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Jimmy Delgado


Dee Ann Hall

April 29, 2023

Advice to Parents Letters

Chapter 02: Letter 1

Dear Parent(s),

First of all, I express my gratitude for reaching out and letting me know about your

concerns. As you mentioned, Erikson indeed discussed that there are challenges or developmental

crises at the different stages of what he theorized as Psychosocial Stages (Berger, 2021, p.37).

On one hand, your older daughter seems to be concerned about the person that can be

with her sentimentally, or that perhaps might reject her in the future. According to Erikson´s

ideas, she is at the stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation (Berger, 2021, p.35), in this stage, your

daughter might need guidance and support, especially from her mother.

On the other hand, your teenage son is trying to know himself, how his body looks and

whether he fits in in any group that surrounds him. This may represent a significant time for him

due to his looking for acceptance as well as knowing who he is and what role he plays. In Erikson

´s theory, this stage is known as Identity vs. Role Confusion, in which teenagers are establishing

sexual, political, religious, and vocational identities (Berger, 2021, p.35).

Last but not least, your youngest daughter is at that stage where she needs a lot of

attention and support. Apart from this, she still needs to be guided in several tasks by her

caregivers, which include nourishment and care for example. Erikson states that at this early age,

your daughter is in the stage he called Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubts where he emphasizes

that children become self-sufficient in several activities including toileting, or feel shame or

doubt of their own abilities (Berger, 2021, p.35). It is important to show your youngest girl how

to go to the toilet, do not feel that it is worthless, yet be patient and reward her so she may feel

that she´s doing a good job, and do not be upset if accidents occur. I hope this may be of help.

Best regards.

Chapter 02: Letter 2

Dear Parent(s),

I appreciate receiving your letter and that you express your desire to know more about the

ideas of Piaget and Vygotsky in order to choose what school would be better for your daughter.

On one hand, Piaget suggested that children learned through different stages and that they

could gain competencies, and according to these stages, they acquired knowledge and abilities.

According to Berger, “How children think changes with time and experience. Based on the

cognitive theory, we need first understand the behavioral pattern of any human of all ages, in

order, to understand their thinking.” (Berger, 2021, p.41). This is why Jean Piaget focused his

attention on cognitive development to occur in four age-related periods or stages, sensorimotor,

preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational (Berger, 2021, p.41). In your

instance, your daughter falls under the preoperational stage, "Children are egocentric, observing

from their own perspective, yet children reason symbolically, using language" (Berger, 2021,

p.41). In other words, this theory of Piaget holds that learning comes before development in


On the other hand, Vygotsky emphasized that human development results from the

dynamic interaction between developing persons and their surrounding society (Berger, 2021,

p.47). This means that learning is not performed alone but helped by other people, especially

caregivers, or mentors for example. According to Berger, “Vygotsky stressed that people do not

develop in isolation but rather in relationship to the culture of their community, as transmitted by

the words and actions of other people.” (Berger, 2021, p.47). Therefore, Vygotsky suggested

what he called ‘The Zone of Proximal Development’ saying that this area is “the distance

between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the

level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance or in


collaboration with more capable peers.” (Vygotsky, 1980, p.86). In consequence, his approach

focuses on the idea that the learner can achieve those skills which are not yet reached through the

guidance of a parent, peer, or professional.

I hope that this information can be of assistance in your decision of choosing a preschool

for your daughter.

Best regards.


Berger, K. S. (2020). Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence (12th Edition).

Macmillan Higher Education.

Vygotsky, Lev S. (1980). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes.

Harvard University Press.

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