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Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304


Genome‑wide analysis reveals a rhamnolipid‑dependent modulation

of flagellar genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Michele R. Castro1,2 · Graciela M. Dias1 · Tiago S. Salles1 · Nubia M. Cabral1 · Danielly C. O. Mariano1 ·
Hadassa L. Oliveira1 · Eliana S. F. W. Abdelhay3 · Renata Binato3 · Bianca C. Neves1 

Received: 30 August 2021 / Revised: 28 November 2021 / Accepted: 6 December 2021 / Published online: 30 January 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen and an important model organism for the study of bacterial group
behaviors, including cell motility and biofilm formation. Rhamnolipids play a pivotal role in biofilm formation and motility
phenotypes in P. aeruginosa, possibly acting as wetting agents and mediating chemotactic stimuli. However, no biochemical
mechanism or gene regulatory network has been investigated in regard to rhamnolipids’ modulation of those group behaviors.
Using DNA microarrays, we investigated the transcriptomic profiles in the stationary phase of growth of wild-type P. aer-
uginosa PAO1 and a rhlA-mutant strain, unable to produce rhamnolipids. A total of 134 genes were differentially expressed,
comprising different functional categories, indicating a significant physiological difference between the rhamnolipid-pro-
ducing and -non-producing strains. Interestingly, several flagellar genes are repressed in the mutant strain, which directly
relates to the inability of the rhlA-minus strain to develop a swarming-motility phenotype. Supplementation with exogenous
rhamnolipids has partially restored flagellar gene expression in the mutant strain. Our results show significant evidence that
rhamnolipids, the major biosynthetic products of rhlABC pathway, seem to modulate gene expression in P. aeruginosa.

Keywords  Pseudomonas aeruginosa · Rhamnolipids · Swarming motility · Flagella · Transcriptomic profile

Introduction 2018). Multiple factors are involved in bacterial motility

and biofilm formation during surface interactions, in which
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous bacterium capable rhamnolipids seem to play a central role (Pamp and Tolker-
of causing opportunistic infection in immunocompromised Nielsen 2007).
individuals and is the major pathogen in cystic fibrosis Rhamnolipids are amphipathic molecules composed of
(Stover et al. 2000). P. aeruginosa is a model organism for a hydrophobic fatty acid moiety and a hydrophilic moiety
the study of bacterial social behavior, or ‘sociomicrobiol- that may contain one or two L-rhamnose molecules, ren-
ogy’ (Parsek and Greenberg 2005), biofilm development dering their surfactant properties (Maier and Soberón-
(Davey et al. 2003) and bacterial motility patterns (Rashid Chávez 2000). In P. aeruginosa the three most abundant
and Kornberg 2000; Kearns 2010; Kilmury and Burrows biosurfactants are 3-(3-hydroxyalkanoyloxy) alkanoic
acids (HAA), L-rhamnosyl-3-hydroxydecanoyl-3-hy-
droxydecanoate (mono-rhamnolipid) and L-rhamnosyl-L-
Communicated by Michael Polymenis. rhamnosyl-3-hydroxydecanoyl-3-hydroxydecanoate (di-
rhamnolipid) (Déziel et al. 2000). HAAs are synthesized by
* Bianca C. Neves the enzyme RhlA and are subsequently converted to mono-
rhamnolipid by the enzyme RhlB. Mono-rhamnolipids can
Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, then be converted to di-rhamnolipids by the RhlC enzyme.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Avenida RhlA is therefore a key enzyme in the production of secreted
Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Lab A537, Rio de Janeiro,
RJ 21941‑919, Brazil biosurfactants which are a mixture of HAA, mono- and
2 di-rhamnolipids.
Department of Biology, Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro
(IFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rhamnolipids are typically produced during the station-
3 ary phase of growth, as the rhlAB operon is tightly regulated
National Cancer Institute (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


