Discharge of Instruments

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DISCHARGE OF INSTRUMENTS XPN to XPN: Payment by a stranger

is for the debtor

Requisites for payment to discharge the
Sec. 119. Instrument; how discharged. —
A negotiable instrument is discharged —
it must be made:
(a) By payment in due course by or on
behalf of the principal debtor; (a) by or on behalf of the principal debtor
(b) By payment in due course by the party (b) at or after its maturity
accommodated, where the instrument is
(c) to the holder thereof
made or accepted for accommodation;
(d) in good faith and without notice that the
(c) By the intentional cancellation thereof
holder's title is defective.
by the holder;
(d) By any other act which will discharge
simple contract for the payment of money; 1. Principal debtor- person ultimately
bound to pay the debt and not necessarily to
(e) When the principal debtor becomes the
the "person primarily liable" on the
holder of the instrument at or after maturity
instrument. (Note: Payment by
in his own right
accommodation party will not discharge
since he is not primarily liable)
WHAT is discharge? 2. Payment by accommodated party
Discharge of an instrument means a release As between the accommodation party
of all parties, whether primary or secondary, and the accommodated party, the latter is
from the obligations arising thereunder. It the real debtor. Hence, payment by the
renders the instrument without force and accommodated party is actually payment
effect and, consequently, it can no longer be by the principal debtor and this is true
negotiated. whether he appears as a party to the
instrument or not.
Who is discharged?
3. Intentional cancellation of instrument
Discharge of the instrument obviously
by holder.
includes discharge of the person or
persons primarily liable on it and a To effect, it must be:
person secondarily liable on an
(a) be intentionally done;
instrument is also discharged by an act
which discharges the instrument. (b) by the holder thereof
How: Methods of Discharge Note: Cancellation may be done by writing
the word "cancelled" or "paid" on the face
1. Payment by principal debtor.
of the instrument. There is also cancellation
GR: when an instrument upon which
when the instrument is torn up, burned,
several are liable, some primarily
mutilated or destroyed. The presumption is
and some secondarily, if it is satisfied
that the cancellation is intentional.
by him who is primarily liable, a
complete discharge results. It no 4. Any act which discharges a contract.
longer has legal existence. (1) By payment or performance;
XPN: Payment by a stranger (2) (2) By the loss of the thing due;
(3) By the condonation or remission of (d) By a valid tender of payment made by a
the debts; prior party;
(4) By the confusion or merger of the
(e) By a release of the principal debtor,
rights of creditor and debtor;
unless the holder's right of recourse against
(5) By compensation; the party secondarily liable is expressly
(6) By novation. Other causes of
extinguishing of obligations such as (f) By any agreement binding upon the
annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a holder to extend the time of payment, or to
resolutory condition and prescription are postpone the holder's right to enforce the
governed elsewhere in this Code. instrument, unless made with the assent of
the party secondarily liable, or unless the
Note: while the various causes of
right of recourse against such party is
discharging a simple contract such as
expressly reserved
payment, condonation, etc. will operate to
discharge the instrument as between the 1. Any act which discharges instrument
immediate parties, they will not in the
-A discharge of a secondary party does not
hands of a holder in due course.
effect a discharge of the instrument itself
2. Intentional cancellation of signature
5. Reacquisition by principal debtor in
Effect: it discharges person secondarily
his own right
liable from liability on the instrument as if
he has never been a party to the same.
Reacquisition must be:
(a) by the principal debtor Limitation of holder: the indorsement is
(b) in his own right, and not necessary to the title of the holder.
(c) at or after the date of maturity.
3. Discharge of prior party by act of holder
Reason: the instrument is discharged Reason: discharge deprives a subsequent
because of the merger in his person party of a right of recourse against the party
of the characters of creditor and discharged by the holder
This applies only to discharge by the act of
Note: "In his own right" means not the holder and not to discharges by operation
in a representative capacity of law, or a discharge by the statute of
limitations, or a discharge of a party for
Sec. 120. When person secondarily liable failure of the holder to give him notice of
on the instrument are discharged. —A dishonor.
person secondarily liable on the instrument
is discharged: 4. Valid tender of payment

