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International Conference
Horizons of Engagement: Eternalizing Pierre Bourdieu

Beograd, 22. i 23. decembar 2020 // Belgrade, December 22-23, 2020

Međunarodna konferencija / International Conference



Beograd / Belgrade
22. i 23. decembar 2020. // December 22-23, 2020

Priredili / Edited by
Zona Zarić, Ivica Mladenović, Milan Urošević

Dizajn / Design
Sonja Nikolić, Tijana Baltić

Ilustracije / Illustrations
Zoran Svilar

Korektura i lektura / Proofreading

Petar Vasić, Zona Zarić

Štampa / Print
Donat Graf

Izdavač / Publisher
Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu /
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Organizator / Organiser
Institut za flozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu /
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka
École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Institut français de Serbie

Beograd, 2020.
Tiraž: 100
ISBN 978-86-80484-56-3


ORGANISING AND PROGRAM COMMITTEES ………………………………………................................................2

CONFERENCE VISION...…………………………………………………………………...................................................3-4

CONFERENCE PROGRAM …………………………………………………………….....................................................5-8

PAPER ABSTRACTS ……………………………………………………………………....................................................9-49

SPEAKERS’ ADDRESS BOOK…………………………………………………………...............................................50-52


Ivica Mladenović, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu / Institute for
Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Zona Zarić, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu / Institute for Philosophy
and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Milan Urošević, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu / Institute for
Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade


Marc Crépon, Visoka formativna škola, Pariz / École Normale Supérieure, Paris

Ivana Spasić, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu / Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Laurent Jeanpierre, Univerzitet Pariz I (Sorbona) / University of Paris I (Sorbonne)

Adriana Zaharijević, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu / Institute for
Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Philip Golub, Američki univerzitet u Parizu / American University of Paris

Konferencija „Horizonti angažmana: Ovekovečiti Burdijea“ se organizuje povodom devedeset
godina od rođenja najcitiranijeg svetskog sociologa Pjera Burdijea (1930–2002). Dostignuća
akademskog rada Pjera Burdijea se mogu ogledati u visokim pozicijama koje je tokom svog rada
zauzimao: položaj generalnog sekretara „Centra za evropsku sociologiju“ (Centre de sociologie
européenne), položaj direktora studija „Škole za visoke studije u društvenim naukama“ (École des
hautes études en sciences sociales) i pozicija profesora sociologije na „Kolež de Frans“ (Collège de
France). Njegov akademski rad je takođe nagrađen brojim priznanjima kao što je „Zlatna medalja“,
najviše priznanje francuskog „Nacionalnog centra za naučna istraživanja“ (Centre national de la
recherche scientifique) i medalja „Haksli“ (Huxley), najviše priznanje „Kraljevskog instituta Velike
Britanije i Irske“. Najznačajniji pokazatelj obima Burdijeovog naučnog uticaja je činjenica da se
radi o danas najcitiranijem svetskom sociologu, ispred Emila Durkhajma, i drugom najcitiranijem
svetskom autoru uopšte u društvenim i humanističkim naukama, iza Mišela Fukoa a ispred Žaka
Deride. Kako ističe Loik Vakant: „Burdije je postao ime za jedan kolektivni istraživački poduhvat koji
prevazilazi granice disciplina i država“.

Sva kapitalna dela Pjera Burdijea sadrže temeljnu kritiku sastavnih elemenata etabliranog
društvenog poretka: od školskog sistema (u „Reprodukciji“), aristokratskih pretenzija dominantne
klase (u „Distinkciji“), do države kao instrumenta dominante klase (u „Državnom plemstvu“).
Utvrditi i javno obznaniti realnost društvenog sveta postaje, u njegovoj viziji, glavni ulog društvene
borbe. On upravo stoga kritikuje veštačko razdvajanje između naučnog rada koji proizvodi znanje
i intelektualnog angažmana koji to znanje uvodi u javni prostor. Nakon retkih javnih zauzimanja
pozicije u odnosu na aktuelna politička pitanja, objavljivanjem knjige „Beda sveta“ 1993.
godine - u kojoj pledira za „drugačijim načinom vođenja politike“ – Pjer Burdije postaje jedan od
najangažovanijih francuskih intelektualaca. Podrška štrajkačima, podrška nezaposlenima koji drže
pod blokadom École normale supérieure, podrška alžirskim intelektualcima i podrška evropskim
društvenim pokretima samo su neki od napoznatijih Burdijeovih javnih istupa zbog kojih je stekao
status „glavnog neprijatelja“ među najistaknutijim braniocima neoliberalnog poretka u francuskom
intelektualnom polju.

Cilj konferencije je da domaćoj publici približi lik i delo Pjera Burdijea kroz predstavljanje njegovog
akademskog rada uporedo sa njegovim javnim angažmanom. Konferencija će biti podeljena u
nekoliko tematskih celina koje će predstaviti osnovne koncepte i metodološke pristupe sadržane
u njegovom radu i odnos Burdijea sa najzanačajnijim autorima iz njegovog intelektualnog miljea,
kao i njegov odnos sa najzačajnijim sociološkim teorijskim pravcima. Poslednja tematska celina će
se pozabaviti Burdijeovim javnim angažmanom i njegovim shvatanjem uloga javnih intelektualaca.

The conference “Eternalizing Bourdieu” is organized on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary
of the birth of Pierre Bourdieu (1930.–2002), the world’s most cited sociologist. The achievements
of Bourdieu’s academic work are reflected in the high institutional positions he held, such as
the position of the general secretary of the Centre de sociologie européenne, the position of the
studies director of the École des hautes études en sciences socials and the position of the professor
of sociology at Collège de France. His academic work has also been awarded with numerous
accolades like the “Golden Medal”, the highest acknowledgement of the French Centre national
de la recherche scientifique and the “Huxley” medal, the highest acknowledgement of the Royal
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. The greatest indicator of the scope of Bourdieu’s influence is
the fact that we are talking about the world’s most cited sociologist, ahead of Émile Durkheim and
the worlds second most cited author in social sciences and humanities, after Michel Foucault and
ahead of Jacques Derrida. As LoÏc Wacquant pointed out: “Bourdieu became a name for a collective
research endeavour that transcends the borders of states and disciplines”.

All of Bourdieu’s major works contain a thorough critique of the elements of the established social
order: from the school system (in “Reproduction”), to the aristocratic pretensions of the dominant
class (in “The Distinction”) and the state as the instrument of the dominant class (in “State
Nobility”). Establish and publicly announce the reality of the social world becomes, in his vision,
the main stake of the social struggle. Precisely because of that he criticises the artificial separation
between scientific work that produces knowledge and intellectual engagement that introduces
that knowledge into the public sphere. After rarely taking a stand on current political issues with
the publishing of “The Weight of the World” in 1993. – in which he pleads for a ‘different way of
doing politics’ – Bourdieu became one of the most engaged French intellectuals. The support for
strikers, support for the unemployed who blocked École normale supérieure, supporting Algerian
intellectuals and supporting European social movements are just some of the most famous of
Bourdieu’s public appearances through which he earned the status of the “main enemy” among
the most prominent defenders of the neoliberal order in the French intellectual field.

The aim of this conference is to familiarise the domestic and regional audiences with the work
of Pierre Bourdieu, by presenting his academic work alongside his public engagement. The
conference will consist of several thematic segments which will introduce some basic concepts
and methodological approaches that appear in his work and Bourdieu’s relationship with some
of the most significant authors from his intellectual milieu, as well as with the most important
theoretical approaches in sociology. The last segment of the conference will deal with Bourdieu’s
public engagement and his understanding of the public roles of intellectuals.

