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Card title Themes Conflicts Needs Defenses

1 Boy with a Impulse vs Personal Achievement Repression,

violin control, demands and Expression. Intellectualization
Creativity, external Sublimation.
Artistic controlling
expression, agents, Fear of
talent. failure, self-

2 Women Challenges Disconnection, Need for Repression,

holding of people Autonomy from connection and Rationalization,
books in a living family versus belonging, need and
country together, compliance with for Intellectualization
scene Parent-child the status achievement,
watching a and and need for
man heterosexual empathy
working in a relationships,
field Poverty

3B A boy is Guilt, Conflict is Aggression, Denial,

M huddled depression, between desires Acquisition Repression,
next to a aggression, and interdiction, Projection
couch impulse preventing him
control from satisfying
them, Struggle
between safety
and danger
between action
and inaction

3GF A woman Feelings of Women’s desire Support, Avoidance,

standing uncertainty, to move forward guidance, Denial,
next to an anxiety, or or make reassurance Repression
open door fear progress but
holding a feeling unsure
side of the how to do so,
door with facing difficulty
one hand in making
and other decisions.
covering her

4 Man and Interpersonal Disagreement, Social Projection,

woman on a relationship, Argument, connection and Rationalization,
Stoop or Social Disconnection belonging, Repression,
Porch interaction, Emotional Displacement,
Emotional expression, Sublimation
connection Autonomy, and
and Empathy

5 A Woman Curiosity, Woman's desire Knowledge, Rationalization or

looking into Exploration, to explore or Excitement, or Denial
a room from or Invasion invade Control. She
the door of Privacy someone's may want to
privacy conflicts exert control
with the need over someone
for boundaries by invading
and privacy their privacy.
Number Theme Conflict Need Defence
6BM The theme of the The confect in this The woman in the Rationalism or
image could be related picture could be related Image may have denial to justify
to curiosity, to man's desire to knowledge, her action.
exploration or explore or invade excitement or She may
invasion of privacy. someone's privacy control. She may rationalize that
The women may be conflicting with the be curious about she is just
need for boundaries what is happening curious or that
curious abut what is
and privacy. The in the room. She she has a right
happening inside the
person inside the room wants the control to know what is
room. may feel violated by over someone by happening
woman's action and the invading the inside.
may fest guilty for privacy Alternatively,
invading someone's Alternatively
she may deny
doing wrong
and convince
herself that she
is not doing any
harmful thing
6GF The theme of card There is an over- The card refers to The most
6GF could be investment in the body a heterosexual recurrent
something like – how they look like? relationship. It defense is
Attitude and feelings The story has no focuses on a seduction. How
towards parental content of desire or libidinal context does the patient
figure. sexual impulse—the (from the man) see the female
patient focus on the and a defensive in the seduction
physical aspects of the context (from the game? Does she
characters (clothes, woman). She may want it or not?
hair, beauty). The feel guilty for her What’s her role
subject fails in desire. The desire in the game?
elaborating on the is objectified in
driving conflict. the movement of
the characters
towards each
The theme of card The stories are often .Sometimes, the The most
7BM 7BM could be related about the rivalry subject may have possible defense
to father-son between the two some difficulties used here is
relationship or boss- characters. It can also in elaborating the projection. How
employee situation . suggest proximity ambivalence. We does the son
caused by the are all supposed perceives his
unconditional love and to understand that father and acts
support of the father. our parents are accordingly.
The most important is good and bad,
the way the son sees like everybody
his father. How is his else. This subject
investment in the father avoids
figure? Is it seen as confronting it,
positive or negative? Is making an
subject at conflict at unrealistic
dealing with the relationship –
demands and attitudes either perfect or
toward authority terrible at all
7GF The mother had the The intention of the The doll The girl is
power and knowledge. cards is to bring out represents her curious about
The daughter’s mother-child way of having the power and
posture shows a interaction. The power. She wants the knowledge.
duality of feelings. picture is also to get the same And she has the
She fights between the perceived as both power as her desire to get the
curiosity and desire of figures rejecting each mother, by her same. She
learning and the other since both of chance of being a thinks to have
defense against that them are looking away mother herself. the same power
desire. So, this the from each other. as her mother,
theme of this card. by her chance of
being a mother
8BM The theme of card 1.The conflict between The boy in the In this case, the
8BM could be the innocence of the image may have boy could be
something like boy in the foreground, aspirations repressing his
"Curiosity and who may be fascinated towards feelings about
medical by the medical becoming a the surgery
intervention". procedure unfolding doctor. Or happening in the
before him, and the aggression background and
seriousness of the focusing on
surgical procedure staring directly
being performed in the out of the
background. picture. He may
be trying to
2. The conflict between avoid the
the medical ethics of anxiety or
performing surgery in a discomfort that
sterile environment and thinking about
the reality of human the surgery
emotions and might cause
interactions. The men him, so he is
performing the surgery repressing those
may be faced with thoughts and
difficult decisions, feelings into his
conflicting emotions, unconscious
or complex patient mind.
histories that challenge
their clinical
8GF The theme of the The conflict in this The woman in The defense in
image could be related picture could be related this picture looks this picture is
to loneliness, thinking to woman’s excited, curious that the woman
about something or expectations about and feel anxious repress her
someone. The woman future. As she is very about her future. feelings as she
in the picture May be curious about Or may be she feel loneliness,
recall her past something and want to thinks about anxious and
memories ,also this know the thing eagerly. something or curious about
picture has a someone ,and something or
contemplative nature. Wait something someone.
or someone.

