intense cells were found which had
tains some groups of large neurons (Nagai not previously been associated with GABA
etal. 1983b; Vincent etal. 1983a) which metabolism. These possible GABA-ergic cells
have been reported to project diffusely to the include neurons in the following centres: the
neocortex (Vincent et al. 1983a). GABA mesencephalic reticular formation, the ros-
plays a role in regulating the release of sever- tral aspect of the periaqueductal grey, vari-
al hypophysiotropic peptides and anterior pi- ous thalamic nuclei including the periventric-
tuitary hormones, including luteinizing hor- ular, intralaminar, rhomboid and subpara-'
mone and prolactin. However, the neuronal fascicular, the central, medial and basal nu-
organization of these control mechanisms is clei of the amygdala, and the olfactory tuber-
not known as yet (Racagni et al. 1982; Lam- cle. In the thalamus a highly organized pat-
berts et al. 1983; DeFeudis 1984). tern of GABA-T staining was found. In this
The septum and the nucleus of the diagonal part of the brain GABA-T-positive neurons
band of Broca are rich in GABA-containing appeared to form two concentric shells with
neurons (Kohler and Chan-Palay 1983). A a dense zone of GABA-T-positive neuropil
certain proportion of the GABA-ergic cells between.
48 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

2. Mogenson and Nielsen (1983) showed Foster 1983; Fonnum 1984). For the map-
that the projection from the nucleus accum- ping of glutamatergic and aspartatergic path-
bens to the ventral pallidum contains a major ways several techniques have been employed;
GABA-ergic component, and they provided an auto radiographic technique using retro-
:pharmacological evidence indicating that this grade labelling of neuronS by tritiated D-as-
GABA-ergic projection contributes to loco- partate has been worked out (Wiklund et al.
motor activity. 1982), and results of immunohistochemical
3. Oertel and Mugnaini (1984) studied the studies done with the aid of antibodies raised
localization of GABA-ergic neurons in the against glutamate coupled to bovine serum
rat basal ganglia by GAD immunohisto- albumin (Storm-Mathisen et al. 1983) and
chemistry. In addition to the various cells al- against aspartate aminotransferase have been
ready discussed, they noted the presence of reported (Altschuler et al. 1981). However,
GAD-immunoreactive cells in the olfactory the main method employed so far for the lo-
tubercle, the ventral pallidum and the central calization of these putative neurotransmitters
amygdaloid nucleus. The authors stated that has been to record the high-affinity uptake
the GABA-containing projection neurOnS in of radiolabelled GLU and ASP in the synap-
the caudatoputamen belong to the category tosomal fractions of homogenized tissue
of medium-sized spiny cells, and they sug- samples, and to study the effect of lesions
gested on the basis of parallels in GAD im- of presumed glutamatergic or aspartatergic
munohistochemical features and dopamin- pathways on this uptake. Lesions of specific
ergic innervation that the central amygdaloid pathways are often followed by a reduction
nucleus constitutes a 'striatal' type nucleus of 70%-90% in the uptake of GLU or ASP
of the amygdaloid complex. (Fonnum 1984). These two amino acids
4. Aronin et al. (1984) studied the localiza- probably act as neurotransmitters at separate
tion of immunoreactive GAD and enkepha- receptor sites in the central nervous system
lin-like immunoreactivity in the caudate nu- (Fagg and Foster 1983). However, because
cleus of the rat. Co-localization was found the number of studies which discriminate be-
in numerous caudate neurons of medium tween GLU and ASP in defined pathways
size. Quantitative analysis revealed that is very limited, they are considered together
GAD and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the following survey (Fig. 14).
co-exist in about one-half of the caudate cell Neocortical pyramidal cells contain much
population containing each of the two sub- glutamate (Storm-Mathisen et al. 1983), and
stances. there is evidence suggesting that the follow-
5. Using the GABA-T technique mentioned ing corticofugal projections use this amino
under point 1 above in combination with ret- acid as a neurotransmitter:
rograde tracing by HRP, Araki et al. (1984)
demonstrated that in the rat, GABA-T-posi- 1. The corticostriatal projection, originating
tive cells situated in the rostral entopeduncu- from the entire neocortex and terminating
lar nucleus and the lateral hypothalamus pro- throughout the ipsilateral nucleus caudatus
ject to the lateral habenular nucleus. and putamen (Divac et al. 1977; McGeer
et al. 1977; Fonnum et al. 1981); a limited
number of fibres also pass from the frontal
Glutamate and Aspartate
cortex to the nucleus accumbens (Walaas
There is strong electrophysiological and bio- 1981)
chemical evidence that the amino acids gluta- 2. Corticothalamic fibres originating from
mate (GLU) and aspartate (ASP) are excit- the whole extent of the ipsilateral neocortex
atory transmitter substances (Fig. 12) used and passing to various parts of the thalamus,
by a large number of neurons in the central including the medial nucleus, the ventrobasal
nervous system (for review, see Fagg and complex, the reticular nucleus and the dorsal
Amino Acids 49


I Fibres originating from the neocortex

2 ucleu caudatus
3 Putamen
4 Fornix
5 Thalamus
6 Corpus geniculalum laterale
7 Nucleus reticularis thalami
8 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis 24 Colliculus superior
9 Commissura anterior 25 Nucleus ruber
10 Nucleus septi lateralis 26 Substantia nigra
II Area diagonalis 27 Pedunculus cerebri
12 ucleus accumbens 28 Pons
13 Fibres from the rostral and medial parts of the pre- 29 Granule cells, giving rise to parallel fibres
frontal cortex, passing to the substantia nigra 30 ervus cochlearis (VIlI)
14 Bulbus olfactorius 31 ucleus cochlearis ventralis
15 Stria olfactoria lateralis 32 ucleu cochlearis dorsalis
16 Cortex prepiriformis 33 Tractus olivocerebellaris
17 Mediobasal hypothalamus 34 ucleus olivaris inferior
18 Corpus mamillare 35 Pyramis
19 Fascia dentata 36 Nucleus cuneatus medialis ( + nucleus gracilis)
20 Cornu Ammonis 37 Decussatio pyramidum
21 Subiculum 38 Tractus pyramidalis anterior
22 ' Perforant path' 39 Tractus pyramidalis lateralis
23 Gyrus parahippocampalis 40 Medulla spinalis

Fig. 14. Glutamate- (and aspartate-) containing cells and pathways

50 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

part of the lateral geniculate body (Lund- mitters (Harvey et al. 1975; Collins 1979;
Karlesen and Fonnum 1978; Fonnum et al. Collins'et al. 1981).
1981; Young et al. 1981; Rustioni et al. In the cerebellar cortex two major excitatory
1982) inputs converge upon the dendritic trees of.
3. Corticotectal fibres passing from the visu- the Purkinje cells, i. e. the parallel fibres aris-
al cortex to the superior colliculus (Lund- ing from the cerebellar granule cells and the
Karlesen and Fonnum 1978) climbing fibres derived from the inferior
4. Fibres passing from the rostral and medial olive. It is well established that GLU is the
parts of the prefrontal area to the substantia neurotransmitter released by the parallel
nigra (Carter 1982) fibre boutons (Young et al. 1974; McBride
5. Corticopontine fibres (Thangnipon and et al. 1976a, b; Sandoval et al. 1978), and
Storm-Mathisen 1981; Carter 1982) there is also evidence suggesting that ASP
6. Fibres arising from the sensorimotor cor- is the transmitter of the climbing fibres (Wik-
tex, pursuing the long corticofugal projection lund et al. 1982).
and terminating in the red nucleus, the cune- The auditory nerve consists of fibres which
ate nucleus and the cervical and lumbar re- peripherally contact the hair cells in the or-
gions of the spinal cord (Young et al. 1981) gan of Corti and centrally terminate in the
ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei. Available
The following pathways related to the hippo- evidence suggests that at least a certain pro-
campus have been reported to contain gluta- portion of the auditory nerve fibres utilize
matergic and/or aspartatergic fibres: GLU and/or ASP as their transmitter(s)
(Wenthold and Gulley 1977; Wenthold 1978;
1. The so-called perforant path which, orig- Altschuler et al. 1981).
inating from the lateral part of the entorhinal It has been suggested that GLU and/or ASP
cortex, traverses the subiculum and termi- may be the transmitter(s) of large, myelin-
nates in the cornu ammonis and the fascia ated, non-nociceptiye primary afferent fibres
dentata (Nadler et al. -1976, 1978; Fonnum entering the central nervous system via the
et al. 1979) trigeminal nerve and the spinal dorsal roots
2. Fibres originating from the cornu am- (for review, see Salt and Hill 1983). However,
monis, which project, via the fornix, bilater- the role of these amino acids in primary affer-
ally to the lateral septal nucleus (Fonnum ent transmission has been qualified by others
and Walaas 1978; Storm-Mathisen and (Fagg and Foster (1983) as inadequately sub-
Woxen-OpsahI1978; Zaczek et al. 1979; Wa- stantiated.
laas and Fonnum 1980b)
3. Fibres presumably arising mainly from Addenda:
the subiculum which, after having pursued 1. Either GLU or ASP has tentatively been
the fornix, terminate in the bed nucleus of identified as the neurotransmitter of two lo-
the stria terminalis, the nucleus of the diago- cal projections from hippocampal pyramidal
nal band of Broca, the nucleus accumbens, cells, namely from fields CA3 to CAl and
the ventral part of the nucleus caudatus and from CA4 to the fascia dentata (Aamodt
the putamen, the mediobasal hypothalamus et al. 1984).
and the mamillary body (Walaas 1981; 2. Davies et al. (1984) provided evidence in-
Storm-Mathisen and Woxen-Opsahl 1978; dicating that in the rat the nucleus basalis/
Walaas and Fonnum 1980b) substantia innominata region possesses a
substantial glutamatergic innervation. They
The terminals of the lateral olfactory tract, demonstrated that this innervation does not
which passes from the olfactory bulb to the arise within the ipsilateral fwntoparietal cor-
prepiriform cortex, have been suggested to tex. This finding does not preclude the possi-
utilize GLU and/or ASP as their neurotrans- bility of a glutamatergic cortical projection
Amino Acids 51

to the nucleus basalis/substantia innominata. tributed in tne mammalian central nervous

Mesulam and Mufson (1984) demonstrated system. It is abundant in the cerebral cortex
that in the rhesus monkey the nucleus basalis and the cerebellum, while its concentration
does r~ceive a cortical input, which, however, is rather low in the pons, the medulla oblon-
arises fuainly from limbic and paralimbic ar- gata and the spinal cord (Lombardini
eas. 1976).
3. Some cerebellorubral and cerebellotha- Electrophysiological experiments (e. g. Curtis
lamic fibres probably use GLU as their neu- and Watkins 1960; Haas and Hosli 1973;
rotransmitter (Nieoullon et al. 1984). Chan-Palay et al. 1982c; Okamoto et al.
1983) have shown that taurine is able to exert
a prominent inhibitory influence on neurons
in several parts of the central nervous system.
Glycine, the simplest of all amino acids However, it is unclear at present whether this
(Fig. 12), is well established as a major inhibi- amino acid serves as a true neurotransmitter
tory transmitter in the spinal cord and lower or instead modulates the excitability of neu-
brain stem (for review, see Pycock and Ker- ronal membranes and/or affects the release
win 1981; Fagg and Foster 1983), where it of other neuroactive substances, and thus
is released mainly by local circuit neurons may be more appropriately designated as a
(Curtis et al. 1968; Ljungdahl and Hokfelt neuromodulator (Kuriyama et al. 1983).
1973). It has been suggested that glycinergic Chan-Palay et al. (1982a, b) studied the dis-
interneurons also occur in two' extrapyrami- tribution of taurine in the cerebellum of sev-
dal' centres: the substantia nigra and the eral mammals by autoradiography after in
neostriatum (nucleus caudatus + putamen). vivo injections of tritiated taurine directly in
In the substantia nigra these neurons would the cerebellum, and by immunohistochemis-
exert a tonic inhibitory influence on the cells try with antibodies against cysteine-sulphinic
of origin of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic acid decarboxylase (CSABCase), the enzyme
pathway, and the glycinergic elements would responsible for taurine synthesis in the brain.
in turn be inhibited by GAB A-containing ax- Uptake and sequestration of tritiated taurine
ons descending from the striatum (Pycock labelled numerous Purkinje cells, many gran-
and Kerwin 1981). In the striatum the glycin- ule cells and, moreover, basket, stellate and
ergic local circuit neurons would be inter- Golgi cells, as well as large projection neu-
posed in an analogous way between GABA- rons in the deep cerebellar nuclei. Immunocy-
and dopamine-containing elements (Pycock tochemical labelling with antibodies against
and Kerwin 1981). Finally, it should be men- CSADCase showed a similar distribution. It
tioned that several authors (Ohta and 00- was also found that the labelled neurons in
mura 1979; McGeer and Singh 1980; Kita the cerebellar cortex are arranged in longitu-
and Oomura 1982) have suggested the ex- dinally oriented microzones. The findings of
istence of a glycinergic cortico-hypothalamic Chan-Palay et al. (1982a, b; see also Chan-
tract. This inhibitory pathway has been re- Palay 1984), summarized above, call for four
ported to originate from the prefrontal cor- brief comments: (a) The indication that cere-
tex, in particular from area 10, and to termi- bellar stellate cells are taurinergic is in accord
nate in the lateral hypothalamic area (Kita with the results of biochemical (Nadi et al.
and Oomura 1982) and in the ventromedial 1977) and neurophysiological studres (Oka-
hypothalamic nucleus (Ohta and Oomura moto et al.1983). (b) The indication that Pur-
1979). kinje, Golgi and basket cells contain taurine
is surprising, because these elements are gen-
erally considered to be GABA-ergic (Schul-
The sulphur-containing amino acid taurine man 1983; Ito 1984; Ottersen and Storm-
(Fig. 12) is widely but heterogeneously dis- Mathisen 1984). However, Purkinje, Golgi
52 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

and basket cells are known to have inhibitory cesses project primarily to the superficial
roles (Eccles et al. 1967; Ito 1984), and layers of the dorsal horn (laminae I and II,
GABA and taurine are both inhibitory neu- outer zone) (Ljungdahl et al. 1978; DiFiglia
romediators. (c) The finding that taurine may et al. 1982b; Charnay et al. 1983). Similarly,·
be present in granule cells and in deep cere- the trigeminal ganglion contains a consider-
bellar projection neurons - elements which able number of SP-immunoreactive cells
are generally considered to be excitatory - which are connected to unmyelinated fibres
is puzzling. (d) In general, it may be stated (Lehtosalo et al. 1984). These elements pro-
that the remarkable results of Palay et al. ject to the caudal part of the spinal nucleus
(1982a, b) on the cellular localization of tau- of the trigeminal nerve (Cuello and Kana-
rine in the cerebellum require further sub- zawa 1978; Cuello et al. 1978; DelFiacco and
stantiation. Confirmation is required that Cuello 1980), and primary afferents contain-
taurine is present within the cells under con- ing the same peptide enter the central ner-
sideration in normal physiological condi- vous system by way of the VIIth, IXth and
tions, and that it acts at these sites as a true Xth nerves to terminate in the nucleus of the
neuromediator. When these two points have solitary tract (Gillis et al. 1980). The SP-con-
been unequivocally established, but not be- taining spinal and trigeminal primary affer-
fore, it would be reasonable to conduct a full ent neurons are probably involved in pain
re-examination of the roles of the various perception (for review, see Nicoll et al. 1980),
neuronal elements in the cerebellar circuits, whereas those terminating in the nucleus of
as suggested by Chan-Palay (1984). the solitary tract have been suggested to con-
vey baroreceptive and chemoreceptive infor-
mation (Gillis et al. 1980).
Three streams of SP-containing fibres de-
Gut-Brain Peptides
scend from the brain stem to the spinal cord,
one originating from the nucleus of Edinger-
Substance P
Westphal, a second arising from the mesenc y-
Substance P (SP) was discovered more than phalic periaqueductal grey and a third ema-
50 years ago in extracts of brain and intes- nating from the nucleus raphes magnus. The
tine. In the early 1970s it was identified as cells of origin of the first of these projections
an undecapeptide and its structure was deter- are numerous and located throughout the
mined (Fig. 15). Shortly thereafter, synthetic length of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus. The
SP was prepared, permitting the study of its efferents of these elements extend caudally
physiological and pharmacological proper- as far as the lumbar level of the cord, but
ties and the development of histochemical their site of termination remains to be deter-
techniques for its localization. In the central mined (Phipps et al. 1983). The fibres de-
nervous system SP has a slowly developing scending from the periaqueductal grey con-
but long-lasting potent excitatory effect on tain, in addition to SP, a second neuroactive
neurons (Otsuka and Konishi 1983). Our compound, CCK (Skirboll et al. 1982). Two
knowledge concerning its central distribution different neuroactive principles are also
may be summarized as follows (Fig. 16): found in the raphespinal fibres originating
About 20% of the cell bodies in the spinal from the nucleus raphes magnus. In these
dorsal root ganglia contain SP. These cells fibres SP appears to co-exist with serotonin
have small somas and small, unmyelinated (Chan-Palay et al. 1978; H6kfelt et al.
and finely myelinated axons (H6kfelt et al. 1978c). They project to the ventral and prob-
1975c, 1977a; De Lanerolle and LaMotte ably also to the dorsal horn of the spinal
1983). Their peripheral processes have been cord (Gilbert et al. 1982).
found in the epidermis and in the walls of SP-containing fibres have been shown to pro-
blood vessels and glands; their central pro- ject to the nucleus raphes magnus from a
Gut-Brain Peptides 53

Gut-brain peptides

Substance P

Vasoactive intestinal peptide [V IP] (human, bovine, porcine)

H-His 1 -Ser-Asp-Ala-Val-Phe-Thr-Asp-Asn-Tyr lO - Thr-Arg-Leu-Arg-Lys-Gln-Met-Ala-Val-
Lys20 -Lys-Tyr-Leu-Asn-Ser-lle-Leu-Asn 28 -NH2

Cholecystokinin [CCKJ

H_Aspl_Tyr (S03H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe 8 -NH2

CCK-33 (porcine)
H- Lys 1 -Ala-Pro-Ser-G Iy-Arg-Va I-Ser-Met-lle 10 -Lys-Asn-Leu-G In-Ser-Leu-Asp-Pro-Ser-
His20 -Arg-lie-Ser-Asp-Arg-Asp-Tyr-(S03H)-Met-Gly-Trp30 -Met-Asp-Phe 33 -NH2

CCK-39 (porcine)
H-Tyr-lie-Gln-Gln-Ala-Arg- etc.

pGlu I_Leu - Tyr-Glu-Asn-Lys-Pro-Arg-Arg-Pro-Tyr-lle-Leu I3 -OH

Avian pancreatic polypeptide [APPJ (= human PP)

H-AI a1-Pro- Leu-G lu -Pro-Val-Tyr-Pro-G ly_Aspl0 -Asn-Ala-Thr-Pro-G lu-GI n-Met-Ala-Gln-
Tyr20 -Ala-Ala-Asp-Leu-Arg-Arg-Tyr-lle-Asn-Met30 -Leu-Thr-Arg-Pro-Arg-Tyr 36 -NH2

Fig. 15. Primary structure of some gut-brain peptides. For significance of the amino acid
code, see Table 7 on p. 198
54 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways


1 ucleus caudatus
2 Putamen
3 Stria terminalis
4 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
5 Nucleus habenulae lateralis
6 Nucleus habenulae medialis
7 Globus pallidus, pars medialis
8 Globus pallidus, pars lateralis
9 SlriopaUidal plus strionigral projections 37
10 ucleus septi latera lis
11 Nucleus anterior hypothalami
12 Cortex frontalis
13 Bulbus olfactorius
14 Corpus amygdaloideum, pars medialis
15 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis 26 Radix sensoria nervi trigemini
16 Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis 27 Formatio reticularis rhombencephali
17 Substantia nigra, pars reticu lata 28 ucleus raphes magnus
18 Nucleus interpeduncularis 29 Tractus pinalis nervi trigemini
19 Griseum centrale mesencephali 30 Nervus facialis
20 Nucleu accessorius nervi oculomotorii (Edinger- 31 ervus glossopharyngeus
Westphal) 32 ervus vagus
21 ucleu raphes dorsalis 33 ucleus solitarius
22 Spinal projections originating from 19 and 20 34 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, pars caudalis
23 ucleus cuneiformis 35 Raphespinal projection
24 ucleus centralis superior 36 Substantia gelatinosa
25 Area tegmentalis dorsolateralis 37 Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis

Fig. 16. Substance P-containing cell groups and fibres

Gut-Brain Peptides 55

considerable number of brain stem nuclei, in- from Huntington's chorea (Buck et al. 1981)
cluding the mesencephalic and rhombence- and in parkinsonian patients (Mauborgne
phalic reticular formation, the central superi- et al. 1983; Tenovuo et al. 1984). However,
or nucleus and the nucleus solitarius (Beitz the mechanism of this reduction might be
1982bl quite different in these two diseases. In Hunt-
SP-containing neurons are found in both the ington's chorea the reduction is presumably
medial and lateral habenular nuclei. The associated with neuronal degeneration in the
fibres originating from the medial nucleus de- nucleus caudatus and putamen, but in Par-
scend with the tractus habenulointerpedun- kinson's disease the striatum is considered to
cularis to the interpeduncular nucleus (Hok- be intact. Here, the reduction in SP content
felt et al. 1975c; Hong et al. 1976; Mroz in the substantia nigra might well be a meta-
et al. 1976), while those from the lateral nu- bolic consequence of the loss of nigrostriatal
cleus project to the nucleus raphes dorsalis dopaminergic neurons (Mauborgne et al.
(Neckers et al. 1979; Vincent et al. 1980). 1983).
(For the pattern of distribution of the SP- It has been reported that in the rat the SP-
containing fibres within the various subnuclei containing fibres arise predominantly from
of the interpeduncular nucleus, see Hamill the rostral part of the caudatoputamen com-
et al. 1984.) plex (Gale et al. 1977; Jessell et al. 1978). Re-
The periventricular grey of the rostral cently, Kohno et al. (1984) provided experi-
rhombencephalon in rodents contains a fairly mental immunohistochemical evidence sug-
distinct cell group, known as the nucleus la- gesting that in the rat the SP-containing cells
terodorsalis tegmenti of Castaldi. In this cell present in various parts of the caudatoputa-
mass, SP-containing neurons are found men (CP) project differently to the substantia
which give rise to a long, ascending pathway. nigra (SN). According to their observations,
Via the medial forebrain bundle, the fibres SP-positive neurons in the posterior portion
of this pathway project to the lateral septal of the CP project to the SN pars lateralis,
nucleus and to the medial parts of the frontal and SP-positive cells in the lateroventral part
cortex (Paxinos et al. 1978; Sakanaka et al. of the anterior portion of the CP extend to
1981 b, 1982b, 1983). The projection to the the SN pars compacta and pars reticulata,
lateral septal nucleus is augmented by a but SP-positive cells in the dorsal part of the
number of SP-containing fibres originating anterior portion of the CP do not innervate
from the area situated between the anterior the SN.
hypothalamic nucleus and the lateral hypo- A plexus of SP-containing fibres is present
thalamic region (Sakanaka 1982). in both parts of the globus pallidus; however,
In the caudate nucleus and the putamen a the density of the plexus is much higher in
population of medium-sized SP-containing the medial part than in the lateral part (Pa-
cells has been found (Bolam et al. 1983b). xinos et al. 1978; Staines et al. 1980; Haber
These elements contribute substantially to and Elde 1981; R0nnekleiv et al. 1984).
the large strionigral projection (Kanazawa There is evidence suggesting that the plexus
et al. 1977; Hong et al. 1977; Gale et al. in the lateral pallidal part is constituted by
1977; Brownstein et al. 1977; Staines et al. collaterals of the strionigral fibres, but that
1980; Pioro et al. 1984). The SP-containing the plexus in the medial part consists of the
strionigral fibres issue collaterals within the terminal segments of a separate stdopallidal
neostriatum itself and terminate in the pars projection, originating mainly from the ros-
reticulata of the substantia nigra, which tromedial striatum (Kanazawa et al. 1980;
shows the highest SP concentration of the Mauborgne et al. 1983).
entire brain (Mroz et al. 1977). The concen- The medial part of the amygdaloid complex
tration of this peptide in the substantia nigra contains a number of SP-positive cells (Saka-
is markedly reduced in patients suffering naka et al. 1981 a). These elements give rise
56 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

to a dense intrinsic plexus in the amygdala medialis and corticalis (both densely inner-
(Emson et al. 1978b), but they also project vated) and the nucleus centralis.
via the stria terminalis to the bed nucleus 2. DelFiacco et al. (1984) studied the local-
of that bundle and to the ventrolateral part ization of substance P-immunoreactive struc-
~ the anterior hypothalamic nucleus (Saka- tures in the human brain stem. Perikarya,
naka et al. 1981 a). fibres and terminals containing this peptide
The olfactory bulb contains SP-positive neu- showed a location similar to that described
rons; these elements are situated in the glo- in other mammals. However, some differ-
merular layers and have been identified as ences were detectable - for instance, the pres-
external tufted cells (Burd et al. 1982a). ence of a dense plexus of SP-immunoreactive
Substance P-immunoreactive neurons have fibres, the cuneate fasciculus. The trajectory
been observed in several neocortical areas in of the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of
the baboon. These elements are mostly small Schutz and the mesencephalic central grey
in size and vary in shape. They occur in lam- appeared to contain numerous SP-positive
inae III-VI but are most common in laminae fibres and/or terminals.
V and VI (Beach and McGeer 1983). 3. Substance P-immunoreactive fibres, orig-
inating from an as yet undetermined popula-
Addenda: tion of cells situated in the ventral part of
1. Several important findings of Cuello and the rhombencephalic reticular formation,
Kanazawa (1978) have been unjustly omitted join the lateral lemniscus. A certain propor-
from the preceding text and from Fig. 16: tion of these fibres terminate in the lateral
(a) The nucleus interpeduncularis contains a parabrachial nucleus (Takatsuki et al.
large number of SP-immunoreactive cell bod- 1983).
ies. (b) Certain cell masses and fibre systems 4. The lateral habenular nucleus contains a
contain SP-positive fibres and/or terminals dense plexus of SP-immunoreactive fibres
- the rhombencephalon: periventricular which can be divided into two parts: medial
zone, locus coeruleus,· parabrachial nuclei, and lateral. The fibres in the lateral part orig-
nucleus sensorius principalis of the trigeminal inate from cells situated in the rostral entope~
nerve, nucleus mesencephalicus of the same duncular nucleus and adjacent areas, while
nerve (densely innervated), reticular forma- those in the medial part arise from the medial
tion, nucleus olivaris superior, pontine nuclei habenular nucleus (Shinoda et al. 1984).
(sparsely innervated), nucleus facialis and nu- 5. Vincent et al. (1983c) demonstrated that
cleus ambiguus; the mesencephalon: superior a certain proportion of the fibres present in
colliculus (particularly the stratum griseum the cholinergic dorsal tegmental pathway de-
profundum), periaqueductal grey, medial scribed by Shute and Lewis (1967; cf. Fig. 2)
lemniscus (limited number of fibres), and project directly to the frontal cortex; they
area tegmentalis ventralis; the diencephalon: also provided evidence indicating that in a
lateral habenular nucleus, nucleus anterior subpopulation of the cells of origin of these
dorsalis thalami, nucleus periventricularis fibres (which are situated mainly within the
thalami, nucleus ventralis thalami, corpus nucleus laterodorsalis tegmenti; cf. Fig. 16)
geniculatum laterale, subthalamic nucleus, acetylcholine co-exists with substance p'.
periventricular hypothalamic zone, nucleus 6. R0nnekleiv et al. (1984) studied the distri-
supraopticus, nucleus paraventricularis, nu- bution of SP-containing cell bgdies and fibres
cleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus ar- in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of
cuatus, area hypothalamica lateralis and me- the rhesus monkey, using an immunohisto-
dial forebrain bundle; the telencephalon: nu- chemical technique. Their results may be
cleus preopticus periventricularis, nucleus summarized as follows: SP ;cell bodies are
preopticus medialis, tuberculum olfactorium present in the infundibular nucleus, in the
and, in the amygdaloid complex, the nuclei area lateral to that centre, and in the median
Gut-Brain Pep tides 57

eminence. SP fibres are concentrated in the immunohistochemistry. With the help of

infundibular region and in the external zone these techniques it was established that this
of the median eminence. Furthermore, nu- 'gut hormone' is present in the central ner-
merous SP fibres are present in the neural vous system, where it has been detected in
lobe df the pituitary gland. highest concentrations in the cerebral cortex
7. An immunohistochemical study of the dis- (Bryant et al. 1976; Larsson et al. 1976; Said
tribution of SP-containing neurons in the and Rosenberg 1976; Fuxe et al. 1977). Al-
preoptic-hypothalamic region of the rat by though the exact role of VIP in the central
Panula et al. (1984) revealed the presence of nervous system is still unknown, physiologi-
numerous SP-positive cells in the nucleus pre- cal and biochemical, as well as pharmacologi-
opticus medialis and lateralis, nucleus anteri- cal evidence indicates that this polypeptide
or, nucleus ventromedialis and nucleus dor- may be an excitatory neurotransmitter and/
somedialis. or neuromodulator (Giachetti et al. 1977;
8. Gall and Moore (1984) studied the distri- Quik et al. 1978; Philips et al. 1978; Emson
bution of substance P, enkephalin, tyrosine et al. 1978a; Dodd et al. 1979). Our probably
hydroxylase and serotonin immunoreactivity as yet very fragmentary knowledge of the
in the septal region of the rat. Numerous SP- VIP-containing cell groups and their effer-
positive cell bodies were found in the dorsal ents is surveyed below (Fig. 17). Because
part of the lateral septal nucleus, whereas en- VIP-containing cell bodies and fibres show
kephalinergie cell bodies appeared to be con- a parallel distribution, the suggestion has
centrated in a central septal field. The immu- been made that most of the VIP-immunore-
noreactive structures studied showed a more active elements represent local circuit neu-
or less distinct laminar arrangement. The rons (Loren et al. 1979 b). However, there is
dorsolateral SP-immunoreactive perikaryal experimental evidence indicating the presence
field appeared to be overlapped by a density of at least a few long VIP-containing projec-
of serotonin-immunoreactive axons, while tions (Roberts et al. 1980a, b; Marley et al.
the group of enkephalin-immunoreactive 1981).
perikarya was found to be co-extensive with VIP-immunoreactive cell bodies are found
a field of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (i. e. throughout the neocortex. Most of these ele-
catecholaminergic) fibres. ments are bipolar, with their long axis ori-
ented perpendicular to the cortical surface
(Fuxe et al. 1977; Loren et al. 1979 b; Sims
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide et al. 1980; Morrison et al. 1984). VIP-con-
taining fibres and terminals are also present
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was in the neocortex. They are abundant in layers
first isolated from extracts of the porcine du- II-IV, but scattered in the remaining layers
odenum (Said and Mutt 1970a, b). It appears (Fuxe et al. 1977; Roberts et al. 1980a). This
to be present in large quantities throughout distribution pattern of fibres and terminals,
the gastrointestinal tract. Apart from having the absence of VIP in the major cortical effer-
a powerful vasodilatatory effect, it stimulates ent projection systems, and the finding that
the conversion of glycogen into glucose, en- cortical undercutting does not modify the'
hances lipolysis and insulin secretion, inhibits VIP content of the cortex (Emson 1979a, b)
the production of gastric acid, and stimulates all indicate that most of the VIP-positive neo-
exocrine secretion by the pancreas and small cortical neurons are intrinsic to the cortex.
intestine (Mutt and Said 1974). Four years However, the presence of VIP-containing
after its isolation VIP was sequenced as a fibres in the corpus callosum suggests that
28-amino acid polypeptide (Mutt and Said some could be engaged in transcallosal cor-
1974; Fig. 15), and antibodies were raised tieo-cortical connections as well (Loren et al.
against it to be used in radioimmunology and 1979b).
58 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

o 0 0 }"-_ _ __ _ _- . ' "

1 eocortex
2 Gyrus cinguli
3 Corpus callosum
4 ucleus caudatus
5 Putamen
6 Stria term ina lis
7 Corpus geniculatum laterale
8 ucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
9 ucleus septi latera lis
10 Commissura anterior
/I Fasciculus telencephalic us medialis
12 ucleus paraventriculari
13 ucleus dorsomedialis
14 ucleus ventromedialis
15 ucleus anterior hypothalami 24 Cortex praepirirormis
16 Regio preoplica 25 Gyrus dentatus
17 ucleu uprachiasmaticus 26 Cornu Ammonis
18 Nucleu accumbens 27 Subiculum
19 Bulbus olractorius 28 Area pretectalis
20 ucleus olfactorius anterior 29 Colliculus superior
21 Tuberculum olractorium 30 Griseum centrale meseneephali
22 ueleus eentralis amygdalae 31 Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis
23 Corpus amygdaloideum 32 Nucleus solitarius

Fig. 17. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing cells and fibres

Gut-Brain Peptides 59

Morrison and colleagues (1984) thorougly Scattered VIP-containing perikarya have

studied the intracortical VIP-positive cells been reported to be present in most nuclei
and their distribution pattern. Their analysis of the amygdaloid complex (Loren et al.
reveal~d that: (a) approximately 1 % of the 1979b; Roberts et al. 1980a; Sims et aI.
cortical neurons are VIP-positive, (b) their 1980). There is experimental evidence indi-
distribution is fairly uniform and statistically cating that VIP-immunoreactive cells situ-
random, and (c) each VIP-containing cortical ated in the central, lateral and basolateral
cell occupies a similarly sized radial unit, amygdaloid nuclei project massively, via the
which is generally between 15 J.lm and 60 J.lm stria terminalis, to the dorsocaudal portion
in diameter, and is contiguous with that of of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and,
other VIP-containing cells in the neocortex. less intensely, to the preoptic and anterior
It is known that VIP stimulates the formation hypothalamic areas (Roberts et al. 1980a). It
of cyclic AMP through specific membrane has been suggested that VIP-containing
receptors (Quik et al. 1978), and that the re- fibres arising from the stria terminalis also
sultant increase in cyclic AMP via some inter- terminate in the lateral septal nucleus (Sims
mediate steps leads to the breakdown of gly- et al. 1980; Woodhams et al. 1983).
cogen, and in turn to an increase in the glu- Several basal telencephalic structures, includ-
cose available for the generation of energy. ing the olfactory bulb, the anterior olfactory
There is evidence indicating that VIP also nucleus, the olfactory tubercle, the bed
elicits such a cyclic AMP-mediatec\ glycogen- nucleus of the stria terminalis and the lateral
olysis in the cortex (Magistretti et al. 1981; septal nucleus, have been observed to contain
Magistretti and Schorderet 1984). Given the VIP-positive cell bodies (Loren et al. 1979b;
morphological characteristics and distribu- Roberts et al. 1980a; Sims et al. 1980).
tion of the VIP-containing cells, the sugges- The suprachiasmatic nucleus contains a very
tion has been made that VIP could locally dense concentration of VIP-immunoreactive
regulate cortical energy me~abolism within perikarya (Sims et al. f980; Stopa et al.
radially oriented cortical units (Morrison 1984). Efferents from these VIP-containing
et al. 1984; Magistretti and Schorderet 1984). elements course dorsally for some distance
VIP-containing cell bodies and terminal plex- and then split into a moderately dense rostro-
uses are also found in the prepiriform, dorsal component and a more diffuse caudal
cingulate and entorhinal cortical areas. With- component. The rostrodorsally directed
in these cortical areas most of the VIP-posi- fibres presumably terminate in the paraven-
tive elements are concentrated in layer II tricular nucleus, whereas the caudal fibres
(Loren et al. 1979b; Sims et al. 1980). distribute to the dorsomedial, ventromedial
In the various parts of the hippocampal for- and premamillary nuclei.
mation, VIP-immunoreactive cell bodies and The ventral portion of the mesencephalic
fibres have been observed. Most of these ele- central grey contains an extensive network
ments presumably represent local circuit neu- of VIP-immunoreactive cell bodies and pro-
rons (Loren et al. 1979b; Roberts et al. 1980; cesses lying immediately adjacent to the epen-
Leranth et al. 1984). dymal cells lining the cerebral aqueduct
Several parts of the corpus striatum contain (Marley et al. 1981). The superior colliculus
VIP-positive structures. Roberts and collab- has also been reported to contain some VIP-
orators (1980a) reported the presence of a positive cell bodies (Loren et al. 1919b; Ro-
small number of VIP-containing perikarya in berts et al. 1980a; Sims et al. 1980). There
the dorsomedial part of the caudato-putamen is experimental evidence suggesting that at
and numerous VIP-positive fibres have been least a certain proportion of the VIP-positive
observed in the nucleus accumbens as well cells in the periaqueductal grey p~oject ros-
as in the so-called ventral pallidum (Loren trally and attain, via the medial forebrain
et al. 1979b). bundle, a number of forebrain areas, includ-
60 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

ing the central amygdaloid nucleus, the bed tive) visceral afferents (Basbaum and Glazer
nucleus of the stria terminalis, the nucleus 1983).
accumbens and the rostral portions of the
.~ypothalamus (Madey et al. 1981). Addendum: For a review of the neurobiologi-
'the lateral geniculate body, the pretectum, cal and neuroendocrine functions in which
the superior colliculus and the lateral para- VIP is implicated, see Rost(me (1984). Some
brachial nucleus contain plexuses of VIP- interesting aspects are put forward in this re-
positive fibres (Loren et al. 1979b). view. (a) In contrast to what is observed in
Numerous VIP-immunoreactive cells and the rat, the human median eminence has been
fibres are found in the nucleus solitarius. reported to contain high amounts of VIP.
These elements are concentrated in the me- (b) High concentrations of VIP have been
dial and commissural portions of the nucleus, found in the hypophyseal portal blood, sug-
i. e. the area corresponding to the primary gesting that the peptide, released into the
baroreceptive centre (Palkovits et al. 1982 b). portal blood, could reach the pituitary and
Small VIP-immunoreactive cells are present affect hormonal secretion. (c) VIP is able to
in the nodose ganglion (Lundberg et al. induce a dose-dependent inhibition of SST
1978), but it has been found that the concen- release, and this effect is obtained only in
tration of VIP in the nucleus solitarius is low- the mediobasal hypothalamus. (d) VIP is
ered only insignificantly by uni- or bilateral able to stimulate prolactin release by direct
transections of the solitary tract (Palkovits action on the pituitary. (e) The neural path-
et al. 1982 b). There is evidence suggesting ways along which VIP reaches the medioba-
that the majority of the VIP-positive ele- sal hypothalamus and the median eminence
ments in the nucleus solitarius represent local remain to be determined.
circuit neurons (Palkovits et al. 1982 b).
VIP is contained in spinal primary afferent
fibres which arise from small spinal ganglion
cells (Lundberg et al. 1978; Kawatani et al. Certain cells in the glands of the stomacp.
1982,1983; Anand et al. 1983). The great ma- produce gastrin, a polypeptide hormone
jority of these fibres enter the cord at the sa- which stimulates the formation of gastric
crallevel (Kawatani et al. 1982, 1983; Anand juice. Cholecystokinin is a related hormone
et al. 1983; Basbaum and Glazer 1983). They which is synthesized in the duodenum and
concentrate in the fasciculus dorsolateralis of brings about secretion of pancreatic juice and
Lissauer and distribute numerous collaterals the ejection of bile. In 1975 Vanderhaeghen
to the superficial zone of the substantia gela- and colleagues reported the occurrence of
tinosa. In longitudinal sections the VIP-con- gastrin-like immunoreactivity in the central
taining collaterals and terminals exhibit a pe- nervous system. Subsequent studies (Dock-
riodic organization, in which clusters occur ray 1976; Dockray et al. 1978; Muller et al.
at regular intervals along the length of the 1977; Rehfeld 1978a, b; Rehfeld et al. 1979)
cord (Kawatani et al. 1982). Limited revealed that this immunoreactivity corre-
numbers of collaterals arising from the VIP- sponds principally to the carboxyl-terminal
containing primary afferents penetrate into octapeptide of cholecystokinin, which ~hares
deeper parts of the spinal grey, as for exam- the same COOH-terminal pentapeptide with
ple lamina V and the region around the cen- gastrin (Fig. 15). Because of, this structural
tral canal. Because the distribution pattern similarity between cholecystokinin and gas-
of the dorsal root fibres just discussed closely trin, most immunohistochemical techniques
parallels that of the visceral primary afferent are unable to distinguish between these two
projection from the pelvic organs (Morgan substances. However, detailed immunohisto-
et al. 1981), it is reasonable to assume that chemical studies suggest that, whereas the
VIP is contained in part in (possibly nocicep- terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin oc-
Gut-Brain Peptides 61

1 eocortex
2 Gyrus cinguli
3 ucleus caudatus
4 Putamen
5 Fornix
6 Stria tenninalis
7 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
8 Nuclei septi
9 Nucleus accumbens
10 Nucleus preopticus medialis
11 Nucleus paraventricularis
12 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis
13 Area tegmentalis ventralis (AIO) 32 ucleus raphes dorsalis 49
14 Nucleus dorsomedialis 33 ucleus interpeduncula.ris
15 Nucleus ventromedialis 34 Lemniscus lateralis
16 Nucleus supraopticus 35 Nuclei lemnisci lateralis
17 Tuberculum olfactorium 36 Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis
18 Nucleus olfactorius anterior 37 Nervus trigeminus
19 Stria olfactoria lateralis 38 Nucleus raphes magnus
20 Tractus paraventriculo-supraoptico-hypophyseos 39 Oliva superior
21 Eminentia mediana 40 Tractus spinalis nervi trigemini
22 Lobus anterior hypophyseos 41 ucleus raphes paJlidus
23 Lobus posterior hypophyseos 42 ucleus reticularis gigantocellularis
24 Corpus amygdaloideum 43 ucleus raphes obscurus
25 ucleus corticalis amygdalae 44 Nucleus solitarius
26 Fascia dentata 45 Substantia gelatinosa nuclei spinalis nervi trigemini,
27 Cornu Ammonis pars caudal is
28 Subiculum 46 Area postrema
29 Gyrus parahippocampalis 47 Nucleus cuneatus medialis
30 Griseum centrale mesencephali 48 Substantia gelatinosa spinalis
31 Colliculus inferior 49 Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis

Fig. 18. Cholecystokinin-containing cell groups and fibres

62 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

curs throughout the central nervous system, CCK-positive cells have been observed in all
gastrin-like peptides are found only in the parts of the hippocampal formation, i. e. the
pituitary and hypothalamus (Rehfeld 1978 b; fascia dentata, the cornu ammonis and the
Rehfeld et al. 1979; Larsson and Rehfeld subiculum (Loren et al. 1979 a; Vander-
1~81). In this brief survey these substances haeghen et al. 1980; Greenwood et al. 1981).
will be taken together as cholecystokinin-like There is evidence indicating that CCK is
peptides (CCK). CCK-containing neurons present in both intrinsic and extrinsic hippo-
and CCK-containing fibre networks have campal fibres (Greenwood et al. 1981; Han-
been demonstrated in many parts of the neu- delmann et al. 1981). The intrinsic fibres in-
raxis, but the number of known CCK projec- clude mossy fibre axons of the dentate gyrus
tions is very limited indeed (Fig. 18). Al- granule cells (Gall 1984). The extrinsic fibres
though several studies based upon physiolog- enter the fornix and terminate in the lateral
ical, pharmacological and biochemical ap- septal nucleus (Greenwood et al. 1981).
proaches suggest that CCK may act as a neu- In the striatum, including the nucleus accum-
rotransmitter or neuromodulator (Pin get bens, the concentration of CCK is higher
et al. 1979; Dodd and Kelly 1979; Emson than in any other part of the brain (Beinfeld
et al. 1980b; Golterman et al. 1980; Rehfeld et al. 1981). The ventromedial part of the
1980; Phillis and Kirkpatrick 1980; Saito striatum and the nucleus accumbens contain
et al. 1980; Innis and Snyder 1980), its exact a plexus of thin CCK-positive fibres which,
role in the central nervous system is still ob- as is discussed below, originates from the
scure. area tegmentalis ventralis (Vanderhaeghen
The cerebral cortex contains relatively very et al. 1980; H6kfelt et al. 1980a, b).
high concentrations of cholecystokinin, yet The anterior olfactory nucleus contains nu-
the CCK-positive neurons detected form merous CCK-positive cells, and it has been
only a small percentage of the total popula- suggested that fibres originating from these
tion of cortical neurons (Larsson and Reh- cells enter the lateral olfactory tract (Cho
feld 1979; Hendry et al. "1982). In the neocor- etal.1983).
tex these elements occur in all layers, but they Both the lateral and medial septal nuclei con-
are concentrated superficially, in layers I-III tain CCK-immunoreactive cells, and a sub-
(Larsson and Rehfeld 1979; Loren et al. stantial projection possibly arising from these
1979 a; Innis et al. 1979; Hendry et al. 1982; cell masses passes around the anterior com-
Morrison and Magistretti 1983). Most of missure and down into the dorsomedial hy-
these elements are non-pyramidal, small neu- pothalamus (Woodhams et al. 1983).
rons, but in the human pericentral cortex The medial forebrain bundle, the stria ter-
some CCK-positive, medium-sized and small minalis, the anterior commissure and the di-
pyramidal cells have been observed (Saka- agonal band of Broca all contain CCK-posi-
moto et al. 1984). There is some evidence tive fibres (Vanderhaeghen et al. 1980; Cho
suggesting that the axons of the CCK-con- et al. 1984). The fibres in the diagonal band
taining neocortical elements pass downward, belong to an ascending system, because they
away from the brain surface, and terminate disappear after hemitransection at the level
predominantly in layer VI (Larsson and Reh- of the caudal hypothalamus (H6kfelt et al.
feld 1979; Hendry et al. 1982). Loren et al. 1980c).
(1979a) observed single CCK-positive peri- The amygdaloid complex, particularly the
karya in the piriform and the entorhinal cor- nucleus corticalis, contains CCK-positive
tex only occasionally, but according to Van- perikarya (Loren et al. 1979 a; Innis et al.
derhaeghen et al. (1980) such elements are 1979; Vanderhaeghen et al. 1980). Dense
more numerous in limbic structures such as CCK-positive fibres were also seen in the
the cingulate, prepiriform, peri amygdaloid amygdala, with the highest concentration in
and entorhinal cortex than in the neocortex. the central nucleus (Innis et al. 1979).
Gut-Brain Peptides 63

In the magnocellular portion of the paraven- derhaeghen ej al. 1980; Hokfelt et al. 1980a,
tricular nucleus and in the supraoptic nucleus b; Cho et al. 1983; Kubuta et al. 1983) which
numerous CCK -containing perikarya have project to the same areas as the neurons of
been ..pbserved, and a dense collection of the dopaminergic mesolimbic system (Hok-
CCK:'positive fibres descends from these cells felt et al. 1980a, b), and the experimental
to the median eminence and the posterior pi- work of Hokfelt and colleagues (1980a, b)
tuitary (Loren et al. 1979a; Innis et al. 1979; has shown that CCK is located in cells which
Vanderhaeghen et al. 1980). Beinfeld et al. also contain dopamine. Because not all meso-
(1980) have shown that lesioning of the para- limbic dopaminergic cells contain this pep-
ventricular nuclei reduces the CCK content tide, the CCK-dopamine neurons form a sub-
of the posterior pituitary by 60% and demon- population within the area tegmentalis ven-
strated, moreover, that the CCK content of tralis. It is noteworthy that malfunction of
the posterior pituitary is considerably de- the area tegmentalis ventralis and its limbic
creased by physiological perturbations which outflow may well be implicated in schizoph-
stimulate the release of vasopressin and oxy- renia, and that there is evidence suggesting
tocin. They proposed that CCK may be ei- that CCK could be useful as an antipsychotic
ther co-secreted with vasopressin and oxyto- agent (Nair et al. 1983; Voigt and Wang
cin to act on peripheral targets or involved 1984).
in the regulation of vasopressin or oxytocin The ventral part of the mesencephalic central
neurosecretion. Recently, Palk~vits et al. grey contains a densely packed collection of
(1984 b) concluded from radioimmunoassay CCK-positive cell bodies (Loren et al. 1979a;
of CCK after paraventricular lesions that Innis eta1. 1979; Kubuta eta1. 1983). Neu-
most, if not all, of the CCK in the posterior rons in a well-defined cell group in the rostro-
pituitary and in the median eminence origi- ventral part of this area show both substance
nates from the paraventricular nucleus. P- and CCK-immunoreactivity (Skirboll
Apart from the supraoptic and paraventricu- et a1. 1982). The mesencephalic central grey
lar nuclei several other cell masses in the pre- is a very effective stimulation site for produc-
optico-hypothalamic region contain CCK- ing analgesia, and it is worthy of note that
positive cells. These cell masses include the CCK has been shown to be a potent analgesic
medial preoptic, dorsomedial and suprama- (Zetler 1980; Jurna and Zetler 1981).
millary nuclei (Vanderhaeghen et al. 1980; The dorsal raphe nucleus contains CCK-im-
Greenwood et al. 1981). The dorsomedial munoreactive cells. These elements are situ-
and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei have ated in two groups, one rostral and the other
been reported to contain a dense network caudal to the serotoninergic dorsal raphe
of CCK-immunoreactive fibres (Vander- neurons. There is evidence suggesting that
haeghen et al. 1980). these dorsal raphe CCK-containing cells are
It is known that many cells located in the local circuit neurons (Kooy et a1. 1981).
ventral tegmental area, which corresponds Several mesencephalic areas, including the in-
roughly to the A10 area of Dahlstrom and ferior colliculus (Kubuta et a1. 1983), the dor-
Fuxe, are dopaminergic and project via the sal and lateral parts of the interpeduncular
medial forebrain bundle to a large number nucleus (Loren et a1. 1979a; Hamill et ar
of limbic forebrain structures, including the 1984) and the parabigeminal nucleus
nucleus accumbens, the olfactory tubercle, (Kiyama et al. 1983) contain a dense plexus
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and of CCK-positive fibres.
the central amygdaloid nucleus. These cells In the rhombencephalon the following cell
and their processes constitute together the so- masses have been shown to contain CCK-
called mesolimbic dopaminergic system. The positive cells: the nucleus of the solitary tract
area tegmentalis ventralis also appears to and the adjacent area postrema, the lateral
contain numerous CCK-positive cells (Van- parabrachial nucleus, the cuneate nucleus,
64 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

the caudal part of the nucleus spinalis of the marized are in harmony with those of Mader-
trigeminal nerve, the nucleus raphes magnus, drut et at (1982); however, they are at vari-
the nucleus raphes pallidus, the nucleus ance with those of Marley and colleagues
raphes obscurus, and a certain portion of the (1982), who remained unable to demonstrate
nucleus reticularis magnocellularis. More- the presence of CCK in sensory roots, and
over, rich networks of CCK-immunoreactive found that dorsal rhizotomy does not affect
fibres have been observed in the laterallem- the CCK level in the spinal cord.
niscus and its nuclei, the nucleus of the trape- Apart from the superficial dorsal horn,
zoid body (which belongs to the superior CCK-immunoreactive fibres are present in
olivary complex), the nucleus of the solitary other parts of the spinal grey as well. Loose
tract (particularly its rostral portion), the lat- plexuses of positive fibres have been found
eral parabrachial nucleus and the caudal part around motor neurons of the ventral horn,
of the nucleus descendens of the trigeminal particularly in the sacral spinal cord, around
nerve (Vanderhaeghen et al. 1980; Kubuta neurons of the thoracic intermediolateral col-
et al. 1983; Kiyama et al. 1983; Mantyh and umn, and around the central canal (Larsson
Hunt 1984a).1t is notable that several centres and Rehfeld 1979; Gibson et al. 1981; Man-
and pathways belonging to the auditory sys- tyh and Hunt 1984a).
tem of the brain stem contain numerous
CCK-immunoreactive fibres. However, the Addenda:
source of these fibres is unknown at present. 1. Kiss et al. (1984) studied the distribution
There is experimental evidence indicating and projections of CCK-immunoreactive
that the CCK-immunoreactive axons found neurons in the nucleus paraventricularis hy-
in the superficial division of the caudal part pothalami of the rat. They found that CCK
of the nucleus descendens of the trigeminal immunoreactivity is present in two distin-
nerve represent primary afferent fibres (Ma- guishable neuronal populations in the para-
derdrut et al. 1982), and it has also been ventricular nucleus. More than 60% of these
shown that a certain proportion of the CCK- cells were found to be typical parvocellular,
containing elements in the reticular forma- neurons. From experiments in which immu-
tion and in the three raphe nuclei mentioned nohistochemistry was combined with micro-
project to the spinal cord (Mantyh and Hunt surgical intervention they inferred that the
1984a). Intererstingly, double-labelling ex- magnocellular cells send their axons to the
periments have established that some of the pituitary, whereas axons of CCK-immunore-
CCK -immunoreactive neurons in the nucleus active parvocellular neurons terminate in the
raphe pallidus and nucleus raphes obscurus median eminence.
also contain serotonin (Mantyh and Hunt 2. Using radioimmunoassay, immunocyto-
1984a). chemistry, retrograde tracing of HRP and
A dense network of CCK-immunoreactive anterograde degeneration techniques, Za-
fibres is present in laminae I and II of the borski et al. (1984) demonstrated that axons
spinal cord (Larsson and Rehfeld 1979; Van- originating from CCK-positive cells situated
derhaeghenet al.1980; Lundberget al.1978; in the lateral parabrachial nucleus ascend in
Gibson et al. 1981). There is evidence sug- the brain stem, enter the dorsolateral 'part
gesting that this network is formed by prima- of the medial forebrain bundle, and termi-
ry afferent fibres arising from a population nate in the nucleus ventromedialis hypo-
of small dorsal root ganglion cells, and that thalami.
all of these CCK-positive ganglion cells also 3. By combining immunofluorescence and
contain substance P, and vice versa (Jancso fluorescence retrograde labelling techniques,
et al. 1981; Dalsgaard et al. 1982a). So far Fallon and Seroogy (1984) demonstrated
as the presence of CCK in primary afferent that in the rat, CCK-positive cells in the dor-
neurons is concerned, the findings just sum- sal lateral geniculate nucleus project to area
Gut-Brain Peptides 65

17 of the visual cortex, and that the axons docrine influences at the level of the median
of elements containing the same peptide and eminence or, via the portal vessels, on the
situated in the superior olive pass to the infe- anterior pituitary itself is unknown. NT also
rior c01liculus. affects the release of SST from the hypothala-
4. Using a combination of techniques similar mus (Sheppard et al. 1979; Shimatsu et al.
to that mentioned under point 3, Maciewicz 1982). Moreover, biochemical and pharma-
et al. (1984) have shown that the nucleus of cological studies have shown that NT dis-
Edinger-Westphal in the cat contains numer- plays properties consistent with a neurotrans-
ous CCK-immunoreactive cells throughout mitter role in the central nervous system (Uhl
its length, and that some of these elements and Snyder 1976, 1977; Lazarus et al. 1977;
project to the spinal cord where they presum- Iversen et al. 1978). Injection of NT into the
ably terminate principally in the dorsal horn. ventricular system produces, apart from the
The distribution and frequency of these cells neuroendocrine effects already mentioned,
appeared to be similar to the pattern of the hypothermia (Nemeroff et al. 1977), changes
substance P-immunoreactive neurons in the in blood pressure, inhibition in gastric secre-
nucleus of Edinger-Westphal. tion (see Higgins et al. 1984), and a marked
decrease in sensitivity to pain, the last of
these being unresponsive to naloxone (Cline-
schmidt and McGuffin 1977).
Neurotensin (NT) is a tridecapep~ide which NT -containing perikarya and fibres have
was originally isolated from bovine hypotha- been observed in many different parts of the
lamic extracts (Fig. 15). It was discovered, se- brain (Fig. 19). There is good evidence for
quenced and synthesized by Carraway and an amygdalofugal NT -containing tract (Uhl
Leeman (1973, 1975a, b). The same authors and Snyder 1979), and it is also known that
also developed a specific radioimmunoassay the nucleus raphes magnus receives NT -con-
by which they confirmed the presence of this taining fibres from several centres in the
peptide in the hypothalamus and the gastro- brain stem (Beitz 1982a). On the whole, how-
intestinal tract (Carraway and Leeman 1976). ever, our knowledge of the NT -ergic projec-
Subsequent radio immunological (Uhl and tions is still very limited. Before presenting
Snyder 1976; Kobayashi etal. 1977; Ka- a brief survey of the neurotensin-containing
taoka 1979; Cooper et al. 1981; Langevin cell groups and fibres it is worthy of note
and Emson 1982; Manberg et al. 1982) and that the structure of the NT precursor is un-
immunohistological studies (Uhl et al. 1977, known and that this peptide may well be only
1979b; Uhl 1982; Kahn et al. 1980; Jennes one member of a larger peptide family (Goe-
et al. 1982; Hara et al. 1982; Minagawa et al. dert 1984).
1983) have shown that NT is distributed A band of NT-ergic fibres is observed in the
widely but unevenly in the central nervous deeper layers of the neocortex, with the high-
system. est density in layer VI (Uhl et al. 1977;
There is evidence suggesting that NT plays Jennes et al. 1982).
a role in the control of the pituitary gland. The deeper part of the cingulate cortex con-
Thus, intraventricular and/or intracisternal tains a longitudinal bundle of NT -positive
administration has been shown to influence fibres. However, there is no unanimity with
the release of several anterior pituitary hor- regard to the origin of this bundle? Roberts
mones, such as growth hormone, follicle- and colleagues (1981) and Polak and Bloom
stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, (1982) believe that it originates from the subi-
prolactin and thyrotropin (Rivier et al. 1977; culum and terminates in the anterior
Vale et al. 1977; Makino et al. 1978; Maeda cingulate cortex, but Jennes et al. (1982) hold
and Frohman 1978; Vijayan and McCann that the hippocampal region is free of NT-
1979, 1980). Whether NT exerts its neuroen- immunoreactive perikarya. The latter au-
66 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways


1 Cingulum
2 Corpus callosum
3 Nucleus eaudatus
4 Putamen
5 Stria tenninalis
6 ucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
7 Nucleus paraventricularis
8 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis
9 Area tegmentalis ventralis 21 Eminentia mediana
10 Area lateralis hypothalami 22 Lobus posterior hypophyseos
11 ucleus premamillaris ventralis 23 Corpus amygdaloideum
12 ucleus infundibularis 24 ucleus centralis amygdalae
13 ucleus ventromedialis 25 Griseum centrale mesencephali
14 Periventricular neurotensin-containing cells in 26 Nucleus raphes dorsalis
the preoptic and rostral hypothalamic areas 27 ucleus cuneifonnis
15 Nucleus preopticus medialis 28 Nucleus raphes pontts
16 Nucleus septi lateralis 29 Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis
17 Nucleus accumbens 30 Nucleus raphes magnus
18 ucleus gyri diagonalis 31 Nucleus solitarius
19 Tuberculum olfactorium 32 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, pars caudalis
20 Bulbus olfactorius 33 Substantia gelatinosa