Međunarodna konferencija / International Conference



Beograd / Belgrade
22. i 23. decembar 2020. // December 22-23, 2020

Horizonti angažmana: ovekovečiti Pjera Burdijea
22. i 23. decembar 2020.
Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd
22. decembar : Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu

10:00 – 11:00 Inauguralni deo konferencije

Obraćanje Gazele Pudar, direktorke IFDT-a i Manuela Buara, direktora Francuskog instituta u
Marc Crépon (École Normale Supérieure, Paris) : The importance of Pierre Bourdieu today
(jezik : engleski)
moderacija: Zona Zarić, IFDT, Beograd

Prvi panel: Burdijeovi teorijski koncepti i njihova primena (jezik: srpski)

11:30 (uvod i moderacija Milan Urošević, IFDT)

Mark Lošonc (IFDT): Burdijeova teorizacija države
Milica Resanović (Filozofski fakultet, Beograd): Burdijeova teorizacija društvenih
Dušan Ristić (Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu): Burdijeova teorizacija
Predrag Cvetičanin (Fakultet umetnosti, Univerzitet u Nišu): Burdijeova teorizacija
klasa i kapitala
Mirko Petrić i Inga Tomić Koludrović (Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar – Centar
Split, Sveučilište u Zadru): Burdijeova teorizacija socijalnog kapitala
14:30 Andrea Perunović (IFDT): Burdijeova teorizacija simboličkog

Drugi panel: Burdijeizam i drugi sociološki pravci (jezik: srpski)

(uvod i moderacija Zona Zarić, École Normale Supérieure, Paris i IFDT, Beograd)

Ivica Mladenović i Boris Petrović (IFDT i Sorbona): Burdijeizam i marksizam
Marjan Ivković (IFDT): Burdijeizam i kritička teorija
Božidar Filipović (Fakultet za specijalnu edukaciju i rehabilitaciju, Univerzitet u
Beogradu): Burdijeizam i funkcionalizam
Suzana Ignjatović (Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd): Burdijeizam i metodološki
Miloš Jovanović (Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu): Burdijeizam i socijalni
17:30 konstruktivizam

18:00 Treći panel: Pjer Burdije i politika (jezik: engleski)

(uvod i moderacija Ivica Mladenović, IFDT i Zona Zarić, ENS i IFDT)

Žizel Sapiro (École des hautes études en sciences sociales)
Frederik Lebaron (École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay)
Filip Golub (Američki univerzitet u Parizu)
20:00 Frank Pupo (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS)

23. decembar: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Četvrti panel: Metodološki okvir burdijeovske sociologije (jezik: srpski)

10:00 (uvod i moderacija Milan Urošević, IFDT)

Selena Radović (Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd i Univerzitet Pariz 8):
Sociološki metod po Pjeru Burdijeu
Leonora Dugonjić i Ivica Mladenović (Univerzitet u Upsali i IFDT): Geometrijska
analiza podataka
Zona Zarić i Andrej Cvetić (IFDT i Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd): Epistemološki
temelji „Distinkcije“
Jasmin Hasanović (Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet u Sarajevu): Epistemološki
12:00 temelji „Državnog plemstva”

Peti panel: Pjer Burdije i drugi sociolozi i filozofi (jezik: srpski)

13:00 (uvod i moderacija Ivica Mladenović, IFDT)

Zona Zarić (IFDT): Pjer Burdije i Mišel Fuko
Milan Urošević (IFDT): Pjer Burdije i Luj Altiser
Velizar Mirčov (Univerzitet u Kosovskoj Mitrovici): Pjer Burdije i Erik Olin Rajt
Srđan Prodanović (IFDT): Pjer Burdije i Lik Boltanski
15:00 Stefan Janković (Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu): Pjer Burdije i Bruno

December 22nd : Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory (IFDT), University of Belgrade

10:00 – 11:00 Inaugural part of the conference

Opening of the conference by Gazela Pudar, director of IFDT and Manuel Bouard, director of
The French Cultural Institute of Belgrade
Marc Crépon (École Normale Supérieure, Paris) : The importance of Pierre Bourdieu today
(language : english)
moderation: Zona Zarić, IFDT, Belgrade

First panel: Bourdieu’s theoretical concepts and their application (language:

11:30 Serbian)
Introduction and moderation: Zona Zarić (École Normale Supérieure, Paris and
IFDT, Belgrade)

Participants :
Mark Losoncz (IFDT): Bourdieu’s Theorisation of the State
Milica Resanović (Institute for Sociological Research): Bourdieu’s Theorisation of
Social Fields
Dušan Ristić (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad): Bourdieu’s Theorisation
of Habitus
Predrag Cvetičanin (Faculty of Art, University of Niš): Bourdieu’s Theorisation of
Class and Capital
14:30 Mirko Petrić and Inga Tomić Koludrović (Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar –
Center Split; University of Zadar): Bourdieu’s Theorisation of Social Capital

Second panel: Bourdieuism and other sociological theoretical traditions

15:00 (language: Serbian)
Introduction and moderation: Milan Urošević, IFDT

Participants :
Ivica Mladenović and Boris Petrović (IFDT and Sorbonne): Bourdieuism and Marxism
Marjan Ivković (IFDT): Bourdieuism and Critical Theory
Božidar Filipović (Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of
Belgrade) Bourdieuism and Functionalism
Suzana Ignjatović (Institute for Social Science, Belgrade): Bourdieuism and
Methodological Individualism
17:30 Miloš Jovanović (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš): Bourdieuism and Social

Third panel: Public Engagement of Pierre Bourdieu (language: English)

18:00 Introduction and moderation: Ivica Mladenović, IFDT and Zona Zarić, École Normale
Supérieure, Paris and IFDT, Belgrade

Participants :
Gisèle Sapiro (École des hautes études en sciences sociales)
Frédéric Lebaron (École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay)
Philip Golub (American University of Paris)
Franck Poupeau (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS)

December 23rd : Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of
Belgrade and The French Cultural Institute, Belgrade

Fourth Panel: Methodological Frameworks of Bourdieusian Sociology (language:

10:00 Serbian)
Introduction and moderation: Milan Urošević, IFDT

Selena Radović (Institute for Sociological Research, Belgrade & Université Paris 8):
Sociological Method According to Pierre Bourdieu
Leonora Dugonjić and Ivica Mladenović (University of Uppsala and IFDT): Geometric
Data Analysis: the Method, its History and Advantages
Jasmin Hasanović (Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo):
Epistemological Foundations of “The State Nobility”
Zona Zarić and Andrej Cvetić (IFDT and Faculty of Political Science, University of
Belgrade): Epistemological Foundations of “Distincion”

Fifth Panel: Pierre Bourdieu and Other Sociologist and Philosophers (language:
13:00 Serbian)
Introduction and moderation: Ivica Mladenović, IFDT

Zona Zarić (IFDT): Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault
Milan Urošević (IFDT): Pierre Bourdieu and Louis Althusser
Velizar Mirčov (University of Kosovska Mitrovica): Pierre Bourdieu and
Erik Olin Wright
Srđan Prodanović (IFDT): Pierre Bourdieu and Luc Boltanski
Stefan Janković (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade): Pierre Bourdieu and
15:00 Bruno Latour



APSTRAKT: Pjer Burdije određuje državu ABSTRACT: Pierre Bourdieu describes the
kao monopol „legitimnog“ fizičkog i state as the monopoly of “legitimate”
simboličkog nasilja, odnosno kao birokratsko physical and symbolic violence, and also
(administrativno polje) moći. Istovremeno, as the bureaucratic/administrative field of
on definiše državu kao neobičnu topološku power. At the same time, he defines the
figuru koja se istovremeno nalazi unutar state as an extraordinary topological figure
aktera i izvan njih. Država se pojavljuje kao that lies both inside and outside of us. The
polje svih polja sa izvesnom funkcionalnošću state appears as the field of all fields with a
i fikcionalnošću. Naime, tvrdi se da ona certain functionality and fictionality. Namely,
predstavlja univerzalizaciju, koncentraciju, it is claimed that the state universalises/
monopolizaciju fizičkog i simboličkog nasilja, concentrates/ monopolises physical and
ali istovremeno postoji zato što „ljudi veruju symbolic violence, while, at the same time,
u to da ona zaista postoji. Ova misteriozna it is suggested that “this place ... exists
stvarnost postoji kroz svoje efekte“. Posebnu essentially because people believe that it
pažnju ćemo posvetiti napetosti između teze exists. This mysterious reality exists through
da je „država stvar koja ne postoji“, odnosno its effects.” We are going to pay special
iskazima koji sugerišu da je država „centralno attention to the tension between the thesis
mesto“, „konačni resor“ ili ima „poslednju that “the state is a thing that does not
reč“. Postavlja se pitanje da li su Burdijeova exist” (chose qui n’existe pas), and, on the
„materijalistička teorija simboličkog“, other hand, to the statements according
odnosno „prošireni materijalizam“ sposobni to which the state is a “central place” (lieu
da daju adekvatan odgovor na pitanje o genezi central), “last resort” (dernier ressort) or has
države. Naše kritičko pitanje biće sledeće: da the “final word” (dernier mot). One might
li se Burdije uvek služi mišljenjem o državi also ask whether Bourdieu’s “materialist
ili ponekad i on sam nekritički prihvata theory of the symbolic” or his “extended
izvesne predrasude državnog mišljenja? materialism” can give an adequate answer to
Fokusiraćemo se na najproblematičnije tačke: the question about the genesis of the state.
1. društveni podsistemi i status kapitalizma Our critical question is the following: does
(odnos prema marksizmu); 2. pitanje državne Bourdieu always rely on the thought of the
tajne i tajnih službi; 3. problem otpora prema state (pensée de l’État) or does he sometimes
državi. uncritically accept some prejudice about
state thought (pensée d’État)? We will focus
Ključne reči: država, državno mišljenje, on the most problematic issues: 1. the social
kapitalizam, simboličko nasilje, subsystems and the status of capitalism
konstrukcija, kritika (relation towards marxism); 2. the question
of state secret and intelligence services; and
the question of resistance towards the state.

