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07032023 Upper Room


- Dr Jonathan David
2023 is a special year it is the year of the tipping point or turning
point. God is going to give us unprecedented favor. Everything
that we do is going to be supernaturally blessed because we are
doing what the Holy Spirit wants.

Doesn't matter how far we are away from God, physically,

mentally, emotionally, God is still going to pursue us by the Holy
Spirit and make what he promised to become a fulfillment. God
sent the Holy Spirit so that He will not leave us. Jesus promised that the
Holy Spirit will not leave us. His job is to prepare us for Jesus.

Sometimes we don't realized this that when God created man He created
man in His own likeness in the same class of being, at the same measure.
When He made man, He showed man who He was. He talked to
Him and gave Him one promise that man will not be a creation
but will be a son of God, Adam the son of God. We are not just a
creation, God is our Father.

Why is God successful as God? It is because there are Three of

Them but All are God. It is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit joint
in total unity. Though They are Three different in nature and
expression They are One in operation.

We can see that when God said, “Let us make man in Our Own image and
likeness, let them rule over the faith of the sea, and over the birds of the sky
and over all the cattle of the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps
on the earth.”

When God made man, God revealed Himself to man and blessed
him, and said to him that He will nurture him, train hm, teach
him until he become ready to become His son. God's intention
has never changed.

Everything He creates He wants to bring it into a relationship

with Him. That is why marriage is very important. Those who are
not married, don't worry. Those who are married start worrying because
God has given us these precious people in our lives, whether
husband and wife, father and mother, brother and sister,
whatever level of relationship may be.

This was first offered to us by God! That is why He came to reveal

Himself, that Adam could hear the walking of God in the garden.
Not just see a form. Jesus took a form.

It is very precious to see this relationship is seen in the Godhead.

God spoke, Jesus did and the Holy Spirit filled! All three are
different in expression but they are partnership team. Our
family will prosper if we follow the exact replica of what
happened in the garden.

1. Every relationship at all level is partnership.

God put man in the garden so that he can stay in one place and
learn. It is call the principle of placement. He created the place
first than He made the man. God, the Holy Spirit and the Son
Jesus, are a partnership team. So we can see right from the beginning
that God don't want us to be alone. When He saw that Adam was
alone, He made woman so that that relationship will save them
and when they sinned, the sin as a partnership team. The woman
took the fruit and gave it to her husband.

We are a partnership team. Husband and wife are partnership.

Every relationship at every level must be one of partnership. So
in the family we are partners. We don't live like some people do that
they don't live a finger at all when they stay in their father’s house. Never
support, never wash the dishes, never help in the home and we can see this
is where the disaster begins.

The closest unit is the family; brothers and sisters must learn to
work together, father and mother must learn to work together
not separately. This is one of the key for healthy family. A
partnership team.

2. The collaboration and cooperation of equals.

6 “who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality
with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of
a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.”
Philippians 2:6-7 NASB1995

He is a form that we can see. God is a Spirit and the Holy Spirit has

Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came and there were tongues of fire. God is a
Spirit but Jesus took a form before He came down to earth.
When He came to the earth He emptied Himself taking the form
of a bond servant. We find that even God the Father sent the Son,
the Father was everywhere working with Him, working through

They were a team. He did not say what He wanted to say, He did
not do what He wanted to do but He did all that the Father
instructed Him to do. Even what the Father spoke He spoke after
He heard from God. And there is always that cooperation.

He emptied Himself though They are equal. This is the reason

why relationship works because we don't just consider ourselves
to be just equal so we stand against one another rather than
stand with one another. Instead the strength was they could
cooperate together.

3. They compliment one another rather than compete

with one another.

In the family we don't compete. We don't take one another's

place. Our places are fixed. We are equal but we cooperate. We
don't violate the places. Instead of competing we should
complete each other. They complete each other even though
They are capable on Their own.

Even though sometimes we can do somethings better we must

encourage others to do it so well. Some people cannot do the
work well but they want to complete the help they have to one
another. Realize this, one man cannot do it all. We can do
something but we cannot do everything. Even Morris Cerullo said
that. That was why God asked him to raise up an army, an army of people
who are equipped, who will help one another, who will complete.