Descriptio Theme Needs Conflicts Defenses


9BM The card Theme of the picture Need for •Fear/feelings • Repression

shows a is •Homosexual social of exclusion •Projection

group of Tendencies, Social connection •Competition •Intellectualizatio

men lying relationships/suppor and for attention n

on their t, companionshi •Trust Issues •Denial

backs in a p •Social •Reaction

field of •Trust & comparison formation
Companionship or
grass loyalty in •Independence •Displacement
against one Relationship vs
•Attitudes toward
another . •Desire for Interdependenc
trust and Loyalty.
Acceptance & e


within a group


and approval

from others

•Support and


t form peers.

It depicts a Theme of the picture The needs of The woman The defense

9GF woman could be related to the woman behind the tree mechanisms used

standing female peer behind the may be by the woman

behind a relations, and tree might experiencing behind the tree

tree, elaboration on the include a conflict related may include

looking at issues such as desire for to envy or denial,

another sibling rivalry, recognition, a feelings of rationalization, or

woman jealousy sense of inadequacy displacement to

who competition, belonging, or when cope with her

appears to comparison, or a need for comparing feelings of envy

be running envy. validation. herself to the or inadequacy.

on a beach. The woman woman on the The woman on

running on the beach. The the beach may

beach might woman on the use defense

be driven by a beach may be mechanisms such

need for experiencing as sublimation or

achievement, conflict related repression to cope

success, or to the pressure with the pressures

freedom. to succeed or and fears

the fear of associated with

failure. achieving


It depicts The theme of the There is a The conflict in The defense use

Picture that one picture is it tells feeling of this picture is in this picture is

10 person is about the man- strong fear of repression or

holding his woman relationship attachment, termination of denial . The

or her head regarding to closeness and relationship. person repressed

against closeness and affection. his feeling of sex

Fear of overt or
another intimacy.There is There is a against his/her
denied hostility.
person's distorted perception need of strong partner.
Fear of
shoulder. in picture as emotional The person
repressed or
Gender is perceiving both attachment.A denied hostility at
unidentifie character as young. tendency to the terminating
d Perceiving both love, care and point of
character as female affection. relationship.
because both
or both as male.
Degree of character may

comfort or be male or both

discomfort character may

evoked by be female.



It depicts The theme of this The needs for The conflicts The defenses

Picture that picture is uncertain Protection ,ref this picture are used in this

11 multiple destination, facing uge and fear ,danger picture are

figures are challenges, fears perseverance and ,group denial ,

traveling and internal are shown , rationalization

toward a struggles. and projection.

bridge on a

road in a



seems to be

a dragon

above them

against the

side of a


It depicts Themes of this The need for The conflict in The defences

12M that a man picture is Violence, support, safety this picture is used in the

with his abuse, fear & pain. protection, Domestic picture are
hand raised trust, violence, Denial,

is standing understanding bullying, repression,

above a and empathy emotional projection and

boy who is is shown. manipulation rationalization.

lying on a and power

bed with dynamics.

his eyes


It depicts a Theme of the picture The need for Conflict The defenses

12F young is generational acceptance or between the used in the

woman in conflict or tension approval from desire for picture are

the between the younger others, independence Projection

foreground and older women. particularly and the need Displacement

and an Struggle for power from older or for guidance.

older or control between more Conflicts
woman the two women. experienced between

holding her Negative qualities individuals. different

chin in the towards older The need for values,

background women. autonomy and perspectives, or

Complexity of the ability to ways of life.

family relationship make one's Inner conflict

specially between own choices. between

daughter and The need for different

mother. guidance or aspects of the

mentorship self, such as the

from those desire for

with more life adventure

experience or versus the need

knowledge for stability.