(a) By any act which discharges the A valid tender of payment made by a prior
instrument; party, if accepted, would result in the
discharge of said party and necessarily of all
(b) By the intentional cancellation of his parties subsequent to him.
signature by the holder;
The holder's refusal without any justifiable
(c) By the discharge of a prior party; reason to accept a valid tender of payment
made by a prior party should discharge the anymore than if it were
subsequent parties. merely discounted
 If the instrument is
It stops the running of interest and relieves
renegotiated to a holder in
the party making the tender from subsequent
due course, the latter may
liability for costs and attorney's fees in case
recover on the instrument
of litigation.
(2) Payment must be made to the holder
5. Release of the principal debtor by act of GR: maker of a note is not
holder discharged when he pays the payee
who is no longer the holder because
The release of the principal debtor
he has already transferred the note to
discharges the instrument and, therefore, all
a holder in due course
the secondary parties are also discharged.
XPN: it is shown that he was
The release of the principal debtor,
authorized by the holder to receive
subsequent parties lose their right of
recourse against him.
Remedy: the remedy of the maker is
XPN: if the holder reserved his right of against the one who received the
recourse against the said subsequent parties, payment
for then the effect of the reservation by the (3) Payment must be made in good faith
holder of his right is the implied reservation and without notice that the holder's
by the subsequent parties of their right of title is defective
recourse against the principal debtor. (must  if there is a forged
be express and not implied) indorsement (see Sec.
23.), it is a nullity and
6. Extension of time of payment
no right passes by it
an agreement by die holder with a
and payment by him
third party to extend the time of
does not operate as a
payment does not discharge the
discharge of the


1. Payment in due course
Sec. 88. What constitutes payment in due a. Principal debtor- person ultimately
course. — Payment is made in due course bound to pay the debt and not necessarily to
when it is made at or after the maturity of the "person primarily liable" on the
the instrument to the holder thereof in good instrument. (Note: Payment by
faith and without notice that his title is accommodation party will not discharge
defective. since he is not primarily liable)
Requisites of payment in due course: b. Payment by accommodated party
(1) Payment must be made at or after As between the accommodation party
date of maturity and the accommodated party, the latter is
 Payment before maturity does the real debtor. Hence, payment by the
not discharge the instrument accommodated party is actually payment
by the principal debtor and this is true
whether he appears as a party to the before, at, or after its maturity. An
instrument or not. absolute and unconditional renunciation
of his rights against the principal debtor
c. Payment by person secondarily
made at or after the maturity of the
liable (Sec. 121 NIL);right of party
instrument discharges the instrument.
who discharges instrument
But a renunciation does not affect the
Sec. 121. Right of party who discharges rights of a holder in due course without
instrument. — Where the instrument is paid notice. A renunciation must be in writing
by a party secondarily liable thereon, it is unless the instrument is delivered up to
not discharged; but the party so paying it is the person primarily liable thereon.
remitted to his former rights as regards all
prior parties, and he may strike out his own
and all subsequent indorsements, and again 3. Intentional Cancellation
negotiate the instrument, except —
Sec. 123. Cancellation; unintentional;
(a) Where it is payable to the order of a burden of proof. - A cancellation made
third person, and has been paid by the unintentionally or under a mistake or
drawer; and without the authority of the holder, is
inoperative but where an instrument or
(b) Where it was made or accepted for
any signature thereon appears to have
accommodation, and has been paid by the
been cancelled, the burden of proof lies
party accommodated.
on the party who alleges that the
Effect: it cancels his own liability and cancellation was made unintentionally or
discharges those who are subsequent to him. under a mistake or without authority.

With regard to prior parties, primay or Unlike renunciation, the law does not
secondary, if the party so paying was require cancellation to be in writing.
formerly a holder in due course, he may Thus, there is cancellation if the agent of
recover from prior parties as such a holder the holder burned the note with the
even though at that time he already had knowledge and consent of the said
notice of defenses. holder.

d. To whom must payment be made a. Rule in case of unintentional

Payment must be to the holder. cancellation (Sec. 123 NIL)
Payment to a payee who already
negotiated the instrument will not
discharge the instrument because he Sec. 123. Cancellation; unintentional;
is no longer the holder, the same is burden of proof. — A cancellation made
true when payment is made to a unintentionally, or under a mistake or
possessor to whom the instrument without the authority of the holder, is
was not indorsed. inoperative; but where an instrument or
2. Renunciation by Holder (Sec. 22 any signature thereon appears to have
NIL) been cancelled the burden of proof lies
on the party who alleges that the
Sec. 122. Renunciation by holder. -
cancellation was made unintentionally,
The holder may expressly renounce his
or under a mistake or without authority
rights against any party to the instrument
Presumption: Cancellation, however, is Spouses Zoilo J. Abella and Gregoria S.
presumed to be intentional. Abella vs. Spouses Grace Abella and Alden
Burden of Proof: burden is on the
holder claiming its ineffectiveness to Facts:
overcome the presumption by contrary
Zoilo Abella extended a loan of 800,000 to
his nephew’s wife, Grace in 2002, which
was paid in installment. Grace issued 3 post-
dated checks in the amount of 100, 000
Note: Cancellation is not limited to the
each. The subject of this case is the 3rd check
writing of the word "cancelled" or "paid"
issued by the respondent.
or the drawing of crisscross lines across
the instrument. It includes tearing, Zoilo and his wife claimed that the 3rd check
erasure, obliteration, or burning. It remained unpaid despite the follow ups,
may be made by any other means by even if they had returned possession of the
which the intention to cancel the 3rd check to Grace, resulting in the filing of
instrument may be evidenced. action for collection of sum of money and
Cancellation is inoperative when
(1) unintentionally, or Grace contended that the last check was
exchanged with cash personally given to
(2) by mistake or through fraud, or
(3) without authority

