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Throughout history, countries all over the

world engaged in war against each other, do
you think it's possible to have a world without
war in the future? Why or why not. 2 mins to

To have a world without war, countries

need to change the way they handle
disagreements with each other. They
should try to talk and work things out
instead of fighting. They also need to treat
people fairly and kindly, and promote peace
instead of violence. It's not easy, but it's
important to create a safe and peaceful
world for everyone.
2. You have a friend who is a teacher by
profession, he wants to have a summer job
while the classes are suspended, what would
you advise if you were in his position. 1 minute to

I would suggest that he look for summer

jobs that match his skills and interests.
Tutoring, summer camps, freelance
writing, and online teaching are all
possibilities. It is important to select a job
that is both enjoyable and profitable.
3. You have a friend who is planning to be a
vegetarian, he was asking for an advise if you
think that it is good or not. 2 mins to answer
"In my opinion, adopting a vegetarian diet
can be a healthy and ethical decision.
However, it's important to plan meals
carefully to ensure you're getting all the
essential nutrients from plant-based
4. You are a manager of a company and
planned to have a 2 week vacation but your
boss insisted for you to attend an important
meeting. How will you convinced him to
reschedule the meeting or have the meeting
without you. 2mins to answer
I will explain to my boss that I have
already planned a vacation during the time
of the meeting, but offer to help prepare for
the meeting beforehand or to participate
remotely if possible. Alternatively, I could
suggest rescheduling the meeting to a time
when you are available.

The Berlitz test is a language proficiency

test that is often used by employers to
assess a candidate's ability to
communicate in a particular language.
Here are some tips for answering the
Berlitz test:
1. Be prepared: Before taking the Berlitz
test, make sure that you have practiced
your language skills and are familiar with
the format of the test. You may also want
to review grammar rules and common
vocabulary words to ensure that you are
comfortable with the language.
2. Listen carefully: Pay close attention to
the instructions and questions during the
test. Make sure that you understand what
is being asked of you before answering.
3. Speak clearly: When speaking,
enunciate your words clearly and try to
speak at a natural pace. Don't be afraid to
ask the examiner to repeat a question if
you didn't understand it.
4. Use appropriate grammar and
vocabulary: Try to use correct grammar
and appropriate vocabulary when
answering questions. Don't use overly
complex language or slang, as this may
make it harder for the examiner to
understand you.
5. Practice good communication skills:
Remember that the Berlitz test is
designed to assess your ability to
communicate in the language. Practice
active listening, ask clarifying questions,
and be confident in your ability to express
Overall, the key to answering the Berlitz
test is to be well-prepared, communicate
clearly, and demonstrate your language
proficiency to the best of your ability.

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