and belonging

Card no: Card Title: Themes: Conflicts: Needs: Defense

12BG mechanism :
A country 1Depressed Suicidal Love, support,
setting depicts
and suicidal and affiliation, Repression
a tree, with a
subjects are isolation guidance and
rowboat pulled
more likely conflicts. protection.
up next to to depicts
it.No human loneliness
figures are and
present. abondonme
subjects are
more likely
to portray
stories of
being at
peace in the
woods and
just boating
or fishing.
13MF A young man 1.Subject Sexual Affiliation Projection
is Standing attitude Conflicts Love and Denial
in the towards Protection Denial of
foreground his or her Reality.
with partner, Sublimation
his head in his particularly Justification
arms. In attitudes just Regression
the before and
background is immediately
a following
women lying sexual
in a bed intercourse.
2.Guilt of
illicit sexual
s (OCD).
5. Oral
7. Death and

Home and
family: The
The young boy log cabin
sitting in the suggests a
13 B doorway of the rural or The picture Need for Rationalizati
log cabin frontier gives us an security and
setting, on: The boy
idea of the stability: The in the
which can patient’s image can evoke
evoke picture is
relationship feelings of seen as
themes of with the Comfort and
family, vulnerable
mother security desire or in an
community, figure. for a safe and
and the isolated
The nurturing position,
importance precarious environment.
of home. which may
cabin and cause the
 Loneliness bare feet all Need for
and individual to
refer to a autonomy and rationalize
The image weak independence: the situation.
of the boy mother The picture sugg This defense
sitting alone figure, ests mechanism
in the unable to independence can help
doorway protect him. and autonomy. protect the
can suggest The A desire for individual's
loneliness or subject’s autonomy and self-esteem
isolation. interpretatio freedom, will and reduce
 Childhood n gives us a take risks and feelings of
and good clue explore new anxiety.
innocence: about his opportunities
The boy's feelings for Regression:
youth and his mother. Need for This leads
innocence connection and the
evoke the  1) Was she belonging: The individual to
theme of protective image evokes engage in
childhood, despite the community and regression,
growth, and Environmen connectedness. or the
developmen tal Need for social temporary
t. conditions? connection and return to a
belonging to be more
Nature and 2) Does the accepted and childlike
the boy feel valued by state of
outdoors: abandoned? others. mind, to
The log Is he afraid? cope with
cabin setting Need for anxiety or
and the  3) It is vital adventure and stress.
natural to have a exploration: It
landscape good evokes themes Fantasy:
can evoke definition of adventure and They may
themes of of the boy’s exploration. use fantasy
nature, feelings Will to take as a defense
adventure, risks and push mechanism
and oneself beyond to create a
exploration. comfort zone. more
desirable or

This can
A girl is depict
climbing a loneliness,
flight of stairs introspectio
13 G distant Perseveranc
memories. e.
1.Struggle 1.Guidance or Isolation.
to reach the support. Ambition.
top. 2Motivation or Fear.
2. fear of encouragement.
s or
4. Desire of
14 14 Contemplati Self Achievement Repression
silhouetted on, destructive and self
against a Wish behaviour Esteem
window. fulfilment, Different
contemplation, Depressed life streaser
or feeling Impulse
Wish related control and
fulfilment, burglary , guilt
Depression or al beliefs

Feeling related
to burglary.

15 A man is Themes Violent Love and Denial,

Standing usually aggressive Denial of
revolve Situation Protection. reality
Among around Coping
tombstone beliefs or Difficulty is strategies with
with his hands events being death
clasped . surrounding experienced
death and a of death,
hereafter. Sense of

16 The power of words The conflict in The need in The defence in

and the impact of this picture is this picture is this picture is
silence. the blankness for the person the power of
of the card. It to fill the blank creativity and
represents a card with imagination.
lack of words, meaningful The blank card
which can be words. This may seem like
seen as both an could be a an obstacle, but
opportunity personal it also presents
and a message to a an opportunity
challenge. The loved one, a to be creative
blankness may note of and to think
create a sense encouragement, outside the box.
of uncertainty or a simple The person can
or anxiety for expression of use their
the person who gratitude. By imagination to
is holding the filling the card come up with
card, as they with words, the unique and
may be unsure person can meaningful
of what to fulfill their words to fill the
write or how to need to connect card, which can
express with others, lead to a sense
themselves. express of satisfaction
themselves, and
and leave a accomplishment.
positive Additionally, the
impact. act of creating
something can
be a form of
defence against
emotions or
stress, as it
provides a sense
of purpose and
17 BM The struggle for The conflict in The naked The defense
survival and the this picture is man’s need in mechanism that
limits of the human between the this picture is the naked man
body. naked man and to survive. He employs is
the challenging must overcome perseverance.
environment he the obstacle He must keep
finds himself presented by climbing despite
in. The rope the rope and the physical
represents the make it to strain on his
only means of safety. To do body and the
escape or so, he needs to fear in his mind.
survival for the summon all his He must remain
man, but the strength and focused on his
feat of determination goal and ignore
climbing it to keep any distractions
requires climbing. or doubts that
tremendous may arise. The
physical and man’s survival
mental instinct kicks in
strength. The and drives him
man is faced forward,
with the pushing him to
conflict of keep climbing
pushing even when he
himself to the feels like giving
limit and up.
risking injury
or giving up
and facing the
of his failure.
17GF The beauty of nature The inner The need for The defense of
and the human conflict individuals to the image lies in
connection to it. between the take a moment the need for
woman’s desire to disconnect individuals to
to stay in the from the take a moment
moment and distractions of to disconnect
appreciate the technology and from the
beauty around society, and to distractions of
her and the connect with technology and
distractions of the natural society, and to
everyday life. world around connect with the
them. natural world
around them. By
doing so,
individuals can
experience a
sense of peace
and rejuvenation
that can benefit
their mental
health and well-
being. The
image reminds
us to take a step
back from our
busy lives and
appreciate the
beauty that
surrounds us,
even in the
midst of our
daily routines.