290 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304

by QS systems (Schuster and Greenberg 2007; Dobler et al. St. Louis, USA) supplemented with 20% (v/v) glycerol. The
2016; Soberón-Chávez et al. 2021), and post-transcription- wild-type P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 (Holloway and Mor-
ally regulated by small non-coding RNAs, NrsZ (Wenner gan 1986) and its rhlA-knockout derivative (ΔrhlA::GmR)
et al. 2014) and PhrD (Malgaonkar and Nair 2019). (Rahim et al. 2001) were kindly provided by Professor Glo-
There is evidence that rhamnolipids are necessary for the ria Soberón-Chávez of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma
three-dimensional architecture of biofilm structures and the de México (UNAM).
initial formation of P. aeruginosa PAO1 micro-colonies dur- The strains were grown in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks con-
ing growth in controlled flow systems (Davey et al. 2003; taining 100 mL of LB medium, until the stationary growth
Pamp and Tolker-Nielsen 2007). They are usually associ- phase ­(OD600 2.0), with shaking (170 rpm), at 30 °C. An
ated to the maintenance of channels between the typical aliquot of the culture was collected for total RNA extraction.
mushroom-like structures and the biofilm dispersion (Davey
et al. 2003; Boles et al. 2005). Zheng et al. (2017) reported
RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis
that synthetic analogs of rhamnolipids restored structured
biofilm formation by an rhlA-mutant strain, in a concentra-
Total RNA was obtained from bacterial cultures at the sta-
tion-dependent manner. In a similar fashion, one of those
tionary growth phase with the ­RNeasy® Protect Bacteria
compounds promoted swarming motility in the rhamnolipid-
Mini Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) according to the
deficient strain.
manufacturer's recommendations. After total RNA extrac-
Surface-associated bacterial motility is also critical for
tion, it was treated with 1.0 U/μl DNAse I (Invitrogen,
biofilm formation and spatial arrangement, including well-
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham MA, USA) and stored
characterized pores and channels (Ghanbari et al. 2016). P.
at – 80 °C for further molecular analysis. The integrity and
aeruginosa has the ability to move through complex motil-
quality of the extracted genetic material were evaluated by
ity patterns, such as twitching, swimming and swarming
electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gel and staining with eth-
(Rashid and Kornberg 2000; Kearns 2010; Kilmury and
idium bromide. RNA concentration and purity were deter-
Burrows 2018). Evidence in the literature suggests that
mined by ­NanoDrop® 2000 spectrophotometry (Thermo
rhamnolipids, flagella and type IV pilus are fundamental
Fisher Scientific, Waltham MA, USA).
for motility in P. aeruginosa, particularly for the swarm-
For qPCR analyses, cDNA synthesis was obtained
ing motility (Kohler et al. 2000; Déziel et al. 2003; Caiazza
with the High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit
et al. 2005; Tremblay et al. 2007). However, the specific
(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA) according to the
molecular mechanisms involved in rhamnolipid modulation
manufacturer's instructions.
of swarming motility and formation of structured biofilms
are poorly understood.
In this study, we describe a transcriptome analysis to Analysis of the global gene expression profile
compare the gene expression profile of P. aeruginosa PAO1 through DNA microarray
and its rhlA-knockout derivative, using Affymetrix Gene-
Chip™ P. aeruginosa genome arrays and real-time qPCR GeneChip™ P. aeruginosa Genome Array (Affymetrix,
analysis. We tested the hypothesis that rhlA-derived rham- Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham MA, USA) was used
nolipids affect gene expression, under dynamic growth to analyze the overall gene expression profile, which con-
conditions, at the stationary phase of growth. We show that tains the annotated PAO1 strain genome containing 5549
134 genes were differentially expressed in the rhlA-mutant protein coding sequences, 18 tRNA genes, one representa-
strain, 91 positively and 43 negatively regulated. Interest- tive of the ribosomal RNA cluster and 117 genes present in
ingly, the repression of flagellar genes, ultimately involved other strains of P. aeruginosa. In addition, 199 probe sets
with swarming motility, was observed. Therefore, we gain corresponding to all intergenic regions exceeding 600 base
mechanistic insight into the role of rhamnolipids in P. aer- pairs were included.
uginosa motility. According to the manufacturer's recommendations for
DNA microarray gene expression analysis in prokaryotes,
the SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase enzyme (Thermo
Materials and methods Fisher Scientific, Waltham MA, USA) was synthesized after
cDNA hybridization of random primers 75 ng/μl. Subse-
Bacterial strains and growth conditions quently, RNA was removed with 1 M NaOH solution and
neutralized with 1 HCl. The MinElute PCR Purification Kit
P. aeruginosa strains used in the study were stored at (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) was used for cDNA purifica-
− 80 °C in Lysogeny Broth medium (LB; 10.0 g/L Tryp- tion, which was quantified and subjected to fragmentation
tone, 5.0 g/L Yeast Extract, 5.0 g/L NaCl; Sigma-Aldrich, steps (1.6 μg). Then, biotin terminal labeling, hybridization,

Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304 291

washing and scanning were performed. The experiments at 28 °C/170 rpm on a rotary shaker for 40 h. Bacterial pel-
were performed in three biological replicates. lets were then harvested by centrifugation at 6000 ×g for
Genes were considered differentially expressed in the 25 min at 25 °C and inoculated into 250 mL flasks contain-
rhlA-knockout mutant compared to the wild-type strain. ing 125 mL of optimized mineral salt production (MSP)
Expression differences were assessed using comparative medium ­(K2HPO4 7.0 g/L, K ­ H2PO4 3.0 g/L, N­ aNO3 1.4 g/L,
and paired analyzes between desired groups, with fold ­MgSO4.7H2O 0.2 g/L, Glycerol 30.0 g/L) (Tavares et al.
changes ≤ − 1.5 or ≥ 1.5. The data obtained were processed 2013), to a final cell concentration of 1.0 g/L (dry weight).
from the Transcriptome Analysis Console (TAC) Soft- The production of rhamnolipids was conducted for 10 days
ware, version 4.02 (Affymetrix, Thermo Fisher Scientific, at 28 °C and 170 rpm.
Waltham MA, USA). For this purpose, the Gene Level Dif-
ferential Expression Analysis approach and the ANOVA Extraction and quantification of rhamnolipids
test were used, with statistical significance for p < 0.05
and FDR (False Discovery Rate) of 5%. The DIAMOND Culture-free supernatants were obtained by centrifugation at
(Buchfink et al. 2014) and PseudoCAP (Winsor et al. 2005) 6000 ×g for 25 min, at 15 °C and acidified with 1 N HCl into
tools were also used to identify proteins. Functional cat- pH 3.5, following the addition of ethyl acetate at a 1:3 ratio.
egories were determined using the COG database (Tatusov Rhamnolipids were then extracted into the organic phase and
et al. 2000). Network analyses were performed with 1.5- dried with a HetoDrywinner rotary evaporator (Heto-Holten,
fold low expressed genes in the rhlA-knockout mutant strain Gydevank, Denmark). The resulting preparation was dis-
compared to wild-type PAO1 using STRING Version 11.0 solved in methanol, lyophilized and stored at − 20 °C. Prior
(Szklarczyk et al. 2019). to use, 8.0 µg/μl rhamnolipid suspension was prepared in
electrolyte water solution (15 mM N­ aHCO3, 10 mM NaCl).
Confirmation of differentially expressed genes Quantification of rhamnolipids was performed as previ-
in the microarray by RT‑qPCR ously described (Dobler et al. 2017), through quantification
of rhamnose with high-performance liquid chromatography
Differentially expressed genes in the microarrays, fliC, flgL, (HPLC). Briefly, 100 μL of a 10 M sulfuric acid solution
fliD and fliT, related to flagellar motility, were selected for was added to 1 mL of rhamnolipids, in electrolyte solution,
RT-qPCR quantification of expression. The gene used to and heated at 100 °C for 4 h. The hydrolyzed solution was
normalize the experiments was 16S rRNA and the expres- neutralized with 10 M sodium hydroxide, filtered with a
sion values of the wild-type strain (PAO1) were adopted as 0.22 μm membrane and analyzed with HPLC. The HPLC
a basal reference (1.0). RT-qPCR was performed with SYBR system used in this study was an Agilent 1260 Infinity (Santa
Green PCR fluorophore Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Clara, CA, USA) with a refractive index detector. The ana-
Foster City, USA) and the primers were designed with the lytical column was Aminex HPX-87H (Bio-Rad Laborato-
aid of the online tool Primer3Plus (Untergasser et al. 2007) ries, Hercules, USA), the mobile phase was 5 mM sulfuric
and the Beacon Designer software (Thornton and Basu acid, with a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min and oven temperature
2011) (Table S3). RT-qPCR was also performed for genes of 45 °C. The procedure was carried out in triplicate and
rhlA and rhlB: primers for the 16S rRNA, rhlA and rhlB a mass spectrometric conversion factor of 2.5 was applied
genes were used with TaqMan probes synthesized by Life to convert the concentration of rhamnose into rhamnolipids
Technologies (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). The (Dobler et al. 2017).
relative quantification analyses of rhlA and rhlB gene expres-
sion were performed with the 2(− Delta Delta C(T)) method Supplementation with exogenous rhamnolipids
(Livak and Schmittgen 2001). The RT-qPCR reactions were for evaluation of gene expression
conducted on a CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection Systems
platform (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, USA). Wild-type PAO1 and rh1A-mutant strains were grown
under dynamic conditions (500 rpm), at 30 °C, in 24-well
Production of rhamnolipids flat bottom cell culture plates (Kasvi, Brazil) containing
1 mL culture in LB medium. Incubation was performed in a
Rhamnolipids were obtained as previously described LS122 Microplate Shaker Incubator (Labstac, London, UK)
(Tavares et al. 2013). Briefly, P. aeruginosa PAO1 was ini- and bacterial growth was monitored in a SpectraMax M2e
tially grown overnight in LB broth, at 28 °C, from − 80 °C Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices, San Jose, USA).
stocks and inoculated into 1 L flasks containing 300 mL of Immediately after the start of stationary growth phase
pre-production medium ­(K2HPO4 7.0 g/L, ­KH2PO4 3.0 g/L, ­(OD600 1.7 for PAO1 and 1.5 for the rhlA-mutant strain),
­NaNO3 1.0 g/L, M ­ gSO4.7H2O 0.2 g/L, Glycerol 30.0 g/L, aliquots of planktonic cells were collected and exogenous
Yeast Extract 5.0 g/L, Bacto-Peptone 5.0 g/L) and incubated rhamnolipids were added to the remaining bacterial cultures,