Keywords : state, state thinking, capitalism,

symbolic violence, construction, critique


APSTRAKT: U Burdijevoj teorijskoj ABSTRACT: In Bourdieu’s theoretical

konstrukciji društveni svet je predstavljen framework, the social world is represented
kao višedimenzionalni prostor, izdeljen as a multidimensional space, divided into
na relativno autonomne domene, polja relatively autonomous areas, fields that have
koja imaju sopstvenu logiku i pravila their own logic and rules about how they
funkcionisanja. Ovaj koncept podstakao je function. This concept inspired numerous
niz empirijskih istraživanja različitih oblasti empirical researches of different parts of the
društvenog života i u današnjoj sociologiji social world and in present day sociology it
pobuđuje živo teorijsko interesovanje, te se arouses vigorous theoretical interest, so
nameće potreba da se iznova kritički preispita there is a need to critically rethink Bourdieu’s
Burdijeova teorija polja i da se osvetle field theory and to enlighten the possibilities
mogućnosti i ograničenja njene upotrebe and limitations of its use in contemporary
u savremenom društvenom kontekstu. social context. The first part of the paper is
Prvi deo rada je posvećen prikazu izvorne dedicated to the presentation of the original
konceptualizacije polja u Burdijeovom radu, conceptualisation of the field in Bourdieu’s
teorijskim, epistemološkim i metodološkim work, theoretical, epistemological, and
pretpostavkama na kojima koncept počiva, methodological assumptions on which the
kao i pojmovna aparatura koju povlači concept was built, as well as the conceptual
za sobom. Potom, ispituju se dileme koju apparatus that ensued. Afterwards we discuss
otvara Burdijeova teorija polja, ključne
dilemmas opened by Bourdieu’s field theory,
primedbe koje su upućene na njen račun,
key criticisms of it, and different modifications
te različite modifikacije koje je koncept
of the notion of the field that emerged in
doživeo u postburdijeovskoj sociologiji. U
post-bourdieusian sociology. The paper
fokusu su pitanja konceptualizacije polja
focuses on the questions of conceptualisation
u uslovima uznapredovale globalizacije,
of field theory in the context of advanced
kao i varijabilnosti polja, odnosno razlike
globalisation and variability of fields, i.e.,
koje se javljaju između različitih polja i to u
differences that occur between different
pogledu: 1. stepena relativne autonomije,
fields in terms of 1. the degree of relative
2. intenziteta sukoba među akterima i 3.
autonomy, 2. the intensity of conflicts
karaktera simboličkih podela koje vladaju
between actors, and 3. the nature of the
u određenom polju. U završnom delu
symbolic divisions that prevail in a particular
rada razmatra se upotrebljivost polja u
istraživanjima današnjeg društva Srbije, pri field. The final part of the paper discusses
čemu je akcenat stavljan na heurističku the applicability of the notion of field in the
plodnost upotrebe polja kao konceptualne research of present-day Serbian society, with
varijable, umesto rigidne primene originalne an emphasis on the heuristic fruitfulness of
teorije polja. the field as a conceptual variable, instead of
a rigid application of the original field theory.
Ključne reči: polje, relativna autonomija,
borbe, simboličko razgraničavanje, Keywords: field, relative autonomy,
globalizacija struggles, boundary-work, globalisation


APSTRAKT: Burdijeovi koncepti polja, ABSTRACT: Bourdieu’s concepts of the field,

prakse i habitusa postali su postali ključni practice and habitus have become central in
u različitim oblastima društvenih nauka. many approaches across the social sciences.
Njegove ideje takođe imaju primenu u polju His ideas also feature in what is increasingly
discipline koja se naziva Digitalna sociologija. becoming a sub-discipline of Digital
Kako bismo ukazali na Burdijeov značaj Sociology. To underscore this claim, we shall
u tom kontekstu, ispitujemo mogućnost explore Bourdieu’s theoretical framework in
primene njegovih teorijskih koncepata u the research of Lifelogging practices (LLP).
istraživanju praksi upisivanja života. Te prakse LLP are part of contemporary everyday
se, generalno govoreći, odnose na upotrebu experience on a global scale. Generally, they
mobilnih tehnologija i različitih softvera za refer to the use of mobile and self-tracking
samopraćenje. Prakse upisivanja života se technology and software tools. They are about
takođe tiču (samo)nadzora ljudskih aktivnosti (self)surveillance of human activities and are
i pretvaranja života u digitalno posredovani turning life into a digitally-driven optimisation
projekat optimizacije. Mi istražujemo prakse project. We examine the LLP as the habituated
upisivanja života kao usvojene dispozicije dispositions and lifestyles that cultivate
i životne stilove koji kultivišu one koji su those engaged in these ‘communities of
angažovani u okviru tih „zajednica praksi”. practice’. Ultimately, we use the concept of
Konačno, koristimo koncept habitusa kako the habitus to trace how structure and agency
bismo ispitali na koji su način prisutne are evoked and reconciled via the LLP. We test
strukture i omogućena akcija u okviru praksi the hypotheses that habitus of the digital
upisivanja života. Polazimo od hipoteze da is about: a) co-design and co-production of
je habitus digitalnog važan u objašnjenju: sociality; b) recognition of confluence of
a) procesa stvaranja društvenosti; i b) discourses, technologies and practices in LLP.
međuuticaja diskursa, tehnologija i praksi Furthermore, we explore the relevance of
upisivanja života. Takođe, ispitujemo Bourdieu’s concept of habitus in the context
relevantnost ovog Burdijeovog koncepta of the LLP because we assume it plausible
jer pretpostavljamo njegovu plauzibilnost in the clarification of interactions between
u razmatranju odnosa ljudi i tehnologije, people and technology as well as in the
odnosno u procesu identifikacije različitih mapping of intersection of fields in the sphere
društvenih polja koja se prepliću u području of digital communication technologies.
digitalnih tehnologija i komunikacije.
Keywords : lifelogging, lifestyles, habitus,
Ključne reči: upisivanje života, životni Bourdieu, Digital Sociology
stilovi, habitus, Burdije, Digitalna


APSTRAKT: Jedna od grešaka koja se ABSTRACT: One of the mistakes that

javlja u društvenim naukama jeste da se appear in the social sciences is that theories
teorije kreirane u zemljama, koje pripadaju created in core countries are applied in semi-
jezgru svetskog sistema, primenjuju u polu- peripheral and peripheral countries without
periferijskim i periferijskim društvima bez any adjustments. This often leads to formally
ikakvih prilagođavanja. To često dovodi do correct, but content-wise completely
formalno ispravnih, ali sadržinski potpuno inaccurate results. Having this in mind,
pogrešnih rezultata. Imajući ovo u vidu, inspired by the work of Pierre Bourdieu, my
inspirisani radovima Pjera Burdijea, moje colleagues and I considered as one of our
kolege i ja smatrali smo da je potrebno preparatory tasks to adapt his conception to
prilagoditi njegovu koncepciju drugačijem the context of hybrid post-socialist societies
kontekstu. Pod hibridnim društvima of South-East Europe. By hybrid societies we
podrazumevamo ona u kojima su socijalne understand those in which social inequalities
nejednakosti generisane delovanjem are generated by several intertwined causal
nekoliko isprepletenih uzročnih mehanizama mechanisms of approximately similar
koje akteri koriste u ekonomskom, ali i strength, used by agents in the economic
u drugim društvenim poljima. Dve grupe field, but also in all other fields. Two of them
ovih mehanizama su posebno značajne – are particularly important – the exploitative
izrabljivački tržišni mehanizmi i mehanizmi market mechanisms and social closure
socijalnog zatvaranja bazirani na osnovu: (a) mechanisms based on: (a) political party
članstva u političkim partijama ili socijalnim membership and social networks based
mrežama rođaka, zemljaka ili neformalnih on kinship, common geographic origin,
interesnih grupa; (b) etničke, religijske ili and informal interest groups; (b) ethnicity,
rodne pripadnosti; i (c) obrazovnih kvalifikacija religion and gender; and (c) credentials and
ili članstva u strukovnim udruženjima. Osnova membership in professional associations. The
moći mehanizama socijalnog zatvaranja u fundamental power of mechanisms of social
društvima jugoistočne Evrope ogleda se u closure in SEE societies is that they are the
tome što oni predstavljaju osnovni kanal main channel for gaining access to the labour
preko koga se kontroliše pristup tržištu rada ili market as well as achieving a privileged
ostvaruje privilegovana pozicija u poslovnom position in business development. This paper
okruženju. U prezentaciji ću pokazati kako will demonstrate how these theoretical
smo ova teorijska prilagođavanja moje kolege adjustments were used by my colleagues and
i ja upotrebili u analizi klasne strukture I in the analysis of class structure in Serbian
društva u Srbiji. society.

