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Universal Health Care Law

In view of the fact that it is the state's policy to protect and promote the right of all
Filipinos to health and to instill health awareness among them, under the Universal
Health Care Act, which was signed into law on Feb 20, 2019, all Filipinos are covered
by national health insurance. The UHC Law of the Philippines provides the required
health system reforms for the expansion of financial security and access to health care
for all Filipinos. In order to enhance overall health system efficiency, this
groundbreaking law adopts a whole-of-system, whole-of-government, whole-of-society,
people-centered approach. It aims at the gradual realization of UHC in the country,
ensuring that equal access to quality and affordable health care goods and services is
guaranteed to all Filipinos and is secured against financial risk. Within six months of that
date, the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth), which administers the country's
universal health care program, will issue implementation rules and regulations.
Accordingly, there are highlights of the law that interests me namely;
 All Filipinos are automatically enrolled in the National Health Insurance
Program of PhilHealth, and membership has been simplified.
Participants are either direct contributors or indirect contributors.
 Members pay 2.75 percent of their wages, paid by the employer and
employee, under the existing PhilHealth scheme, but payments will rise
to 5 percent by 2025 to help offset the new law's costs. Late employer
contributions are subject to 3% monthly compound interest. Employers
also face fines for failing to comply with
 All Filipinos will have access, with primary care facilities a priority, to
preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care.
 All Filipinos have zero copayments guaranteed for basic/ward
accommodations and will pay a fixed copayment in public hospitals for
non-basic admissions. Coinsurance and copayments will be regulated
 The existing decentralized municipal health services will be merged into
health systems which are provincial and city-wide.
 For health facilities, performance-based reward programs would be set
up. To guide decision-making, Health Technology Evaluation and Health
Impact Assessment will be used.
 Both public and private health care providers will be required to apply
health and financial data and to report the prices of all health services
and products offered.
There is a lack of effective government coordination and control in the
Philippine market for medicinal drugs and its inefficiency has contributed to uniquely
high drug prices. The UHC Law requires the establishment of a Council for Health
Technology Assessment (HTA) to direct pharmaceutical procurement, which will
ensure that the government purchases the most cost-effective and affordable drugs,
materials, and commodities.
The Philippine UHC Law addresses the inequities faced by the health system
of the country due to fragmented delivery of services and inadequate systems of
funding. The government and its stakeholders continue to work towards a responsive
health system which provides quality care to its people without the risk of financial
burden. The UHC Law tackles the problems of the health system by ensuring access
to adequate health care for all Filipinos through functional HCPNs to ensure strategic
and adequate funding and purchasing services; engaging local governments to
operate local health systems effectively; and building capacity in terms of
professional human resources and seamless knowledge
Due to the fact that health is a fundamental human right, it is recognized by the
1987 Constitution of the Philippines, which states that the State shall safeguard and
foster the right to an efficient and accessible healthcare. Over the years, there have
been Different health sectors that engaged in the Philippines Reforms for UHC
attainment, including the 2019 Universal Health Care Law signed and approved on
February 20, 2019.

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