292 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304

to a final concentration of 1.0 μg/μL. The culture plates were Results

further incubated at 30 °C under agitation (500 rpm) and ali-
quots were collected after 2 h, for RNA extraction. Twice the Gene expression profile of an rhlA‑deficient strain
aliquot volume of RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent (QIAGEN of P. aeruginosa in stationary phase of growth
GmbH, Hilden, Germany) was added to the collected cell
suspensions and the samples were stored at − 80 °C until To identify genes possibly regulated in response to secreted
RNA extraction and cDNA syntheses were performed, as biosurfactants in P. aeruginosa, we investigated global gene
described above. Differentially expressed flagella genes in expression in the stationary phase of growth, using a P. aer-
the microarrays, fliC, flgL, fliD, and fliT, were then assessed uginosa genome microarray to compare the transcript pro-
by RT-qPCR quantification of expression, as described files of an rhlA mutant with its parental strain, PAO1. We
above. The experiments were carried out on three biologi- identified 134 differentially expressed genes, 91 genes were
cal replicates. upregulated and 43 were downregulated (Fig. 1; Table S1).
Hierarchical clustered heatmaps showed that differentially
Statistical analysis expressed genes could distinguish between the rhlA-mutant
and the control, wild-type strain PAO1 (Table 1; Fig. 2). The
The samples were compared for expression levels by the majority of differentially expressed genes are upregulated in
control strain (PAO1) and the knockout strain (rhlA-mutant) the strain lacking the enzyme RhlA, responsible for produc-
using the paired t test of the Graphpad Prism 4.0 program tion of HAAs and rhamnolipids.
(GraphPad Software Inc, San Diego, CA, USA). Each sam- We investigated functional categories of differentially
ple is representative of three biological replicates. The sig- expressed loci that correspond to 134 genes in the previ-
nificance level established was 95% (p < 0.05). ously published annotation of the P. aeruginosa genome

Fig. 1  Volcano plot of 93 differentially expressed genes. Differentially expressed genes with fold change ≤ − 1.5 or ≥ 1.5) are represented. The
blue are downregulated while the red are upregulated loci in the rhlA-mutant vs. PAO1

Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304 293

Table 1  Summary of expression data from genome microarray analyses of rhlA-mutant P. aeruginosa versus the wild-type strain PAO1
Protein description Gene name Gene number Fold change
 ≤ − 1.5 or ≥ 1.5