Ključne reči: klasa, kapitali, hibridna Keywords: class, capitals, hybrid societies,
društva, jugoistočna Evropa, Burdije South-East Europe, Bourdieu


APSTRAKT: U ovom izlaganju raspravlja se ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the

o korisnosti upotrebe Bourdieova shvaćanja usefulness of applying Bourdieu’s notion
pojma društvenog kapitala u proučavanju of social capital in the study of South East
jugoistočnoeuropskih društava. Naime, European societies. Namely, although
premda je Bourdieu prvi teoretizirao Bourdieu (1980) was the first to theorise
društveni kapital u suvremenom smislu riječi, social capital in the contemporary sense
njegova je konceptualizacija bila razmjerno of the word, his conceptualisation has
zanemarena u kasnijim empirijskim been relatively neglected in subsequent
istraživanjima, osobito u postsocijalističkim empirical research, especially in post-
društvima. U izlaganju se najprije razmatraju socialist societies. The paper first reflects
razlozi ovog izostanka, a potom prednosti on the reasons for this absence and then
primjene bourdieuovskog shvaćanja pojma presents the advantages of applying the
društvenog kapitala (u kojem mu se pristupa Bourdieusian notion of social capital (in which
kao individualnom resursu i a ispitanicima kao it is approached as an individual resource and
fokalnim akterima), u odnosu na politološke respondents as focal actors) in relation to
pristupe koji naglašavaju povjerenje, norme the political science approaches emphasising
recipročnosti i mreže civilnodruštvene trust, norms of reciprocity and networks of
participacije. Nakon rasprave o prethodnim civil society participation. After discussing
istraživanjima na temu, slijede primjeri previous research on the topic, examples
zasnovani na primarnim podacima are provided based on primary data from
prikupljenim projektima o strategijama projects on survival strategies of individuals
preživljavanja individua i kućanstava te and households in South East Europe (SNFS
modernizaciji rodnih odnosa u jugoistočnoj SCOPES 152626) and modernisation of
Europi. gender relations (HRZZ-IP-2016-06-6010).

Ključne riječi: Bourdieu, društveni Keywords: Bourdieu, social capital, South

kapital, jugoistočna Europa, strategije East Europe, survival strategies, gender
preživljavanja, rodna modernizacija modernisation


APSTRAKT: Pojam simboličkog zauzima ABSTRACT: The notion of the symbolic

jednu sasvim singularnu poziciju u occupies an entirely singular position in the
konceptualnom aparatu sociolologije Pjera conceptual apparatus of Pierre Bourdieu’s
Burdijea. Simbolički kapital, simbolička moć, sociology. Symbolic capital, symbolic power,
simbolička dominacija, simboličko nasilje, symbolic domination, symbolic violence,
simbolički instrumenti i simbolički sistemi, symbolic instruments and symbolic systems,
samo su neki od koncepata koji su izgrađeni are just some of the few concepts constructed
na okosnici simboličkog. Međutim, u on the symbolic axis. Despite of that, in the
tekstovima sociologa najčešće zatičemo ovaj text of the sociologist we encounter this
pojam u pridevskoj formi, te se čini da njegova notion mostly in its adjective form, while its
koncizna i nedvoznačna definicija izostaju. unambiguous, concise definition seems to be
Šta je simboličko za Burdijea ? Na kojim lacking. What is the symbolic for Bourdieu? In
razinama društvenog polja ono obitava ? Kako which domains of the social field it is to be
interpretirati ontološke odlike simboličkog u found? How might one interpret the ontologic
njegovim različitim teoretskim primenama ? features of the symbolic, having given its
Šta je simbol, a šta simbolički poredak ? Da different theoretical uses? What is a symbol,
bismo odgovorili na ova pitanja, preispitaćemo and what is a symbolic order? In view of
burdijeovsku kritiku, na prvom mestu jezika i answering these questions, we will examine
komunikacije, a potom i politike i političkog – the bourdiesian critique of language and
sve ih smeštajući u njihov istorijski kontekst i communication in the first place, but also that
oprobavajući njihovu aktuelnost. Naposletku, of politics and the political – simultaneously
ispitaćemo fenomene verovanja, kredita i situating them in their historical contexts
poverenja, koji su neretko zapostavljeni, a and probing their actuality. Finally, we will
koje Burdije smatra temljenim preduslovima consider the phenomenona of belief, credit
postojanja simboličkog poretka. Na taj način, and trust, which are often left aside, but
jedno drugačije svetlo biće bačeno i na celu represent nonetheless, for Bourdieu, the very
mrežu koncepta koju Burdije plete oko pojma condition of existence of the symbolic order.
simboličkog. In consequence, a different light will be shed
on a whole web of concepts which Bourdieu
Ključne reči: simboličko, političko, jezik, organised around the notion of the symbolic.
moć, nasilje, poverenje
Keywords: symbolic, political, language,
power, violence, trust


APSTRAKT: Pjer Burdije razvija svoj sociološki ABSTRACT: Pierre Bourdieu develops
pristup u velikoj meri kao alternativu tada his sociological approach mostly as an
hegemonoj altiserovskoj paradigmi u filozofji alternative to the then hegemonic paradigm
i društvenim naukama. Naš rad ima za cilj in philosophy and humanities developed by
da predstavi i kontekstualizuje Burdijeovu Louis Althusser. Our paper aims to represent
teoriju kao onu koja je, uprkos svim razlikama and contextualise Bourdieu’s theory as
i netrpeljivostima, sasvim komplementarna the one that is, despite the differences and
sa Marksovim radom, kako šire gledano, tako antagonisms, completely in line with Marx’s
specifično po pitanju individualnosti jedinke own work; in a broader context as well as
kao osnove sociološkog promišljanja društva. specifically on the topic of the individual as
Naime, Marksov rad se javlja kao sa jedne the basis of sociological inquiry. Marx’s work
strane kritika, a sa druge proširenje premise comes as both a criticism and expansion
koje su postavljene u prosvetiteljstvu. of the premise postulated in the era of
Marks posmatra klase i sukob klasa kao Enlightenment. Marx sees the clash of
dominantnu pokretačku silu društva i nivo classes as the main level of abstraction in
uopštavanja na kome se društvo sagledava. S conceptualising society. On the other hand,
druge strane, kod Burdijea tu ulogu zauzima in Bourdieu’s work this place is occupied
borba između dominantnih i dominiranih by the clash between the dominators and
u različitim društvenim poljima. Klasično the dominated within different societal
liberalna i prosvetiteljska misao postulira fields. Typically liberal thought, as well
da je individua nivo uopštavanja na kome je as ones belonging to the enlightenment,
potrebno razmatrati društvo ; Marks da je to postulate that the main level of abstraction
klasa ; Burdije da je to društveno polje. Rad će in conceptualising society is the individual
stoga analizirati Burdjeovo shvatanje društva human being; Marx states that it is the notion
i društvenog prostora, moći, individualnih of societal class; Bourdieu that it is the notion
i društvenih odnosa dominacije, baze i of the societal field. Our paper shall therefore
nadgradnje, pokretačkih principa društvenog seek to analyse Bourdieu’s understanding of
delanja i drugih fundamentalnih koncepata society and of societal space, power, individual
njegove teorije, sa ciljem da ukaže na vezu and societal relations of domination, basis and
između ova dva istraživača, te jasan uticaj superstructure, moving principles of societal
Marksove filozofije istorije i društva na actions and other fundamental concepts of
Burdjeovu sociološku misao. his theory, with the goal of casting a light on
the connection between these two thinkers,
Ključne reči: Burdije, Marks, and substantiating the position that Marx’s
prosvetiteljstvo, klase, društveni prostor, influence on Bourdieu’s sociological thought
filozofija istorije is present and clearly visible.