Fig. 19. Neurotensin-containing cells and fibres

Gut-Brain Peptides 67

thors consider it likely that the supracallosal Interestingly, NT has several actions in com-
fibres in the cingulate cortex originate from mon with neuroleptic drugs. This property,
the para brachial nuclei. NT-ergic fibres occur in combination with the finding that NT lev-
throu~hout the prepiriform cortex, especially els in the cerebrospinal fluid appear grossly
in its rtledial portion (Jennes et al. 1982). diminished in about half of untreated schizo-
Some NT-positive cell bodies have been ob- phrenic patients, has led to the hypothesis
served in the rostromedial area of the cau- that NT acts in the so-called mesolimbic sys-
date-putamen complex, i. e. the area directly tem as an endogenous neuroleptic substance
adjacent to the bed nucleus of the stria ter- (Prange and Nemeroff 1982; Nemeroff et al.
minalis (Jennes et al. 1982). In the remaining 1983).
portions of the striatum only the presence In all parts of the amygdaloid complex, NT-
of NT -immunoreactive fibres has been re- positive cell bodies and fibres are found, and
ported. In the rat these fibres show a low-to- both show their highest concentration in the
moderate density (Uhl et al. 1977; Uh11982), nucleus centralis amygdalae (Uhl 1982;
except for the most medial, dorsal and ven- Jennes et al. 1982; Hara et al. 1982). Experi-
tral parts of the striatum, where a higher den- mental evidence (Uhl and Snyder 1979) indi-
sity is observed (Jennes et al. 1982). The con- cates that NT -containing cell bodies in this
centration of NT -immunoreactivity is much nucleus project via the stria terminalis and
higher in the striatum of the cat than in the terminate, at least in part, in the bed nucleus
rat. In the former species this peptide shows of that pathway. Jennes and colleagues
a patch-like, mosaic distribution, which cor- (1982) considered it likely that the stria ter-
responds to that of enkephalin (Goedert minalis issues NT -positive fibres to the dor-
et al. 1983). sal, medial and ventral portions of the cau-
The nucleus accumbens has also been re- date-putamen complex, as well as to the nu-
ported to contain a dense plexus of NT -ergic cleus accumbens.
fibres (Uhl et al. 1977; Uhl 1982). As mentioned before, NT may strongly influ-
With regard to the presence of NT in the ence the sensitivity of pain. In this context
globus pallidus there is unanimity in the liter- it is worthy of note that an antinociceptive
ature. Uhl and collaborators (1977; Uhl response can be consistently produced by lo-
1982) observed evenly distributed NT-con- cal injections of NT into the nucleus centralis
taining fibres of moderate density in the glo- amygdalae (Kalivas et al. 1982).
bus pallidus of the rat, but according to NT -containing cell bodies and fibres have
Jennes et al. (1982), this centre in the rat con- been observed in the olfactory bulb, the ol-
tains hardly any NT -ergic fibres. Goedert factory tubercle, the lateral and medial septal
et al. (1983) found a particularly rich NT- nuclei, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
ergic innervation of the globus pallidus in the and the nucleus of the diagonal band of
cat. Broca (Uhl 1982; Jennes et al. 1982; Hara
The site of origin of the NT -containing fibres et al. 1982; Kohler and Eriksson 1984). The
projecting to the basal ganglia is unknown NT -positive cell bodies in the nucleus last
at present. However, NT-positive cell bodies mentioned form a continuum with those in
have been found in several regions which the peri ventricular preoptic area.
project to the striatum, including the amyg- The medial zone of the thalamus, including
dala, the ventral tegmental area and the dor- the midline nuclei, contains a mederately
sal raphe nucleus (Jennes et al. 1982). Fibres dense plexus of NT-immunoreactive fibres
originating from these last two centres might (Uhl et al. 1977; Uhl 1982; J ennes et al.
reach the basal ganglia via the medial fore- 1982).
brain bundle, a pathway which contains large Radioimmunological as well as inimunohis-
numbers of NT-ergic fibres (Jennes et al. tochemical studies have shown that, of all
1982). parts of the central nervous system, the pre-
68 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

optico-hypothalamic region has by far the include the perikarya in the periventricular
highest concentration of NT -immunoreactiv- zone, the medial preoptic nucleus, the parvo-
ity (Kobayashi et al. 1977; Kataoka 1979; Uhl cellular portion of the paraventricular nucle-
1982; Jennes et al. 1982; Hara et al. 1982). us and the infundibular nucleus. There is ex- .
Numerous NT-positive perikarya are found perimental evidence indicating that all of
in a continuum which includes the periventric- these areas project to the median eminence.
ular zone of the preoptic and anterior hypo- However, whether NT-containing cells in
thalamic areas, the medial preoptic nucleus, one, several, or all of these areas are the
the magnocellular and parvocellular parts of source of NT-immunoreactive fibres in the
the paraventricular nucleus, the infundibular median eminence is not yet known. It also
nucleus and strands of cells surrounding the remains to be elucidated whether the NT-
dorsomedial nucleus. In addition, NT -immu- ergic fibres in the median eminence contact
noreactive somata occur in the lateral pre- blood vessels or other nerve fibres. These un-
optic and hypothalamic areas, and in the ven- certainties, and the fact that NT may well
tral premamillary nucleus (Kahn et al. 1980, be produced and released in the anterior pi-
1982; Uhl 1982; Hara et al. 1982; Jennes tuitary itself, render it difficult to design a
et al. 1982; Ibata et al. 1984). Interestingly, picture as to how the NT -containing neurons
numerous NT -positive neurons in the infun- in the various hypothalamic centres may ex-
dibular nucleus also contain dopamine (Hok- ert their control of the secretion of anterior
felt et al. 1984a). In all of the nuclei and areas pituitary hormones. Although there is no un-
mentioned, more or less dense plexuses of animity, most authors agree that NT inhibits
NT -containing fibres are also present. The the release of growth hormone, prolactin and
data on the occurrence of NT -immunoreac- thyrotropin (Maeda and Frohman 1978;
tive cell bodies and fibres in the hypothala- McCann et al. 1982; Frohman et al. 1982).
mus are all derived from the rat. A radioim- It has been suggested that NT may exert this
munological study (Langevin and Emson inhibitory influence,indirectly, i. e. by stimu-
1982) suggested that in the human hypotha- lating hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons.
lamus there is a focus of high NT concentra- The dopamine released would then inhibit
tion in the anterior hypothalamic area, which the secretion of the pituitary hormones men-
clearly does not extend into the preoptic re- tioned (McCann et al. 1982; Frohman et al.
gion. Moderate concentrations of NT were 1982). The recently discovered co-existence
found in paraventricular, ventromedial and of NT and dopamine in many infundibular
infundibular nuclei. neurons (Hokfelt et al. 1984a) further com-
The lateral part of the external zone of the plicates the issue. The function of the NT-
median eminence contains an accumulation containing axons in the posterior pituitary
of NT -immunoreactive fibres (Kahn et al. is entirely obscure. The paraventricular nu-
1980; Uhl 1982; Jennes et al. 1982) and in cleus seems to be the most likely source of
the posterior pituitary some scattered fibres these fibres (Kahn et al. 1982). Finally, it
containing the same peptide have been ob- should be mentioned that the preoptico-hy-
served (Uhl et al. 1977; Kahn et al. 1980; po thalamic region appears to be involved in
Kahn et al. 1982). Some authors (Uhl et al. thermoregulation and in the control of noci-
1977; Goedert et al. 1982) have mentioned ception. Hypothermia can be induced by NT
the presence of a distinct population of NT- injections into the area preoptica medialis,
containing cells in the anterior pituitary, but contiguous with the anterior hypothalamic
others (Kahn et al. 1980, 1982) remained un- area, whereas an antinociceptive response
able to confirm this observation. can be produced by NT in the rostral area
Several of the areas where NT was found preoptica medialis (Kalivas et al. 1982).
to be concentrated are known to be impor- The following mesencephalic centres have
tant in anterior pituitary regulation. These been shown to contain moderately dense col-
Gut-Brain Peptides 69

lections of NT-positive perikarya and fibres: cell bodies in the periaqueductal grey, the
the periaqueductal grey, the nucleus raphes mesencephalic reticular formation, the lateral
dorsalis, the mesencephalic reticular forma- parabrachial nucleus and the nucleus solita-
tion and the area tegmentalis of Tsai (Uhl rius project to the nucleus raphes magnus.
et al. 1979b; Uhl 1982; Jennes et al. 1982; Higgins et al. (1984) provided experimental
Beitz 1982a; Beitz et al. 1983). In the area evidence indicating that NT-containing neu-
last mentioned most NT-immunoreactive rons in the nucleus solitarius project to the
neurons also contain dopamine (Hokfelt and dorsal motor vagal nucleus and form part
Everitt 1984). The plexus of NT -ergic fibres of the path along which the aortic barorecep-
present in the area tegmentalis ventralis tor reflexes are effected. Other NT-ergic soli-
merges laterally with a lower density of fibres tarius cells may be involved in the regulation
and terminals in the substantia nigra. The of gastric acid secretion.
nigra, however, has been demonstrated to In the spinal cord the substantia gelatinosa
contain large amounts of NT receptors, par- contains large numbers of NT -positive neu-
ticularly in the pars compacta. There is evi- rons and a dense feltwork of NT -immunore-
dence indicating that these receptors are lo- active fibres (Uhl 1982; Polak and Bloom
cated on the somata and dendrites of nigral 1982; Jennes et al. 1982; Difiglia et al. 1984).
dopaminergic neurons (Uhl 1982; Uhl et al. The neuronal perikarya are concentrated in
1984). Manberg and colleagues (1982) have the outer one-third of lamina II, the inner
found that in man the pars compacta of the one-third of lamina II, and the outer lami-
substantia nigra contains a relatively very na III (Seybold and Elde 1982). The plexus
large amount of NT. of fibres present in the substantia gelatinosa
In the rhombencephalon the inner part of extends with decreasing density ventrally
the substantia ge1atinosa of the caudal nucle- over laminae III and IV. Probably, this entire
us of the trigeminal nerve and the nucleus plexus is of intrinsic spinal origin. Evidence
solitarius contain large numbers of NT -posi- for the presence ofNT-ergic primary afferent
tive perikarya and a dense plexus of NT-im- fibres is lacking (Polak and Bloom 1982).
munoreactive axons. NT -containing cells and A moderately dense network ofNT-immuno-
fibres have also been observed in the lateral reactive fibres and sparsely scattered peri-
parabrachial nucleus, the nucleus raphes karya containing the same peptide are found
pontis and the locus coeruleus (Uhl et al. in the area surrounding the spinal central ca-
1977; Uh11982; Jennes et al. 1982). It should nal (UhI1982; Jennes et al. 1982).
be noted, however, that one group of investi-
gators (Minagawa et al. 1983) denied the Addenda:
presence of NT -ergic perikarya in the locus 1. Kalivas and Miller (1984) have provided
coeruleus. A caudal continuation of the NT- experimental evidence indicating that the
positive cell population in the nucleus raphes NT -containing fibres present in the nucleus
dorsalis extends into the rostral rhomben- accumbens and in the diagonal band of
cephalon, surrounding the nucleus tegmenti Broca originate from the area tegmentalis
dorsalis dorsolaterally and ventrolaterally ventralis.
(Jennes et al. 1982). 2. In a recent electron-microscopic immuno-
A certain number of NT-immunoreactive cytochemical study Ibata et al. (1984) men-
cells in the dorsolateral part of the nucleus tion the presence of numerous NT-immuno-
solitarius also contain adrenaline, whereas in reactive terminals in the vicinity of pericapil-
some neurons situated in the medial part of lary spaces of the external layer of the median
the same nucleus NT co-exists with nor- eminence. In their opinion, this strongly sug-
adrenaline (Hokfelt et al. 1984a). gests that an NT -like immunoreactive sub-
Experimental studies (Beitz 1982a; Beitz stance is released into the portal capillaries.
et al. 1983) have revealed that NT-containing Ibata et al. (1984) also observed that small
70 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

axons containing NT -immunoreactive gran- found; one consists of scattered cells in the
ules and clear vesicles terminate on small dorsal part of the reticular formation, the
dendrites or dendritic spines in the internal other lies in the periaqueductal grey and oc-
layer of the median eminence. cupies a position rostral to the dorsal raphe
nucleus and medial to the nucleus of Edinger-
Westphal. In the rhombencephalon the fol-
lowing cell masses have been found to con-
Hypophysiotropic Peptides tain CRF-immunoreactive perikarya: the lat-
eral tegmental area of the rostral rhomben-
Corticotropin-Releasing Factor
cephalon, the lateral para brachial nucleus,
A 41-amino acid peptide that probably corre- the medial vestibular nucleus and the nucleus
sponds to the corticotropin-releasing factor of the solitary tract. Moreover, some rhom-
(CRF) was recently isolated from ovine hy- bencephalic areas known to contain consid-
pothalamic tissue (Vale et al. 1981; Fig. 20). erable numbers of noradrenergic elements
This peptide has been synthesized and anti- have been found to harbour CRF -immunore-
sera against it have been raised. With the aid active cells. These areas include the ventral
of these sera Swanson et al. (1983) have stud- half of the locus coeruleus, an area situated
ied the distribution of CRF -immunoreactive just lateral to the superior olivary complex
cells and fibres in the brain of the rat. The corresponding to the AS catecholaminergic
following synopsis is based entirely on the cell group, and a number of cells lying in
work of these authors (Fig. 21). the ventrolateral part of the medullary reticu-
CRF -immunoreactive cells are distributed lar formation coinciding with the A1 cate-
throughout the nucleus paraventricularis hy- cholaminergic cell group.
pothalami. Some of these elements are lo- The brain contains numerous thin, varicose
cated in the magnocellular part of this nucle- CRF -immunoreactive axons, which in sever-
us, but most of them are concentrated in its al places are conC,l:mtrated in distinct fibre
parvocellular division: The CRF-containing streams. The preliminary findings with re-
cells in the paraventricular nucleus give rise gard to the distribution of these fibres of
to a massive projection to the neurohaemal Swanson et al. (1983) may be summarized as
(external) zone of the median eminence follows.
(Makara 1981). This pathway is probably
involved in the control of ACTH and p-en- 1. Fibres possibly originating from the bed
dorphin release from the anterior lobe of the nucleus of the stria terminalis ascend to the
pituitary by way of the hypothalamo-hy- lateral septal nucleus, and other fibres appear
pophyseal portal system. to enter the medial septal-diagonal band
A series of cell groups in the basal telenceph- continuum from the region of the substantia
alon, hypothalamus and brain stem appear innominata and the preoptic region.
to contain CRF -stained neurons. In the basal 2. Many fibres interconnect the rostral hy-
telencephalon these elements form a massive, pothalamus and adjacent parts of the basal
more or less continuous group which extends telencephalon with the amygdala. The two
over the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, large conduction channels of the latter-struc-
the substantia innominata and the central nu- ture, i. e. the stria terminalis and the ventral
cleus of the amygdala. In the telencephalon amygdalofugal pathway, contain numerous
impar the nucleus preopticus medialis con- CRF -immunoreactive fibres.
tains numerous CRF-immunoreactive cells. 3. Large numbers of fibres, apparently
Moreover, CRF-stained cell bodies are found emanating from the large cluster of telodien-
scattered over the lateral preoptico-Iateral cephalic CRF -positive cells; course caudally
hypothalamic continuum. In the midbrain through the medial forebrain bundle. In the
two CRF-stained cell groups have been caudal hypothalamus these fibres split up
Hypophysiotropic Peptides 71

Hypophysiotropic peptides

Corticotropin -releasing factor [CR FJ

CRF (ovine)
H-Ser 1-Gln-Glu-Pro-Pro-lle-Ser- Leu-Asp-Leu 10 - Thr-Phe-His-Leu- Leu-Arg-Glu-Val- Leu-

Glu 20 -Met-Thr-Lys-Ala-Asp-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Gln 30 -Ala-His-Ser-Asn-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-

Asp-lie 40 -Ala-N H2

CRF (rat)
Glu 2 , Ala 22 ,Arg23 ,Glu 25 , Met 38 , Glu 39 , lIe 41

Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone [LH-RH ]

pGlu 1-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly 10 -NH2

1 rl---------------------------------,114
H-Ala -Gly-Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys -OH

Somatostatin - 28 (ovine)
H-Ser 1-AI a-Asn-Ser-Asn-Pro-Ala-Met-Ala-Pro 10 -Arg-G iu -Arg- L ys-Ala-G Iy-
I 20 I 2S
Cys-Lys-Asn-Phe -Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Cys -OH

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone [TRH]

pGlu-His-Pro-NH 2

Fig. 20. Primary structure of some hypophysiotropic peptides. For significance of the amino
acid code, see Table 7 on p. 198
72 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways



I Gyrus cinguli
2 Stria terrninalis
3 uclei mediani thalami
4 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
5 Cortex prefrontalis
6 Nucleu septi lateralis
7 ucleus gyri diagonalis + nucleus sepli medialis
8 Commissura anterior
9 ucleus preopticus medialis
10 Nucleus paraventricularis
II Area lateralis hypothalami
12 Substantia innominala
13 Fasciculus telencephalicus medialis 23 Locus cocruleus
14 Tractus paraventriculoinfundibularis 24 uclei parabrachiales
15 Fibrae amygdalofugales ventra les 25 Dorsal (periventricular) stream of CRF-containing
16 Nucleus centralis amygdalae fibres
17 Eminentia mediana 26 Ventral stream of CRF-containing fibres
18 Corpus amygdaloideum 27 Cell group AS
/9 Hippocampus 28 Nucleus vestibularis media lis
20 Griseum centrale mesencephali 29 Cell group AI
21 Forrnatio rClicularis mesencephali 30 ucleus solitarius
22 Area laterodorsalis tegmenti 31 ucleus dorsalis nervi vagi

Fig. 21. Corticotropin-releasing factor-containing cell groups and fibres

Hypophysiotropic Peptides 73

into two contingents, a larger dorsal one and Addenda:

a smaller ventral one. The dorsal contingent 1. The distribution of CRF-immunoreactive
distributes to the midline region of the thala- neurons in the central nervous system of the
mus and then takes a caudal course, forming rat has also been studied by Cummings et al.
a penventricular bundle throughout the (1983) and Pilcher and Joseph (1984). Both
brain stem. The ventral contingent enters the groups confirmed most of the findings of
ventral tegmental area and passes caudally Swanson et al. (1983) summarized above, but
through the lateral part of the reticular for- noted the presence of a number of additional
mation. The two fibre contingents connecting groups of CRF-positive cells. The additional
the prosencephalon with the brain stem have cell groups mentioned by Cummings et al.
been described here as descending. However, (1983) include the nucleus supraopticus, the
the direction of fibres in these two bundles nucleus arcuatus, the nucleus raphes dorsalis,
is unclear, because they appear to intercon- the medullary reticular formation and the nu-
nect areas that contain CRF-immunoreactive cleus cuneatus externus, whereas Pilcher and
cell bodies. Thus, the periaqueductal grey, Joseph (1984) observed additional neuronal
the locus coeruleus, the parabrachial nuclei, populations in the following centres: nucleus
the medial vestibular nucleus and the dorsal accumbens, hippocampus (not specified), or-
vagal complex lie in or near the dorsal peri- ganum vasculosum laminae terminalis, nucle-
ventricular fibre stream, whereas the CRF- us reuniens thalami, scattered neurons
positive perikarya lying in the areas of the throughout the premamillary, mamillary and
A1 and A5 catecholaminergic cell groups are posterior hypothalamic nuclei, lateral teg-
located close to the ventral fibre stream. It mental nucleus (situated directly ventral to
is uncertain which of these cell groups con- the medial geniculate body), Kolliker-Fuse
tributes to each of these two pathways, and nucleus, A 7 noradrenergic group, rhomben-
which of them receives input from them, par- cephalic periventricular grey, nucleus pre-
ticularly as the dorsal and ventral streams positus hypoglossi and the area around the
are interconnected at several ievels. central canal of the cervical spinal cord.
Pilcher and Joseph (1984), who also exam-
Preliminary experiments with intraventricu- ined the distribution of ACTH-immunoreac-
lar injections suggest that CRF is able to in- tive fibres in the central nervous system, not-
fluence neurons within the central nervous ed throughout the brain a remarkable con-
system, and that it plays an important role cordance of localization of CRF -immunore-
in central mechanisms that regulate the auto- active perikarya and ACTH-immunoreactive
nomic nervous system (Brown et al. 1982; fibres. In view of the well known interactions
Fisher et al. 1982). The CRF -stained cells of CRF with the ACTH -secreting cells in the
and fibres in the basal forebrain, diencepha- pituitary, they suggested the possibility of a
lon and brain stem, discovered by Swanson similar relationship of CRF and ACTH neu-
et al. (1983) and briefly described above, ronal populations in the central nervous sys-
most probably constitute the morphological tem.
substrate of these mechanisms. 2. Vincent and Satoh (1984) demonstrated
The superficial layers of the cerebral cortex that a cluster of CRF -immunoreactive cells
contain CRF-Iabelled cells which, judging situated in the metencephalic peri ventricular
from their shape, represent local circuit neu- grey projects to the sacral spinal cord. Also,
rons. These elements are most common in CRF-positive varicose fibres were detected in
limbic regions, such as the prefrontal areas the intermediolateral column of the sacral
and the cingulate gyrus. Similar cells are cord. They conjectured that the cluster of
found in the hippocampal formation. Wheth- CRF -immunoreactive cells corresponds to
er CRF-containing cells and/or fibres occur the micturition reflex centre of Barrington.
in the spinal cord is unknown at present.
74 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone 1978; Silverman and Krey 1978). The projec-
tions described below emanate from these el-
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone ements (Fig. 22).
(LHRH) is a decapeptide (Fig. 20), the abili- Perikarya in the nucleus infundibularis and
ty of which to stimulate the secretion of lu- adjacent mediobasal hypothalamic areas give
teinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating rise to LHRH -containing axons, which join
hormone from the gonadotropic cells in the the tubero-infundibular tract. These axons
anterior lobe of the pituitary is well known. pass to the infundibular stalk, the fibres of
Equally well documented is the fact that which form a dense plexus around the capil-
LHRH is produced in the mediobasal hy- lary loops of the pituitary portal circulation
pothalamus and delivered to the gonado- in the median eminence (Silverman et al.
trophs via the hypothalamo-hypophyseal 1977; Barry 1977; Silverman and Krey 1978;
portal system after its release from nerve ter- Anthony et al. 1984). In several mammalian
minals in the median eminence. Immunohis- species (man, monkey, ferret, bat) LHRH-
tochemical studies have shown, however, containing tubero-infundibular fibres have
that LHRH-synthesizing cells are by no been observed to traverse the pituitary stalk
means confined to the mediobasal hypothala- and enter the posterior pituitary. Most of
mus, and that their axons project not only these fibres terminate in the border zone with
to the median eminence, but also to many the adenohypophysis, but others penetrate
other intra- as well as extra-hypothalamic the deeper portion of the neural lobe (Silver-
sites. LHRH has been iontophorized onto man et al. 1977; Bary 1977; Anthony et al.
neurons in a variety of brain areas; in most 1984; King et al. 1984). Because in the
of them its application appeared to stimulate adenohypophysis the gonadotrophs are con-
neuronal firing (Moss 1977). It is also worthy centrated in the zone adjacent to the neural
of note that in the central nervous system lobe, it is conceivable that the release of hor-
LHRH-containing axons have been shown to mone from these elelTIents is - at least in part
form typical synaptic terminals (Silverman - regulated by these tubero-hypophyseal
1984). In autonomic ganglia a peptide closely fibres (Anthony et al. 1984). The description
resembling LHRH has been reported to elicit just given does not hold for the rat. In this
prolonged EPSPs with long latencies, and it species the tubero-infundibular tract contains
was found to operate on a much larger range few if any LHRH-positive fibres (Merchen-
than 'classical' neurotransmitters (Jan and thaler et al. 1980 ; Bennett-Clarke and Joseph
Jan 1983). 1982).
In the brain the LHRH-positive perikarya LHRH-containing cells in the medial pre-
are not grouped into discrete nuclei; rather optic nucleus, particularly its basal part, pro-
they are scattered over a continuum extend- ject to the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the
ing from the septal region anteriorly to the median eminence (Silverman and Krey 1978).
premammillary region posteriorly (Fig. 22). The preoptico-infundibular projection of
LHRH-containing elements have been ob- LHRH-positive fibres is particularly large in
served in the medial septal nucleus, the nucle- the rat (Ibata et al. 1979; Liposits and S6t:i16
us of the diagonal band of Broca, the bed 1980; Merchenthaler et al. 1980). In this spe-
nucleus of the stria terminalis (many cells), cies it has been shown experimentally that
the lamina terminalis, the medial preoptic nu- LHRH-containing neurons situated in the
cleus (many cells), the anterior hypothalamic medial septal nucleus and in the nucleus of
area, the supraoptic nucleus (small cells), the the diagonal band of Broca contribute to this
infundibular nucleus and the areas lateral, projection (Kawano and Daikoku 1981). It
dorsal and caudal to this cell group (many is important to note that in the rat the
cells in most mammals, but not in the rat) LHRH-positive fibres, passing from the pre-
(Silverman et al. 1977, 1982; Barry 1977, optic region to the infundibulum, constitute
Hypophysiotropic Peptides 75

1 Neocortex
2 Gyms cinguli
3 Indusium griseum
4 Corpus callosum
5 Hippocampus precommissuraiis
6 Nucleus septi medialis
7 Nucleus interstitialis striae tenninalis
8 Organum subfornicale
9 Commissura anterior
10 Stria terminalis
lJ Stria meduJlaris
12 Bulbu olfactorius
13 Tractus olfactoriu5
14 Substantia perforata anterior 25 Area hypothalamica lateral is
15 Nucleus gyri diagonal is 26 Nucleus infundibularis
16 Organum vasculosum laminae tenninalis 27 Corpus mamillare, nucleus medialis
17 Nucleus suprachiasmaticus 28 Area tcgrncntalis ventraJi
18 Eminentia mediana 29 Nucleus habenulae medialis
19 Nucleus medialis amygdalae 30 Tractus habenulointerpeduncularis
20 Tractus tubcroinfundibularis 31 ucleus interpeduncularis
21 Lobus posterior hypophyseos 32 Colliculus superior
22 Area hypothalamica anterior 33 Griseum centrale mesencephali
23 ucleu preopticus mediali 34 udeus cuneiformis
24 ucleu supraopticus 35 Area postrema

Fig. 22. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-containing cells and fibres

76 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

a medial contingent which courses caudally Some LHRH-immunoreactive elements have

in a periventricular position and a lateral been observed in the nervus terminalis (Sil-
contingent which joins the medial forebrain verman et al. 1982).
bundle and then swings medially to reach the Witkin et al. (1982) reported that in the rat,
median eminence (Kawano and Daikoku LHRH-positive cells situated in the anterior
1981; King et al. 1982; Palkovits et al. hippocampus and in the indusium griseum
1984a). (i. e. the hippocampal rudiment along the
LHRH -positive cells situated in the medial dorsum of the corpus callosum), send their
preoptic nucleus, the nucleus of the diagonal axons through the cingulate cortex and the
band of Broca and the medial septal nucleus neocortex toward the subarachnoid space on
have been observed to pass to the organum the dorsal surface of the brain.
vasculosum laminae terminalis, where their The medial amygdaloid nucleus contains a
terminal branches form a dense plexus plexus of LHRH-positive fibres. Silverman
around the capillary network (Barry 1977; and Krey (1978) observed that these fibres
Burchanowski and Sternberger 1980; Kaw- originate from the medial preoptic nucleus
ano and Daikoku 1981; Witkin et al. 1982). and reach the amygdala by way of the stria
A comparable projection to the subfornical terminalis, but according to Witkin et al.
organ arises from LHRH-containing peri- (1982), the amygdala is supplied by LHRH-
karya situated in the bed nucleus of the stria positive fibres which arise from the nucleus
terminalis and the area surrounding the ante- of the diagonal band and the lateral hypotha-
rior commissure (Burchanowski and Stern- lamic area and follow a direct lateral
berger 1980; Witkin et al. 1982). course.
Numerous LHRH-containing fibres and ter- LHRH-immunoreactive neurons situated in
minals have been observed in the ependymal the medial septal nucleus, the nucleus of the
lining of the third and lateral ventricles. The diagonal band and the medial preoptic nucle-
presence of these fibres, which originate from us project, via the ,stria medullaris and the
cells situated in the septum, the bed nucleus fasciculus retroflexus, to the medial habenu,-
of the stria terminalis and the medial preoptic lar nucleus and to the medial and caudal por-
nucleus, suggests that the cerebrospinal fluid tions of the interpeduncular nucleus (Barry
may participate in the transport of LHRH 1978; Silverman and Krey 1978; Silverman
(Barry 1977; Burchanowski and Sternberger et al. 1982; Witkin et al. 1982).
1980; Witkin et al. 1982). LHRH-positive cells located in the medial
In the medial septal nucleus, the nucleus of septal and medial preoptic nuclei give rise
the diagonal band of Broca and the anterior to two projections which pass caudally
perforated substance, or olfactory tubercle, through the hypothalamus, one dorsal and
small groups ofLHRH-positive cells are clus- the other ventral. The dorsal projection,
tered around large blood vessels which pene- which also includes axons ofLHRH-contain-
trate into these areas. The axons of these cells ing cells situated in the lateral hypothalamic
have been observed to terminate around the area, passes to the periaqueductal grey and
blood vessels rather than contact other neu- reaches the pontomesencephalic junction (Li-
rons (Silverman and Krey 1978). posits and Seta16 1980; Witkin et al. 1982).
LHRH-positive elements situated in the me- The ventral projection supplies the medial
dial preoptic nucleus, medial septal nucleus mammillary nucleus and continues, via the
and the nucleus of the diagonal band have capsule of the mammillary body, to the area
been reported to project to the olfactory tegmentalis ventralis (Silverman and Krey
bulb, where they terminate in the external 1978; Silverman et al. 1982; Witkin et al.
plexiform and glomerular layers (Burch a- 1982).
nowski and Sternberger 1980; Bennett- Scattered LHRH -immunoreactive fibres of
Clarke and Joseph 1982; Witkin et al. 1982). unknown origin have been observed in the
Hypophysiotropic Peptides 77

superior colliculus, the mesencephalic reticu- raised, and these have rendered it possible
lar formation and the area postrema (Barry to study the localization of neurons contain-
1978; Silverman and Krey 1978). ing this peptide in the central nervous system
In primates the LHRH-containing cells in the using immunohistochemical techniques
infundibular nucleus and their projections to (Hoffman and Hayes 1979; Bennett-Clarke
the median eminence (and posterior pitu- et al. 1980; Krisch 1981; Finley et al. 1981 b;
itary?) are essential for both the tonic and Shiosaka et al. 1982). Vincent and colleagues
cyclic components of gonadotropin secretion (Vincent and Johansson 1983; Vincent et al.
to occur (Silverman et al. 1982), but the func- 1983 b) recently reported that neurons con-
tion of the remaining LHRH-containing pro- taining both SST and avian pancreatic poly-
jections is less clear. It has been repeatedly peptide are selectively stained by the histo-
suggested that these projections may play a chemical technique for nicotinamide adenine
role in the regulation of sexual behaviour and dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphor-
reproduction (Silverman et al. 1977; Silver- ase activity. SST has appeared to be present
man and Krey 1978; Witkin et al. 1982; King in both interneurons and projection neurons.
et al. 1984), and it has been pointed out that Some SST -containing pathways have been
several of the structures innervated, such as studied by combining microsurgical interven-
the olfactory system, the habenula, the me- tion with immunohistochemical (Sakanaka
dial amygdaloid nucleus and the subfornical et al. 1981 a) or radioimmunological (Palko-
organ, are implicated in the controJ of repro- vits et al. 1982a) techniques. However, stud-
duction (Witkin et al. 1982; King et al. 1984). ies of this type are very limited in number
In the female rat, the mesencephalic central and the following survey shows that the exact
grey, which is also supplied by LHRH-con- sites of origin and/or termination of many
taining fibres, is presumably involved in lor- somatostatinergic projections are still un-
dosis behaviour (Shivers et al. 1983). How- known (Fig. 23).
ever, the possibility remains that certain All parts of the neocortex as well as the
groups of LHRH-containing neurons sub- cingulate cortex contain SST-positive peri-
serve functions that are not related to repro- karya (Bennett-Clarke et al. 1980; Finley
duction or sexual behaviour. et al. 1981 b; Shiosaka et al. 1982). Although
these perikarya are scattered throughout
layers II-VI, the majority are restricted to
layers V and VI (Finley et al. 1981 b; Shio-
Somatotropin release-inhibiting factor, or so- saka et al. 1982). Because the corona radiata
matostatin (SST), was first isolated and char- contains very few somatostatinergic fibres,
acterized by Brazeau et al. (1973) from the Finley et al. (1981 b) considered it likely that
ovine hypothalamus. It is a tetradecapeptide most of the SST-containing cortical elements
(Fig. 20) which, as its names indicate, inhibits represent local circuit neurons. The piriform
the secretion of somatotropin or growth hor- cortex and the various parts of the hippocam-
mone from the anterior pituitary (for review, pal formation (fascia dentata, cornu Am-
see Vale et al. 1977). In addition, it blocks monis, subiculum) have also been reported
the release of pituitary thyrotropin and pro- to contain SST-positive perikarya (Finley
lactin (Snyder 1980). Apart from its role as et al. 1981 b; Shiosaka et al. 1982).
a neuroendocrine release inhibiting factor, Throughout its extent the neostriatum (nu-
SST has appeared to be widely distributed cleus caudatus plus putamen) contains a pop-
in the central nervous system, and there is ulation of evenly distributed SST -positive
now strong evidence suggesting that it may perikarya (Graybiel et al. 1981; Finley et al.
be a central neurotransmitter or neuromodu- 1981 b; Takagi et al. 1983). These elements
lator (for review, see Elde 1979; McCann appear to belong to a set of medium-sized
1982). Antibodies against SST have been aspiny interneurons reported previously in
78 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

o o

o 2



I Neocortex
2 Gyrus cinguli o
3 Nucleus caudatus
4 Putamen
5 ornix
6 Stria terrninalis
7 Nucleus interstitia lis striae terrninali
8 Stria medullaris thalami
9 Ganglion habenulae
10 Fa ciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
11 Fasciculu telencephali medialis
12 Nucleus paraventricularis 5
11 Commissura anterior 29 Corpu amygda loideum
14 Nucleus septi lateralis 30 Fascia dentata
15 Nucleus aceumben 11 Cornu Ammonis
16 Nucleus olfactoriu anterior + tuberculum 32 Subiculum
olfactorium 33 Gri eum centrale mesencephali
17 ucleus preopticus medialis 34 Nucleus cu neiforrnis
18 Preoptico-hypothalamic group 35 Nucleu lemni ci latera lis dorsalis
of SST-containing neuron 36 Nucleus parabrachialis medialis
19 ucleus anterior hypothalami 37 Area dor olaterali legmenti
20 Nucleus ventromedialis 38 Nervus trigeminus
21 ucleus infundibulari 39 Nucleus raphes magnus
22 Fibrae amygdalofugales ventrales 40 Forrnatio reticularis rhombencephali
23 ucleus suprachiasmaticus 41 Nucleus ambiguus
24 Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis 42 Nucleus solitarius
25 Cortex prepiriformis 43 Sub tantia gelatinosa nuclei spinalis nervi trigemini,
26 Eminentia mediana pars caudalis
27 Lobus anterior hypophy eos 44 Substantia gelatinosa spinalis
28 Lobus posterior hypophyseo 45 Radix dor ali nervi spinalis

Fig. 23. Somatostatin-containing cells and pathways

Hypophysiotropic Pep tides 79

Golgi and electron-microscopical studies of The amygdaloid complex contains numerous

the neostriatum (Takagi et al. 1983; Vincent SST -positive cells and a dense plexus of so-
and Johansson 1983; see, however, Pickel matostatinergic fibres (Bennett-Clarke et al.
et al. 1980). Vincent et al. (1983 b) have 1980; Finley et al. 1981 b; Shiosaka et al.
shown that a certain proportion of the soma- 1982; Sakanaka et al. 1981 a). The densest
tostatinergic striatal neurons contain, in ad- aggregation of SST-containing perikarya is
dition, avian pancreatic polypeptide. The ele- found in the central amygdaloid nucleus
ments containing these two neuropeptides (Finley et al. 1981 b). There is experimental
appear to be specifically and intensely stain- evidence suggesting that SST -immunoreac-
able by a histochemical technique which tive fibres originating from the amygdala
demonstrates NADPH-diaphorase activi- project via the stria terminalis to the latero-
ty. ventral part of the anterior hypothalamic nu-
The nucleus accumbens and the adjacent ven- cleus and, less intensively, to the lateral hy-
tromedial parts of the nucleus caudatus and pothalamus (Sakanaka et al. 1981a). SST-
the putamen, which have been designated to- positive cell bodies have also been observed
gether as the limbic striatum (Kelley et al. in the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfacto-
1982), show a much higher level of SST-im- ry tubercle, the lateral septal nucleus and the
munoreactivity than do the remaining parts bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (Finley
of the striatum (Davies et al. 1981 ; Beal et al. et al. 1981 b; Shiosaka et al. 1982).
1983). Burd et al. (1982b) have pre~ented evi- The periventricular zones of the preoptic re-
dence suggesting that 50% of the total SST gion and the anterior hypothalamus have
may be attributed to the neurons with peri- been shown to contain a large population of
karya within the striatum and that the re- SST -immunoreactive perikarya. This field of
maining 50% may be contained in afferent neurons is dorsocaudally continuous with a
terminals. Since the density of SST -positive group of SST-positive perikarya situated in
perikarya is not greater in the limbic striatum the parvocellular portion of the paraventricu-
than in the remainder of the striatum, Beal lar nucleus. Ventrally, it extends into the su-
et al. (1983) suggested that the SST -contain- prachiasmatic and infundibular nuclei (Hok-
ing afferent terminals may be preferentially felt et al. 1978b; Hoffman and Hayes 1979;
localized in the former region. They pointed Krisch 1979; Bennett-Clarke et al. 1980; Fin-
out that there is some support for this notion ley et al. 1981 b; Shiosaka et al. 1982). In ad-
in previous immunohistochemical studies dition to these periventricular cells, the hy-
(Elde 1979; Bennett-Clarke et al. 1980), pothalamus contains numerous scattered
which reported a preponderance of SST- SST -containing perikarya located distant to
staining terminals in the ventromedial stria- the third ventricle (Finley et al. 1981 b; Shio-
tum and nucleus accumbens. The source of saka et al. 1982).
these terminals is unknown. However, it has The large group of periventricular, SST -posi-
been experimentally established that the tive cells gives rise to the following projec-
frontal cortex, the cingulate cortex, the hip- tions:
pocampal formation and the amygdala pro- 1. Numerous fibres pass to the neurohaemal
ject preferentially to the limbic striatum, and contact zone of the median eminence. The
all of these structures are known to contain lesion experiments of Critchlow et al. (1978)
SST-immunoreactive cells (Bennett-Clarke have shown that the preoptic region is an
et al. 1980; Finley et al. 1981 b; Shiosaka important source of these fibres. Other fibres
et al. 1982; Sakanaka et al. 1981 a). project to the posterior lobe of the pituitary
In the rat the nucleus entopeduncularis, i. e. and to the organum vasculosum of the lam-
the homologue of the primate medial pallidal ina terminalis, apparently terminating on ca-
segment, contains SST -immunoreactive peri- pillaries (Hoffman and Hayes 1979; Finley
karya. etal.1981b).
80 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

2. Several short-distance connections to 7. Krisch (1978) believed that SST-contain-

other hypothalamic centres, including the ing fibres arising from the hypothalamus pass
ventromedial nucleus and the ventral pre- by way of the stria terminalis and the ventral
mammillary nucleus, have been described amygdalofugal pathway to the amygdaloid
(Hoffman and Hayes 1979; Krisch 1979). complex. Both of these pathways have been
3. Fibres have been reported to pass dorsally observed to contain SST-immunoreactive
and to enter the bed nucleus of the stria ter- fibres (Finley et al. 1981 b). The experimental
minalis (Hoffman and Hayes 1979; Wood- work of Palkovits et al. (1982a), however,
hams et al. 1983). suggests that, contrary to the views of Krisch
4. A large number of fibres take an initially (1978), most of these fibres are amygdalofu-
lateral course, to join the medial forebrain gal.
bundle and follow this bundle either rostrally 8. According to Krisch (1981), the group of
or caudally (Palkovits et al. 1982a). The ros- periventricular SST -immunoreactive hypo-
trally coursing fibres terminate in the olfacto- thalamic cells gives rise to a large descending
ry tubercle (Krisch 1981; Palkovits et al. pathway which attains the most caudal parts
1982a) and in the lateral septal nucleus (Pal- of the neuraxis. Her observations may be
kovits et al. 1982a). The caudally coursing summarized as follows: The fibres of this
fibres supply, according to Krisch (1981), the pathway follow a periventricular course and
various parvocelIular hypothalamic nuclei, enter the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of
the supramamillary nuclei and the lateral ma- Schlitz. Throughout the length of the brain
milIary nucleus. Finley et al. (1981 b) were stem this bundle issues somatostatinergic
able to trace SST -containing fibres in the me- fibres which supply a variety of centres, in-
dial forebrain bundle as far caudal as the cluding the medial geniculate body, the nu-
mesencephalic tegmentum. They considered cleus of Darkschewitsch, the inferior collicu-
it possible that the medial forebrain bundle Ius, the dorsal tegmental nucleus, the nucleus
conveys ascending fibres from SST -immuno- of the lateral lemniscus, the lateral parabra-
reactive perikarya in the mesencephalic teg- chial nucleus, the nucleus of the trapezoid
mentum to the septal region. body, the nucleus praepositus hypoglossi, the
5. Fibres arising mainly from the preoptic nucleus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve, the
portion of the peri ventricular complex of nucleus solitarius and the reticular forma-
SST -containing cells pass via the stria medul- tion. A certain proportion of these fibres
laris to the epithalamus (Palkovits et al. enter the spinal cord to form a bundle which
1982a), to terminate in the lateral habenular passes caudally along the surface of the dor-
nucleus (Finley et al. 1981 b). Krisch (1981), sal horn. In all parts of the spinal cord this
on the other hand, reported that these fibres superficial bundle gives rise to a dense fibre
terminate in the medial habenular nucleus; plexus in the adjacent substantia gelatinosa.
she also observed that some of the SST -con- In the lower lumbar and upper sacral seg-
taining stria medullaris fibres join the fascicu- ments numerous fibres from the superficial
lus retroflexus and reach the peripheral parts bundle bend inward and converge on the cen-
of the interpeduncular nucleus. tral region of the cord. In the sacral segments
6. Palkovits et al. (1982a) have presented ex- these fibres form a caudally directed central
perimental evidence suggesting that fibres bundle, situated immediately dorsal to the
originating from the preoptico-hypothalamic central canal. Some of the fibres of this cen-
complex of SST -immunoreactive cells enter tral bundle form a terminal plexus in the cen-
the fornix and pass to the hippocampal re- tral grey; others radiate laterally into the in-
gion. Because this region contains SST -posi- termediolateral area.
tive neurons, it is possible that the fornix also
contains hippocampofugal somatostatinergic The following comments on these findings
fibres. should be made : (a) Krisch herself (1981) has
Hypophysiotropic Pep tides 81

emphasized that her observations require ex- interpeduncular nucleus, the ventral and dor-
perimental verification. (b) Contrary to other sal tegmental nuclei, the superior central nu-
authors (see below), Krisch remained unable cleus, the pontine raphe nucleus, the nucleus
to find any SST-positive cells in the brain raphes magnus, the pontine nuclei, certain
stem, spinal cord or sensory ganglia; hence, parts of the medial and lateral rhombence-
she assumed that all somatostatinergic fibres phalic reticular formation, the nucleus of the
present in the caudal part of the neuraxis are trapezoid body, the nucleus fastigii, the nu-
derived from the hypothalamic groups of cleus praepositus hypoglossi, the vestibular
SST-immunoreactive neurons. (c) With re- nuclear complex, the cochlear nuclei, the cau-
gard to the sites of termination of SST-con- dal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, the
taining fibres, several of Krisch's findings nucleus gracilis, the nucleus cuneatus (latera-
have been confirmed by other authors; how- lis and medialis), the facial nucleus, the hy-
ever, because the brain stem, the cord and poglossal nucleus, the fasciculus longitudina-
the sensory ganglia do contain SST -immuno- lis dorsalis, the brachium of the inferior colli-
reactive neurons, many of the terminal plex- cui us, the lateral lemniscus and certain por-
uses observed by Krisch may well have a lo- tions of the cerebellar white matter. (It ap-
cal source. (d) Nevertheless, there is experi- peared to be impossible to include all of these
mental evidence indicating that a limited structures in Fig. 23.) So far as the distribu-
number of SST -positive cells located in the tion of SST -immunoreactive fibres in the
parvocellular portion of the paraventricular myelencephalon is concerned, the results of
nucleus project directly to the region of the Finley et al. (1981 b) agree largely with those
dorsal vagal complex and to the spinal cord of Forssmann et al. (1979).
(Sawchenko and Swanson 1982b). These Our knowledge concerning the exact origin,
fibres may well descend through the brain course and termination of SST -containing
stem via the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis fibres in the brain stem is very limited indeed.
of Schutz. All we know at present is that, as already
According to Finley et al. (1981 b), several ar- mentioned, the dorsal vagal complex receives
eas in the brain stem contain SST -positive some somatostatinergic afferents from the
perikarya. These areas include: the ventral paraventricular nucleus (Sawchenko and
and lateral regions of the periaqueductal grey Swanson 1982 b), and that a number of SST-
and the adjacent parts of the mesencephalic positive cells in the periaqueductal grey pro-
reticular formation; a large, cytoarchitecton- ject to the nucleus raphes magnus (Beitz et al.
ically ill-defined area in the lateral part of 1983). Finley et al. (1981 b) have pointed out
the rostral rhombencephalic tegmentum, ex- that the presence of plexuses of SST -immu-
tending into the dorsal nucleus of the lateral noreactive fibres in the external eye muscle
lemniscus and the medial para brachial nucle- nuclei, in conjunction with the localization
us; the medial, large-celled part of the of such plexuses in the pretectal area and the
rhombencephalic reticular formation; the nu- superior colliculus, suggests that somatosta-
cleus of the solitary tract; the nucleus ambi- tinergic neurons may playa role in the coor-
guus; the spinal trigeminal nucleus. All of dination of eye movements. These authors
these areas have been observed to contain, also emphasized that the brain stem auditory
in addition, more or less dense plexuses of system contains numerous SST-positive peri-
SST -immunoreactive fibres. SST -containing karya and fibres.
neuronal processes appear to be present as There is evidence suggesting that the spinal
well in the following centres and fibre tracts: ganglia contain small, SST -immunoreactive
the medial pre tecta I area, the superior and perikarya and that the central processes of
inferior colliculi, the oculomotor, trochlear these elements enter the fasciculus dorsolater-
and abducens nuclei, the ventral tegmental alis of Lissauer to give rise to a dense termi-
area, all parts of the substantia nigra, the nal plexus in the substantia gelatinosa (H6k-
82 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

felt et al. 1976b; Forssmann 1978; Burnweit thetic nuclei only a few of these structures
and Forssmann 1979; Ho and Berelowitz appeared to be present. (d) Immunoreactive
1984). somata are present in the area surrounding
SST -positive perikarya and networks of so- the central canal at all levels. (e) The interme-
matostatinergic fibres have been observed in diolateral nucleus of the sacral cord contains
the nucleus intermediolateralis of the thora- SST -positive parasympathetic preganglionic
cic cord (Forssmann et al. 1979) and in the neurons. (f) The ventral horn generally con-
area surrounding the central canal (Burnweit tains few SST terminals; however, a dense
and Forssmann 1979). Plexuses of SST-con- network of SST -containing fibres was found
taining fibres have also been reported to be in the sixth lumbar segment in relation to
present in the entire zona intermedia and in the neurons in Onufs nucleus X complex,
the columna ventralis of the lower lumbar i. e. the nucleus that innervates the small
and sacral segments (Forssmann et al. 1979). pelvic muscles including the striated
1. Helke (1984) studied the SST content of
Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone
the nucleus of the solitary tract in normal
rats and in animals which had sustained var- Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was
ious denervation procedures related to the the first hypothalamic releasing hormone to
nucleus. Because neither midbrain hemisec- be isolated and chemically identified (Burgus
tion nor nodose ganglionecfomy reduced the et al. 1970; Nair et al. 1970). It is a tripeptide
SST content of the nucleus studied, Helke (Fig. 20) which regulates the release of thyro-
concluded that the SST innervation of the tropin, or thyroid-stimulating hormone
nucleus of the solitary tract originates mainly (TSH), and prolactin by the anterior pitui-
from rhombencephalic centres. tary. Antibodies against TRH have been pro-
2. Kalia et al. (1984a) provided physiologi- duced and used to cstudy the distribution of
cal evidence suggesting that SST -containing this peptide in the central nervous system by
neurons located in the nucleus of the solitary radioimmunoassay, and its localization in
tract are involved in reflex circuits along neurons and their processes by immunohisto-
which an inhibitory influence is exerted on chemistry.
respiratory efferent centres. Radioimmunological studies have shown
3. Schmder (1984) made an immunohisto- that TRH is widespread throughout the cen-
chemical study of the distribution of SST in tral nervous system of mammals and man
the spinal cord of the rat with particular ref- (Brownstein et al. 1974; Jackson and Reich-
erence to the localization in the caudal lin 1974; Oliver et al. 1974; Winokar and
centres that innervate the pelvic organs. His Utiger 1974; Okon and Koch 1976; Parker
main results may be summarized as follows: and Porter 1983). In fact, the hypothalamus
(a) Deafferentiation experiments showed that contains only about one-third of the total
the bulk of the spinal SST has an intrinsic amount of this peptide that is present in the
spinal origin. (b) The marginal layer and par- brain. These findings suggest that TRH ex-
ticularly the substantia gelatinosa contain a erts influences in the brain which may well
dense immunoreactivity in terminal-like be independent of its neuroendocrine func-
structures. Such structures were also found tions. It is worthy of note in this context that
along the medial border of the dorsal horn TRH inhibits neurons when applied ion to-
and in the nucleus of the dorsolateral funicu- phoretically (Dyer and Dyba1l1974; Renaud
lus. In all of these regions SST -positive peri- et al. 1975; Winokur and Beckman 1978).
karya were also observed. (c) Many terminals Regional analyses have shown that the great-
were observed in the sacral parasympathetic est concentration of TRH is in the median
intermediolateral nucleus, but in the sympa- eminence (Brownstein et al. 1974). High con-
Hypophysiotropic Pep tides 83

centrations have also been found in several surrounding the central canal, but the densest
hypothalamic nuclei, including the ventrome- region of TRH-immunoreactivity in the cord
dial, dorsomedial and infundibular (Brown- is observed in laminae VII, VIII and IX.
stein et al. 1974). Outside the hypothalamus Many fibres are seen in close association with
relatively large amounts of TRH have been oc-motoneurons (H6kfelt et al. 1975b; Gib-
found in the preoptic and septal areas, in the son et al. 1981).
nucleus solitarius and in the motor nuclei of Some experimental studies on the origin,
cranial nerves III, V, VII, X and XII (Brown- course and termination of TRH-containing
stein 1974; Kubek etal. 1983; Eskayetal. pathways have been done. After a total deaf-
1983). ferentiation of the medial basal hypothala-
Immunohistochemical studies have revealed mus in the rat, the concentration of TRH
the presence of TRH-positive perikarya in within the isolated island of hypothalamic
the hypothalamus, i. e. in the periventricular tissue appeared to be 76% lower than in tis-
area, the periparaventricular area, the dorso- sue from sham-operated control animals
medial and ventromedial nuclei, a basal hy- (Brownstein et al. 1975). Thus, much of the
pothalamic-suprachiasmatic complex, the TRH that is normally present in the medial
perifornical area and the lateral hypothala- basal hypothalamus is presumably synthe-
mus; cell bodies are also present in the pre- sized by cells outside of this region. H6kfelt
optic suprachiasmatic nucleus and in the et al. (1978a, b) reported that after a lesion
rhombencephalic raphe magnus and raphe in the hypothalamic periventricular anterior
pallidal nuclei (H6kfelt et al. 1975a, b; Jo- area all TRH-containing nerve terminals in
hansson and H6kfelt 1980). At least some the median eminence disappear. Aizawa and
of the TRH-positive raphe cells also contain Greer (1981) provided experimental evidence
both substance P and serotonin (Johansson indicating that only the immediate area of
and H6kfelt 1980). the paraventricular nucleus is important for
The highest concentration of TRH-immuno- TSH secretion and showed, furthermore, that
reactive terminals has been found in the me- the medial preoptic area tonically inhibits
dial part of the external layer of the median TSH secretion. The course of the TRH-con-
eminence. Dense networks of fibres have also taining fibres that pass to the median emi-
been seen in the parvocellular part of the nence was investigated by Palkovits et al.
paraventricular nucleus, the dorsomedial nu- (1982c), by means of various surgical tran-
cleus, the perifornical region, the dorsal part sections. Their results suggest that these
of the nucleus accumbens and the bed nucle- fibres reach the medial basal hypothalamus
us of the stria terminalis, particularly its ven- from an anterolateral direction, just as sever-
tral part. Less dense networks of TRH-im- al other classes of peptide-containing fibres do.
munoreactive fibres have been observed in H6kfelt et al. (1978 a) demonstrated that
many parts of the brain, including the peri- TRH-positive terminals in the ventral horn
ventricular hypothalamic area, the medial disappear below the lesion after a total tran-
part of the ventromedial nucleus, the zona section of the spinal cord, indicating the ex-
incerta, the organum vasculosum laminae istence of supraspinal descending TRH-con-
terminalis, the ventral part of the lateral sep- taining projections. The paraventricular nu-
tal nucleus, the ventral part of the lateral cleus does not contribute significantly to the
parabrachial nucleus, the peripheral part of TRH-innervation of the spinal cord (Lechan
the nucleus solitarius, the rhombencephalic et al. 1983), but double-labelling experiments
reticular formation and the motor nuclei of have shown that TRH-positive neurons pres-
III, V, VII, X and XII (H6kfelt et al. 1975a, ent in the nucleus raphes magnus and in the
b; Johansson and H6kfelt 1980). ventrolateral part of the reticular formation
TRH-immunoreactive fibres also occur in the project to the spinal cord (Bowker et al.
spinal cord. Such fibres are found in the area 1983).
84 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

Neurohypophyseal Peptides system just outlined are well established (So-

froniewet al. 1979; Swanson and Sawchenko
Vasopressin and Oxytocin
1983; Silverman and Zimmerman 1983).
It has been long known that the nonapeptide However, recent investigations using anti-
hormones arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and bodies raised against AVP, OXT and their
oxytocin (OXT; Fig. 24) are produced in the associated neurophysins, and in particular
nucleus supraopticus and the nucleus para- studies combining immunohistochemistry
ventricularis, two magnocellular nuclei situ- with fibre-tracing techniques, have revealed
ated in the anterior hypothalamus (Barg- that (a) neurons synthesizing AVP and OXT
mann and Scharrer 1951). Both hormones are not confined to the supraoptic and para-
are formed in the perikarya and conjugated ventricular nuclei, and (b) axons transporting
with a larger carrier protein called a neu- these neurohormones are not directed only
rophysin. Individual supraoptic and paraven- to the neurohypophysis; rather they form an
tricular neurons synthesize either AVP or extensive network in the central nervous sys-
OXT, but not both (Dierickx and Vande- tem, innervating a large number of function-
sande 1979; Vandesande and Dierickx 1979; ally diverse centres. The most important re-
Sofroniew et al. 1979). Their axons descend sults of these recent investigations are sum-
through the infundibular stalk to the posteri- marized below (Fig. 25; for reviews, see Buijs
or pituitary, thus forming the paraventriculo- et al. 1983; Sofroniew 1983).
and supraoptico-hypophyseal pathways. The The hypothalamo-hypophyseal pathway is
neurohormones AVP and OXT and their re- reinforced by fibres originating from small
spective neurophysins are transported along groups of large AVP and OXT cells which
the axons of these pathways and released into are scattered over the rostral hypothalamus.
the blood vessels of the neurohypophysis. These so-called accessory nuclei (which are
AVP is responsible for antidiuresis, promot- not depicted in Fig. 25) contain, as do the
ing reabsorption of water by the kidney; supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, in-
OXT stimulates smooth muscle in the uterus termingled populations of AVP and OXT
and mammary glands to contract. neurons (Peterson 1966; Sofroniew 1983). "
The structure and functions of the classical The paraventricular nucleus sends AVP-con-
hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory taining fibres to the median eminence, where

Neurohypophyseal peptides

Arginine vasopressin
H-Cys-Tyr-Phe-G In-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-G Iy-N H2

H-Cys-Tyr-lle-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH 2

Fig. 24. Primary structure of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin. For significance of the
amino acid code, see Table 7 on p. 198
Neurohypophyseal Peptides 85

1 Stria terminalis 12 Nucleus suprachiasmaticus

2 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis 13 Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis
3 Stria medullaris thalami 14 Corpus amygdaloideum
4 Thalamus 15 Eminentia mediana
5 Nucleus habenulae lateralis 16 Hypophysis, lobus posterior
6 Nucleus septi lateralis 17 Griseum centrale mesencephali
7 Nucleus gyri diagonalis, pars dorsalis 18 Locus coeruleus
8 Nucleus gyri diagonalis, pars ventralis 19 Nuclei parabrachiales
9 Nucleus paraventricularis 20 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
10 Nucleus dorsomedialis 21 Nucleus solitarius
11 Nucleus supraopticus 22 Nucleus intermediolateralis; substantia gelatinosa

