Start Living in Spain - Spanish Residency Free Guide

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1- General Documents: 2- Link to Spain:

Sephardic - Passport
- Birth Certificate.
At least 2 documents have to be presented.
If the client does not have any then we proceed
as follows:

Citizenship - Criminal, Records Certificate

- Fee
- Letter from our Law Firm saying they are
clients of a Spanish firm.
- Enrolment with Instituto Cervantes
- Additional documents for under aged
online library In any case the following
documents are accepted but do not constitute
• Current enrolment certificate
an exhaustive list:
• If one of the parents will not attend the
- Instituto Cervantes membership card
notary meeting he/she has to give POA to
- Empadronamiento
the other parent.
- Spanish Residence Card
• Passport copy of both parents.
- Proof of current or previous
residence in Spain

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
• The first step is to apply for the FCJE
2- Link to Spain: 3 - Sephardic lineage:
Done by us online.
- Shares in a Spanish Company - FCJE certificate. • The second step is to upload the
- Donation to a Spanish Organisation We apply for it on your behalf, online. complete file on the Ministry of Justice
- Certificate of studies in a Spanish entity - Additional proof of the Sephardic condition: platform.
or of the Spanish language, culture etc ketubah, certificate of the community of the Done by us online.
- Accreditation of the knowledge of ladino country/city of origin, documents showing they • The third step is, once we have been
or hakétia. belong to a community coming from a country assigned a notary, organise the signature
which welcomed Sephardim (Iraq, Turkey, of the deed with him. The day of the
Morocco, Greece etc.), accreditation of the signature the application has to be
knowledge of ladino or hakétia and/or any present and bring all the original
other proof they might have. documents.
⇨ Law extended until October 2019!

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1- General Documents:

Non-Lucrative 1. Passport copy.

Residence 2. Residence card.

3. Proof of sufficient financial Means.
We can apply 60 days before
and 90 days after the expiration
4. Written explanation regarding teh funds,
done by Balcells. of the current card.
5. Health Insurance.
6. Fee. Online application, fast process:
7. In case there are under aged children of
1-2 weeks.
school age,
we need to present the enrollment certificate.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1- List of Documents:

1.- Application form.

Highly Qualified 2.- Government fee,
10.- Job contract signed by both parties.
11.- Certificate from the Tax Agency
3.- Spanish residence card in case the applicant stating that the company has not debt
Professional Visa was already a Spanish residence.
4.- University degree(s).
with them.
12.- Certificate from the Social Security
5.- Passport copy of the worker. stating that the company has not debt
6.- Establishment deed of the company. 7.- with them.
Permanent VAT number of the company (CIF). 13.- Company profile.
- Applied online 8.- ID of the person signing the job contract and 14.- Job description.
- Fast track: application. 15.- Applicant CV.
20 working days if they do not request any 9.- POA allowing the signing person to sign the 16.- Criminal records of the countries
additional document.dd a little bit of body job contract and application, in case this is not where he has been a resident during the
text included in the establishment deed. past 5 years.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1- Investor: 2- Family members:

Initial - Application form

- Authorisation
- Application form
- Authorisation

Golden Visa - Fee

- Passport
- Residence card.
- Fee
- Passport
- Residence card.
Only if the applicant was already a Only if the applicant was already a Spanish
Spanish resident. resident.
- Criminal records - Criminal records.
- Purchase deed. - Proof of the family link:
- Certificate of ownership. • Spouse: marriage certificate.
- Spanish Health Insurance. • Partner: civil partnership
- Bank Certificate. • Children: Child’s birth certificate.
- Tax Agency Certificate • Ascendants: Investor’s birth certificate

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
2- Family members:

- Spanish Health Insurance.

- Addition documents when applicable:
• Child over 18 years old:
• Certificate of being single.
• Proof of the economical dependence.
• Current enrolment certificate in a
• Ascendant: o Accreditation of the
economical dependence. o Accreditation
of the physical/ emotional dependence.

Initial residence is for 2 years and

renewal for 5 years.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1- Investor: 2 - Family members:

Golden Visa - Application form

- Authorisation
- Fee
- Application form
- Authorisation
- Fee
- Spanish Health Insurance.
- Additional documents
according to each specific case:

Renewal - Passport
- Residence card
- Passport
- Residence card
• Children over 18
o Certificate of being single.
- Criminal records - Criminal records (if the person o Proof of the economical
(if the person has been in Spain has been in Spain less than 183 dependence.
less than 183 days per days per year o Current enrolment
year). - Form stating that the family link certificate in a university.
- Purchase deed. is maintained with the investor. • Child under aged of school
- Certificate of ownership. age: school enrolment.
- Spanish Health Insurance.
- Bank Certificate.
- Tax Agency Certificate

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1. Entrepreneur:

Initial - Application form signed

- Authorisation signed
- Positive Report from the Ministry of
Commerce in Madrid.

Entrepreneur - Fee
- Passport
- Spanish Health Insurance.
- Bank Certificate.
- Residence card. - In case the applicant was the holder of
Only if the applicant was already a an entrepreneur visa, registration with
Spanish resident. Social security.
- Criminal records (if the person has been
in Spain less than 183 days per year).

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
2. Family members:

- Application form
- Authorisation
- Fee - Passport
- Residence card.
Only if the applicant was already a
Spanish resident. Initial residence is for 2 years and
- Criminal records.
- Proof of the family link:
renewal for 2 years as well.
• Spouse: marriage certificate.
• Partner: civil partnership
• Children: Child’s birth certificate
• Ascendants:
- Investor’s birth certificate.
- Spanish Health Insurance.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
- List of Documents
Entrepreneur 1. Form
2. Passport and residence card if
6. Annexes:
• CV
Visa- Business applicable.
3. Authorisation.
• Degrees
• Bank statement
Plan presentation 4. Business plan including at least the
• Authorisations if applicable.
• Any document related to the company if
• Description of the project applicable (establishment deed, tax
• Description of the product/service agency/social security documents)
• Market analysis • Detailed financial plan
- Online application. • Finances • Invoices if applicable
- We help with the 5. Added value for the Spanish economy, • Any other additional document that
drafting of the BP. innovation or investment opportunities. might be of interest.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1. Confirmation of appointment. 7. Fee paid.
2. Passport. 8. Formulario EX-17
3. Approval. si se trata de una primera solicitud

Fingerprints 4. Photo.
5. Empadronamiento.
5. If you are a student you also
need to bring your certificate of
enrollment and the application We can ask for the appointment
form. (we usually get these faster than you)
6. If you are renewing your card and accompany you to the appointment if
bring the old residence card as you need it. We also check all the
well. documents.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374
1- List of documents

citizenship 1. Passport
2. Residence card
12. CCSE.

application 3. Birth certificate

4. Criminal records
13. Proof of integration.
14. Power of attorney.
5. If you are married/divorced: marriage or 15. Fee.
divorce certificate. 16. If the applicant is a child under 14 years old:
6. If you are married to a Spanish person: his/her authorisation of the civil registar.
ID with his/her birth certificate. 17. If the applicant is a child over 14 years old but
7. If you have children born in Spain: their birth under 18: application form signed by his/her legal
certificates. representative and him/herself.
8. Empadronamiento. 18. For under aged children in general:
9. Histórico de empadronamiento • Enrollment certificate
10. If you are married with a Spanish individual: • ID of the legal representative.
certificado de convivencia.

Rambla Cataluña 124, 1-2, Barcelona, Spain, 08008 E-mail:

Phone: +34 936315139 Web:
Whatsapp: +34 683180374

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