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Cindy Rodríguez Santana

Matricula: 147241
Grupo: OR67
Materia: Inglés III
Actividad Evaluativa 2
Campeche, Campeche a 22 de mayo de 2022
Actividad de Aprendizaje 2. A WONDERFUL MEMORY
Poner al inglés en acción social a través de los conocimientos
adquiridos en el bloque sobre el pasado perfecto y continuo para
expresar de manera escrita un recuerdo maravilloso.
En un documento Word de 150-200 palabras, redacta un texto en
donde cuentes un recuerdo maravilloso que tengas sobre ti u otra
persona. Puedes seguir los ejemplos del ejercicio 1 del tema
“Pasado perfecto y continuo”. Agrega una portada, la
presentación de la actividad y las instrucciones y utiliza letra Arial

A Wonderful Memory
The most recent and wonderful memory I have is with my
My boyfriend is a big fan of music. A couple of months ago he and
I attended a music festival. At that festival there were several well-
known and new artists performing.
He and I flew to another city far from our own, it was my first time
flying so far from home. We arrived at a very nice hotel. The hotel
was close to where the festival would be held. The first thing we
did when we arrived was to rest and then we went out to walk
around the city. We bought some souvenirs and tasted typical
local food.
The festival was starting early so we decided to go. When we
arrived, we started to listen to one of the many artists and we were
very excited. It was an incredible and unique experience. The two
days we were there we had a great time and a lot of fun.

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