(p val. < 0.05)

Carbohydrate transport and metabolism [G]

 Rhamnosyltransferase chain B rhlB PA3478 − 7.06 (2.43e − 05)
 Alcohol dehydrogenase adhA PA5427  + 3.08 (0.0262)
Cell cycle control, cell division, chromosome partitioning [D]
 Fagellum number regulator protein FleN fleN PA1454 [DN] − 1.56 (0.0212)
Cell motility [N]
 Flagellin type B fliC PA1092 − 1.56 (0.0246)
 Flagellar protein FliS fliS PA1095 [NU] − 1.63 (0.0059)
 Fagellum number regulator protein FleN fleN PA1454 [DN] − 1.56 (0.0212)
 Chemotaxis transducer PA2788 [NT] − 1.98 (0.0024)
 Type 4 fimbrial biogenesis protein PilO pilO PA5042 [NW]  + 1.62 (0.0013)
Cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis [M]
 Hypothetical protein PA0615  + 1.70 (0.0047)
 N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase PA0807  + 1.81 (0.0090)
 MexX/AmrA family multidrug efflux RND transporter periplasmic adaptor subunit PA2019 [MV]  + 1.94 (0.0001)
 Conserved hypothetical protein PA4638 − 1.52 (0.0492)
 Hypothetical protein PA5232 [MV]  + 1.78 (0.0003)
Coenzyme transport and metabolism [H]
 Hypothetical protein PA2501 [HR]  + 1.59 (0.0454)
Defense mechanisms [V]
 AmrB family multidrug efflux RND transporter permease subunit PA2018  + 1.61 (0.0022)
 MexX/AmrA family multidrug efflux RND transporter periplasmic adaptor subunit PA2019 [MV]  + 1.94 (0.0001)
 Putative ATP-binding/permease fusion ABC transporter PA5231  + 1.64 (0.0031)
 Hypothetical protein PA5232 [MV]  + 1.78 (0.0003)
Energy production and conversion [C]
 Nitrite reductase PA0519 − 1.93 (0.0485)
 Phosphate acetyltransferase PA0835  + 1.65 (0.0491)
 Acetate kinase PA0836  + 2.28 (0.0294)
Extracellular structures [W]
 Type 4 fimbrial biogenesis protein PilO pilO PA5042 [NW]  + 1.62 (0.0013)
General function prediction only [R]
 Hypothetical protein PA1093 − 1.78 (0.0300)
 Hypothetical protein PA2501 [HR]  + 1.59 (0.0454)
Inorganic ion transport and metabolism [P]
 K + /H + antiporter subunit F PA1058  + 1.51 (0.0454)
 ABC transporter ATP-binding protein PA2329 − 1.62 (0.0486)
 Fe(3 +)-pyochelin receptor PA4221 − 1.64 (0.0440)
Catalase (katA) PA4236  + 2.01 (0.0200)
Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport [U]
 Flagellar protein FliS fliS PA1095 [NU] − 1.63 (0.0059)
Lipid transport and metabolism [I]
 Rhamnosyltransferase chain A rhlA PA3479 − 23.25 (5.34e − 06)
Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X]
 Phage baseplate protein PA0617  + 1.75 (0.0118)
 Bacteriophage protein PA0618  + 2.49 (0.0033)
 Phage tail protein I PA0619  + 2.36 (0.0088)
 Bacteriophage protein PA0620  + 1.96 (0.0003)
 Phage tail sheath family protein PA0622  + 1.98 (0.0263)