18 B The theme of Picture The conflict in The man in the The man in the
18B is a struggle or the picture is long coat likely long coat could
altercation between physical in needs potentially
the man in the long nature, as protection or defend himself
coat and three other evidenced by assistance in by using
individuals who are the three hands order to escape physical force or
grabbing him. The that are from the grasp by calling for
scene suggests a grabbing the of the three help from others
potential threat or man. It is attackers. He in the area.
danger to the man, as unclear from may also need However, it is
well as a sense of the image what to defend also possible
helplessness and has led to this himself or fight that he may need
vulnerability. altercation or back in order to to comply with
why the man is ensure his the attackers’
being targeted, safety and demands in
but the well-being. order to avoid
aggression and further harm or
forcefulness of injury.
the attackers Ultimately, the
suggest a best defense in
serious conflict this situation
that could have may be to seek
significant assistance from
consequences. law enforcement
or other
authorities who
can help to
resolve the
conflict and
ensure the safety
of all involved
18 GF The theme of Picture The conflict in The need of the The woman
18GF is violence and this picture is woman who is being attacked
aggression, physical attacking the may be in a state
specifically physical violence other is likely of defense,
assault between two between two rooted in anger, trying to protect
women. women, with frustration, or a herself from
one woman desire for harm. Her
choking the power and defensive
other. The control. It’s posture, with
exact cause of possible that one arm raised
the conflict is the two women and her body
not clear from have a history pulled back,
the image, but of conflict or suggests that she
it suggests that that the is trying to
there is some attacker is create distance
kind of experiencing between herself
betrayal or intense and the attacker.
animosity emotions that However,
between the she is unable to without more
two characters. control. information
about the
situation, it’s
difficult to
determine if she
is actively
herself or if she
is simply trying
to escape.
19 The fragility and The conflict in The need in The defense in
transience of human the picture lies this picture is this picture is
existence in the face between the for protection the resilience
of natural forces. man-made and safety from and adaptability
structure of the the power of of the human
home and the the natural spirit. Despite
natural force of world. The the
the snow- home overwhelming
covered represents a force of the
landscape. The sanctuary, a snow and
home appears place of refuge clouds, the home
small and and security still stands
vulnerable against the strong and
against the vast harsh elements intact, a
expanse of the of the testament to the
sky and the environment. strength of
swirling The clouds and human
clouds, which snow, however, construction.
seem to show the limits The picture also
threaten to of human reminds us of
engulf it. control over the importance
nature and of respecting
remind us of and working
our with the natural
vulnerability. world, rather
than trying to
dominate it.
20 Loneliness in urban The man in the The man in the
environment picture appears picture seems The man's
The card depicts a to be alone, to be searching posture and
man standing alone surrounded by for a sense of body language
on a street corner, the hazy connection and suggest that his
leaning against a atmosphere of belonging in defense
lamppost in a hazy a city at night. his mechanism is
atmosphere at night. His posture environment. withdrawal and
The theme of the and facial He may be isolation. He is
picture is the sense expression feeling isolated leaning against
of loneliness and suggest a sense and the lamppost
isolation that can of weariness or disconnected with his arms
come with living in a resignation, from the people crossed, as if he
busy, crowded urban perhaps and places is trying to
environment. indicating that around him, create a physical
he feels and is barrier between
disconnected searching for a himself and the
from the world way to bridge surrounding
around him. At that gap and environment.
the same time, feel a sense of His
he is also under belonging. contemplative
external expression
pressure from suggests that he
the may be lost in
surrounding thought,
environment. withdrawing
into his own
inner world as a
way of coping
with the feelings
of loneliness and
isolation that he
is experiencing.

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