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Cindy Rodríguez Santana

Matricula: 147241
Grupo: OR67
Materia: inglés III
Actividad Evaluativa 4
Campeche, Campeche a 5 de junio de 2022
Actividad de aprendizaje 4. A change in my life
Expresión escrita:
Escribe acerca de una decisión que haya cambiado tu vida. Escribe tu historia en
Este texto debe ser entre 200 y 250 palabras en un documento Word en Arial 12.
Debes incluir portada e instrucciones de la actividad.

A change in my life
One of the best decisions I ever made in my life was to go to college. The
pandemic affected me a lot emotionally, I spent a year without studying. I thought
that it was not a good time to go back to school. The situation was difficult any way
you looked at it.
The time I had free I also used it for productive things that would help me in the
future, I can't say it was wasted time because I would be lying. I took several
courses, I became interested in music in different ways, I learned to drive a car and
a motorcycle, I became more motivated until finally, again, I wanted so much to go
back to school. I wanted to study public relations, so I decided to go to college. I
had to work and save money, although my parents have helped me a lot. One
thing that wasn't easy, because there were so many options, was choosing the
university I wanted to go to.
Fortunately, I found the right university for me. Now I am happy to be able to
continue studying and also in the place where I am. It is the best and most
important change I ever made in my life.

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