Explanation of Levels For Parents

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Practice makes Perfect

Feedback Daily, repeated Getting better. Right on track! Excellent!

practice is needed
at school and at Keep practicing at Your hard work is You are ready for a
home. school and at home. paying off! new challenge!

Don’t give up. Push yourself out You can handle this You might even
of your comfort grade level work. enjoy teaching
Set some goals. zone. someone else what
All Set? You Bet! you know.
1 2 3 Eyes on Me. Hocus Pocus --
A Bit More Focus. To Infinity and
Report Card Language Achievement falls Achievement Achievement meets Achievement
much below the approaches the the provincial exceeds the
provincial standard. provincial standard. standard. provincial standard.
Corresponding Letter Grade D C B A
(Level) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4


Heather Burnett-Condorato Home School Connections

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