294 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304

Table 1  (continued)
Protein description Gene name Gene number Fold change
 ≤ − 1.5 or ≥ 1.5
(p val. < 0.05)

 Hypothetical protein PA0625  + 1.57 (0.0033)

 Phage tail protein PA0627  + 1.52 (0.0034)
 Late control protein PA0628  + 2.40 (0.0006)
 Phage tail tape measure protein PA0636  + 3.06 (0.0043)
 Phage minor tail protein L PA0638  + 1.79 (0.0082)
 Bacteriophage protein PA0641  + 1.77 (0.0008)
Signal transduction mechanisms [T]
 Sigma-54-dependent Fis family transcriptional regulator PA1196 [KT]  + 2.58 (0.032)
 Chemotaxis transducer PA2788 [NT] − 1.98 (0.0024)
Transcription [K]
 Sigma-54-dependent Fis family transcriptional regulator PA1196 [KT]  + 2.58 (0.0320)
 Transcriptional regulator TetR family PA2020  + 2.65 (0.0191)
 Transcriptional regulator PA3458  + 1.86 (0.0333)
Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis [J]
 Hypothetical protein PA1746  + 1.72 (0.0005)
 Holin PA0614  + 3.30 (0.0001)
 Hypothetical protein PA0621  + 2.03 (0.0072)
 Lipoprotein PA0631  + 1.72 (0.0006)
 Hypothetical protein PA0633  + 2.13 (0.0207)
 Hypothetical protein PA0635  + 2.14 (0.0011)
 Hypothetical protein PA0646  + 1.67 (0.0079)
 Phage holin family protein partial PA0909  + 1.72 (0.0005)
 Hypothetical protein PA0911  + 1.62 (0.0056)
 Flagellar protein FliT* fliT PA1096 − 2.05 (0.0112)
 DUF4280 domain-containing protein PA2375 − 1.54 (0.0135)
 Hypothetical protein PA4139 − 2.28 (0.0364)
 Protein FptB fptB PA4220 − 1.54 (0.0397)
 Hypothetical protein PA4377 − 2.57 (0.0009)
 Hypothetical protein PA4570 − 1.84 (0.0225)

*FliT is a key flagellar chaperone that binds to several flagellar proteins in the cytoplasm, including its cognate filament-capping protein FliD
(Khanra et al. 2016)

