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Journal of Parenteral and Enteral

Clinical Sequelae From Overfeeding in Enterally Fed Volume 00 Number 0
xxx 2019 1–12
Critically Ill Adults: Where Is the Evidence? 
C 2019 American Society for

Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

DOI: 10.1002/jpen.1740

Lee-anne S. Chapple1,2 ; Luke Weinel1,2 ; Emma J. Ridley3,4 ; Daryl Jones5,6 ;

Marianne J. Chapman1,2 ; and Sandra L. Peake2,7

Enteral energy delivery above requirements (overfeeding) is believed to cause adverse effects during critical illness, but the literature
supporting this is limited. We aimed to quantify the reported frequency and clinical sequelae of energy overfeeding with enterally
delivered nutrition in critically ill adult patients. A systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL from conception to
November 28, 2018, identified clinical studies of nutrition interventions in enterally fed critically ill adults that reported overfeeding
in 1 or more study arms. Overfeeding was defined as energy delivery > 2000 kcal/d, > 25 kcal/kg/d, or ࣙ 110% of energy prescription.
Data were extracted on methodology, demographics, prescribed and delivered nutrition, clinical variables, and predefined outcomes.
Cochrane “Risk of Bias” tool was used to assess the quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Eighteen studies were
included, of which 10 were randomized (n = 4386 patients) and 8 were nonrandomized (n = 223). Only 4 studies reported a
separation in energy delivery between treatment groups whereby 1 arm met the definition of overfeeding, which reported no
between-group differences in mortality, infectious complications, or ventilatory support. Overfeeding was associated with increased
insulin administration (median 3 [interquartile range: 0–41.8] vs 0 [0–30.6] units/d) and upper-gastrointestinal intolerance in 1 large
RCT and with duration of antimicrobial therapy in a small RCT. There are limited high-quality data to determine the impact of
energy overfeeding of critically ill patients by the enteral route; however, based on available evidence, overfeeding does not appear
to affect mortality or other important clinical outcomes. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2019;00:1–12)

calories; critical care; enteral nutrition; overfeeding

Introduction over the parenteral route, yet the frequency of enteral

energy overfeeding and how it may contribute to adverse
Overfeeding, the provision of energy in excess of metabolic outcomes in the critically ill are uncertain.
requirements to critically ill patients, is thought to be associ-
ated with adverse clinical sequelae, including hyperglycemia,
liver dysfunction, increased risk of infection, prolonged
From the 1 Intensive Care Research, Royal Adelaide Hospital,
weaning from ventilatory support, and increased mortality.1 Adelaide, Australia; 2 Discipline of Acute Care Medicine, School of
However, despite reported concerns, there is no universally Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia; 3 Australaian
agreed-upon definition as to what constitutes energy and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, School of Public
overfeeding or the clinical consequences. Moreover, the Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University Melbourne,
literature on overfeeding has predominantly been limited Melbourne, Australia; 4 Nutrition Department, Alfred Health,
Melbourne, Australia; 5 Intensive Care Unit, Austin Health,
to energy delivery via the parenteral, rather than enteral, Melbourne, Australia; 6 School of Public Health and Preventive
route.2 In contrast to parenterally delivered nutrients, innate Medicine, Monash University Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; and
enteral control mechanisms may prevent or reduce the risk the 7 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, The Queen Elizabeth
of overfeeding in the critically ill. Nutrient delivery to the Hospital, Adelaide, Australia.
small intestine initiates important feedback mechanisms Financial disclosure: None declared.
that control gastric emptying.3 In health, nutrient emptying Conflicts of interest: None declared.
into the intestine occurs at a rate of 1–4 kcal/min.4 In Received for publication July 14, 2019; accepted for publication
critical illness, the feedback mechanism is exaggerated, and October 25, 2019.
nutrient delivery to the small intestine can be markedly This article originally appeared online on xxxx 0, 2019.
slowed. Gastrointestinal dysfunction is common and
Corresponding Author:
typically characterized by reduced gastric motility5 and Dr. Lee-anne S. Chapple, ICU Research, Desk 40, 4G751, Royal
decreased absorption of both lipids and glucose.6,7 Enteral Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide 5000, Australia.
provision of nutrients during critical illness is preferred Email:
2 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 00(0)

