Week 3 Lab

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CS211 Lab 2


After completing this lab, students should be able to

 write, debug and execute simple machine language program

 understand machine execution cycle
 debug machine language program


Write a machine language program that prompts for two integers only, calculates and displays
the sum of the two integers, and exits.

Question 1

Write a machine language program which takes integers as input and computes the product of
integers entered. Your program should continue reading integers until user enters 0 (zero). 0
will act as a sentinel to indicate the end of input and it should not be included in the product

Question 2

Modify the program given in Lab 1 (sample.txt) to cater for negative numbers as well while
calculating the sum of the numbers entered. The program should terminate only when user
enters -99. Before terminating, the program should display the total sum to user. -99 is used as
sentinel and should not be included as part of calculation.

Programming Tip

In solving the above questions, it is advisable to write your initial program flow on paper,
preferably using decimal or symbolic names for instructions, before converting to machine
language (binary) instructions and executing the program on the simulator.

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