(Stover et al. 2000). As depicted in Fig. 3, gene functional On the other hand, genes that encode proteins related to
classes were obtained through COG database (Tatusov defense mechanisms, which include a type VI secretion sys-
et al. 2000), showing an expressive number of genes that tem (T6SS) and some virulence factors are being positively
encode proteins involved with signaling and basic metabo- regulated (Table 1). Several genes encoding hypothetical
lism mechanisms being positively regulated. Interestingly, proteins with unknown functions have also had their gene
we can see that a relevant portion of genes encoding pro- expression induced.
teins involved in cellular motility is being repressed. Table S1 summarizes the expression data from genome
The 43 genes that showed decreased expression (Fig. 1; microarray analyses of rhlA-mutant P. aeruginosa versus
Table 1), were used to build a functional network using the the wild-type strain, PAO1. Among those 134 genes that
STRING tool, where we were able to identify the group showed a response to the lack of RhlA of at least 1.5-fold,
of proteins related to flagellar biosynthesis (Fig. 4). The several were identified as motility-related genes. Interest-
functional network has significantly more interactions than ingly, down-regulation of key flagellar genes was particu-
expected, indicating that the proteins are, at least in part, larly significant, and included class II, III and IV flagellar
biologically connected as a functional group. genes (Dasgupta et al. 2004; Copeland and Weibel 2009):

Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304 295

Fig. 2  Differentially expressed genes. Hierarchical clustered replicas 1, 2 and 3). The relative differences in gene expression are
heatmaps of the datasets show a total of 53 genes, with a fold proportional to the intensity of the coloration (heatmap), with blue
change ≤ −  1.5 or ≥ 1.5 and p value < 0.05 between samples of P. referring to decreased and red to increased expression
aeruginosa PAO1 (PAO1 replicas 1, 2 and 3) and rhlA-mutant (rhlA

fleN, fliD, fliT, fliS (class II), flgL (class III), and fliC (class an antiprokaryotic type VI secretion system (H1-T6SS)
IV). These findings characterize a pattern of repression of (Sana et al. 2016; LaCourse et al. 2018) of P. aeruginosa,
flagellar genes, which can be directly related to the non- showed a positive regulation (Table 1). Of note, expression
motile phenotype of rhlA-deficient strains, that has been of several putative transcriptional regulators was induced:
previously described (Kohler et al. 2000; Déziel et al. 2003; PA0535 (+ 1.62), PA3458 (+ 1.86), PA1196 (+ 2.58) and
Caiazza et al. 2005; Tremblay et al. 2007). In a similar man- PA2020 (+ 2.65).
ner, protein PA3731, annotated as a Phage Shock Protein, A pattern of induction of gene expression has been
for having a predicted secondary structure similar to that observed in the Mobilome, a category recently included
of PspA from Escherichia coli, was repressed in the rhlA- in the COG, that comprises prophages and transposons
mutant strain (− 1.57). The PA3731 gene was found to have [X]: PA0623 (+ 2.80), PA0620 (+ 1.96), PA0618 (+ 2.49),
a positive effect on biofilm formation and swarming motility PA0628 (+ 2.40), PA0616 (+ 3.30), PA0617 (+ 1.75),
in P. aeruginosa (Macé et al. 2008). PA0627 (+ 1.52), PA0619 (+ 2,36), PA0622 (+ 1.98),
On the other hand, upregulation of pilO was observed, a PA0641 (+ 1.77), PA0625 (+ 1.57), PA0638 (+ 1.79) and
gene that encodes a protein involved in type IV pilus func- PA0636 (+ 3.06). Most bacterial genomes contain phage
tion (T4) (Leighton et al. 2015), essential to surface adhesion genomes, known as prophages, maintained in an inactive or
and twitching motility. Other functional gene categories have lysogenic state. Phage replication in the lysogenic cycle is
responded to the absence of RhlA and its biosynthetic prod- frequently suppressed and expression of most phage genes is
ucts in a similar fashion. Remarkably, hcp1, mapping within repressed (Owen et al. 2020). However, a subset of prophage