International critical care nutrition guidelines currently in an intensive care unit and requiring invasive ventilation
recommend an energy goal of 20–258 (European Society or when >50% of the trial population required invasive
of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition [ESPEN]) or 25–309 mechanical ventilation.11
(American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Studies were included if (1) energy delivery was via the
[ASPEN]) kcal/kg body weight/d. The avoidance of en- enteral route (supplemental parenteral energy was permit-
ergy overfeeding is also suggested, despite limited and ted but was not a defined study intervention), (2) energy
low-quality evidence to support this recommendation.8,9 prescription and delivery (in kcal/d or kcal/kg/d) or the
Further, a consensus of what defines overfeeding is not percent of energy above prescription was reported or could
available, and there is no distinction between overfeed- be calculated from published data, (3) documented or
ing via the parenteral or enteral route. However, ASPEN calculated energy delivery from 1 or more patient cohorts
guidelines state that when enteral nutrition is adequate, met 1 or more of our study definitions for overfeeding,
the provision of supplemental parenteral nutrition should and (4) at least 1 predefined clinical outcome (including
be reduced to avoid the complications associated with mortality, ventilator-free days, or infectious complications)
overfeeding.9 was reported (for a list of the predefined clinical outcomes,
Given the lack of agreed-upon definition for overfeeding see Supplementary Table S5). Only data published in the
associated with energy delivery in the critically ill and the primary manuscript and supplementary materials were in-
potential adverse outcomes, a systematic literature review cluded.
was conducted to identify and quantify the frequency and For the purposes of this review, overfeeding was defined
clinical sequelae of documented enteral energy overfeeding a priori as delivery of >25 kcal/kg/d or >2000 kcal/d
in critically ill adult patients. or ࣙ110% of energy prescription. This definition was ir-
respective of the method (eg, indirect calorimetry, fixed
equation) or body weight (eg, actual, ideal) used to deter-
Materials and Methods mine energy prescription and delivery. Energy prescription
A systematic review of the literature was conducted in > 25 kcal/kg/d exceeds the ESPEN recommendations of
accordance with the principles outlined in the Preferred 20–25 kcal/kg/d and equates to >2000 kcal/d, assuming
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses an actual body weight of 80 kg, which is the average
(PRISMA) statement,10 and the protocol was prospectively weight of a critically ill patient receiving invasive mechanical
registered with PROSPERO (CRD42018091648). ventilation.8,9,12 Data were also reported separately for
studies in which >30 kcal/kg/d was received, as this is
the upper energy recommendation according to ASPEN
Search Strategy guidelines.9 Finally, energy administration of ࣙ110% above
An electronic search identified randomized and the defined target is consistent with the definition provided
nonrandomized studies using the Cochrane Central in the ESPEN guidelines for overfeeding.8
Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, Studies were excluded if (1) data on energy delivery were
and EMBASE via OVID and CINAHL via EBSCOhost not provided; (2) oral nutrition, animals, or children were
published from database inception to November 28, 2018. included; (3) no predefined clinical outcomes were reported;
These databases were searched for studies using variations or (4) they were case reports, editorials, or reviews.
on the keywords “intensive care” together with “enteral
nutrition” and were limited to human and adult studies.
Only studies published in English were identified. The
Data Extraction and Quality Assessment
search strategies and medical subject headings (MeSH) Data were independently extracted in duplicate (LW and
headings are shown in Supplementary Tables S1–S4. also by LC, ER, or DJ) using predefined data extraction
forms. Discrepancies in data extraction were resolved by
Study Selection
Extracted data were (1) study methodology (ie, study
Duplicates were removed and titles and abstracts screened design, aim, intervention, population), (2) patient charac-
for eligibility (LW). When relevance of the article was un- teristics (ie, age, sex, injury severity of illness, weight, body
clear from the abstract, the full text was obtained. Full texts mass index [BMI]), (3) nutrition therapy prescribed and
were assessed against prespecified inclusion and exclusion delivered, and (4) patient outcomes (ie, mortality, duration
criteria by 2 independent reviewers (LC and LW). of stay, organ support, respiratory parameters, infectious
Studies conducted in adult critically ill patients complications, blood glucose control, and other clinical
(ࣙ18 years for all patients or when the mean or median complications) (Supplementary Table S5).
age was ࣙ18 years in all groups) were included. Critically Data presented in median and range/interquartile range
ill patients were defined as patients recruited while present were converted to mean (SD) as per methodology by Wan
Chapple et alReview 3

and colleagues.13 Only papers in which relevant data were

5373 records identified:
reported under each heading were presented in the tables.
2011 OVID
Statistical Analyses
A sensitivity analysis was conducted for the 4 studies
that reported differences in energy delivery, in which only
892 duplicates removed 892
1 group met a criterion for overfeeding. The 2 types of
studies, observational and randomized controlled trial, 4481 titles and abstracts screened
were combined using the principled method of Bayesian
evidence synthesis14 via the “bayesmeta” package (https:// 4341 records excluded in
the R statistical environment. Estimates were reported as 140 full-text articles assessed for eligibility
(median) odds ratio (OR) and 95% credible intervals (CrIs).

Risk of Bias 122 full-text articles excluded:

8 not in study population
Risk of bias of individual studies was only assessed for 65 did not meet definition of overfeeding
randomized trials and completed in duplicate (LW and also 28 energy not reported
by LC, ER, or DJ) using the Cochrane “Risk of Bias” tool, 18 not in English
which classifies risk as “low,” “some concerns,” or “high.” 3 not an original study
Disagreements in risk of bias were resolved by discussion.
Assessment of publication bias using a funnel plot
18 studies included:
created in Review Manager 5 (RevMan5)15 was planned
10 randomized trials
if >10 papers were identified that reported mortality as a
8 nonrandomized trials
dichotomous outcome.16

