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Answer the following questions:

1.Who were at Mike Schofield’s house in London that night?

2.Why was Richard Pratt famous?

3.How did Mr. Pratt describe the wines?

4.What kind of betting game did Richard and Michael usually play? Why did they do it?

5.Comment on the following lines ‘Mike Schofield was a man who had become very rich very
quickly and now also wanted to be considered someone who understood and enjoyed the good
things in life’

6.What did Mike say to the narrator about the ‘Geierslay Ohligsberg 1945’?

7.Who drew all of Pratt’s attention that night?

8.What happened when Mike brought ‘the claret’? Where was the claret and why?

9.Who said a) ‘to me there was something strange about his way of speaking, between the eyes
there was a shadow of something evil’ and ‘I saw something very evil about the man’s face’
What did he mean by this? (pages 4 and 5 )

b)’I won’t force you to bet on this one’(page4)

c)’That’s rather an insult to me, you know? (page 4)

d)I’ll bet you anything you like’(page 5)

e)’ He is the one who wants to make it, not me’ ( page 7)

f) ‘It was an impressive performance’(page 9)

10.In what way was the bet different this time? Describe it in detail. What do you think of the
way Richard and Mike played ‘the betting game’?

11.Why did Michael Schofield agree to go on with the betting game and finally agree to the

12.Michael thought of Louise’s future. Discuss.

13.What did Louise do to stop the bet? What would you have done if you had been Louise? And
Michael’s wife?

14.Why was Richard able to guess the name of the wine?

15.Who’saved’ the family? In what way?

16.Describe Michael and Richard. Also, use as many adjectives as you can. Compare them.
Mention similarities and differences if any.

17.What do you imagine happened after the story ended?

18.Did you expect the ending? If you didn’t, how did you think it would end? Did you like it?

19.Provide another ending to the story.

20.Why is the story called ‘Taste’? Would you give it another name?

21.Who is the main character in your opinion? Why?

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