Fig. 25. Vasopressin- and oxytocin-containing cell groups and pathways

86 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

their terminals contact the hypophyseal por- contain A VP and its related neurophysin
tal capillaries (Antunes et al. 1977; Sofro- (Buijs etal. 1978; van Leeuwen etal. 1978;
niew et al. 1979). It has been suggested that Sofroniew and Weindl 1980; Stopa et al.
the AVP released from these terminals is in- 1984). In the rat these fibres have been traced
volved in the regulation of adenohypophy- to the organum vasculosum of the lamina
seal ACTH secretion (Bugnon et al. 1982), terminalis, the dorsomedial hypothalamic
but the validity of this proposal has been nucleus and the periventricular thalamic nU-
questioned by Silverman and Zimmerman cleus (Hoorneman and Buijs 1982).
(1983). A considerable number of small A VP cells
The caudal portion of the paraventricular nu- has been found in the bed nucleus of the stria
cleus contains numerous peptidergic cells terminalis (van Leeuwen and Caffe 1983). De
which are clearly smaller than the conspicu- Vries and Buijs (1983) have shown that fibres
ous, large neurosecretory elements COncen- originating from these cells pass via the diag-
trated in the rostral part of this centre. Most onal band of Broca to the nucleus of the same
of these small elements produce OXT, but name and to the lateral part of the septum.
some synthesize AVP. This parvocellular Moreover, these authors presented experi-
part of the paraventricular nucleus gives rise mental evidence suggesting that A VP-con-
to a descending projection which distributes taining fibres arising from the bed nucleus
fibres to the locus coeruleus, the para brachial of the stria terminalis also project to the ante-
nuclei, the dorsal motor vagal nucleus and rior area of the amygdala, the lateral habenu-
the nucleus of the solitary 'tract (Swanson lar nucleus, the mesencephalic central grey
1977; Buijs 1978; Buijs et al. 1978; Sofroniew and the locus coeruleus.
and Weindl 1978; Hosoya and Matsushita Several other cell masses, including the later-
1979; Swanson and Hartman 1980; Swanson al septal nucleus, the medial part of the
and Kuypers 1980; Sawchenko and Swanson amygdaloid complex, the dorsal portion of
1982b; De Vries and Buijs 1983). A certain the nucleus dorsom}!dialis hypothalami and
proportion of these descending fibres enter the locus coeruleus, have been reported to
the dorsal parts of the lateral funiculus of contain numerous A VP-immunoreactive
the spinal cord. Within the spinal grey matter perikarya (Caffe and van Leeuwen 1983).
these fibres terminate predominantly in the However, the efferents and areas of termina-
intermediolateral column, the central grey tion of these elements are unknown.
and the marginal ZOne of the dorsal horn It has already been mentioned that the pep-
(Swanson and McKellar 1979). In the vagal tidergic projections to the para brachial nu-
complex the amount of OXT exceeds that clei, the vagal complex and the spinal nucleus
of AVP to an even greater extent (Jenkins intermediolateralis are probably involved in
et al. 1984). The role of A VP and OXT in central autonomic regulation. The fibres
the connection between the paraventricular passing to the superficial part of the dorsal
nucleus and the autonomic centres in the horn may well modulate the processing of
lower brain stem and spinal cord may well nociceptive information. Much remains to be
lie in the regulation of processes in which learned concerning the functional signifi-
these peptides are also involved in the periph- cance of the various AVP and OXT pathways
ery, such as the control of blood pressure in the higher parts of the brain. However,
and lactation (Buijs et al. 1983). This cou- it has been suggested that in th~ septum, A VP
pling of central and peripheral actions of may be involved in thermoregulation (Kast-
AVP and OXT has been suggested as a gener- ing et al. 1981, 1982), and the extensive be-
al feature of hypothalamic peptides (see havioural studies of De Wied and collabora-
Swaab 1982). tors (De Wied 1976, 1983; ,De Wied et al.
A certain proportion of the small neurons 1976, 1984) have shown that AVP and re-
contained within the suprachiasmatic nucleus lated hormones affect memory and learning
Pro-Opiomelanocortin Derivatives 87

processes, at least in rats. In this context it been established that in the corticotrophs of
is interesting that A VP and OXT fibres are the anterior pituitary ACTH and fJ-LPH are
present in several areas thought to be in- the main products of the precursor, while in
volved in memory processes, such as the me- the cells of the intermediate lobe of the pitu-
diodorsal thalamic nucleus, the hippocampus itary the smaller fragments of the POMC
and the neocortex. (For a recent review on molecule, oc-MSH, CLIP, y-LPH and fJ-END,
the possible role of A VP in central integrative predominate. Thus, it appears that the
processes, see Doris 1984.) POMC-containing cells in the anterior lobe
and those in the intermediate lobe of the pi-
Addendum: Mason et al. (1984) have pre- tuitary process the precursor quite differently
sented experimental neuroanatomical and (Moon et al. 1973; Pelletier et al. 1977 ;
electro physiological evidence indicating that Mains et al. 1977; Bloom et al. 1977; Guille-
in addition to their functional role in neu- min et al. 1977; Mains and Eipper 1979; Akil
rosecretion, the magnocellular neurons of the et al. 1984).
supraoptic nucleus communicate via axon In the brain, neurons containing peptides de-
collaterals with other neurons in the lateral rived from POMC are found in the medioba-
hypothalamus. sal hypothalamus, in a region largely coincid-
ing with the nucleus infundibularis. Indeed,
the presence in this region of compounds
Pro-Opiomelanocortin Deriv~tives identical to or immunologically related to all
of the known members of the POMC family
Corticotropin, or adrenocorticotropic hor- has been established by radioimmunological
mone (ACTH), is a member of the opiome- and/or immunohistochemical studies:
lanocortin family of peptides (Fig. 26). The POMC (Liotta et al. 1979), 16-K fragment
members of this family share a common (Guy et al. 1980), ACTH (Krieger et al.
large-molecular-weight precursor, pro-opio- 1977a; Watson et al. 197&; Pelletier and Le-
melanocortin (POMC). This common pre- clerc 1979; Leranth et al. 1980; Joseph 1980;
cursor is cleaved to yield equimolecular Knigge et al. 1981), fJ-LPH (Watson et al.
amounts of ACTH, fJ-lipotropin (P-LPH), 1977; Zimmerman et al. 1978; Pelletier et al.
and a third moiety known as the N-terminus 1980), y-MSH (Kawai et al. 1984), oc-MSH
region, or 16-K fragment. By enzymatic pro- (Dube et al. 1978; Jacobowitz and O'Dono-
cessing all three of these pep tides can be hue 1978; Oliver and Porter 1978; Watson
cleaved further into smaller biologically ac- and Akil 1980; Gramsch et al. 1980), CLIP
tive peptides. Thus, ACTH is the source of (Emson et al. 1984), y- LPH (Pique et al.
oc-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (oc- MSH) 1981; Emson et al. 1984), fJ-END (Gramsch
and corticotropin-like intermediate lobe pep- etal. 1980; Pique etal. 1981; Finley etal.
tide (CLIP), while fJ-LPH can be cleaved to 1981 a), fJ-MSH (Bloch et al. 1979; Bugnon
yield fJ-endorphin (P-END) and y-lipotropin et al. 1979), oc-END (Bloch et al. 1979; Bug-
(y-LPH). These last two peptides are, in turn, non et al. 1979). Moreover, a large number
the precursors of two still smaller peptides, of immunohistochemical studies have shown
the former giving rise to fJ-END 1-27, the that cell bodies in the infundibular nucleus
latter to fJ-melanocyte-stimulating hormone may simultaneously contain two or more of
(P-MSH). A third melanocyte-stimulating these peptides, e. g. ACTH + fJ- LPH (Sofro-
hormone, known as y-MSH, stems from the niew 1979; Nilaver et al. 1979), ACTH+oc-
N-terminus region of the POMC molecule MSH + 16-K fragment (Guy et al. 1980) and
(Fig. 26; Mains et al. 1977 ; Eipper and fJ- LPH + CLIP + oc-MSH + fJ- END (Bloch
Mains 1980; Akil et al. 1984). et al. 1978, 1979; Bugnon et al. 1979). Ac-
Pep tides derived from POMC are found in cording to a recent radioimmunological
the pituitary as well as in the brain. It has study (Emson et al. 1984), in the human
88 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

Pro-opiomelanocortin and its derivatives (human)

N-terminal region ACTH t}-LPH

(1-39) (1-89)

B (18-39)
I~_ _ _'Y_-L_P_H_ _--, '--_ _---'

I~-MSH I '--__-'
(39-56) 159-85)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH (1 - 39)J = Corticotropin (1-27)

H-Ser 1- Tyr-Ser-Met-G lu-His-Phe-Arg-Trp_GlylO -Lys-Pro-Val-Gly- Lys- Lys-Arg-Arg-Pro-

Val 20 -Lys-Val-Tyr-Pro-Asn-Gly-Ala-Glu-Asp-Glu 30 -Ser-Ala-Glu-Ala-Phe-Pro-Leu-Glu-

Phe 39 -OH

a-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone [a-MSHJ = Ac - ACTH (1 - 13) - NH2

Corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide [CLIP] = ACTH (18 - 39)

~-Lipotropin [~-LPH (1 - 89)J

H-Glu l-Leu-Thr-Gly-Gln-Arg-Leu-Arg-Glu-GlylO -Asp-Gly-Pro-Asp-Gly-Pro-Ala-Asp- Asp-

Gly20 -Ala-Gly-Ala-Gln-Ala-Asp-Leu-Glu-His-Ser 30 -Leu-Leu-Val-Ala-Ala-Glu-Lys-Lys-

Asp_Glu 40 -Gly-Pro-Tyr-Arg-Met-Glu-His-Phe-Arg-Trp50 -Gly-Ser-Pro-Pro-Lys-Asp-Lys-

Arg-Tyr_Gly60 -Gly-Phe-Met-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser-Gln-Thr 70 -Pro-Leu-Val-Thr- Leu-Phe-

Lys-Asn-Ala-lle 80 -lie-Lys-Asn-Ala-Tyr-Lys-Lys-Gly-Glu 89 -OH

'Y-LPH = ~-LPH (1 - 56)

~-Endorphin = ~-LPH (59 - 89)

H-Tyr1-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Thr-Ser-Glu-Lys-Ser 10 -Gln-Thr-Pro-Leu-Val-Thr-Leu-Phe-Lys-

Asn 20 -Ala-lie-lie-Lys-Asn-Ala-Tyr-Lys-Lys-Gll o -Glu-OH

~-MSH = ~-LPH (39 - 56)

H-Tyr1-Val-Met-Gly-His-Phe-Arg-Trp_Asp_Arg_Phe_Gly 12 -OH

Fig. 26. Schematic representation of the human pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) precursor

molecule and some of its cleavage products (above); simplified from Udenfriend and Kilpat-
rick (1983). Primary structure of some POMe derivatives (below). For significance of the
amino acid code, see Table 7 on p. 198
Pro-Opiomelanocortin Derivatives 89

brain the smaller fragments of POMC, p- mentioned before, cells in the mediobasal hy-
END, y-LPH, oc-MSH, CLIP and ACTH pothalamus containing ACTH have been
predominate. How the neurons in the infun- shown to be simultaneously immunoreactive
dibula,r nucleus process POMC is at present with antisera against many other members
a matter of controversy (Akil et al. 1984). It of the opiomelanocortin family, including P-
cannot be excluded that different sets of in- LPH, oc-MSH, P-MSH, oc-END and P-END
fundibular neurons follow different patterns (Bloch et al. 1979; Bugnon et al. 1979; So-
of enzymatic cleavage, leading to different froniew 1979; Nilaver et al. 1979; Bloch et al.
mixtures of peptides. Ultrastructural studies 1978). According to Sofroniew (1979) all
have shown that some of the peptides men- perikarya containing ACTH contain P-END
tioned, such as oc-MSH (Pelletier and Dube as well, and Nilaver et al. (1979) made a simi-
1977) and ACTH (Pelletier and Leclerc lar observation for ACTH and p-LPH. Be-
1979), are stored in dense core vesicles, sug- cause of these findings the set of neurons out-
gesting that they may playa role as central lined above may be designated as the bed
neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. nucleus of the opiomelanocortin peptide
Others, however, may only be present as in- group (Joseph 1980). This bed nucleus gives
termediate products, i. e. as precursors of rise to numerous ACTH-containing fibres
smaller peptides. which are distributed widely over the brain
Following these introductory notes is a dis- (Joseph 1980; Romagnano and Joseph 1983;
cussion of the ACTH-containin~ neurons Knigge and Joseph 1984). The main features
and their projections. Subsequently, consid- of this projection are summarized below
eration is given to the distribution of some (Fig. 27).
other members of the opiomelanocortin fam- Dense accumulations of ACTH-positive
ily, i.e. P-LPH, oc-, P- and y-MSH, and p- fibres and terminals are found in the anterior,
END, and finally a brief comment on the mediobasal and periventricular zones of the
functional significance of these substances is hypothalamus. Many of the peri ventricular
made. . fibres penetrate the ependymal lining of the
third ventricle. The dorsomedial nucleus and
the paraventricular nucleus (both its parvo-
Corticotropin, or Adrenocorticotropic
and magnocellular portions) are also heavily
Hormone (ACTH)
innervated by ACTH-immunoreactive fibres,
Immunohistochemical studies have shown and the same holds true for the organum vas-
that numerous cells in the mediobasal hy- culosum of the lamina terminalis. Projections
pothalamus contain ACTH (Sofroniew 1979; to the neurohypophysis proceed into the in-
Pelletier and Leclerc 1979; Leranth et al. ternal zone of the median eminence, descend
1980; Joseph 1980; Knigge et al. 1981). into the pituitary stalk and distribute fairly
These elements form a group of evenly dis- uniformly throughout the neural lobe
tributed cells which largely coincides with the (Knigge and Joseph 1981).
infundibular nucleus (Fig. 27). However, it Numerous ACTH-positive fibres pass rostro-
extends rostrally into the retrochiasmatic dorsally to innervate the medial preoptic
area, caudally into the submamillary region, area, the lateral septal nucleus and the bed
and dorsally into the zone between the ven- nucleus of the stria terminalis. Other fibres
tricular surface and the ventromedial hypo- pass laterally and distribute themselves to the
thalamic nucleus (Knigge et al. 1981). That central, basolateral and dorsal portions of
ACTH is actually formed in the brain, rather the basomedial amygdaloid nuclei. A certain
than transported there from the pituitary, ap- proportion of these fibres course in the ven-
pears from the fact that hypophysectomy tral amygdalofugal pathway.
does not influence the ACTH content of the Large numbers of ACTH -immunoreactive
brain in the rat (Krieger et al. 1977a). As fibres emerge from the bed nucleus of opio-
90 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

I Thalamus
2 ucleus anterior thalami
3 ucleus peri ventricularis thalami
4 uclei habenulae
5 ucleus interstitialis striae terminalis
6 Commissura anterior
7 uclcu epti lateralis
8 Nucleus preopticus medialis
9 Nucleus paraventricularis
10 Nucleus dorsomedialis
II Hypothalamic bcd nucleus of opiomelanocortin 28 ucleus raphes magnus
cells 29 Cell group AS
12 ucleus infundibulari 30 ucleu raphe obscurus
13 Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis 31 ucleus raphes pallid us
14 Corpu amygdaloideum 32 Cell group A I
15 Eminentia mediana 33 Nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis
16 Lobus posterior hypophyseos 34 Nucleus solitarius
17 Area tegmental is ventralis 35 Cell group A2
18 Griseum centrale mesencephali 36 Medullary group of opiomelanocortin cells
19 Cell group AS a Group of (X-MSH -containing cells ituated in
20 Nucleus raphes dorsalis dorsal hypothalamus and zona inccrta
21 Formatio reticularis mesencephali b Projection of group a to nucleus caudatus
22 Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis and putamen
23 Nucleus ccntrali superior c Dorsal projection of group a to formatio
24 Nucleus raphes pontis hippocampi
25 Locus coeruleus d Ventral projection of group a to formatio
26 uclei parabrachialc hippocampi
27 Cell group A4 e Projection of group a to the spinal cord

Fig. 27. Corticotropin- and oc-MSH-containing cells and pathways

Pro-Opiomelanocortin Derivatives 91

melanocortin-containing cells and pass dor- raphes magntls, raphes obscurus and raphes
socaudally in the subependymal layer of the pallidus are supplied mainly by the ventro-
third ventricle. These periventricular fibres lateral stream.
constitute separate anterior and posterior \t is important to note that, apart from the
components, which join in the region of the large hypothalamic group, a small second
posterior commissure, from where they con- pool of opiomelanocortin cells appears to be
tinue caudally in the fasciculus longitudinalis present in the caudal, commissural portion
dorsalis of Schutz. The anterior component of the nucleus solitarius. Within this group,
gives off fibres which innervate the nucleus cells immunoreactive with antisera against
periventricularis thalami and the nucleus an- endorphins (Schwartzberg and Nakane
terior dorsalis thalami, while in the epitha- 1981), ACTH (Knigge and Joseph 1981; Ro-
lamic region fibres are present in the zone magnano and Joseph 1983; Joseph et al.
between the medial and lateral habenular nu- 1983) and y-MSH (Kawai et al. 1984) have
clei. been observed so far. There is experimental
Numerous cell masses in the brain stem are evidence indicating that axons emanating
supplied by ACTH-containing fibres. Some- from this group of neurons are distributed
what schematically, it may be said that these to all divisions of the nucleus solitarius, pro-
fibres are concentrated into two fibre ject to the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis
streams, a larger dorsomedial one and a and the A 1 group, and descend throughout
smaller ventrolateral one. The dorsomedial the length of the spinal cord in the area sur-
stream occupies a periventricular position rounding the central canal.
and follows the trajectory of the fasciculus
longitudinalis dorsalis; the ventrolateral Addendum: Using a retrograde labelling tech-
stream passes caudally through the lateral nique in combination with immunohisto-
part of the mesencephalic and rhombence- chemistry, Kitahama et al. (1984) produced
phalic tegmentum. Throughout the brain evidence suggesting that in the cat, ACTH-
stem the dorsomedial and ventrolateral immunoreactive cells situated in the arcuate
streams are interconnected by numerous nucleus project to the pontine tegmentum,
ACTH-positive fibres. The cell masses sup- particularly to the locus coeruleus.
plied by the dorsal stream include the peri-
aqueductal grey, the nucleus cuneiformis, the
locus coeruleus, the dorsal and ventral para-
brachial nuclei, the A4 and A2 groups of Radioimmunological (Krieger et al. 1977b)
Dahlstrom and Fuxe (1964) and the nucleus and biochemical (Akil et al. 1978) studies
solitarius. Throughout the rostral rhomben- have shown that fJ-lipotropin (Fig. 26) is
cephalon, a moderate number of ACTH-con- present in various parts of the brain, and
taining fibres are present within the ependy- there is ample evidence that many elements
mal lining of the tegmentum. The ventrolat- in the hypothalamic bed nucleus of opiome-
eral stream of ACTH-immunoreactive fibres lanocortin cells contain this peptide (Zim-
follows a direct caudal course and distributes merman et al. 1978; Bloch et al. 1978, 1979;
to the area tegmentalis ventralis and to the Nilaver et al. 1979; Bugnon et al. 1979; Pelle-
A8 and AS groups. The raphe nuclei in the tier et al. 1980). Fibres containing fJ-LPH are
brain stem also receive ACTH-positive fibres. scattered throughout the hypothalamus
The exact source and course of these fibres (Zimmerman et al. 1978) and Watson and
remains to be determined; however, it seems collaborators (1978) observed that fJ-LPH-
that the fibres terminating in the nucleus immunoreactive fibres and ACTH-imrnuno-
raphes dorsalis and the nucleus centralis su- reactive fibres are distributed in a very similar
perior arise from the dorsomedial fibre fashion throughout the brain. However, to
stream, whereas the nuclei raphes pontis, my knowledge, detailed mapping studies of
92 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

the P-LPH-containing fibres in the central ingly, the elements of this dorsal group con-
nervous system have not yet been carried out. tain exclusively ex-MSH, and no other pep-
The question as to whether in the pituitary tides related to the opiomelanocortin family
f3- LPH is actually secreted as a hormone or (Watson and Aki11980; Guy et al. 1980; Je-
is present only as a precursor for smaller pep- gou et al. 1983); hence, the biosynthetic route
tides so far remains unanswered (Grossman for the production of ex-MSH in these cells
and Rees 1983), and mutatis mutandis the may well be quite different from that in the
same holds true for its role in the central cells in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary
nervous system. and in the mediobasal hypothalamus. There
is experimental evidence indicating that the
dorsal group of ex-MSH-positive cells, unlike
(X-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
those of the mediobasal group, projects to
ex-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (ex- the caudate-putamen complex, the neocor-
MSH) is a tridecapeptide (Fig. 26) secreted tex, the entorhinal cortex and the various
by the intermediate lobe cells of the pituitary parts of the hippocampal formation (Guy
gland of all groups of vertebrates. In poiki- et al. 1980; Kohler et al. 1984b). Moreover,
lotherm vertebrates, ex-MSH is clearly in- it has been shown that a certain proportion
volved in the control of skin color adapta- of these elements project to the spinal cord
tion, but its function as a hormone in ho- (Kohler et al. 1984b). The fibres passing
meotherms remains unknown. Radioimmu- from the dorsal group of ex-MSH-positive
nological (Dube et al. 1978; Oliver and cells to the hippocampus follow two different
Porter 1978; Gramsch et al. 1980) and immu- routes, one dorsal and the other ventral. The
nohistochemical studies (DuM et al. 1978 ; fibres which follow the dorsal route course
Jacobowitz and O'Donohue 1978; Bloch through the septal region and enter the fim-
et al. 1978, 1979; Bugnon et al. 1979; Pelle- bria, while those following the ventral route al. 1980; Watson and Aki11980) have pass through the amygdala and the piriform
revealed that ex-MSH is also present in the cortex.
mammalian central nervous system. The hy-
pothalamic bed nucleus of opiomelanocortin Addenda:
cells contains numerous ex-MSH-positive ele- 1. Using a combination of techniques, Shio-
ments, the distribution of the axons of which saka and Tohyama (1984) demonstrated that
in the brain appears to be very similar to ex-MSH-immunoreactive neurons situated in
that reported for p-LPH and ACTH (Jaco- the stratum pyramidale and stratum oriens
bowitz and O'Donohue 1978). However, the of the cornu Ammonis project to the contra-
hypothalamus contains a second group of ex- lateral hippocampal formation.
MSH-positive cells which, with regard to po- 2. Kohler and Swanson (1984) have shown
sition, biochemical properties and distribu- that numerous ex-MSH-positive cells situated
tion of its efferents, differs from that situated in the lateral hypothalamic area and zona
in the mediobasal hypothalamus (Watson incerta also contain the enzyme AChE but
and Akil 1980; Guy et al. 1980; Jegou et al. not ChAT. They also demonstrated that at
1983; Kohler et al. 1984 b). The elements of least some of the elements in which ex-MSH
this second group are located mainly in the and AChE are co-localized project to the hip-
dorsal portion of the intermediate hypotha- pocampal formation and the neocortex.
lamic zone and in the adjacent zona incerta
(Fig. 27). Within the hypothalamus these ele-
ft-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
ments tend to concentrate in the area be-
(fJ-MSH; Fig. 26)
tween the dorsomedial nucleus and the fornix
and in the lateral part of the lateral hypotha- According to Bloch and colleagues (1978,
lamic area (Kohler et al. 1984 b). Interest- 1979; Bugnon et al. 1979) the hypothalamic
Pro-Opiomelanocortin Derivatives 93

bed nucleus of opiomelanocortin cells con- were much finer than those seen in the more
tains neurons which are immunoreactive with rostral portions of the brain. The centres con-
anti-p-MSH -serum. taining these fibres include the nucleus soli-
tarius, the reticular formation and cell group
Ai. Because electrolytic lesions in the medio-
y-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (y-MSH)
basal hypothalamus resulted in an ipsilateral
The N-terminus region of POMC contains disappearance of y-MSH-immunoreactive
a structure which, on the basis of its close fibres in the telencephalon, diencephalon,
resemblance to oc-MSH, has been designated mesencephalon and upper rhombencepha-
as y-MSH (Fig. 26; Nakanishi et al. 1979). lon, while the fibres in the lower rhombence-
Radioimmunological and immunohisto- phalon remained intact, Kawai and col-
chemical studies (Bloom et al. 1980; Shiba- leagues (1984) suggested that the fibres in this
saki et al. 1980, 1981; Tanaka et al. 1980; last area originate from the y-MSH-positive
Osamura et al. 1982) have shown that y- neurons situated in the caudal, commissural
MSH is present in the brain as well as in part of the nucleus solitarius.
the pituitary. According to the recent map-
ping study of Kawai and collaborators
(1984), the brain of the rat contains two
groups of y-MSH-immunoreactive cells, a p-Endorphin (P-END) was isolated and char-
large one in the mediobasal hypothalamus acterized in 1976 from camel and porcine pi-
and a small one in the caudal, cOlnmissural tuitaries as a 31-amino-acid peptide, identical
part of the nucleus solitarius. The distribu- to the carboxyl terminal sequence of P- LPH,
tion of the fibres emanating from the hypo- which is considered its biosynthetic precursor
thalamic groups of y-MSH-positive cells is (Fig. 26; Bradbury et al. 1976a; Li and
very similar to that reported for ACTH. Chung 1976). Radioimmunological studies
Thus, y-MSH-containing fibres have been have shown that the brain of the rat (Brad-
observed in, among other centres, the hypo- bury et al. 1976 b; Rossier et al. 1977) and
thalamic periventricular zone, the arcuate, that of man (Emson et al. 1984) contain sig-
paraventricular and dorsomedial nuclei, the nificant amounts of p-END. In the rat hypo-
medial and lateral preoptic areas, the ventro- physectomy does not affect P-END levels in
lateral part of the septum, the amygdaloid the brain (Cheung and Goldstein 1976; Ros-
complex, the bed nucleus ofthe stria termina- sier et al. 1977), a finding which indicates
lis, the periaqueductal grey, the area tegmen- that this peptide is produced by intrinsic neu-
talis ventralis, the A8 group, the cuneiform rons. There is physiological evidence suggest-
nucleus and the lateral parabrachial nucleus. ing that P-END may act as an inhibitory neu-
Kawai and collaborators (1984) also ob- romodulator in the brain (Nicoll et al. 1977).
served y-MSH-positive fibres in the stria ter- p-Endorphin is an extremely potent opioid
minalis, the diagonal band of Broca, and the agonist having a high stereospecific binding
nucleus accumbens, and they emphasized affinity for central nervous opiate receptors
that a cell group known as Barrington's nu- (Li and Chung 1976; Bradbury et al. 1976c;
cleus is densely innervated by y-MSH-posi- Loh et al. 1976; Ferrara et al. 1979).
tive fibres. This cell group is located directly The presence of P-END-containing perikarya
rostromedial to the locus coeruleus, and is in the mediobasal hypothalamus is well es-
supposed to represent the pontine micturi- tablished (Bloom et al. 1978; Bloch et al.
tion reflex centre. In contrast, only a few 1978, 1979; Bugnon et al. 1979; Sofroniew
fibres were seen in the locus coeruleus. The 1979; Watson and Akil 1980; Finley et al.
caudal rhombencephalon also appears to 1981 a), and in the caudal rhombencephalon
contain y-MSH-immunoreactive fibres. a second group of P-END-positive elements
However, the fibres identified in this area has been observed (Schwartzberg and Na-
94 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

kane 1981). This caudal group is reportedly especially mentioned. In the brain two pools
situated adjacent to the A2 group of nor- of cells' which process POMC are found, a
adrenergic cells (Dahlstrom and Fuxe 1964) large one in the mediobasal part of the hy-
and doubtless corresponds to the small pool pothalamus which largely coincides with the
of opiomelanocortin cells located in the cau- infundibular nucleus, and a small one in the
dal part of the nucleus solitarius. caudal portion of the nucleus solitarius. The
With regard to course and termination, the large infundibular pool projects to several ar-
efferents of the group of P-END-positive cells eas situated within the preoptico-hypotha-
in the mediobasal hypothalamus closely re- lamic continuum, to a number of limbic tel-
semble those of the ACTH- and y-MSH-con- encephalic cell masses, to some periventricu-
taining elements in the same area. Finley and lar thalamic nuclei and to a variety of mesen-
colleagues (1981 a), who studied these effer- cephalic and rhombencephalic centres. The
ents in some detail, observed nerve fibres and projections of the small solitarius pool are
terminals with P-END-like immunoreactivity confined to some cell groups in the caudal
in the following structures: the hypothalamic rhombencephalon and to the spinal cord. It
peri ventricular area, the paraventricular nu- is known that the anterior and intermediate
cleus, the most lateral part of the median emi- lobes of the pituitary process the POMC mol-
nence, the medial and lateral preoptic areas, ecules quite differently. In the anterior lobe
the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, ACTH is the main product, whereas in the
the nucleus accumbens, the bed nucleus of intermediate lobe a-MSH and P-END pre-
the stria terminalis, the central and medial dominate. Differences in the processing of
amygdaloid nuclei and parts of the basal and POMC and its fragments may also exist be-
lateral amygdaloid nuclei, some periventricu- tween subsets of neurons belonging to the
lar thalamic nuclei, the periaqueductal grey, infundibular and solitarius pools, and these
the cuneiform nucleus, the nucleus raphes differences may result in the production of
dorsalis, the area tegmentalis ventralis, the peptides with widely different biological po-
locus coeruleus, the lateral para brachial nu- tencies. Thus, P-END and a-MSH have been
cleus, the pontine and medullary reticular shown to possess activities which can be
formation, the nucleus raphes magnus, the markedly affected by a particular type of
A2 group and the nucleus solitarius. In light acetylation (a-N-acetylation). It has now
of the findings reported for y-MSH (Kawai been found that in the amygdaloid complex
et al. 1984), it seems likely that the centres and in the periaqueductal grey only the non-
in the lower rhombencephalon mentioned are acetylated forms of P-END and a-MSH are
innervated by the small pool of END-posi- present, whereas in the nucleus accumbens
tive cells situated adjacent to the A2 group the acetylated derivatives of these two pep-
of noradrenergic cells (Schwartzberg and tides predominate (Dennis et al. 1983). These
Nakane 1981). findings suggest that the infundibular
POMC-processing cells which project to the
nucleus accumbens contain an acetylating en-
Comment on the Functional Significance zyme which is lacking in the elements project-
of POMC Derivatives ing to the amygdala and the periaqueductal
From the data reviewed above it appears that There is a vast body of literature on the cen-
in the anterior and intermediate lobes of the tral actions of the various members of the
pituitary gland, as well as in the brain, cells opiomelanocortin groups of peptides. A de-
occur in which a large peptide molecule, tailed discussion of this literature falls outside
POMC, is proteolytically cleaved into smaller the scope of this book and is beyond the com-
bioactive peptides, among which ACTH, p- petence of its author. However, an attempt
END and three copies of MSH may be is made to present a brief survey of the main
Pro-Opiomelanocortin Derivatives 95

physiological and behavioural effects elicited ceptors appea,r to be present in the central
by these peptides, with emphasis on the rela- nervous system (Akil et al. 1984; Pasternak
tion between these phenomena and the mor- et al. 1983). All of the endogenous opioids
phological data on the pools of POMC-con- are believed to be involved in the regulation
taining neurons and their efferents discussed of the organism's responses to stress, but the
earlier in this section. A few general notes mode of action and the morphological pat-
preface this survey, touching on some of the tern of the various components in this intri-
problems encountered in the study of the cate complex of morphinomimetic ligands
processes and relations to be considered. and receptors is at present unclear (Akil et al.
Given the fact that the immunohistochemical 1984). This limitation, in combination with
data available strongly suggest that in the uncertainties mentioned above renders it im-
neurons of the 'infundibular' and probably possible to make a sharp distinction between
also the 'solitarius' pools of cells various the actions ofPOMC-derived peptides on the
POMC-derived peptides are co-synthesized, one hand and endogenous opioid peptides on
co-stored, and co-transported by the axons the other. The following survey of the physio-
and co-released by all terminals, the follow- logical and behavioural effects of some of
ing questions arise: (a) Are these various the POMC-derived peptides in relation to the
peptides always released synchronously, or structures possibly involved should be viewed
rather differentially, e. g. under the influence against the background of the general aspects
of stimulation of different duration or inten- just discussed.
sity? (b) How do the various peptides, once De Wied and his associates (e. g. De Wied
released, interact? Antagonism between 1964,1977,1982; De Wied and Gispen 1977;
ACTH or ACTH-like peptides and P-END Bohus 1979) have claimed that a-MSH,
has frequently been reported (e.g. Smock and ACTH and certain ACTH fragments affect
Fields 1980; Belcher et al. 1982; De Wied complex functions such as learning, memory
1982), but there is also evidence of synergism and motivation. Lesion "studies (Van Wi-
or potentiation between peptides derived mersma Greidanus and De Wied 1976; Van
from POMC (Akil et al. 1984). Wimersma Greidanus et al. 1979 a, b; Bohus
It may be difficult to distinguish the actions and De Wied 1980) suggest that the nucleus
of the central POMC-processing elements parafascicularis thalami, the hippocampal
from those of the peripheral (i. e. the pitui- formation and the amygdaloid complex may
tary) ones. To mention only one example: well be target sites for these peptides. The
pituitary-derived P-END possibly plays a question as to whether centrally produced
role in the central phenomenon known as POMC-derivatives play a role in the pro-
stress-induced analgesia (Akil et al. 1984; cesses mentioned remains unanswered so far.
Basbaum and Fields 1984). However, it is worthy of note that fibres orig-
With regard to the origin of a-MSH present inating from the infundibular pool of POMC
in the brain the situation is particularly com- cells project to the amygdala, and that the
plex. This peptide may originate from periph- hippocampus is supplied by fibres from the
eral as well as central POMC-processing group of a-MSH-producing cells situated in
cells, but, as we have seen, a special group the dorsal hypothalamus and adjacent zona
of a-MSH-producing neurons with a charac- incerta. ACTH-containing fibres penetrate in
teristic pattern of efferent projections is pres- several places the ependymal lining of the
ent in the dorsal hypothalamus and adjacent ventricular system of the brain, and Joseph
zona incerta. (1980) has suggested that the secretion of
Apart from the POMC-derived endorphins ACTH and/or related peptide sequences
there are two other groups of central opioid from these fibres into the cerebrospinal fluid
peptides, i. e. the enkephalins and the dynor- may represent one mechanism of delivery of
phins. Moreover, a multiplicity of opioid re- these neuropeptides to brain regions asso-
96 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

ciated with the behavioural effects observed from the infundibular pool of POMC-pro-
by De Wied and his colleagues. cessing cells to the periaqueductal grey and
Kohler et al. (1984b) observed that the pro- to the nucleus raphes magnus. There is evi-
jections to the hippocampus and the spinal dence for the release of fJ-END into plasma,
cord arising from the diencephalic groups of cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue following
a-MSH-containing cells are particularly dif- acupuncture or stress (Clement-Jones et al.
fusely organized; they accordingly suggested 1980; Pert et al. 1981) and for the develop-
that these projections may play a role in ment of a naloxone-reversible (and thus
arousal associated with a variety of moti- opioid-induced) SIA in both animals and
vated behaviours. man (Willer et al. 1981; Watkins and Mayer
fJ-END is known to be a potent stimulator 1982). It is also plausible that SPA from elec-
of the secretion of growth hormone, prolac- trodes in the periaqueductal grey results from
tin and vasopressin (Guillemin 1978). The activation of the axons of infundibular
projections from the infundibular pool of POMC cells which produce and release fJ-
POMC-containing cells to the median emi- END (Akil et al. 1984). However, it is not
nence and the posterior lobe of the pituitary known which endogenous opioid is actually
are probably implicated in these neuroendo- involved in activation of the descending pain-
crine functions. control system, and it has already been men-
The projections of the infundibular POMC- tioned that peripherally produced fJ-END
containing cells to the preoptic and anterior may playa role in SIA. Finally, it should
hypothalamic areas may be related to the in- be noted that ACTH and y-MSH are probab-
fluence of fJ-END on body temperature ob- ly also implicated in the regulation of respon-
served by Holaday et al. (1978) and Martin siveness to pain (Akil et al. 1984).
et al. (1979). Romagnano and Joseph (1983) have sug-
The periaqueductal grey and the nucleus gested a possible relationship between the de-
raphes magnus are important links in a de- pression of respiration, blood pressure and
scending pain-control system which ultimate- heart rate induced by fJ-END observed in
ly inhibits noxiously evoked activity in spinal physiological studies, and the presence o(
dorsal horn neurons (see the following sec- fibres containing POMC-derived pep tides in
tion on enkephalins). This system can be acti- cell groups involved in the regulation of res-
vated by microinjections of morphine in the piration (medial parabrachial nucleus, nucle-
periaqueductal grey and in the nucleus us solitarius, A1 region) and in cardiovascu-
raphes magnus, as well as by electrical stimu- lar control (nucleus solitarius, medullary
lation of the same centres (stimulation-pro- raphe nuclei). Remarkably, the cells of origin
duced analgesia, SPA). Stress may lead to of these fibres are situated in the caudal part
a marked reduction in responsiveness to pain of the nucleus solitarius, i.e. the centre in-
(stress-induced analgesia, SIA), and a sup- volved in both regulatory mechanisms.
pression of pain perception can also be There is a striking coincidence of the distribu-
achieved by acupuncture (acupuncture anal- tion of fibres containing POMC-derived pep-
gesia, AA). It is assumed that in SIA and tides and regions containing dopaminergic
AA the descending pain-control system is (area tegmentalis ventralis, A8 group), nor-
also involved. Several groups of investigators adrenergic (locus coeruleus, A1, A2, A4, AS
(e.g. Loh et al. 1976; Tseng et al. 1976) have groups) and serotoninergic (raphe nuclei) cell
reported that the administration of fJ-END, groups. Romagnano and Joseph (1983), who
intraventricularly or into the periaqueductal remarked upon this coincidence, cited data
grey, leads to analgesia, and the suggestion from the literature indicating that several of
has been made that the various types of anal- these monoaminergic cell groups are involved
gesia mentioned above are all effected by the in analgesia responses.
release of fJ-END from the fibres which pass
Enkephalins 97

Pilcher and Jacob (1984) noted that through- enkephalin. This precursor contains within
out the central nervous system the fibres con- its structure seven peptides with the M-ENK
taining POMC-derived pep tides and the peri- or L-ENK active core. Four of the seven pep-
karya containing CRF show a remarkable tides produced are simply M-ENK; two are
concordance of localization. In view of the carboxyl extended: M -ENK -Arg 6 - Phe 7 and
well-known interaction of CRF with the pe- -Arg6 -Gly7-Leu 8 . Finally, one copy of L-
ripheral (pituitary) pool of POMC-process- ENK is produced (Fig. 28; Akil et al.
ing cells, they suggested the possibility of a 1984).
similar relationship between CRF and the Antibodies have been raised against M-ENK
central pools of these elements. and L-ENK coupled to a carrier protein, and
the localization of these pentapeptides in the
central nervous system has been studied im-
Enkepbalins munohistochemically with the aid of these
antibodies (H6kfelt et al. 1977b ; Uhl et al.
Hughes and co-workers (Hughes 1975 ; 1979 a; Finley et al. 1981 c; Arluison et al.
Hughes et al. 1975) isolated and character- 1983; Khachaturian etal. 1983a, b). Enke-
ized two pentapeptides from the brain which phalin-containing neurons are distributed
were named methionine-en kephalin (M- widely in the central nervous system, both
ENK) and leucine-enkephalin (L-ENK). To- as local circuit neurons and as projection
gether with other structurally related pep- neurons. In many regions of the brain the
tides they form the endorphins, a' group of localization of enkephalin correlates well
substances which act as endogenous ligands with the distribution of opiate receptors, as
for opiate receptors. The enkephalins stem determined by biochemical and autoradio-
from a large precursor molecule, called pro- graphic techniques (Wamsley et al. 1982).

Pro-enkephal in

igna' I I
= [ Met] enkephalin = H-Tyr- Gly-Gly-Phe-Met- OH

= [Leu ] enkephalin = H-Tyr-Gly - Gly-Phe-Leu-OH

= [Met] enkephalin - A rg6 - Gly 7 _Leu 8 - OH

:; [ Met] enkephal in - Arg 6 -Phe 7 -0 H

Fig. 28. Schematic representation of the pro-enkephalin precursors molecule. The localization
and primary structures of its enkephalin- and' enkephalinoid' -cleavage products are indicat-
ed. The diagram is simplified from Udenfriend and Kilpatrick (1983). For significance of
the amino acid code, see Table 7 on p. 198
98 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

Several enkephalinergic projection systems corticalis, nucleus medialis, nucleus lateralis)

have been studied by combining immunohis- have also been found to contain ENK-posi-
tochemical techniques with the use of retro- tive perikarya. Enkephalinergic fibres, most
grade tracers (H6kfelt et al. 1979b; Beitz of which originate from the central amygda-
1982 b) or with stereotaxic injections of neu- loid nucleus, course in the stria terminalis to
rotoxic agents (colchicine, kainic acid) and terminate primarily in the bed nucleus of that
microknife deafferentiations (DelFiacco pathway (Uhl et al. 1978; Finley et al.
et al. 1982). There is considerable evidence 1981 c). The centre last mentioned contains
suggesting that the enkephalins may serve as a dense plexus of enkephalinergic fibres and
inhibitory neurotransmitters (for review, see terminals (Haber and Elde 1981). The other
North 1979; Iversen et al. 1980). Although large projection system connecting the amyg-
in most regions of the neuraxis L-ENK is daloid complex with the basal forebrain, i. e.
present in higher concentrations than is M- the ventral amygdaloid pathway, also con-
ENK, and both substances have been found tains ENK-immunoreactive fibres (Finley
to occur in separate neurons (Larsson et al. et al. 1981 c).
1979), they are treated together in the ele- The neostriatum, i.e. nucleus caudatus and
mentary survey which follows (Fig. 29). the putamen, contains numerous enkephalin-
In both the neocortex and the allocortex ergic neurons which give rise to a massive
ENK-containing neurons have been found striopallidal projection (Cuello and Paxinos
(Finley et al. 1981 c; Khachaturian et al. 1978; Brann and Emson 1980; Cuello et al.
1983 a). In the neocortex these elements are 1981; Del Fiacco et al. 1982). The cells of
small, sparsely scattered, and distributed pri- origin of this projection are medium-sized
marily in layer II and to a lesser extent in spiny elements which constitute 15%-20% of
layer III. In the cingulate and entorhinal ar- the total neurons in the neostriatum (Pickel
eas they tend to be more numerous, occur- et al. 1980; DiFiglia et al. 1982a). The great-
ring likewise mainly in layers II and III. est accumulation of ENK-positive cells is
ENK-containing neurons situated in the en- found in the ventral regions of the caudate
torhinal area have been reported to project nucleus and the putamen (Pickel et al. 1980;
to the subiculum and, via the 'perforant DiFiglia et al. 1982a; Arluison et al. 1983).
path', to the stratum moleculare of the fascia The enkephalinergic fibres passing from the
dentata (Gall et al. 1981). Another hippo- neostriatum to the globus pallidus are ra-
campal enkephalinergic system appears to dially organized and establish a topical corre-
correspond to the mossy fibre projection spondence between these two structures (Del-
from the granule cells in the fascia dentata Fiacco et al. 1982). The great majority of
to the cornu Ammonis (Gall et al. 1981). these fibres terminate in the lateral segment
A certain proportion of the periglomerular of the globus pallidus; in the inner portion
and granule cells in the olfactory bulb and of its medial segment the density of enkepha-
of the elements situated in the anterior olfac- linergic fibres is moderate, while such fibres
tory nucleus have been reported to contain are sparse in the outer portion of the medial
enkephalin (Finley et al. 1981 c; Khachatur- segment (Haber and Elde 1981). Because the
ian et al. 1983 a). The lateral and, to a lesser lateral segment of the globus pallidus pro-
extent, the medial septal nucleus contain en- jects almost exclusively to the subthalamic
kephalinergic perikarya (H6kfelt et al. nucleus, which, in turn, projects back to the
1977b; Khachaturian et al. 1983a). globus pallidus, it seems likely that the enke-
The central nucleus of the amygdaloid com- phalinergic striopallidal pathway strongly in-
plex is densely populated with ENK-immu- fluences the pallido-subthalamo-pallidalloop
noreactive cells (Finley et al. 1981 c; Arluison system (Haber and Elde 1981; Graybiel and
et al. 1983; Khachaturian et al. 1983a), and Ragsdale 1983). Zech et al. (1983) reported
several other nuclei of that complex (nucleus that in patients suffering from Huntington's
Enkephalins 99



1 eocortex o
2 Gyrus cinguli
3 ucleu caudatus
4 Putamen
5 Stria terminali
6 Nucleus inter titialis triae terminalis
7 Nucleu epti laterali
8 Nucleus magnocellulari dorsalis (Tramu et a!.
9 Globus pallid us, par laterali
10 Globus pallidus, par medial i
If Pallidum ventrale ( = part of ub lantia innominata)
12 Nucleus paraven triculari
13 Regio preoptica 29 Nucleus raph e dorsalis
14 Nucleus accumbens 30 Substantia nigra. pars reticulata
15 Bulbus olfactorius 31 N udeus interped uncularis
16 udeu olfactorius anterior 32 Nudeu cuneiformis
17 udeus supraopticus 33 Nucleus tegmenlalis dorsalis
18 Eminentia mediana 34 Nuclei parabrachiales
19 Lobu anterior bypophyseos 35 Nucleus raphes magnus
20 Lobus posterior hypophyseos 36 Cell group AS
21 ucleus cen tralis amygdalae 37 Formatio reticularis rhombcncephali
22 Corpus amygda loideum 38 Nucleus solitariu
23 Fa cia dentata 39 Substantia gelatinosa nuclei spinalis nervi trigemini ,
24 Cornu Ammonis pars caudalis
25 Subiculum 40 ucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
26 • Perforant path ' 41 Cellulae marginales
27 Gyrus parahippocampalis 42 Substantia gelatinosa spinalis
28 Griseum centrale mesencephali 43 Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis

Fig. 29. Enkephalin-containing cell groups and pathways

100 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

chorea the plexus of ENK-containing fibres possible that at least some of the enkephalin
in the lateral pallidal segment disappears al- found i'n the substantia nigra is produced by
most completely. intrinsic neurons: ENK -positive perikarya
The highest concentrations of enkephalins in have been observed in the medial part of the
the central nervous system are found in the substantia nigra of the cat (Conrath-Verrier
neostriatum. In addition to the cell bodies et al. 1983). A significant decrease in M-
mentioned above, this centre contains a very ENK has been observed in the substantia ni-
dense network of ENK-immunoreactive gra of patients with Parkinson's disease, and
fibres and terminals. This network is particu- it has been suggested that in the substantia
larly dense in the more ventral portions of nigra not only dopaminergic elements but
the neostriatum, where it has a patchy ap- also enkephalinergic local circuit neurons
pearance (Haber and Elde 1981; Arluison may degenerate in this disease (Taquet et al.
et al. 1983). It is also worthy of note that 1982).
the neostriatum is particularly rich in opiate Enkephalins have a profound influence on
receptors (Kuhar et al. 1973; Wamsley et al. the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis. It has
1982). Because the medium-sized spiny strio- been shown that these pentapeptides can in-
pallidal projection neurons are known to hibit the release of luteinizing hormone, folli-
have axon collaterals intrinsic to the caudate cle-stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimu-
nucleus and putamen (DiFiglia et al. 1982a), lating hormone, and can also enhance the
it is likely that the enkephalinergic fibre plex- release of growth hormone, prolactin and va-
uses in both the neostriatum and the globus sopressin (see Micevych and Elde 1980). An
pallidus originate from these cells. extensive enkephalinergic neuroendocrine
Not only the ventral parts of the neostriatum neuronal system in the cat has been de-
but also the adjacent nucleus accumbens con- scribed; it comprises large perikarya in the
tain numerous ENK-positive cells and a par- nucleus supraopticus and nucleus paraventri-
ticularly dense network of enkephalinergic cularis, giving rise 10 fibres and terminals in
fibres and terminals (Khachaturian et al. the median eminence, hypophyseal stalk and
1983 a; Arluison et al. 1983; Haber and Elde posterior pituitary, and thus closely resem-
1981). The so-called ventral pallidum, i.e. a bling the well-known vasopressinergic and
certain portion of the substantia innominata oxytocinergic neuronal systems (Micevych
to which the nucleus accumbens is known and Elde 1980; Haber and Elde 1981). Mag-
to project, shows the most intensive enkepha- nocellular enkephalin-containing neurons
lin staining of the entire brain (Haber and have also been found in the supraoptic and
Elde 1981). paraventricular nuclei of the rat by one group
In primates the medial portion of the pars of authors (Finley et al. 1981 c), but another
reticulata ·of the substantia nigra contains a group (Khachaturian et al. 1983 b) was un-
dense plexus of enkephalinergic fibres (Haber able to confirm this observation. DiFiglia
and Elde 1981), and it has been suggested and Aronin (1984 b) presented immunohisto-
that these fibres originate from the neostria- chemical and ultrastructural evidence sug-
tum (Pickel et al. 1980; DelFiacco et al. gesting that in the monkey, at least some of
1982; DiFiglia et al. 1982a). Neuropatholog- the ENK-containing neurons in the paraven-
ical findings lend support to the existence of tricular nucleus belong to the population of
such an enkephalinergic strionigral projec- magnocellular neurosecretory cells.
tion. Thus, it has been observed that there The structures constituting together the so-
is a marked reduction of ENK immunoreac- called limbic axis contain numerous enkepha-
tivity in the substantia nigra of patients with linergic neurons. The preoptic region, in par-
Huntington's chorea (Emson et al. 1980a), as ticular the medial preoptic nucleus; the var-
well as in patients with striopallidal infarc- ious parvocellular hypothalamic nuclei, in-
tion (Pioro et al. 1984). However, it is also cluding the dorsomedial and ventromedial
Enkephalins 101

nuclei and the lateral hypothalamic area; the presumably very complex and by no means
dorsal tegmental nucleus; and the interpe- fully clarified.
duncular nucleus should be mentioned in this It is known that the periaqueductal grey can
context (H6kfelt et al. 1977 b; Finley et al. generate a potent analgesia in response to
1981c; Khachaturian et al. 1983b; Hamill either electrical stimulation or opiate micro-
et al. 1984; DiFiglia and Aronin 1984b). Evi- injection. This region contains a high concen-
dence suggesting the presence of an enkepha- tration of opiate receptors (Wamsley et al.
lin-containing pathway passing from the area 1982) and the analgesic action of systemically
just ventrolateral to the anterior hypothalam- or locally administered morphine is supposed
ic nucleus to the lateral septal nucleus has to rest on occupation of these receptors.
been presented (Sakanaka et al. 1982a). In Thus, morphine would mimic the pain-in-
the hypothalamus of the guinea pig, enke- hibiting effect of endogenous substances like
phalin-containing perikarya are particularly enkephalin. In addition to opiate receptors,
numerous in the perifornical area, where they the periaqueductal grey contains throughout
form a separate nucleus adjoining the para- its rostrocaudal extent a number of discrete
ventricular nucleus, termed the 'magnoceUu- populations of ENK-immunoreactive neu-
lar dorsal nucleus' (Tramu et al. 1981). This rons (Moss et al. 1983; Conrath-Verrier et al.
nucleus has been shown to project bilaterally 1983) and a terminal field of enkephalinergic
to the lateral septal nucleus (Poulain et al. fibres of varying density (Haber and Elde
1984). 1981; Moss et al. 1983). Because the peri-
Enkephalinergic neurons are found in several aqueductal grey is not known to give rise to
centres known or supposed to exert a modu- any substantial enkephalinergic efferent pro-
latory influence on the conduction of noci- jections, the ENK-containing cells located in
ceptive impulses. These centres include the this centre presumably represent local circuit
griseum centrale mesencephali, the dorsal neurons. In relation to the organization of
raphe nucleus, the cuneiform nucleus, the nu- the descending pain-inhibiting system it is of
cleus raphes magnus, the rhombencephalic interest that the periaqueductal grey projects
medial reticular formation, and the substan- to the nucleus raphes magnus. However, this
tia gelatinosa in the spinal cord and in the projection is not enkephalinergic, but rather
caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. contains a major neurotensin and serotonin
There is considerable evidence that the gri- component (Beitz 1982a).
seum centrale mesencephali (or periaqueduc- The nucleus raphes dorsalis contains, in addi-
tal grey) represents a key structure in a chain tion to serotoninergic neurons, numerous
of descending neurons, which ultimately ex- ENK -immunoreactive cells throughout its
erts its influence on enkephalinergic local cir- rostrocaudal extent (Moss et al. 1981; Kha-
cuit neurons situated in the substantia gela- chaturian et al. 1983 b). There is experimental
tinosa of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and evidence suggesting that this centre contrib-
the spinal dorsal horn. These enkephalinergic utes substantially to opiate and stimulus-pro-
interneurons are believed to form axon-ax- duced analgesia (Oliveras et al. 1979). It has
onic synapses with pain afferents on which been hypothesized that the serotonin- and en-
they exert a powerful inhibitory influence kephalin-containing cells of the nucleus
(for review, see Basbaum and Fields 1978; raphe dorsalis feed into the descending anal-
Fields and Basbaum 1978). The nucleus gesia system, and that they contribute addi-
raphes magnus is considered to be an impor- tionally to the modulation of the affective
tant medullary relay station in the chain of component of pain through the raphe dorsa-
descending neurons just mentioned. How- lis projections to limbic and other forebrain
ever, the following synopsis will show that structures (Moss et al. 1981).
the neuronal organization of this descending The nucleus cunetformis, which forms part of
pain-inhibiting or pain-suppressing system is the mesencephalic reticular formation, con-
102 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

tains enkephalinergic cells which project to us centralis superior project upon the dorsal
the nucleus raphes magnus. Substance P-im- horn of the spinal cord (Bowker et al.
munoreactive neurons contribute to the same 1981 b), and thus may well form part of the
projection (Beitz 1982a). According to Beitz descending pain-control system.
(1982a), this finding is consistent with the The nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis con-
idea of two separate, pharmocologically dis- tains a group of enkephalinergic cells which
tinct descending inhibitory mechanism aris- project to the spinal cord (Hokfelt et al.
ing from the midbrain as proposed by Car- 1979 b). Whether these neurons form part of
stens et al. (1980, 1981). Thus, the influence the descending pain-inhibiting system re-
on the nucleus raphes magnus exerted by the mains to be elucidated. Other parts of the
enkephalin- and substance P-containing rhombencephalic reticular formation have
fibres from the cuneiform nucleus may be also been reported to contain ENK-positive
quite different from that exerted by the neu- cells (Khachaturian et al. 1983 b; Conrath-
rotensinergic and serotoninergic fibres aris- Verrier et al. 1983).
ing from the periaqueductal grey. A dense plexus of ENK-immunoreactive
The nucleus raphes magnus contains numer- fibres is found in the superficial dorsal horn
ous enkephalinergic perikarya (Hokfelt et al. of the spinal cord and the spinal trigeminal
1977 a; Finley et al. 1981 c; Khachaturian nucleus (Hokfelt et al. 1977a; Haber and
et al. 1983 b ; Conrath-Verrier et al. 1983). In Elde 1981; Conrath-Verrier et a1. 1983; La-
addition to the cuneiform nucleus already Motte and De Lanerolle 1983a), and these
mentioned, some other centres, including the structures are also known to be rich in opiate
nucleus solitarius and the nucleus reticularis receptors (Wamsley et a1. 1982). The superfi-
paragigantocellularis, provide both enkepha- cial laminae of the spinal dorsal horn and
lin and substance P inputs to the nucleus the caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucle-
raphes magnus. Moreover, enkephalinergic us contain numerous small enkephalinergic
projections to this centre were found to origi- neurons (Hokfelt et al. 1977 a; Uhl et a1.
nate from the lateral parabrachial nucleus, 1979a; Aronin et al. 1981; LaMotte and De
from a certain portion of the nucleus reticu- Lanerolle 1981; Conrath-Verrier et al. 1983)
laris gigantocellularis, and from an area cor- which are thought to give rise to the fibre
responding to the A5 group of Dahlstrom plexus mentioned above. As already indi-
and Fuxe (Beitz 1982a). The nucleus raphes cated, these elements are believed to consti-
magnus gives rise to a descending pathway tute the final link in the descending pain-sup-
which courses in the spinal dorsolateral funi- pression system (Hokfelt et al. 1977 a; Bas-
culus and terminates in laminae I, II and V baum and Fields 1978; Fields and Basbaum
of the spinal dorsal horn (Basbaum and 1978). Their terminals probably act directly
Fields 1979). This pathway was originally on the sensory input of the dorsal horn and
thought to consist entirely of serotoninergic the spinal trigeminal nucleus by presynapti-
fibres. However, serotoninergic neurons form cally inhibiting the release of substance P
only a minority within the nucleus raphes from primary afferent fibres (see, e. g. Jessell
magnus (Steinbusch and Nieuwenhuys 1983), and Iversen 1977).
and the experimental work of Bowker et a1. Enkephalin-containing neurons in the spinal
(1981 b) has shown that most (55%) of the cord are by no means confined to the sub-
raphespinal projection neurons in the nucleus stantia gelatinosa (Aronin et a1. 1981; Glazer
raphes magnus are non-serotoninergic. The and Basbaum 1981; Khachaturian et a1.
role of the enkephalinergic neurons in the nu- 1983 b), and it is noteworthy that elements
cleus raphes magnus is not known at present. containing these pentapeptides probably also
It is noteworthy that a considerable number playa role in the ascending nociceptive sys-
of serotoninergic cells situated in the mesen- tem. Thus, numerous large neurons present
cephalic tegmental area adjacent to the nucle- in the marginal zone of the spinal grey (lam-
Enkephalins 103

ina I), elements which are known to give rise (sparsely scattered) in the fascia dentata,
to long axons ascending to the brain stem cornu Ammonis and subiculum; numerous
and/or thalamus, appear to be enkephalin- fibres in the diagonal band of Broca; dien-
ergic (Glazer and Basbaum 1981). Moreover, cephalon: cells in the anterior, suprachias-
it has been reported that ENK-immunoreac- matic and arcuate nuclei; scattered neurons
tive axonal endings make direct synaptic con- in some periventricular thalamic nuclei and
tacts with dorsal horn spinothalamic projec- in the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate
tion neurons (Ruda 1982). body; neuronal processes in the organum
The nucleus solitarius and the parabrachial vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, the ven-
nuclei, centres known to be involved in auto- tral amygdalofugal pathway, the lateral and
nomic regulation, contain ENK-positive cells medial habenular nuclei; scattered fibres in
and dense plexuses of enkephalinergic fibres several thalamic nuclei, including the peri-
and terminals (Uhl et al. 1979a; Finley et al. ventricular, parafascicular medial, and ven-
1981 c; Haber and Elde 1981; Khachaturian tral nuclei, and the ventral part of the lateral
1983 b; Kalia et al. 1984 b). A dense network geniculate body; mesencephalon: fibres in
of ENK -immunoreactive fibres has also been the colliculus superior, particularly its medio-
observed in the dorsal motor nucleus of the ventral part, and in various regions of the
vagus (Khachaturian et al. 1983b; Haber mesencephalic tegmentum; rhombencepha-
and Elde 1981 ; Kalia et al. 1984 b). lon: perikarya in the central grey, the locus
There is experimental evidence suggesting coeruleus, the subcoeruleus area, the dorsal
that at least some sympathetic preganglionic cochlear nucleus, the granular layer of the
neurons located in the upper lumbar seg- cortex cerebelli (numerous elements, resem-
ments of the spinal cord, contain enkephalin bling Golgi cells in both morphology and dis-
(Dalsgaard et al. 1982b). Whether enkepha- tribution), the medial and spinal vestibular
lin co-exists with acetylcholine (the classical nuclei, the area postrema (numerous cells);
neurotransmitter of preganglionic neurons) fibre plexuses in a variety of structures, in-
in these neurons is unknown.' cluding the periventricular region, the medial
It has been reported that the efferent olivo- and lateral parts of the reticular formation,
cochlear bundle contains enkephalinergic the raphe nuclei and the parabrachial nu-
fibres (Fex and Altschuler 1981). clei.
In the rat the ventral horn of the spinal cord 2. Zamir et al. (1984 b) presented a brief sur-
and some motor nuclei in the lower brain vey of the modes of generation of L-ENK.
stem (the nucleus ambiguus and the hypo- They pointed out that the amino acid se-
glossal, facial and motor trigeminal nuclei) quence of L-ENK is found within several
have been found to contain plexuses of enke- larger peptides which are generated from the
phalinergic fibres (Senba et al. 1982). It has precursors pro-enkephalin and pro-dynor-
also been experimentally shown that ENK- phin, and they presented evidence indicating
positive cells located in the ventrolateral part that the relatively high levels of L-ENK
of the caudal rhombencephalic reticular for- found in the substantia nigra of the rat are
mation project ipsilaterally to the facial nu- supplied by striatonigral axons and generated
cleus (Senba and Tohyama 1983). from the precursor prodynorphin.
3. It is known that the efferent olivocochlear
Addenda: bundle arises from two cell groups situated
1. Finley et al. (1981 c) mentioned the pres- in the vicinity of the superior olivary com-
ence of ENK-positive perikarya and fibres plex, one medial, the other lateral. Using
in numerous regions which have not been in- antisera against en kephalin and CHAT, Alt-
cluded in the preceding text or in Fig. 29 - schuler et al. (1984) demonstrated that in
telencephalon: cells in the periventricular cells in the lateral group, en kephalin immu-
preoptic nucleus, the olfactory tubercle and noreactivity and CHAT immunoreactivity
104 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

are co-localized. In the medial group only Vincent et al. 1982; Khachaturian et al.
CRAT immunoreactivity was found. These 1982; Molineaux et al. 1982; Watson et al.
observations indicate that the olivocochlear 1983; Cone et al. 1983; Zamir et al. 1983)
bundle is at least partly cholinergic (cf. nervous system. This peptide is an extraordi-
Fig. 2), and that in some of its fibres both narily potent opiate agonist (Goldstein et al.
acetylcholine and enkephalin occur. 1979); moreover, it appears to be the selec-
tive ligand of a particular subclass of opioid
receptors, the so-called kappa receptors
Dynorphins (Chavkin et al. 1982; Young et al. 1983). The
studies quoted above have shown that there
Apart from the enkephalins and the endor- is no clear parallel between the distribution
phins, already discussed, there is a third fami- of dynorphin and those of the other endoge-
ly of endogenous opioid peptides, the dynor- nous opioid pep tides, i. e. the enkephalins
phins. The members of this family stem and endorphin.
from a precursor known as a pro-dynorphin Biochemical and radioimmunological studies
or pro-neo-endorphin-dynorphin (Fig. 30), (Molineaux et al. 1982; Zamir et al. 1983,
which produces the following peptides (the 1984a; Cone et al. 1983) have revealed that
number of amino acids found in each is add- DYN occurs in all parts of the central ner-
ed in parentheses): a-neo-endorphin (10), [3- vous system but is unevenly distributed. The
neo-endorphin (9), dynorphin A (17), dynor- highest concentrations by far have been
phin A (1-8; 8) and dynorphin B (13) (Gold- found in the neural lobe of the pituitary.
stein et al. 1981; Kangawa et al. 1981; Seiz- Within the brain sensu strictiori the highest
inger et al. 1981; Kakidani et al. 1982; Tachi- levels have been observed in the hypothala-
bana et al. 1982). All of these peptides con- mus. In extrahypothalamic areas DYN levels
tain the amino acid sequence of L-ENK at appear to be high in the lateral preoptic area,
their N-terminal (Fig. 30), and all have been the nuclei of the diagonal band of Broca, the
isolated as separate products from mamma- bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the
lian brain tissue. The exact processing of the substantia nigra. Relatively high concentra-
precursor into its biologically active end tions of DYN have been found in the amyg-
products has not yet been determined. Wat- daloid complex, the striatum, the hippocam-
son et al. (1983) demonstrated that dynor- pus, the nucleus spinalis of the trigeminal
phin A, dynorphin Band a-neo-endorphin nerve, the nucleus solitarius and the area
are present in the same neurons of several postrema.
nuclear groups, but there is also evidence that The nucleus supraopticus and the magnocel-
the pro-dynorphin molecule may be pro- lular part of the nucleus paraventricularis
cessed differently in different regions of the contain numerous DYN-immunoreactive
brain (Weber et al. 1982; Cone et al. 1983). neurons (Watson et al. 1981). It has been
In the following survey I will confine myself shown experimentally that the axons of these
to dynorphin A, which will be designated as cells pass to the median eminence and to the
dynorphin (DYN) without further specifica- neural lobe of the pituitary (Millan et al.
tion (Fig. 31). 1983, 1984), and it has, moreover, been-dem-
Dynorphin was first isolated from porcine pi- onstrated that in these hypothalamo-hy-
tuitary glands (Goldstein et al. 1979, 1981), pophyseal projection neurons.,pYN co-exists
but later it was also reported to be present with vasopressin (Watson et al. 1982a). The
in the gut (Watson et al. 1981; Tachibana suprachiasmatic nucleus also contains nu-
et al. 1982) and in the peripheral (Watson merous DYN-positive cells, but these do not
etal. 1981; Botticelli etal. 1981; Vincent project to the neural lobe of the pituitary.
et al. 1984) and central (Goldstein and Gha- Scattered DYN-positive perikarya have been
zarossian 1980; Watson et al. 1981, 1982b; observed in the following centres and areas
Dynorphins 105

Pro-dynorphin and its derivatives

a.-NE Oyn A (1-17) Oy n 8

Oyn A (1-8)

I = [Leu] enkephal in H- Tyr-G Iy -GI y-Phe-Leu -0 H

a-Neo-endorphin [a-NEJ
H-Tyr1-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Lys-Tyr_Pro_LyslO -OH

J3-Neo-endorphin [J3-NEJ = a-NE (1-9) .

