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New Zealand Journal of Botany

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Structure and development of fruit and seeds in

Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia chinensis Planch.)

M. E. Hopping

To cite this article: M. E. Hopping (1976) Structure and development of fruit and seeds in
Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia chinensis Planch.), New Zealand Journal of Botany, 14:1, 63-68,
DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.1976.10428651

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New Zealand lournal of Botany. 1976. Vol. 14: 63-8. 63

Structure and development of fruit and seeds in Chinese gooseberry

(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)


Plant Diseases Division, DSIR, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand


(Received 15 July 1975)


The development of fruit and seed tissues in Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia chinensis
Planch. cv. 'Monty') was examined at intervals after flowering. Cell division in all fruit tissues
commenced immediately after flowering and persisted in the outer pericarp, inner pericarp,
and central core for 23, 33 and 111 days, respectively.
The fruit growth curve was double sigmoid owing to an initial period of cell enlarge-
ment in all tissues (Stage I, 0-58 days) followed by a period of retarded enlargement
(Stage H. 58-76 days)' and a further period of enlargement in the inner pericarp (Stage III.
76-160 days after flowering).
The structure of the seed was unusual in that the nucellus possessed a well dcfined
hypostase, and the endosperm and embryo were surrounded by an endothelium. Only one,
uniseriate, integument was present which subsequently developed into a thickened testa. The
cellular nucellus and endosperm developed concomitantly until the end of Stage II and were
absorbed, in part, during Stages II and III by the developing embryo.

INTRODUCTION both local and export demand. The important com-

mercial characteristics of fruit shape and size depend
The genus Actinidia, which contains 36 species on cell multiplication and enlargement in the fruit.
and several varicties (Li 1952), extends from Japan Although the structure of the seed tissues has been
through north-western Asia to Western China and recorded (van Tieghem 1899, Crete 1944, Johri 1963)
as far south as Malaysia. All members of the genus no similar studies on the structure of the fruit tissues
are climbing dioecious vines which grow in thickets have been pUblishd. This paper reports a morpho-
~Ind along forest margins. Van Tieghem (1899) logical study of both seed and fruit development
trected the family Actinidiaceae on the basis of with emphasis on the correlations between the de-
ovule structure and anatomy. The family rank of velopment of tissues in the seed and the duration of
Actinidiaceae has been recently confirmed by Vi jay- cell division and enlargement in the fruit.
arabhavan (1963) and assigned to the Theales rather
than the Dilleniales (Johri 1963).
At least two species, A. arguta Sieb. & ZUCCo and MATERIALS AND METHODS
A. chinensis Planch., are of economic importance
because of their large, edible fruit although several A representative sample of Chinese gooseberry
other species, A. arisanensis Hayata, A. eriantha (Actinidia c?inensis Planch. cv. 'Monty') fruits was
Benth., and A. [ali/olia Merr.• have fruit that are collected at Intervals commencing at flowering (75%
comparable in diameter (Li 1952). of flowers open) from mature vines growing at the
Oratia Research Orchard, Auckland. Twenty fruits
In New Zealand, A. chinensis, the Chinese goose- from each sample were immediately weighed and
berry or kiwifruit, has been established as a fruit then oven d.ried to constant weight. The remainder
crop (Fletcher 1971) and in recent years the acreage were fixed In formalin: acetic acid: ethyl alcohol
under cultivation has rapidly been increased to meet (60%), (1: 1 :20).
64 New Zealand Journal of Botany 14, 1976