The RTC dismissed Zoilo’s complaint o the

4. Any act that discharges simple ground that the petitioner failed to establish
contracts (Art. 1231 NCC) their claim with preponderance of evidence,
which was affirmed by the RTC and CA
Civil Code, Art. 1231. Obligations are
extinguished: Issue: Whether the instrument is discharged

(1) By payment or performance: Held:

(2) By the loss of the thing due: Yes. Once the existence of an indebtedness
is duly established by evidence, the burden
(3) By the condonation or remission of the of showing with legal certainty that the
debt; obligation has been discharged by payment
(4) By the confusion or merger of the rights rests on the debtor.
of creditor and debtor; Thus, while it is true that "one who pleads
(5) By compensation; payment has the burden of proving it”. The
burden of showing the discharge of the
(6) By novation. Other causes of obligation by the debtor only arises once the
extinguishment of obligations, such as existence of indebtedness is duly established
annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a by evidence. Here, petitioners failed to show
resolutory condition, and prescription, are that respondents are still indebted to them.
governed elsewhere in this Code.
Section 119(e) of the Negotiable
Instruments Law provides that a
negotiable instrument like a check may be D. Discharge of Prior Party
discharged by any other act which will
The discharge of a party as by
discharge a simple contract for the
intentional cancellation of his signature
payment of money, such as when the
(subsection [b].) also operates as a
principal debtor becomes the holder of
discharge of parties subsequent to the
the instrument at or after maturity in his
party discharged. The reason for the rule
own right. In order that there will be
is that the discharge deprives a
discharge under subsection (e), the
subsequent party of a right of recourse
reacquisition must be: (1) by the principal
against the party discharged by the
debtor; (2) in his own right; and (3) at or
holder. "Prior party" is not limited to
after the date of maturity.
prior indorsers but includes as well
First, it is undisputed from the records that principal debtors within its meaning.
respondents, as the debtors in the present
E. Tender of Payment
case, reacquired the third check. Second, the
reacquisition by respondents was clearly in A valid tender of payment made by a
their own right and not in a representative prior party, if accepted, would result in
capacity, such as being an agent of another the discharge of said party and
or as a pledge from the petitioners who, in necessarily of all parties subsequent to
fact, freely gave it to them. Third, the him. (subsection [c].) It is but just,
maturity date of the check was on January therefore, that the holder's refusal
30, 2006 and the reacquisition was made without any justifiable reason to accept a
after the said date. valid tender of payment made by a prior
party should discharge the subsequent
parties. (Sec. 70.) The refusal to accept
5. Principal debtor becomes holder the tender does not operate to discharge
(Sec 119 e) the debt but the tender stops the running
of interest and relieves the party making
a. An instrument is discharged when the
the tender from subsequent liability for
principal debtor becomes the holder of
costs and attorney's fees in case of
the instrument at or after maturity date in
his own right.
F. Release of Principal Debtor
b. “In his own right” has been construed
to exclude a case where a maker acquires The release of the principal debtor
the instrument in a purely representative discharges the instrument and, therefore,
capacity. Thus, the note is not discharged all the secondary parties are also
when the maker acquires it as agent of discharged. Moreover, with the release
another. of the principal debtor, subsequent
parties lose their right of recourse
c. Nor is it discharged when the maker
against him. Such, however, would not
becomes the holder for example, as
be the case if the holder reserved his
executor or administrator.
right of recourse against the said
d. HOWEVER, the maker is discharged subsequent parties, for then the effect of
even if he acquired the instrument the reservation by the holder of his right
through an agent who did not disclose is the implied reservation by the
his principal. subsequent parties of their right of
recourse against the principal debtor.
This reservation of the right of recourse
must be express. Hence, it cannot be honor of any person liable thereon or for
implied from acts and conduct. (Phoenix the honor of the person for whose
v. Nat. Bank, 166S.W.830.) As under account it was drawn
subsection (c), the release of the
Sec. 172. Payment for honor; how
principal debtor must be by the act of the
made.—The payment for honor supra
holder and not by operation of law like a
protest in order to operate as such and
judgment for the maker in an
not as a mere voluntary payment must be
unsuccessful suit by the indorsee against
attested by a notarial act of honor which
may be appended to the protest or form
G. Extension of Term an extension to it.
The phrase "agreement binding on the Sec. 173. Declaration before payment
holder" means agreement binding on the for honor. — The notarial act of honor
holder made with the principal debtor. must be on a declaration made by the
Hence, an agreement by die holder with payer for honor or by his agent in that
a third party to extend the time of behalf declaring his intention to pay the
payment does not discharge the bill for honor and for whose honor he
indorsers. (Brosemer v. Brosemer,, 162 pays.
N.Y. Supp. 1067.) To be binding, the
Sec. 174. Preference of parties offering
agreement must be supported by a
to pay for honor. — Where two or more
valuable consideration and for a definite
persons offer to pay a bill for the honor
period. (Cape Charles Bank v. Farmer's
of different parties, the person whose
Mut. Exch,, 92 S.E. 918.) Subsection (f)
payment will discharge most parties to
is consistent with the rule that an
the bill is to be given the preference.
extention granted to the debtor by the
creditor without the consent of the Sec. 175. Effect on subsequent parties
guarantor extinguishes the guaranty. where biii is paid for honor. — Where
(Art. 2079, Civil Code.) But the mere a bill has been paid for honor, all parties
failure on the part of the holder to subsequent to the party for whose
demand payment does not of itself honorit is paid are discharged, but the
constitute an extension of time referred payer for honor is subrogated for, and
to herein. (Ibid.;see Clark vs. Sellner, 42 succeeds to, both the rights and duties of
Phil. 388 [1921].) The agreement to the holder as regards the party for whose
extend the time of payment does not honor he pays and all parties liable to the
discharge a party secondarily liable: (a) latter.
where the extension of time is consented
to by such party; and (b) where the Sec. 176. Where holder refuses to
holder expressly reserves his right of receive payment supra protest—
recourse against such party Where the holder of a bill refuses to
receive payment supra protest, he loses
his right of recourse against any party
who would have been discharged by
H. Payment for Honor (Sec. 171-177
such payment.
Sec. 177. Rights of payer for honor. —
Sec. 171. Who may make payment for
The payer for honor, on paying to the
honor. — Where bill has been protested
holder the amount of the bill and the
for non-payment, any person may
notarial expenses incidental to its
intervene and pay it supra protest for the
dishonor, is entitled to receive both the PCIB, Pasay Branch, it was dishonored for
bill itself and the protest. being drawn against insufficient funds.