Results 4 studies included 2 arms with

only 1 arm meeting the
The database search identified a total of 5373 articles. After
definition of overfeeding:
removing duplicates, 4481 unique articles remained. Title
2 randomized trials
and abstract screening led to the retrieval of 140 full-text
2 nonrandomized trials
articles for potential inclusion. Of these, 122 articles were
excluded, with 18 studies eligible for inclusion in the final
review (Figure 1). Figure 1. Consolidated standards of reporting trials
Only 4 of the included studies (2 randomized12,17 and 2 (CONSORT) diagram of included trials.
nonrandomized18,19 ) reported a separation in energy deliv-
ery between treatment groups in which 1 arm and not the
other met the definition of overfeeding. In all of these trials, therapy (n = 1, a post hoc analysis of a previously reported
the definition of overfeeding met was >25 kcal/kg/d. In only trial).33 One immunonutrition study reported burn and
2 of these studies were patients fed >27 kcal/kg/d.12,17 trauma subgroups separately. Only the burn subgroup met
The included studies consisted of 10 randomized an overfeeding criterion and was included in this review.19
parallel-arm trials (4386 patients),12,17,20-27 and 8 nonran-
domized studies (223 patients), of which 3 were before- Patient Characteristics
after studies,19,28-30 3 prospective observational studies,31-33 Overall, the patient populations were young, and the major-
1 prospective crossover trial,30 and 1 retrospective observa- ity of studies included more males than females (Table 1).
tional study18 (Table 1). In 3 of the nonrandomized studies, BMI was only reported in 3 randomized trials12,17,26 and
there was no comparator group.31-33 The total number of 2 nonrandomized studies.18,19 Only 1 randomized trial re-
patients included was 4609 and ranged from 5 to 3957. ported a BMI in the healthy weight range26 according to the
World Health Organization classification.34
Trial Characteristics
Energy Prescription
The interventions evaluated were immunonutrition (n =
7),19,21,23-26,29 energy provision (n = 5),12,17,18,30,32 macronu- A fixed, weight-based equation was used to determine the
trient composition (n = 3),20,22,28 timing of enteral feeding feeding rate in 11 of the 18 included studies (61%), of
(n = 1),31 micronutrient provision (n = 1),27 and insulin which 7 were randomized trials12,17,21,23,24,26,27 and 4 were
Table 1. Study and Patient Characteristics.
Age, y Sex Male, n (%) Weight, kga BMI, kg/m2 Severity of Illness
Study Number
Author, Year Design of Arms Intervention Population N Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Randomized trials
Diboune, 199220 RCT 3 EN with 3 Head injury, 32 57.7 49.1 6 (55) 6 (55) 60.7 (14.9) 60 (10.2) NR NR NR NR
different FA cerebral stroke (26.2) (24.9)
Van den, Berg RCT 2 High-fat/low- COPD, trauma, 32 NR NR 13 (76) 10 (67) 1.15% 0.94% NR NR AP II: 14 AP II: 15 (4)
199422 carbohydrate vs neurological (0.27%) (0.24%) (4)
standard EN illness, IBW IBW
Moore, 199421 RCT 2 Immune- Major torso 98 30.1 30.7 36 (71) 33 (70) 76.5 (2)c 77.9 (2.7)c NR NR ISS: 20.6 ISS: 21.8
enhancing vs trauma (1.3)c (1.5)c IBW for IBW for (1.2)c (1.2)c GCS:
standard nonobese, nonobese, GCS: 13.7 13.7 (0.4)c
“stress” EN moderate moderate (0.3)c
obesity adj obesity adj
Long, 199523 RCT 2 Glutamine- Trauma 30 35.1 29.4 6 (43) 10 (63) 72.9 (3.6)c 73.8 (3.8)c NR NR ISS: 33.8 ISS: 30 (1.5)c
enriched vs (3.2)c (3.5)c (2.1)c
standard EN
Mendez, 199724 RCT 2 Immune- Obese trauma 43 25.5 35.3 14 (64) 15 (71) NR NR NR NR AP: 15.05 AP: 15.67
enhancing vs (1.2)c (2.7)c (1.38)c (1.05)c ISS:
standard EN ISS: 28.2 32.2 (2.3)c
Garrel, 200325 RCT 2 Glutamine vs Severe burns 41 38 (8) 39 (7) 21 (95) 16 (84) 92 (13) 86 (29) NR NR NR NR
placebo (ࣙ20% TBSA)
Falcao de RCT 2 Glutamine/ TBI 20 30 (9.7)d 30 (8.7)d 9 (90) 10 (100) NR, mean NR, mean 22.5 (1)d 22.5 (1)d GCS: 7 GCS: 7.5
Arruda, probiotic- IBW IBW (1.3)d (1.3)d TISS:
200426 enriched vs TISS: 32 34 (8)
standard EN (5)
Berger, 200727 RCT 2 IV copper, Burns 21 38 (16) 46 (15) 6 (60) 9 (82) NR NR NR NR NR NR
selenium + zinc
vs placebo
Peake, 201417 RCT pilot 2 1 vs General ICU, MV 112 56.4 56.5 42 (74) 41 (75) 83 (23.2) 77 (16.4) 27.8 (7.9) 26.2 (6.4) AP II: 23 AP II: 22
1.5 kcal/mL EN (16.8) (16.1) ABW 67 ABW 67 (9.1) (8.9)
(9.2) IBW (9.1) IBW
TARGET RCT 2 1 vs General ICU, MV 3957 57.2 57.5 1221 (62) 1272 (64) 84.6 (23.3) 84.9 (23.6) 29.2 (7.7) 29.3 (7.9) AP II: 22 AP II: 22.1
Investigators, 1.5 kcal/mL EN (16.6) (16.5) ABW 64.4 ABW 64.7 (8.3) (8.5)
201812 (11.1) IBW (10.9) IBW