In Malaysia we have a unity government who can fall anytime because the
people plan to make it fall. Imagine if everybody works together, every
parliamentarian is clean and they are mature. They give space to one
another. How powerful our nation will be! We blame the government for
everything and anything but we are the answer to the problem.
Not just the church has righteous people, but if they cooperate with one
another we don't have to have election but we can have selection. Select the
best for every department.

To those who are close we want to say that Destiny International School is
the best, DIS the best. In doing so we have to cooperate, we have to stand
together. We have to cover one another.

The curse of our generation is the Sheraton move. It is the curse of betrayal.
That is why a lot of situations are in jeopardy because they don't want to
cooperate, they don't want to collaborate, they don't want to complete one
another, they don't want to compliment one another.

4. They are complete and capable on their own.

In a team each person plays his own role. We must be confident

in what we have so that we are never jealous and zealous to
quickly remove our brother. We got to respect the place they find
in God. A lot of things change when we realize that we have a
responsibility, they have a responsibility too.

One day an enemy came to the house of ‘Batman’ and burned down the
house and some of the wood fell on ‘Batman’. And Alfred, who was the
servant for ‘Batman’ found his master lying on the ground wth a piece of
wood on his body. And Alfred said, “Master, where is all that weight lifting
and strength that you had? Get up from this mess yourself! I have no
strength to carry the wood!”, the timber that has fallen on ‘Batman’.

So many times we do so many things but we don't produce the

result. We lend our strength to wrong things. If we exercise so much
everyday and build our muscles and don't use them, we look like a high
body but we don't lend strength to anyone. That is bad because each one of
us have a function role. Because of that reason we must go be strong to
one another so that we can labor together. They function on
specific roles carrying specific responsibilities.

5. They function on specific roles carrying specific


The Father spoke, the Son formed, the Spirit filled! Each One
have a responsibility of Their Own. And Jesus took the form of a
bond servant in order to fulfill Her s responsibility.

Holy Spirit also took a place so that He can live inside us and through us.
We have heard about the revival in Asbury, Ohio. People asked Papa what
does he think. He said that it is a way of the Holy Spirit acclimatizing
us. He is sovereignly coming.

The time of refreshing will come from the Presence of the Lord.
This revival is about His Presence. It this is just the beginning . It
will happen everywhere. It happened in our church for a long time
since 1991 but that is only among the School Of the Prophets’ students. But
as a church we must recognize that God the Holy Spirit is coming so that we
get use to the Presence of God. We can feel Him everywhere, feel Him
anywhere because we are aware of what He is doing.

This Asbury move is a time of the Holy Spirit to train us be in the

Presence of the Lord. To sense His Presence everywhere, here
and there and to be able to pray and worship, and minister and
talk outside of the church. The Holy Spirit is to train us so that
we can become God conscious. This is just the beginning.

What is the next after this? God is going to cause an indwelling

Presence of God. God dwelling inside will manifest! Then signs
and wonders and miracles will begin to break forth! So follow
this revival, learn from it but don't stay in it. We have to move

Fifty years ago there was a fresh move of the Holy Spirit then. Fifty years
later it kindle again because the remnant of the fire is still there. When
God visits the place He doesn't leave. Some people say they don't
want visitation. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a visitation
from heaven to get everyone on the same track so that we will be
aligned, adjusted and ready for what is about to happen.

The devil has a plan and that is to steal, kill and destroy. But the
plan that God has for us is one of life. God say, “I know the plans I
have for you!” Some people say, “What do you have for me if I give you the
intelligence, what is there for me?” Like the members of parliament will
say, “If I give you the contract, what is there for me?” They won't call it
bribery, they call it encouragement. With this kind of attitude we find that
nothing works.

Specific role; Let Us make man in Our Own image! Everything

happens in our lives that is successful is because of the pattern
that we see in the Godhead. How do know God is our Father? Jesus
taught it. He said, “When you pray say, ‘Our Father Who art in heaven!” It
was Jesus teaching them. Our Father sees us even if many things are

It is amazing that by word of mouth we can reeducate the people so

that instead of Jehovah we can now call my God, my Father. And
the days are coming that our relationship is so strong as it is in
heaven. What is in heaven? God! God is in the heavens! And who
is on the earth? It is us!