Keywords: Bourdieu, Marx, enlightenment,

classes, societal space, philosophy of


APSTRAKT: Rad ispituje jednu relativno ABSTRACT: This paper explores one relatively
zanemarenu rezonancu unutar društvene neglected resonance within social theory –
teorije – onu između strukturalizma prakse that between Pierre Bourdieu’s structuralism
Pjera Burdijea i prve generacije Frankfurtske of practice and the first-generation
škole, tačnije njene „pozne“ faze koju Frankfurt School, more specifically its
najbolje reprezentuju kasnija dela Teodora “later” stages exemplified by Adorno’s later
Adorna - sa ciljem da se utvrde relativne works – with the aim of determining the
prednosti obe perspektive za dijagnozu specific advantages of both perspectives
društvene dominacije. Na prvi pogled, for diagnosing social domination. At a
teško da postoji ikakva rezonanca između first glance, not much resonance is to be
Burdijea i poznog Adorna, jer su, iz Burdijeove found between Bourdieu and late Adorno
perspektive, kritički teoretičari prve because, from Bourdieu’s perspective, first-
generacije bili krivi za ono što bi on nazvao generation critical theorists were guilty of
tehnikom apstraktne „teorijske totalizacije“ what he would call the technique of abstract
(jaka forma „objektivizma“). Ne samo da “theoretical totalisation” (a strong form of
kritički teoretičari nasleđuju marksistički “objectivism”): not only do critical theorists
društveni determinizam „objektivnih inherit the Marxist societal determinism
struktura“ (kapitalistički proizvodni odnosi), of “objective structures” (the capitalist
oni ga i elaboriraju pomoću koncepcije relations of production), they elaborate it
društvenog „totaliteta“ - u poznoj along the lines of societal “totality” – in late
modernosti kapitalistička forma proizvodnje modernity, the capitalist mode of production
supsumira čitavu društvenu stvarnost kroz subsumes the entire social reality through the
apsolutizaciju „principa razmene“. Čak i absolutisation of the “exchange principle”.
ako kritički teoretičari svojim analizama Even if they go beyond the Marxist notion
simboličke dominacije u poznom kapitalizmu of “superstructure” in their analyses of
prevazilaze marksistički pojam „nadgradnje“, symbolic domination in late capitalism, from
iz burdijeovske perspektive kritička teorija a Bourdieusian perspective Critical theorists
je i dalje ograničena u svojoj dijagnozi are still constrained in their diagnosis by
dominacije usled oslanjanja na koncepciju the notion of “false consciousness”. The
„lažne svesti“. U radu se poduzima koncizna paper attempts a concise comparative
uporedna analiza konceptualizacije društvene analysis of Bourdieu’s conceptualisation of
dominacije u radu Burdijea i (autorove social domination and that of (the author’s
interpretacije) Adorna, kako bi se osvetlila interpretation of) Adorno, in order to shed
njihova kompatibilnost u pogledu dijagnoze some light on their compatibility with respect
najsloženijih oblika dominacije danas. to diagnosing the most complex forms of
domination today.
Ključne reči: Burdije, Frankfurtska škola,
Adorno, dominacija, praksa, totalitet, Keywords: Bourdieu, Frankfurt School,
kapitalizam, razmena Adorno, domination, practice, totality,
capitalism, exchange


APSTRAKT: U radu ćemo ocrtati Burdijeov ABSTRACT: In this paper, we will outline
odnos prema prominentnim predstavnicima Bourdieu’s relationship to prominent
funkcionalističke misli u sociologiji. Moglo representatives of functionalist thought
bi se reći da je Burdije relativno retko in sociology. It could be said that Bourdieu
referisao na pomenutu grupu autora u relatively rarely referred to this group
njegovom opusu. Značaj funkcionalizma za of authors in his opus. The significance
Burdijea ipak proizilazi iz činjenice da je ova of functionalism for Bourdieu, however,
paradigma bila snažno prisutna u naučnom stems from the fact that this paradigm
i intelektualnom polju Zapada tokom druge was strongly present in the scientific and
polovine dvadesetog veka. On nikada nije intellectual field of the West during the
ekstenzivno predstavio svoj odnos prema second half of the twentieth century. He
misli savremenika ovog teorijskog usmerenja. never extensively pictured his attitude
Ipak, moglo bi se reći da je svojim teorijskim towards the thoughts of contemporaries
i metodološkim rešenjima konstantno of this theoretical orientation. However, it
izazivao funkcionalizam. Burdijeova teorija could be said that with his theoretical and
se sa razlogom mogla posmatrati kao takmac methodological solutions, he constantly
funkcionalističkom pristupu u sociologiji. challenged functionalism. Bourdieu’s theory
Međutim, ne smemo zaboraviti zajedničke could rightly be seen as a competitor to the
„korene“ koje je delio sa funkcionalizmom. functionalist approach in sociology. However,
we must not forget the common “roots” he
Ključne reči: Burdije, funkcionalizam, shared with functionalism.
sociološke teorije, naučno polje
Keywords: Bourdieu, Functionalism,
Sociological Theories, Scientific Field


APSTRAKT: U radu se porede teorijske ABSTRACT: The paper explores the

pozicije dva savremenika francuske sociological perspectives of the two famous
sociologije, Burdijea i Budona. Odnos dva French sociologists, Bourdieu and Boudon,
autora posmatra se kroz četiri aspekta. Na by looking at their legacies in contemporary
institucionalnom nivou, može se pratiti sociology. At the institutional level, these
njihovo mesto u jednoj fazi razvoja sociologije two scholars are both recognised in
(od sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka) sociology, but their positions in the French
i pozicioniranje u francuskoj sociološkoj sociological and academic community had
zajednici. Na teorijskom nivou, oni su followed different paths. At the theoretical
predstavnici dve različite paradigme koje level, these sociologists are representatives
slede dve sociološke tradicije. Burdije sledi of two different paradigms following from
elemente tzv. genetskog strukturalizma i two distinct sociological traditions. Bourdieu
marksizma, a Budon pripada kognitivističkim has developed a model based on genetic
pozicijama metodološkog individualizma. structuralism and Marxism. Boudon has
Razmotrićemo ključne tačke divergencije followed the principles of methodological
kod dva sociologa i recepciju njihovog dela individualism and cognitivism. They diverge
u savremenoj sociologiji. Na empirijskoj in many aspects, but we will try to identify
ravni, ključna je rasprava ova dva sociologa some converging points in these two
zasnovana na istraživanju nejednakosti u sociological positions. The discussion also
obrazovnom i klasnom okviru koje su obojica focuses on the research studies of the same
sproveli u periodu kada je to pitanje postalo research subject – education inequalities and
veoma aktuelno (šezdesetih i sedamdesetih social class – conducted by both Bourdieu
godina 20. veka). Na političkoj ravni, moguće and Boudon from two different perspectives.
je pratiti razlike između Burdijea i Budona These two empirical studies addressed one
prema političkoj orijentaciji i aktivizmu. of the main issues in sociology and public
Ovde se kontrastira levičar Burdije nasuprot policy during the 1960s and 1970s. Finally,
liberalu Budonu. Posebna pažnja je posvećena we compare Bourdieu and Boudon at the
povezanosti političke i epistemološke political level, focusing on their opposed
orijentacije kao specifičnost sociologije. U political views, ideologies and activism
završnom delu ispitujemo moguće elemente outside the academia. The leftist Bourdieu
konvergencije u ove dve bazično veoma was on the opposite side of the political
različite pozicije, a uporedno se analizira spectrum from Boudon, a moderate liberal.
nasleđe koje su ostavili sociološkoj misli. In the final part of the paper, we discuss the
complex relations between the political and
Ključne reči: Burdije, Budon, genetski epistemological preferences of these two
strukturalizam, marksizam, metodološki modern classics.
individualizam, kognitivizam
Keywords: Bourdieu, Boudon, genetic
structuralism, Marxism, methodological
individualism, cognitivism