Table 1. (continued)

Age, y Sex Male, n (%) Weight, kga BMI, kg/m2 Severity of Illness
Study Number
Author, Year Design of Arms Intervention Population N Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Van den Berg, Prospective 2-d Moderate vs MV 9 58 (13) 6 (67) NR NR NR NR NR NR
198830 crossover crossover high energy (reported (reported
intake for whole for whole
group group
only) only)
Buonpane, Prospective 1 Early aggressive Trauma 12 28 (8) 11 (92) 70.1 (5.8) NR AP II: 20
198931 observational EN (3) ISS: 29
Cerra, 198928 Prospective 3 EN Stresstein Metabolic, 35 55.6 56 (15) NR NR 71.7 (3.5) 69.7 (20.5) NR NR NR NR
observational, vs Reabilan vs surgical, (19.9)
retrospective Vivonex malnourished,
cohort postoperative,
Dickerson, Retrospective 2 Hypocaloric vs Obese 40 43.3 45 (16.6) 4 (33) 10 (36) 102 (36) 118 (41) 36 (12.4) 41.3 AP II: 18.1 AP II: 17.2
200218 cohort eucaloric EN trauma/surgical (15.5) Adj weight Adj weight (13.7) (5.1) ISS: (6.7) ISS: 22.2
24.4 (4.9) (14.5)
Ravasco, 200332 Prospective 1 Nonnutritive Respiratory 44 63 (12) 25 (57) NR, Actual NR AP II: 24
observational solutions and [17–83], if not (9)
nutrient [range] obese; adj if
delivery BMI >30
Farber, 200529 Prospective 2 Immune- ISSࣙ25; GCS ࣘ8; 17 + 21 39.1 39.8 10 (59) 17 (81) NR NR NR NR ISS: 29.9 ISS: 31.2 (6.8)
observational, modulating vs burns ࣙ30%; historical (16.3) (15.8) (9.9) GCS: GCS: 9.2 (5)
retrospective standard EN sepsis + MV; cohort 11.1 (4.8)
control ARDS
Soguel,b 200819 Prospective 2 Glutamine/ Burns/trauma: 20 + 20 44 (20) 45 (21) 15 (75) 15 (75) 73.5 (11.8) 77.5 (13.4) 24.1 (4) 28.9 (6) SAPS II: SAPS II: 33
observational, AO-enriched vs subgroups historical 34 (9) [34] (12) [28.5]
retrospective standard EN reported cohort [median] [median]
cohort separately
Shields, 201533 Prospective 1 High-dose Burns ࣙ 20% 5 27.8 NR 80, NR NR
observational insulin TBSA preinjury

Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. Group 1 received the highest energy delivery.
Cerra 198928 also included a third arm for which the mean age was 54.6 (10.7) years.
Diboune 199220 also included a third arm for which the male, female was 4, 6; mean age was 51.7 (15.1) years,and mean time point of study conduct was 26.3 (18.1) days.
adj, adjusted; ABW, actual body weight; AO, antioxidant; AP, APACHE; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; BMI,
body mass index; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EN, enteral nutrition; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid (ω-6); FA, fatty acid; Fn, fibronectin; GCS, glasgow coma scale; GLA, γ
linolenic acid (ω-3); IBW, ideal body weight; ICU, intensive care unit; ISS, injury severity score; IV, intravenous; MV, mechanical ventilation; NR, not reported; RCT, randomized controlled
trial; SAPS, simplified acute physiology score; Sm-C, somatomedin-C; TARGET, the augmented versus routine approach to giving energy trial; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TBSA, total body
surface area; TE, trace element; TISS, trauma injury severity score.
a Weight assumed to be actual weight unless indicated.
b Patient population included both burn and trauma patients. Data presented on burn subgroup only.
c SE of the mean.
d Median (range) converted to mean (SD).

Table 2. Energy Prescription and Delivery.

Time from ICU
Admission to Start Duration
Energy Delivery, kcal/d Study, d Intervention, d