Upon her return from the province, Leticia

Right of party who discharges instrument Tupasi-Valenzuela was surprised to learn of
the dishonor of the check. She went to the
(Sec. 121 NIL)
Valenzuela Branch of Prudential Bank to
Sec. 121. Right of party who discharges inquire why her check was dishonored and
instrument. — Where the instrument is paid was told that there was no need to review
by a party secondarily liable thereon, it is her passbook since the ledger was the best
not discharged; but the party so paying it is proof that her account has no sufficient
remitted to his former rights as regards all
prior parties, and he may strike out his own
It was found out that the check in the
and all subsequent indorsements, and again amount of P35,271.60 deposited by Leticia
negotiate the instrument, except — (a) Tupasi-Valenzuela was credited in her
Where it is payable to the order of a third savings account only after a period of 23
person, and has been paid by the drawer; and days. So the P11,500.00 check was
(b) Where it was made or accepted for redeposited by Lhuillier on June 24, 1988,
accommodation, and has been paid by the and properly cleared on June 27, 1988.
party accommodated.

Prudential Bank vs Court of Appeals Issue: Whether or not the Court of

Appeals has erred and gravely abused its
Facts: discretion in awarding moral and exemplary
damages and attorney's fees to be paid by
Leticia Tupasi-Valenzuela opened Prudential Bank to Leticia Tupasi-
Savings Account in the Valenzuela Branch Valenzuela
of petitioner Prudential Bank, with
automatic transfer of funds from the savings Held:
account to the current account.
No. Admittedly, as found by both the
Leticia Tupasi-Valenzuela deposited in her respondent appellate court and the trial
savings account a check in the amount of court, petitioner bank had committed a
P35,271.60, drawn against the Philippine mistake. It misposted private respondent's
Commercial International Bank (PCIB). check deposit to another account and
Taking into account that deposit and a series delayed the posting of the same to the proper
of withdrawals, Leticia Tupasi-Valenzuela account of the private respondent. The
had a total deposits of P36,770.41, with mistake resulted to the dishonor of the
Prudential Bank. private respondent's check.