APSTRAKT: Rad se bavi upoređivanjem ABSTRACT: The paper compares Pierre

sociološkog pristupa Pjera Burdijea sa teorijom Bourdieu’s sociological approach with
koju su razvili Piter Berger i Tomas Lukman. the theory developed by Peter Berger and
Uočavaju se sličnosti u, između ostalog, Thomas Luckmann. One of the similarities,
nameri „dijalektičkog“ prevazilaženja/ amongst others, is the intention to
premošćivanja jaza između „objektivizma“ “dialectically” overcome/bridge the gap
i „subjektivizma“ u društvenoj teoriji, between “objectivism” and “subjectivism”
negativnom stavu prema relativističkim in social theory, a negative attitude
tendencijama postmodernizma itd. towards the relativistic tendencies of
Konstatuje se i paralela u autsajderskom postmodernism and thematisation of the
položaju ovih teoretičara: Burdijea kao body as a locus of social influences. There
„provincijalca“ skromnog socijalnog porekla is also a parallel in the outsider position of
u Parizu, a Bergera i Lukmana kao evropskih these theorists: Bourdieu as a “provincial”
emigranata (stranaca) u Americi. Razlike u of modest social origin in Paris, and Berger
načinu teoretisanja se pripisuju različitim and Luckmann as European immigrants/
intelektualnim, teorijskim i socio-kulturnim foreigners in America. Differences in the way
kontekstima u kojima su ovi naučnici delovali. of theorising are attributed to the different
U Burdijeovom slučaju, njegov otpor prema intellectual, theoretical and socio-cultural
dominaciji filozofije u odnosu na empirijske contexts in which these scientists operated.
nauke u Francuskoj, ekonomizmu marksističke In Bourdieu’s case, his resistance to: the
teorije i Sartrovom egzistencijalizmu, dominance of philosophy over the empirical
a s druge strane: njegovo prihvatanje sciences in France, the economism of Marxist
epistemologije Bašlara, te nekih temeljnih theory and Sartre’s existentialism, and his
postavki Veberove sociologije. Berger i acceptance of: Bachelard’s epistemology, and
Lukman formulišu teoriju u vreme dominacije some fundamental assumptions of Weber’s
funkcionalizma u Americi i pridružuju se grupi sociology. Berger and Luckmann formulate
ozbiljnih kritičara tog pristupa. Razilaženja their theory at a time when functionalism
ovih teorijskih pristupa postaju evidentna was dominant in America and they joined a
kada se preispita različit značaj i značenje koji group of serious critics of that approach. The
se pridaje konceptima: moći, individuacije, divergences of these theoretical approaches
strukture, delanja, habitusa i habitualiziranja, become evident when the different meaning
struktura relevancije i doksičnog znanja. and significance attached to the concepts
of: power, individuation, structure, action,
Ključne reči: Burdije, Berger i Lukman, habitus and habitualization, structure
konvergencija i divergencija teorija. of relevance and doxical knowledge are

Keywords: Bourdieu, Berger & Luckmann,

convergence and divergence of theories



APSTRAKT: U ovom radu nastojaćemo da ABSTRACT: In this paper, we will try to

prikažemo ključne karakteristike Burdijeovog present the key characteristics of Bourdieu’s
sociološkog metoda. Premda je svojim sociological method. Although with his
teorijskim opusom i pokušajem integracije theoretical opus and attempt to integrate the
suprotstavljenih teorijskih tradicija Burdije u opposing theoretical traditions in sociology
sociologiji ostavio neizbrisiv trag, za samog Bourdieu left an indelible mark, for Bourdieu
Burdijea je empirijski rad esencijalno važan i himself, the empirical work is essential
nezamenljiv. Verujući da postoje stvarni ljudi and irreplaceable. Believing that there are
i njihove prakse, Burdije je smatrao da se real people and their practices, Bourdieu
društvena realnost može i treba saznavati, considered that social reality can and should
postavljajući teoriju kao sekundarnu u odnosu be known, setting the theory as secondary
na ovaj cilj. Burdijeov metodološki pristup to this goal. Bourdieu’s methodological
neodvojiv je od njemu svojstvenog poimanja approach is inseparable from his immanent
sociologije i društvenih istraživanja. Budući understanding of sociology and social
da „čisto“ naučno znanje prema Burdijeu research. Since “pure” scientific knowledge
ne postoji, on društvenonaučno znanje does not exist according to Bourdieu, he
posmatra kao uslovno i uslovljeno, smešteno views the knowledge of social science as
u konkretne društvene i kulturne okolnosti. conditional and conditioned, placed in
Otuda i sociologija status objektivne nauke specific social and cultural circumstances.
u punom smislu može dobiti jedino ukoliko Therefore, sociology can obtain the status of
primjenjuje refleksivnost, pa se u refleksivnoj an objective science in the full sense, only if it
sociologiji metodom „objektivacije applies reflexivity; thus in reflexive sociology,
subjekta objektivacije“ od istraživača the method of “objectification of the
zahteva da preispita i sebe samog, kao i objectifying subject” requires the researcher
društvenokulturne uslove u kojima se nalazi. to re-examine herself, as well as the socio-
Naposletku, svoj refleksivni pristup Burdije cultural conditions in which she is located.
naziva “konstruktivističkim strukturalizmom” Finally, Bourdieu describes his reflexive
– u želji da kombinuje razumevanje načina na approach as a “constructivist structuralism”
koji objektivne društvene strukture oblikuju – seeking to combine an understanding
ljudsko ponašanje, uz ostavljanje prostora of how objective social structures pattern
za uvid da ljudi mogu, i da de facto delaju human conduct while leaving space for the
subjektivno – zamišljajući ujedno upotrebu insight that people can, and de facto act
kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda subjectively – conceiving in the same time the
nerazdvojnim neophodnim činiocima use of quantitative and qualitative methods
istraživačkog procesa. as inseparable and necessary factors of the
research process.
Ključne reči: sociološki metod, Burdije,
refleksivnost, refleksivna sociologija, Keywords: sociological method,
konstruktivistički strukturalizam Bourdieu, reflexivity, reflexive sociology,
constructivist structuralism






APSTRAKT: Kao statistički metod, ABSTRACT: As a statistical method,

geometrijska analiza podataka (GAP) Geometric Data Analysis (GDA) originated in
osmišljena je u Francuskoj 1960-ih godina France during the 1960s and was developed by
i razvijena od strane statističara Žana-Pola statistician Jean-Paul Benzécri. The key idea
Benzekrija. Njegova ključna ideja bila je of Jean-Paul Benzecri is that the model must
da statistički model mora biti prilagođen follow the data and not the opposite. GDA
podacima, a ne obrnuto. Do veće upotrebe largely found its way into the social sciences
GAP u društvenim naukama dolazi zahvaljujući through Pierre Bourdieu and sociologists
Pjeru Burdijeu i sociolozima koji su koristili working with his conceptual tools. It gained
njegova konceptualna oruđa. Šira javnost fame with “Distinction” (1979), one of the
je upoznala metod s izlaskom iz štampe most influential books in sociology globally,
„Distinkcije“ (1979), jedne od najuticajnijih yet remains largely ignored outside of France
socioloških knjiga globalno. Međutim GAP i despite its uses in the sociology of culture
dalje ostaje relativno ignorisan metod izvan applying the analyses in “Distinction” to
Francuske uprkos tome što su ga u okvoru other national contexts. We will present
sociologije kulture različitih nacionalnih the main aspects of the method, its history
konteksta koristili autori koji su aplicirali and it advantages for the social sciences as
metodološki okvir korišćen u „Distinkciji“. compared to other statistical options such as
U radu ćemo predstaviti glavne aspekte the more widely used regression analysis.
metoda, njegovu istoriju i prednosti koje
donosi društvenim naukama u poređenju sa Keywords: Geometric Analysis, Jean-Paul
drugim statističkim opcijama – koja se inače Benzécri, history, main aspects, regression
češće koristi u društvenim naukama – kao što analysis
je regresiona analiza.

Ključne reči: geometrijska analiza,

Žan-Pol Benzekri, Distinkcija, istorija,
glavni aspekti, regresiona analiza



APSTRAKT: Zadatak koji se postavlja u ovom ABSTRACT: The task that is being set
radu leži u intenciji da se u identifikaciji i analizi in this paper lies in the intention to see
metodologije korištene u knjizi „Državno broader coordinates of Pierre Bourdieu’s
plemstvo“ Pierrea Bourdieua vidi doprinos epistemological position while identifying
širih koordinata autorove epistemološke and analysing the methodology used in
pozicije. Nastoji se uočiti veza između metoda „The State Nobility”. It is an attempt to
korištenih u knjizi sa osnovnim teorijskim notice the relation between the methods
tezaurusom Pierrea Bourdieua i načinom na used in the book with Pierre Bourdieu’s
koji oni između sebe komuniciraju. Smatram basic theoretical thesaurus and the way
kako nije moguće razumjeti sam metodološki they communicate with each other. I find it
pristup bez njegovog kontekstualiziranja u šire impossible to understand the methodological
epistemološke okvire Bourdieuove kritičke approach alone without contextualising it in
sociologije kao teorijske prakse. Stoga, analiza the broader epistemological framework of
koja se želi dati nastoji „Državno plemstvo“ Bourdieu’s critical sociology as a theoretical
posmatrati sa dvojakog aspekta – ne samo practice. Therefore, this analysis seeks to
kao primjer materijalizacije pristupa teorijske view „The State Nobility” from a twofold
prakse unutar tačno određene autorove perspective – not only as an example of the
knjige, već i kao odgovora pozitivističkom materialisation of the author’s theory of
pristupu u društvenim naukama i humanistici. practice approach within a given book, but
Knjiga daje metodološka polazišta za also as a response to the positivist approach
razumijevanje autorovih teorijskih postavki, te in social sciences and the humanities.
se nameće kao svojevrsni metodološki urnek Despite its content limitations whereas time
za istraživanja sličnih fenomena i sa sličnih and space, the book provides methodological
pozicija. S obzirom na značaj obrazovanja u starting points for understanding the author’s
reproduciranju dominirajućih odnosa moći, theoretical postulates imposing itself as
kao instrumenata simboličke dominacije, ona a kind of methodological urn for research
podjednako sa sadržinske i njoj odgovarajuće of similar phenomena and from similar
epistemološke i metodološke strane može positions. Given the importance of education
ostvariti doprinos sociologiji znanja kao i in reproducing dominant power relations,
pristupu novim obrazovnim konceptima s onu as instruments of symbolic domination, it
stranu institucionaliziranog znanja odozgo ka can make a contribution to the sociology of
dole. knowledge both content based as well as
by its epistemological and methodological
Ključne reči: Bourdieu, plemstvo, aspects in approaching new educational
epistemologija, kritička sociologija concepts beyond institutionalised knowledge
from top to bottom.