Oynorphin A (1-17) [Oyn A (1-17)J

H-Tyr 1-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-lie-Arg-Pro lO -Lys-Leu-Lys-Trp-Asp-Asn-Gln 17 -OH

Oynorphin B [Oyn BJ = Rimorphin

H-Tyr1-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-Gln-Phe-LyslO -Val-Val-Thr 13 -OH

Oynorphin A (1-8) [Oyn A (1-8)J

Fig. 30. Schematic representation of the pro-dynorphin or pro-neo-endorphin-dynorphin

precursor molecule. The molecule contains three (Leu)enkephalin sequences, which become
located at the N-terminal of the cleavage products indicated. The primary structure of these
cleavage products is shown (below). For significance of the amino acid code, see Table 7
on p. 198
106 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways


Fig. 31. Dynorphin-containing cells and fibres

Dynorphins 107

Explanations to Figure 31 of the brain: .nucleus infundibularis, lateral

hypothalamic area (numerous large ele-
1 Neocortex ments), bed nuclei of the stria terminalis and
2 Gyrus cinguli
3 Col}ex prefrontalis
anterior commissure, nucleus centralis amyg-
4 Caput nuclei caudati dalae, nucleus caudatus plus putamen (many
5 Cauda nuclei caudati small cells, particularly in the medial part of
6 Bulbus olfactorius
7 Nucleus accumbens
the head of the caudate nucleus and through-
8 Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis out the tail), dentate gyrus (a small number
9 Nucleus septi lateralis of perikarya which give rise to mossy fibres
10 Commissura anterior
11 Nucleus interstitialis commissurae anterioris
that project to hippocampal fields CA2 and
12 Nucleus paraventricularis, pars magnocellularis CA3), cingulate and prefrontal cortex, gri-
13 Globus pallidus, pars medialis seum centrale mesencephali, cuneiform nu-
14 Nucleus preopticus medialis
15 Nucleus anterior hypothalami
cleus, inferior colliculus, nuclei of the lateral
16 Nucleus dorsomedialis lemniscus, para brachial nuclei (particularly
17 Pallidum ventrale (=part of substantia innominata) the lateral nucleus), rhombencephalic medial
18 Area hypothalamica lateralis
19 Nucleus suprachiasmaticus
reticular formation, the noradrenergic cell
20 Nucleus supraopticus groups A1, A2 and A5, the superficial zone
21 Nucleus ventromedialis of the nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, the
22 Nucleus centralis amygdalae nucleus solitarius and the nucleus cuneatus
23 Eminentia mediana
24 Lobus posterior hypophyseos medialis. DYN-containing fibres and termi-
25 Fascia dentata nals appear to be present in a variety of brain
26 Substantia nigra, pars reticulata
27 Area pretectalis, pars medialis
centres, including the supraoptic and para-
28 Nucleus cuneiformis ventricular nuclei, the nucleus infundibularis,
29 Griseum centrale mesencephali the dorsomedial and ventromedial hypotha-
30 Colliculus inferior lamic nuclei, the anterior hypothalamic nu-
31 Nuclei lemnisci lateralis
32 Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis . cleus, the medial preoptic nucleus, the nucle-
33 Formatio reticularis mesencephali us suprachiasmaticus, the lateral hypotha-
34 Nucleus motorius nervi trigemini lamic area, the median eminence, the neural
35 Nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini
36 Cell group A5 lobe of the pituitary, the glomerular zone of
37 Nucleus nervi facialis the olfactory bulb (the fibres occur in some,
38 Nucleus vestibularis medialis + spinalis but not all glomeruli; Khachaturian et al.
39 Nucleus cochlearis ventralis
40 Nucleus cochlearis dorsalis 1982), the lateral septal nucleus, the bed nu-
41 Cell group A1 cleus of the stria terminalis, the nucleus cen-
42 Formatio reticularis myelencephali tralis amygdalae, the nucleus caudatus and
43 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
44 Nucleus solitarius the putamen, the nucleus accumbens, the en-
45 Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi to peduncular nucleus (i. e. the homologue of
46 Cell group A2 the internal segment of the primate globus
47 Nucleus cuneatus medialis
48 Substantia gelatinosa pallidus), the ventral pallidum (which con-
49 Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis tains a very dense network of DYN-positive
fibres), the hippocampal formation (mossy
fibres), the neocortex (scattered fibres in all
areas and layers), the griseum centrale mes-
encephali (particularly its dorsal portion), the
medial pretectal area, the cuneiform nucleus,
the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra
(which, like the ventral pallidum, is very den-
sely innervated), the lateral parabrachial nu-
cleus, the dorsal and the ventral cochlear nu-
clei, the medial and spinal vestibular nuclei,
108 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

the nucleus princeps and the nucleus spinalis paraventricular, suprachiasmatic and infun-
of the trigeminal nerve, the nucleus solitarius dibular' nuclei of the hypothalamus suggests
(particularly the commissural part), the mo- that DYN could affect several neuroendo-
tor trigeminal nucleus, the facial nucleus and crine functions. Sensory functions might be
the dorsal vagal nucleus (Watson et al. 1981, influenced by DYN at various levels of the
1982 b; Vincent et al. 1982; Khachaturian central nervous system: nociception (sub-
et al. 1982). stantia gelatinosa and lamina V of the spinal
It is known that vasopressinergic and oxyto- cord, the superficial zone of the spinal tri-
cinergic fibres arising from the parvocellular geminal nucleus, the mesencephalic periaque-
portion of the paraventricular nucleus de- ductal grey); proprioception and tactile sen-
scend to the brain stem. Millan et al. (1984) sibility (nucleus cuneatus medialis, nucleus
have presented experimental evidence sug- princeps nervi trigemini); regulation of input
gesting that, contrary to the tightly coupled from baro- and chemoreceptive afferents (nu-
co-localization of vasopressin and DYN in cleus solitarius, particularly its caudal, com-
the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract, in the missural part); regulation of vestibular input
brain stem these two peptides occur only in- (medial and spinal vestibular nuclei); pro-
dependently, i. e. in separate fibres. cessing of auditory information (dorsal and
It is important to note that in the periaque- ventral cochlear nuclei, nuclei of the lateral
ductal grey, enkephalin- as well as DYN-con- lemniscus, colliculus inferior); olfaction (pri-
taining neurons occur. However, it has been mary olfactory fibres terminating in some ol-
established that the former 'are located more factory glomeruli). Finally, it should be men-
dorsally than the latter (Watson et al. tioned that the presence of numerous DYN-
1982 b). Because in the periaqueductal grey positive perikarya in the caudatus-putamen
endorphin-containing fibres occur as well as complex and of dense networks of DYN-im-
enkephalinergic and dynorphinergic neurons, munoreactive fibres in the medial segment of
the influence exerted in this centre upon the the globus pallidusoand in the pars reticulata
descending pain-control system could result of the substantia nigra strongly suggests the
from the release of any or all of the three presence of a dynorphinergic strio-pallidonl-
endogenous opioid peptides (Basbaum and gral projection. The cells of origin of the ter-
Fields 1984). minal plexus of DYN-positive fibres found
Some neurons in the nucleus raphes magnus, in the pallidum ventrale are probably located
the raphes pallidus and the adjacent nucleus in the nucleus accumbens.
reticularis magnocellularis contain serotonin
as well as DYN (Basbaum and Fields
1984). Angiotensin II
The spinal ganglia contain DYN-positive
cells, and within the spinal cord DYN-immu- The so-called renin-angiotensin system is a
no reactive fibres are concentrated in lami- peptide hormone-generating system, the ac-
nae I, II a and V of the dorsal horn, as well tions of which are all aimed at the mainte-
as in the central grey area around the central nance of fluid homeostasis (Phillips 1978;
canal. Moreover, numerous DYN-contain- Simpson 1981).
ing cell bodies have been observed in lami- Renin is a proteolytic enzyme secreted by jux-
nae I and II a of the spinal cord (Botticelli taglomerular cells in the kidn~y. Blood-borne
et al. 1981; Watson et al. 1982 b; Vincent renin acts on angiotensinogen, a peptide pro-
et al. 1982). duced by the liver, to form the decapeptide
Little is known about the physiological role angiotensin 1. This decapeptide, in turn, is
of DYN in the various parts of the central cleaved by angiotensin-converting enzyme,
nervous system. However, the presence of produced in the lungs, to form the octapep-
DYN-positive perikarya in the supraoptic, tide angiotensin II (ANG) within the circula-
Angiotensin II 109

Angiotensinogen H-Asp1-Arg-Val-Tyr-lle-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu1~

(Renin substrate) Leu-Val-Tyr_Ser 14 -OH


Angiotensin I H-Asp1-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu 10 -OH

Angiotensin-converting enzyme

Angiotensin II H-Asp1-Arg-Val-Tyr-lie-His-Pro-Phe-OH


Fig. 32~ Biosynthesis of angiotensin II

tion (Fig. 32). It is this octapeptide which me- structure provokes a distinct central pressor
diates the principal actions of the renin-an- response in various mammals (Joy and Lowe
giotensin system, i. e. vasoconstriction, sodi- 1970; Veda et al. 1972), but not in the rat
um retention, antidiuresis and drinking (Haywood et al. 1980; Brooks et al. 1983).
behaviour. These effects are elicited by The subfornical organ (SFO) and the or-
(a) direct action on peripheral structures, ganum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis
(b) action on some of the circumventricular (OVLT) are both situated in the wall of the
organs, and (c) action on certain centres third ventricle, the former rostrodorsally, just
within the central nervous system sensu stric- between the two interventricular foramina,
tiori. the latter rostroventrally, immediately dorsal
Peripherally, ANG acts on arterial smooth to the optic chiasma. Both organs contain
muscle to cause vasoconstriction, with a re- considerable numbers of ANG receptors
sultant increase in blood pressure, and pro- (Van Houten et al. 1980), and both have been
vokes aldosterone secretion from the adrenal shown to contain neurons that are exquisitely
cortex, with consequent sodium retention. sensitive to ANG (Phillips and Felix 1976;
Circumventricular organs are small receptive Hoffman and Phillips 1976; Felix and Phil-
loci which lie in regions of the central nervous lips 1978; Knowles and Phillips 1980). Local
system devoid of a blood-brain barrier and, application of ANG to these organs evokes
hence, are accessible to circulating peptides an increase in blood pressure, secretion of
and other compounds. The circumventricular antidiuretic hormone and a short-latency
organs involved in the action of ANG are drinking behaviour, even in animals that are
the area postrema, the subfornical organ and intravenously overloaded with water (Hoff-
the organum vasculosum of the lamina ter- man and Phillips 1976; Phillips 1976; Simp-
minalis (see Fig. 33). son 1981). The pressor response is due both
The area postrema is situated in the subven- to sympathetic activation and to the release
tricular zone of the most caudal part of the of antidiuretic hormone. It has been sug-
rhombencephalon. Action of ANG on this gested that the SFO is a receptor only for
110 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

plasma-borne ANG, whereas the OVLT is cho and Phillips 1981). The medial preoptic
available to both plasma-borne and CSF- area distributes fibres to the paraventricular
borne ANG (Phillips 1978). The inner sur- nucleus and several other hypothalamic
face of the OVLT protrudes into the third centres, to the periaqueductal grey and to the
ventricle and has been found to be densely area tegmentalis ventralis (Swanson 1976 b;
studded with ANG receptors (Landas et al. Swanson et al. 1978). The cell mass last men-
1980). tioned projects in turn to the nucleus accum-
In addition to the organs discussed above, bens, one of the regions presumably involved
some areas in the brain not situated where in the somatomotor control of drinking
the blood-brain barrier is impaired have been behaviour (Swanson and Mogenson 1981).
shown to be sensitive to ANG. These include The paraventricular nucleus integrates endo-
the medial preoptic area and the paraventric- crine and autonomic responses related to the
ular nucleus. The preoptic region contains a action of ANG. It sends neurosecretory
rather high concentration of ANG receptors fibres to the posterior pituitary gland, where
(Sirett et al. 1977), and its cells have been antidiuretic hormone is released; moreover,
found to increase their firing when ANG is it projects, directly to autonomic centres in
applied microiontophoretically (Gronan and the lower brain stem and spinal cord which
York 1978). Moreover, this area appears to are involved in the regulation of blood pres-
be a receptor site for the dipsogenic effect sure (Swanson and Mogenson 1981).
of ANG (Swanson et al. 1978; Richardson So far, the general or peripheral renin-angio-
and Mogenson 1981). The' paraventricular tensin system and the mode in which plasma-
nucleus contains cells which release antidi- borne ANG acts on the central nervous sys-
uretic hormone in the posterior pituitary, and tem have been considered. However, evi-
this centre is also implicated in various auto- dence is accumulating that the central ner-
nomic neural mechanisms. It is not clear how vous system possesses an endogenous ANG-
ANG gains access to the two centres in ques- forming system. AU components of the so-
tion; it has been suggested that small called renin-angiotensin cascade, i. e. renin
amounts of this peptide hormone may cross (Hirose et at 1978), angiotensinogen (Gari-
the blood-brain barrier and thus are able to ten et al. 1971; Lewicki et al. 1978; Sernia
act directly on the cells of these centres and Reid 1980), angiotensin I (Fischer-Fer-
(Swanson and Mogenson 1981), but it is also raro et al. 1981), angiotensin-converting en-
possible that centrally produced ANG plays zyme (Yang and Neff 1972; Printz et al.
a role in their stimulation (see below). 1982) and angiotensin II (Fischer-Ferraro
The diencephalic circumventricular organs, et al. 1981; Phillips et al. 1980; Sirett et al.
the medial preoptic area and the paraventric- 1981; see, however, Meyer et al. 1982) have
ular nucleus, together with their respective been reported to be present in the brain.
efferents, form part of the neuroanatomical Moreover, the central nervous system pos-
correlate of the synergistic endocrine, auto- sesses abundant ANG receptor binding sites,
nomic and somatomotor reactions involved indeed more than any other tissue in the body
in the maintenance of fluid homeostasis (Bennett and Snyder 1976; Sirett et al. 1977;
(Swanson and Mogenson 1981). It has been Mendelsohn et al. 1984).
experimentally established that the SFO pro- The presence of renin in various parts of the
jects to the OVLT, the medial preoptic area, central nervous system has geen quantified
and the paraventricular nucleus (Mise1is et al. by biochemical analysis (Michelakis et al.
1979; Camacho and Phillips 1981; Swanson 1974). The highest concentrations of renin
and Mogenson 1981). The OVLT sends fibres activity were found in the pineal gland, the
to the supraoptic nucleus, a cell mass which, anterior pituitary and the cheroid plexus, fol-
like the paraventricular nucleus, contains lowed by the hypothalamus, the cerebellum
antidiuretic hormone-producing cells (Cama- and the amygdala. Lower levels were ob-
Angiotensin II 111


1 Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii 11 Eminentia mediana

2 Organum subfornicale 12 Hypophysis, lobus posterior
3 Foramen interventriculare 13 Griseum centrale mesencephali
4 Commissura anterior 14 Locus coeruleus
5 Nucleus paraventricularis, pars magnocellularis 15 Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, pars caudalis
6 Nucleus dorsomedialis 16 Area postrema
7 Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis 17 Nucleus intermediolateralis
8 Nucleus supraopticus 18 Substantia gelatinosa
9 Nucleus infundibularis 19 Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis
10 Nucleus medialis + centralis amygdalae

Fig. 33. Angiotensin II-containing cells and fibres

112 Survey of Chemically Defined Cell Groups and Pathways

tained in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, border zone of the external and internal
thalamus, rhombencephalon and spinal cord. laminae of that structure (Changaris et al.
An immunohistochemical study (Puxe et al. 1978; Phillips et al. 1979).
1980) revealed the presence of renin-like im- Attention may now be given to the ANG
munoreactivity in the supraoptic and para- immunoreactivity, and in particular to the
ventricular nuclei and in the cerebellar Pur- ANG-positive terminals, found in various
kinje cells. parts of the brain and spinal cord. Because
Sirett et al. (1981) determined the regional the bulk of the ANG-positive perikarya are
distribution of ANG by radioimmunoassay. situated in the magnocellular supraoptic and
The hippocampus appeared to have the high- paraventricular nuclei, and because the first
est concentration and the cortex the lowest. of these nuclei is known to project mainly
The concentrations relative to those of the to the posterior pituitary gland, Puxe et al.
cortex were: hippocampus, 8; striatum, 5; (1982) surmised that most of these terminals
cerebellum, 4; several other regions, includ- belong to magnocellular neurons in the para-
ing septum, thalamus, hypothalamus, mid- ventricular nucleus. This nucleus does give
brain and myelencephalon, 3. rise to descending fibres which distribute to
The presence of ANG-like immunoreactivity several centres in the brain stem and spinal
in neuronal perikarya and terminals has been cord; however, it has been experimentally es-
reported by several groups of investigators tablished that these descending projections
(Puxe et al. 1976, 1982; Changaris et al. originate from the parvocellular, rather than
1978; Phillips et al. 1979;' Hoffman et al. from the magnocellular portion of the nucle-
1982; cf. Pig. 33). ANG-positive cell bodies us (see the section on vasopressin and oxyto-
have been found in the supraoptic nucleus cin). Therefore, the sources of the ANG im-
and in the magnocellular component of the munoreactivity to be discussed below remain
paraventricular nucleus (Phillips et al. 1979; to be established and, accordingly, the rela-
Fuxe et al. 1982; Hoffman et al. 1982). Some tions indicated in .fig. 33 should be consid-
scattered ANG-containing perikarya appear ered highly speculative.
to be present in the perifornical area and in Within the telencephalon the nucleus centra-
the medial part of the amygdaloid complex lis amygdalae contains high densities of
(Puxe et al. 1982). With regard to the local- ANG-immunoreactive terminals (Puxe et al.
ization of renin, ANG, vasopressin and oxy- 1976). As mentioned before, the hippocam-
tocin in the cells of the supraoptic and para- pus and the striatum contain a relatively very
ventricular nuclei, diffeting observations high concentration of ANG immunoreactivi-
have been made. Phillips et al. (1979) re- ty. Taking the distribution of angiotensin-
ported that ANG and vasopressin are stored converting enzyme and of the specific ANG
in separate cells, but according to Hoffman receptor binding into consideration, Sirett
and colleagues (1982), these two peptide hor- et al. (1981) considered it likely that the hip-
mones occur together in the same neurons. pocampus and the striatum (including the
Puxe et al. (1982) confirmed the co-existence nucleus accumbens) harbour ANG-contain-
of ANG and vasopressin, but added the re- ing neurons which project largely to the sep-
markable observation that renin occurs ex- tum and the hypothalamus.
clusively in cells which also contain oxyto- In the hypothalamus, beyond the supraoptic
cin. and paraventricular nuclei, the highest con-
The ANG-containing cells in the supraoptic centrations of ANG-positive terminals are
and paraventricular nuclei send fibres to the found in the dorsomedial nucleus and in the
median eminence and the posterior pituitary basal hypothalamus, with scattered terminals
gland. The medial part of the median emi- in most hypothalamic nuclei (H6kfelt et al.
nence contains a dense plexus of ANG-posi- 1978b; Puxe et al. 1982).
tive fibres, which is concentrated in the Scattered ANG-positive fibres and terminals
Angiotensin II 113

occur in many areas of the brain stem. High mediolateral column and anterior horn dis-
densities of ANG-immunoreactive structures appear completely after sectioning of the spi-
are found in the spinal nucleus of the trigem- nal cord, and thus presumably belong to de-
inal tract. Moderate densities are present in scending ANG-containing pathways (Hok-
the periaqueductal grey, especially in the ros- felt et al. 1978 a; Fuxe et al. 1982).
tral part, and in the locus coeruleus (Fuxe In summary, it may be stated that there is
et al. 1976). evidence for the existence of a central renin-
In the spinal cord, high densities of ANG- angiotensin system, i. e. a set of ANG-pro-
immunoreactive fibres and terminals are ob- ducing neurons situated within the confines
served in the substantia gelatinosa and in the of the blood-brain barrier, but that our
upper thoracic part of the intermediolateral knowledge of the morphology of this system
column; the latter structure is composed of is still very fragmentary. However, the data
sympathetic preganglionic neurons (Fuxe available suggest that ANG-producing neu-
et al. 1976). Two zones of ANG innervation rons are involved in vasopressin release and
have been reported to exist within the sub- in sympathetic activation, and thus may par-
stantia gelatinosa, one in the most superficial ticipate in the regulation of fluid balance and
portion of this structure, i. e. lamina I of the blood pressure. Interestingly, evidence is ac-
spinal grey, and another situated deeper, in cumulating that overactivity of the brain
the inner part of lamina II (Fuxe et al. 1982). renin-angiotensin system may play a role in
Some cell bodies in the spinal ganglia appear the development and maintenance of hyper-
to be ANG positive (Fuxe et al. 1982); the tension (Weyhenmeyer and Phillips 1982;
observation that following dorsal rhizotomy Phillips 1983). On the other hand, it cannot
there is a considerable reduction of the ANG be excluded that certain sets of ANG-releas-
immunoreactivity in the deeper zone of the ing neurons are involved in functions entirely
substantia gelatinosa indicates that this zone unrelated to blood pressure and body fluid
is formed largely by the central branches of regulation. If that were the case, the term
primary afferent neurons. In contrast, the 'central renin-angiotensin system' would
ANG-immunoreactive terminals in the inter- have to be discarded.

Conclusions and Comments

In the preceding chapter a survey of a their locus of action. It is for this reason that
number of chemically defined cell groups and the neutral term neuromediator will be fre-
pathways has been presented. In this chap- quently employed in the discussions that fol-
ter I shall attempt (a) to draw certain general low.
conclusions from the data gathered, and 4. In the pictorial surveys (Figs. 2, 5 etc.)
(b) to explore the relations between 'classi- data derived from various mammals (primar-
cal' and 'chemical' neuroanatomy. Before ily the rat) and man have been transferred
embarking on the enterprise just outlined it to a schematic diagram of the human brain.
seems proper to indicate the limitations of Because, with regard to chemical neuroana-
this study and to articulate a number of ca- tomy, the similarities between the various
veats. mammalian species investigated so far are
1. Our knowledge of chemical neuroanato- much more striking than the differences, it
my is still incomplete and we lack insight into is reasonable to assume that these pictures
the question of how incomplete this knowl- broadly reflect the distribution of the various
edge actually is. It is to be expected that new neuromediators in the human brain (with the
neuroactive principles will be discovererd in limitations indicated under 1, above). How-
the coming years and that more sensitive ever, a number of striking species differences
techniques will reveal the neuronal networks have been reported; therefore, it should be
containing many of the known (putative) cautioned that, strictly speaking, in the picto-
transmitters to be more extensive than is de- rial surveys certain morphological features of
scribed here. It also seems likely that a con- the human brain have been used as non-lin-
siderable number of the data compiled will ear coordinate system on which data derived
appear to be erroneous in light of work with from various mammals have been pro-
new and more specific antisera. jected.
2. The title of this monograph is too ambi-
tious, because I have been unable to cover
the entire literature on chemically defined
neuron populations. This holds in particular
for the neuropeptides. Of the some 35
members of this group described so far, only
16 have been dealt with here. However, all
known general categories of neuropeptides
are represented in this sample.
3. It is impossible to define neuroactive prin-
ciples on the basis of their chemical structure
per se as neurotransmitters, neuromodula-
tors or neurohormones. Many of the com-
pounds discussed in the previous chapter pre-
sumably play multiple roles, depending on

R. Nieuwenhuys, Chemoarchitecture of the Brain

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985
Conclusions and Comments 115

1. The various neuromediator-specified neuronal populations do not obey simple

structural rules. They vary considerably with regard to (a) the number of centres
in which their cells are found, (b) the extent of the area occupied by these centres,
and (c) the area of distribution of their fibres and terminals. Although some
of the populations studied show a certain amount of structural parallelism, most
appear to have their own characteristic pattern of distribution.

Cells containing, for example, GAB A Numerous centres are composed of several
(Fig. 13), cholecystokinin (Fig. 18), somato- sets of perikarya, each set containing a differ-
statin (Fig. 23) and enkephalin (Fig. 29) are ent neuromediator (see below); at the same
found in many different centres in the central time, numerous fibre tracts are also com-
nervous system, spread throughout most posed of several axonal sets, each containing
parts of the neuraxis. Cells containing nor- a different neuromediator (see below). There-
adrenaline (Figs. 6 and 7), serotonin (Fig. 9), fore the term 'structural parallelism' should
ACTH (Fig. 27) or angiotensin II (Fig. 33) be reserved for those instances in which two
occur in a limited number of centres, which (or more) neuromediator-specific neuron
are confined to a relatively small area of the populations share a considerable number of
brain. Finally, the histamine-containing neu- centres and/or projections. The substance P
rons (Fig. 11) are all concentrated 'in a single (Fig. 16) and enkephalin (Fig. 29) popula-
cluster within the caudal hypothalamus. tions show a striking, though partial, paral-
With regard to the spread of fibres, it has lelism. It is also worth mentioning in this con-
been found that noradrenergic (Figs. 6, 7) text that adrenergic fibres are distributed al-
and serotoninergic axons (Fig. 9) are distrib- most exclusively to centres which also receive
uted to virtually all areas of the central ner- a noradrenergic innervatipn, although both
vous system. Fibres containing adrenaline types of fibres originate from different sets
(Fig. 8), VIP (Fig. 17), vasopressin, oxytocin of centres (Figs. 6-8). It must also be cau-
(Fig. 25) and angiotensin II (Fig. 33), on the tioned, however, that if the distribution of
other hand, project to only a very limited a newly discovered peptide B shows extensive
number of centres. The remaining neurome- parallels with that of a previously investi-
diator-specified neuron populations occupy gated peptide A, and both peptides share cer-
an intermediate position between these two tain immunogenic amino acid sequences,
extremes. cross reactivity of the anti-B serum with pep-
tide A is the first possibility to be consid-

2. Unifying concepts concerning the overall functional significance of the various

neuromediator-specified neuronal populations have not yet been formulated.

Generalizations concerning the function(s) ious centres, pathways and areas of termina-
exerted by the various neuromediators ap- tion in which that neuromediator is found.
pear to be hard to make. Most authors who Because most of the neuromediator-specified
have studied the distribution of a given neu- neuronal networks extend over areas bearing
romediator are inclined to place their find- different 'functional labels', sentences like:
ings in the perspective of what is known con- "The present study demonstrated a wide dis-
cerning the functional significance of the var- tribution of substance X-containing struc-
116 Conclusions and Comments

tures in the central nervous system, suggest- a number of different actions which are all
ing that substance X may be involved in a aimed at a single ultimate goal. Because it
variety of functions" are frequently encoun- seems unlikely that the occurrence of these
tered in the neuroimmunohistochemicalliter- pep tides in the periphery as well as in the
ature. On the other hand, the notion that central nervous system is a mere coincidence,
a certain population of transmitter-specified it has been repeatedly suggested that the pe-
neurons may sub serve one function or a set ripheral and central elements producing one
of coherent functions is also repeatedly and the same peptide may well affect closely
found, mostly only implicit and unspecified, related aspects of physiology and behaviour
e. g. by denoting that population as 'the sub- or, in other words, that they are different
stance X system'. components of one functional system. To
It seems well to consider the question con- give a few examples: (a) There is evidence
cerning functional homogeneity or functional that the intestinal hormone cholecystokinin
heterogeneity separately for each neurome- and the central neuromediator cholecysto-
diator or group of neuromediators. In the kinin both inhibit feeding behaviour (for ref-
light of our present knowledge it seems erences, see Iversen 1983). (b) It is reasonable
highly unlikely that all of the actions of the to assume that the hypophysiotropic hor-
populations of cholinergic or dopaminergic mone LHRH and certain portions of the cen-
neurons will ever be integrated into a single tral LHRH neuronal network both play a
functional concept (which, as a matter of role in the regulation of sexual behaviour and
course, does not exclude th'e possibility that reproduction (Witkin et al. 1982; King et al.
certain subsets of these populations do fulfil 1984). (c) It has been suggested that the neu-
a clearly definable functional role, and thus rohypophyseal peptides vasopressin and oxy-
fully deserve the designation' system '). Nev- tocin and the fibres containing the same pep-
ertheless it seems possible that for the actions tides which project to the spinal cord may
of the remarkable, widely distributed nor- well be involved in the regulation of the same
adrenergic and serotoninergic networks, processes, for instance, the control of blood
common functional denominators will ulti- pressure and lactation (Buijs et al. 1983).
mately be found (see below). Turning to the (d) Both peripherally and centrally produced
neuroactive amino acids, almost all members angiotensin II may be implicated in the main-
of the neuronal populations containing tenance of fluid homeostasis. Iversen (1983)
GABA or glycine presumably exert an inhibi- has suggested that such parallel actions of
tory action on other neurons, and all pep tides in periphery and brain, leading to
members of the neuronal populations con- similar end results, may well begin to tell us
taining glutamate and aspartate are most something about the general integration of
probably excitatory in nature. However, the brain and body. However, it should be cau-
neurons of these four populations are known tioned that, in the examples given, there is
to exert the basic actions indicated in a vari- at best a coupling between the actions of
ety of functional contexts, and attempts to groups of cells producing a given hormone
find higher-order functional homogeneities or hypophysiotropic factor and the possible
behind these functional heterogeneities may activities of part of the central neuronal net-
be expected to remain unsuccessful. work using the same substance as a neurome-
As regards the neuropeptides, it is important diator. Moreover, it should be added that
to note that long before their role as central for many other peptides which are known
chemical messengers was discovered many of to be active in both the periphery and the
them were known as neurohormones, periph- brain, any indication of a relationship be-
eral hormones or hypophysiotropic factors. tween their peripheral and central actions is
Most members of these three categories of lacking. It is, for instance, hard to under-
substances exert either a single function or stand what the actions of somatostatin or
Conclusions and Comments 117

thyrotropin-releasing hormone on the hypo- still far remov~d from any general or unifying
physiscould have to do with their activities neuropeptide concept.
as central neuromediators. Clearly, we are

3. Different regions of the central nervous system may contain quite different
numbers of neuromediators and may show considerable differences in their neu-
romediator profiles.

For some data illustrating this aspect refer as far as we know, the most important neu-
to Table 1. It is remarkable that in the preop- romediators. It is also noteworthy that in the
ticohypothalamic region and in the basal tel- cerebellum only two of the 16 neuropeptides
encephalon (i. e. the continuum formed by included in this study are found. In the thala-
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the mus acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin,
septum, the nuclei of the diagonal band and GABA and glutamate/aspartate appear to be
the amygdala) all or nearly all of the neu- the principal neuromediators. The neuropep-
romediators included in this study are pres- tides, though relatively large in number, play
ent. In the olfactory bulb and the superior presumably only a minor role in the thala-
colliculus only limited numbers or' neurome- mus, because most of them occur in a limited
diators are found, but the least have been number of structures and only in one or two
registered for the cerebellum, where the ami- of the cell masses within that nuclear com-
no acids GABA and glutamate/aspartate are, plex.

Table 1. Neuromediator profiles and total numbers of neuromediators present in some regions of the
central nervous system

,,- » -<
c. '"
:;:: :;: '" '" S-
<: co co r
"....'"'" "~ '"~ » '" '" <T ;; co "~ -<

'"» ".... «:
0- ~ G> ~ ~ Q
"0 ~ ~

g- " '" , '" '" 3 '" ~~

I 0
;:! ~ ~
'" '" ," '" , '"" ....~
'"3 '"c. '" ....
" ~
.... I
~ ,
I I 0 0

"'" :0. 3. '"3 " ~

!,,- ....
'< 0
0 ~ :;: "0
,,- "0

-. ~"
'"" '" .... "3
'"" " '"
" + :ti ~
~ " " " ~ ,"<T
il '"
" "
" '"
'" ,'"
~ ::::
.... g

olfactory bulb + + + + + + + + 10

basal telencephalon + ++ + + + + + ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + + 23
neostriatum ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + + 17

hippocampal form. + + + + + + + + + + ++ 13

neocortex + + + ++++++++++ + + + + + 18

tha 1amus ++++++++ +++++ + + + + + 18

preopti co-hypotha 1ami cr. ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + 25

superior colliculus + + + + + + + + 10
cerebe 11 um ++ + +
medial reticular form. + + ++ + + ++++++ + ++++ 17

spi na 1 dorsa 1 horn + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ 15

+, present; +, present in a large number of structures, i. e. somata, fibres, terminals

118 Conclusions and Comments

4. Although within a number of nuclei all of the neuromediator-specified cells

contain one and the same neuromediator, most nuclei appear to be composed
of subpopulations, each containing a different neuromediator. The neuromediator
profiles of the various cell masses may differ considerably.

The total numbers of known neuromediators may contain the same single neuromediator.
and the neuromediator profiles of the cells However, in many other nuclei in the peri-
in a number of representative nuclei are listed karya of which only a single neuromediator
in Table 2. The fragmentary character of our has yet been found, only some cells contain
current knowledge results from the fact that that neuromediator, e. g. the subthalamic nu-
in a considerable number of cell masses the cleus or the substantia nigra, pars reticulata.
identity of the neuromediator(s) present in In centres in which subpopulations of cells
their constituent perikarya is not known. each containing a different neuromediator
Judging from the literature I have studied have been demonstrated, it is in most cases
this is the case for several thalamic nuclei, very hard to prove that the identities of the
the nucleus interstitialis of Cajal, the nucleus neuromediators of all of its constituent cells
ruber and the pontine nuclei, among other have been determined. Reference to Table 2
grisea. In some cell masses, such as the nucle- shows that the numbers of neuromediator-
us basalis of Meynert, the n:ucleus reticularis specified subpopulations and neuromediator
thalami and the somatomotor and branchio- profiles may differ considerably from cell
motor nuclei, the whole population of cells mass to cell mass. Some nuclei, such as the

Table 2. The total number of neuromediators and the neuromediator profiles of a number of cell masses.
Only the neuromediators occurring in the perikarya are listed
,. ...
. ..
'"~ ..,'"ro = ,.
.. .
a. <g <
'"0- :;;
n "
n n r- -<
ro ro
"" '""" iil'" '""" '"'" "'"
~ <C <C -i <
0 c n ~
ro -g '" '" ~
"" ~.., ."
0 3: 3:
"a. " 0

c:. '" '" .g. ""

;! ~ =>

i ~" ~
V> <C
~ ~
~ 0 0
~. '"~. 3
" "'"
0 "0
:' ~

"=~ ro" ~. ro ~
" " ro" "ro ~ ~ +

ct " " 0-
" " ro
ro " ~
n. central i s amygda 1ae
• • • • 0 8
n. septi medialis
• 0 0
bed n. stria terminalis 0 •• 0
• 0 0
n . basal i s of Meynert •
n. habenulae medialis
n. reticularis thal9-mi
n. preopti cus medi ali s
n. supra chi a5ma ti eus
n. ventromedi ali s hypoth.
n. infundibularis
n. nervi oculomotori;
n. of Edi nger-Wes tpha 1
s. ni gra, p. compacta
s. nigra, p. reticulata
n. parabrachialis lat.
1Deus coerul eus
n. solitarius
n. ambi guus •
n. nervi hypoglossi

n. intermediolateralis

0, present; e, present in a considerable number of cell bodies
Conclusions and Comments 119

nucleus centralis amygdalae, the nucleus in- tor-specified subpopulations and may be
fundibularis and the solitary nucleus, contain aptly designated as 'multiple neuromediator
a particularly large number of neuromedia- complexes' .

5. The question as to whether or not the neuromediator-speciJied subpopulations

present within a griseum correspond to particular morphological classes, is often
left unanswered.

In fact, information of this kind is mainly concerning neuromediator specification are

confined to cells which, on account of their often presented without any reference to the
characteristic size, shape, or position, can be structural characteristics of the cells found.
easily recognized in both Nissl (or Golgi) and This statement holds in particular for studies
histochemically stained material. Thus, it is dealing with the distribution of a particular
known that the highly characteristic pyrami- neuromediator throughout the central ner-
dal cells in the allocortex and neocortex use vous system. In the accompanying illustra-
glutamate as their neurotransmitter, and that tions of such studies the relevant cells are
Purkinje and basket cells in the cerebellar usually indicated simply as dots. It should
cortex contain GABA, whereas the. small cer- be noted that this mode of presentation can
ebellar granule cells are presumably glutamat- result in the creation of serious gaps between
ergic (Fig. 48). However, for cell populations classical neuroanatomy and chemical neuro-
which cannot be as easily classified on mor- anatomy.
phological grounds, histochemical results

6. Neuromediator-speciJied neurons occurring within the confines of given grisea

are often not equally dispersed in these grisea.

The neurons containing a particular neu- group of serotoninergic cells comprises at

romediator may be concentrated in or even least two separate subpopulations.
confined to one or more parts of the centres Transmitter specifications of cells present
studied. In the preceding section numerous within a given griseum may lead to a che-
examples of the conditions just indicated are moarchitectonic subdivision which mayor
mentioned. Thus, CCK-containing cells are may not correspond to a cytoarchitectonic
concentrated in the ventrocaudal part of the subdivision. For example, in the golden ham-
caudatoputamen (Takagi et al. 1984), where- ster the suprachiasmatic nucleus can be di-
as VIP-positive cells are confined to the dor- vided on cytoarchitectonic grounds into dor-
somedial part of the same structure (Roberts somedial and ventrolateral subdivisions. Va-'
et al. 1980a). SST-containing neurons are sopressin- and SST -containing neurons are
confined to the ventral and lateral portions localized within the dorsomedial subdivision,
of the periaqueductal grey (Finley et al. whereas VIP-immunoreactive neurons are
1981 b). Agnati et al. (1982, 1984), who devel- concentrated in the ventrolateral subdivision
oped a quantitative method which makes it (Card and Moore 1984). In man, a similar
possible to assess whether or not a given clus- differential distribution of vasopressin- and
ter of neuromediator-identified neurons con- VIP-containing neurons has been found in
sists of subgroups, established that the B7 the suprachiasmatic nucleus (Stopa et al.
120 Conclusions and Comments

1984), but it has not been established if there some cytoarchitectonic entities a particular
is a corresponding cytoarchitectonic subdivi- neuroniediator is contained in cells which at
sion. The interpeduncular nucleus has been first sight seem to be evenly distributed, but
the subject of a number of recent immunohis- on closer examination are seen to be ar-.
tochemical studies (Hemmendinger and ranged in a certain pattern. This phenome-
Moore 1984: rat; Hamill et al. 1984; rat; non may be exemplified by some findings on
Karpadia and De Lanerolle 1984: cat; for the nucleus caudatus and the putamen.
nomenclature, see Lenn and Hamill 1984). Histochemical studies (e. g. Graybiel and
From these studies it may be concluded that Ragsdale 1979, 1983) have shown that these
the patterns of distribution of serotonin-, structures consist of two interdigitating com-
GABA-, substance P-, SST- and L-ENK- partments, a discontinuous one consisting of
containing cells conform partly, but not en- small patches, which is embedded in a contin-
tirely to the cytoarchitectonic subdivisions of uous one known as 'the matrix'. The investi-
this nucleus. A similar conclusion seems to gations of Beach and McGeer (1984) have
be warranted for the substance P-, SST -, neu- shown that in primates substance P-contain-
rotensin- and enkephalin-containing neurons ing perikarya are distributed evenly through-
in the septal region (see the figures in Gall out the nucleus caudatus and the putamen,
and Moore 1984 and Kohler and Eriksson but yet are clustered within the patches men-
1984). Finally, it may be mentioned that in tioned.

7. Subpopulations of neuromediator-specified neurons frequently extend beyond

the morphologically defined boundaries of grisea.

This is certainly one of the most important distributed over a continuum formed by the
general results of (immuno-)histochemical nucleus basalis of Meynert, the nuclei of the
studies on the central nervous system. The diagonal band of Broca and the medial septal
significance of this finding lies in the fact that nucleus (Fig. 2).
in classical neuroanatomy the centres delin- (b) A group of ACTH-containing neurons
eated on cytoarchitectonic grounds are com- coincides largely with the infundibular nucle-
monly regarded not merely as morphological us. However this group extends rostrally,
entities, but also as functional units. As re- dorsally as well as caudally, beyond the
gards this 'non-conformance' phenomenon, boundaries of the nucleus (Fig. 27).
I confine myself to the following three exam- (c) Throughout most of the brain stem signif-
ples: icant numbers of serotoninergic neurons are
(a) The large cholinergic neurons present in located outside the raphe nuclei.
the basomedial telencephalon are unevenly

8. Numerous populations or subpopulations of neuromediator-specified cells are

not organized along the lines of defined cytoarchitectonic subdivision Of the central
nervous system.

In the preoptico-hypothalamic region several (Fig. 19), LHRH (Fig. 22), SST (Fig. 23) and
groups of neuromediator-specified neurons - TRH - are not related to any cytoarchitec-
for example, those containing neurotensin tonic boundaries. The noradrenergic cell
Conclusions and Comments 121

groups in the brain stem - except for the lo- groups in the, brain stem numerical nomen-
cus coeruleus - do not form distinct nuclei, clatures (Al-AS, Cl-C3) have been pro-
but are dispersed among non-noradrenergic posed, but such numerical designations can
cells (Fig. 7), and the same holds for the ad- be warranted only if they do not correspond
renergtc cell groups (Fig. 8). For these cell at all to known cytoarchitectonic entities.

9. Neurons may contain more than one neuromediator.

This remarkable phenomenon, commonly 6. For some centres co-existence of two dif-
designated as the co-existence or co-localiza- ferent neuropeptides has been reported.
tion of neuromediators, has already been Whether such' peptidergic' cells also contain
briefly discussed in the introductory section a classical neuromediator is not known at
of this monograph. Pertinent data have been present.
compiled from the literature and are assem- 7. Most frequently one of the monoamines
bled in Table 3. Neurons containing two or co-exists with one of the so-called gut-brain
more neuromediators which are all derived peptides.
from one and the same precursor molecule 8. Neuropeptides derived from the pro-opio-
(e. g. various pro-opiomelanocortin deriva- me1anocortin molecule have not yet been re-
tives) have been left out of consideration. The ported to be co-localized with either classical
data gathered warrant the following tentative neuromediators or other neuropeptides.
conclusions regarding the co-existence of
neuromediators within the same neurons: The occurrence of two or more neuromedia-
1. Co-existence of neuromediators occurs in tors in the same neurons raises numerous
many different grisea of the brain; among questions, among which the following three
the centres showing this phenomenon the may be especially mentioned:
medullary raphe nuclei take pride of place, 1. How and where are the molecules of the
with no less than five different neuromedia- different neuromediators stored in the termi-
tor combinations. nals of the pertinent neurons?
2. As far as is known, generally two, or 2. How and when are the molecules of the
sometimes three different neuromediators co- different neuromediators released (provided
exist within 'multiple neuromediator' neu- that they are released)?
rons. 3. What is the possible functional signifi-
3. Representatives of any known classes of cance of the co-existence phenomenon?
neuromediators, i. e. acetylcholine, mono-
amines, amino acids and neuropeptides, may These questions have been discussed in detail
be involved. The first three classes mentioned in numerous publications by Tomas H6kfelt
are commonly designated as classical neu- and his colleagues (e. g. see H6kfelt et al.
rotransmitters (see Lundberg and H6kfelt 1980a, 1984b; Lundberg et al. 1981; Lund-
1983; H6kfelt et al. 1984b); they will be de- berg and H6kfelt 1983), and the following
noted here as classical neuromediators. brief comments are based mainly on these
4. In the central nervous system co-existence papers.
of classical neuromediators has not been re- As regards storage, H6kfelt et al. (1980a)
ported so far. have addressed the question as to whether
5. 'Multiple neuromediator' neurons com- the different neuromediators are stored in the
monly synthesize a classical neuromediator same or in separate synaptic vesicies. Given
in combination with one, or sometimes two the observation that peptides are usually
neuropeptides. present in large vesicles (diameter about
122 Conclusions and Comments

Table 3. Co-existence of neuromediators in various centres

Il c l ass ical"

neuromediator peptide pepti de brain region source

acetyl chol i ne subs tance P n. laterodorsalis tegmenti Vincent et al. 1983

VIP cerebra 1 cortex Eckens tei nand 8aughman 1984
enkepha 1 i n 01 iva superior complex Altschul er et a 1 . 1984

dopami ne CCK area tegmentalis ventralis Hokfe It et a 1. 1980a ,b

neurotens; n Hiikfe It et a 1. 1984
n. infundibular"is

noradrena 1 i ne n. solitarius
enkepha 1 i n 1Deus caeru1 eus Charnay et al. 1982

adrena 1 i ne neurotens i n n. solitarius Hiikfelt et a 1. 1984

serotonin substance P medullary raphe nuclei Hiikfel t et al. 1978

TRH Johansson et a 1 . 1981
CCK Mantyh and Hunt 1984
enkepha 1 in Glazer et al. 1981
dynorphin Basbaum and Fields 1984
n. reticularis magnocellularis

GABA CCK hi ppocampus Vickrey et al. 1983

SST Ji ri kowski et a 1. 1984
n. reticularis thalami Oertel et al. 1983
enkepha 1 i n n. caudatus + putamen Aronin et al. 1984

subs tance P CCK gri seum centr. mesencepha 1 i Skirboll et al. 1982
somatostatin APP n. caudatus + putamen Vincent et al. 1983a ,b
vasopressin dynorphin n. supraopt. + n. paraventr. magn. Watson et al. 1982
angiotensin II Hoffman et a 1 . 1982

APP, avian pancreatic polypeptide (cf. Fig. 15)

100 nm), whereas monoamines may be pres- gland. These elements contain the classical
ent in large as well as small vesicles (diameter neuromediator acetylcholine and the peptide
about 50 nm), they speculated that in presyn- VIP. In their terminals there is a dominance
aptic endings containing both large and small of small clear vesicles, which presumably
vesicles and a monoamine as well as a neu- store most of the acetylcholine, and some
ropeptide, the monoamine and the neuropep- large dense-core vesicles, which most likely
tide may co-exist in the large vesicles, where- contain VIP (Lundberg and H6kfelt 1983).
as the small vesicles may contain only the Data on the mode of co-localization of neu-
monoamine. On the basis of subcellular frac- romediators in the central neurons are ex-
tionation studies H6kfelt et al. (1984 b) re- tremely scant. Pelletier et al. (1981) have pro-
ported that the situation just indicated actu- duced evidence suggesting that the same
ally exists in the terminals of postganglionic dense-core vesicles found in certain nerve
autonomic neurons innervating the vas defer- endings in the spinal ventral horn store both
ens. In these terminals noradrenaline and a serotonin and substance P.
neuropeptide (neuropeptide Y) are stored The release of neuromediators, let alone the
differentially, whereby the peptide is prefer- release of combinations of neuromediators,
entially stored in large dense-core vesicles, cannot be studied directly at) the ultrastruc-
and noradrenaline is present both in these tural level. However, there is evidence that
vesicles and in small synaptic vesicles. A in certain sets of neurons in the peripheral
somewhat different mode of neuromediator nervous system which contain both a classi-
storage is probably present in another set of cal neuromediator and a peptide a differen-
autonomic postganglionic neurons, i. e. those tial release of these two compounds may take
innervating the submandibular salivary place, because the secretion of the peptide
Conclusions and Comments 123

requires a higher stimulation frequency than sical neuromediator causes rapid effects of
does the classical neuromediator (Lundberg short duration. (b) Often the neuropeptide
and Hokfelt 1983). It may well be that com- seems to play an auxiliary role as co-mes-
parable mechanisms are operative in the cen- senger in support of the classical neurome-
tral nervous system. diator. Such synergistic actions of neuropep-
The functions mediated by two or more neu- tides may be effected in different ways, e. g.
romediators that are released by the same by blocking inhibitory presynaptic autore-
neuron are not fully established. Theoretical- ceptors for the classical neuromediator, or
ly, the potential to release several messengers by cooperating with the classical neurome-
greatly increases the possible number of dif- diator at postsynaptic sites (Hokfelt et al.
ferent chemical signals that a neuron can use 1984b).
in communicating with other elements, par- Before leaving the intriguing subject of co-
ticularly because the elements innervated localization of neuromediators, we should
may be equipped with different sets of recep- note that Osborne (1979) has pointed out
tors (Iversen 1983; Swanson 1983; Hokfelt that the presence of a neuromediator in very
et al. 1984 b). Experimental data, primarily small quantities in a neuron which also con-
obtained from studies of the peripheral ner- tains another neuromediator does not neces-
vous system, yielded the following two ideas sarily have a functional significance. As he
concerning the possible significance of co-lo- has put it: "Since, from the evolutionary
calization of a classical neuromediator and point of view, all neurons are expected to
a neuropeptide (see Lundberg and Hokfelt possess the same genetic machinery, it is pos-
1983; Hokfelt et al. 1984b): (a) Often the sible that the synthesis of certain substances
neuropeptide seems to be responsible for a is not completely suppressed. Thus, although
component of the response, characterized by the substance is present in minute amounts,
slow onset and long duration, while the clas- it may nevertheless be without function."

10 . Morphologically homogeneous neuronal populations (sets of neurons) may

be chemically heterogeneous in the sense that different elements of a set may
either contain different neuromediators or different combinations of neuromedia-

There are several examples of the condition (1981) found that a large proportion of these
first mentioned. (a) First are the periglomer- elements remain unlabelled by the autoradio-
ular cells in the olfactory bulb, a set of super- graphic and immunohistochemical tech-
ficially situated interneurons (Fig. 49) which niques for GABA. They presented evidence
comprises two chemical subsets, one contain- suggesting that many of the non-GABA-ergic
ing GABA, the other dopamine (Ribak et al. Purkinje cells contain motilin or a motilin-
1977; Ljungdahl et al. 1977; Priestley et al. like compound (motilin is a 22-amino acid
1979; Mugnaini et al. 1984a). Mugnaini polypeptide isolated from the porcine gut
et al. (1984b) speculated that the GABA- that influences gastric motility and emptying;
ergic and the dopaminergic peri glomerular see Brown et al. 1973). Interestingly, Chan-
cells may be primarily involved in short- Palay et al. (1981) also reported that a re-
and long-lasting modulation respectively. maining population of between 30% and
(b) GABA is generally considered to be the 40% of the Purkinje cells contains neither
neurotransmitter of the cerebellar Purkinje GABA nor motilin and, hence, may well use
cells (Fig. 48). However, Chan-Palay et al. another neuromediator. (c) From high-affini-
124 Conclusions and Comments

ty uptake and transport studies with tritiated a consistent finding that neurons containing
amino acids, Wilkin et al. (1981) concluded a classical neuromediator and a neuropeptide
that in the cerebellar cortex two biochemi- form a subset within the set of neurons con-
cally separate populations of Golgi neurons taining only the classical neuromediator
(Fig. 48) are present, one transporting gly- (Lundberg and Hokfelt 1983). Subsets, the
cine, the other GABA. elements of which contain the same classical
That morphologically homogeneous neuron neuromediator but different neuropeptides,
populations may contain different combina- have also been found in several centres, such
tions of neuromediators is well known. It is as the medullary raphe nuclei (see Table 3).

11. Although it cannot be excluded that within a number of fibre tracts all of
the constituent fibres contain one and the same neuromediator, many pathways
appear to be composed of subpopulations of fibres, each containing a different
neuromediator or combination of neuromediators. The neuromediator profiles of
fibre systems may vary considerably.

In Table 4 the total number of the neurome- tions represent projection neurons remains to
diators and the neuromediator profiles of a be determined.
number of representative fibre systems are The nature of the neuromediators present in
listed. It should be emphasized that we know such massive fibre systems as the brachium
little of the neuromediators present in a conjunctivum and the pallidothalamic pro-
number of long pathways of classical neu- jection is entirely unknown.
roanatomy. This may' be illustrated by the In the visual geniculocortical projection, t.qe
following examples. presence of only one neuromediator, the pep-
The large cells present in the most superficial tide CCK, has been determined so far (Fallon
zone of the spinal dorsal horn are provided and Seroogy 1984).
with long axons which pass via the spinotha- The neuromediators present in the medial
lamic tract to the nucleus ventralis posterola- longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), a conspicuous
teralis thalami. Because many of these cells fibre system extending throughout the length
are known to contain enkephalin (Glazer and of the brain stem and consisting of several
Basbaum 1981), it seems likely that a certain well-myelinated fibre components (intersti-
proportion of the fibres in the spinothalamic tiospinal, vestibulomesencephalic, vestibu-
tract contain this peptide. However, we have lospinal, reticulospinal), have not been deter-
no idea which neuromediators are present in mined as yet. All we know is that at mesence-
the other components of this composite fibre phalic levels some serotoninergic fibres pene-
system. trate the domain of this bundle. It seems pos-
Concerning the medial lemniscus, all we sible that substance P-, enkephalin- and
know at present is that this large projection GABA-containing cells present in the medial
contains a limited number of substance p- vestibular nucleus contribute fibres to the
immunoreactive fibres (Cuello and Kana- vestibulospinal component of the MLF (No-
zawa 1978). Within the dorsal column nuclei mura et al. 1984), but there is no direct proof
CCK-, DYN- and GABA-containing neu- for this assumption.
rons have been observed (Kiyama et al. 1983; Our obvious lack of knowledge concerning
Khachaturian et al. 1983 b; Rustioni et al. the nature of the neuromediators present in
1984). However, which of these cell popula- many of the fibre systems of classical neu-
Conclusions and Comments 125

Table 4. Neuromediator profiles and total numbers of neuromediators pr,esent in a number of fibre systems

"'"c- ;; '"
n => n
'"0 -! <
" '"R --<'" '"a.=> '"=> ~ '" g
n 0 ro > n =>
-s '"
0 n
0.. ~. ~ ~ I
ro u ro c ~ =>
~ 01
~ > rt
I -!
I 0 ""
'" 0
::r' ro
~~. '"=>

'i ~
~ "= ....~ =>
-s 0

::I .......... ;:I
~ Jl)
'" ~
=> 3

=> => '"'" =>

0 =>
'" '" ~ .... ::::
-s g

tr. olfactorius + + + + + +
tr. corticospinalis + 1
stria termina1is + + + +++++++ + + + 13
fi br. amygda 1ofuga 1es ventr. + + + + + + + + + + + 12
band. di agona 1 is Brocae + + + + + + +
forn; x + + + + + + + + +
stria medullaris + + + + + + +
tr. genicu10cortica1is (visual) +
tr. habenu10-interpedunc. + + + + + +
f. tel encepha 1i cus med. + + + + + + +++++++ + + 15
f. 1ongi tudi na 1i s dors. + + + + + + + + + + + 12
tr. strionigra1is + + + +
tr. ni grotha 1 ami cus +
tr. ni grotecta 1 i s +
tr. supraopti cohypophyseos + + + + +
tr. infundibu1aris + + + +
nervus eoch 1eari s + + +
lemniscus 1atera1is + + + +
brach. collicu1i info +
tr. olivocerebellaris +
f. longitudinalis med. +
fibrae raphespinales + + + + 4

radix dorsalis spinalis + + + + + + +

radix ve,ntrales spinalis +

+, present; +, present in a large number of fibres

roanatomy may have to do with the fact that Finally, it should be appreciated that even
these systems use classical neuromediators the axonal levels of neuromediators pro-
which are produced locally in the terminals duced in the soma, such as the neuropeptides,
and, hence, cannot be demonstrated in the may be too low to be detected with immuno-
axons. Techniques aimed at visualizing not histochemical techniques.
a neuromediator itself, but rather its synthe- The multiplicity of neuromediators present
sizing enzyme may yield negative results in in many of the fibre bundles listed in Table 4
the axons if the concentration of that neu- is doubtless related to the fact that most bun-
romediator in the terminals is to a large ex- dles in the central nervous system are com-
tent maintained by reuptake after its release, posite, i. e. consisting of components arising
rather than by continuous synthesis; again from several, or even many different sources.
this mechanism is known to play an impor- For instance, the fasciculus telencephalicus
tant role in neurons containing classical neu- medialis (or medial forebrain bundle) is
romediators. It may also be worthy of note known to be composed of at least 50)different
that no specific enzyme markers of gluta- shorter and longer, ascending and descending
mate- and aspartate-containing neurons are components (Nieuwenhuys et al. 1982).
available at present. The substances just men- In fibre systems in which classical neurome-
tioned are important excitatory neurotrans- diators as well as neuropeptides are present
mitters which may well be used in several it may well be that these substances co-exist
of the classical pathways enumerated above. within the same axons. It stands to reason
126 Conclusions and Comments

that this situation may be expected in fibre other neuropeptides (see Table 3 for refer-
systems arising from centres which contain ences). Co-localization of two different pep-
projection neurons of'multiple-neuromedia- tides most likely occurs in a certain propor-
tor' types. Thus, certain peri olivary neurons, tion of dorsal root fibres (substance P +
which are known to contribute to the coch- CCK: Dalsgaard et al. 1982a) and in fibres
lear nerve via the olivocochlear bundle, con- of the supraoptico- and paraventriculo-hy-
tain acetylcholine and enkephalin, and in pophyseal tracts (vasopressin + dynorphin
raphespinal fibres serotonin may co-exist and vasopressin + angiotensin II: for refer-
with substance P and TRH, as well as with ences see Table 3).