Fixed fruits were later cut in half transversely, consisted of an outer layer of thin-walled parenchy-
and the thicknesses of the central core and of the matous cells which extended from the epidermis to
inner and outer pericarp were measured along a radial the outer bundles (outer pericarp, Fig. lA, ID), and
line from core to epidermis using a dissecting micro- an inner layer of elongated septum cells which ex-
scope fitted with a micrometer eyepiece. Median tended from the outer bundles to the core and sur-
transverse sections (IS /Lm) were cut from portions rounded the locules (inner pericarp, Fig. I A, I B) .
of these fruits on a freezing microtome, stained with The outer pericarp could be further divided into an
haematoxylin, and the cell number in each of the outer hypodermal layer, 10-15 cells wide, that
three tissues was counted in a radial direction. Mean extended inwards from the epidermis (Fig. ID), and
cell size was calculated for each tissue from tissue an inner layer of elliptical cells that extended from
width : cell number determinations. All measure- the hypodermal layer to the outer bundles.
ments were repeated on at least 10 fruits.
During pericarp expansion, cells of the hypodermal
To further study the structure of the fruit, perm- layer elongated in the tangential plane whereas those
anent mounts of fruit tissues at selected stages of of the inner layer increased several fold in diameter
development were prepared by first infiltrating tissue and became essentially spherical. However, some cells
segments with 20% gelatin (Galigher & Kozloff in both layers did not enlarge appreciably and, at
1964) for 3 hr at 40·c and then hardening them in maturity, filled the spaces between cells that had
4% formalin for 24 hr. Sections (freezing micro- increased in size. Enlargement of septum cells. which
tome. 15/LM) were dehydrated in an ethyl alcohol enclose the locules and collectively make up the
serie~ and stained with fast green. inner pericarp (Fig. IE), was almost entirely in the
radial direction although some tangential enlarge-
Seeds were removed from the inner pericarp under ment occurred in the zone immediately adjacent to
a dissecting microscope, cut in half longitudinally, the outer pericarp. The cells of both pericarp layers
and the length of the seed tissues (nucellus, endo- contained chloroplasts that persisted until maturity.
sperm. and embryo) was measured as an index of During maturation chlorophyll was lost from the
seed development. At least one seed from each of inner pericarp but not from the outer pericarp.
10 fruits was measured. Portions of the inner peri-
carp were dehydrated (tertiary butyl alcohol). em- Two "rings" of vascular bundles were observed in
bedded in paraffin (melting range 52-54·c) and fruit tissues. The outer vascular bundles were located
median transverse sections (13I'm) were cut on a between locules in the transition zone between the
rotary microtome. Sections were affixed to slides with inner and outer pericarp (Fig. lA, 18, ID) and
Haupts' adhesive and 2% formalin. and stained with branched in the radial plane towards the epidermis.
safranin and fast green. The other series of vascular bundles, the inner
bundles, occurred at the base of each locule (Fig.
lA, 18, IF). Vascular traces from these bundles
extended into each locule and terminated at the
RESULTS micropyle of each seed (Fig. 38). No branches from
the inner bundles extended into the cells of the
Fruit Itrueture septum or into the parenchymatous central core.

The Chinese gooscberry fruit developed from a The locule wall. which enclosed the developing
superior, multicarpellate ovary (26-38 carpels/fruit, seeds, was bounded by a uniseriate epidennis possess-
Fil. lA). Each carpel contained numerous OVUles ing a thin cuticle. At flowering, no cellular contents
(Fig. tA, t8), borne in distinct locules (axile placen- other than the seeds were observed inside the locules
tation) that became filled with thin-wa11ed placental but as the locules enlarged they became progressively
cells. 8ecause the entire ground tissue developed into filled with large placental cells. During maturation
a fte.hy tissue the fruit is a berry (Esau 1965). the placental cells degenerated and produced a muci-
laginous matrix which supported the seeds.
At flOWering the ovary was bounded by a uniseri-
ate epidennal layer that subsequently developed into Fruit development
a rnu1t1aeriate epidennis (Fia IC). A cuticle covered
the outermost layer of cells; the inner layers (2-4 cells The growth curve of developing Chinese goose-
wide) had thickened cell walls and extensive tannin berry fruit, a.s measured by increases in fresh weight,
depoaits. At irregular intervals, multi-celJular hairs was double SIgmoid (Fig. 2A) - similar to that shown
protruded from the outer epidermal layer. Many of by drupes (Crane 1964). This growth curve can be
theie hairs were broken off durina fruit development divided into three stages: Stage I (O-S8 days after
to leave areas of disrupted cells that did not possess flowering), in which fruit weight and volume increase
the characteristic phellolen of lenticels. The pericarp rapidly, was followed by a period of slow growth
Hopping-Structure &. development of fruit &. seeds in Chinese gooseberry 6'
J1&. 1 Radial transverse sec-
tioJU through Chinese loose-
berry fruits - A, whole fruit; D,
diasramatic representation of a
IODJitudinal section throu,h a
mature fruit; C. epidermis and
outer pericarp 93 days after
ftowerin,; D. outer pericarp 23
days after flowering; E. inner
poricalP 12 dar after flower-
mat F. centra core 93 da}'ll
after ftowerina.
C - c:entia1 core, B - epi-
cIermia. H - bair, IB - inner
bundle, JP - inner pericarp.
L - locole. 08 - outer bundle,
OP - outer pe#carp, P - pIa-
ClIOtae, S - Heel, SE - aeptwn.