Keywords: Pierre Bourdieu, nobility,

epistemology, methodology, critical


APSTRAKT: U ovom radu pokušaćemo da ABSTRACT: In this paper we will attempt to

ponudimo svojevrsnu sinergiju Burdijeovog provide a synergy of the Bourdesian concept
koncepta distinkcije (la distinction) i ideje of distinction (la distinction) and Kimberlé
intersekcionalnosti Kimberli Krenšo, Crenshaw’s idea of (situated) intersectionality
zasnovanoj na transverzalnoj epistemologiiji. based on transversal epistemology. According
Uz pomoć ovog pristupa videćemo da su to this approach both distinction and situated
i distinkcija i situirana intersekcionalnost intersectionality are based on the same
zasnovane na istim epsitemološkim epistemological premises about social power
premisama o društvenoj moći i and inequalities. Such premises stipulate
nejednakostima. Ovakve premise smatraju da that inequalities are created through the
se nejednakosti stvaraju kroz diferencijaciju differentiation of social agents in their access
društvenih agenata u njihovoj dostupnosti to social power. Differentiating lines that
društvenoj moći. Linije demarkacije od kojih determine this access could be regarded
zavisi ova dostupnost možemo posmatrati as various sorts of identities and practices
kao skup različitih vrsta identiteta i praksi which create a nexus with a cumulative effect
koje stvaraju neksus kumulativnog efekta upon social agents. We will demonstrate the
na društvene agente. Pokazaćemo da oba idea that both concepts share an underlying
koncepta dele zajedničku transverzalnu transversal epistemology by discussing the
epistemologiju kroz diskusiju o mogućnostima possibility of using multiple correspondence
korišćenja analize višestrukih podudaranja analysis within the framework of intersectional
u okvirima intersekcione analize. Ova analysis. Such a discussion would encompass
diskusija će obuhvatiti epistemološke razloge the epistemological rationale of Bourdieu’s
korišćenja analize višestrukih podudaranja use of multiple correspondence analysis
kod Burdijea i isticanje njenih epistemoloških and positing both of its epistemological
i metodoloških prednosti u intersekcionim and methodological advantages in studying
proučavanju društvenih nejednakosti. intersectionality of social inequalities. Finally,
Najzad, značaj ovog epistemološkog i the significance of this epistemological and
metodološkog premošćivanja jeste u methodological bridging is in deepening the
produbljivanju razumevanja kumulativnog understanding of the cumulative effect and
efekta i međusobne povezanosti društvenih interconnectedness of inequalities and their
nejednakosti, kao i njihovom međusobno mutually supportive functioning.
podržavajućem funkcionisanju.
Keywords: Pierre Bourdieu, Kimberlé
Ključne reči: Pjer Burdije, Kimberli Krenšo, Crenshaw, epistemology, intersectionality,
epistemologija, intersekcionalnost, analiza multiple correspondence analysis
višestrukih podudaranja


APSTRAKT: U radu nastojimo da uporedimo ABSTRACT: This article sets out to compare
pristupe Pjera Burdijea i Mišela Fukoa u odnosu the approaches of Pierre Bourdieu and
na neoliberalizam i sisteme moći uopšte. Iako Michel Foucault to neoliberalism, and
se obojica bave genezom društvenih sistema, systems of power in general. While both are
moći diskursa i diskursa moći, oni se takođe concerned with the genesis of social systems,
u bitnim elementima i razilaze, metodološki the power of discourses and discourses of
i epistemološki: Fukoa zanima rušenje power, they diverge in important ways both
strukturalističkih i istorističkih šema mišljenja, methodologically and epistemologically:
koje pretpostavljaju barem određeni stupanj Foucault is interested in breaking down
kontinuiteta u istorijskom procesu. On nastoji structuralist and historicist schemes of
da otkrije posebnosti određenih dispozitiva thought, which assume at least some degree
moći znanja. S druge strane, Burdije razvija of continuity in historical process. He aims
genetski pristup koji je duboko istorijski i to bring out the singularities of particular
čiji je cilj utvrdjivanje zakonitosti (procesi dispositifs of knowledge-power. Bourdieu on
proizvodnje i reprodukcije moći, simbolički the other hand develops a genetic approach
i materijalni). Na epistemološkom nivou, that is deeply historical and that aims to draw
Fuko ima za cilj dekonstrukciju objektivnosti out the regularities (processes of production
bilo kog naučnog poduhvata i potkopavanje and reproduction of power, symbolic and
pretpostavki o stabilnosti znanja, dok material). At epistemological level, the first
Burdije razrađuje naučni metod kojim gradi aims to deconstruct the objectivity of any
racionalističko razumevanje refleksivnosti. scientific pursuit and undermine assumptions
Umesto da njihove teoretizacije vidimo about the stability of knowledge, the second
kao međusobno suprotstavljene, bilo na to elaborate scientific methods that build on a
teorijskom ili političkom nivou, u ovom radu rationalist understanding of reflexivity. Rather
želimo uporediti dva autora i uvesti ih u than take their theorisations to be mutually
polemički dijalog. U zaključku predlažemo antithetical, whether at a theoretical or a
niz preseka i puteva prema potencijalnim political level, this article aims to compare
artikulacijama između dva pristupa. and contrast the two authors and bring them
into a polemical dialogue. The conclusion
Ključne reči: Burdije, Fuko, neoliberalizam, proposes a number of intersections and paths
moć, znanje, struktura towards potential articulations between the
two approaches.

Keywords : Bourdieu, Foucault,

neoliberalism, power, knowledge, structure


APSTRAKT: Tema ovog izlaganja su sličnosti ABSTRACT: The topic of this presentation
i razlike između Burdijeovog i Altiserovog is the similarities and differences between
teorijskog rada. Odnos Burdijeovih i Bourdieu’s and Althusser’s theoretical
Altiserovih teorijskih stanovišta obeležava niz ideas. The relationship between Bourdieu’s
slaganja koja prestaju na određenim tačkama, and Althusser’s theoretical standpoints are
upravo će te tačke predstavljati osnovu našeg marked by a series of agreements that stop
izlaganja. Izlaganje će biti podeljeno na tri at certain points, these points will be the
dela, u svakom delu ćemo sistematski izložiti basis of our presentation. The presentation
stanovišta oba autora, a potom ukazati na will be divided into three sections, in each
njihove sličnosti i razlike. Prvi deo odnosiće section we will systematically present each
se na Burdijeova i Altiserova epistemološka author’s viewpoint and then point to their
polazišta i uticaj filozofije Gastona Bašlara na similarities and differences. The first section
njihov teorijski razvoj. Drugi deo odnosiće se will deal with Bourdieu’s and Althusser’s
na koncept prakse koji čini teorijsku osnovu epistemological starting points and the
rada oba autora kao i na njihova razmatranja influence Gaston Bachelard had on their
subjekta i njegovog odnosa sa praksom. U theoretical development. The second section
trećem delu pozabavićemo se sličnostima i will deal with the concept of practice as a
razlikama u njihovim idejama o mogućnosti theoretical basis for both of their works as well
postizanja objektivnosti u naučnom radu as with their considerations of the subject and
kao i van-naučnim ulogama naučnog rada his relation to practice. In the third section of
tj. idejom „angažovane teorije“. Cilj našeg the presentation we will deal with similarities
izlaganja je da pokažemo kako razlike između and differences between Bourdieu’s and
Burdijeovih i Altiserovih ideja potiču od Althusser’s ideas on the possibilities of
razlika u osnovnim pretpostavkama o prirodi achieving objectivity in scientific work and on
ljudske prakse koje se nalaze u srži njhovih the non-scientific purposes of science i.e. on
teorijskih ideja. the idea of “engaged theory”. The aim of our
presentation is to show how the differences
Ključne reči: Altiser, Bašlar, epistemologija, between Bourdieu’s and Althusser’s
praksa, subjekt, objektivnost, državni ideas stem from differences in the basic
ideološki aparati presuppositions about the nature of human
practice that can be found in the core of their
theoretical ideas.