P-Value Definition of
Energy Prescription for Energy Overfeeding
Author, Year Methods Group 1 Group 2 Delivery Met Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Randomized trials
Diboune, 199220 NR 2950 2950 NR >2000 kcal 27.9 (37) 26.5 (32.4) NR NR
Van den Berg, Scholfield 1.5 × BMR 2003 (277) 1943 (306) NR >2000 kcal NR NR 6 4
Moore, 199421 35 kcal/kg/d d3 26.4 (1.4) kcal/kg/da ; d3 24.1 (1.8) kcal/kg/da ; NR >25 kcal/kg/d NR NR 7 (0.5) 8.2 (0.4)
d7 29.2 (3) kcal/kg/da d7 26.8 (2.3) kcal/kg/da
Long, 199523 30 kcal/kg/d 28.6 (1.2) kcal/kg/d 25.3 (1.2) kcal/kg/d P .07 >25 kcal/kg/d 28.9 h 27.7 h NR NR
Mendez, 199724 30 kcal/kg/d 2200 (200); 2000 (185); NR >2000 kcal; 2.5 (0.2) 2.6 (0.3) 9.1 (0.6) 9.8 (0.6)
29.5 (2.6) kcal/kg/d 26.3 (3.2) kcal/kg/d >25 kcal/kg/d
Garrel, 200325 IC and Curreri 2937 (1262) 2753 (1159) NR >2000 kcal NR NR NR NR
Falcao de Arruda, Weight-basedb 2400 (232) 2390 (206) P = .96 >2000 kcal NR NR 13 (5) 9 (4)
Berger, 200727 30 kcal/kg/d to day 3, then 2600 by day 5; 2600 by day 5; NR >2000 kcal NR NR NR NR
IC: 105%–110% REE 2754 by day 10; 2754 by day 10;
2900 by day 20 2900 by day 20
Peake, 201417 1 mL/kg IBW from 27.3 (7.4) kcal/kg/d 19 (6), kcal/kg/d P < .001 >25 kcal/kg/d 23.3 25 6.7 (3.8)c 5.3 (4.6)c
height/h (17.5) hc (21.3) hc
TARGET 1 mL/kg IBW from 1863 (478); 1262 (313); 95% CI; >25 kcal/kg/d 16.6 17.4 6.7 (5.9)c 6.7 (5.9)c
Investigators, height/h 29.1 (6.2) kcal/kg IBW/d 19.6 (4) kcal/kg IBW/d 576– (13.8) hc (15.1) hc
201812 626 kcal
Nonrandomized trials
Van den Berg, IC: 1.5 or 2 × REE 3710 (600) 2555 (553) NR >2000 kcal NR NR NR NR
Buonpane, 198931 Harris-Benedict × SF 1.5 33.2 (3.9) kcal/kg/d - N/A >25 kcal/kg/d 5.3 (3.8) - 19 (7) -
Cerra, 198928 30–35 kcal/kg/d 33 (6) kcal/kg/d 29 (4) kcal/kg/d NR >25 kcal/kg/d NR NR 8 (1) 8 (1)
Dickerson, 200218 Weight-basedb Wk 1: 18.5 (4.4); Wk 1: 13.4 (4.1); P ࣘ .05 >25 kcal/kg/d 3.8 (1.5) 3.3 (1.4) 26.3 15.4
Wk 2: 25.6 (5.9); Wk 2: 15.7 (5.1); (14.8) (10.8)
Wk 3: 25.9 (5.5); Wk 3: 18.6 (3.2);
Wk 4: 24.7 (6.5) Wk 4: 19.2 (4.6)
Ravasco, 200332 Harris-Benedict 2034 (432) - N/A >2000 kcal NR - NR -
Farber, 200529 25–35 kcal/kg/d 2700 (562) 2583 (441) P = .48 >2000 kcal 3 (1.3) 3.6 (2.2) 18 (11) 31 (22)
Soguel,d 200819 Weight-basedb 1840 (840); 1675 (945); P = .012 >25 kcal/kg/d NR NR NR NR
26 (12) kcal/kg/d 23 (13), kcal/kg/d
Shields, 201533 Carlson, Milner, and IC 3044 (1613); - N/A >2000 kcal NR - NR -
39 (20) kcal/kg/d

Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. Group 1 received the highest calorie delivery.
Cerra 198928 also included a third arm for which the mean weight was 84 (10.6) kg, mean calorie delivery was 28 (7) kcal/kg/d and duration of study intervention was 8 (1) days.
Dibourne, 199220 also included a third arm for which the mean weight was 66.4 (10.2) kg.
ABW, actual body weight; BMI, body mass index; BMR, basal metabolic rate; IBW, ideal body weight; IC, indirect calorimetry; REE, resting energy expenditure; NR, not reported; SF, stress
a Mean (SE of the mean)
b Details of formula used not reported
c Median (interquartile range)
d Patient population included both burn and trauma patients. Data presented on burn subgroup only.
Chapple et alReview 7