12. The relations between the pathways of classical hodology and the various
populations of neuromediator-speciJied fibres are often complex and require fur-
ther exploration.

First of all, it should be stated that the con- thin fibres, because of the difficulties with
ventional idea that the white matter of the visualizing the neuromediators used by the
central nervous system is composed mainly coarser, myelinated fibres which form the
of tight, discrete and well-myelinated fibre core of most of the pathways of classical neu-
systems is incorrect. In fact most pathways roanatomy. These difficulties have already
present in a given area of white matter show been indicated under item 11 and need not
a considerable overlap. Moreover, the white be repeated here.
matter contains enormous numbers of thin The data assembled in Table 4 give an im-
and ultrathin, unmyelinated fibres, which pression of the neuromediators known to be
have escaped the attention of previous inves- present within a number of fibre systems.,
tigators, mainly because of the limitations of However, it should be appreciated that many
the techniques they employed. To give a sin- of the fibre populations indicated as present
gle example: the pyramidal tract of the rat within a certain bundle are by no means con-
contains at medullary levels a population of fined to that bundle. Moreover, several of
ultrathin, unmyelinated axons (mean diame- the fibre systems included in the Table, as
ter 0.2 llm) which by far outnumbers the pop- for instance the ventral amygdalofugal path-
ulation of myelinated fibres present within way and the medial forebrain bundle, are in
the bundle (Leenen et al. 1982). In the light fact loosely textured fibre assemblies.
of the frequency of occurrence of small-diam- The complexity of the relations between neu-
eter fibres, it is not surprising that many of romediator-specified fibre populations and
the axons visualized with immunohistochem- classical hodology may perhaps be best illus-
ical techniques are described as thin and un- trated by the behaviour of monoaminergic,
myelinated. This holds in general for mono- particularly noradrenergic and serotonin-
aminergic axons (Lindvall et al. 1974b; ergic fibres. Throughout most of the brain
Moore and Bloom 1978; Steinbusch 1981; these fibres constitute diffuse networks,
Hayashi et al. 1984), but also for fibres con- which bear no relation whatsotI:ver to conven-
taining neuropeptides (e. g. neurotensin: Di- tional pathways. However, they do enter a
Figlia et al. 1984; CRF: Swanson et al. 1983; great many such pathways for what has been
enkephalin: DiFiglia and Aronin 1984 b). called 'epiphytic guidance' to more remote
However, the total picture we have at present targets (Azmitia and Segal 1978). Finally, in
of the neuromediator-specified axon popula- certain regions of the brain stem and spinal
tions may nevertheless be biased towards the cord which are not, or not clearly related to
Conclusions and Comments 127

a b

be Brachium conjunctivum II Lemniscus lateralis

bci Brachium colliculi inferioris 1m Lemniscus medialis
bp Brachium pontis nV Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
e Locus coeruleus oie Oliva inferior complex
ci Colliculus inferior pbl Nucleus parabrachialis lateralis
cl Nucleus cuneatus lateralis pbm Nucleus parabrachialis medialis
em Nucleus cuneatus medialis py Tractus pyramidalis
es Nucleus centralis superior rd Nucleus raphes dorsalis
doX Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi sol Nucleus solitarius
flm Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis tp Tegmentum pontis
gem Griseum centrale mesencephali tV Tractus spinalis nervi trigemini
ger Griseum centrale rhombencephali vin Nucleus vestibularis inferior
gp Griseum pontis V Nervus trigeminus
leb Longitudinal catecholamine bundle XII Nucleus nervi hypoglossi

Fig. 34 a-c. Diagrammatic frontal sections through the right half of the brain stem of the
cat to illustrate the position of the longitudinal catecholamine bundle. (Based on Fig. 6
of Jones and Friedman [1983]) a caudal rhombencephalon; b rostral rhombencephalon;
c caudal mesencephalon
128 Conclusions and Comments

the trajectories of classical pathways, these space, after which it is free to act upon recep-
fibres may attain such a high local concentra- tor sites located within the range of dispersal.
tion that they have been designated as spe- Conceivably, non-terminal segments of un-
cial, transmitter-specific bundles. The large, myelinated, varicose axons are also able to
longitudinal catecholamine bundle' de- influence other neuronal elements in their vi-
scribed by Jones and Friedman (1983; see cinity by either synaptic or non-synaptic
Fig. 34) represents a striking case in point. chemical transmission. Bundles consisting
There is one additional aspect concerning mainly or entirely of such fibres could consti-
neuromediator-specified axons which re- tute 'open' pathways, i. e. pathways which
quires discussion, and that is that these fibres have the potential for influencing other neu-
are often described not only as thin and un- rons throughout their extent, rather than
myelinated, but also as varicose or beaded only in their area of final termination. Sys-
(e.g. by Moore and Bloom 1978; Steinbusch tematic immunohodological studies might
1981; Swanson et al. 1983; Jones and Fried- well reveal that in the brain there occur, apart
man 1983; Hayashi et al. 1984; DiFiglia and from the relatively discrete, myelinated path-
Aronin 1984a). Systematic electron-micro- ways of classical neuroanatomy, a number
scopical studies on non-terminal segments of of 'open multineuromediator channels', i. e.
neuromediator-specified axons have, to my channels composed of several contingents of
knowledge, not been reported. However, it thin, beaded fibres, each contingent contain-
is known that the terminal and preterminal ing a different neuromediator. The dorsal
ramifications of such axons show similar var- longitudinal bundle of Schutz and the greater
icosities which at the ultrastructural level ap- part of the medial forebrain bundle may well
pear to contain accumulations of synaptic ve- represent such channels. It also seems possi-
sicles. These terminal and preterminal vari- ble that the longitudinal catecholamine bun-
cosities may be engaged in typical synaptic dle of Jones and Friedman (1983) is not an
relationships, but such specialized contacts entity in itself, but rather forms part of an
may also be absent. The latter condition has open channel in which fibre contingents us-
been repeatedly described for the swellings ing other neuromediators participate. Fibres
observed in monoaminergic axonal ramifica- containing CRF (Fig. 21), vasopressin and
tions (Pickel et al. 1976; Chan-Palay 1978; oxytocin (Fig. 25), ACTH (Fig. 27) and an-
Leger and Descarries 1978; Beaudet and giotensin II (Fig. 33) occupy positions in the
Descarries 1978). It is assumed that the vesi- brain stem which closely correspond to that
cles present in these non-synaptic varicosities of the catecholamine bundle.
release their content in the extracellular

13. The number of central projection systems in which the neuromediators present
in each of the consecutive neuronal links are known is surprisingly small.

The reasons for this lack of coherence in our onstrate. (c) Certain links may involve a neu-
present day knowledge of chemical neuro- romediator of an as yet unknown nature.
anatomy are threefold: (a) Most immunohis- As paradigms of central projection systems
tochemical studies are neuromediator di- in which at least one of the neuromediators
rected or area directed rather than system present in each of the consecutive elements
directed. (b) Certain links in the neuronal forming their neuronal circuits are known,
chain may use a known neuromediator, the I will briefly discuss the viscerosensory pro-
presence of which is, however, hard to dem- jection originating from the site of entrance
Conclusions and Comments 129

pbl ucleus parabrachialis lateralis

sens ctx Sensory cortex
sol Nucleus solitarius
thai Thalamus
vpm, pc ucleus ventralis posteromedialis,
pars parvocellularis

Fig. 35. Diagram showing the 'viscero-cortical' projection originating from the site of en-
trance of the vagus nerve and its relay centres. The neuromediators identified in the consecu-
tive sets of neurons of this projection are indicated. (Based on Mantyh and Hunt [1984])
130 Conclusions and Comments

of the vagus nerve, the extrapyramidal sys- ropeptides: CCK, enkephalin, neurotensin,
tem, and the descending pain-control sys- SST an'd substance P. In the ventral postero-
tem. medial nucleus of the thalamus, finally, sever-
The viscerosensory projection originating al neuronal perikarya were shown to be im-"
from the site of entrance of the vagus nerve munopositive for one of three neuropeptides
includes, from the periphery to the cortex, (CCK, enkephalin, SST) and to project to
four consecutive sets of projection neurons the visceral and taste sensory cortex. The
(Fig. 35). The first of these is formed by pri- functional significance of these neurochemi-
mary afferent elements, the perikarya of cal findings remains to be clarified. However,
which are situated in the nodose ganglion. it is remarkable that one of the two neu-
Their axons, which carry information from ropeptides present in a certain proportion of
the respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointesti- all four sets of projection neurons which
nal and gustatory systems, terminate in the make up this viscerosensory projection is the
nucleus solitarius (Beckstead and Norgren gut-brain peptide CCK. As pointed out by
1979; Kalia and Mesulam 1980 a, b; Kalia Mantyh and Hunt (1984b), this peptide is
and Sullivan 1982). The solitary nucleus is capable of eliciting the same response (sa-
known to project to the para brachial nuclei tiety) when administered either centrally or
(mainly the lateral one) located in the dorso- peripherally. They suggest that if other pro-
lateral part of the pontine tegmentum (Ri- jection channels were to show a comparable
cardo and Koh 1978; Norgren 1978; King 'repetitive' neuropeptide organization, it
1980). These nuclei project in turn to the would be possible that activation at any level
most medial, parvocellular division of the nu- (either peripherally or centrally) could pro-
cleus ventralis posteromedialis of the thala- duce a similar response.
mus (Saper and Loewy 1980; Voshart and The basal ganglia and the other structures
Van der Kooy 1981). The fourth and final known as extrapyramidal centres, such as the
link in this viscerosensory projection is con- subthalamic nucleus and the substantia ni-
stituted by fibres which pass from the tha- gra, constitute, with their emerging fibre sys-
lamic centre mentioned to the visceral and tems, a number of interrelated loops or cir-
taste areas of the sensory cortex (Burton and cuits from which output systems emerge at
Benjamin 1971; Saper 1982). Using com- several points. Contrary to the classical view
bined immunohistochemical and retrograde developed at the beginning of this century,
tracing techniques, Mantyh and Hunt the quantitatively most important outflow of
(1984 b) have now demonstrated that the var- the striatum converges via the globus pallidus
ious components constituting the vagocorti- and the thalamus upon the precentral cortex
cal projection all contain several neuropep- (areae 4 and 6), i. e. the cortical region from
tides. In the nodose ganglion many small which the motor part of the pyramidal tract
neurons were observed to be immunoreactive originates. Thus, it is primarily via this tract
to antibodies against one of the following that the so-called extrapyramidal system in-
four neuropeptides: CCK, SST, substance P fluences motor activity. The very intricate
and VIP. In the solitary nucleus many neuro- circuitry of the basal ganglia and related
nal cell bodies having a projection to the structures is the subject of several recent re-
parabrachial nuclei have been shown as im- views (e.g. Graybiel and Ragsdale 1979;
munopositive for one of six neuropeptides in- Mehler 1981; Nauta and I;)omesick 1984;
cluding avian pancreatic peptide, CCK, en- Nieuwenhuys 1984; Nieuwenhuys and Cools
kephalin, neurotensin, SST and substance P. 1984), and need not to be detailed here. With-
In the parabrachial nucleus numerous ele- in the frame of the present discussion on neu-
ments projecting to the ventral posteromedial romediator-specified projection systems I will
thalamic nucleus appeared to be immuno- focus on a true extrapyramidal chain of con-
positive for one of the following five neu- nections along which the oculomotor and the
Conclusions and Comments 131

c Nucleus caudatus /lrd ucleus raphes dor ali

cm ucleus centromedianus p Putamen
cs Colliculus superior pi ucleus parafascicularis
Cl X Cortex cerebri snc Substantia nigra, pars compacta
gpl Globus pallid us, pars lateralis s/lr Substantia nigra, pars reticulata
gpm Globus pallid us, pars medialis thaI Thalamus
lac Large aspiny cell lpC Nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus,
mac Medium-sized aspiny cell pars compacta
msc Medium-sized den ely spiny cell

Fig. 36. Diagram showing some connections in the extrapyramidal system. The neuromedia-
tors identified in the various neurons are indicated; for further explanation see text
132 Conclusions and Comments

bulbospinal motor apparatuses are affected. and enkephalin are co-localized. Quantitative
This chain comprises three consecutive links, analysis revealed that GAD and enkephalin
formed by corticostriatal, striatonigral and co-exist in about one-half of the caudate cell
nigrotectal and -tegmental projections populations containing each of these sub-
(Fig. 36). The neurochemical data on the sets stances.
of neurons included in these and related pro- Apart from the direct striatonigral projection
jections are mainly derived from the preced- just discussed, there is evidence for the pres-
ing chapter and from the following reviews: ence of an indirect striatonigral connection
Graybiel and Ragsdale 1983; Graybiel 1984; which is synaptically interrupted in the exter-
Bolam 1984; McGeer et al. 1984c, to which nal pallidal segment. Retrograde labelling ex-
the reader is referred for details. periments have demonstrated the presence of
As regards the first link in the projection sys- pallidonigral neurons in the compartment
tem to be discussed, it is known that the last mentioned, and striatal projection neu-
whole of the neocortex sends fibres to the rons have been shown to make synaptic con-
nucleus caudatus and the putamen, and that tacts with such elements (Bolam 1984). The
all parts of these two cell masses receive fibres pallidonigral neurons have been reported to
from the neocortex. Although this projection contain GABA (McGeer et al. 1984). Wheth-
originates from different classes of cells lo- er the striatofugal fibres impinging on the
cated in different cortical layers, all of its pallidonigral neurons are axons of separate
fibres use one and the same neurotransmitter, neurons, collaterals of striatonigral elements
namely the excitatory amino acid gluta- or a mixture of both (see Graybiel and Rags-
mate. dale 1983) remains to be determined. How-
Efferent fibres from the caudate and puta- ever, the presence of a very dense plexus of
men converge toward the globus pallidus and enkephalinergic fibres in the external pallidal
pass radially through both segments of that segment (Fig. 29) suggests that striatofugal
structure. During their transit through the fibres containing this neuromediator may
globus pallidus these fibres emit numerous well influence the pallidonigral neurons.
collaterals that synapse with pallidal neu- The third link in the descending extrapyrami-
rons. They then leave the globus pallidus, at- dal projection under discussion is formed by
tenuate considerably, and descend to the sub- GABA-ergic neurons situated in the pars re-
stantia nigra, to terminate in the pars reticu- ticulata of the substantia nigra, which send
lata of that structure. Retrograde labelling their axons to the superior colliculus and the
experiments have shown that most of the midbrain tegmentum. The nigrotectal projec-
striatonigral fibres originate from a charac- tion is massive and terminates in the deeper
teristic and very common cell type known layers of the superior colliculus. This path-
as the medium-sized, densely spiny cell. In way has been shown to contribute to the con-
elements of this type the following neurome- trol of eye movements (Hikosaka and Wurtz
diators have been shown to be present: 1983a, b, c, d). Moreover, the deeper layers
GABA, substance P, enkephalin and dynor- of the superior colliculus give rise to tecto-
phin, and the presence of all of these four reticular and tectospinal pathways, which af-
substances has also been demonstrated in the fect the bulbospinal motor apparatus. The
pars reticulata of the substantia nigra. It is neuromediators used by these pathways are
unclear at present whether different subpop- unknown.
ulations of medium-sized, densely spiny cells The nigrotegmental fibres terminate mainly
contain different neuromediators. However, in the compact part of the nucleus tegmenti
Aronin et al. (1984) have recently demon- pedunculopontinus (TPc), a cell mass situ-
strated that in numerous caudate neurons of ated in the most caudal part of the midbrain
medium size, glutamic acid decarboxylase tegmentum and embedded in the reticular
(GAD), i. e. the GAB A synthesizing enzyme, formation. This nucleus also receives affer-
Conclusions and Comments 133

ents from the motor cortex, the internal palli- lamostriate projection neurons contain sub-
dal segment and the subthalamic nucleus. stance P; (b) fibres ascending from the dopa-
The main output of TPc feeds back into the minergic neurons in the compact part of the
extrapyramidal circuitry impinging upon, substantia nigra - these fibres are known to
among other structures, the globus pallidus, form an extremely dense terminal network
the subthalamic nucleus and the pars com- in the caudatoputamen. Dendrites of the do-
pacta of the substantia nigra (Edley and paminergic compacta cells, directed ventrally
GraybieI1983), but this centre also gives rise into the pars reticulata of the substantia ni-
to a limited number of descending fibres gra, have been shown to be contacted directly
which terminate in the pontine and medul- by terminals of striatonigral fibres (Wassef
lary reticular formation. The neuromediators et al. 1981). Thus, at least a certain propor-
present in TPc and its efferents are unknown, tion of the dopaminergic nigral projection
but according to Graybiel (1984), the area neurons may close a feedback loop between
in which this centre is embedded contains nu- the compact part of the substantia nigra and
merous cholinergic and peptidergic ele- the caudatoputamen; (c) serotoninergic
ments. fibres originating from the nucleus raphes
From the foregoing it appears that the pro- dorsalis; (d) somatostatin-containing fibres,
jection system discussed comprises three con- which possibly arise from the frontal cortex,
secutive sets of neuromediator-specified neu- cingulate cortex, hippocampal formation and
rons: first, the neurochemically homoge- amygdala. In addition to the extrinsic affer-
neous corticostriate neurons, using'the excit- ents just discussed, the medium-sized, densely
atory amino acid glutamate; second, the spiny cells have been shown to be the post-
probably neurochemically heterogeneous synaptic targets of several groups of intrinsic
striatonigral neurons, containing the inhibi- elements. Under this heading the medium-
tory amino acid GABA, or one of the neu- sized, densely spiny cells include large ele-
ropeptides substance P, enkephalin or dynor- ments with aspiny dendrites containing ace-
phin, or combinations of these substances; tylcholine, GABA-ergic medium-sized,
and third, again a set of neurochemically ho- aspiny cells, and neurons of the same mor-
mogeneous, GABA-ergic nigrofugal neu- phological type containing somatostatin.
rons. As a matter of fact, this is a very simpli- Thus, it appears that fibres containing the
fied way of representing things. In reality, following neuromediators converge upon the
these consecutive sets of neurons are not ar- medium-sized, densely spiny striatal cells:
ranged in a simple array. Rather, influences acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, GABA,
from many different sources converge on substance P, SST and probably enkephalin
each element. This may be exemplified by and dynorphin. It is worth noting that the
briefly considering the various non-cortical striatum is also in receipt of extrinsic fibres
afferents of the medium-sized densely spiny containing noradrenalin, neurotensin, IX-
neurons, i. e. the elements which, according MSH and CCK. However, the axons con-
to Bolam (1984), provide the basic frame- taining these substances have not so far been
work of neostriatal circuitry. The extrinsic demonstrated to synapse directly with medi-
afferents of these cells include: (a) fibres aris- um-sized, densely spiny neurons.
ing from the intralaminar thalamic cell The so-called descending pain-control system
groups, in particular the parafascicular nu- (Fig. 37) is extensively discussed in a recent
cleus and centrum medianum - the neurome- review article (Basbaum and Fields 1984), to
diator of these fibres, which together form which the reader is referred for details. In
a massive projection, has not been identified the present survey only a few morphological
as yet; however, most recently Sugimoto aspects of this system will be highlighted (see
et al. (1984) have provided experimental evi- also p.96 and p. 101). Essentially, the de-
dence indicating that at least some of the tha- scending pain-control system or 'endogenous
134 Conclusions and Comments


Alg j_---'___+ ""


am Corpus amygdaloideum
cm Cellulae marginales
CfX/r Cortex frontalis
/refm forrnatio reticularis medialis
gcm Griseum centrale mesencephali
hYPOfh Hypothalamus
n cun Nucleus cunciforrnis
nrd Nucleus raphes dorsalis
nrm Nucleus raphes magnus
rdsp Radix dorsalis nervi spinalis
sg Substantia gelatino a

Fig. 37. Diagram showing some fibre connections related to the descending pain-control
system. The neuromediators identified in the fibres of the various pathways are indicated
Conclusions and Comments 135

analgesia' system consists of a series of inter- the other neuromediators mentioned are in-
related centres or areas situated at three dif- volved in this system remains to be estab-
ferent levels of the neuraxis: the mesencepha- lished.
lon, the rhombencephalon and the spinal dor- The mesencephalic central grey receives sig-
sal horn. It is in the area last mentioned that nificant inputs from the cerebral cortex, par-
the system inhibits noxiously evoked activity. ticularly the frontal, somatosensory and
The mesencephalic complex involved in pain cingular regions, the amygdala, the preoptic
control consists of the griseum centrale me- area and the hypothalamus (Hardy et al.
sencephali or periaqueductal grey (PAG), the 1981; Beitz 1982c; Bragin et al. 1984). The
nucleus raphes dorsalis, which is partly em- hypothalamic projection comprises fibre
bedded in the central grey, and the adjacent contingents each containing a different neu-
reticular formation, i. e. part of the cuneiform romediator, among which are histamine,
nucleus. Within this complex are found pop- LHRH, vasopressin, oxytocin, ACTH, y-
ulations of neurons containing numerous dif- MSH, endorphin and angiotensin II (for ref-
ferent neuromediators including serotonin, erences, see the pertinent preceding sections).
GABA, substance P, CCK, neurotensin, en- Apart from the descending projections men-
kephalin and dynorphin. tioned above, the PAG also receives afferents
At the rhombencephalic level the nucleus from numerous brain stem centres, including
raphes magnus and adjacent portions of the the nucleus cuneiformis, the ventral tegmen-
medial reticular formation constitute an im- tal area, the locus coeruleus, the para brachial
portant relay between the mesencephalic area and the pontine and medullary reticular
complex discussed above and the spinal cord. formation, as well as from the spinal cord
Like the mesencephalic complex, this way (Beitz 1982c; Mehler 1969).
station may be characterized as a multineuro- The PAG sends a large projection to the
mediator centre. Neuronal populations con- rhombencephalic relay centre of the descend-
taining serotonin, substance P, CCK, TRH, ing pain-control system" i. e. the nucleus
enkephalin and dynorphin have been found raphes magnus and adjacent parts of the re-
within its confines. Moreover, in certain cells ticular formation (Abols and Basbaum 1981;
serotonin and substance P or serotonin and Carlton et al. 1983; Fardin et al. 1984), and
enkephalin co-exist, and in other cells even the experimental work of Beitz (1982a) has
three different neuromediators - serotonin, shown that this projection originates from
substance P and TRH - are co-localized. It serotonin- and neurotensin-containing cells
is important to note that neither the mesence- in the PAG. In addition, fibres originating
phalic nor the rhombencephalic complex dis- from the PAG and the dorsal raphe nucleus
cussed above are exclusively involved in pain project directly to the spinal cord (Mantyh
control. and Peschanski 1982). These fibres, some of
The spinal portion of the endogenous analge- which originate from serotoninergic cells sit-
sia system comprises, apart from the terminal uated in the dorsal raphe nucleus, may well
parts of fibres descending from the rhomben- contribute to pain control by influencing
cephalon and possibly the mesencephalon neurons in the spinal dorsal horn. Another
(see below), local circuit neurons situated in mesencephalic centre implicated in the en-
the substantia gelatinosa. Again, in this part dogenous control of pain, i. e. the nucleus
of the dorsal horn there are populations of cuneiformis, also distributes fibres tQ) the nu-
cells containing many different neuromedia- cleus raphes magnus. However, whereas the
tors, including GABA, substance P, neu- fibres arising from the PAG contain sero-
rotensin, enkephalin and dynorphin. It seems tonin or neurotensin, those descending from
likely that the enkephalinergic elements form the cuneiform nucleus have been demon-
part of the descending pain-control system, strated to contain enkephalin and substance
but to what extent the elements containing P (Beitz 1982b).
136 Conclusions and Comments

The important question of which elements The efferents of the rhombencephalic pain-
actually influence the neurons projecting control relay centre project to the spinal cord
from the mesencephalic to the rhombence- via the dorsolateral funiculus, where th~ir
phalic centres implicated in pain modulation terminal fields include laminae I, II and V,
has not been answered as yet. Given the facts i. e. the laminae known to contain neurons
that (a) the PAG contains enkephalinergic which are maximally responsive to noxious
and dynorphinergic neurons, (b) it receives stimuli (Basbaum et al. 1978; Leichnetz et al.
a substantial endorphinergic projection from 1978; Martin et al. 1982). The cells in the
the hypothalamus, (c) the vast majority of rhombencephalic relay centre which give rise
enkephalin-immunoreactive terminals in the to spinal projections employ serotonin, enke-
PAG are presynaptic to dendrites, (d) opiate phalin, substance P, TRH, and presumably
actions on target neurons are generally inhib- acetylcholine as neuromediators. A large
itory, and (e) excitation of the PAG output fraction of these cells contain serotonin co-
neurons is required to initiate descending existing with one or more neuropeptides
control, Basbaum and Fields (1984) pro- (Bowker et al. 1983; Basbaum and Fields
posed that endogenous opioid peptides (ei- 1984). The internal circuitry within the
ther enkephalin, dynorphin, endorphin, or all rhombencephalic relay centre is unknown.
three) activate neurotensinergic output neu- However, Basbaum and Fields (1984) sup-
rons in the PAG by inhibiting an inhibitory posed that within this centre neurotensin-
- presumably GABA-ergic - interneuron. containing fibres descending from the PAG
The rhombencephalic pain-control relay are in direct synaptic contact with bulbo-
centre receives, as we have seen, major affer- spinal projection neurons.
ent connections from the PAG and the adja- Turning now to the spinal cord, there is am-
cent midbrain nucleus cuneiformis. Addition- ple evidence that influences exerted on ele-
al afferents to this centre arise from many ments in the spinal dorsal horn by the bul-
different sources, including the frontal cor- bospinal projection~ discussed above playa
tex, the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, crucial role in the endogenous pain-control
the zona incerta, the deep superior colliculus, system. Thus, focal electrical stimulation of
the rhombencephalic reticular formation, the the nucleus raphes magnus causes behaviour-
spinal trigeminal nucleus, the dorsal column al analgesia and inhibits activity of most dor-
nuclei and the spinal cord (Abols and Bas- sal horn nociceptive neurons (see Miletic
baum 1981; Carlton et al. 1983). The histo- et al. 1984). However, with regard to the neu-
chemical and immunohistochemical studies ronal targets or the sites of action of the bul-
reviewed in the previous sections indicate bospinal axons there are still many uncertain-
that the neuromediators present in the cells ties. The following list of possibilities, which
of origin of a number of these afferents can is by no means exhaustive, is based mainly
be specified as follows: PAG - serotonin, so- on the work of Basbaum and Fields (1984).
matostatin, neurotensin; cuneiform nucle- 1. Serotonin-containing bulbospinal neurons
us - substance P, enkephalin, neurotensin; exert a presynaptic inhibitory action on noci-
rhombencephalic reticular formation - sub- ceptive primary afferent fibres. There is phys-
stance P, enkephalin. These studies also indi- iological evidence supporting the existence of
cate that the nucleus raphes magnus receives this connection (see Miletic et al. 1984).
non-coerulean noradrenergic fibres, ACTH- 2. Serotoninergic fibres postsynaptically in-
containing fibres from the mediobasal hy- hibit nociceptive projection neurons situated
pothalamus, neurotensin- and enkephalin- in lamina I of the dorsal horn. Miletic et al.
containing fibres from the parabrachial area, (1984) have recently provided morphological
and substance P-, neurotensin- and enkepha- as well as physiological evidence for the pres-
lin-containing fibres from the nucleus solitar- ence of this direct postsynaptic inhibition of
ius. nociceptive projection neurons.
Conclusions and Comments 137

3. Descending bulbospinal fibres releasing and the brain ,stem, projecting to a mesence-
an excitatory neuromediator (e.g. substance phalic complex, encompassing the periaque-
P) synapse with endogenous opioid (enke- ductal grey and parts of the nucleus raphes
phalin or dynorphin)-containing local circuit dorsalis and the cuneiform nucleus; (b) neu-
neurofls, which in turn exert an inhibitory rons projecting from this mesencephalic com-
influence on nociceptive primary afferents. plex to a rhombencephalic relay centre, con-
There is ample evidence that the axons of sisting of the nucleus raphes magnus and cer-
bulbospinal projection neurons synapse with tain adjacent parts of the reticular formation;
spinal local circuit neurons. However, no (c) neurons projecting from the rhombence-
morphological substrate has been found for phalic relay centre to the spinal cord; and
presynaptic control of primary afferents by (d) certain sets of neurons present in the spi-
(endogenous opioid-containing) interneu- nal dorsal horn (Fig. 37).
rollS. Basbaum and Fields (1984) suggested These three central circuits were selected be-
that this control of primary afferents may cause at least one of the neuromediators in
be exerted via a 'nonsynaptic' action, in a each of the consecutive popUlations of pro-
manner similar to that occurring in the pe- jection neurons forming these circuits is
ripheral autonomic system. known. Although this knowledge is a definite
4. Serotoninergic fibres inhibit opioid-con- achievement of chemical neuroanatomy and
taining interneurons, and these exert an in- allows cautious functional interpretations at
hibitory action on nociceptive projection certain points (see e. g. Mantyh and Hunt
neurons via a second inhibitory (presumably 1984b), it should be emphasized that even
GABA-ergic) interneuron. Although GABA- in such a simplified setting, where central cir-
containing neurons do occur in the superfi- cuitry is reduced to array of neurons, numer-
cial dorsal horn, in terms of circuitry this ar- ous unsolved problems become visible. In the
rangement is purely hypothetical. first paradigm, i. e. the vagocortical projec-
tion, we do not know what synaptic relations
In the preceding paragraphs f have discussed are involved in any of the relay centres.
the following three projection systems: Hence, the question as to which of the con-
(a) the viscerosensory projection originating secutive sets of neuromediator-specified pro-
from the site of entrance of the vagus nerve, jection neurons are actually in direct synaptic
(b) a chain of connections forming part of contact remains to be answered. With regard
the extrapyramidal system, and (c) the de- to the extrapyramidal circuit taken as our
scending pain-control system. The viscero- second paradigm, it appears that the medi-
sensory projection comprises consecutively, um-sized, densely spiny neurons which con-
primary afferent vagus fibres, neurons situ- stitute the striatonigral projection receive a
ated in the solitary nucleus projecting to the large direct glutamatergic input from cortical
para brachial area, neurons projecting from neurons, and that several other sets of neu-
the parabrachial area to the most medial, romediator-specified neurons also impinge
parvocellular part of the nucleus ventralis on these striatal elements. However, al-
posteromedialis thalami (VPMpc), and final- though the axonal endings of the medium-
ly neurons projecting from the VPMpc to the sized, densely spiny cells most probably syn-
visceral and taste areas of the sensory cortex apse with GABA-ergic elements in the pars
(Fig. 35). The extrapyramidal projection dis- reticulata of the substantia nigra, direct and
cussed consists of three consecutive links convincing evidence for the existence of such
formed by corticostriatal, striatonigral, and contacts is lacking at present. Finally, it
nigrotectal and nigrotegmental projections seems that it is only at the lowest level of
(Fig. 36). The descending pain-control sys- the three-tiered descending pain-control sys-
tem appears to comprise: (a) neurons situ- tem that some insight into the local synaptic
ated in the telencephalon, the hypothalamus relations exists.
138 Conclusions and Comments

14. The terms' terminal field' and' terminal plexus', as appearing in the literature
and in the following sections of this treatise, should be taken with some caution.

In immunohistochemistry it is customary to tor they contain within that field, a phenome-

designate any accumulation of fibre- or 'dot- non which is difficult to demonstrate. The
like' immunoreactivity within the grey matter probability that the structures observed actu-
of the central nervous system as a terminal ally release their neuromediator increases if
field. However, in a number of cases it cannot receptors for that neuromediator appear to
be excluded that the structures observed rep- be present within the same area. The only
resent the initial parts ofaxons whose parent strong morphological evidence for the pres-
cell bodies have remained unstained, rather ence of a true terminal field is, of course,
than axonal terminal segments. Moreover, the demonstration of presynaptic differentia-
the term 'terminal field' implies that the tions containing the neuromediator by im-
structures observed release the neuromedia- munoelectron-microscopy.

15. The terminal plexuses present within most grisea have been demonstrated
to be composed of subpopulations of axonal ramifications, each containing a
different neuromediator. The neuromediator profiles of the terminal fields present
within the various grisea may differ considerably.

The total numbers of known neuromediators of neuropeptides, practically all 'classical'

and the neuromediator profiles of the fibres neuromediators are present. The various sub-
and terminals present within the confines of populations of neuromediator-specified ter:
a number of representative grisea are listed minal ramifications within a given griseum
in Table 5. It will be seen that in a number may show considerable differences in density.
of cell masses, such as the central amygdaloid In order to give some idea of these differ-
nucleus, the caudatus-putamen complex and ences, two degrees of density have been indi-
the nucleus solitarius, the number of subpop- cated in Table 5. It must be borne in mind,
ulations of terminal ramifications each con- however, that in many mapping studies these
taining a different neuromediator is very differences are expressed in a range of five
large. It is also noteworthy that in the cauda- or six levels.
tus-putamen complex, apart from a number

16. Some subpopulations of neuromediator-specified fibres and terminals mC}y

conform exactly to cytoarchitectonic entities, but others may not be restricted
to the boundaries of classical nuclear groups.

With regard to these phenomena I will con- tinosa, the nucleus intermediolateralis and
fine myself to a few examples. In the spinal the central grey (lamina X). The external seg-
cord many subpopulations of fibres, each ment of the globus palliduscontains a very
containing a different neuropeptide, show a dense plexus of enkephalinergic fibres,
striking congruency with the substantia gela- whereas in the internal pallidal segment nu-
Conclusions and Comments 139

Table 5. The total number of neuromediators and the neuromediator profiles of a number of cell masses.
Only the neuromediators occurring in the fibres and terminals are listed

::: ,.., ,. ...
" ..., :x:r '"6l :x:'"-< <e: ,..,-< ".., ",.,. ~.., " ...~
"~-g ".., .., (l'"'" ...'" ,.6; ..." ~ "'"g ~
go Q. <C <: n R n> II> go
"" ..," '" :x:
0 0 Q. '" <C II> 0 3: :;: 0

"S§. .., " ... .. '" ... V> V>

,.. ...
C. <.Q

¥' " g ...

go II> 0 :x: :x: :x: 0 II> 0

go go
Q. 0 "C "C 0

" "
0 ,.. "C
",.. " "n>
II> go II>

-. " " " "'" B:

" " " ~ ..,'"E!-
go II> +


" 0
"::: II>
II> "II> "C " ~

n. centralis amygdalae + + + + ++ + + + + + + 12
n. septi medialis + + + + + + 6
n. caudatus + putamen + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 16
globus pallidus, p. lateralis + + + + + +
globus pallidus, p. medialis + + + + + +
n. habenulae medialis + + + + + + + + +
n. habenulae lateralis + + + + + + + + 8
corpus geniculatum mediale + + + +
n. subthalamicus + + +
n. supraopti cus + + + + +
n. suprachiasmaticus + + + + +
corpus mami 11 are + + + + +
n. nervi oeul omotori i + +
n. ruber +
substantia nigra, p. compacta + + + + + + +
SUbstantia nigra, p. reticulata + + + + + + +
area tegmentalis ventralis + + + + + + + + + + + + 12
n. i nterpeduncul ari s + + + + + + + + 3
nn. lemnisci lateralis + + +
n. raphes magnus + + + + + + 6
n. parabrachialis lateralis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 16
nn. pontis + + + +
n. nervi facialis + + + + + + + +
n. solitarius + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + 17
n. intermediol ateral i s + ++ + + + + + +

+, present; +, present in a large number of structures

merous dynorphin- and substance P-contain- the monkey, striking and discrete zones of
ing fibres are found. 'Non-congruency' is enkephalinergic fibres occur which do not
shown by the diffuse plexus of serotoninergic conform to known nuclear boundaries. Fi-
fibres which extends over virtually the entire nally, it should be mentioned that in the pre-
central nervous system. Local concentrations optico-hypothalamic continuum the terminal
of these fibres mayor may not conform to plexuses of many neuromediator-specified
nuclear boundaries (see Steinbusch 1981). subpopulations of fibres often extend beyond
According to a recent mapping study (Jo- the boundaries of the cell masses to encom-
hansson et al. 1984), somatostatin-containing pass the adjacent non-cellular regions to
fibres behave similarly in many different which dendrites of the nuclei project. Compa-
parts of the neuraxis. Diffuse networks of rable phenomena can be observed in other
oc-MSH-containing fibres have been observed parts of the brain, as for instance the solita-
in the hippocampus and spinal cord (Kohler rius region in the lower rhombencephalon
et al. 1984b), and Haber and Elde (1982) not- (Kalia et al. 1984b).
ed that in the mediobasal telencephalon of
140 Conclusions and Comments

17. Neuromediator-speciJied subpopulations of fibres and terminals occurring

within the confines of grisea often show a spatial segregation within these grisea.
Such spatially segregated terminal fields may correspond to other neuromediator
terminal fields, as well as to cytoarchitectonic, cytochemical or functional subdivi-

I will illustrate these important phenomena rophysin II are also present in scattered
with a number of examples taken from var- amounts. In a second study, Kalia' et al.
ious parts of the brain: (a) the nucleus soli- (1984c) demonstrated that neurophysin-im-
tarius, (b) the parabrachial region, (c) the in- munoreactive nerve terminals are selectively
terpeduncular nucleus, (d) the substantia ni- distributed to the dorsal and medial subnu-
gra, (e) the paraventricular nucleus, (f) the clei and their adjacent dendritic regions. They
suprachiasmatic nucleus, (g) the preoptic re- pointed out that this selective distribution of
gion, (h) the caudatus-putamen complex and neurophysin-immunoreactive nerve termi-
(i) the cerebral cortex. nals in the cardiovascular and gastrointesti-
The nucleus solitarius is responsible for inte- nal subnuclei of the nucleus solitarius impli-
grating respiratory, cardiovascular (barore- cates the presence of a direct, descending,
ceptive and chemoreceptive), and gastroin- hypothalamic, oxytocin-neurophysin II-con-
testinal functions, and within the confines of taining pathway influencing these functions
this nucleus a division of discrete subnuclear of the nucleus solitarius.
units of functional significance can be made. It has already been mentioned under item 13
Respiratory subnuclei are found mainly in that the parabrachial region receives from the
the ventrolateral part of the solitary nucleus, nucleus solitarius a substantial projection
whereas the cardiovascular and gastrointesti- consisting of several subpopulations of
nal subnuclei occupy dorsal and medial posi- fibres, each of which contains a different neu-
tions respectively. In an attempt to correlate ropeptide. Milner et al. (1984) studied the
the cytoarchitecture and functions of the soli- distribution of substance P, neurotensin and
tary nucleus with immunohistochemistry, enkephalin in the para brachial region and
Kalia et al. (1984b) prepared detailed maps their association with efferents from the soli-
of the distribution of a number of neuropep- tary nucleus in the rat, by combining the im-
tides within that nucleus. Although a remark- munohistochemicallocalization of these neu-
able degree of co-representation of neuropep- ropeptides with the autoradiographic label-
tides within the various subnuclei of the soli- ling of tritiated amino acids anterogradely
tary nucleus was found, the following differ- transported from the caudal portion of the
ences between the distribution patterns of in- medial part of the solitary nucleus (Fig. 38).
dividual neuropeptides could be detected. Neurotensin- and substance P-containing
The subnuclei associated with respiratory fibres were located primarily in the ventrolat-
control show somatostatin, enkephalin, and eral quadrant of the para brachial region, but
substance P immunoreactivity, with somato- they were differentially localized with respect
statin being most prominent in these nuclei; to each other (Fig. 38b, c). However, both
the subnuclei involved in baroreflexes and peptides were detected in an aJ;,ea of the para-
chemoreflexes show mainly substance P and brachial region containing dense autoradio-
neurophysin II immunoreactivity, whereas graphic labelling (Fig. 38 e). In contrast, en-
the subnucleus associated with gastrointesti- kephalin-containing fibres were located pri-
nal function receives predominantly sub- marily in the dorsolateral parabrachial quad-
stance P-immunoreactive nerve terminals, al- rant (Fig. 38 d), an area which appeared to
though somatostatin, enkephalin and neu- contain only sparse autoradiographic label-
Conclusions and Comments 141




be Brachium con- pbm Nucleus parabra-
junctivum chialis mediali
j1m Fasciculus longi- sell Tractus pinoce-
tudinalis media- rebellaris ventra-
lis lis
grcrh Gri eum centrale Vm ucleu moto-
rhombencephaJi rius nervi lrige-
Ie Locus coeruleus mini
pbl Nucleus parabra- Vme ucleus mesen-
chia lis lateralis ccphalicus nervi

Fig. 38 a-e. Schematic drawings of frontal sections through the parabrachial region of the
rat; a subdivisions of the region; b, c, d distribution of substance P-(SUP) , neurotensin-(N1),
and enkephalin-(ENK) immunoreactive fibres ; e anterograde labelling after an injection of
tritiated proline (PROL) into the caudomedial part of the nucleus solitarius. (Modified
from Milner et al. 1984)
142 ents
Conclusions an d Comm
'0$ ra l cau aal

L ~
,/ oG ;
". .. ', L
a c 0

,0 Q'

b ..... OBII

· 0' .·

c 5HT
4 · ....

.<:' o .. .....
0: \ ... .. : ~ o" -

-" . =.tJ '

... ~


d SP

Fig. 39
Conclusions and Comments 143




a : 0'· .'

Fig. 39 a-g. Diagrammatic frontal sections through the rostral (left) and caudal (right) por·
tions of the interpeduncular nucleus of the rat. a Subnuclear boundaries based on the atlas
of Hamill and Lenn (1984) ; b-g identical levels of the interpeduncular nucleus illlistrating
the distribution of immunofluorescent cell bodies (triangles) and processes (dots) reactive
for dopamine-p-hydroxylase (DBll) , serotonin (5Hy) , substance P (SP) , cholecystokinin
(CCK), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and Leu-enkephalin (ENK) respectively. (Re-
drawn from Hamill et al. 1984)
Abbreviations : R,D,C,I,L rostral, dorsal, caudal, intermediate and lateral subnuclei of the
interpeduncular nucleus
144 Conclusions and Comments

ling of transported amino acids (Fig. 38e). mentary patterns in the distribution of these
The authors concluded that in the para bra- four pep tides appeared to be present in the.
chial region of the rat, substance P and neu- rostral subnucleus. The lateral subnucleus,.fi-
rotensin are contained within two different nally, was found to contain a very dense plex-.
populations of afferents which may originate us of substance P-positive fibres, a dense
from the caudal portion of the medial part plexus of CCK-positive fibres, and a moder-
of the nucleus solitarius, whereas enkephalin ately dense plexus of VIP-positive fibres.
is more likely to be found in other afferents However, all of these three plexuses occupied
or possibly in intrinsic neurons. only a part of that subnucleus. Since few
The interpeduncular nucleus is an unpaired functional studies of the effects of neuroac-
cell mass situated in the basal region of the tive substances have been performed on the
mesencephalon. It receives a large afferent interpeduncular nucleus, Hamill and collab-
projection via the fasciculus retroflexus and orators (1984) considered it premature to
may be considered part of the so-called speculate on the physiological significance of
limbic midbrain area (Nauta 1958). It is not the monoamines and peptides present in this
a homogeneous nucleus, but is composed of nucleus. However, they suggested that the
several subnuclei. In a recent study, Hamill abundance of neuroactive substances con-
and Lenn (1984; see also Lenn and Hamill tained in this region may well indicate that
1984) distinguished three single subnuclei the interpeduncular nucleus is an important
(rostral, central, dorsal) and four paired sub- link in the limbic system. Similar suggestions
nuclei (interstitial, intermediate, lateral, dor- are frequently encountered in the neuroim-
sal lateral). The positions of five of these sub- munohistochemicalliterature. In my opinion,
nuclei are indicated in Fig. 39. Hamill et al. such an abundance of neuromediators has
(1984) have mapped in detail the localization to do with the mode of information process-
of structures containing dopamine-p-hydrox- ing in a centre, rather than being indicative
ylase (i. e. the synthesizing enzyme of nor- of the functional importance of that centre.
adrenalin), serotonin, substance P, CCK, It has already been discussed that the sub-
VIP, enkephalin and somatostatin in the in- stantia nigra, which is situated in the ventnil
terpeduncular nucleus of the rat. They dem- part of the midbrain, consists of two histo-
onstrated that perikarya and processes con- logically different portions, the pars com-
taining these substances are heterogeneously pacta and the pars reticulata, and that both
distributed over the nucleus and conform in of these portions represent important nodal
their distribution partly, but not entirely to points in the extrapyramidal system (see item
the subnuclear areas (Fig. 39). Thus, the ros- 13 and Fig. 36). Inagaki and Parent (1984)
tral subnucleus contains numerous enkepha- studied the distribution of substance P and
lin-positive perikarya and co-extensive field enkephalin in the substantia nigra of the rat,
of enkephalin-containing processes. Cau- the cat and the squirrel monkey by means
dally, however, this complex of enkephalin- of the indirect immunofluorescence tech-
ergic structures extends through both the nique. Their finding can be summarized as
dorsal and central subnuclei. The dorsal sub- follows (Fig. 40): In the rat a dense network
nucleus is characterized by the presence of of fine substance P-containing fibres is uni-
numerous serotonin-containing perikarya. In formly distributed throughout the rostrocau-
this subnucleus a remarkable histochemical dal extent of the substantia nigra pars reticu-
differentiation was observed. Substance P- lata (SNr) and in the most ventral part of
and VIP-containing processes were concen- the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc).
trated in bilateral ovoid areas located in the Enkephalin-containing fibres are scattered
dorsal portion of the subnucleus, whereas among SNc neurons, but also occur in the
CCK- and enkephalin-containing processes SNr, particularly in its caudolateral part. In
surrounded these areas. Comparable comple- the cat, numerous fine substance P-positive
Conclusions and Comments 145





Fig. 40. Schematic drawings of frontal sections through the substantia nigra of the rat,
the cat and the squirrel monkey to illustrate the distribution of substance P- (SUP) and
enkephalin- (ENK) positive fibres. The hatched areas represent networks of fine immunoreac-
tive fibres, whereas the dots illustrate the more scattered and coarse fibres. (Modified from
Inagaki and Parent 1984)
Abbreviations: pc, pedunculus cerebri; snc, substantia nigra, pars compacta; snr, substantia
nigra, pars reticulata
146 Conclusions and Comments

fibres are distributed in the SNr according part and of the medial, dorsal and periventri-
to a pattern similar to that found in the rat. cular parvocellular parts are indicated.
Fine enkephalin-containing fibres are densely Swanson et al. (1981) studied the distribution
packed in the ventromedial portion of the of catecholaminergic fibres in the paraven-
SNr, whereas coarse enkephalinergic fibres tricular nucleus with immunohistochemical
are scattered in both the SNr and the SNc. techniques, using antisera to the catechol-
In the monkey, fine substance P- as well as amine synthesizing enzymes DBH and
enkephalin-containing fibres occur in very PNMT. Structures stained with an antiserum
large numbers in the SNr. These two types to PNMT are most probably adrenergic, be-
of fibres are distributed according to a strik- cause the enzyme, which converts noradrena-
ingly similar, patch-like pattern. In addition, line to adrenaline, is not found in noradren-
coarse fibres displaying either substance P or ergic neurons. The demonstration of nor-
enkephalin immunoreactivity are scattered adrenergic structures is less direct with these
among the SNc neurons in the monkey. techniques. However, if a terminal field is
Thus, it appears that substance P-containing stained with anti-DBH but not with anti-
fibres are present in large numbers in the sub- PNMT it is presumably noradrenergic.
stantia nigra of the rat, the cat and the mon- Swanson et al. (1981) also determined the lo-
key, and that these fibres are distributed ac- calization of the oxytocin- and vasopressin-
cording to a rather similar pattern in the containing cells within the magnocellular
three species. However, the number of enke- subdivisions of the nucleus, by using anti-
phalin-containing fibres within the substantia bodies raised against these two nonapeptides.
nigra is much larger in the cat than in the Some of their results may be summarized as
rat and still larger in the monkey than in follows (Fig. 41): Adrenergic PNMT-stained
the cat. Moreover, in the monkey the fibres fibres were distributed to the entire parvoce1-
containing substance P and enkephalin are lular division of the paraventricular nucleus,
distributed according to complex patterns particularly to the rp.edial part of the division.
which display a remarkable congruency. Only sparsely scattered adrenergic fibres
As has already been discussed in a previous were found in the magnocellular division of
section (see p. 86) the hypothalamic paraven- the nucleus. As regards the distribution of
tricular nucleus consists of two basic divi- DBH-stained fibres, it appeared that all parts
sions: magnocellular and parvocellular. A of the parvocellular division were at least
detailed analysis based on both cytoarchitec- moderately innervated. The greatest density
tonic and connectional criteria revealed the of labelled fibres and varicosities was found
presence of no less than eight subdivisions in the medial parvocellular part, with only
within the nucleus (Swanson and Kuypers slightly fewer fibres found in the dorsal par-
1980). Cells in the magnocellular division vocellular part. The peri ventricular part of
project primarily to the posterior lobe of the the parvocellular division showed an inter-
pituitary gland, and are clustered in separate mediate density of DBH-stained fibres. Be-
anterior, medial and posterior parts. Cells in cause this distribution of fibres was similar
the parvocellular division project primarily to that observed with anti-PNMT, it was not
to the external lamina of the median emi- possible to determine with certainty whether
nence and to autonomic centres in the lower most parts of the parvocellular division con-
brain stem and spinal cord; they can be di- tained noradrenergic fibres However, the
vided into five distinct parts: anterior, me- periventricular zone appeared to be more
dial, lateral, dorsal and periventricular. In densely innervated by DBH-stained fibres
Fig. 41, which shows frontal sections through than by PNMT -stained fibres, which suggests
the intermediate and caudal parts of the that this zone, at least, may contain both ad-
paraventricular nucleus, the topographical renergic and noradrenergic fibres. The poste-
relationships of the posterior magnocellular rolateral aspect of the posterior magnocellu-
Conclusions and Comments 147



Fig. 41 a-d. Diagrammatic frontal sections through the intermediate (a, b) and caudal part
(c, d) of the nucleus paraventricularis of the rat to illustrate the distribution of PNM'1-stained
(a, c) and DBH-stained fibres (b, d). The distribution of oxytocin-stained (.) and vasopressin-
stained (0) cells in the posterior magnocellular part of the nucleus is shown on the right
side of drawings band d. (Modified from Swanson et al. 1981)
Abbreviations indicate the following parts of the paraventricular nucleus: dp, dorsafparvocel-
lular; mp, medial parvocellular; pm, posterior magnocellular; pv, periventricular parvocellu-
148 Conclusions and Comments

lar part of the paraventricular nucleus was plexuses of varicose axons positive for GAD
densely innervated by DBH-stained fibres, and for'VIP were found throughout the ros-
while the anteromedial aspect of the same trocaudal extent of the nucleus. Avian pan-
cell group contained only scattered fibres. creatic polypeptide-containing fibres ap-
Analysis of the localization of cells contain- peared to arborize within the ventrolateral
ing the posterior pituitary hormones revealed aspect of each nucleus. Axons containing va-
that vasopressin-stained cells were concen- sopressin were found to form a dense plexus
trated in the posterolateral part of the poste- in the dorsomedial suprachiasmatic nuclei
rior magnocellular cell group, whereas oxyto- and in a vertical column at the lateral aspect
cin-stained cells were found primarily in the of each nucleus. A largely similar pattern of
anteromedial part of that cell group. Swan- distribution was shown by somatostatin-con-
son et al. (1981) concluded from these results taining axons (Fig. 42). Card and Moore
that the adrenergic input to the paraventricu- (1984) pointed out that the retinohypotha-
lar nucleus may influence cells that project lamic projection terminates exclusively in the
to preganglionic autonomic centres in the ventrolateral subdivision of the suprachias-
medulla oblongata and spinal cord, and that matic nucleus and that the avian pancreatic
the noradrenergic input to the paraventricu- polypeptide-containing fibres, which are also
lar nucleus may influence primarily vasopres- distributed to the ventrolateral subdivision,
sinergic cells that project to the posterior lobe originate from the lateral geniculate body.
of the pituitary, as well as cells in the periven- Thus, the ventrolateral subdivision receives
tricular part of the paraventricular nucleus both primary and secondary optic fibres. The
that project to the median eminence. dorsomedial subdivision, on the other hand,
The suprachiasmatic nuclei in the hypothala- does not receive any extrinsic optic projec-
mus may be considered the endogenous clock tions. However, the VIP-containing neurons
of the brain. They playa critical role in the found in the ventrolateral subdivision most
generation and entrainment of circadian probably represent a population of local cir-
rhythms. The retinohypothalamic tract, a vi- cuit neurons with a large portion of their ax-
sual pathway which is known to participate onal arbor spreading within the dorsomedial
in entrainment of circadian rhythms, termi- subdivision, thus subserving an integrative
nates in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. It has function within the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
already been mentioned that the suprachias- Card and Moore (1984) consider it likely that
matic nucleus of the golden hamster, as that this intrinsic ventrolateral-to-dorsomedial
of the rat, can be divided on cytoarchitec- connection is at least partly reciprocated by
tonic grounds into separate ventrolateral and the axons of vasopressin- and somatostatin-
dorsomedial parts, and that the investiga- containing local circuit neurons present in the
tions of Card and Moore (1984) have shown dorsomedial subfield. They also held that the
that VIP-containing perikarya are localized dense plexus of GAD-containing fibres
within the ventrolateral subdivision, whereas found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus prob-
vasopressin- and somatostatin-containing ably largely originates from intrinsic neu-
cells are localized within the dorsomedial rons. Lightly stained GAD-positive peri-
subdivision (see p. 119 and Fig. 42). Card and karya were found to be present throughout
Moore (1984) also studied the distribution of the nucleus. Taken together, the findings of
fibres and terminals, containing serotonin, GAD Card and Moore (1984) provide evidence of
0. e. the synthesizing enzyme of G ABA), VIP, four different populations of neuromediator-
avian pancreatic polypeptide, somatostatin specified local circuit neurons in the supra-
and vasopressin in the suprachiasmatic nu- chiasmatic nucleus of the golden hamster.
cleus of the golden hamster. Serotoninergic The preoptic region can be divided into peri-
axons appeared to form a plexus in the ven- ventricular, medial and lateral zones. In the
tromedial portion of each nucleus. Dense preceding sections no distinction has been
Conclusions and Comments 149





Fig. 42. Diagrammatic frontal sections through the nucleus suprachiasmaticus of the golden
hamster to illustrate the distribution of serotonin (5 H1)-, glutamic acid decarboxylase
(GAD)-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-, avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP)-, soma-
tostatin (SS1)- and vasopressin (VP)-like immunoreactivity within that centre. (Modified
from Card and Moore 1984)
Abbreviation: ch, chiasma opticum
150 Conclusions and Comments


npomm ---f,!41;';+;(~~

P npomc - - - 'hW--+ _ """"-- - 1 m ' """'~!I!II--- Im'

npomc --i+.'t~

~".,t7t/:<~*-- apm

apt Area preoptica lateralis npomc Nucleus preopticus medialis, pars centralis
apm Area preoptica medialis npomt Nucleus preopticus medialis, pars lateralis
ca Commissura anteri()r npomm Nucleus preopticus medialis, pars medialis
ch Chiasma opticum npopv Nucleus preopticus periventricularis
fmt Fasciculus medialis telencephali nsch Nucleus suprachiasmaticus
nist Nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis

Fig. 43 a, b. Drawings of frontal sections through the medial part of the preoptic region
in the male (a) and female (b) rat, showing the boundaries of the various cell masses and
the distribution of serotoninergic fibres in that region. (Redrawn from Simerly et al. 1984)
Conclusions and Comments 151

made between the medial preoptic nucleus erogeneity at two different levels of organiza-
and the medial preoptic zone. However, in tion. First, it is known that several neurome-
a recent study of the preoptic region of the diator-specified fibre systems are not equally
rat, Simerly et al. (1984) pointed out that the dispersed over this complex. Thus, a subpo-
mediai preoptic area represents an undiffer- pulation of mesencephalic neurons which
entiated grey in which several cellular con- contain both dopamine and a CCK-like pep-
densations, or nuclei are embedded. The larg- tide projects only to a restricted caudomedial
est of these is the centrally placed medial pre- zone of the caudate nucleus (Hokfelt et al.
optic nucleus (npom), which extends nearly 1980 b), and a plexus of somatostatinergic
the length of the medial preoptic area. This fibres shows a ventromedial to dorsolateral
nucleus can be subdivided into three parts: gradient of decreasing density (J ohannson
a medial cell-dense part (npomm), a lateral et al. 1984; Fig. 44a). Second, staining for
cell-sparse part (npoml), and a central very AChE has revealed that in the caudate-puta-
cell-dense part (npomc) that is embedded in men complex, 300-600-!!m-wide zones oflow
the medial part (Fig. 43). The npomc corre- AChE activity stand out against an otherwise
sponds to the sexually dimorphic nucleus of AChE-rich background. Graybiel and Rags-
the preoptic region identified by Gorski et al. dale (1978, 1979), who first identified these
(1980). Simerly et al. (1984) carried out a vol- zones, designated them as striatal bodies or
umetric analysis of the medial preoptic nucle- striosomes (Fig. 44 b). Graphical reconstruc-
us, which revealed a marked sexual dimorph- tions have shown that in most places the
ism in the relative size of each of its parts. striosomes form part of a complex three-di-
In the male, the volumes of the cell-dense mensionallabyrinth.
npomm and npomc appear to be notably During the past few years it has become clear
larger, whereas in the female more than half that the striosomes and the 'matrix' in which
of the nucleus is occupied by the cell-sparse they are embedded represent throughout
lateral part. The npomm as a whole appears most of the caudate-putamen complex che-
to be slightly larger in the male (see Fig. 43). moarchitectonically distinct tissue compart-
Simerly et al. (1984) also studied the distribu- ments, which are related to the intrinsic struc-
tion of serotoninergic fibres in the preoptic ture of this complex as well as to the organi-
region of male and female rats, using the an- zation of its afferent and efferent connec-
tiserum directed against serotonin prepared tions. The following features should be men-
by Steinbusch (1981). It appeared that in tioned in this context (for details and refer-
both the male and the female the three subdi- ences the reader is referred to the review arti-
visions of the npom contain a characteristic cles of Graybiel and Ragsdale 1979, 1983 and
density of serotoninergic fibres. The npoml of Graybiel 1984, and to the recent studies
was found to be filled with a dense plexus of Gerfen 1984 and Herkenham et al. 1984):
of varicose immunoreactive fibres. In con-
trast, the npomm contained only a low den- 1. Apart from a low AChE concentration,
sity of stained fibres, whereas the npomc ap- the striosomes show high enkephalin, sub-
peared to be virtually devoid of serotonin- stance P, GABA and neurotensin immunore-
ergic fibres (Fig. 43). Thus, according to Si- activity.
merley et al. (1984), in the sexually dimorphic 2. The complementary matrix compartment
medial preoptic nuclear complex of the rat shows, in addition to a high ACh:&; concen-
there is a remarkable congruency between cy- tration, a dense plexus of somatostatin-con-
toarchitecture and the patterns of distribu- taining fibres.
tion of serotoninergic axons. 3. The striosomes show a remarkably high
With regard to the distribution of fibre sys- concentration of opiate receptors ..
tems within its confines, the caudate-putamen 4. Studies of the fetal development of the
complex shows a marked neurochemical het- striatum in the cat with tritiated thymidine
152 Conclusions and Comments

autoradiography have shown that clusters of terminal patches of the thalamostriatal fibres
cells born contemporaneously correspond to avoid the striosomes. The massive cortico-
the striosomes. striate projection can be divided into two
5. In the caudate nucleus of the adult rhesus fibre contingents, one that avoids the strio-
monkey, cell clusters, some with capsules somes and another that projects specifically
poor in cells, appear to match the striosomes to these structures. Thus, sensory and motor
(Goldman-Rakic 1982). cortical areas preferentially project to the
6. Cells containing somatostatin and the matrix compartment, but the efferents from
large cholinergic striatal interneurons tend to the prelimbic cortex (i. e. a medial frontal
lie outside the striosomes (Graybiel 1984; cortical area) are distributed to the strio-
however, see Gerfen 1984). somes (Gerfen 1984).
7. The striosomes appear to coincide with 9. After large injections ofHRP into the glo-
patches of high dopamine density, the so- bus pallidus there appears to be a marked
called 'dopamine islands', which correspond heterogeneity in the pattern of distribution
to a distinct, early-developing contingent of of the retrogradely labelled cells in the cau-
nigrostriatal fibres. date-putamen complex. Patches of poor cell
8. Studies with anterograde tracers have re- labelling alternate with zones of pronounced
vealed that not only the nigrostriatal path- cell labelling, and the former have been
way, but also the thalamostriate and corti- shown to correspond with the AChE-poor
co striate projections terminate in a patchy striosomes. This could mean that the strio-
fashion. It has been demonstrated that the somes represent regions with a high density

a b

Fig. 44 a, b. Aspects of the histochemistry of the striatum: a distribution of somatostatin-

immunoreactive fibres in the basal ganglia of the rat (based on Fig. 5C in 10hannson et al.
1984); b diagrammatic representation of a transverse section through the caudate nucleus
of the rhesus monkey, stained for AChE; striosomes poor in AChE embedded in an AChE-
rich matrix (based on Fig. 11 in Graybiel and Ragsdale 1983)
Abbreviations: cp, caudatoputamen complex; d, capsula interna; gp, globus pallidus
Conclusions and Comments 153

of local circuit neurons, whereas the neurons put from the prelimbic cortex and project to
with extrinsic connections are found mainly the substantia nigra pars compacta, whereas
in the striatal matrix. However, Gerfen the matrix receives inputs from sensory and
(1984) recently demonstrated that following motor cortical areas and projects to the sub-
fast-blue injections in the compact part of stantia nigra pars reticulata. He emphasized
the substantia nigra retrogradely labelled that the prelimbic cortex receives direct
cells are distributed preferentially in the strio- limbic inputs from the amygdala and the hip-
somes, whereas after injections centred in the pocampus. A few years ago, Kelley et al.
pars reticulata of the substantia nigra la- (1982) reported that in the rat a voluminous
belled neurons appeared to be most densely amygdalostriatal projection is present, which
distributed in the matrix compartment. is distributed to all parts of the caudatoputa-
Moreover, it has recently been shown that men except its anterodorsolateral quadrant
the striosomes contain clusters of substance (see also Russchen and Price 1984). They
P- and dynorphin-B-positive perikarya. Ac- pointed out that this projection widely over-
cording to Graybiel (1984), who reported laps the striatal projections from the hippo-
these findings, this could suggest that some campus, the cingulate cortex, the ventral teg-
elements of the substance P- and dynorphin- mental area and the mesencephalic raphe nu-
containing striopallidal and strionigral pro- clei. Like the amygdalostriatal system, all of
jection systems may have preferential origins these striatal afferents avoid the anterodorso-
within the striosomes. lateral striatal sector. Kelley and his col-
leagues further established that the striatal
From the foregoing synopsis it appears that sector just mentioned is the main destination
the caudate-putamen complex displays an in- of the corticostriatal projection from the sen-
triguing mosaic-like chemical heterogeneity, sorimotor cortex. In view of these findings
and that several structural and connectional they interpreted the large striatal region re-
features fit into this mosaic. The fact that ceiving a direct projection from the amygdala
the input-output connections of the caudate- as the' limbic' and the remainder as the' non-
putamen complex are to a large extent bro- limbic' striatal compartment. Thus, Kelley
ken up into spatially segregated and chemi- et al. (1982), as well as Gerfen (1984), arrived
cally specified compartments raises, accord- at the conclusion that in the striatum, limbic
ing to Graybiel (1984), the possibility that and non-limbic (somatosensory) parts can be
these compartments represent units in which distinguished. However, whereas according
groups of neurons can be modulated in a to the former these two parts constitute sepa-
coordinated way. In her opinion, such group rate major striatal sectors, according to the
modulation could occur through a high den- latter they interdigitate as striosomal and ma-
sity of conventional synaptic contacts me- trix compartments. Gerfen (1984) also pro-
diating synchronized inputs, or by local non- vided some evidence suggesting that soma-
synaptic extracellular diffusion of neurome- tostatin-containing intrinsic neurons provide
diators. In relation to the latter possibility, a link between these two striatal compart-
Graybiel considered to be of importance the ments.
finding that the striatal compartments are at Before leaving the chemoarchitecture and the
least partly rimmed by septa (Graybiel and related compartmentalization of the stria-
Ragsdale 1978, 1983). tum, it is worth mentioning that, according
On the basis of his findings on the organiza- to a recent study of Herkenham et al. (1984),
tion of corticostriatal and striatonigral con- the striosomes present in the nucleus accum-
nections, Gerfen (1984) suggested that the bens (i. e. a ventromedial extension of the
striosomes (the' patches' in his terminology) caudatoputamen) differ in some respects
and the matrix represent functionally differ- from those found in the remainder of the
ent compartments. The striosomes receive in- striatum. In this cell mass the striosomes
154 Conclusions and Comments

stand out as dense cell clusters composed of dopaminergic (DA) innervation are comple-
a specialized form of medium-sized spiny meniary'in that the DA fibres terminate in
striatal neurons. These clusters exclude tha- layers I-III, while the NA fibres, as already
lamic and dopaminergic inputs but show, as mentioned, are largely confined to the deep
in the remainder of the striatum, a low AChE layers (IV and V).
activity and a very high density of opiate re- An immunohistochemical analysis of the
ceptors. Herkenham and colleagues (1984) serotoninergic innervation of the cerebral
considered it likely that the clusters preferen- cortex in the rat was performed by Lidov
tially receive input from nearby striatal enke- et al. (1980), employing the antiserum against
phalinergic neurons, and they suggested that serotonin prepared by Steinbusch (1981),
these structures represented way stations de- They found that throughout the dorsal and
voted to intrinsic information processing. lateral cortex, as well as in the anterior
This concept of the possible functional signif- cingulate cortex, serotoninergic fibres form
icance of the striosomes differs considerably a densely arborizing plexus which is relatively
from those enunciated by Graybiel (1984) uniform across all cortical layers, However,
and Gerfen (1984). a distinctive and different pattern of sero-
With regard to the disposition of terminal tonin innervation was found in the posterior
fields in the cerebral cortex I will confine my- cingulate cortex. In this area the serotonin-
self mainly to a few examples pertaining to ergic axons appeared to be restricted largely
the monoaminergic innervation of that part to laminae I and III.
of the brain in the rat and in' primates. The organization of the NA innervation of
U sing an antiserum directed against D BH, the cerebral cortex of the squirrel monkey
Morrison et al. (1978, 1980) studied the nor- was studied by Morrison et al. (1982a; see
adrenergic (NA) innervation of the cerebral also Morrison and Magistretti 1983), again
cortex in the rat. Their principal findings can using an antibody directed against DBR
be summarized as follows: A rich network Their analysis reveaLed that although the gen-
of NA fibres is presenUhroughout all layers eral laminar and tangential features of NA
and regions of the dorsal and lateral cortex. axons are similar to those in the rat, the pri~
The pattern of NA innervation is not diffuse, mate cortex exhibits far greater regional spec-
but is characterized by a geometric orderli- ificity, in that many diverse neocortical areas
ness that is uniform throughout the neocor- possess specific patterns of laminar distribu-
tex, with only minor variations. Dense termi- tion and density of NA fibres. The authors
nal fields are found in layers IV and V, presented a detailed description of the NA
whereas layers II and III are characterized innervation in the dorsolateral prefrontal
by straight radial fibres, and layers I and VI cortex (Brodmann's areae 9 and 10), the pri-
by the presence of tangentially oriented mary somatosensory cortex (areae 3, 1, 2)
fibres. In the pre limbic cortex the branching and the primary visual cortex (area 17). The
pattern and density of the fibres are similar NA innervation of these three regions is simi-
to those in the dorsal and lateral cortex, but lar, in that fibres are present in all six layers.
in the anterior cingulate cortex a low density However, the primary somatosensory cortex
of NA fibres was found in the superficial is much more densely innervated than the
layers. The use of the immunohistochemical prefrontal and primary visual cortices, More-
stain for DBH in conjunction with glyoxylic over, layer IV, which shows a dense and ter-
acid-induced histofluorescence (Lewis et al. minal-like innervation in the prefrontal and
1979), as well as application of the same somatosensory cortices, contains only very
histofluorescence technique following surgi- few fibres in the primary visual cortex
cal interruption of the NA innervation of the (Fig. 45 a-c). In another study Morrison
cortex (Morrison et al. 1980), revealed that et al. (1982 b) compared the noradrenergic
in the anterior cingulate cortex the NA and and serotoninergic innervation of the prima-
Conclusions and Comments 155

ry visual cortex in the same primate species. receive a direGt thalamocortical input and to
They found that these innervations exhibit synapse on pyramidal cells. The NA fibres,
a high degree of laminar complementarity. on the other hand, presumably directly en-
As shown in Fig. 45 c and d, layers V and VI gage pyramidal elements in the third and fifth
receive a dense NA projection and a very sparse layers.
serotoninergic projection, whereas layer IV A detailed analysis of the catecholamine in-
receives a very dense serotoninergic projec- nervation of the cerebral cortex of the rhesus
tion and is largely devoid of NA fibres. monkey was recently carried out by Levitt
Morrison and colleagues (Morrison et al. et al. (1984), using the glyoxylic acid histo-
1982b; Morrison and Magistretti 1983) have fluorescence technique. This study provided
pointed out that the complementary laminar further support for the existence of a consid-
patterns of monoamine terminal fields, as erable regional variation in cortical mono-
found in the primate visual cortex and also aminergic innervation in primates (Fig. 46).
in the anterior cingulate cortex of the rat, The patterns of innervation found could be
support the notion that in these areas mono- clearly related to the cytoarchitecture of the
aminergic fibres are directed at specific post- areas studied. Remarkably, the particular la-
synaptic targets, and that different mono- minar distributions of catecholaminergic af-
amines may affect different stages of cortical ferents in the cortex of the squirrel monkey,
information processing. Thus, in the primate as described by Morrison et al. (1982a), ap-
visual cortex the serotoninergic projection pear to differ in some respects from the fluo-
may preferentially innervate spiny stellate rescence data presented by Levitt et al. (1984)
cells in laminae IVa and IV c. These intrinsic for the rhesus monkey. For example, accord-
neurons are present in great abundance in ing to Morrison et al. (1982a), the catechol-
the fourth cortical layer ; they are known to aminergic innervation is dense and terminal-


Fig. 45 a-d. Monoaminergic innervation of three different regions of the cerebral cortex
of the squirrel monkey. a, b, c Noradrenergic (NA) innervation of the dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex (areae 9, 10), the primary somatosensory cortex (areae 3, 1, 2) and the primary
visual cortex (area 17) respectively; d serotoninergic (SER) innervation of the primary visual
cortex. Bars represent 200 !lm (Slightly modified from Morrison and Magistretti 1983)
156 Conclusions and Comments

like in lamina IV in both the prefrontal and the various authors can be categorized as fol-
the somatosensory cortex of the squirrel lows:
monkey, whereas in the corresponding areas 1. Congruity of different neuromediator-spe-
of the macaque, catecholaminergic fibres cified terminal fields
tend to be less dense in lamina IV relative 2. Complementarity of different neurome-
to other layers (cf. Fig. 45 with Fig. 46). diator-specified terminal fields
Finally, it may be mentioned that a recent 3. Congruity of neuromediator-specified ter-
study of Mesulam et al. (1984b) has revealed minal fields with cytoarchitectonic entities
that in the primate cerebral cortex not only (areas, subfields)
the monoaminergic innervation, but also the 4. Congruity of neuromediator-specified ter-
AChE-containing fibres display marked re- minal fields with subsets of neuromediator-
gional variations in laminar distribution and specified perikarya
density, variations which respect cytoarchi-
tectonic boundaries as well as patterns of Phenomenon 1 (i. e. congruity of different
cortical specialization (Fig. 47). Mesulam neuromediator-specified terminal fields) has
et al. (1984 b) presented evidence suggesting been observed in, among other structures, the
that most of these fibres represent the termi- interpeduncular nucleus (substance P- and
nal segments of cholinergic projections orig- VIP-containing fibres: Fig. 39), the primate
inating from the nucleus basalis of Meynert substantia nigra (substance P- and enkepha-
(see Fig. 2). lin-containing fibres: Fig. 40) and the strio-
somal and matrix compartments in the cau-
In the preceding pages I have reviewed stud- date-putamen complex, the former contain-
ies on the patterns of neuromediator-speci- ing high enkephalin, substance P, GABA and
fied terminal fields in nine different centres neurotensin immunoreactivity, the latter
of the brain, ranging from the solitary com- being characterized by a high AChE concen-
plex in the lower rhombencephalon to the tration and a dense plexus of somatostatin-
cerebral cortex. The phenomena described by containing fibres.


(ant clngulale ) (principal sulcus) ( molor) (Insul ar) (soma to sensory) (visua l)

-,""'---1'"'7""\. -:... ~ ~
D~': II~~ I ~ ~,

>-,- .....
.e.- li-"'-'-..... - _

r1 ~1~
II ~ -. '=. .
. .... ,..,
~ -~;
~ ,

II r--~ ~
'\ -'\ ~"">

R T-

III >-..s:.
-., V { ( - -
N: 1',....-4 I ....
\ ...... , r.:.., '/ _7(' ... ~ "'(-

yf );
- ..;:::,.--:. .)
r ,-'"
f~ ~K'-'
:r.:-_"; (~
~'tl \. IV

" , .....
- A' , - =:....::,...:::--. -"':