We got to pattern that relationship according to what God has

given to us. God formed man from the dust of the ground and
breath on his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living
being! It was God who came from heaven that took clay and
made man. It is God who made woman. He made father and
mother, husband and wife.

Then on Genesis 4, there are brothers, Cain and Abel. Then after that we
have relatives connected to Cain, all mentioned in the Bible.

6. They were united in corporate purpose.

It is not just our capacity and capability that matters. We must be

sure that we are playing for the same reason. If we take
leadership we are doing it because we are servants for Christ.
Leadership is not for those who wants to dominate others.
Leadership is on agreed purpose. We allow leaders to function as long
as they stay on purpose. But if we abuse our position, we usurp authority on
others, we can see that destruction follows. We are here on purpose
and for purpose

We agree on purpose. Why go to church? Why read the Bible?

Why do we pray? How heavy is our purpose? How serious are
we? We are serious about the purpose why God raise us up then
we will stay on alert because there is war outside. There are
demonic powers, sin and all kinds of things that want to clamor
on our lives.

But if we are called according to His purpose and if we love Him,

He will work all things to good. He will bring everything to a place of
focus. If we love Him and are called according to His purpose, then we are
sure winnable candidate. We will win, we will not lose.

First they start a business not just to earn money, they want to serve God,
find more time to serve God. When we hear this we feel that it is very noble
and we support them for a while and then we realize that they are not on
the same purpose they started. Instead of just working little, they work very
very hard and we can see that they are diverted from the purpose. Christian
business men have fallen into this! When we start with one noble purpose,
until the point that we over do. Become so busy, what we promised God, we
cannot fulfill.

Lord, we will be more involve with church. We will serve You, we

will preach Your word. At the end of the day when God begins to move
and the business begin to prosper, they find it hard to fulfill their promise.
Don't be like that. When we start right, stay on course, God will multiply
our resources.

This revival that is happening will quickly change to bring people

closer and closer to Him to raise up a generation that know God
and they will serve Him. And the ages from twenty five downwards is
what they want in the Ohio university campus. Serve the purpose. We
are on agreed purpose.
Relationship base on the Godhead. We find that the sample of how to
live together is seen in the book of Genesis how God spoke, Jesus
formed, Holy Spirit filled. We want to pray that God will supernaturally
bind our hearts together. But if we are going together in journey we
must be connected in purpose. If we fulfill the purpose, we will
know our destiny and our assignment.

If we live a hundred and twenty years, what are we going to be doing? Just
waiting for the day to come? No we can't! We got to stay on purpose.
That is the thing that keep us alive. That is the thing that inspire
us. God raised Papa up for a purpose, He raised ANS up for a purpose and
in order for us to fulfill that. God never fails and He does not make failures.
He did not make us to be defeated. He make us so that we can be a victor, a
conqueror! More than a conqueror!

That is what God's plan is for us. But we got to see how it happens. Heaven
and earth are joint together to work together. Father, Son and
Holy Spirit are joint together to work together. We are joint
together to work together because we have a purpose. And those of
us joining ANS, we must serve the purpose. Not just think of the
purpose but if we do what is really good, God will prosper us. If
we continually do what is wrong, the blessings don't increase.

God in His goodness gave us a prophetic word that 2023 is the tipping
point, unusual favors. What is the Purpose? The purpose is to be a
governing church to govern the territories open up for us. We
must not lose one soul because that soul can make a difference in
a dying world. That is why each one of us is precious and we are
joint by relationship. When we love one another even as Christ
loved us if our love is of the standard as Christ, then the people
in the world will know.

When the Asbury revival took place, it even attracted non Christians, those
who have fallen away from God and those who are sick. Because they
realize that if they serve the purpose they can finish the assignment and
fulfill destiny.