DR, Wt.

44 B





30 c
w _
_ N
0 20



Z 0.8
o 40 80 120 160
PI,. % Fruit and seed devclopnlcnt in Chinese 8ooseberry. A, cumulative increases in fresh
and dry weight of fruit; B, cell number of the central core and the inner and outer pericarp;
Ct mean cell size of the central core and the inner and outer pericarp; D, cumulative
increase. in the length of the seed, nucellua. endosperm, and embryo.
Hopping-Structure & development of fruit & seeds in Chinese gooseberry 67

(Stage II, 58-76 days after ~owe~ng) and. a further

period of rapid growth until fruIt matunty (Stage
111, 7tH60 days after Rowering). No similar division
of the: dry-weight growth curve could be demon-

Fruit growth during Stage 1 was initially by cell

division in the central core and the inner and outer
pericarp, followed by cell enlargement in aU ti~ue5
(Fig. 2B, IC). Cell division in the outer and Inner
pericarp ceased afler 23 and 33 days respectively, but
continued in the central core, albeit at a slow rate,
until ItO days after flowering. Cell enlargement com-
menced in aU three tissues immediately after flower-
ing anI! continued until the onset of Stage II (44 days
alter lIowering) (Fig. 2C). During this time cells of
the inner pericarp underwent a five-fold increase in

Stage II of fruit growth was characterised by a

period of reduced fresh-weight gain and this can be
atCribed to an abrupt slowing of cell enlargement in
both inner pericarp and central core. Subsequently,
fruit wei,ht increased and cell enlargement of the
Faa. 3 Median transverse section!! throup the innct
inner pericarp and central core tis'Iues continued pericarp of Olineae aooseberry fruit - A. embryo ~8
(Stale III) until the fruit reached maturity. How- days after flowering; and B, embryo 93 days after
ever, mean cell size of the outer pericarp decreased ftowcril1l.
slightly during this time. EM - embryo. EN - endosperm, END - endo-
thelium, H - hypostase, 1 - intelument, M - micro-
pyle, N - nucellus, T .. testa, VT - vaac:utar trace.

At dowerina the anatropous ovule consisted of a Seed deveiopmeat

matul'C embryo sac embedded in a we)J-defincd
nucellua which was bounded by a uniscriate integu- Seed development. as measured by lrowth in
ment. The cell waUs of the integument became pro- length. beaan immediately after fertiliaation flnd
peuively thickened, especially the inner anticlinal ~ntinued for nearly 80 days (Fig. 20). During this
waU, and the cells became ftlled with dark-stainin& time the nuc:eUw reached its maximum size and was,
deposits (Fig. 3A). A cuticle waS present on the in turn. replaced almost entirely by the endosperm
outaide of the integument. The nuceUus eniatrJed by and endothelium. 1n contraat to many other fruits
cen multiplication, and a hypostasc (C~t6 1944, (Crane 1964) the embryo remained in the two-celled
10hn '963) was present during early seed develop- stale during most of the endo&pcrm and nuceUus
ment. The hypostasc. which was more apparent in growth. About 60 days after ftowering the two-c:eJled
~ons of fresh material than in material that had embryo divided to form a spheroid and then de-
been embedded in paraffin, consisted of a grid-like veloped rapidly to reach its finalaize at I to days.
artaIIgCment of elongated nucellar cells. The layer
of celt, surrounding the embryo sac enlal'lcd and
thickened to form a conspicuous endothelium (Fil.
3A). Inside the endothelium a cellular endosperm DISCUSSION
developed tlllt eventually underwent multiple divi-
sions to produce I mass of small, thin-walled cells. The double aiamoid arowth curve of Chinese
After fertilisation the embryo, which wu loc:ated at 800seberry fruit ia typical of that shown by drupes
the micropvlar end of the embryo sac (Fig. 3A), such as the peach (Pr"nus persleD, Conners 1919)
diYided and then remained quiescent at the two- and the sour cherry (PTIInUS emu"" Tu~ey t 934)
c:eUecf staRe for at least 60 days. Between 60 and 110 and other berries such as the lrape (Yiris vlnl/era.
days af~r t\oweting the embryo developed (Fig. 38) Coombe 1960). Pratt" R.eid (1974) reported that
to its maximum size and had two conspicuous coty- the Cbineae 800acberry cv. 'Bruno' had a triple ail-
ledons which did not absorb aU the enciotpenn. maid srowth curvo with periods of retarded fruit
68 New Zealand Journal of Botany 14, 1976