nonrandomized studies18,19,28,29 (Table 2). Energy prescrip- Seven studies reported the number of mechanically
tion was 25–35 kcal/kg/d in 6 of these studies (4 ran- ventilated patients with >85% of included patients in those
domized, 2 nonrandomized)21,23,24,27-29 and 1 mL/kg/h in 2 studies receiving invasive ventilation.12,17,22,25,28,30,32 There
randomized studies.12,17 The fixed, weight-based equation were no between-group differences in rates of ventilation
used to determine energy prescription was not reported in in studies that reported differences in energy delivery
the remaining 3 studies.18,19,26 between the 2 arms. Five randomized trials12,17,21,25,26 and 4
A predictive equation was applied in another 5 of the nonrandomized studies18,19,29,30 reported either the duration
18 included studies (28%), including 2 randomized and of mechanical ventilation 18,19,21,25,26,29,30 or the number of
3 nonrandomized studies22,25,31-33 (Harris-Benedict, n = ventilator-free days to day 28.12,17 The 2 randomized trials
231,32 ; Scholfield, n = 122 ; Curreri, n = 125 ; Carlson and reporting a difference in energy delivery between groups
Milner, n = 133 ). Three studies reported using a combination did not find an association between energy overfeeding and
of fixed weight-based or predictive equation with indirect ventilator-free days. No studies reported the development
calorimetry,25,27,33 and 1 of the 18 included studies re- of new-onset respiratory failure. Only 1 randomized study12
ported using indirect calorimetry alone to determine energy reported the percentage of patients receiving vasopressor
prescription.30 Finally, 1 nonrandomized study did not support and acute renal replacement and the number of
report the method for determining energy prescription.20 organ-free days. Energy overfeeding was not associated with
an increase in the number of patients requiring vasopressors
Energy Delivery or acute renal replacement therapy or with the duration
of support.
Five randomized studies12,17,21,23,24 and 5 nonrandomized
Five randomized trials12,21,24-26 and 3 nonrandomized
studies18,19,28,31,33 reported energy delivery >
studies18,19,29 reported 1 or more infectious complications
25 kcal/kg/d (Table 2). Of these, 4 reported delivery
(44% of included studies) (Table 5). Energy overfeeding was
> 30 kcal/kg/d.12,28,31,33 Energy delivery >2000 kcal/d
not found to be associated with increased rates of bac-
was reported in 7 randomized12,20,22,24-27 and 5
teremia or antimicrobial administration in the 1 randomized
nonrandomized19,29,30,32,33 studies. Four of the included
trial that reported a significant difference in energy delivery
studies met the overfeeding criteria for both total energy
between treatment groups,12 whereas 1 nonrandomized trial
and >25 kcal/kg/d.12,19,24,33 The mean duration of feeding
reported an increased duration of antibiotic therapy with
ranged from 4 to 13 days in 6 randomized trials12,17,21,22,24,26
overfeeding (27.4 [17.3] vs 16.6 [11.7] days).18
and from 8 to 31 days in 4 nonrandomized trials.18,28,29,31
Energy overfeeding was associated with hyperglycemia
Four randomized20,23,25,27 and 4 nonrandomized19,30,32,33
and increased insulin administration in 1 randomized trial
studies did not report the duration of enteral feeding.
that reported a significant difference in energy delivery
between treatment groups.12 A smaller, nonrandomized trial
Outcomes also reported a significant increase in total insulin adminis-
Mortality at 1 or more time points was reported in tration with overfeeding in a subgroup of burn patients19
12 of the 18 included studies (67%), of which 6 were (Table 6), whereas a small randomized trial reported no
randomized trials12,17,21,24-26 and 6 were nonrandomized difference in mean concentrations of glucose and insulin
studies18,19,29,31-33 (Table 3). In 4 of the 12 studies, the or glucose turnover during the study.27 One large ran-
time point at which mortality was recorded was not re- domized trial reported increased gastric residual volumes
ported or was unclear.18,24,25,29 Energy delivery that met and promotility administration with overfeeding.12 One
an overfeeding inclusion criterion was not found to be randomized trial reported a similar frequency of diarrhea
associated with increased mortality when compared with between study arms, both of which were overfed.20 No
lower energy delivery in the 4 studies (2 randomized,12,17 studies reported new-onset fever or pancreatitis.
2 nonrandomized18,19 ) that reported a significant difference
in energy delivery between treatment groups.
Risk of Bias
In a sensitivity analysis based on the Bayesian approach
for the 4 studies that reported differences in energy delivery, The risk of bias for the randomized controlled trials is
in which only 1 group met a criterion for overfeeding, shown in Supplementary Figure S1. According to the
there was no demonstrable treatment effect of overfeeding Cochrane “Risk of Bias” tool classifications, 3 studies were
on trial-reported mortality (median OR: 0.983 [95% CrI, considered to have low risk of bias,12,17,27 6 studies had met
0.517–1.832]). the criteria of “some concerns,”20,22-26 and 1 study had a
Outcomes related to organ support and respiratory high risk of bias.21
parameters are reported in Table 4. Data relating to A funnel plot for publication bias for the outcome of
mechanical ventilation were reported in 7 randomized mortality was not constructed, as <10 randomized papers
trials12,17,21-23,25,26 and 6 nonrandomized studies.18,19,28-30,32 were available.
8 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 00(0)

Table 3. Mortality.

Other Mortality
ICU Mortality, Hospital Mortality, 28-Day Mortality, 90-Day Mortality, Time Points,
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

Author, Year Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Randomized trials
Moore, 199421 NR NR 1 (2) 2 (4) NR NR NR NR NR NR
Mendez, 199724 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 1 (4.5)a 1 (5)a
Garrel, 200325 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12 (63)a 2 (13)a
Falcao de Arruda, NR NR 0 (0) 0 (0) NR NR NR NR NR NR
Peake, 201417 6 (11) 9 (16) 10 (19) 14 (27) 11 (20) 18 (33) 11 (20) 20 (37) 77 (4.5)b 68 (5.6)b
TARGET NR NR 468 (23.8) 470 (23.7) 450 (22.9) 455 (23) 523 (26.8) 505 (25.7) NR NR
Nonrandomized trials
Buonpane, 198931 0 (0) 0 (0) NR NR NR
Dickerson, 200218 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 1 (8)a 0 (0)a
Ravasco, 200332 NR 24 (55) NR NR NR
Farber, 200529 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 1 (6)a 2 (10)a
Soguel,d 200819 0 (0) 1 (5) 1 (5) 1 (5) NR NR NR NR NR NR
Shields, 201533 5 (100) NR NR NR NR

Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. Group 1 received the highest energy delivery.
ICU, intensive care unit; ITT, intention to treat; NR, not reported.
a Time point unclear.
b Mean (SE) duration of survival, days.
c Patient population included both burn and trauma patients. Data presented on burn subgroup only.