Keywords: Althusser, Bachelard,

epistemology, practice, subject,
objectivity, state ideological apparatuses


APSTRAKT: Pjer Burdje i Erik Olin Rajt su, ABSTRACT: Pierre Bourdieu and Eric Olin
samostalno, izgradili pristupe klasnoj analizi. Wright, independently, built approaches to
Obojica sociologa su veliki značaj dali na class analysis. Both sociologists paid great
teorijsku razradu svojih pristupa, ali su želeli importance to the theoretical elaboration
i da njihovi teorijski koncepti budu primenjivi of their approaches, but they also wanted
na empirijska proučavanja klasa i njihovih their theoretical concepts to be applicable
odnosa. Rajt svoju teoriju klasa razvija unutar to empirical studies of classes and their
šireg teorijskog okvira analitičkog marksizma. relations. Wright developed his class theory
Kako bi razvio složenu klasnu šemu, ali i within the broader theoretical framework of
proučio kapacitete tih klasa za kolektivno analytical Marxism. As the main concepts for
klasno delovanje, kao glavne koncepte za the study of classes, he uses exploitation and
proučavanje klasa on koristi eksploataciju i domination, in order to develop a complex
dominaciju. Burdje svoju klasnu šemu razvija class scheme, but also to study the capacities
unutar sopstvenog makro teorijskog pristupa of those classes for collective class action.
koji se, ponekad, naziva teorija habitusa i Bourdieu develops his class scheme within his
polja. On ne razvija detaljnu klasnu šemu već own macro-theoretical approach, sometimes
proučava klasne odnose preko ekonomskog called habitus and field theory. He does not
i kulturnog kapitala, kao i potencijala za develop a detailed class scheme but studies
klasnu mobilnost pojedinaca. U ovom radu class relations through economic and cultural
predstavlja se novi tip klasne analize koji capital, as well as the potential for class
spaja najbolje aspekte Burdjeovog i Rajtovog mobility of individuals. This paper presents
pristupa klasnoj analizi. a new type of class analysis that combines
the best aspects of Bourdieu and Wright’s
Ključne reči: klasa, eksploatacija, approach to class analysis.
dominacija, kapital, kultura
Keywords: class, exploitation, domination,
capital, culture


APSTRAKT: Burdijeova sociologija se često ABSTRACT: Bourdieu’s sociology is quite

optužuje za determinizam. Skeptici obično often accused of determinism. The sceptics
prigovaraju da većina ključnih pojmova usually object that most of the key notions of
njegove sociologije negira refleksivnost his sociology ultimately negate the reflexivity
u okviru svakodnevne prakse i tako lišava within the everyday practice, and thus rob the
obične aktere njihove moći delanja. Verovatno ordinary actors of their agency. Perhaps one
jedna od najsofisticiranijih (i ambivalentnih) of the most sophisticated (and ambivalent)
varijacija ove kritike Burdijeovih ideja je potekla variation of this critique of Bourdieu’s
od Lika Boltanskog koji, posebno u svojoj ideas has come from Luc Boltanski who,
knjizi “O kritici“, tvrdi da je njegovo shvatanje especially in his book On Critique, argues
pragmatičkog oblika kritike komplementaran that his account of the pragmatic form of
sa Burdijeovom konceptualizacijom odnosa critique is complemental to Bourdieu’s
između socijalne strukture i prakse. U ovom conceptualisation of the relation between
radu koristićemo teoriju kompleksnosti kako social structure and practice. In this paper
bismo pokazali da je većina ovih optužbi za I will use complexity theory in order to
determinizam veoma problematična. Takođe show that most of these accusations of
ćemo tvrditi da nam je – iako je Boltanskijeva determinism are quite problematic. I will also
sociologija svakako heuristički plodna – claim that, although Boltanski’s sociology
ipak potrebna mnogo temeljnija sinteza is heuristically fruitful, we still need a
pragmatične refleksivnosti i socioloških uvida more fundamental synthesis of pragmatic
koji se tiču društvene strukture. reflexivity and sociological insights into social
Ključne reči: praksa, društvena promena,
refleksivnost, teorija kompleksnosti Keywords: practice, social change,
reflexivity, complexity theory


APSTRAKT: Susret između Pjera Burdijea ABSTRACT: An encounter between Pierre

i Bruna Latura deluje kao tegoban pokušaj Bourdieu and Bruno Latour presents itself as a
da se uklope inače nespojive slagalice. Dok burdensome attempt to match incompatible
je razvoj Laturove teorije delom obeležen puzzles. While the development of Latour’s
animozitetom spram Burdijea kroz dobro znani theory is partially marked by an animosity
otklon od “kritičke sociologije”, pozadina towards Bourdieu through a well-known
deflection from the “critical sociology”,
ovog spora se čini nedovoljno izraženom.
the background of this dispute still seems
Komparativni pogled na rad dvojice autora koji
somewhat understated. Comparative
se nudi u ovom radu, locira izvor ovog spora
overview of the work of the two offered in this
u razmimoilaženju u pristupima razvijanim paper, locates the source of this dispute in
upravo kroz izučavanje nauke, a koji takođe diverging approaches developed by studying
iskazuju dublje ontološke razlike. Uprkos the science that eventually shed the light on
socio-istorijskim ograničenjima, Burdije vidi more profound ontological differences. In
nauku kao vrhunski vid pristupa svetu koji spite of socio-historic limitations, Bourdieu
ujedno može razgraditi suptilno umetnutu sees science as a supreme mean for accessing
dominaciju i moć ukoliko je ova držana na the world, which simultaneously might
bezbednoj distanci od politike i ekonomije. decompose subtly inserted domination and
Latur je pristupajući nauci kao mundanoj power if it is held on a safe distance from
delatnosti istu video kao heterogenu politics and economy. By accessing science
asocijaciju sa politikom i religijom, koja as a mundane activity, Latour has seen it as
a heterogeneous association with politics
utoliko rasčlanjuje objektivnost, ali kao
and religion, which breaks down objectivity,
složenu i materijalizovanu ko-konstituciju
but also as a complex and materialised co-
ljudi i ne-ljudi. Sve ovo je podržano kranje
constitution of humans and non-humans.
nespojivim ontologijama društvenog: Burdije All of this was backboned by incompatible
podvlači skriveni rad struktura, izdvajajući ontologies of the social: Bourdieu underlines
društveno od “prirode” dok Latur akcentuje the hidden work of structures secluding the
upravo suprotno kroz ulančane efekte mreža social from “Nature” while Latour accentuates
gde ljudska agensnost gubi primat. Iako the opposite through concatenated effect of
imaju posve disonantne poglede na aktere, networks where human agency loses primacy.
razdvajajući i dručkije izvore dejstvenosti, In spite of having rather dissonant views on
Burdije i Latur istovrsno misle u relacionim actors and distinguishing different sources of
okvirima i podstiču premeštanje fokusa na agencies, both Bourdieu and Latour think in
praksu kao situacioni, zapetljan i procesualni relational terms and encourage re-focusing
vid bića. U zaključku, raspravićemo upravo on practice as a situated and processual way
of being. In conclusion, we will discuss how
kako praksa predstavlja momenat za
the practice might serve as a diplomatic
diplomatski susret između dvojice autora.
encounter between the two authors.

Ključne reči: Burdije, Latur, društvena Keywords: Bourdieu, Latour, Social

ontologija, teorija, praksa Ontology, Theory, Practice


Cvetić Andrej
Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade

Cvetičanin Predrag
Faculty of Art, University of Niš

Dugonjić Leonora
University of Uppsala

Filipović Božidar
Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade

Golub Philip
American University of Paris

Hasanović Jasmin
Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo

Ignjatović Suzana
Institute for Social Science, Belgrade

Ivković Marjan
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Janković Stefan
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Jovanović Miloš
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš

Lebaron Frédéric
École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay

Lošonc Mark
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Mirčov Velizar
University of Kosovska Mitrovica

Mladenović Ivica
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Perunović Andrea
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Petrić Mirko
Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar – Center Split; University of Zadar

Petrović Boris
Université Paris 4, Sorbonne

Poupeau Franck
Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS

Prodanović Srđan
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Radović Selena
Institute for Sociological Research, Belgrade & Université Paris 8

Resanović Milica
Institute for Sociological Research, Belgrade

Ristić Dušan
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad

Sapiro Gisèle
École des hautes études en sciences sociales, EHESS

Tomić Koludrović Inga
Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar – Center Split; University of Zadar

Urošević Milan
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade

Zarić Zona
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade


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