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A Renewing of the Mind Project

Remember that rickety old house we talked about last time? If you were
going to fix it up, how would you start? Would you tackle the wholehouse in
a day, or would you start with just one room?

I’m hoping you said just one room because that’s what I’d like to do on this
blog: work together with each other and with God to tackle the “rooms” in
our lives that could use a little makeover.

If you’d like to be involved, the first step is to choose a “renewing of the

mind” project. We’ll talk more about what that will look like in weeks to
come but for now let’sjust explore some project possibilities.

Here are a few examples of projects you could take on:

 A critical spirit
 A habit of worry
 Too much time on the internet
 Your attitude toward work or school
 A sin that controls you
 A difficult relationship

If you’re having a hard time deciding what to work on, here's a worksheet
that might help:

Choosing a Project

1. What areas of your life cause you the most stress?

2. Why do they stress you out?

3. Can you think of any good habits you’d like to develop?

4. Can you think of any bad habits you’d like to break free from?
5. Of the following negative emotions and attitudes, which one(s) have you
been struggling with the most lately?

 Worry, stress, anger, self-condemnation, people pleasing, insecurity in

general, discontentment, envy, pride, judgment, and/ora critical spirit.

6. What are your most difficult relationships at this time? (You may want to just
answer this one in your head rather than onpaper.)

7. Why are those relationships difficult?

8. Look over your answers to the preceding questions and list two or three
possible projects.

9. For each project, answer the following questions:

a. On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard do you think itwould be to tackle this

b. How would your life change if you were to gain victory over this habit or

c. Would gaining victory over this habit or emotion help you love God and
others better? Explain.

d. Can you do this project in your own strength? If not, what will you need to
do if you want to be successful with this project?(Romans 12:1-2,
Ephesians 4:22-24)

10. Do you feel like God is leading you toward a particular project?

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