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Year of unity, peace and

private university saint john the baptist

● Ormeño Garcia Maria Fernanda
● Arones Carrasco Jesús Fernando
If there is one thing that characterizes
dentistry, it is the numerous
specializations it has.

Dentistry is a career that focuses on

counseling and treatment to improve the
oral health of the population. It provides
patients with the necessary tools to
maintain healthy teeth and gums and
applies basic treatments to cure major
General odontology
Los odontólogos generales se encargan, principalmente,
General dentists are mainly de la prevención, diagnóstico, y tratamiento de los
problemas básicos que afectan a la salud oral de sus
in charge of the prevention, pacientes: revisiones periódicas, limpiezas, obturaciones
diagnosis, and treatment of dentales o empastes, etc.

basic problems that affect

the oral health of their
patients: periodic check-ups,
cleanings, dental fillings or
fillings, etc.
Oral and
maxillofacial surgery
A dentist specializing in oral and
maxillofacial surgery is one who
intervenes in the case of diseases and
injuries that affect the head, neck, face,
jaw and hard and soft tissues of the Un odontólogo especializado en cirugía oral y
mouth. Also, if the patient was born with maxilofacial es aquel que interviene en el caso de
a defect or malformation in these parts enfermedades y lesiones que afectan a cabeza,
cuello, cara, mandíbula y tejidos duros y blandos de
of the body. Depending on the la boca. También, si el paciente ha nacido con algún
complexity of the surgical treatment, it defecto o malformación en estas partes del cuerpo.
may require the involvement of other Según la complejidad del tratamiento quirúrgico,
medical specialists puede requerir la participación de otros
especialistas médicos
¿What is orthodontics and what is
it for?

Orthodontics is the branch of

dentistry that deals with
problems of the teeth and jaw.
Orthodontic dental care includes
the use of devices such as braces
to straighten teeth.

orthodontics cleaning

orthodontic toothbrush.
interdental brushes.
floss or dental floss
dental threader.
dental wax.

Oral pathology is a fundamental
dental specialty in pathological
anatomy and internal medicine in
charge of studying the etiology,
psychopathological mechanisms
and the consequences of diseases
developing and maxillofacial
Being the basis and treatment for
Periodontics is the area of dentistry that
is responsible for the study, prevention
and treatment of those pathologies that
affect the tissues that protect, could and
hold the teeth, gums, alveolar bone,
periodontal ligament and root cementum.

Periodontal probe
dental explorer
subgingival trays dental
Aesthetic dentistry is the specialty of
dentistry aimed at solving problems
related to the appearance of the
mouth. The objective is to maintain
the natural beauty of the teeth and
achieve a more beautiful and
harmonious smile, through simple,
painless and short-term treatments.

La odontología estética es la especialidad de la

odontología dirigida a solucionar problemas
relacionados con el aspecto de la boca. El
objetivo es mantener la belleza natural de los
dientes y conseguir una sonrisa más bonita y
armónica, mediante tratamientos sencillos,
indoloros y de corta duración.


affected nerve

The pediatric dentist is the professional in
charge of preventing oral health from an
early age, as well as minimizing the risk of
children developing odontophobia.

It is one of the oldest and most developed specialties

developed in dentistry. In every epoch of history
history, human beings have created stereotypes of beauty,
which generally, call for bright, white smiles, perfectly
aligned teeth and a restoration similar as possible to
natural teeth, not only in shape, but also in color and

It is one of the oldest and most developed specialties of

in dentistry. Throughout history, humans have created stereotypes of
beauty, which generally require bright white smiles, perfectly aligned
teeth, and a restoration similar to natural teeth, not only in shape, but
also in color and duration.
Oral and Maxillofacial

Dentistry uses imaging as a primary complementary

exam to exercise various
aspects of the profession, providing valuable information
to the daily dental

Dentistry helps us and allows us to see the various

anatomical boundaries and to be able to observe different
diseases either granuloma cysts, among others, or also if
there is bone resorption.

These are some of the complementary exams that help us in


In this sense, dentistry is essential to enjoy optimal oral health

and to maintain the quality of life, since in the long run all the
aforementioned diseases and even others, such as certain
infections, oral thrush and oral cancer, would be avoided.

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