VI -. =-.
, ~-
V -=-~
~ .--
c- V ,~
& ,.
~~ . ~~~.5
-, t' ) V

~~ 't.Xr ,J ~ .-
.. -.,..
..... ..,. - ./

...... ~-
~~~~ VI
-- '

-- .
_ - VI
- r-~
~. VI ---=:. -.~- ==-

"":":-.:"";:--:..;.'::'";:.;. ~


Fig. 46. Catecholaminergic innervation of six representative areas of the cerebral cortex
of the rhesus monkey. Heavier lines represent noradrenergic fibres, thinner lines represent
dopaminergic fibres. (Slightly modified from Levitt et al. 1984)
Conclusions and Comments 157

Phenomenon 2 (i. e. complementarity of dif- phalin-containing fibres on the other hand

ferent neuromediator-specified terminal (Fig. 38), and we have seen that in the nucle-
fields) appears to occur in many of the us accumbens of the rat and in the caudate
centres selected: the parabrachial nuclei (sub- nucleus of the rhesus monkey, patches of
stance P versus neurotensin: Fig. 38), the in- neuromediator-specified terminals corre-
terpeduncular nucleus (substance P plus VIP spond to cell clusters. However, I am under
versus CCK plus enkephalin: Fig. 39), the the impression that in a number of the publi-
cingulate cortex of the rat (dopamine-con- cations reviewed, congruity of transmitter-
taining fibres terminating in the superficial specified terminal fields and cytoarchitec-
layers versus noradrenalin-containing fibres tonic units was claimed somewhat too lightly,
terminating in the deeper layers), the primate a tendency which might be designated as
visual cortex (layer IV receiving a very dense 'conformism '. Inspection of the pictures in
serotoninergic innervation versus layers V the admirably detailed studies of Kalia et al.
and VI receiving a dense NA innervation: (1984b, c) on transmitter-specified terminal
Fig. 45) and, most strikingly, the striosomal fields in the solitary complex reveals that one
and matrix compartments of the caudate-pu- of their main conclusions, namely that the
tamen complex, showing the differences al- four neuropeptides investigated display dis-
ready indicated. tinct patterns of terminations in the subnuclei
Phenomenon 3 (i. e. congruity of neurome- of that complex, does not hold true for all
diator-specified terminal fields wi,t h cytoar- of these pep tides at all of the five levels exam-
chitectonic entities) was also frequently re- ined. A similar criticism can be levelled
ported. Thus, Milner et al. (1984) stated cor- against the study of Hamill et al. (1984) on
rectly that the lateral parabrachial nucleus the distribution of transmitter-specified
is subdivisible into cytoarchitectonic units fibres and terminals over the interpeduncular
which correspond to the fields of termination nucleus. Finally, it may be mentioned that
of substance P- and neurotensin-containing in the preoptic region of the rat the correla-
fibres on the one hand, and to those of enke- tion between the cytoarchitectonic divisions

-:' ';.-.- Llfl.',:".

.. ·':.L IV
I ,
,- - - L la

~ "~·.i:.. ~# • , ." I",,":\. t

I '/ :\
", ).) 1 LIV I "
') ~ ~ 11 II I • • ~, .' .
7 .':. ,'t"

I , " ,", , " :' , •

(",If: .1
I ...
.. ,._ ~, . ' I
. ".
I ' ,

-, (/ '!,:~. ~ ~ --
'J' . ~. LIVe ': .
If rJ .' .. . . . . . . .....
;...- ~_, :-"<.",;.,;(;E:Z-
",. . ".
- ". I I,:

a b c d e

Fig. 47 a-f. Distribution of AChE-positive fibres within six representative cortical areas
of the rhesus monkey; a rostral orbitofrontal; b caudal orbitofrontal; c motor; d insular;
e entorhinal; f primary visual. (Slightly modified from Mesulam et al. 1984)
158 Conclusions and Comments

and the patterns of termination of serotonin- Thus, Card and Moore (1984) pointed out
ergic fibres is presumably less striking than that their findings suggest the presence of
was indicated by Simerly et al. (1984). Gee- four different types of neuromediator-speci-
raedts (1985), who made a meticulous cytoar- fied local circuit neurons in the suprachias-
chitectonic analysis of the region in question, matic nucleus, and Morrison et al. (1982b)
remained unable to confirm the delineation surmised that in the primate visual cortex
of the medial preoptic nucleus as presented serotoninergic fibres preferentially innervate
by these authors. interneurons, whereas NA fibres synapse
Phenomenon 4 (i. e. congruity of neurome- mainly with projection neurons. It should be
diator-specified terminal fields with subsets emphasized that our knowledge of the mor-
of neuromediator-specified perikarya) ap- phological organization of practically all of
peared to occur in, among other structures, the centres in the mammalian neuraxis is by
the suprachiasmatic nucleus (APP-contain- far too fragmentary to render possible a de-
ing fibres with VIP-positive cell bodies: tailed neurochemical elucidation of their in-
Fig. 42), in the striosomes (enkephalin-, ternal circuitry. At present, a coherent pic-
GABA- and neurotensin-immunoreactive ture of the intrinsic organization is available
fibres with substance P- and dynorphin B- for only a relatively small number of centres
immunoreactive cell bodies) and, most strik- which, owing to the simple geometric ar-
ingly, in the posterior magnocellular subnu- rangement of some of their constituent neu-
cleus of the paraventricular nucleus, where ronal elements, are particularly accessible to
NA fibres specifically address the vasopres- morphological analysis. The lack of any trace
sinergic neurons located in the posterolateral of a simple geometric organization in a given
part of that subnucleus (Fig. 41). centre is in itself a formidable obstacle for
In several of the studies on the patterns of the clarification of its internal circuitry. This
neuromediator-specified terminal fields, re- is, for instance, apparently the case in the
viewed earlier in the present section, it was caudate-putamen complex, and that is why
attempted to interpret "the results obtained the problem of how the striosomes are em-
in terms of a neurochemcial specification of bedded in the microcircuitry of this centre
the internal circuitry in the centres studied. is so hard to tackle.

18. To my knowledge there are no centres in the mammalian central nervous

system for which the identity of the neuromediators present in all of the categories
of their constituent elements has been clarified.

In order to elucidate this point I will briefly layer with few cells, the Purkinje cell layer
discuss the cerebellar cortex and the olfactory and the granular layer (Fig. 48 a). The follow-
bulb; both the microcircuitry and the chemi- ing survey of the internal circuitry of the cere-
cal signature of the constituent elements of bellar cortex (Fig. 48 b, c) is based on the
these two structures are relatively very well works of Cajal (1911), Eccles etal. (1967),
known. Palay and Chan-Palay (1974) and Ito (1984).
The mammalian cerebellum is a convoluted The data on the neuromediators present in
structure divided by transverse fissures of dif- the various neuronal elements are, unless
ferent depth into lobes and lobules. Its sur- otherwise stated, derived from the reviews of
face is formed by a cortex that presents a Schulman (1983) and Ito (1984).
uniform, three-layered histological structure The large Purkinje cells, the somata of which
throughout its extent. These layers are, pass- form a single layer, constitute the output neu-
ing from superficial to deep, the molecular rons of the cerebellar cortex. Their richly
str mol
.. ...
1".1 :,.~-...
:-:.: n
...... g
..• ••••
• "." ....... str gr 8"
. .-.....:... '"o·
......... '"
.~••....::.:-!:,,- 0..
• • • • • • e _ __ _ _

a D .1 .1 ,; I. ; J C

Fig. 48 a-c. The cerebellar cortex. a Cytoarchitecture; b neuronal elements and fibres as seen in Golgi or (noradrenergic and serotoniner-
gic fibres) histofluorescence preparations; c circuit diagram. Inhibitory neurons and synapses are in black and excitatory ones have
been left unfilled.
Abbreviations: b" \basket; be, basket cell; ef, climbing fibre; Gc, Golgi cell; gre, granule cell; mf, mossy fibre; Pc, Purkinje cell;
pI, parallel fibre; ste, stellate cell; str gr, stratum granulare; str mol, stratum moleculare; str P, stratum Purkinje
160 Conclusions and Comments

ramifying dendritic trees, which extend into ing fibre arborization forms a large number
the molecular layer, are flattened and spread of synaptic junctions on the proximal den-
out at right angles to the longitudinal axis dritic branches of a Purkinje cell, by which
of the cerebellar lobules. Their smaller den- they are able to exert an extremely powerful
dritic branches are densely covered with excitatory action on that element. The amino
spines. The axons of the Purkinje cells de- acid neurotransmitters glutamate and aspar-
scend through the granular layer and the cer- tate have been suggested as possible media-
ebellar white matter to terminate in the cen- tors of this excitatory action, but the lack
tral cerebellar and lateral vestibular nuclei. of a histochemical technique to demonstrate
During their passage through the granular the presence of these substances precludes
layer the Purkinje axons emit numerous re- any but the most tentative conclusion (Schul-
current collaterals (not shown in Fig. 48), man 1983).
which contact other Purkinje cells, as well The mossy fibres, the other main group of
as Golgi and basket cells. afferents, arise from various sources through-
Purkinje cells are known to exert an inhibito- out the rhombencephalon and the spinal
ry influence on their target neurons, and until cord, including the vestibular nuclei, the pon-
recently GABA was generally held to be the tine nuclei, certain parts of the reticular for-
universal neurotransmitter released by all of mation and the nucleus thoracicus, or col-
these elements. However, as mentioned be- umn of Clarke. After having passed through
fore, Chan-Palay et al. (1981) have provided the cerebellar white matter, these fibres rami-
immunohistochemical evidence suggesting fy and terminate in the granular layer by
that a certain proportion of the Purkinje cells forming characteristic large swellings. These
contain the peptide motilin, and that some 'mossy' terminals constitute the core of syn-
contain GABA as well as motilin. In some aptic complexes, which are enclosed by glial
still more recent studies Chan-Palay and membranes. They synapse with dendrite ter-
collaborators (Chan-Palay et al. 1982a, b; minals of granule cells, upon which they exert
Chan-Palay 1984) claimed that Purkinje cells an excitatory influence. As regards the neu-
may also contain the amino acid taurine, or romediators involved in this influence, Schul-
taurine plus GABA, or taurine plus motilin. man (1983) and Ito (1984) agree that AChmay
They also reported that at least 30% of all account for small populations of mossy fibres,
Purkinje cells have neither taurine, GAD (i. e. but that candidate substances for the vast
the synthesizing enzyme of GABA), nor mo- majority of these fibres are still unknown.
tilin immunoreactivity, and hence may well The small, densely packed granule cells give
use another, as yet unknown, neuromediator. rise to some short dendrites, each of which
GABA, motilin and taurine all produce in- terminates in a small, claw-like expansion.
hibitory effects in the cerebellum and in the The axons of the granule cells ascend through
lateral vestibular nucleus (Chan-Palay the granular and Purkinje layers into the mo-
1984). lecular layer, where they divide in aT-shaped
The input to the cerebellar cortex is conveyed fashion to give rise to two branches that run
mainly by two types ofaxons, the climbing parallel to the surface and at right angles to
fibres and the mossy fibres. The climbing the plane of branching of the Purkinje cell
fibres originate from the inferior olivary dendrites. These so-called parallel fibres in
complex, although it is still not established the cat have a length of 5-7 mm (Mugnaini
that this complex is the exclusive source of 1965). They traverse the dendritic trees of a
these fibres (Palay 1982). After having tra- number of Purkinje cells and form excitatory
versed the cerebellar granular layer, the synapses with spines from small dendrites
climbing fibres reach the base of the dendritic (spiny branchlets). Each Purkinje cell receives
tree of a Purkinje cell and, dividing and redi- about 80000 parallel fibre synapses. There
viding, ascend along its branches. The climb- is good evidence that the amino acid gluta-
Conclusions and Comments 161

mate is the neurotransmitter of the granule Mathisen 1984) indicate GAB A as a serious
cells. candidate, but on the other hand, biochemi-
Passing through the molecular layer, the par- cal (Nadi et al. 1977) and neurophysiological
allel fibres exert their excitatory influence not (Okamoto et al. 1983) evidence is available
only on the Purkinje cells, but also on the suggesting that the inhibitory amino acid
dendritic trees of three types of local circuit taurine might be the stellate cell neuromedia-
neurons, the Golgi, stellate and basket cells. tor.
The Golgi cells are relatively large neurons, The basket cells are to be regarded as deep
the perikarya of which are scattered through- stellate cells. Their axons arise from one side
out the superficial zone of the granular layer. of the cell body and travel, again transversely
Their dendritic trees, which, unlike those of orientated, just above the Purkinje cell layer,
the Purkinje cells, are not confined to a single about 0.6 mm in either direction. During
plane, ascend and branch in the molecular their course the axons emit descending colI at-
layer. The axons of the Golgi cells ramify erals which ramify around the somata of Pur-
profusely in the granular layer. The varicose kinje cells, on wpjch they end as inhibitory
terminal branches of these axons enter the synapses. Each Purkinje cell receives axon
glomeruli to form inhibitory synapses with collaterals from several different basket cells,
granule cell dendrites. Because the Golgi cells and each basket cell participates in the for-
are excited by parallel fibres, i. e. the axonal mation of about ten pericellular 'baskets'.
branches of granule cells, their, inhibitory It will be clear that if a narrow beam of acti-
synapses on the dendrites of the same catego- vated parallel fibres excites a number of Pur-
ry of cells complete a simple negative feed- kinje cells and basket cells in its path, the
back loop. basket cells, by means of their transversely
There is strong evidence that Golgi cells uti- orientated axons, will exert their inhibitory
lize GABA as a transmitter although, as action on series of Purkinje-cell somata
mentioned before, Wilkin et al. (1981) ad- flanking the beam, a typical example of later-
duced evidence suggesting that in the cerebel- al inhibition. Immunohistochemical, phar-
lar cortex two biochemically separate popu- macological, and electrophysiological evi-
lations of Golgi neurons are present, one dence favour the identification of GABA as
containing glycine, the other GABA. It is the basket cell neuromediator.
also worth mentioning that enkephalin im- Histofluorescence studies have shown that,
munoreactivity has been reported in Golgi apart from the long-known climbing and
neurons. Whether the enkephalin-positive mossy fibres discussed above, there is a third
cells represent a population different from morphological category of cerebellar affer-
the GABA-ergic elements, or whether the ents. This comprises NA fibres originating
Golgi cells may represent another case of co- from the locus coeruleus (Fig. 6) and sero-
existence of a neuropeptide and a classical toninergic fibres which arise from several
neuromediator remains to be determined raphe nuclei (Fig. 9).
(Schulman 1983). The NA fibres enter the granular layers
The stellate cells are the intrinsic neurons of where they ramify and form a plexus.
the molecular layer. Their dendrites, like Branches of this plexus ascend to the molecu-
those of the Purkinje cells, radiate transverse- lar layer, where they either give rise to a few
ly in the cerebellar lobules. Their axons are radial branches or divide in aT-fashion, just
also transversely orientated and establish in- like parallel fibres (Mugnaini 1965). Electro-
hibitory synaptic contacts with Purkinje cell physiological studies have shown that the
dendrites. The nature of the neuromediator NA coeruleocerebellar projection inhibits the
of the stellate cells has not been fully estab- firing of Purkinje cells. However, there is evi-
lished. Immunohistochemical studies (e. g. dence suggesting that noradrenalin does not
Ribak et al. 1978; Ottersen and Storm- act directly upon the ionic permeability of
162 Conclusions and Comments

the postsynaptic membrane, but enhances the laterals - is impossible in the cerebellar cor-
generation of cyclic AMP, which in turn af- tex. As Eccles (1973) has put it: an area of
fects the membrane potential as a second the cerebellar cortex, after carrying out some
messenger. 'computation', is 'clean' within 0.1 sand
Histofluorescence (Hokfelt and Fuxe 1969) ready for the next' computation'.
and immunohistochemical studies (Takeuchi
et al. 1982) have shown that the serotonin- The olfactory bulb is a separate forward ex-
ergic cerebellar afferents, much like the NA tension of the forebrain which represents the
ones, ramify in both the granular and molec- first relay station in the olfactory system.
ular layers. The role of the serotoninergic This structure is organized into seven layers,
fibres in the cerebellar cortex remains to be concentrically arranged around the bulbar
established. ventricular cavity. The latter is patent in
The NA and serotoninergic cerebellar affer- some species, but obliterated in others. These
ent fibres are both thin and varicose. Several layers are, passing from superficial to deep
authors (Palay and Chan-Palay 1974; Palay (Fig. 49a):
1982; Beaudet and Sotelo 1970) have sug-
gested that these fibres rarely form synaptic 1. A layer of olfactory nerve fibres, consist-
contacts, and apparently release their neu- ing of densely interwoven, extremely fine ax-
romediators en pass ant into the extracellular ons originating from the olfactory epithelium
space without respect to precise and localized 2. The glomerular layer, which contains the
postsynaptic structures. conspicuous glomeruli - special regions of
The data concerning the functional activity neuropil in which the terminal arborizations
of the various cerebellar cortical neurons and of the olfactory nerve fibres synapse with the
the neuromediators involved, discussed dendrites of three types of secondary olfacto-
above, are summarized in Fig. 48 c. It may ry neurons, i.e., the mitral, tufted and peri-
be c.oncluded that: glomerular neurons., The two cell types first
mentioned lie in deeper zones of the olfactory
1. The number of neuromediators in the cer- bulb; the elements last mentioned are small
ebellar cortex is limited. and granular and, as their name implies, they
2. The identity of the neuromediator(s) pres- surround the glomeruli
ent in the mossy fibres, i. e. one of the two 3. The external plexiform layer constitutes a
main categories of cerebellar afferents, is un- complex meshwork of interlacing axonal and
known. dendritic branches. However, it also contains
3. Amino acid transmitters figure largely, the perikarya of superficial interneurons and
but neuropeptides play presumably only a of the relatively large tufted cells
very modest role in the cerebellar cortex. 4. The mitral cell layer, consisting of densely
4. Remarkably, all neurons with cell bodies packed granule cells, in which the very large
in the cerebellar cortex are inhibitory, except somata of the mitral cells are embedded
for the granule cells. 5. The internal plexiform layer, which in
some places cannot be clearly distinguished
As a final comment, it may be stated that as a separate zone; it contains ascending den-
the dominance of inhibition just referred to drites of deep granule cells, axons of mitral
is of great importance for the tempo and and tufted cells, and axons of centrifugal
mode of operation of the cerebellar cortex. fibres from other regions of the brain. More-
Since all inputs are transmuted into inhibito- over, in this layer the perikarya of some gran-
ry actions within maximally two synaptic re- ule cells and of somewhat large, intermediate
lays, prolonged reverberation of signals - short-axon cells (see below) are found
which might occur in chains of excitatory 6. The granular layer, consisting of several
neurons, some of which possess recurrent col- concentric zones of densely packed granular
• str fibr

.- ........... .. "."
:'~{,," ..... " . -::.:.::
.'. ......
::. gl :: s t r gl
. . ::..-. .. .:::
• str pix
. ext
'.'. . .
,;.. .•. ....'.' ' ------
... ,::1-'· GABA (1
••:.,:..... o
.. ,:..'.:1 .. ': t !(enk)
,~. .- str mitr
.. :.:..Y,.;".
: '.:.~:.'. ~: .':~-----
..•. . ~
~j Ihe Z-
str pix c d~=-. o·
. . int glu GABA(enk)
.. asp, I'l
.. .. ""
...... :...... :.. ::: ':'--~--- P-
t::~: . :~:~.:::=-::~~~::~~.: (1
:.:7\~*::;:~.~:~~~~: str gr
~ "1 '--7:\J B~k o
' ..:~:i:~~: . ...........
.... : y ~.:
...... .
.... .... ....
::..•.••: ••••••• ; ------ §
~I~;,irtrtj ~ g
"----1 ~~I===~~ en
VIP da
sst na
eft , _ _JJ===:!;>
a b glu/asp' C

Fig. 49 a-c. The olfactory bulb. a Cytoarchitecture; b neuronal elements and fibres as observed in Golgi preparations (somewhat
simplified); c circuit diagram. Inhibitory neurons are in black and excitatory ones have been left unfilled.
Abbreviations: aff, centrifugal afferents; Be, Blanes cell; eff, bulbar efferents; Ge, Golgi cell; gl, glomeruli; grc, granule cell; he,
horizontal cell; me, mitral cell; n olf, nervus olfactorius; pge, periglomerular cells; sin, superficial interneuron; str fibr, stratum fibrosum;
str gl, stratum glomerulosum; str gr, stratum granulare; str mitr, stratum mitrale; str pix ext, stratum plexiforme externum; str .....-
pix int, stratum plexiforme internum; te, tufted cell; VGe, Van Gehuchten cell; veC, vertical cell of Cajal w
164 Conclusions and Comments

cells, separated from each other by bundles have been found to contain high concentra-
of nerve fibres; larger neurons are scattered tions of the dipeptide carnosine (fJ-alanyl-L-
in this layer histidine), as well as a specific olfactory
7. The periventricular zone, which is formed marker protein (mol.wt. = 20000). However,
by a layer of ependymal cells or, in animals the exact roles played by these substances re-
with obliterated olfactory ventricles, by the main to be elucidated.
remnants of this layer The large mitral cells and the somewhat
smaller tufted cells both have one main or
primary dendrite entering a glomerulus and
The microcircuitry of the olfactory bulb is
several secondary or accessory dendrites
much more intricate than that of the cerebel-
branching in the external plexiform layer.
lar cortex, and the number of neuromedia-
The main dendrites enter into synaptic con-
tors involved in the neuronal interactions is
tact with olfactory nerve fibres, as well as
also much larger. Within the frame of this
with axons and dendrites of periglomerular
work only a brief survey can be presented
cells. The synaptic relations of the secondary
of the structural and functional relations of
dendrites will be dealt with below.
the various bulbar elements and of their
The axons of the mitral and tufted cells pass
chemical signatures. In the preparation of
radially through the deeper layers of the ol-
this survey I have relied heavily on the recent
factory bulb and then turn caudally to enter
review articles of Macrides and Davis (1983)
the telencephalon proper. During their cau-
and Halasz and Shepherd (1983). The follow-
dal course through the bulb they emit numer-
ing aspects will be consecutively discussed:
ous collaterals which contact granule cells,
(a) the olfactory projection, (b) the roles of
deep interneurons and, in the case of the
the periglomerular and granule cells, (c) the
tufted cells, also superficial interneurons. The
centrifugal fibres and their targets, and
main axons of the mitral and tufted cells gain
(d) the relationships of the deep and superfi-
myelin sheaths and become grouped together
cial interneurons (Fig. 49b, c).
in bundles, which constitute the secondary
olfactory projection. The fibres of this pro-
The olfactory projection is constituted by the jection transmit olfactory signals to several
primary olfactory elements and the second telencephalic regions, including the anterior
order olfactory projection neurons, i. e. the olfactory tubercle, the prepiriform cortex and
mitral and tufted cells. The receptive element certain parts of the amygdaloid complex (see
of the olfactory apparatus is represented by e.g. Shipley and Adamek 1984). Several lines
slender bipolar cells situated in the mucosa of evidence strongly suggest that glutamate
of the nasal cavity. These elements give rise and/or aspartate function as excitatory neu-
to extremely fine (0.2-0.4 /lm), unmyelinated rotransmitters in the efferents of the olfacto-
axonal processes, which carry the olfactory ry bulb to its principal target, i. e. the prepiri-
impulses directly to the brain. Upon entering form cortex. As regards the tufted cells, glu-
the olfactory bulb the axons of the peripheral tamate/aspartate may well be the transmitter
olfactory elements interlace in a most com- of only the more deeply situated elements of
plex fashion and terminate by free arboriza- that category. Immunohistochemical studies
tions in the glomeruli. In these spherical neu- have shown that the great majority of the
ropil configurations the synaptic contacts be- external tufted cells and many of the middle
tween the terminals of the incoming fibres tufted cells contain dopamine and that nu-
and the dendrites of the mitral and tufted merous external tufted cells contain substan-
cells are established. Electrophysiological ce P. Macrides and Davis (1983) found that
studies have shown that the peripheral inputs the incidence of substance P-containing ex-
to the olfactory bulb are excitatory. The pri- ternal tufted cells was less than the incidence
mary olfactory elements and their processes of dopaminergic external tufted cells, but
Conclusions and Comments 165

they estimated that both are sufficiently high contain GABA, that many contain enkepha-
to indicate that in some of the external tufted lin, and that a smaller number contain dopa-
cells dopamine and substance P co-exist. mine. Two-colour immunocytochemistry has
From the foregoing it appears that the tufted shown that the GABA- and dopamine-con-
cells constitute a neurochemically heteroge- taining periglomerular cells constitute sepa-
neous population. The deep tufted cells pre- rate subpopulations (Mugnaini et al. 1984a,
sumably contain the amino acids glutamate b). Because the incidence of enkephalin-im-
or aspartate, whereas the more superficial munoreactive cells is extremely high, Mac-
ones may contain dopamine, or substance P, rides and Davis (1983) considered it likely
or both. that enkephalin co-exists with GABA or dop-
The periglomerular cells and the granule cells amine in some periglomerular cells.
have several features in common. Both main- The amacrine (deep) granule cells have sever-
tain reciprocal dendrodendritic synaptic con- al short basal dendrites and a long, peripher-
tacts with mitral and tufted cells and both ally coursing dendrite which ramifies in the
have these two cell types as their main tar- external plexiform layer among the second-
gets. However, the periglomerular and gran- ary dendrites of mitral and tufted cells. The
ule cells also show marked differences, the branching distal portions of these long gran-
most salient of which is that the former are ule cell dendrites are densely studded with
regular short-axon cells, whereas the latter conspicuous gemmules (Fig. 49b). The gran-
are amacrine, i. e. axonless elements. ule cells receive axodendritic synapses from
Because of their position and smalI size, the recurrent collaterals of mitral and tufted
periglomerular cells are often designated as cells, and there is also a heavy input to the
superficial granule cells. Their dendrites enter granule cells from the telencephalon proper
glomeruli, where they receive impulses from (see below).
olfactory nerve terminals and also enter into The mitral/tufted cell secondary dendrites
synaptic contact with the interglomerular and the gemmules of the peripheral granule
ramifications of the main dendrites of mitral cell dendrites are richly interconnected by
and tufted cells. The ultrastructural features dendrodendritic synapses, organized in reci-
of these dendrodendritic contacts suggest procally oriented pairs. There is ultrastruc-
that mitral and tufted cell dendrites are excit- tural as well as electrophysiological evidence
atory to the periglomerular dendrites, and indicating that the mitral/tufted dendrite-to-
that these latter dendrites are inhibitory to gemmule synapses are excitatory, whereas
mitral and tufted cell dendrites. The axons the adjacent gemmule-to-mitral/tufted den-
of the periglomerular cells pass to nearby glo- drite synapses are inhibitory. These peculiar
meruli and provide for inhibitory intraction synapse pairs constitute extremely short in-
between glomeruli, analogous to the 'sur- hibitory pathways from mitral cell to mitral
round' inhibition in the retina. Other axonal cell or from tufted cell to tufted cell. The
branches of peri glomerular cells terminate on loops formed by the collaterals of mitral and
the primary dendritic shafts of mitral and tufted cells, and by granule cells provide for
tufted cells, on which they form inhibitory surround inhibition of the elements first men-
synapses. Thus, the periglomerular cells exert tioned.
an inhibitory influence on the mitral and Extensive electrophysiological, immunohis-
tufted cells in two different places and in two tochemical and biochemical evidence
different ways, namely via interglomerular strongly suggests that GAB A is an important
dendrodendritic synapses and via subglomer- neurotransmitter of the amacrine granule
ular axodendritic synapses. The population cells. Enkephalin immunoreactivity has been
of periglomerular cells is neurochemically found in a small percentage of these "elements.
heterogeneous. Immunohistochemical evi- Co-existence of GABA and en kephalin in
dence indicated that many of these elements granule cells has not been reported so far.
166 Conclusions and Comments

The olfactory bulb receives a very strong cen- ing fibres attain their greatest density in the
trifugal projection, which originates from a granular and glomerular layers, cholinergic
variety of sources. According to the data fibres are found' predominantly in the inter-
compiled by Macrides and Davis (1983), this nal plexiform and glomerular layers, and
projection includes the following neurome- serotoninergic fibres are found throughout
diator-specified components: the deep layers but are prevalent in the glo-
merular layer. Electron-microscopical studies
(a) Enkephalinergic fibres presumably orig- have shown that the centrifugal bulbar affer-
inating from the anterior olfactory nucleus ents terminate predominantly on interneur-
and the precommissural hippocampus. ons. The centrifugal fibres which are distrib-
(b) VIP-containing fibres arising from the an- uted to the glomerular zone confine them-
terior olfactory nucleus, the piriform cortex selves to the periglomerular regions. The na-
and some parts of the amygdaloid com- ture of the action of most of the contingents
plex. of the neuromediator-specified bulbopetal
(c) LHRH-containing fibres originating from fibres is unknown. However, the cholinergic
the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory and noradrenergic fibres are considered to
tubercle, the precommissural hippocampus exert an excitatory influence on their target
and the medial septum-diagonal band com- neurons.
plex. A certain proportion of these fibres pass It has already been discussed that the activity
to the most superficial zone of the olfactory of the bulbar output neurons (i. e. the mitral
bulb, then leave the brain, Cross the cribri- and tufted cells) is regulated by two types
form plate and extend into the nasal epitheli- of small inhibitory interneurons, the interglo-
um. These fibres have been shown to form merular or superficial granule cells and the
part of the nervus terminalis. deep amacrine granule cells (Fig. 49b, c). In
(d) SST-containing fibres originating from addition to these small interneurons, the ol-
the piriform cortex and presumably also factory bulb contail}s several types of larger
from the nuclei of the diagonal band. interneurons, all of which together form a
(e) Substance P-containing fibres arising link between the centrifugal bulbar afferents
from the mesencephalic raphe nuclei. and the small interneurons. As indicated by
(f) Cholinergic fibres, which originate mainly Macrides and Davis (1983), these larger in-
from the ventral nucleus of the diagonal terneurons can be categorized into deep gran-
band. ule cells and periglomerular cells.
(g) Serotoninergic fibres arising from the The larger deep interneurons include the
mesencephalic raphe nuclei. Because in a Blanes cells, the Golgi cells, the vertical cells
small percentage of the neurons in these nu- of Cajal and the horizontal cells. The Blanes
clei serotonin and substance P are co-local- and Golgi cells are multipolar neurons, the
ized, it might well be that some bulbofugal dendrites and axons of which are confined
fibres also contain both of these neuromedia- mainly to the granular layer. Their main dif-
tors. ference is that the dendritic trees of the
(h) Noradrenergic fibres originating from the former, unlike those of the latter, are densely
locus coeruleus also contribute to the bulbo- covererd with spines. The vertical cells of Ca-
fugal projections. jal and the horizontal cells are located most
commonly in the internal plexiform layer,
The various neuromediator-specified bulbo- their names referring to the orientation of
petal fibre contingents show marked differ- their dendritic trees (Fig. 49 b). The axons of
ences in their laminar distribution within the these elements are thought to form axoden-
olfactory bulb. Thus, the substance P, soma- dritic synapses with the distal parts of the
tostatin and noradrenergic fibres are concen- long, peripherally directed dendrites of the
trated in the granular layer, LHRH-contain- granule cells.
Conclusions and Comments 167

The larger deep interneurons as a group are bulb is entirely obscure, as is the nature of
thought to receive excitatory impulses from their neuromediator(s).
centrifugal fibres and from mitral and tufted The microcircuitry of the olfactory bulb is
cell axon collaterals, and to inhibit granule summarized in Fig. 49 c. Leaving details
cell activities, thus ultimately disinhibiting aside, it may be stated that the olfactory pro-
the projection neurons, i. e. the mitral and jection is constituted by two consecutive sets
tufted cells. of excitatory projection neurons, namely the
As regards the neuromediators present in the peculiar neurosensory cells, the somata of
deep interneurons, Halasz and Shepherd which are situated in the nasal mucosa, and
(1983) and Macrides and Davis (1983) cau- the mitral and tufted cells, which represent
tiously suggested that GABA may act as a the bulbar output neurons. The activity of
transmitter in a few of these elements. How- these bulbar output elements is regulated by
ever, Mugnaini et al. (1984a, b) recently pre- two categories of small, inhibitory interneu-
sented immunohistochemical evidence indi- rons, the periglomerular cells and the ama-
cating that most if not all of the deep inter- crine (deep) granule cells. These elements
neurons are GABA-ergic. Macrides and Da- provide both for local and surround inhibi-
vis reported that some deep interneurons tion. The output of the olfactory bulb is also
show enkephalin or somatostatin immunore- strongly influenced by large numbers of ex-
activity. citatory centrofugal afferent fibres. These
The larger superficial interneurons are, ac- fibres terminate on various types of medium-
cording to the description of Macndes and sized, inhibitory short-axon cells, which can
Davis (1983), located in the subglomerular be categorized into deep and superficial
zone and in the adjacent superficial zone of groups. The deep short-axon cells inhibit the
the external granular layer. Their dendrites inhibitory granule cells, whereas the superfi-
branch among and around glomeruli, while cial short-axon cells inhibit the inhibitory
their axons ramify predominantly in the peri- periglomerular cells. Through the mediation
glomerular regions of the glomerular layer. of these sets of inhibitory interneurons the
Electron-microscopical studies indicate that excitatory bulbopetal fibres exert a disinhibi-
they receive asymmetrical (i. e. 'excitatory- tory influence on the bulbar output neu-
type ') axodendritic and axosomatic synapses rons.
from tufted cell collaterals and centrifugal If we compare now the cerebellar cortex
fibres as well as symmetrical (i.e. 'inhibitory- (Fig. 48) with the olfactory bulb (Fig. 49), the
type ') axodendritic and axosomatlc synapses following similarities and differences present
from periglomerular cells, and that they in themselves:
turn form symmetrical axosomatic and axo- 1. The number of cell types and the number
dendritic synapses with periglomerular cells. of neuromediators present in the olfactory
On the basis of these ultrastructural features bulb are much larger than in the cerebellar
it is reasonable to assume that the superficial cortex.
interneurons, by inhibiting inhibitory inter- 2. In both structures the identity of the neu-
glomerular elements, exert a disinhibitory in- romediator(s) present in some of its neuronal
fluence on mitral and tufted cells. Mugnaini elements is unknown. In the olfactory bulb
et al. (1984a, b) suggested that the superficial this holds for the primary olfactory afferents
interneurons may contain GABA. and for the enigmatic Van Gehuchten cells.
Finally, brief mention may be made of the 3. In both structures amino acid neurotrans-
presence of the so-called Van Gehuchten cells mitters figure largely, but the number ofneu-
in the olfactory bulb. These elements, which ropeptides found in the olfactory bulb far
have diffusely branching dendrites, are situ- exceeds that found in the cerebellar cortex.
ated in the internal plexiform layer Most of the neuropeptides in the olfactory
(Fig. 49 b). Their role in the circuitry of the bulb are 'imported' by centrifugal fibres, but
168 Conclusions and Comments

at least a certain proportion of some of the glomerular and tufted cells are dopamin-
bulbar types, for instance the tufted cells and ergic.
the peri glomerular cells, are peptidergic. 6. Axonless amacrine cells are lacking in the
4. Processes of the all-pervading noradrener- cerebellar cortex, but abundant in the olfac-
gic and serotoninergic cell groups in the brain tory bulb. The same holds true for dendro-
stem penetrate the cerebellar cortex as well dendritic synapse complexes. In the olfactory
as the olfactory bulb. bulb these remarkable structures form pairs
5. Monoaminergic neuronal cell bodies do in which an excitatory glutamatergic (or as-
not occur in the cerebellar cortex, but in the partatergic) action is immediately recipro-
olfactory bulb, subpopulations of the peri- cated by an inhibitory GABA-ergic action.

19. The elucidation of the question of where and to what extent non-synaptic
chemical transmission plays a role in the central nervous system is of paramount
importance for our understanding of the functioning of that organ.

Until recently it was generally assumed that quence of steps: Upon the arrival of an im-
chemical interneuronal communication in the pulse the synaptic vesicles move toward the
central nervous system occur's mainly, if not surface, guided by the presynaptic vesicular
exclusively, via synapses, i. e. morphologi- grid. Their membrane fuses with the axo-
cally specialized, intimate contacts between lemma, after which they discharge their con-
two neuronal elements. The presynaptic com- tent into the synaptic cleft, a process which
ponent of the synaptic junction is usually is called 'exocytosis' (Fig. 50 b). The neu-
formed by a synaptic knob, a terminal swell- romediator molecule.s diffuse via the extracel-
ing of an axonal branch (Fig. 50 a). These so- lular fluid in the synaptic cleft toward the
called bouton terminaux are characterized by postsynaptic membrane, where they bind
the presence of accumulations of small vesic- with specific receptor sites. This interaction
ular organelles which contain the neurome- with the receptors elicits the opening of par-
diator substance. The presynaptic and post- ticular ionic channels and thereby the devel-
synaptic membranes, which are separated by opment of a local membrane depolarization
an approximately 20-nm-wide synaptic cleft, or hyperpolarization. The synaptic cleft be-
show both morphological differentiations. tween the presynaptic and postsynaptic mem-
On the presynaptic side, diffusely outlined branes contains a material of intermediate
dense patches protruding from the mem- density which impedes the diffusion of neu-
brane into the cytoplasm of the terminal are romediator molecules away from the func-
observed. These local thickenings are ar- tional area into the general extracellular
ranged in a configuration known as the pre- space.
synaptic vesicular grid. The postsynaptic It is important to note that not only the clas-
membrane is characterized either by a contin- sical neuromediators (acetylcholine, mono-
uous local membrane thickening or by the amines, amino acids), but also neuropeptides
presence of small thickened patches. Freeze- may be involved in the typical,synaptic trans-
etching studies have revealed that the exter- mission or neurocrine secretion just outlined.
nal surface of the postsynaptic membrane is This may be inferred from the fact that many
studded with tiny protrusions. These may of these substances, including CCK (Con-
well represent the exposed ends of postsynap- rath-Verrier et al. 1984; Takagi et al. 1984;
tic receptor sites. Synaptic impulse transmis- Baali-Cherif et al. 1984), VIP (Gray et al.
sion essentially involves the following se- 1984), neurotensin (Ibata et al. 1984), SST
Conclusions and Comments 169

(DiFiglia and Aronin 1984a), LHRH (Silver- axons, and th~t these axons exhibit varicosit-
man 1984), vasopressin (Buijs and Swaab ies not only in their terminal areas, but
1979), and enkephalin (Somogyi et al. 1982; throughout much of their extent (Fig. SOc).
Moss and Basbaum 1983; DiFiglia and Ultrastructural observations indicated that
Aroni.u 1984b; Armstrong et al. 1984) have these varicosities, although they contain large
been demonstrated by means of immunoelec- numbers of synaptic vesicles, frequently do
tron microscopy to be present in terminals not participate in the formation of synaptic
forming typical synaptic junctions. junctional complexes. These observations led
During the past decade the concept has de- to the supposition that these non-synaptic
veloped that in the central nervous system, varicosities release the neuromediator con-
apart from the classical synaptic transmission tained in their vesicular organelles by exocy-
alluded to above, another form of chemical tosis freely into the extracellular space (Des-
interneuronal communication occurs, a com- carries et al. 1975, 1977; Beaudet and Des-
munication which is non-synaptic and in- carries 1978; Chan-Palay 1978). After their
volves a paracrine secretion process. Before release the neuromediator molecules are con-
discussing the observations which argue in sidered to travel by way of the intercellular
favour of or against this concept, as well as fluid, to act on more distant as well as close
the theoretical considerations to which it has target neurons that are provided with the ap-
led, it may be well to present an outline of propriate receptors (Fig. SOd). By this non-
its essential features. synaptic mode of action particular sets of
It is known that the axons of many mono- monoaminergic or peptidergic elements
aminergic and peptidergic neurons give rise would be able to exert a diffuse tonic influ-
to profusely branching, thin, unmyelinated ence on vast neuronal assemblies, rather than

Fig. 50 a-d. Diagrammatic representation of: a an axonal branch with terminal knobs;
b a classical synapse in which a presynaptic element influences a single postsynaptic element
by means of a neurocrine secretory process; c an axonal branch showing numerous varicosi-
ties, both terminal and non-terminal; d an axonal varicosity which, by means of nonsynaptic,
paracrine secretion of a neuromediator, influences several other neuronal elements. The
width of the extracellular space has been exaggerated. The arrows, which indicate the flow
of neuromediator molecules, point to membrane receptors. Further explanation in the text
170 Conclusions and Comments

controlling individual targets on a one-to-one sponding study on the morphology of the

basis. Moreover, the time course during noradretlergic terminals in the cortex yielded
which these influences were exerted could be similar results. Using tritiated noradrenalin
considerably longer than the few milliseconds as a marker, Descarries et al. (1977) observed
of classical synaptic transmission. that likewise, only a very low proportion (less
The evidence adduced in favour of the con- than 5%) of the noradrenergic varicosities
cept just discussed, as well as the arguments in the frontoparietal cortex are engaged in
against it, may be summarized as follows: genuine synaptic relationships.
The results of Descarries et al. (1975, 1977)
1. Beaudet and Descarries (1978) pointed just reviewed have been challenged by Mol-
out that the fact that Hokfelt (1968) and Ten- liver and colleagues (1982). These authors
nyson et al. (1974) remained unable to dem- studied the ultrastructural features of nor-
onstrate the presence of synaptic junctions adrenergic and serotoninergic axons by
on the dopamine-containing boutons in the means of DBH and serotonin immunohisto-
striatum, is in harmony with findings on nor- chemistry and found that many (about 50%)
adrenergic and serotoninergic endings (see of the DBH-positive and serotonin-positive
below), and seems to indicate that a relative terminals in the cerebral cortex of the rat
paucity of synaptic junctions might be a fea- clearly form conventional synaptic com-
ture common to all types of monoaminergic plexes. They considered it likely that in the
terminals. It should be emphasized, however, varicosities which lacked synaptic contacts
that, contrary to the initial findings of Hok- these membrane specializations were simply
felt (1968) and Tennyson et al. (1974), several out of the section plane. Using the false
later authors, among them Groves (1980), transmitter 5-hydroxydopamine, Molliver
Pickel et al. (1981) and Arluison et al. (1984), et al. (1982) also demonstrated that in the
have demonstrated that dopaminergic termi- cortex of newborn and very young rats
nals in the striatum do form typical synaptic monoaminergic fibr~s form numerous syn-
contacts, although Arluison et al. reported apses with specialized appositions. Taking
that many of these synapses completely lack their findings together, Molliver and col-
a post-synaptic density. It is also relevant in leagues arrived at the conclusion that in the
this context that typical dopaminergic syn- cortex monoaminergic axons communicate
apses have been demonstrated in several with target neurons via typical synapses.
other brain regions, including the lateral sep- 3. Chan-Palay (1978) studied the localization
tum (Onteniente et al. 1984) and the su- of serotonin and noradrenaline in the paratri-
praoptic and paraventricular nuclei (Buijs geminal nucleus (a small cell mass sand-
etal.1984). wiched between the fibres of the restiform
2. Descarries et al. (1975) labelled serotonin- body and the descending tract of the trigem-
ergic axons and terminals in the superficial inal nerve) at the electron-microscopic level
part of the cortex of the rat by superfusion by autoradiography following administration
of the cortical surface with tritiated serotonin of tritiated serotonin and noradrenaline. She
followed by fixation with glutaraldehyde and reported that of the monoaminergic popula-
electron-microscopic autoradiography. They tion of labelled axons, 60% are synaptic and
found that in the frontoparietal cortex only less than 40% are non-synaptic, and that this
a very small fraction of the serotonin vari- proportion is the same for serotonin as for
cosities exhibit the membrane differentiations noradrenaline. Both the serotoninergic and
of typical synaptic terminals. Extensive sam- the noradrenergic axons were found to form
pling in serial thin sections revealed junc- heterogeneous populations. On the basis of
tional complexes in only 5% of labelled bou- the shape, structure and content of their vari-
tons, as opposed to 50% of unlabelled nerve cosities, three different types of non-synaptic
endings in the surrounding neuropil. A corre- serotoninergic fibres and two types of non-
Conclusions and Comments 171

synaptic nor adrenergic axons were described. fuse for tens of micrometers before activating
Chan-Palay (1978) emphasized that mono- receptors on sympathetic neurons.
aminergic fibres in several other parts of the 3. From a theoretical point of view, the con-
brain are also provided with non-synaptic cept is plausible and attractive for the follow-
varicosities and quoted previous publications ing reasons (Roubos and Buma 1984; Buma
in which she has reported the presence of and Roubos 1985): (a) It suggests a very eco-
such structures in the cerebellar cortex, the nomical use of the available space in the cen-
cerebellar and vestibular nuclei, the inferior tral nervous system, there being no need for
olive, the raphe nuclei and the nucleus para- voluminous fibre paths and synaptic struc-
gigantocellularis lateralis. tures for this mode of interneuronal commu-
nication. (b) It provides a satisfactory expla-
Apart from the observations summarized nation for the remarkably large number of
above, the following pieces of indirect and neuromediators demonstrated in the central
circumstantial evidence have been advanced nervous system. (c) Although the various
in support of the concept that non-synaptic neuromediators all travel in the same extra-
exocytotic release of neuromediators occurs cellular space, a certain degree of specificity
in central nervous tissue: or 'privacy' is maintained, since all of these
messengers address only 'their own' specific
1. Serotoninergic axons emanating from the receptors.
nucleus raphes dorsalis penetrate the ependy- However plausible and attractive the idea of
mal lining of the ventricle to form a vast su- interneuronal communication by the non-
pra-ependymal plexus (Fig. 9). The fibres of synaptic release of neuromediators may be,
this plexus contain numerous non-synaptic it should be appreciated that the papers of
varicosities. Chan-Palay (1977, 1982) has Descarries et al. (1975, 1977), Beaudet and
presented experimental evidence suggesting Descarries (1978) and Chan-Palay (1978) re-
that serotonin released by these non-synaptic viewed above do not contain any direct and
varicosities penetrates into the brain via cer- convincing evidence for this concept. No
tain ependymal cells, thus gaining access to analyses of complete serial sections have been
the intercellular space of the subependymal reported showing that the varicosities stud-
nervous tissue. She pointed out that the su- ied, at the moment of fixation, indeed did
pra-ependymal serotoninergic axons are well not show any trace of synaptic membrane
placed to respond to physical and chemical specializations. Rather, the only study of this
changes in the CSF environment such as type, i.e. that of Groves (1980) on dopamin-
changes in pressure, ciliary CSF flow, ionic ergic terminals in the striatum, revealed that
balance and concentration of amine metabo- all of the structures analyzed made a special-
lites or their precursors, and conjectured that ized synaptic contact. Convincing evidence
the response of these serotonin-containing is to be obtained only by a technique with
axons may affect such global brain functions which the process of exocytosis can be direct-
as sleep-wake cycles, diurnal rhythms, and ly visualized. Fortunately, such a technique
transport of various substances and metabo- has recently become available. Buma et al.
lism. (1984) have shown that during tissue incuba-
2. Release of neuromediators from axon ter- tion in Ringer's solution containing tannic
minals devoid of synaptic membrane speciali- acid, exocytosis proceeds, but that the exteri-
zations has long been known to be the rule orized contents of the secretory vesicles are
in the peripheral autonomic nervous system immediately fixed by the tannic acid and do
(Dismukes 1977 ; Beaudet and Descarries not diffuse away into the extracellular space.
1978; Moore and Bloom 1979). Interestingly, After conventional fixation the secretion
Jan and Jan (1983) recently demonstrated products, the electron density of which is in
that in the peripheral system LHRH can dif- addition considerably enhanced by the tannic
172 Conclusions and Comments

acid, can be directly visualized. Preliminary can be tackled. As Schmitt (1984) recently
studies with this so-called TARI (Tannic stated, the solution of this problem may have
Acid Ringer Incubation) technique (Buma a wide-ranging impact on basic neurobiology
et al. 1984; Roubos and Burna 1984; Burna and its clinical applications. It is to be ex-
and Roubos 1985) have revealed that non- pected that the variety of neuropeptides pres-
synaptic release sites are present in various ent in the central nervous system play an im-
parts of the central nervous system ofinverte- portant role in non-synaptic communication.
brates as well as in the area postrema of the However, one should not lose sight of the
rat. It is to be hoped that with the aid of well-established fact that, as reviewed earlier
this technique the questions of where and to in this section, terminals of many types of
what extent non-synaptic chemical transmis- peptidergic neurons do form conventional
sion plays a role in the central nervous system synapses.

20. Degeneration of certain subsets of neuromediator-speciJied neurons has been

reported for several neurological disorders.

A full discussion of this highly important cephal on, particularly in the nucleus basalis
subject is beyond the scope of the present of Meynert (Whitehouse et al. 1981, 1982;
book. Hence, I confine myself to an elemen- McGeer 1984; McGeer et al. 1984 b; Figs. 2,
tary survey of some major points. 51, 52). Whether this cell loss is due to a
1. In senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type primary lesion of the perikarya or rather rep-
(SDAT) there is a considerable loss of the resents a retrograde phenomenon, following
large cholinergic neurons in the basal tel en- degeneration of the widespread cortical pro-

Fig. 51 a-c. Key diagrams indicating the positions of the areas in the human brain shown
in Figs. 52, 53 and 54; the relevant areas are shown in black. a Frontal section through
the basomedia1 telencephalon, illustrating the region containing the nucleus basalis of Mey-
nert; b frontal section through the mesencephalon, showing the substantia nigra; c frontal
section through the most rostral part of the rhombencephalon, demonstrating the position
of the locus coeru1eus
Conclusions and Comments 173

Fig. 52 a-d. Photomicrographs from the central part of the nucleus basalis of Meynert
(nbM), of an age-matched control (a and b) and a patient with Alzheimer's disease ' (c
and d). a and b show the normal density of nbM neurons in the control at low and high
magnification respectively. c and d demonstrate the profound loss of neurons in the patient,
again at low (c) and high (d) magnification. Scale bar is 200 Ilm in a and c, ana 100 Ilm
in band d. (From Whitehouse et al. 1982, by kind permission of the authors and the pub-
lishers of Science)
174 Conclusions and Comments

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Conclusions and Comments 175

jections and terminals of the nucleus basalis ease (Cash e(al. 1984). Loss of neurons in
neurons, is unknown at present. The latter the nucleus basalis is not surprising, in view
possibility should not be ruled out. Price of the high incidence of dementia in parkin-
et al. (1982) have made the intriguing sugges- sonian patients (Lieberman et al. 1979 ;
tion that the characteristic senile plaques Mayeux and Stern 1983). McGeer (1984) has
found in the cortex of SDAT patients incor- shown that, contrary to many other centres
porate degenerating cholinergic endings, and of the brain, a striking loss of neurons occurs
Perry et al. (1982) presented evidence indicat- with age in the cholinergic nucleus basalis
ing that in SDAT the degeneration of nerve and in the dopaminergic substantia nigra
endings my be greater than that of the pars compacta. He pointed out that these are
cells. the centres which are struck by SDA T and
It is worthy of note that in SDAT several Parkinson's disease, affections that are
other centres, including the noradrenergic lo- sharply age dependent, and suggested that
cus coeruleus (see e.g. Mann et al. 1984), are these diseases become overt when the number
generally also affected, while at the same time of cells in the nucleus basalis or the substan-
such cholinergic cell groups as the large stria- tia nigra drops below a certain critical level.
tal local circuit neurons (Fig. 36) and the so- McGeer also expressed the opinion that the
matic and visceral motoneurons in the brain pathological processes underlying the two
stem and spinal cord are spared. disorders must be somehow related; he
2. Parkinson's disease is characte~ized by a pointed to the high coincidence of dementia
progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in and Parkinson's disease, and particularly to
the compact part of the substantia nigra the remarkable fact that these two diseases
(Figs. 51, 53), with consequent degeneration frequently manifest themselves as one single
of the nigrostriatal projection. This degenera- complex among the autochthonous popula-
tion is believed to be responsible for the tion of the island of Guam.
akinesia and rigidity associated with this dis- It is worthy of note that in the substantia
order (Hornykiewicz 1978). The dopamin- nigra of patients dying with Parkinson's dis-
ergic elements in the adjacent area tegmenta- ease not only a loss of dopaminergic neurons,
lis ventralis have also been shown to be af- but also a reduction in the concentrations
fected in Parkinson's disease (Bogerts et al. of substance P (Tenovuo et al. 1984) and M-
1983). enkephalin (Llorens-Cortes et al. 1984) has
In the brains of many patients dying with been found. Both of these peptides occur in
Parkinson's disease a significant loss of neu- fibres constituting the striatonigral projec-
rons has also been found in two non-dopa- tion (Fig. 36). It remains to be determined
minergic structures, namely the noradrener- whether these reductions are primary or sec-
gic locus coeruleus (Figs. 51, 54) and the ondary to the degeneration of the dopamin-
cholinergic nucleus basalis of Meynert. It has ergic nigrostriatal projection.
been suggested that the degeneration in the 3. Chronic tardive dyskinesia, a disturbance
locus coeruleus may be related to depression, occurring after prolonged (months to years)
which is a major symptom in Parkinson's dis- treatment with neuroleptics, may be the re-

.... Fig. 53 a-f. The substantia nigra in normal and diseased conditions, as shown in frontal
sections. a Substantia nigra of a healthy person, age 24; b the same region in a 63-year-old
patient dying with paralysis agitans (6 years' duration). c The same region in a 54-year-old
patient dying with postencephalitic parkinsonism (16 years' duration). d, e, f Details at higher
magnification of a, band c respectively. In f only some pigmented remnants are visible.
Magnifications of a, band c: x 18; d, e and f: x 80. (Kindly provided by Professor A. Hopi)
176 ConclUSIOns and Comments


- .. ,.

. ". ., ~...-.

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.- -" -
.. ..

".. ..~ ".

~ .

.... · -.... .-. ... ,_ ..... ,.

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.. .
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• 1

Fig. 54 a, b. The locus coeruleus in normal and diseased conditions, as shown in frontal
sections. a Locus coeruleus of a healthy person, age 30 years; b the same region in a 46-year-
old patient dying with postencephalitic parkinsonism (4 years' duration). Magnification of
a and b: x 35. (Kindly provided by Professor A. Hopt)

sult of drug-induced damage to a subpopula- nigrostriatal dopaminergic projection re-

tion of striatal GABA-containing neurons mains intact in Huntington's chorea, but
(Fibiger and Lloyd 1984). there is evidence indicating that within the
4. Huntington's chorea is a rare, autosomal, striatum there is a loss of neurons containing
dominantly inherited degenerative disease of GABA, acetylcholine, substance P and L-en-
middle age, characterized by involuntary kephalin (Marshall et al. 1983; Hornykiewicz
choreatic movements and dementia. The de- 1984). Although patients with Huntington's
generative changes in this disorder involve chorea generally develop severe dementia,
neuron loss in the cerebral cortex and a there is no reduction of cortical ChAT activi-
marked degeneration and loss of neurons in ty and no significant loss of neurons from
the nucleus caudatus and the putamen. The the nucleus basalis (Arendt et al. 1983; Clark
et al. 1983).

'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System:

The [paracrine?] Core and Its Adjuncts

In the preceding chapter I have attempted data at some points. Thus, the character of
to characterize the present state of chemical this chapter is speculative and differs consid-
neuroanatomy and its relations to classical erably from that of the preceding ones. Nev-
neuroanatomy in twenty statements, and I ertheless, the format of statements followed
have added shorter or longer comments to by comments will be maintained, and the
each of these. In this chapter I will develop numbering of the statements will also be con-
a new view on the organization of certain tinued. An important advantage of this mode
parts of the neuraxis. In doing so I will not of recording is that it facilitates cross-refer-
hesitate to go clearly beyond well-established ence of the various statements.

21. The centres and pathways which contain a particularly large number of neu-
romediators together constitute a readily recognizable entity (Table 6, Fig. 55).

After having written Chap. 3, I collected all only in an arbitrary way. The table was not
the data on the localization of neuromedia- expected to present a complete overview of
tors in centres and fibre tracts gathered from the neuromediators present in all of the struc-
the literature in a large table. On the left side tures listed (see caveats 1 and 2 at the begin-
of that table the names of more than 150 ning of Chap. 4). However, it was hoped that
different structures, beginning with the glo- the table would reveal some trends, and so
merular layer of the olfactory bulb and end- it did. It showed first of all that the total
ing with the spinal anterior horn, were placed numbers of neuromediators and the neu-
in a column. At the top of the table the names romediator profiles of the various grisea and
of the 25 neuromediators discussed were fibre tracts demonstrate considerable differ-
placed side by side, beginning with acetylcho- ences. (This finding has already been re-
line and ending with angiotensin II. In the corded in statements 4, 11 and 15 and in Ta-
matrix thus prepared the presence of a partic- bles 2, 4 and 5 respectively.) I now decided
ular neuromediator in a particular structure to bring together all centres and fibre tracts
was recorded, using separate symbols for containing a particularly large number of
neuromediator present in perikarya (0), neu- neuromediators (210 and 27 respectively).
romediator present in a considerable number The result is shown in Table 6. Even if we
of perikarya (_), neuromediator present in take into consideration that in our analysis
fibres and/or terminals (+), and neurome- nine 'classical' neuromediators and 16 neu-
diator present in a large number of fibres ropeptides were involved, it is nevertheless
and/or terminals (+). Needless to say, the quite remarkable that practically all of the
choice between using the symbols 0 or _ and structures brought together contain a variety
+ or + in many instances could be made of neuropeptides. The 'neuromediator-rich'

R. Nieuwenhuys, Chemoarchitecture of the Brain

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985
178 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

Table 6. Neuromediator profiles and total numbers of neuromediators present in a number of "neuromediator-
rich" centres and fibre systems. Presence of estradiol- and testosterone-concentrating cells within the centres
listed is indicated at the right

G') ~ lO
):= --' --'

>- t:
" '<

" "ro
"'" "ro

n. centra I is amygdalae o + + 0 + • + +. + + ++ • • + 16 o 0
n. bas. + I at. amygda I ae .++ + 0 0+.. + ++0 13 o 0
n. cort. + med. aJ1lygda 1ae ++0 • 0 • • + •• ++ 0 0 14 • •
n. septi lateralis + + + • + •• 0 • 0 • + ... + + + • + 18 o 0
n. gyri diagonalis • + ++. + .+. + 10 o 0
n. interstit. striae term. ++ + + +.+ • • • • +.+ ++.. 18 ••
n. accumbens • + ++ 0+ +++ 0 • + +++ • + 17
tub. 0 ]factori urn 0++ 0 +0+... 0 I! o 0
n. caudatus + putamen • + + + + • + •• 0 + • • + +• + 17
gyrus dentatus +++ + 0+ • • • + • • 12 o
cornu ammon; 5 • ++ + • • • • 0 • +. • + 14 o
n. habenulae med. • + +++ 0 ++ + + 10 o 0
nn. periventriculares thalami +++++ 0 + +• ++ +• 13 o 0
n. preopticus med. + + • + 0• • • + + ++ + 13 • •
n. anterior hypothalami ++ + .+. + + 0+ 10 o 0
n. paraventricularis magn. .0 + + + • • • 0• + •+ ++ 14 o •
n. paraventricularis parv. +++ + + • • 0 • + + + 0 ... 0 15 o •
n. supraopticus ++ + +. 00. 0+0 I! o 0
n. suprachiasmaticus ++ + • + • 0 0 0 ... 10 o 0
lob. posterior hypophyseos + + + + + ++ ++ +++ 12
n. dorsomedi a lis ++++0 • +• • • + + 0++ 15 o 0
n. ventromedialis ++ +0++ +. 0+ 10 • •
n.:i nfundi bul ari s o • + + •• 0 0 0 +.. 0 0 • + 15 • •
eminentia mediana ++ + ++++++++++ ++++ 17
a. preopt.-hypoth. lat. • + + 0 0 +. 0 00+0 • + + 0 ... 17 o 0
gri s. centrale mesencepha 1i ++++ 0 • + •• 0 + • + + + + •• + 19
• 0
n. parabrachialis lat. o ++ ++ + + •• 0 + + + + + + ... • 18 •
locus coeruleus + ... + + +. 0 • + +• + 12 •
n. spinalis n. trigemini + + + + +.+. +.+ I! o
n. sol itarius o + +• + + • + • + 0 • + + • •• + • 19 •
s. intermedia spinalis o + + + ++• 0 • +++ ++ 14 o
s. gelatinosa spinalis • ++ + 0 ++++ + + •• + 14 o

stria terminalis + ++ +++++++ + + + 13

f. amygdalofugales ventr. +++ ++ + +++ ++ + 12
band. di agona lis Brocae + ++ + + + + + 8
fornix +++ + ++ + + +
stria medu1l ari 5 + + + + ++ +
f. te I encepha Ii cus med. ++++++ +++++++ + + 15
f. longitudinal is dors. +++++ + +++ ++ + 12
tr. hab. - i nterped. +++ + + ++

0, present in perikarya; e, present in a considerable number of perikarya; +, present in fibres and/or terminals;
+, present in a large number of fibres and/or terminals
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 179

aee Nucleus accumbens

ah Nucleus anterior hypothalami
ambl Nuclei basalis + latera lis amygdalae
amee Nucleus centralis amygdalae
amem Nuclei corticalis + medialis amygdalae
aphl Area preoptico-hypolhalamica lateralis
bd Bandeletta diagonalis (Brocae)
bol Bulbus olfactorius
e Nucleus caudatus
eam Cornu Ammonis
dm Nucleus dorsomedialis
doX Nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi
em Eminentia mediana
fav Fibrae amygdalofugales ventrales prm Nucleu preoplicus medialis
fld Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis pulh Nuclei periventriculares thalami
fmt Fasciculus medialis telencephali seh Nucleus suprachiasmaticus
fx Fornix sg Substantia gelatinosa
gem Griseum centrale mesencephali sic Substantia intermedia centralis
gde Gyrus dentatus sl Nucleus septi latera lis
gdi Gyrus diagonalis sm Stria medullaris
habm Nucleus habenulae medialis so Nucleus supraopticus
inf Nucleus infundibularis sol Nucleus solitarius
ip Nucleus interpeduncularis spV Nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini
isl Nucleus interstitialis striae tenninalis SI Stria terminalis
Ie Locus coeruleus thi Tractu habenulointerpeduncularis
Iph Lobus posterior hypophyseos tinf Tractus infundibularis
p Putamen tol Tractus olfactorius
pbl Nucleus parabrachialis latera lis tub Tuberculum olfactorium
pm Nucleus paraventricularis, pars magnocellularis Isph Tractus supraoptico-paraventriculo-hypophyseos
pp Nucleus paraventricularis, pars parvocellularis um Nucleus ventromedialis

Fig. 55. The [paracrine?] core of the central nervous system. Explanation in text.
180 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

centres and pathways were subsequently data gathered in Chap. 4 (under state-
transferred to the schematic diagram of the ment 18), the olfactory bulb and olfactory
human central nervous system which forms tract were also included in Fig. 55. The trac-
the basis of numerous previous figures in the tus infundibularis and the tractus supraop-
present treatise. The result is shown in tico-paraventriculo-hypophyseos are lacking
Fig. 55. It will be seen that most of the struc- in Table 6, because specific data concerning
tures assembled together constitute a readily the neuromediators present in their constitu-
recognizable entity. In the spinal cord and ent fibres are scant. However, the data avail-
the brain stem the substantia intermedia cen- able on the neuromediators present in their
tralis, the nucleus solitarius and the adjacent nuclei of origin and sites of termination jus-
dorsal motor vagal nucleus, the nucleus para- tify their inclusion in Fig. 55. Some centres
brachialis lateralis and the periaqueductal or complexes which, because of the large
grey constitute a chain of centres intercon- number of neuromediators present in them,
nected by the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsa- have been included in Table 6 and Fig. 55
lis of Schutz. Rostrally this chain of centres at first sight do not form part of the contin-
is connected with the hypothalamus by way uum constituted by the other grisea and fibre
of the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis and paths. These apparently separate structures
the medial forebrain bundle. From the hy- include the substantia gelatinosa spinalis and
pothalamus, fibre systems diverge into sever- its rostral continuation in the spinal trige-
al directions: (a) the most dorsal fascicles of minal nucleus, the locus coeruleus and the
the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis fan out caudatus-putamen-accumbens complex. A
into the periventricular thalamic nuclei; certain number of centres in the brain stem
(b) the stria medullaris-fasciculus retroflexus which, on the basis of their richness in neu-
pathway projects to the nucleus medialis ha- romediators, should have been included in
benulae and the nucleus interpeduncularis; Table 6 and Fig. 55 have been left aside.
(c) the tractus infundibularis and the tractus These structures incJude the nucleus raphes
supraoptico-paraventriculo-hypophyseos ter- magnus, the nucleus raphes dorsalis, the area
minate in the median eminence and the poste- tegmentalis ventralis, the nucleus cuneiformis
rior lobe of the pituitary respectively ; (d) the and the rhombencephalic medial reticular
stria terminalis and the so-called ventral formation. The reason for this exclusion is
amygdalofugal bundle connect the hypothal- that, in my opinion, these centres belong to
amus with the amygdaloid complex; (e) the separate entities which will be discussed
diagonal band of Broca contains numerous under statement 26. Finally, it should be
fibres interconnecting the nuclei which bear mentioned that, although in the mesocortex
its name and the septum with the hypothala- and neocortex more than ten different neu-
mus; (f) the hippocampus and certain baso- romediators have been detected so far (the
medial centres are reciprocally connected by total number is 17 according to my records),
the precommissural fornix; and (g) the pre- these structures have nevertheless been left
commissural fornix and particularly the stria out of consideration. This has been done be-
terminalis contain numerous fibres which cause I do not regard this vast histological
connect the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis continuum as a single centre comparable
with many of the telencephalic and dience- with the subcortical structures listed in Ta-
phalic centres mentioned. On the basis of the ble 6.
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 181

22. The centres and pathways forming the continuum shown in Fig. 55 are not
only particularly rich in neuromediators, but also show an extraordinarily high
density of neuromediator-specified fibres and terminals.

The procedure which led to this finding was The 25 sheets representing the most rostral
as follows: From the literature used in the section through the central nervous system
preparation of Chap. 3 all adequately illus- of the rat were stacked, matched and photo-
trated neuromediator mapping studies of the graphed with transmitted light, and the same
rat were selected. Standard outline drawings procedure was repeated for the remaining
of six equidistant frontal sections through the eight levels. In this way I obtained pictures
brain and three sections through the spinal showing the total density of neuromediator-
cord (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) were pre- specified fibres and terminals at nine levels
pared. These drawings were modified from of the neuraxis of the rat.
the atlas of Paxinos and Watson (1982). These pictures, which will be published else-
Data concerning the localization and density where (Nieuwenhuys, Veening and Van
of fibres and terminals containing each of Domburg, in preparation), revealed that
the 25 different neuromediators dealt with in practically all of the structures brought to-
Chap. 3 were transferred from the illustra- gether in Table 6 and Fig. 55, because of
tions in the pertinent mapping studies to sep- their wealth of different neuromediators, also
arate sets of the standard outline drawings. show an extraordinarily high density in neu-
With the aid of a copier all of the drawings romediator-specified fibres and terminals.
- nine for each of the 25 neuromediators - The procedure described was repeated sepa-
were transferred to transparent sheets. rately for the 16 neuropeptides included in
Chap. 3, with practically identical results.

23. The set of 'neuromediator-rich' and 'neuromediator-dense' centres and path-

ways assembled in Table 6 and depicted in Fig. 55 coincides largely, but not
entirely, with the limbic system.

The long and stirring history of the develop- parahippocampalis and the adjoining cortex
ment of the concept of the 'limbic system' of the uncus region, and the hippocampal
cannot be treated here in detail. However, formation, i. e. the cornu Ammonis plus the
I will attempt to highlight a few major as- gyrus dentatus.
pects of it. During the last decades of the nineteenth cen-
In 1878 Broca drew attention to the fact that tury and the first decades of the twentieth
a cortical zone situated along the medial mar- century it was generally believed that most
gin of the mammalian cerebral hemisphere, if not all of the structures included in Broca's
which surrounds the area of fusion of brain limbic lobe are dominated by olfactory pro-
stem and prosencephalon, constitutes a sepa- jections and thus form part of the rhinen-
rate entity which he termed 'Ie grand lobe cephalon.
limbique'. He emphasized that he had intro- In 1937 Papez published a notable paper in
duced this term to denote an anatomical which he claimed on theoretical grounds that
structure and not a functional unit. The corti- a circuit, of which the hippocampal forma-
cal areas which Broca included in 'his' limbic tion and the cingulate gyrus form important
lobe encompass the gyrus cinguli, the gyrus components, constitutes the neural substrate
182 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

of emotional behaviour. This theory received comprises a functionally integrated system

some substantiation from the work of Kluver which he designated (in keeping with Broca's
and Bucy (1937, 1939), who demonstrated terminology) as the limbic system (for the
that in monkeys, resections of the anterior first time in: MacLean 1952).
portions of the temporal lobes (which in- A notable extension to the limbic system con-
cluded the hippocampal formation and the cept was made by Nauta (1958,1973; Nauta
amygdaloid complex) have, among other ef- and Haymaker 1969). This investigator add-
fects, a profound influence on affective re- ed to the telencephalic limbic' arch' (within
sponses. Somewhat schematically it may be which he included the hippocampal forma-
said that the impact of the publication of Pa- tion and the amygdaloid complex, but not
pez and those of Kluver and Bucy was three- the gyrus cinguli and the gyrus parahippo-
fold: the idea that the rhinencephalon en- campalis) a neural continuum which may be
compasses almost the entire limbic lobe fell designated as the 'limbic axis'. This contin-
into the background; a direct linkage be- uum includes, from rostral to caudal: the sep-
tween emotion and Broca's limbic lobe be- tal and preoptic regions, the hypothalamus,
came established; and the amygdaloid com- and a number of mesencephalic structures
plex, a subcortical structure, became incorpo- which occupy a paramedian position (Nau-
rated into the limbic lobe. ta's 'limbic midbrain area '). Nauta pointed
MacLean (1952, 1958, 1962, 1970) drew at- out that these various entities are structurally
tention to the fact that the various compo- heterogeneous, but that all of them are
nents of Broca's great limbic lobe are strongly interconnected by shorter and lon-
strongly and reciprocally connected with a ger ascending and descending fibres. Taken
number of subcortical structures, particularly together, these connections constitute, in
the septum, the amygdala, the midline tha- Nauta's opinion, one large functional system
lamic nuclei, the habenula and the hypothal- which he designated as the 'limbic system- He suggested (see MacLean 1970, midbrain circuit'. l;Ie emphasized that the
Fig. 4) that the cortical limbic ring is rostrally large telencephalic limbic structures, i. e. the
closed by two subcortical nodal points, i. e. hippocampus and the amygdaloid complex,
the more dorsally situated septum and the are both reciprocally connected with the ros-
more ventrolaterally located amygdaloid tral pole of the limbic axis, and thereby with
complex. MacLean cited clinical and experi- the limbic system-midbrain circuit.
mental evidence suggesting that the lower Nauta's views on the functioning of the
part of the ring, fed by the amygdaloid com- limbic system may be summarized as follows
plex, is primarily concerned with emotional (see particularly Nauta 1973). The structures
feelings and behaviour that ensures self-pres- constituting the limbic axis are centrally in-
ervation. In his wording, the circuits of this volved in the regulation of endocrine and
lower part of the ring are: "so to speak, kept visceral effector mechanisms. The functional
busy with the selfish demands of feeding, state of these structures is not affected solely
fighting and self-protection" (MacLean by neural afferents from the hippocampus
1970, p. 340). The structures associated with and the amygdala, but is also modulated by
the septum in the upper part of the ring, on impulses travelling along visceral-sensory
the other hand, would be involved in: "ex- pathways ascending from the spinal cord and
pressive and feeling states that are conducive the medulla oblongata, as well as by various
to sociability and the procreation and preser- blood-borne agents. Moreover, the limbic
vation of the species" (MacLean 1970, system as a whole is implicated in the regula-
p. 340). The data and aspects just epitomized tion of affective and motivated behaviours.
led MacLean to the conclusion that the It was long thought that the limbic system
limbic cortex, together with the subcortical and the extrapyramidal motor system repre-
structures to which it is directly connected, sented strictly separated structural and func-
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 183

tional entities. However, as has already been atively direct connections with the hypothal-
discussed on p. 153, Kelley et al. (1982) and amus " by stating: 'On this basis several nu-
Gerfen (1984) have provided connectional clei of the brain stem, among them the raphe
evidence indicating that vast portions of the nuclei, the nucleus locus coeruleus, the nucle-
caudate-putamen complex may be adequate- us of the solitary tract, and the dorsal motor
ly designated as limbic. vagus nucleus and further the intermediolat-
The usefulness of the concept of a limbic sys- eral column in the spinal cord, should be con-
tem has been questioned by several authors, sidered parts of the "limbic system", since
among whom Brodal (1981) is the most they all have connections - even direct ones
prominent. After a brief discussion and eval- - with the hypothalamus' (Brodal 1981,
uation of the terms' limbic lobe' and' limbic p.690).
system', Brodal arrived at the conclusion It is most remarkable that the set of centres
that neither term has a clear meaning and and pathways which I have brought together
advocated their total banishment. Brodal ar- on the basis of their' neuromediator richness'
gued that, pari passu with our increase of and 'neuromediator density' (Fig. 55) en-
knowledge, the limbic system 'appears to be compasses not only all structures which
On its way to including all brain regions and Nauta included in the limbic system, but also
functions' (Brodal, p. 690). He took issue the centres added to this system by Kelley
with an attempt of Isaacson (1975, p.331) et al. (1982) and, ironically, most of the
to characterize the limbic system as a system, 'limbic candidates' proposed by Brodal!
'only because each of its components has rel-

24. The set of 'neuromediator-rich' and 'neuromediator-dense' centres assembled

in Table 6 and Fig. 55 clQsely corresponds to the set of estrogen- and androgen-
hormone-concentrating neuronal groups which Stumpf included in what he termed
'the periventricular brain '.

Stumpf and his associates (Stumpf 1970, in hormonal' feedback' regulation, and that
1975; Stumpf and Sar 1975, 1977, 1978; only a subpopulation of these cells is in-
Stumpf et al. 1975; Keefer and Stumpf 1975; volved in the manufacture of hypophysio-
Sar and Stumpf 1975) studied the distribu- tropic releasing or inhibiting factors. He con-
tion of neurons concentrating sex steroids in sidered it likely that other groups of the la-
the central nervous system of several mam- belled neurons may act primarily as thresh-
mals, including insectivores, rodents and pri- old modulators for sensory input. Stumpf
mates, by administration of tritiated estradiol and Sar (1978) pointed out that in the lower
or testosterone followed by autoradiography. rhombencephalon and spinal cord the estra-
The essence of their findings is summarized diol- and testosterone-concentrating neurons
in the two columns furthest on the right in show considerable differences in localization.
Table 6 and in Fig. 56. It will be seen that Estrogen concentration appeared to prevail
most of the steroid hormone-concentrating in sensory areas and cells that are ktiown to
neurons are located within the centres modulate sensory perception, whereas testos-
brought together on the basis of their' neu- terone prevailed in neurons that are asso-
romediator richness' and 'neuromediator ciated with somatomotor functions. Stumpf
density'. (1975; see also Stumpf and Sar 1977) empha-
Stumpf (1975) suggested that the various sized that most of the steroid hormone target
steroid hormone target neurons are involved neurons are situated close to the ventricular
184 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

Fig. 56. The [paracrine?] core of the central nervous system; the location of estradiol (.)-
and testosterone (0 )-concentrating cells is indicated
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 185

system, i. e. in a zone which he regarded as ventricular org~ns all contain accumulations

a phylogenetically ancient part of the neu- of estradiol-concentrating cells and consti-
raxis. He suggested that this 'periventricular tute, in Stumpfs opinion, nodal points in the
brain' fulfils a neuroendocrine function periventricular brain.
throughout. The richly vascularized circum-

25. The set of 'neuromediator-rich' and 'neuromediator-dense' centres and path-

ways in the mammalian central nervous system, which has many features in com-
mon with the limbic system as well as with the steroid hormone-concentrating
periventricular brain, constitutes a unit which may be designated as the [para-
crine?1 core of the neuraxis.

The reason for selecting the term 'core' is projects directly to cardiovascular responsive
threefold - positional, connectional and sites in the upper thoracic spinal cord (Miura
functional. As regards the position of the var- et al. 1983; Caverson et al. 1984).
ious centres, they extend throughout the Numerous more rostrally situated 'core'
length of the neuraxis from the olfactory bulb centres, including the bed nucleus of the stria
to the caudal spinal cord, and most though terminalis, the medial and lateral preoptic ar-
not all of them occupy a central, periventric- eas, the nucleus centralis amygdalae, the
ular position. Figure 55 shows rather wide paraventricular nucleus, the infundibular nu-
gaps between the dorsal vagal complex (i. e. cleus, the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus,
the nucleus solitarius plus the dorsal motor the lateral hypothalamic area and the peri-
vagal nucleus) and the lateral parabrachial aqueductal grey, project directly to the dorsal
nuclei, and between periaqueductal grey and vagal complex 01an der Kooy et al. 1984;
the hypothalamus. It is known that these Schwanzel-Fukuda et al. 1984; Veening et al.
gaps are bridged by zones of relatively undif- 1984; Ter Horst et al. 1984).
ferentiated central grey, but the number of Several of the connections just mentioned are
neuromediators present in these zones was reciprocated by projections ascending direct-
not systematically recorded during our analy- ly from the dorsal vagal complex to dience-
sis of the literature. phalic and telencephalic 'core' centres. Such
It has been well-established by numerous ex- projections have been observed to terminate
perimental hodological studies that the var- in the infundibular nucleus, the dorsomedial
ious structures which make up the telence- hypothalamic nucleus, the paraventricular
phalic and diencephalic portions of what is nucleus, the medial preoptic area, the bed nu-
called here the [paracrine?] core of the neu- cleus of the stria terminalis and, in addition,
raxis are strongly and reciprocally intercon- the periventricular thalamic nuclei (Ricardoh
nected. The pertinent studies have been re- and Koh 1978).
viewed repeatedly (see e. g. Nieuwenhuys The caudal (general visceroreceptive) part of
et al. 1981, 1982) and require no full docu- the nucleus of the solitary tract has been
mentation here. However, it may be well to shown to project to the lateral para brachial
briefly indicate the results of some recent ex- nucleus (Ricardoh and Koh 1978; "Milner
perimental studies on the connections of the et al. 1984; see Fig. 38e). The lateral para-
rostral pole of the' paracrine core' with the brachial nucleus distributes fibres to the peri-
remainder of that entity. aqueductal grey (Marchand and Hagino
There is experimental neuroanatomical as 1983) and to the lateral hypothalarrllc area,
well as physiological evidence indicating that the ventromedial, dorsomedial and paraven-
the nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami tricular hypothalamic nuclei, the median pre-
186 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

optic area, the bed nucleus of the stria ter- tures listed in Table 6. I am fully aware of
minalis and the nucleus centralis amygdalae the fact that such a catchword-like character-
(Fulwiller and Saper 1984; Zaborski et al. ization of the functional significance of
1984; Lind and Swanson 1984). Conversely, centres is hazardous and may be misleading.
the lateral parabrachial nucleus receives de- Many of the findings concerning the localiza-
scending projections primarily from the para- tion of functions derive from lesioning or
ventricular nucleus, but also from the pre- stimulation experiments, and the results of
optic region and from the anterior, lateral, experiments of these types should be judged
dorsomedial and ventromedial hypothalamic with caution. As pointed out by Arnold
nuclei (Takeuchi and Hopkins 1984). (1969, p. 1045):
It has already been indicated in the preceding "Of course, it is obvious that a particular impairment
chapter that the periaqueductal grey receives after a lesion does not mean that the missing brain tissue
had' generated' or 'laborated' the behavior that is now
substantial projections from the amygdaloid defective. But it may mean that all lesions resulting in