growth between 63-84 and 119-147 days after COOMBE, B. G. 1960: Relationship of growth and
anthesis. The latter period of retarded growth was development to changes in sugars, auxins, and
gibberellins in fruit of seeded and seedless
evident from fresh weight. length, breadth. and varieties of Vitis vinifera. Plant Physiology 35:
volume measurements. I found that the onset and 241-50.
duration of the first period of reduced growth (Fig.
2A, 2C) was similar to that reported by Pratt & CRANE, JULIAN C. 1964: Growth substances in fruit
setting and development. Annual Review of
Reid (1974) but I obtained no evidence from either Plant Physiology 15: 303-26.
fresh weight or pericarp cell size for a second period
of reduced growth just before maturity. Possibly the CRETE, P. 1944: Recherches anatomiques sur la semi-
sampling interval was too great to enable a small nogenese de I'Actinidia chinensis Planch.
reduction in fruit weight and pericarp cell size to be Affinites des Actinidiacees. Bulletin de la
Societe Botanique de France 91: 153-60.
ESAU, K. 1965: "Plant Anatomy". 2nd ed. John
Fruit growth during Stage I was due to an initial Wiley and Sons, New York. 767 pp.
period (0-33 days) of cell division in the pericarp
followed by a period of cell enlargement (Fig. 2B, FLETCHER, W. A. 1971: Growing Chinese goose-
2C). This pattern of cell division followed by cell berries. New Zealand Department of Agricul-
ture Bulletin No. 349: 1-38.
enlargement is typical of the early development of
drupes such as the sour cherry (Tukey 1934). Cell GALIGHER, A. E.; KOZl.OFF, E. N. 1964: "Essentials
division and enlargement in the central core, how- of Practical Microtechnique'. Henry Kimpton,
London. 484 pp.
ever, commenced at flowering and continued until
mid-Stage III. During this time the rate of cell lOHRl, B. M. 1963: Embryology and taxonomy. In
enlargement, but not of cell division, followed the Maheshwari, P. (Ed.) "Recent Advances in
double sigmoid pattern of fruit weight gain. Stage III the Embryology of Angiosperms". Pp. 395-
of fruit growth was almost entirely due to elonga- 444. University of Delhi, India.
tion of the septum cells of the inner pericarp (Fig. LI, HUI-LIN 1952: A taxonomic review of the genus
2C). No apparent cell enlargement occurred in the Actinidia. lournal of the Arnold Arboretum
outer pericarp over this period. 33: 1-61.

The development of seed tissues in Prunus sp. can PRATT, H. K.; REID, M. S. 1974: Chinese gooseberry:
be correlated with macroscopic changes in the fruit seasonal patterns in fruit growth and matura-
tion, ripening, respiration and the role of
in that the development of the nuceUus reaches a ethylene. Journal of the Science of Food and
maximum by the end of Stage I. Subsequently, the Agriculture 25: 747-57.
nucellus is absorbed by the developing endosperm
and embryo during Stage II (Tukey 1934) . No TUKEY, H. B. 1934: Growth of the embryo, seed and
pericarp of the sour cherry (Prunus cerasus)
further growth of the seed occurs during Stage III. in relation to season of fruit ripening. Pro-
In contrast, nucellus and endosperm development in ceedings of the American Society for Horti-
the Chinese gooseberry occurred concomitantly cultural Science 31: 125-44.
during both Stage I and II and although embryo VAN TIEGHEM, P. 1899: Sur les genres Actinidie et
growth commenced during Stage II it continued un- Sauravie consideres comme types d'une farnille
til the middle of Stage III. nouvelle les Actinidiacees. Journal de Botan-
ique 13: 170.

REFERENCES VIJAYARABHAVAN, M. R. 1963: Embryology of Actin-

idia polygama Franch. and Sav. and the sys-
tematic position of the family Actinidiaceae.
CoNNERS. C. H. 1919: Growth of fruits of the peach. Proceedings of the 50th Indian Science Con-
New lersey Agricultural Experiment Station gress (Delhi). Pt. III. Abstract p. 393.
Annual Report 4(): 82-a.

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