Discussion did not find that enteral energy overfeeding was associated
with worse outcomes. Moreover, an observational study
Overview of Results of long-term mechanically ventilated patients, in which
This systematic review evaluating the effects of enteral overfeeding was defined as >110% of estimated energy goals
energy overfeeding in critically ill adults did not find an using indirect calorimetry, reported lower minute ventila-
association with mortality or key clinical outcomes, in- tion with greater energy delivery.40 A post hoc analysis of
cluding duration of mechanical ventilation and infectious an international database also reported more ventilator-
complications. However, only 18 studies fulfilled the prede- free days with increased energy delivery.41 Although a
fined criteria for energy overfeeding in 1 or more patient few studies reported glycemia outcomes, our review only
cohorts, of which only half were randomized trials and only found 1 study, albeit a large randomized trial, demon-
4 reported a separation in energy delivery between treatment strating inferior glycemic control with overfeeding with an
arms in which only 1 arm met the predefined criterion increase in the number of patients receiving insulin and the
for overfeeding. The paucity of high-quality evidence pre- daily insulin dose. However, interpretation of these results
cludes any meaningful conclusions regarding the potential should consider macronutrient composition because the
for harm associated with enteral energy overfeeding. Our group receiving more energy received a higher carbohydrate
findings do not provide evidence to support the stated dose (180 g vs 125 g/L enteral nutrition formulation).12
risks of overfeeding in international guidelines8 and opinion Furthermore, because insulin resistance and stress-induced
pieces.1,35,36 hyperglycemia are common in critical illness, it is likely
that blood glucose concentrations are directly related to the
amount of carbohydrate delivered, even when enteral energy
Relationship to Other Literature delivery does not meet the definition of overfeeding.
The major clinical concerns of overfeeding are increased
CO2 production (hence, prolonged ventilatory dependence)
and glycemic control. The literature suggesting any adverse
effects of energy overfeeding on respiratory outcomes pri- This systematic review provides the first comprehensive
marily relates to parenterally fed patients.37-39 Our review analysis of studies reporting enteral energy overfeeding
Chapple et alReview 9

Table 4. MV.

Duration of MV, days CO2 Production, mL/min O2 Consumption, mL/min

Author, Year Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Randomized trials
Van den Berg, NR NR MV 0.225 (0.007) MV 0.218 (0.013) MV 0.225 (0.008) MV 0.199 (0.011)
199422 L/mina ; L/mina ; L/mina ; L/mina ;
Weaning 0.231 Weaning 0.177 Weaning 0.271 Weaning 0.244
(0.011) L/mina (0.010) L/mina (0.013) L/mina (0.010) L/mina
Moore, 199421 1.9 (0.4)a 5.3 (2.9)a NR NR NR NR
Long, 199523 NR NR 27.64% (3.76%) 32.45% (3.36%) NR NR
from glucosea from glucosea
Garrel, 200325 22 (10) 24 (11) NR NR NR NR
Falcao de Arruda, 21 (16.2)b 7.5 (4.5)b NR NR NR NR
Peake, 201417 16.5 14.8 NR NR NR NR
(16.4)c,d (19.5)c,d
TARGET 15 (18.5)c,d 15 (18.5)c,d NR NR NR NR
Nonrandomized trials
Van den Berg, 12–38e 12–38e 136 (28) mL/min/m2 116 (16) mL/min/m2 170 (32) mL/min/m2 158 (27) mL/min/m2
Cerra, 198928 NR NR 180 (25) 182 (25) 228 (30) 237 (27)
Dickerson, 200218 23.7 (16.6) 15.9 (10.8) NR NR NR NR
Farber, 200529 24 (17) 27 (18) NR NR NR NR
200819 7.2 (6.7) 6.1 (7.1) NR NR NR NR

Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. Group 1 received the highest energy delivery.
Cerra 198928 also included a third arm for which the mean CO2 production was 171 (22) mL/min and the mean O2 consumption was 198 (28)
MV, mechanical ventilation; NR, not reported.
a Mean (standard error of the mean).
b Median (range) converted to mean (SD).
c Ventilator-free days to day 28.
d Median (interquartile range) converted to mean (SD).
e Range.
f Patient population included both burn and trauma patients. Data presented on burn subgroup only.

(as defined in our review) of critically ill patients and particular time points rather than the entire study duration;
associated clinical outcomes. Strengths of this review in- and in the fourth, a subset of burn patients were overfed
clude a comprehensive literature search, adherence to a for the kcal/kg/d criterion only and not the total kcal/d
preregistered protocol, limiting the search to only include criterion. In addition, the mean energy intake at a group
studies of enteral energy delivery (the recommended route level only was considered, and hence, it should be recognized
for nutrition in the critically ill8,9 ), and the inclusion of that interpatient variation means that it is likely that not all
a large, recent, multicenter, randomized, double-blind en- patients within the overfed group were overfed.
teral nutrition trial evaluating increased energy delivery in The small number of studies identified, combined with
mechanically ventilated patients.12 Although several defini- heterogeneity in calculating energy goals and outcome re-
tions of overfeeding were included in order to capture the porting, precluded the synthesis of results. Only 4 studies
breadth of research in this area, these definitions are not used indirect calorimetry, the recommended technique for
standardized. This lack of uniformity may have limited the estimating metabolic rate.8 For those studies that used a
number of identified publications and underestimated or fixed weight or predictive equation to prescribe energy, the
overestimated the effect of overfeeding on clinical outcomes. determination of energy overfeeding will differ according
Further, only 4 studies that met our definition of energy to the use of actual, ideal, or adjusted weight to calculate
overfeeding included only 1 arm that was overfed. Of these, energy delivery. The lack of a uniform approach as to which
only 2 were randomized (and 1 of these was the pilot weight to use highlights the need to standardize weight,
trial for the larger randomized study). The third study not only for critical care nutrition research but also for
was nonrandomized, and patients were only overfed at calculating energy requirements at the patient’s bedside.
10 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 00(0)