We pray that our family is closely knitted together, united in

purpose. Relationships are very important. It through them life
comes, it is through them death also comes. One person can make us
crazy. We have one person in the house who is not well can make the whole
house depressed. Thank God we are connected, committed to each
other. We are covenanted in relationship. This is the hardest to

Covenant relationship is not for everybody, just like we don't

have every women as our wife. We only can have one. And that
relationship must be able to handle the children, the needs; How we work it
out. We want to pray that our family will be wholesome. At the end of the
day every mother likes their own son. No matter what they say he is our

Papa met this lady at Pudu jail. She said that she had been coming for
twenty years. Every Tuesday, every Saturday. Papa said to her, “That is a
hopeless son that you have. Take drugs, stole money and did all kinds of
stuff.” But the mother's love did not let him go. There is no love without

It is people we relate to that we start to love. If we see a girl and

want to marry the girl. We cannot just say that tonight and hoping that
everything will be ok. That is why husband and wife becomes lover
more and more as they know each other. If we don't know the
person we don't feel obligated to change. Relationship is the
bridge so that we can cross.

Oneness is the key to do the impossible. Let Us make man. Let

us! The US must be our key, access code. Oneness if the key to do the
impossible. When we start relating well, that is when our strength
is. United we stand, we are family, we are one!

Papa praying:-

Let the Holy Spirit join hearts together, join our purpose
together so that our destiny and our assignment can be fulfilled.
We thank You. We pray right now as a church. We are the church
family and amazing things will happen when pull together, as we
synchronize together, as we synergies together, as we cooperate
together, we will see a multiplication and increase of those who
will be blessed.
Papa prophesying:-

“For yea”, says the Lord, “In your family, I have deposited the things
that is needed for the future. There is oil in the house! There is
river from the Throne! There is fire from the altar! It is in His

“Therefore do not turn away from your source of life, that through
Jesus, through His church, through His leaders you will rise up
because God has put all these dimensions in the house. Each one is
not the same, each one is different. There is specific grace. Even if you have
two children, each one of them is special in My eyes. May not be your eyes
but My eyes because I give to each one freely.

What have you received that you have not receive from My hands? What
have you receive that you have not receive from me? Discard that! Take
what I Am giving to you. Take what I Am revealing to you. My
Spirit is here. He will not leave you nor forsake you but He will
teach you to know My Presence.

Jesus by the Holy Spirit gave command to the apostles. The Holy
Spirit is filling the church. Behold in the last days I will pour out My
Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, the young
men shall see visions and the old men dreams.

This is the day of the Spirit. The Spirit dispensation. So that we

will know that by the Spirit He will lead us and guide us and
bring us close to Himself because the Holy Spirit will reveal
things that needs to be changed. The earth was formless. There was
void in the earth and darkness covered the surface of the waters. But the
Holy Spirit was brooding over the work!

Whenever the Holy Spirit is coming, life will come, overcoming

energy will come. When the Holy Spirit is there He will cripple
the work of the enemy. Jesus destroyed every power of the
enemy so that He will leave us a victor not a victim!

Stretch our hands to the heavens and bless the Lord for our brothers and
sister; bless the Lord for those who are connected to us by covenant.
Papa praying again:-

Lord we pray right now that there will be a supernatural anointing

on wholesome families, accurate fathers, accurate mothers, and
those who serve you in the house. In their seed all the nations of
the earth shall be blessed.

We want You to use our family so that we can become light to the
world, salt to the world. Lord we pray right now that those who have
been praying will see answers to their prayer. Unprecedented
favor from Your hands. Lord, we reach out and touch You today
so that the days ahead will become blessed. In You all the nations
of the earth will be blessed.

ANS, rise to the occasion! Let God's Spirit be the One leading you,
guiding you to be a source of blessings to your neighbors, your
friends. Lord, we just thank You right now!

Let the Holy Spirit fall on you afresh. Exchange the old garments for
new garments. Exchange your little light for more light. Let the
Spirit of God fall afresh! Pray for fresh importation, Lord! A
fresh awakening to a great awakening. Let the power of the Spirit
flow right now. Let the river flood again! Let the river break
forth! Let there be fresh water! Fresh water from heaven!

We bind the works of the enemy right now! Let no enemy escape, slaughter
everyone! Let the Lion of Judah roar! Roar in the midst of Your people!
Roar! Roar! Let the Lion roar! Let the Lion roar! Give Him praise and thank

Papa kept seeing a vision of a lamb becoming a lion! Simply means

that we are going to mature. We are going to take what is ours
and live in a place of plenty. Unprecedented favor, unbridled
breakthroughs. This is going to be our portion. Keep our heart

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