The Digestive System - Q4 M1

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Lesson 1 : The digestive system

- is uniquely designed to turn food you eat into nutrients, which the
body uses for energy, growth and cell repair.

- The function of the digestive system is digestion, the break down of

organic compounds into their simple forms for use by the cells.
Digestion is the chief function of the digestive system. It breaks down
food mechanically and chemically.


 Ingestion  Taking in food

 Digestion  Breakdown of complex food
substances into smaller
soluble food substances
 Absorption  Digested food is absorbed
into body cells
 Assimilation  Absorbed food is use to
provide energy or form new
 Egestion  Removal of undigested food
Complete Digestive - MOUTH ANUS
Incomplete Digestive - MOUTH MOUTH

1. Ingestion
- Mouth
- Organ

Mouth - Entry point of food

Saliva - A watery liquid that makes the food wet and soft, and it has
chemical that helps digest the food.
Bolus - A ball-like mixture of food and saliva that forms in the mouth
during the process of chewing.
Salivary Glands - Produces saliva

Production of Amylase

- A digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas and salivary glands.

- Breaks down complex carbohydrates.

It speeds up/help chemical digestion

2. Digestion
- Stomach

- It is the series of
involuntary wave-like muscle
contractions which move food
along the digestive tract.
- The bolus move from one organ
to another.
- Delivers food to the stomach
- Connects the bottom of your
throat to your stomach
- A hollow, muscular tube that

carries food and liquid from your

throat to your stomach

- A hollow organ
- A sac-like organ with strong muscular walls
- Where food is temporarily stored
- Secretes acid and powerful enzymes

 The chief digestive enzyme in the stomach, which breaks down

proteins into poly peptides.

Bolus (Mouth)

Chyme (Stomach)
-  A thick semifluid mass of
partially digested food and
digestive secretions.

- It is the largest internal organ
- cleanse and purify the blood
- It produces a digestive juice called bile

A green fluid that helps digest fat

- A pear-shaped reservoir that sits under the liver
- It stores bile

- The oblong pancreas secretes enzymes into the small intestine
- Produces pancreatic juices (enzymes) that helps to digest protein, fat,
and carbohydrates
- enzymes that break down fats into free fatty acids

- enzymes that break down proteins


Carbohydrates (Amylase) Simple Sugars (e.g. Glucose)

- milk, spaghetti, cherry pie, corn, rice, breads
Proteins (Protease) Amino Acids
- eggs, poultry, fish, seafood, meats
Lipids (Lipase) Fatty Acid + Glycerol
- butter, cheese, bacon, poultry skin, avocado
- vegetables and fruits

3. Absorption
- Small Intestine

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