Table 5. Infectious Complications.

Total Infections, n (%) Pneumonia, n (%) Bacteremia, n (%)

Author, Year Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Randomized trials
Moore, 199421 NR NR 4 (8) 4 (8) 2 (4) 4 (8)
Mendez, 199724 19 (86) 12 (57) 16 (73) 11 (52) 6 (27) 7 (33)
Garrel, 200325 NR NR NR NR 10 (45) 7 (37)
Falcao de Arruda, 200426 10 (100) 5 (50) NR NR NR NR
TARGET Investigators, 201812 NR NR NR NR 228 (11.6) 221 (11.1)
Nonrandomized trials
Dickerson, 200218 NR NR 8 (67) 12 (43) NR NR
Farber, 200529 NR NR 2 (12) 11 (52) 15 (88) 17 (81)
Soguel,a 200819 0.8 (0.5) 0.6 (0.6) NR NR NR NR

Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. Group 1 received the highest energy delivery.
NR, not reported.
a Patient population included both burn and trauma patients. Data presented on burn subgroup only.

Table 6. Blood Glucose Control.

Daily BGL, mmol/L Hyperglycemia, n (%) Total Insulin Dose, IU

Author, Year Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Randomized trials
Garrel, 200325 8.9 (1.8) 8.6 (1.4) NR NR 38 (24) 42 (29)
Peake, 201417 12.4 (3.9) 12 (3.9) NR NR 55 (22–131)a 43 (24–67)a
TARGET NR NR Highest BGL: 12.5 Highest BGL: 11.8 3 (0–41.8)a,b 0 (0–30.6)a,b
Investigators, 201812 (10.3–15.4) mg/dLa (9.7–14.5) mg/dLa
Nonrandomized trials
Buonpane, 198931 NR 3 (25) NR
Soguel,c 200819 NR NR NR NR 41 (34) 29 (48)

Data are reported as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated. Group 1 received the highest energy delivery.
BGL, blood glucose level.
a Median (interquartile range).
b Daily insulin dose.
c Patient population included both burn and trauma patients. Data presented on burn subgroup only.

Implications for Clinicians route is required. High protein intake is recommended in

current nutrition guidelines,8,9 yet the safety and benefits
This review demonstrates a lack of high-quality evidence of this remain uncertain. In addition, it is recommended
supporting the view that enteral energy delivery to a that a consensus statement for standardized reporting of
level that meets our predefined criteria of overfeeding in demographics, energy goals, energy and macronutrient de-
critical illness is harmful, with the exception of upper- livery, and outcome measures be developed in order to
gastrointestinal intolerance and poorer glycemic control. allow synthesis of trials in the field of critical care nu-
Clinicians should, however, remain cautious about over- trition. A systematic review on the quality of reporting
feeding via intravenous routes. of nutrition variables in critical care nutrition trials is
currently underway (;
Implications for Further Research
Prior to implementing changes in practice, further research
should assess the effects of energy overfeeding via the
enteral route on physiologically plausible clinical outcomes The literature on overfeeding of enteral energy is sparse.
such as respiratory outcomes and glycemic control. In par- Limited high-quality data concerning the impact of energy
ticular, differentiation as to the effect of specific macronutri- overfeeding on outcomes exist; however, documented ad-
ent overfeeding from total energy overfeeding via the enteral verse effects from energy overfeeding by the enteral route
Chapple et alReview 11

in critical illness are minor, and concerns of overfeeding 11. Ridley EJ, Davies AR, Hodgson CL, Deane A, Bailey M, Cooper
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the current literature, other than increased gastrointestinal
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13. Wan X, Wang W, Liu J, Tong T. Estimating the sample mean
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text papers and John Moran for assistance with the statistical 15. Review Manager (RevMan) [computer program]. Version 5.3. Copen-
analyses. hagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration;
Statement of Authorship 16. Higgins JPT, Green S, editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic
reviews of interventions; Version 5.1.0. Chichester (UK): The Cochrane
L. S. Chapple, D. Jones, E. J. Ridley, M. J. Chapman, and Collaboration; 2011. Updated March
S. L. Peake contributed to the conceptualization and research 2011.
design. L. S. Chapple and L. Weinel performed the literature 17. Peake SL, Davies AR, Deane AM, et al. Use of a concentrated
review. L. S. Chapple, L. Weinel, E. J. Ridley, and D. Jones enteral nutrition solution to increase calorie delivery to critically ill
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19. Soguel L, Chiolero RL, Ruffieux C, Berger MM. Monitoring the
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