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write two sentences using each expression 

1. First and foremost, I would like to thank all participants in this event.

First and foremost, we need to be sure that the network is working correctly before the
2. Do not(Don’t) beat around the bush, just tell me the truth.

Please review the customer’s presentation, and use direct speech(language) as they do
not like when we beat around the bush.

3. The next best thing we have is the solution John presented yesterday.

Regarding the three proposals for corporate events, the next best thing would be a mix
of the three.

4. What you're asking me to do is easier said than done.

Changing the people’s behaviour regarding water use is easier said than done.

5. My friend Sandra has an ear for foreign languages; she speaks French, German and
English perfectly, and has a good level in Spanish.

This guy has an ear for the piano, he can play back a track he has just listened to.

6. Any company that doesn't take an interest in the cloud today will soon be behind the

A lot of writers still use a typewriter which shows that they are behind the times in term
of technology.

7. Although Jack won the lottery, he remains down-to-earth and did not spend all his

Despite everyone is telling him he is the best in his job, he remains down-to-earth and
continues to work as hard as he can.

8. After all the warnings from Earth, it's time for the world to face the music.

It’s time to face the music and take responsibility for all the mistakes humans have

9. The speaker had had enough of being constantly interrupted, so he stopped talking
After all these years working in a field she didn't like, Rachel had had enough and

10. With huge inflation on food products, a lot of people are not able to make ends meet.

By controlling expenses month by month, the company has managed to make ends

11. A lot of responsibility at work goes hand in hand with a lot of stress.

Good nutrition and regular exercise go hand in hand for good health.
12. For the most part of my homework , I have succeeded!

For the most part, the main message of the presentation was clear
2. Use each expression in small talk with another human being. 

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