complex and from various hypothalamic such impairment, no matter where located, have dam-
centres (see p. 135 and Fig. 37). For details aged structures or circuits that are required for normal
responses. Similarly, electrical stimulation of some point
of these descending projections I refer to the in the brain does not mean that the behavior so pro-
recent retrograde tracer studies of Mantyh duced is necessarily the normal behavior mediated by
(1982) and Marchand and Hagino (1983). a 'center'. It may mean that the electrode has stimulated
points in a circuit that nonnally mediate such behavior
As regards the ascending efferent connec- or that these connections have been preempted by the
tions of the periaqueductal grey, the antero- stimulating current and now cannot be used for the sub-
grade tracer study of Marltyh (1983) has ject's normal behavior."
shown that this griseum projects to several Moreover, even if the evidence that a given
thalamic centres, including the intralaminar centre is implicated in a particular function
and midline nuclei, but that its heaviest as- is indeed conclusive, the question immediate-
cending projections are directed to the pre- ly presents itself: Does all, or only part of
optic region and to the anterior, dorsal, peri- that centre subserv.e that function? Many
ventricular, ventromedial, lateral and poste- grisea which are commonly designated as
rior hypothalamic nuclei. centres are in fact complex, and their struc-
The studies just reviewed fully warrant the tural non-homogeneity may well reflect in-
conclusion that the telencephalic and dience- volvement in a multiplicity of actions. Final-
phalic 'core' centres are strongly and recipro- ly, Brodal (1981, p. 690) has remarked upon
cally connected with their more caudally situ- the fact that' ... as research progresses it be-
ated counterparts. There is evidence that sev- comes increasingly difficult to separate func-
eral of the projections discussed follow a peri- tionally different regions of the brain. The
ventricular route (see, e. g. Ricardoh and Koh borderlines between "functional systems"
1978 and Mantyh 1982, 1983); however, be- become more and more diffuse.' I concur
cause most of the studies cited are based on with this statement, without drawing the con-
experiments with retrograde tracers, the actu- clusion that the ultimate result of all efforts
al courses of many of these connections re- in the realm of neurobiology will be a state-
main to be elucidated. ment that the central nervous system is a sin-
Having indicated the positional and connec- gle, totally integrated structural and 'func-
tional grounds for selecting the designation tional unit, and just that.
'core of the neuraxis' for the set of centres Following these preliminaries (and the ca-
and pathways listed in Table 6 and depicted veats included !), I now present the functional
in Figs. 55 and 56, it now remains to unfold notes promised. (N.B. This matter will be dis-
my functional arguments. cussed more in depth and fully documented
Current neurophysiological and neuroetho- in a forthcoming publication: Nieuwenhuys,
logical knowledge enables me to attach func- Veening and Van Domburg, in prepara-
tional labels to practically all of the struc- tion.)
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 187

Many of the centres included are of central numerous neurons in the central nervous sys-
importance in the regulation of visceral effec- tem are targets of the male and female gona-
tor mechanisms. Thus, the dorsal vagal com- dal hormones which are produced under the
plex, the lateral parabrachial nucleus, the su- control of the gonadotropic hormones. As
praoptic, paraventricular and dorsomedial pointed out by Stumpf (1975), a certain pro-
hypothalamic nuclei, the medial preoptic portion of the target cells of the sex hor-
area, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis mones are directly involved in the regulation
and the nucleus centralis amygdalae have all of the production of hypothalamic regulating
been implicated in cardiovascular control. hormones (see Figs. 22 and 56), whereas
Modification of respiratory functions can be others may serve as threshold modulators on
induced by stimulation of the dorsal vagal both the sensory and motor sides. The latter
complex, the lateral para brachial nucleus, the may facilitate the fixed-action patterns re-
medial preoptic area, the bed nucleus of the lated to reproductive behaviour.
stria terminalis and the nucleus centralis Stimulation of many of the centres included
amygdalae. Finally, the motility and secreto- has been reported to elicit agonistic (i.e. com-
ry activity of the digestive tract can be in- bative) behaviour. I confine myself here to
fluenced by stimulating, among other struc- mentioning the amygdaloid complex (all
tures, the dorsal vagal complex, the lateral main divisions), the lateral septal nucleus, the
parabrachial nucleus and the nucleus centra- nuclei of the diagonal band of Broca, the bed
lis amygdalae. nucleus of the stria terminalis, the nucleus
The substantia gelatinosa and its rostral con- accumbens, the cornu Ammonis, several hy-
tinuation in the spinal trigeminal nucleus are pothalamic centres, among which is the later-
recipient centres of nociceptive stimuli, where- al hypothalamic area, and the periaqueductal
as the periaqueductal grey plays a key role grey.
in the modulation of nociception. The sense of smell and its central apparatus
The entire preoptico-hypoth~lamic contin- plays an important role in "both feeding and
uum plays a particularly important role in reproductive behaviour.
the maintenance of homeostasis, i. e. the regu- Taking together the data enumerated above,
lation of the milieu interieur. This complex I venture the conclusion that the centres and
task is accomplished by (a) activation of pathways included in Table 6 constitute afunc-
visceral effector mechanisms, (b) modulation tional complex which is involved most directly
of the release of anterior and posterior pitu- in processes aimed at the survival of the indi-
itary hormones, and (c) initiation of the var- vidual (organism) and of the species, and thus
ious behavioural patterns aimed at mainte- fully deserves the designation 'core of the neu-
nance or restoration of homeostasis, i. e. the raxis'.
adaptive, goal-oriented foraging behaviours I come now to an explanation of the denota-
(see Swanson and Mogenson 1981). tion 'paracrine'. Let me state at once that
Many of the centres included are involved the addition of this adjective to 'the core of
in the regulation of sexual and reproductive the neuraxis' rests on a cascade of assump-
behaviour. The lateral septal nucleus, the tions and, hence, is strongly speculative.
(sexually dimorphic!; see Fig. 43) medial pre- First, however, a brief explanation of the
optic nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria word. The term 'paracrine secretion' is bor-
terminalis, the amygdaloid complex, the nu- rowed from endocrinology. It was introduced
cleus suprachiasmaticus and the periaque- by Feyrter (1953) to denote that the specific
ductal grey may be mentioned in this context. secretion products of endocrine cells do not
It is important to note (a) that the release exclusively attain their target organs by way
of gonadotropic hormones from the pituitary of the blood stream, but may also reach and
gland is steered by regulation hormones man- influence groups of neighbouring cells via the
ufactured by the hypothalamus, and (b) that interstitial tissue fluid.
188 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

My reasoning is now as follows: nate in the median eminence. I consider it

likely that this peculiar detour enables these
1. There is a set of centres and pathways in fibres to make their specific contribution to
the central nervous system which (a) together the complex neuropeptide language by which
constitutes a single functional complex and the medial forebrain bundle communicates
(b) shows an extraordinary 'richness' and with the cells scattered within and around
'density' of neuromediators, particularly it, i. e. the lateral preoptico-hypothalamic
neuropeptides. continuum.
2. This accumulation of neuropeptides is not Given the presence of a multitude of specific
fortuitous; rather it reveals a trend. messengers (the various neuropeptides), and
3. It is to be expected that the 3S-odd neu- given the potential presence of specific recep-
ropeptides now known represent only a small tors for all of these messengers, it is very
fraction of the total number (Sternberger plausible that in areas where numerous thin,
1980; Snyder 1980). unmyelinated fibres containing many differ-
4. It follows from 2 and 3 that in what I ent neuropeptides occur, non-synaptic para-
have called the core of the neuraxis some 200 crine interneuronal communication prevails.
different neuropeptides may well be opera- As already mentioned under statement 19
tive. (p. 171), this mode of communication implies
5. The presence of such a multitude of specif- a very economical use of the available space
ic messengers betrays the existence of a spe- in the central nervous system. Moreover, al-
ciallanguage. ' though the various neuropeptides all travel
6. The pathways interconnecting and passing in the same extracellular space (which opens
through the various centres constituting the up the possibility for as yet entirely unex-
core of the neuraxis consist largely of thin, plored interactions between neuropeptides),
unmyelinated fibres. I consider it likely that a certain degree of specificity is maintained,
these pathways represent the 'open multi- since all of these neufopeptides may well ad-
neuromediator channels" already alluded to dress only' their own' specific receptors.
under statement 12 (p. 128). This implies that 8. Finally, it may be that for various reasons
the constituent fibres of these bundles are including those outlined above, the multi-
able to influence numerous other neurons peptide paracrine mode of interneuronal
along their length, or during their passage communication fits the specific functional de-
through one or more interstitial nuclei, rather mands of the core of the neuraxis particularly
than only in their area of ultimate termina- well with regard to both tempo and mode.
tion. However, this is not to imply that the other
7. It is important for sets of fibres which con- modes of communication, i. e. endocrine se-
tain and release a particular neuropeptide to cretion and the strictly synaptic neurocrine
contribute their specific signals to the neu- secretion, do not occur in core regions. It
ropeptide language in the appropriate spatial is well known that endocrine secretion plays
and temporal context. As regards the spatial a prominent role in at least two such regions,
context a remarkable course of certain sets the median eminence and the posterior pitu-
of peptidergic fibres, which I will denote as itary. Moreover, peptidergic axons have been
the 'detour phenomenon', deserves mention. shown to participate in the formation of con-
From descriptions in the literature it appears ventional synapses (see the:, enumeration
that in the rat, LHRH- as well as somatosta- under statement 19 on p. 168) and many such
tin-containing fibres originating from the me- synapses have been observed in typical core
dial preoptic area pass laterally, join the me- regIOns.
dial forebrain bundle to follow that 'open
channel' over a certain trajectory, then leave So much for the explanation of the term' the
the bundle and pass medially again, to termi- [paracrine? ] core of the neuraxis '.
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 189

26. The [paracrine?} core of the neuraxis has two 'adjuncts, termed here the
'medianparacore' and the '(bilateral) lateralparacore' (Fig. 57).

Having already entered the realm of specula- 1. As already mentioned, they are both di-
tion, a few additions to the concept of a para- rectly continuous with the core region.
crine core in the neuraxis may be permissi- 2. The constituent cells of the paracore re-
ble. gions contain different neuromediators, but
I consider it likely that the series of raphe monoamines predominate in both. In the me-
nuclei extending throughout the brain stem dian paracore numerous serotoninergic cells
constitute an adjunct to the [paracrine?] are found, but in the lateral paracore cate-
core, which may be tentatively designated as cholaminergic neurons prevail. These include
the median paracore. In most places the raphe adrenergic elements, which are found exclu-
nuclei are directly adjacent to the core region, sively in the most caudal part of the zone
and in some they even penetrate into it (Fig. 8); noradrenergic neurons, which occur
(Fig. 57 a). Moreover, as will be detailed be- throughout the length of the rhombencepha-
low, fibres of the core region project heavily lon (Figs. 6, 7); and dopaminergic neurons,
towards certain raphe nuclei. concentrated in the mesencephalic portion of
A second adjunct to the core region is prob- the lateral paracore (Fig. 5).
ably formed by a series of grisea which in 3. Both paracores lie clearly beyond the tra-
most though not all levels of the brain stem jectories of the large, well-myelinated ascend-
extend from this region ventrolaterally into ing and descending pathways.
the tegmentum. At the mesencephalic level 4. Both paracores contain numerous thin,
this series includes the continuum formed by longitudinally oriented fibres. In the median
the area tegmentalis lateralis, the pars com- paracore these fibres cohstitute the dorsal
pacta of the substantia nigra and the area and ventral ascending serotoninergic path-
tegmentalis ventralis (Fig. 57 a). In the ways, as well as the dorsal and ventral de-
rhombencephalon it is the locus coeruleus, scending serotoninergic pathways (Felten
the subcoeruleus area and the cytoarchitec- and Sladek 1983; Fig. 57). It is important to
tonically ill-defined cell groups A1, A2, A5, note that many of these ascending and de-
A 7, C1 and C2 which form part of this series scending fibres may contain one or even two
(Fig. 57b, c). Several other centres, such as additional neuromediators (see statement 9
the nucleus tegmentalis pedunculopontinus, and Table 3). In the lateral paracore the thin,
pars compacta (TPc), the medial parabra- longitudinally arranged fibres assemble in the
chial nucleus and the so-called Kolliker-Fuse longitudinal catecholamine bundle of Jones
nucleus also fit into it. I summarize this longi- and Friedman (1983; Fig. 34), which tends
tudinally arranged chain of nuclei under the to divide over its course into more or less
name lateral paracore. Whereas rostrally the separate dorsal and ventral components (Fel-
median paracore comes to an end where the ten and Sladek 1983; Fig. 57). The catechol-
raphe area thins out into the posterior wall amine (mostly noradrenergic) fibres in the
of the hypothalamus, the lateral paracore bundle just discussed are joined by many dif-
continues into the diencephalon. In fact, it ferent kinds of peptidergic fibres. III the rat,
is ambiguous whether the lateral hypotha- axons containing VIP, neurotensin, LHRH,
lamic area forms a rostral extension of the somatostatin, CRF, ACTH, a-MSH, endor-
lateral paracore or a lateral extension of the phin and enkephalin are present in the area
core regIOn. of the longitudinal catecholamine bundle
The median and lateral paracores have sever- throughout the brain stem. The same may
al features in common: hold true for the longitudinal serotoninergic
190 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

AI-A7 Noradrenergic cell groups Ie Locus coeruleus (A6)

A8-AIO Dopaminergic cell groups Icb Longitudinal catecholamine bundle
BI-B7 Serotoninergic cell groups Ipc Lateral paracore
CI, C2 Adrenergic cell groups mpc Medial paracore
dacp Dorsal ascending catecholamine pathway pc [Paracrine?] core
ddsp Dorsal descending serotonin pathway sea Subcoeruleus area (A6)
fld Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schutz vacp Ventral ascending catecholamine pathway
fr Formatio reticularis vdsp Ventral descending serotonin pathway
ip Interpeduncular nucleus

Fig. 57 a-c. Diagrammatic frontal sections through the human brain stem at mesencephalic
(a), rostral metencephalic (b) and myelencephalic levels (c) to show the positions of the
[paracrine?] core, the median paracore and the (bilateral) lateral paracores. In the [para-
crine?] core the position of the coarsest fibres in the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis is
indicated; however, it is known that this region contains large numbers of thin, unmyelinated
fibres. Further explanation is given in the text
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 191

fibre assemblies, although direct evidence for locus coeruleu~ and the medial parabrachial
this assumption is lacking. nucleus also distribute afferents to that mes-
5. Both paracores contain sets of cells giving encephalic core centre (Beitz 1982c).
rise to networks of fibres that pervade vir- 9. Finally, it is remarkable that the core and
tually all grisea in the neuraxis, i. e. the sero- the paracores together embrace the reticular
toninergic cells in the median paracore and formation (Fig. 57).
the noradrenergic cells in the lateral para-
core. What is the function of the paracore regions?
6. Felten and colleagues (Felten and Sladek The connections with the core region suggest
1983; Felten et al. 1981; Cummings and Fel- that they act in concert with the latter, and
ten 1979) observed that tanycytes situated in the fact that both of them are endowed with
the ventricular lining of the brain stem pene- profusely branching axonal systems strongly
trate with their long, peripherally extending suggests that they exert wide-ranging influ-
processes several cell masses in both the me- ences over neurons in virtually every major
dian paracore and the lateral paracore, where subdivision of the central nervous system.
they directly contact the monoaminergic neu- However, concerning the specific functions
rons present in these centres. They supposed of these two all-pervading neuronal groups,
that these specialized ependymal elements act I feel unable to add much to the functional
as a transport link, providing a route for ce- comments on the serotoninergic and nor-
rebrospinal fluid borne substances to reach adrenergic projections presented earlier (see
receptors on the surface of the monoamin- pp. 39 and 25). Nevertheless, the following
ergic neurons. preliminary notes may give some idea con-
7. Felten and colleagues (Felten and cerning the activities in which the paracore
Crutcher 1979; Felten and Sladek 1983) also regions are involved.
observed in primates only that in most mono- The complex formed by the Kolliker-Fuse
aminergiccentres included here in the median nucleus and the most ventral part of the me-
and lateral paracores, neurovascular apposi- dial parabrachial nucleus is considered to
tions occur where the basement membrane represent the pontine respiratory or 'pneu-
of capillaries directly abuts on a monoamin- motaxic' centre. This portion of the lateral
ergic soma or dendrite. They postulated that paracore projects to some more caudal
the neurons in question may be influenced centres within the same zone, i. e. the ventral
directly by hormones or other substances in medullary respiratory centre, which is situ-
the blood. ated in the vicinity of the A1 and C1 cell
8. Both paracores exchange numerous axons groups, and the dorsal medullary respiratory
with the core region. It has already been dis- centre, which lies in the ventrolateral portion
cussed (see statement 13. and Fig. 37) that of the solitary nucleus, in the same region
the periaqueductal grey and the adjacent nu- where the A2 and C2 cell groups are also
cleus raphes dorsalis project heavily to the located (see Cohen 1979; Long and Duffin
nucleus raphes magnus, and that this projec- 1984; Fulwiler and Saper 1984). In addition,
tion consists of fibres containing several dif- the Kolliker-Fuse nucleus projects directly to
ferent neuromediators. Conversely, the peri- the intermediolateral cell column in the tho-
aqueductal grey receives afferents from sever- racic spinal cord. The names of the various
al raphe nuclei, including the nucleus raphes centres reflect the strong electrophystological
dorsalis, the nucleus centralis superior, the evidence that these cell groups, and hence
nucleus raphes magnus and the nucleus considerable parts of the caudal lateral para-
raphes obscurus (Beitz 1982c; Marchand and core, are implicated in the control of respira-
Hagiro 1983). As regards the lateral para- tion.
core, the substantia nigra is known to project The caudal parts of the lateral paracore not
heavily to the periaqueductal grey, and the only contain respiratory centres, but also
192 'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System

play an important role in cardiovascular con- areas, in turn, send numerous fibres via the
trol. Its superficial, ventrolateral portions medial forebrain bundle to a region in the
contain chemosensitive neurons which direct- midbrain which corresponds roughly with
ly monitor blood composition, particularly the TPc. There is experimental evidence indi-
the concentration of COr (Dampney and cating that the locomotor responses evoked
Moon 1980; Trouth et al. 1982). The dorso- by the nucleus accumbens depend to a con-
medial and ventrolateral moieties of the cau- siderable degree on the integrity of the sub-
dallateral paracore are intensively and reci- pallidal region (Swerdlow et al. 1984). More-
procally interconnected. As indicated in over, it has been reported that locomotor
Fig. 57 c, both of these moieties contain nor- stepping movements can be elicited by stimu-
adrenergic (Al, A2) as well as adrenergic cell lating the medial forebrain bundle (Sinna-
groups (Cl, C2). It is also worth mentioning mon et al. 1984), i. e. the channel along which
that the ventrolateral moiety, like the dorso- the subpallidal region projects to the TPc,
medial one with its adjoining dorsal vagal as mentioned. It is relevant that the nucleus
complex, is particularly rich in neuropep- accumbens is under the control of such typi-
tides. Within the ventrolateral moiety, popu- cal core regions as the hippocampus and the
lations of cells containing substance P, CCK, amygdaloid complex (Fig. 55), and that it
somatostatin, TRH, and enkephalin have also receives a heavy (mainly dopaminergic)
been observed (see Mantyh and Hunt projection from the area tegmentalis ventra-
1984a). lis, which forms part of the mesencephalic
It has already been mentioned that the entity lateral paracore (Fig. 57: Ai 0).
which I have tentatively designated as the The TPc, which is situated in the caudolateral
core of the brain is involved most directly midbrain tegmentum, corresponds roughly
in processes aimed at the survival of the indi- with an area known as the mesencephalic lo-
vidual and of the species, and that these vital comotor region. The latter has received this
processes require the initiation of action pat- name because its electrical stimulation in
terns such as exploratory behaviour, foraging post-mammillary decerebrate cats (Shik et al.
behaviour associated with food and water 1967) and rats (Skinner and Garcia-Rid
procurement, and reproductive activities. It 1984) induces coordinated locomotion on a
will be obvious that locomotor responses are treadmill. The TPc and its directly adjacent
associated with all of these action patterns. areas are caudally continuous with a zone
Relying heavily on the very thoughtful designated as the pontomedullary locomotor
papers of Kuypers (1982), Mogenson et al. strip (Shik and Yagodnitsyn 1979). This zone
(1983) and Swanson et al. (1984) I now sug- contains numerous noradrenergic elements,
gest that a chain of core and paracore centres and it is important to note that it, as well
is involved in the initiation and execution of as the TPc, falls entirely within the confines
the behavioural patterns mentioned. This of the lateral paracore. In addition to the
chain of centres includes the nucleus accum- heavy projection from the subpallidal region,
bens, the subpallidal region, the lateral pre- the TPc receives afferents from numerous
optico-hypothalamic continuum, the TPc other sources, including the motor cortex, the
and adjacent cell groups, and the raphe nu- globus pallidus, the bed nucleus of the' stria
clei, particularly the nucleus raphes mag- terminalis, the medial preoptic area, the par-
nus. vocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus
It is known that the nucleus accumbens is and the pars reticulata of the substantia ni-
involved in the modulation of locomotor gra. It is also worth mentioning that the sub-
behaviour. This nucleus projects heavily to pallidal region distributes fibres to the peri-
a subpallidal region that includes parts of the aqueductal grey and that this typical core re-
substantia innominata, the lateral preoptic gion in turn projects to the TPc. The descend-
area and the lateral hypothalamic area. These ing efferents of the mesencephalic locomotor
'New' Entities in the Central Nervous System 193

region terminate mainly in the rhombence- circumstances which require a high level of
phalic medial reticular formation and in the motor activity, for instance in fight and
nucleus raphes magnus (Steeves and Jordan flight. Kuypers hypothesized that the sero-
1984). toninergic and noradrenergic spinal projec-
I consider it likely that the nucleus raphes tions constitute a component of the motor
magnus and other (mainly serotoninergic) system which may be instrumental in provid-
median paracore centres, and the medullary ing motivational drive in the execution of
part of the lateral paracore, form a caudal movements. He extended this theory one step
continuation of the somatomotor control further by assuming that the increase in the
system described above. Kuypers (1982) responsiveness of the motoneurons induced
pointed out that extensive serotoninergic and by the descending projections discussed
noradrenergic fibre systems project from the might under certain circumstances occur si-
brain stem to the spinal anterior horn, and multaneously with an activation of the brain
that the cells of origin of these fibre systems stem projections to the spinal dorsal horn.
may be under limbic (and therefore core) The latter are known to suppress pain trans-
control. He continued that, if activation of mission (see p. 133 and Fig. 37). Such a coup-
the serotoninergic and noradrenergic brain ling of inhibitory impulses toward crucial no-
stem pathways to the spinal anterior horn ciceptive centres and increase of the respon-
produces an increase in the responsiveness siveness ofmotoneurons would enable the in-
of the motoneurons, as has been ~uggested dividual to ignore painful stimuli during the
in the literature, it would seem likely that execution of motor actions of vital prior-
these pathways are especially active under ity.

, Classical' Neuroanatomy, 'Chemical' Neuroanatomy

and Neurobiology; Some Concluding Remarks

In this book an attempt has been made to neuroanatomy, I will briefly touch on the
summarize our present-day knowledge of the present state of hodology, the various forms
neuromediator-specified neuronal popula- of chemical transmission, the presumed im-
tions in the mammalian central nervous sys- portance of the extracellular space, and some
tem, and to explore the relations between possible roles of neuroglia, to terminate with
what are now called 'classical neuroanat- a comment on the 'new' entities introduced
omy' and 'chemical neuroanatomy'. Many in this book.
uncertainties have been expressed and few Nissl staining has been, since its development
definitive conclusions have been drawn. One 100 years ago (see Kreuzberg 1984), one of
of the major difficulties encountered was that the most powerful tools in neuroanatomy. Its
opportunities for an immunohistochemical application and the study of the results ob-
.approach to the central nervous system of- tained with it together represent an indis-
fered themselves to neurosciences at a time pensable first step in the analysis of any part
when the facade, not to mention the building, of the central nervous system. Its strength
of classical neuroanatomy was by no means is that by its use, the baffling intricacy of
finished. Moreover, the set of new techniques nervous tissue is cQmfortingly reduced to
triggered a tremendous explosion of research showing only the perikarya, leaving the felt-
which has led - as explosions usually do - work of dendrites, axons and terminals out
to the generation of numberless fragments of sight. This single technique has led to the
(' data '), but not in itself to any great gain birth of a separate neuroanatomical disci-
in our understanding and insights. Times in pline: cytoarchitectonics. The aim of this dis-
which explosions occur do not invite reflex- cipline is to subdivide the grey matter of the
ion, and it is no exaggeration to say that, central nervous system into adjacent prov-
at present, theory formation in neurobiology inces, called grisea, which include cell masses
lags far behind. Yet, if any real progress is or nuclei and fields within laminated struc-
to be made, serious attempts are compellingly tures or cortices. The boundaries between
necessary to create a new framework within these entities are drawn on the basis of differ-
which classical neuroanatomy and chemical ences in size, shape and density of their neu-
neuroanatomy will harmoniously converge ronal perikarya. The delineation of grisea is
towards a new neurobiology. Needless to say, not practiced as an esoteric activity; rather,
the creation of such a new framework is far it is hoped that by this approach units of
beyond the capability of a single individual. biological significance will be found (see e. g.
It should therefore be appreciated from the Olszewski and Baxter 1954). However, it is
outset that the concluding comments which well known that in many parts of the brain
follow have only the intention of emphasiz- the drawing of unambiguous cytoarchitec-
ing a few aspects which might be relevant tonic boundaries is extremely difficult, if not
to such an enterprise. impossible. Nevertheless, in the many cytoar-
Following some remarks on a few classical chitectonic atlases which are used as a frame
techniques and their importance for chemical of reference for various types of neurobiolog-

R. Nieuwenhuys, Chemoarchitecture of the Brain

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1985
Concluding Remarks 195

ical research the boundaries are shown, but highly important results. In such cases chemi-
the reasons for the authors placing their cal neuroanatomy indeed adds a dimension
boundaries at particular sites are rarely made (in this case, neuromediator specification) to
explicit (see Swanson 1984). the results of classical neuroanatomy.
Apart from the inherent subjectivity of the Notwithstanding the existence of many dif-
cytoarchitectonic approach per se, doubt ferent so-called tract-tracing techniques, ho-
should also be cast upon the assumption im- dology - i. e. the subdiscipline focussing on
plicit in this subdiscipline that the grey matter the structure of fibre paths -, is at present
consists entirely of adjacent portions, and is full of uncertainties. One of the reasons for
entirely built as a kind of three-dimensional this is that many of these techniques are in
jigsaw puzzle. Examination of Nissl prepara- fact not' tract tracing' at all, and reveal little
tions frequently reveals that particular popu- or nothing concerning the course and compo-
lations of perikarya which are easily distin- sition of fibre systems. Also, an adequate vo-
guishable by their size, shape or stainability cabulary to describe the various types of con-
do not respect the boundaries as drawn in nections has not yet been developed. In
cytoarchitectonic atlases. I now feel strongly Fig. 58 I have attempted to bring together
that the relation between cytoarchitectonics a few of these variations, which may be tenta-
and 'chemoarchitectonics' should not be a tively designated as follows:
one-way affair. The 'chemoarchitectonist'
should not finish up with an enumeration of a) The through-conducting, usually myelin-
the places where her/his results fit or do not ated fibre.
fit with those of the cytoarchitectonist. Rath- b) The 'open-line' polysynaptic system,
er, the question should be posed: What may which at several synaptic interruptions is ac-
be the meaning of the incongruities found? cessible to side inputs, as described by Ricar-
If cytoarchitectonists and chemoarchitecton- doh and Koh (1978, p. 20). Their elucidation
ists can in this way enter into a dialogue, is worth quoting in full; after indicating that
new insights may well result. 'Possibly it will such systems are accessible at each synaptic
appear that in a number of regions, at least, interruption to side inputs of related (' re-en-
a pattern of mutually overlapping fields is trant' circuits) or of unrelated origins, they
a more accurate type of functional subdivi- continue: 'The" open-line" componentry of
sion than the usual parcellations presented such systems appears to reflect the need of
in cytoarchitectonic atlases. many homeostatic functions to be guided by
The Golgi technique was, is, and is likely to several rather than a single modality of affer-
remain the cornerstone of neuroanatomy. It ent signals; simultaneously, it might serve as
is indispensable in clarifying interneuronal a device allowing selective and finely graded
relationships and patterns of microcircuitry modulation of the impulse flow by re-enter-
in general. An adequate explanation of many ing circuits'.
electron-microscopical data can be given c1) The 'open-line' fibre issuing collaterals
only in light of parallel studies with the Golgi and synaptic endings throughout its course.
technique. Hence, the recent development of Fibres of this type have recently been ob-
the combined Golgi-electron-microscopical served by Swanson et al. (1984) to connect
technique was of paramount importance. It the subpallidal region with the pedunculo-
should also be pointed out that it is only with pontine nucleus.
the aid of the Golgi technique that a com- c2) The' open-line' fibre issuing collaterals
plete typology of the neurons present in a and synaptic endings in selected centres. The
given griseum can be made. Fortunately, im- fact that the fibres indicated under c1) and
munochemistry frequently yields' Golgi-like' c2) participate in the formation of classical
images of neurons, and careful matching of synapses implies that their mode of secretion
the images thus obtained may well lead to is neurocrine.
196 Concluding Remarks

d 1) The' open-line', unmyelinated fibre pro- one neuromediator, may well exert different
vided with paracrine output sites through- influences in different centres, depending on
out. the types of receptors present on the neurons
d2) The 'open-line', unmyelinated fibre pos- in these centres (Swanson 1983).
sessing paracrine output sites in selected Neurocrine (i. e. classical synaptic) neu-
centres. rotransmission has been repeatedly touched
upon in this book, but only in a very simpli-
It should be appreciated that most long as- fied manner (see e.g. Fig. 50b). It is appro-
cending and descending pathways of classical priate to emphasize that this mode of chemi-
neuroanatomy are composed of type-a fibres, cal transmission is in fact very complex, be-
whereas in the 'open multi-neuromediator cause each of the sequential steps in this pro-
channels' postulated earlier in this work (see cess - (a) the manufacturing of the synthesiz-
p. 128), axons or axonal chains of types b ing enzyme(s) of the neuromediator(s),
and c, and particularly type d, are thought (b) the transport of these synthesizing en-
to prevail. It is also worth noting that a par- zymes, (c) the production of the neuromedia-
ticular 'open-line' fibre, emanating from a tor(s), (d) the release of the neuromedia-
neuron containing and releasing more than tor(s), (e) the eventual reuptake of the neu-

• E a

,-- - -- -----,
,----- -----,
••~---------+,--~~ I I b

I\ .. _ _ _ _ _ __ __ JI

, .
• L"\'"\ \ \

,--- ------- .... ,

.. \

,--------- ...

4.~--------~:~'~\-L'~"\~/~\L~T:--------+:~'~\~,~\-'~:----------~< c2
~-----------) ~---------)

• (----- - -----" ,--------- ....,


tl ••• . .. I' .1 1
I I I .......... .
I d2
\ __________ _ _ J I :
,--------- -,

Fig. 58. Diagrammatic representation of different types of fibre connections: a, through-

conducting fibre; b, open-line connection with afferent influences in several way stations;
ct, open-line fibre with neurocrine outputs throughout; c2, open-line fibre with neurocrine
outputs in selected centres; dl, open-line fibre with paracrine outputs throughout; d2, open-
line fibre with paracrine outputs in selected centres
Concluding Remarks 197

romediator(s), (f) the binding of the neu- that molecules, including neuropeptide mole-
romediator(s) with their specific receptors, cules, may well travel over a considerable dis-
and (g) the degradation of the neuromedia- tance, i. e. several hundred micra, via the neu-
tor(s) - is under the control of 'modulating' ral extracellular space. Finally, I should like
influences. to mention that I concur with the opinion
Paracrine chemical neurotransmission, which ofChan-Palay (1982) that the periventricular
is by definition non-synaptic, has been postu- part of the neural extracellular space presum-
lated here to be present widely in the central ably communicates via ependymal elements
nervous system, particularly in the entities with the ventricular system, which in its turn
tentatively designated as the core and para- may also represent an important communica-
core regions (Figs. 55-57). It should be em- tion channel, acting as a vehicle for the wide-
phasized once more that direct evidence for spread distribution of neuroactive sub-
the occurrence of this process in the mamma- stances. Interestingly, Rennels et al. (1985)
lian neuraxis is entirely lacking at present. most recently presented experimental evi-
Neurocrine secretion and paracrine secretion dence suggesting that in the central nervous
are different processes; however, they have system a circulation of fluid occurs via' para-
one important feature in common, i. e. exocy- vascular pathways', which include the peri-
totic release of neuromediators (Fig. 50). vascular spaces surrounding large penetrat-
There is also evidence suggesting that several ing vessels and the basal laminae around the
modes of non-synaptic, non-exocytotic intraparenchymal capillary network.
chemical neurotransmission playa modula- Little attention has been paid in this book
tory role in the central nervous system (for to the functions of neuroglial cells. For
a recent review, see Cooper and Meyer general information on the established and
1984). possible roles of these elements the reader
In relation to the possible occurrence of pa- is referred to the able reviews of Watson
racrine secretion, it has been emphasized in (1974) and Varon and Somjen (1979). Suffice
this book that not only the synaptic clefts, it to mention here that glia (a) regulates the
but the entire extracellular space throughout composition of the extracellular fluid by ac-
the central nervous system is available for tive uptake of K + from and the release of
neuronal interactions, and thus potentially Na +, CI- and Ca + + into that fluid, and
represents a most important communication (b) may remove neuromediators, particularly
channel (Fig. 50). With regard to this space amino acids, from the extracellular fluid. It
it is appropriate to quote Watson (1974, is supposed that the clearance function last
p.251), who stated: 'The histology of the mentioned is exerted by vel ate glial processes
brain has had two phases: in the first, light which surround synapses or synapse com-
microscopists described spaces that were not plexes. Alternatively, such processes are con-
there; in the second, electron microscopists sidered to insulate the junctional structures
denied the existence of spaces that were.' At they ensheath so as to prevent or reduce the
present, several lines of evidence indicate that diffusion of neuromediators. Conceivably,
the extracellular space between neurons and larger compartments could also be sur-
glia cells adds up to about 20% of brain vol- rounded by glial processes. It is interesting
ume (Varon and Somjen 1979; Cragg 1979). in this context that the intriguing striosomes,
Nicholson (1979) noted that this value can which have a diameter of several hundred
be equated with an average intercellular gap micra, are at least partly rimmed by glial
of 20 nm. However, it is quite possible that septa (Graybiel 1984). Still larger compart-
the width of this space varies from place to ments, for instance those shown diagrammat-
place. It is also important to note that, from ically in Fig. 58, could also be surrounded
a biophysical point of view, there are no fun- by glial processes, thus forming what might
damental objections against the proposition be termed' micro homeostatic units'.
198 Concluding Remarks

In conclusion I should like to emphasize that peptidergic transmISSlOn predominates,

the hypothetical 'new' entities which I have (b) that this is assisted by largely monoamin-
introduced in this book, i.e. the [paracrine?] ergic paracores, and (c) that the paracoresjn
core and the median and lateral paracores, turn have reciprocal relations with superim-
are to be taken merely as heuristic concepts posed structures, at least one of which (the
with a view to learning something by paying cerebellum) operates almost entirely by ami-
special attention to both the classical and no acid neurotransmitters may be attractive
chemical neuroanatomical peculiarities of the in its simplicity. However, the well-estab-
regions involved: these entities are not meant lished fact that the cerebral cortex contains
as moulds into which the facts are to be fit- numerous different neuropeptides should
ted. The idea that in the central nervous sys- keep us thinking - as perhaps they do, In-
tem (a) there is a central core in which multi- deed, keep us thinking!

Table 7. Abbreviations for amino acids

Ala Alanine
Arg Argi nine
Asn Asparagine
Asp Aspa,.tic acid
Cys Cysteine
Gl n Gl utami ne
Gl u Glutamic acid
Gly Glycine
(p-Gly pyro-Glyci ne)
His Hi s ti di ne
Ile Iso 1euci ne
Leu Leuci ne
Lys Lysine
Met 11ethionine
Phe Phenyl a 1ani ne
Pro Proline
Ser Seri ne
Thr Threoni ne
Trp Tryptophan
Tyr Tyros ine
Val Val ine

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Subject Index
Page numbers in heavy type indicate illustrations

Acetylcholine (ACh) 1,6,7-11,7 pontine taste area and 10

amygdaloid complex (amygdala) and 10 preganglionic autonomic neurons and 7
Alzheimer's disease and 10 prepiriform cortex and 10
anterior olfactory nucleus and 11 pretectal area and 9
anterior thalamic nucleus and 9 rhombencephalic medial reticular formation
arcuate nucleus and 11 and 9
ascending reticular activating system and 9 senile dementia of the Alzheimer type and 10
basal forebrain and 9 septal region and 9,10
centrolateral nucleus of thalamus and 11 spinal dorsal horn and 11
centromedian-parafascicular complex of thalamus stria medullaris and 9
and 11 subthalamic nucleus and 9,11
cornu ammonis and 10 superior colliculus and 9
degradation of 7,7 synthesis of 7,7
descending corticocochlear projection and 9 tractus habenulointerpeduncularis and 9
dorsal striatum and 11 ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 10
dorsal tegmental pathway of Shute and Lewis ventral pallidum and 10
and 9 ventral striatum and 11
entorhinal cortex and 10 ventral tegmental area ofTsai and 9
fascia dentata and 10 Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 7,10
fasciculus olivocochlearis or bundle of Rasmussen histochemistry 7
and 7,9,10 staining 5
fornix and 10 Action potential 3
globus pallidus and 9 Adenosine 3',5' monophosphate (cyclic AMP) 3,59
hippocampus and 10,11 Adenylate cyclase 3
insula and 10 Adrenaline 1,6,11,12,30-32
interpeduncular nucleus and 9 amygdala and 32
intralaminar thalamic nuclei and 9 area tegmentalis ventralis and 32
lateral geniculate body and 9 basal ganglia and 32
lateral hypothalamus and 10 blood pressure and 32
lateral parabrachial nucleus and 9 cell groups Cl-C3 and 30-32
lateral thalamic nuclei and 9 dorsomedial nucleus and 32
limbic areas and 10 habenula and 32
medial geniculate body and 9 intermediolateral nucleus and 32
medial habenular nucleus and 10 lateral hypothalamic area and 32
medial parabrachial nucleus and 9 locus coeruleus and 32
medial septal nucleus and 9 medial longitudinal fascicle and 30
iX-motoneurons and 7 median eminence and 32
y-motoneurons and 7 midline nuclei of thalamus and 32
neocortex and 10 nucleus accumbens and 32
neostriatum and 11 nucleus dorsalis of the vagal nerve and 32
nucleus accumbens and 11 nucleus intermediolateralis and 32
nucleus basalis of Meynert and 9,11 nucleus infundibularis and 32
nucleus laterodorsalis tegmenti and 9 nucleus solitarius and 30
nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus, pars compacta paraventricular nucleus and 32
and 11 periaqueductal gray and 32
olfactory bulb and 10 preoptic region and 32
olfactory tubercle and 11 reticular formation and 32
orbitofrontal cortex and 10 septum and 32
paralimbic areas and 10 supraoptic nucleus and 32
pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and 9 synthesis of 12, 12
periolivary nuclei and 7 Adrenaline-containing cells and fibres 30-32,31
peripeduncular nucleus and 10 Adrenergic cell groups Cl-C2 13, 30-32
236 Subject Index

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), see Cortico- granule cells in 160

tropin mossy fibres in 160
Affective behaviour 10 noradrenergic afferents of 162
Agonistic behaviour 187 parallel fibres in 160
Aldosterone 109 Purkinje cells in 123, 158
Alzheimer's disease 10, 26, 172 serotonergic afferents of 162
Amino acid neurotransmitters 2,6,44-52,45 stellate cells in 161
Analgesia Cerebellar serotoninergic pathway 38
acupuncture 96 Cerebral cortex 154-156, 155, 156, 157
stimulation induced 96 Cerebral blood flow 39
stress induced 96 Cerebral microcirculation 25
Androgen-hormone-concentrating neurons 183-185, Cerebrovascular disorders 39
184 Chemical heterogeneity of neuronal populations 123
Angiotension I 108,109 Chemical mediator 1
Angiotensin II 6,108-113,109,116 Chemical messengers 5
amygdaloid complex and 112 Chemical neuroanatomy 5,194
area postrema and 109 Chemical (neuro )transmission
basal hypothalamus and 112 non-synaptic 168-172, 169
dipsogenic effect of 110 synaptic 3, 169
dorsomedial nucleus and 112 Chemo-architectonic subdivision 119,195
hippocampus and 112 Cholecystokinin (CCK) 2,6,18,33,53,60-65,116
intermediolateral column and 113 amygdaloid complex and 62, 63
locus coeruleus and 113 analgesia and 63
medial preoptic area and 110 anterior commissure and 62
median eminence and 112 anterior olfactory nucleus and 62
nucleus accumbens and 112 area postrema and 63
organum vasculosum laminae termjnalis and 109 area tegmentalis ventralis and 62, 63
paraventricular nucleus and 110,112 bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and 63
periaqueductal gray and 113 cerebral cortex and 62
regulation of blood pressure and 113 cingulate cortex and 62
regulation of fluid balance and 113 cuneate nucleus and 63
posterior pituitary and 110 diagonal band of Broca and 62
spinal anterior horn and 113 dorsomedial hypothalamus and 62
spinal ganglion cells and 113 entorhinal cortex and 62
spinal trigeminal nucleus and 113 fornix and 62
striatum and 112 . hippocampal formation and 62
subfornical organ and 109 inferior colliculus and 63
substantia gelatinosa spinalis and 113 interpeduncular nucleus and 63
supraoptic nucleus and 110,112 lateral geniculate body and 64
Angiotensin II-containing cells and fibres 108-113, 111 lateral lemniscus and 64
Angiotensin - converting enzyme 108 lateral olfactory tract and 62
Angiotensinogen 108,109 lateral parabrachial nucleus and 63,64
Area postrema 109 lateral septal nucleus and 62
Arginine-vasopressin (AVP), see vasopressin medial forebrain bundle and 62, 63, 64
Aromatic amino acid decerboxylese (AADC) 12,14, medial preoptic nucleus and 63
41 medial septal nucleus and 62
Arousal 4, 96 median eminence and 63, 64
Aspartate (Aspartic acid) 2,5,45,48-51 meso limbic dopaminergic system and 63
Avian pancreatic polyptide (APP) 53, 77, 79 neocortex and 62
nucleus accumbens and 62, 63
nucleus of Edinger-Westphal and 65
Basal ganglia 130-133
nucleus raphes dorsalis and 63
Biogenic amines 11
nucleus raphes magnus and 63
Blood-brain barrier 4
nucleus raphes obscurus and 64
Brachium conjunctivum 124
nucleus raphes pallidus and 64
Bulbospinal serotoninergic pathways 38
nucleus reticularis magnocellularis and 64
nucleus solitarius and 63
Cardiovascular function 39,192 nucleus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve and 64
Catecholaminergic cell groups 13 olfactory tubercle and 63
Catecholamines 11, 12 parabigeminal nucleus and 63
biosynthesis of 11, 12 paraventricular nucleus and 63
Cerebellar cortex 195,158-162,159 periamygdaloid cortex and 62
basket cells in 161 periaqueductal gray and 63
climbing fibres in 160 piriform cortex and 62
Golgi cells in 124,161 pituitary and 63,64
Subject Index 237

prepiriform cortex and 62 ACTH-immunoreactive fibres and 73

release .of oxytocin and 63 amygdala and 10
release of vasopressin and 63 bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 70
schizophrenia and 63 cerebral cortex and 73
spinal ganglion cells and 64 cingulate cortex and 73
spinal ventral horn and 64 dorsal raphe nucleus and 70, 73
stria terminalis and 62 hippocampus and 73
striatum and 62 intermediolateral column and 73
superficial dorsal horn and 64 K6lliker-Fuse nucleus and 73
superior olivary complex and 64, 65 lateral hypothalamic area and 70
supramamillary nuclei and 63 lateral parabrachial nucleus and 70
supraoptic nucleus and 63 lateral preoptic area and 70
ventromedial nucleus and 63, 64 lateral septal nucleus and 70
Cholecystokinin-containing cells and fibres 60-65, lateral tegmental area and 70
61 lateral tegmental nucleus and 70
Choline 7 locus coereleus and 70
Choline acetyltransferase (Chat) 7,10 medial forebrain bundle and 70
Cholinergic cell groups Chl-Ch6, 9, 10 medial septal nucleus and 70
Cholinergic cell groups and pathways 7-11, 8 medial vestibular nucleus and 70
Chorea of Huntington 11,55,100,176 median eminence and 70
Circumventricular organs 109, 110 micturition reflex centre and 73
Coexistence (ofneuromediators) 4,48,52,68,103,104, nucleus accumbens and 73
112,121-123,132 nucleus arcuatus and 73
Control nucleus cuneatus externus and 73
cardiovascular 192 nucleus of the diagonal band and 70
respiratory 191 nucleus of Edinger-Westphal and 70
Core of the central nervous system 177-188,,179,184, nucleus para ventricularis and 70
190 nucleus preopticus medialis and 70
Colocalization (of neuromediators) see coexistence nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and 73
Corticostriatal projection 131, 132 nucleus solitarius and 70
Corticotropin 2, 6, 88, 88-97 organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and 73
Al, A2, A4, A5, A8 catecholaminergic groups and periaqueductal gray and 70
91 prefrontal cortex and 73
amygdaloid complex and 89 regulation of autonomic nervou,~ system and 73
anterior zone of hypothalamus and. 89 reticular formation and 70, 73
area tegmentalis ventralis and 91 rhombencephalic periventricular gray and 73
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 89 spinal central gray and 73
dorsomedial nucleus and 89 stria terminalis and 70
fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schutz and 91 substantia innominata and 70
infundibular nucleus and 89 ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 70
lateral habenular nucleus and 91 Corticotropin-releasing factor-containing cell groups
lateral septal nucleus and 89 and fibres 70-73, 72
locus coeruleus and 91 Cyclic AMP 3, 59
medial preoptic area and 89 Cysteine-sulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSADCase) 51
median eminence and 89 Cytoarchitecture (cytoarchitectonics) 120,194
mediobasal hypothalamus and 89
neurohypophysis and 89 Dale's principle 1,4,5
nucleus anterior dorsalis thalami and 91 Diencephalo-septal dopaminergic projection 18
nucleus cuneiformis and 91 Dopamine 1,6,12,12,14-19,33
nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis and 91 amygdaloid complex and 16, 17
nucleus solitarius and 91 anterior olfactory nucleus and 17
organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and 89 anterior cingulate cortex and 17
parabrachial nuclei and 91 bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 17
paraventricular nucleus and 89 bulbus olfactorius and 17
periaqueductal gray and 91 caudatus-putamen complex and 16
periventricular hypothalamic zone and 89 cell groups A8-A15 and 14-19
raphe nuclei and 91 central canal and 18
spinal central gray and 91 dorsal vagal nucleus and 14
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 89 entorhinal cortex and 17
Corticotropin-containing cells and pathways 89-91, fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schutz and 19
90 fasciculus retroflexus and 18
Corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide (CLIP) frontal lobe and 17
87-89,88 globus pallidus and 16
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) 6,71,70-73 hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system and 18
Al, A5, A 7 noradrenergic groups and 70, 73 infundibular nucleus and 14
238 Subject Index

Dopamine medial preoptic nucleus and 107

intermediolateral cell column and 18 medial pretectal area and 107
lateral habenular nucleus and 18 median eminence and 107
lateral hypothalamic area and 16 motor cranial nerve nuclei and 108
lateral parabrachial nucleus and 18 neural lobe of pituitary and 104,107
lateral septal nucleus and 17, 18 neuroendocrine control and 108
locus coeruleus and 18 nociception and 108
mamillothalamic tract and 14 nucleus accumbens and 107,108
medial forebrain bundle and 17 nuclei of the diagonal band and 104
medial frontal cortex and 18 nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and 107
median eminence and 18 nucleus cuneatus medialis and 107
neostriatum and 16 nucleus infundibularis and 104,107
neurointermediate lobe and 18 nucleus paraventricularis and 104,107
nucleus accumbens and 16,18 nucleus princeps of the trigeminal nerve and 108
nucleus raphes dorsalis and 14 nucleus solitarius and 104, 108
olfactory tubercle and 16,17 nucleus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve and 104,108
oxytocin release and 19 nucleus supraopticus and 104,107
paraventricular thalamic nucleus and 19 olfactory bulb and 107
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and 14 pain control and 108
Parkinson's disease and 17 parabrachial nuclei and 107
periglomerular cells and 14 prefrontal cortex and 107
piriform cortex and 17 raphe nuclei and 108
prepiriform cortex and 17 reticular formation and 107,108
prolactin secreting cells in pituitary and 18 spinal central gray and 108
putamen and 16 spinal dorsal hom and 108
schizophrenia and 17 spinal ganglion cells and 108
septum and 16 striatum and 104
spinal dorsal hom and 18 strio-pallidonigral projection and 108
spinal dorsolateral funiculus and 18 substantia nigra and 104,107
substantia nigra, pars compacta and 14, 16, 17 suprachiasmatic nucleus and 104, 107
subthalamic nucleus and 18 ventral pallidum and 107,108
supraoptic nucleus and 19 ventromedial nucleus and 107
synthesis of 12,12 vestribular nuclei and 107
vasopressin release and 19 Dynorphin-containing cells and fibres 104-108,106
ventral tegmental area and 14,16,17,18
Dopamine-containing cells and fibres 14-19,15 Emotional state 10
Dopamine p-hydroxylase (DBH) 12, 14 Endogenous depression 41
Dopaminergic cell groups A8-A15 14-19 p-Endorphin (p-End) 2,6,87-89,88,93,94
Dorsal ascending serotoninergic pathway 37,38 A2 noradrenergic cell group and 94
Dorsal noradrenergic bundle 20-24 amygdaloid complex and 94
Dorsal periventricular (catecholaminergic) bundle 19, analgesia 96
20,23,24,26 area tegmentalis ventralis and 94
Dorsal tegmental pathway of Shute and Lewis 9,56 autonomic regulations and 96
Dynorphin A 104, 105 bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 94
Dynorphin B 104,105 cuneiform nucleus and 94
Dynorphins 6,104,104-108,105 hypothalamic periventricular area and 94
Al, A2, A5 noradrenergic cell groups and 107 lateral parabrachial nucleus and 94
amygdaloid complex and 107 lateral preoptic area and 94
anterior hypothalamic nucleus and 107 lateral septal nucleus and 94
area postrena and 104 locus coeruleus and 94
bed nucleus of anterior commissure and 107 medial preoptic area and 94
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 104,107 median eminence and 94
caudate-putamen complex and 107 mediobasal hypothalamus and 93
cingulate cortex and 107 neuroendocrine functions and 96
cochlear nuclei and 107 nucleus accumbens and 94
cuneiform nucleus and 107 nucleus raphes dorsalis and 94
dorsomedial nucleus and 107 nucleus raphes magnus and 94
entopeduncular nucleus and 107 nucleus solitarius and 94
griseum centrale mesencephali and 107, 108 opiate receptors and 93
hippocampus and 107 paraventricular nucleus and 94
hypothalamo-hypophysial projection and 104 periaqueductal gray and 94
inferior colliculus and 107 periventricular thalamic nuclei and 94
lateral hypothalamic area and 104 reticular formation and 94
lateral preoptic area and 104 Enkephalins 6,33,97,97-104
lateral septal nucleus and 107 A5 noradrenergic cell group and 102
Subject Index 239

amygdala and 98 ventral pallidum and 100

anterior hypothalamic nucleus and 98 ventromedial nucleus and 100
area postrema and 103 vestibular nuclei and 103
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 98 Enkephalin-containing cells and fibres 97-104, 99
chore.a of Huntington and 100 Ependymal cells 40
cinguiate cortex and 98 Estrogen-hormone-concentrating neurons 183,184
colliculus superior and 103 Excitatory postsynaptic potential(s) (EPSP) 3,74
cortex cerebelli and 103 Exocytosis 1, 3
diagonal band of Broca and 103 Extracellular space 3, 128
dorsal cochlear nucleus and 103 Extrapyramidal (motor) system 16,132,133
dorsal motor nucleus of vagus and 103
dorsal tegmental nucleus and 101 Fluid homeostasis 11 0
dorsomedial nucleus and 100 Formaldehyde-induced-fluorescence (FIF) technique 5
entorhinal cortex and 98
globus pallidus and 98 GABA (y-aminobutyric acid) 1,2,6,33,44-48,45
hippocampus and 98,103 amygdala and 48
interpenduncular nucleus and 101 basket cells in cerebellar cortex and 47
lateral habenular nucleus and 103 caudal hypothalamus and 47
lateral hypothalamic area and 101 caudatus-putamen complex and 45,47
lateral geniculate body and 103 entorhinal cortex and 47
lateral septal nucleus and 98,101 globus pallidus and 45
locus coeruleus and 103 Golgi cells in cerebellar cortex and 45
magnocellular dorsal nucleus and 101 granule cells in olfactory bulb and 47
medial habenular nucleus and 103 hippocampus and 47
medial preoptic nucleus and 100 intralaminar thalamic nuclei and 47
medial septal nucleus and 98 intrinsic elements of hippocampus and 47
median eminence and 100 intrinsic elements of neocortex and 47
motor cranial nerve nuclei and 103 locomotor activity and 48
neocortex and 98 medial habenular nucleus and 47
neostriatum and 98 medial septal nucleus and 47
nucleus accumbens and 100 neocortex and 47
nucleus cuneiformis and 101 nucleus accumbens and 47,48
nucleus paraventricularis and 100 nucleus of the diagonal band and 47
nucleus solitarius and 102,103 nucleus raphes dorsalis and 45,
nucleus supraopticus and 100 nucleus reticularis thalami and 45
neuroendocrine control and 100 olfactory tubercle and 47
olfactory bulb and 98 periglomerular cells in olfactory bulb and 47
olfactory tubercle and 103 pontomesencephalic tegmental region and 47
olivocochlear bundle and 103,104 Purkinje cells and 44
organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and 103 release of anterior pituitary hormones and 47
pain control and 101 release ofhypophysiotropic peptides and 47
parabrachial nuclei and 102, 103 spinal interneurons and 44
Parkinson's disease and 100 stellate cells in cerebellar cortex and 44
perforant path and 98 strionigral projection and 47
periaqueductal gray and 101 striopallidal projection and 47
periventricular preoptic nucleus and 103 subthalamopallidal pathway and 47
posterior pituitary and 100 substantia nigra, pars reticulata and 45,47
raphe nuclei and 101,102,103 superior colliculus and 45,47
reticular formation and 102, 103 synthesis of 44, 45
spinal dorsal horn and 102 ventral pallidum and 48
spinal dorsolateral funiculus and 102 ventral tegmental area and 47
spinal trigeminal nucleus and 102 ventrolateral thalamic nuclei and 47
spinal ventral horn and 103 GABA-containing cells and fibres 44-48,46
spinothalamic projection neurons and 103 GABA-T-containing neurons 47
stria terminalis and 98 GABA-transaminase (GABA-T) 47
strionigral projection and 100 Gastrin 60
striopallidal projection and 98 Glial cells 3, 197
subcoeruleus area and 103 Globus pallidus 123
subiculum and 98 Glutamate (Glutamic acid) 2,6,44,45,48-51
substantia nigra and 100,103 auditory nerve and 50
subthalamic nucleus and 98 bed nucleus of stria terminals and 50
suprachiasmatic nucleus and 103 caudate-putamen complex and 50
sympathetic preganglionic nucleus and 103 cerebellar cortex and 50
thalamic nuclei and 103 cerebellorubral fibres and 51
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 98,103 cerebellothalamic fibres and 51
240 Subject Index

Glutamate (Glutamic acid) metencephalic central gray and 43

climbing fibres and 50 motor nucleus of VII and 43
cochlear nuclei and 50 neurons in caudal hypothalamus and 41
cornu ammonis and 50 nucleus of the diagonal band and 43
corticopontine fibres and 50 nucleus of the trapezoid body and 43
corticospinal fibres and 50 nucleus raphes dorsalis and 43
corticostriatal fibres and 48 nucleus solitarius and 43
corticotectal fibres and 48 nucleus vestibularis medialis and 43
corticothalamic fibres and 48 para ventricular nucleus and 44
cuneate nucleus and 50 periaqueductal (central) gray and 43
fascia dentata and 50 periventricular thalamic nucleus and 43
fornix and 50 pontine nucleus and 43
inferior olive and 50 posterior hypothalamic area and 43
lateral olfactory tract and 50 posterior pituitary and 44
lateral septal nucleus and 50 prepiriform cortex and 43
mamillary body and 50 stria terminalis and 43
mediobasal hypothalamus and 50 subfornical organ and 44
neocortical pyramidal cells and 48 suprachiasmatic nucleus and 44
nucleus accumbens and 50 supraependymal plexus and 44
nucleus basalis and 50 supraoptic nucleus and 44
nucleus of the diagonal band and 50 synthesis of 41
olfactory bulb and 50 ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 43
parallel fibres and 50 ventromedial nucleus and 43
perforant path and 50 Histamine-containing cells and fibres 41-44,42
prepiriform cortex and 50 Histidine 41,41
red nucleus and 50 Histidine-decarboxylase (HDC) 41
spinal dorsal roots and 50 Hodology 195
subiculum and 50 Homeostasis 187
substantia nigra and 50 Hormone-architectonics 5
trigeminal nerve and 50 Huntington's disease, see chorea of Huntington
Glutamate-(and Aspartate-) containing cells and fibres 5-Hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) 41
48-51,49 5-Hydroxytryptamine, see Serotonine
Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 44 5-Hydroxytryptophan 12,13
Glycine 2,6,45,51 Hypertension 113
caudate-putamen complex and 51 Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system 2
corticohypothalamic tract and 51 Hypophysiotropic peptides (factors) 2,70--83,71
lateral hypothalamic area and 51 Hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system 84
local circuit neurons and 51 Hypothalamo-spinal dopaminergic projection 18
prefrontal cortex and 51
substantia nigra and 51 Immunohistochemistry 5
ventromedial nucleus and 51 Incerto-hypothalamic dopaminergic projection 18
Golgi technique 195 Indolamine 11
Growth hormone release inhibiting hormone, Interpeduncular nucleus 120,142,143,144
see Somatostatin Ionic channel(s) 1,2,3
Gut-brain peptides 52-70,53
L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) 12,12
Learning 4,95
Histamine 1,6,14,41,41-44 Leucine-enkephalin (L-ENK) 97,97,104
amygdaloid complex and 43 Limbicsystem 16,17,153,181-183
anterior olfactory nucleus and 43 fJ-Lipotropin (P-LPH) 87-89,88,91,92
cerebral cortex and 43 y-Lipotropin (y-LPH) 87-89,88
caudate-putamen complex and 43 Locomotor activity 17
cochlear nuclei and 43 Locus coeruleus 19-26
diagonal band of Broca and 43 afferents 25
dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve and 43 Alzheimer's disease and 172
fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schlitz and 43 efferents 20-26
inferior colliculus and 43 functional significance 25, 26
lateral geniculate body and 43 Parkinson's disease and 175,176
lateral lemniscus and 43 Longitudinal catecholamine bundle 20,24,26,127,128,
lateral parabrachial nucleus and 43 189
lateral septal nucleus and 43 Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) 2, 6,
mamillary body and 43 71,74-77
medial habenular nucleus and 44 amygdala and 76
medial septal nucleus and 43 anterior hypothalamic area and 74
medial forebrain bundle and 43 area postrema and 77
median eminence and 44 area tegmentalis ventralis and 76
Subject Index 241

bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 74,76 locus coeruleus and 93

ependyma and 76 medial preoptic area and 93
fasciculus retroflexus and 76 mediobasal hypothalamus and 93
gonadotrophs and 74 nucleus accumbens and 93
hippocampus and 76 nucleus solitarius and 93
indusium griseum and 76 paraventricular nucleus and 93
infundibular nucleus and 74,77 periaqueductal gray and 93
interpeduncular nucleus and 76 reticular formation and 93
lamina terminalis and 74 septum and 93
lateral hypothalamic area and 76 stria terminalis and 93
medial forebrain bundle and 76 Memory 10,86,95
medial habenular nucleus and 76 Mesencephalic locomotor region 192
medial mamiIIary nucleus and 76 Mesocortical dopaminergic projection 17
medial preoptic nucleus and 74,76 Mesolimbic dopaminergic system (projection) 16,17,
medial septal nucleus and 74,76 63,67
median eminence and 74,76 Mesostriatal dopaminergic projection 16
mediobasal hypothalamus and 74 Mesotelencephalic dopaminergic system 16
nervus terminalis and 74 Methionine-enkephalin (M-ENK) 97,97
nucleus of the diagonal band and 74,76 Microhomeostatic units 197
olfactory bulb and 76 Monoamines 6,11-14
olfactory tubercle and 76 Motilin 123,160
organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and 76 Motivational state(drive) 4,10,95,193
periaqueductal gray and 76
posterior pituitry and 74 ex-Neo-endorphin 104,105
preoptico-infundibular projection and 74 p-Neo-endorphin 104,105
reproduction and 77 Neuroactive principles 5,6
reticular formation and 77 Neurochemicals 5
sexual behaviour and 77 Neurocrine synaptic transmission 196
stria medullaris and 76 Neurohypophysial peptides 6,84,84-87
stria terminalis and 76 Neuromediator profIles of cell masses 118,119
subfornical organ and 77 Neuromediator profIles of fibre systems 124-126
superior colliculus and 74 Neuromediators 5,114
suprachiasmatic nucleus and 74 Neuromediator specified neuronal populations
supraoptic nucleus and 74 115-120
tubero-infundibular tract and 74 Neuromelanin 13
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-containing cells Neuromodulator(s) 3,4,5
andfibres 74-77,75 Neuropeptides, see Peptides
Neurophysins 6, 84
Medial forebrain bundle 125 Neuroregulators 5
Medial lemniscus 124 Neurosecretory neurons 2
Medial longitudinal fasciculus 124 Neurotensin (NT) 2,6,53,65-70
ex-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (ex-MSH) 2,6, amygdala and 67
87-89,88,92 anterior hypothalamic area and 68
caudate-putamen complex and 92 anterior pituitory and 68
entorhinal cortex and 92 bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 67
hippocampal formation and 92 blood pressure and 65
intermediate hypothalamic zone and 92 caudal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and 69
lateral hypothalamic area and 92 caudate-putamen complex and 67
mediobasal hypothalamus and 92 cingulate cortex and 65
neocortex and 92 dorsal motor vagus nucleus and 69
spinal cord and 92 dorsomedial nucleus and 68
zona incerta and 92 globus pallidus and 67
ex-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone-containing cells and gastric secretion and 65
fibres 90, 92 hypothermia and 65
p-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (P-MSH) 87-89, infundibular nucleus and 68
88,93 lateral hypothalamic area and 68
y-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (y-MSH) 87-89,88, lateral preoptic area and 68
93 locus coeruleus and 99
Ai and A8 catecholaminergic groups and 93 medial forebrain bundle and 67
amygdaloid complex and 93 medial preoptic nucleus and 68
arcuate nucleus and 93 medial septal nucleus and 67
area tegmentalis ventralis and 93 median eminence and 68,69, 70
Barrington's nucleus and 93 midline nuclei of thalamus and 67
hypothalamic periventricular zone and 93 neocortex and 65
lateral parabrachial nucleus and 93 nucleus accumbens and 67,69
lateral preoptic area and 93 nucleus of the diagonal band and 67,69
242 Subject Index

Neurotensin (NT) dorsal hypothalamic area and 28

nucleus raphes dorsalis and 67,69 dorsal motor vagus nucleus and 24
nucleus raphes magnus and 65 dorsal supraoptic decussation and 23
nucleus raphes pontis and 69 dorsomedial nucleus and 23, 26, 28
nucleus solitarius and 69 external capsule and 23
olfactory bulb and 67 fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schutz and 23,
olfactory tubercle and 67 24
pain control and 68 fasciculus retrot1exus and 22
parabrachial nuclei and 67,69 fornix and 23
paraventricular nucleus and 68 inferior colliculus and 22
periventricular preoptic area and 68 infundibular nucleus and 26, 28
periaqueductal gray and 69 interpeduncular nucleus and 22
posterior pituitary and 68 hippocampal formation (hippocampus) and 22,23
prepiriform cortex and 67 K6lliker-Fuse nucleus and 20
release of anterior pituitary hormones and 65 lateral funiculus of spinal cord and 24
reticular formation and 69 lateral geniculate body and 22
schizophrenia and 67 lateral hypothalamic area and 28
sensitivity to pain and 65,67 lateral habenular nucleus and 22
spinal central gray and 69 lateral rhombencephalic tegmentum and 20
stria terminalis and 67 lateral septal nucleus and 28
substantia gelatinosa spinalis and 69 lateral thalamic nuclei and 22
substantia nigra and 69 locus coeruleus (complex) and 19-26
thermoregulation and 68 mamillothalamic tract and 22
ventral premamillary nucleus and 68 medial forebrain bundle and 22, 23, 26
ventral tegmental area and 67,69 medial geniculate body and 22
ventromedial nucleus and 68 medial habenular nucleus and 22
Neurotensin-containing cells and fib,res 65-70,66 medial para brachial nucleus and 20
Neurotransmitter( s) medial preoptic nucleus and 28, 29
classical 5, 121 medial septal nucleus and 22, 23
conventional 4 median eminence and 26, 28, 30
excitatory 3 mesencephalic reticular fonnation and 26
general 1 neocortex and 22, 23
genuine 5 nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and 24
inhibitory 2 nucleus caudatus and 28
putative 5 nucleus infundibularis and 28
Nicotinamine adenine dinucleotide phosphate nucleus of the diagonal band and 22,23, 26
(NADPH)-diaphorase 77,79 nucleus paraventricularis thalami and 28
Nigrostriatal dopaminergic system 14 nucleus raphes dorsalis and 22
Nigrotectal projection 131,132 nucleus solitarius and 24
Nigrotegmental projection 131, 132 olfactory bulb and 22, 23
Nissl staining 194 olfactory tubercle and 22, 23
Non-synaptic chemical transmission 168-172, 169 parasympathetic preganglionic neurons and 24
Noradrenaline 1,6,12,12,33 paraventricular nucleus and 23, 26, 28, 30
Alzheimer's disease and 26 Parkinson's disease and 26
amygdala and 22, 23, 28 periaqueductal (central) gray and 20,23,26
ansa peduncularis and 22 periventricular nucleus and 28
anterior commissure and 23 piriform cortex and 28
anterior hypothalamic area and 28 pontine nuclei and 24
anterior olfactory nucleus and 22, 23 posterior commissure and 23
anterior perforated space and 22 posterior hypothalamic area and 28
anterior thalamic nuclei 22 preoptic area and 26
area postrema and 19 principal sensory trigeminal nucleus and 24
attention function and 26 schizophrenia and 26
basal telencephalon and 23 septum and 26
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 22, 26, 28 spinal dorsal horn and 24
cardiovascular reactions and 25 spinal intermediate gray and 24
cell groups AI-A7 and 19 spinal trigeminal nucleus and 24
central tegmental tract and 24 spinal ventral horn and 24
cerebellum and 23 stressful stimuli and 25
cerebral microcirculation and 25 stria medullaris and 22
cingulum bundle and 23 stria terminalis and 23
coeruleocortical projection and 24 subcoeruleus area and 19,23,24
coeruleospinal fibres and 24 superior cerebellar peduncle and 23
cochlear nuclei and 24 superior colliculus and 22
control of anterior pituitary hormones 30 supracallosal stria and 23
diagonal band of Broca and 23 supraoptic nucleus and 23, 26, 28, 30
Subject Index 243

synthesis of 12, 12 general 2

vasopressinergic neurons and 28 gut-brain 2,6,5,2-70,53
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 22, 28 hypohysiotropic 6, 70-83,71
ventral thalamic nuclei and 22 neurohypophyseal 6,84,84-87
ventromedial nucleus and 28 opioid 95,104
Noradrenaline-containing cells and fibres 19-30, 21, 27 transmitters 2
Noradrenergic cell groups 19,20 Peptidergic neurotransmitter 2, 3
Nucleus accumbens 153,192 Periaqueductal gray 133-136
Nucleus basalis of Meynert 172,173,175 afferents of 135
Nucleus centralis superior 33 efferents of 135
Nucleus cuneiformis 135 Peripheral autonomic system 3
Nucleus raphes dorsalis 33-35, 135, 136 Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) 12,
Nucleus raphes magnus 33-35,135 30-32
Nucleus raphes obscurus 33-35 Pneumotaxic centre 191
Nucleus raphes pallidus 33-35 Pontomedullary locomotor strip 192
Nucleus raphes pontis 33-35 Preoptic region 148-151, 150
Nucleus solitarius 130,140 Pro-dynorphin 104,105
Nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus 132,192 Pro-enkephalin 97, 97
Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami 130 Prolactin 18, 82
Prolactin-inhibiting factor 82
Olfactory bulb 123,162-167,163 Pro-neo-endorphin-dynorphin, see pro-dynorphin
afferents, centrifugal 166 Pro-opiomelanocortin (pOMC) 2,87-89,88,94-97
Blanes cells of 166 corticotrophin releasing factor and 97
efferents of 164 derivatives 6,87-97,88
external plexiform layer of 162 infundibular pool of cells and 95
glomerular layer of 162 solitarius pool of cells and 95
glomeruli in 164 Proprio bulbar noradrenergic connections 28
Golgi cells in 166 Pyramidal tract 126,132
granular layer of 162
granule cells in 165 Receptors 1,3,4
horizontal cells in 166 excitatory 2
internal plexiform layer of 162 inhibitory 2
larger superficial interneurons in 167 opposite 2
mitral cell layer of 162 Renin 108
mitral cells in 164 Renin-angiotensin system 108
olfactory nerve fibres in 162-164 Reproductive behaviour 187
periglomerular cells in 123,162,165 Respiratory centres 191
tufted cells in 164
Van Gehuchten cell in 167 Salivary glands 122
vertical cells of Cajal in 166 Schizophrenia 17, 26, 63, 67
Open multineuromediator channels 128 Second messengers 3
Opioid peptides 95,104,108 Senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) 10,
Opioid (opiate) receptors 95,97,100,101,104 172-175,173
Organum vasculosum laminae terminalis 109 Sensory cortex 130
Oxytoxin (Oxt) 6,84,84-87,116 Serotonin 6,11,13,33-41
lactation and 86 amygdala (amygdaloid complex) and 36,37
mammary glands 84 ansa peduncularis and 36
uterus and 84 anterior hypothalamic nucleus and 37
Oxytoxin-containing cells and fibres 84-87,85 anterior olfactory nucleus and 37
anterior thalamic nucleus complex and 36
Pain, descending control system 40,96,101,102,108, area tegmentalis ventralis and 36
133-137,134,193 caudatus-putamen complex and 36, 37
Pallidonigral neurons 132 cerebellum and 38
Pallidothalamic projection 124 cerebrovascular disorders and 39
Parabrachialnuclei 130,140-144,141 cingulate cortex and 37
Paracore lateral 189-193,190 cingulum bundle and 37
Paracore median 189-193,190 corpus geniculatum laterale and 36
Paracrine chemical transmission 197 corpus mamillare and 36
Paracrine secretion 169,169-172,187-189 diagonal band of Broca and 37
Paralysis agitans, see Parkinson's disease, dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of Schutz and 37
Paraventricular nucleus 1,146--148,147 dorsal tegmental nucleus and 38
Paraventriculo-hypophysial pathway 84 dorsomedial nucleus and 37
Parkinsonism-dementia complex of Guam 11, 175 endogenous depression and 41
Parkinson's disease 11,17,26,55,100,175,174,176 entorhinal cortex and 37
Peptide(s) (neuropeptides), external capsule and 37
anterior pituitary 2 fornix and 37
244 Subject Index

Serotonin Serotonin-containing cells and fibres 33-41, 34

globus pallidus and 37 Serotoninergic cell groups B1-B9 13,33-36
interpeduncular nucleus and 36 Serotoninergic projections to rhombencephalic
habenulo-interpeduncular tract 37 centres 38
hippocampus and 37 Sexual behaviour 187
inferior colliculus and 38 Shifting aptitude disorders 17
infundibular nucleus and 37 Sleep 40
lateral hypothalamic area and 37 Somatostatin (SST) 2, 6, 33, 71, 77-82
lateral septal nucleus and 37 abducens nucleus and 81
lateral preoptic nucleus and 37 amygdala and 79,80
locus coeruleus and 35,38,40 anterior hypothalamic nucleus and 79
mamillothalamic tract and 36 anterior olfactory nucleus and 79
medial forebrain bundle and 36, 38 bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 79,80
medial habenular nucleus and 36,37 brachium of the inferior colliculus and 81
medial preoptic nucleus and 37 cingulate cortex and 77
medial septal nucleus and 37 cochlear nuclei and 81
medial thalamic nucleus and 36 dorsal tegmental nucleus and 80,81
midline nuclei of thalamus and 36 facial nucleus and 81
neocortex and 37 fasciculus dorsolateralis of Lissauer and 81
nucleus accumbens and 37 fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schiitz
nucleus ambiguus and 38 and 80,81
nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi and 38 fasciculus retroflexus and 80
nucleus intermediolateralis and 39 fornix and 80
nucleus lateralis dorsalis thalami and 36 frontal cortex and 79
nucleus motorius nervi trigemini and 38 hippocampal formation and 77,79,80
nucleus nervi abducentis and 38 hypoglossal nucleus and 81
nuclei parabrachialis and 38 inferior colliculus and 80,81
nucleus parafascicularis thalami and 36 infundibular nucleus and 79
nucleus praepositus hypoglossi and 38 intermediolateral nucleus and 82
nucleus sensorius principalis of the trigeminal nerve interpeduncular nucleus and 80, 81
and 38 lateral lemniscus and 81
nucleus solitarius and 38 lateral mamillary nucleus and 80
nucleus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve and 38 lateral parabrachial nucleus and 80
nucleus tegmenti dorsalis and 38 lateral septal nucleus and 79, 80
olfactory bulb and 37 limbic striatum and 79'
organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis medial forebrain bundle and 80
and 37 medial geniculate body and 80
pain control and 40 medial habenular nucleus and 80
parabrachial nuclei and 35 medial parabrachial nucleus and 81
pedunculus cerebellaris medius and 38 medial pretectal area and 81
periaqueductal (central) gray and 35,38 median eminence and 79
posterior hypothalamic area and 36, 38 mesencephalic tegmentum and 80
raphespinal projection and 40 neocortex and 77
regulation of cardiovascular function and 40 neostriatum and 77
regulation of cerebral blood flow and 39 nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and 80,81
regulation of sleep and 40 nucleus accumbens and 79
reticular formation and 38 nucleus ambiguus and 81
spinal dorsal horn and 38 nucleus cuneatus lateralis and 81
spinal intermediate gray and 38 nucleus cumatus medialis and 81
spinal ventral horn and 38, 39 nucleus of Darkschewitsch and 81
stria medullaris and 36,37 nucleus entopeduncularis and 79
stria olfactory medialis and 37 nucleus fastigii and 81
stria terminalis and 37 nucleus gracilis and 81
subcoeruleus area and 35 nucleus praepositus hypoglossi and 80,81
subcommissural organ and 38 nucleus raphes magnus and 81
subfornical organ and 37 nucleus raphes pontis and 81
subiculum and 37 nucleus solitarius and 80, 82
substantia nigra and 36, 40 nucleus spinalis of the trigeminal nerve and 80
superior colliculus and 38 nucleus of the trapezoid body and 80,81
supracallosal striae and 37 oculomotor nucleus and 81
suprachiasmatic nucleus and 37 olfactory tubercle and 79, 80
supraependymal plexus and 39,41 Onufs nucleus X complex and 82
synthesis of 12, 13 organum vasculosum laminae termmalis and 79
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 36 paraventricular nucleus and 79,81
ventral thalamic nuclear complex and 36 periaqueductal gray and 81
ventromedial nucleus and 37 peri ventricular anterior hypothalamic zone and 79
Subject Index 245

periventricular preoptic zone and 79 lateral lemniscus and 56

piriform cortex and 77 lateral septal nuCleus and 55
pontine nuclei and 81 medial forebrain bundle and 55, 56
posterior pituitary and 79 medial habenular nucleus and 55, 56
reticular formation and 80,81 medial lemniscus and 56
respiration and 82 median eminence and 56
septal region and 80 neocortex and 56
spinal central gray and 80, 82 neural lobe of pituitary 57
spinal ganglion cells and 81 nucleus ambiguus and 56
spinal trigeminal nucleus and 81 nucleus anterior dorsalis thalami and 56
spinal ventral column and 82 nucleus anterior hypothalami and 57
spinal zona intermedia and 82 nucleus arcuatus and 56
stria medullaris and 80 nucleus dorsomedialis and 56, 57
stria terminalis and 79,80 nucleus of Edinger-Westphal and 52
substantia gelatinosa spinalis and 80,81,82 nucleus facialis and 56
substantia nigra and 81 nucleus infundibularis and 56
superior central nucleus and 81 nucleus interpeduncularis and 56
superior colliculus and 81 nucleus laterodorsalis tegmenti and 55
su,prachiasmatic nucleus and 79 nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini and 56
supramamillary nuclei and 80 nucleus olivaris superior and 56
trochlear nucleus and 81 nucleus preopticus lateralis and 57
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and 80 nucleus preopticus medialis and 56, 57
ventral premamillary nucleus and 80 nucleus preopticus periventricularis and 56
ventral tegmental area and 81 nucleus raphes magnus and 52
ventromedial nucleus and 80 nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini and 56
vestibular nuclear complex and 81 nucleus solitarius and 52, 55
Somatotostatin-containing cells and fibres 77-82, 78 nucleus supraopticus and 56
Somatotropin release-inhibiting factor, see somatostatin nucleus ventralis thalami and 56
Spinothalamic tract 124 nucleus ventromedialis and 57
Steroid hormones 5 olfactory bulb and 56
Striatum (caudato-putamen complex) 130--133, 131, pain perception and 52
151-154,152 parabrachial nuclei and 56
afferents of 131, 132 paraventricular nucleus and 56
chemoarchitecture of 151-154 Parkinson's disease and 55
efferents of 131, 132 periaqueductal gray and 52, 56
large aspiny cells in 133 peri ventricular zone of hypothalamus and 56
limbic portions of 153 periventricular zone of rhombencephalon and 56
matrix compartment of 120,151 pontine nuclei and 56
medium-sized, aspiny cells in 133 reticular formation and 55, 56
medium-sized, densely spiny cells in 132 spinal dorsal horn and 52
non-limbic (somatosensory) portions of 153 spinal ganglia and 52
striosomes in 151-154,158,197 spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and 52
Subfornicalorgan 109 stria terminalis and 56
Substance P (SP) 2,6,33,52-57,53 strionigral projection and 55
amygdaloid complex and 55, 56 striopallidal projection and 55
anterior hypothalamic nucleus and 55, 56 substantia nigra and 55
area hypothalamica lateralis and 56 subthalamic nucleus and 56
area tegmentalis ventralis and 56 superior colliculus and 56
baroceptive information and 52 trigeminal ganglion and 52
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 56 tuberculum olfactorium and 56
caudate-putamen complex and 55 Substance P-containing cells and fibres 52-57,54
central superior nucleus and 55 Substantia gelatinosa (spinalis) 135-137
chemoreceptive information and 52 Substantia nigra 132,144-145,145,172,174,175
chorea of Huntington and 55 Suprachiasmaticnucleus 119,148,149
corpus geniculatum laterale and 56 Supra-ependymal histaminergic plexus 44
cuneate fasciculus and 56 Supra-ependymal serotinergic plexus 39,40
dorsal tegmental pathway and 56 Supraoptic nucleus 2
entopeduncular nucleus and 56 Supraoptico-hypophysial pathway 84
fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis of Schutz and 56 Survival
frontal cortex and 55, 56 of individual 187
globus pallidus 55 of species 187
habenulointerpeduncular tract and 55 Sweat glands 4
interpeduncular nucleus and 55 Synapse(s) 1-3,168,169
locus coeruleus and 56 Synaptic transmission 3, 196
lateral habenular nucleus and 55,56
lateral hypothalamic region and 55 Tanycyte(s) 39
246 Subject Index

Tardive dyskinesia 175 lateral parabrachial nucleus and 60

Taurine 6,45,51-52,160 lateral septal nucleus and 59
. basket cells in cerebellar cortex and 51 medial forebrain bundle and 59
cerebellar nuclei and 51 median eminence and 60
Golgi cells in cerebellar cortex and 51 neocortex and 57, 59
granule cells in cerebellar cortex and 51 nodose ganglion and 60
Purkinje cells and 51 nucleus accumbens and 59
stellate cells in cerebellar cortex and 51 nucleus solitarius and 60
Tectoreticular pathway 132 olfactory bulb and 59
Tectospinal pathway 132 olfactory tubercle and 59
Terminal fields 138 paraventricular nucleus and 59
complementarity of 156,157 periaqueductal (central) gray and 59
congruity of 156-158 premamillary nuclei and 59
Terminal plexus 138 preoptic area and 59
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), see thyrotropin prepiriform cortex and 59
Thyrotropin 82 pretectum and 60
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) 2,6,33,71, prolactin release and 60
82-83 somatostatin release and 60
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 83 spinal ganglion cells and 60
dorsomedial nucleus and 83 stria terminalls and 59
infundibular nucleus and 83 substantia gelatinosa and 60
lateral hypothalamus and 83 superior colliculus and 59
lateral parabrachial nucleus and 83 suprachiasmatic nucleus and 59
lateral septal nucleus and 83 ventral pallidum and 59
median eminence and 82, 83 ventromedial nucleus and 59
iX-motoneurons and 83 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing cells and
motor nuclei of cranial nerves and 83 fibres 57-60, 58
nucleus accumbens and 83 Vasopressin (AVP) 6,84,84-87,116
nucleus raphes magnus and 83 accessory nuclei and 84
nucleus raphes pallidus and 83 amygdala and 86
nucleus solitarius and 83 antidiuresis and 84
organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and 83 bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 86
paraventricular nucleus and 83 control of blood pressure and 86
perifornical area and 83 diagonal band of Broca and 86
periventricular hypothalamic area and 83 dorsal motor vagus nucleus and 86
preoptic area and 83 dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and 86
reticular formation and 83 hippocampus and 87
septal area and 83 hypothalamo-hypophysial pathway and 84
spinal gray and 83 lateral habenular nucleus and 86
suprachiasmatic nucleus and 83 lateral hypothalamus and 87
ventromedial nucleus and 83 lateral septal nucleus and 86
zona incerta and 83 learning processes and 86
Tryptophan 12,13 locus coeruleus and 86
Tryptophan hydroxylase 12 median eminence and 84
Tubero-infundibular dopaminergic projection 18 mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and 87
Tyrosine 12, 12 memory and 86
Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) 12, 14 mesencephalic central gray and 86
neocortex and 87
neurohypophysis and 84
Vas deferens 122 nociception and 86
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide 2,4,6,11,33,53, nucleus of the diagonal band and 86
57-60 nucleus paraventricularis and 84
amygdaloid complex and 59, 60 nucleus solitarius and 86
anterior hypothalamic area and 59 nucleus supraopticus and 84
anterior olfactory nucleus and 59 organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and 86
bed nucleus of stria terminalis and 59,60 parabrachial nuclei and 86
central spinal gray and 60 periventricular thalamic nucleus and 86
cingulate cortex and 59 regulation of ACTH-secretion and 86
caudate-putamen complex and 59 spinal gray matter and 86
corpus callosum and 57 suprachiasmatic nucleus and 86
dorsomedial nucleus and 59 thermoregulation and 86
entorhinal cortex and 59 Vasopressin-containing cells and fibres 86
fasciculus dorsolateralis of Lissauer and 60 Ventral ascending serotoninergic pathway 84-87,85
glycogenolysis in cerebral cortex and 59 Ventral noradrenergic pathway 36-37
hippocampal formation and 59 Visceroceptive inputs to hypothalamus 30
lateral geniculate body and 60 Viscerosensory "vago-cortical" projection 129,130

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