Leticia Tupasi-Valenzuela issued a post- In cases decided by the Supreme Court, it

dated check in the amount of P11,500.00 in ruled that “In every case, the depositor
favor of one Belen Legaspi. It was issued to expects the bank to treat his account with
Legaspi as payment for jewelry which the utmost fidelity, whether such account
private respondent had purchased. Legaspi, consists only of a few hundred pesos or of
who was in jewelry trade, endorsed the millions. The bank must record every
check to one Philip Lhuillier, a businessman single transaction accurately, down to the
also in the jewelry business. When Lhuillier last centavo, and as promptly as possible.
deposited the check in his account with the This has to be done if the account is to
reflect at any given time the amount of that she incurred no obligation on the checks
money the depositor can dispose of as he because the jewellery was never sold and the
sees fit, confident that the bank will checks are negotiated without her
deliver it as and to whomever he directs. knowledge and consent. Upon presentment
A blunder on the part of bank, such as the of for payment, the checks were dishonoured
dishonor of a check without good reason, for insufficiency of funds.
can cause the depositor not a little
embarrassment if not also financial loss
and perhaps even civil and criminal STATE sued to recover the value of the
litigation. The point is that as a business checks plus attorney's fees and expenses of
affected with public interest and because of litigation. The trial court dismissed the
the nature of its functions, the bank is under Complaint as well as the Third-Party
obligation to treat the account of its Complaint, and ordered STATE to pay
depositors with meticulous care, always MOULIC P3,000.00 for attorney's fees,
having in mind the fiduciary nature of their which the CA affirmed. Hence, this petition.
Whether the post-dated checks merely
issued as security is a ground for the
discharge of the instrument
J. Surrender of instrument upon discharge
Sec. 119. Instrument; how
The instrument must be surrendered to the discharged. — A negotiable
payor whenever discharge is by payment by instrument is discharged: (a)
or in behalf of the principal debtor, payment By payment in due course by
by the accommodated party, by renunciation or on behalf of the principal
or by any other ground that discharges debtor; (b) By payment in
simple contracts. If the instrument is not due course by the party
surrendered, it may fall in the hands of a accommodated, where the
holder in due course who may have the right instrument is made or
to enforce the instrument despite the accepted for his
previous payment that was made. accommodation; (c) By the
intentional cancellation
State Investment House vs CA thereof by the holder; (d) By
any other act which will
Facts: discharge a simple contract
Nora Moulic issued to Corazon for the payment of money; (e)
Victoriano, as security for pieces of When the principal debtor
jewellery to be sold on commission, two becomes the holder of the
postdated checks in the amount of fifty instrument at or after
thousand each. Thereafter, Victoriano maturity in his own right.
negotiated the checks to State Investment
House, Inc. When Moulic failed to sell the Obviously, MOULIC may only invoke
jewellry, she returned it to Victoriano before paragraphs (c) and (d) as possible grounds
the maturity of the checks. However, the for the discharge of the instrument. But, the
checks cannot be retrieved as they have been intentional cancellation contemplated under
negotiated. Before the maturity date Moulic paragraph (c) is that cancellation effected by
withdrew her funds from the bank contesting destroying the instrument either by tearing it
up, burning it, or writing the word
"cancelled" on the instrument. The act of
destroying the instrument must also be made
by the holder of the instrument intentionally.
Since MOULIC failed to get back
possession of the post-dated checks, the
intentional cancellation of the said checks
is altogether impossible.

On the other hand, the acts which will

discharge a simple contract for the payment
of money under paragraph (d) are
determined by other existing legislations
since Sec. 119 does not specify what these
acts are, e.g., Art. 1231 of the Civil
Code7 which enumerates the modes of
extinguishing obligations. Again, none of
the modes outlined therein is applicable in
the instant case as Sec. 119 contemplates of
a situation where the holder of the
instrument is the creditor while its drawer is
the debtor. In the present action, the payee,
Corazon Victoriano, was no longer
MOULIC's creditor at the time the jewelry
was returned.

Correspondingly, MOULIC may not

unilaterally discharge herself from her
liability by the mere expediency of
withdrawing her funds from the drawee
bank. She is thus liable as she has no legal
basis to excuse herself from liability on her
checks to a holder in due course.

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