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Somma Vesuviana
Programma di Lingua Inglese a. s. 2020/2021
Classe III Sez. A

Testo adottato: PERFORMER B1 seconda edizione with New Preliminary Tutor
UPDATED Volume two
Autori: Marina Spiazzi; Marina Tavella; Margaret Layton
Casa Ed: Zanichelli

Grammar revision:
Comparatives and superlatives.
Be going to/ Will.
Present continuous as future.
Zero and first conditionals.
Present perfect.
Present perfect with ever and never.
Past simple vs Present perfect.
Present perfect with just, already, yet.
Must, mustn’t, have to and not have to.
Needn’t vs mustn’t.

Unit 1: Now and then

Grammar: Tense revision: present (simple vs continuous) and past (simple vs
continuous); used to.
Vocabulary: Household chores; household objects.
Communication: Asking about past habits.
Unit 2: Your money
Defining relative clauses: Who, Which, That, Where, Whose; Present perfect
continuous; for and since; question tags.
Money; payment; bargains.
Communication: Making choices.

Il docente
Prof. ssa Iannaccone Elvira

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