296 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304

Fig. 3  Functional classification of P. aeruginosa genes differentially expressed in the microarrays. rhlA-knockout mutant compared to wild-type
parental strain PAO1, with a fold change ≤ − 1.5 or ≥ 1.5. The analyses were performed using the COG database

genes can be expressed as an evolutionary adaptation, con- (Fig. 5b). Those genes are representatives of three differ-
ferring a physical conditioning advantage to the bacterial ent levels of the hierarchical regulation of flagellar genes
host (Tsao et al. 2018). (Fig. 5b): Class II (fliD and fliT), Class III (flgL), and Class
We have confirmed this approach by measuring gene IV (fliC) (Dasgupta et al. 2003; Copeland and Weibel 2009).
expression of some selected genes with RT-qPCR, in the In addition, flagellar expression and assembly play a pivotal
wild-type strain and its rhlA-minus derivative strain (see role on phenotypical traits that also depend on production
below). of HAA and rhamnolipids, especially swarming motility
(Kohler et al. 2000; Déziel et al. 2003; Caiazza et al. 2005;
Genes repressed in the rhlA‑deficient P. aeruginosa Tremblay et al. 2007).
strain: confirmation of the microarray analysis The present assays show that gene repression of the
by RT‑qPCR fliC (PA1092), flgL (PA1087), fliD (PA1094) and fliT
(PA1096) in the rhlA-deficient strain compared to PAO1
Four genes of interest that were significantly repressed in was statistically significant (Fig.  5a). The fliC gene
the microarray assays were analyzed through RT-qPCR showed 91% of inhibition (Table S3), while genes flgL,
(Fig. 5a). Key flagellar genes fliC (− 1.56), fliT (− 2.05), fliD fliD, and fliT showed downregulation of 66, 60 and 86%,
(− 1.8) and flgL (− 1.56) were selected based on their loca- respectively (Table S3). The FlgL, FliD and FliC proteins
tion at different chromosomal loci, within distinct operons make up the structure of the flagellum and are present in

Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304 297

Fig. 4  Functional network of the 43 negatively regulated genes in the interactions between groups that correspond to proteins involved in
analysis of microarrays. The functional network was built from the flagellar biosynthesis in P. aeruginosa 
analysis of multiple protein sequences. The red box highlights the

the extracellular medium (Minamino 2014; Altegoer and Supplementation with exogenous rhamnolipids
Bange 2015; Diepold and Armitage 2015). FliT is a chap- up‑regulates the expression of fliC and flgL
erone that plays an important role in the proper exporta- in the rhlA‑mutant strain
tion and assembly of proteins that compose the flagellar
machinery, including FliD, which is a filament-capping Expression of fliC, fliT, flgL and fliD was also investigated
protein (Khanra et al. 2016; Xing et al. 2018). The single after the addition of exogenous rhamnolipids, at the station-
polar flagellum of P. aeruginosa is an important virulence ary phase of growth. As shown in Fig. 7, fliC and flgL were
and colonization factor of this opportunistic pathogen, extensively upregulated after supplementation with exog-
having been attributed fundamental roles in the forma- enous rhamnolipids, promoting transcription in higher lev-
tion of biofilm and bacterial motility (Barken et al. 2008; els when compared to either wild-type and unconditioned
Kazmierczak et al. 2015). rhlA-mutant strains. These flagellar genes encode proteins
Expression of rhlA and rhlB was also assessed by RT- that constitute the structural junction between the hook and
qPCR, since rhlA has been mutated (ΔrhlA::GmR) (Rahim filament in the flagellum (FlgL) and the long outer filament
et al. 2001) and rhlB maps within the same operon. In composed of flagellin (FliC). On the other hand, fliT and
fact, we found that the rhlA-mutation had a polar effect fliD were not responsive to the addition of exogenous rham-
that is shown both in the microarrays (Table 1) and RT- nolipids. Importantly, the fliC and flgL genes are in different
qPCR (Fig. 6), as rhlB is substantially repressed. operons (regulatory class IV and III, respectively), while


298 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304



Fig. 5  Expression of flagellar genes fliC, flgL, fliD and fliT in P. organization (nucleotide positions 1164275–1197833 of the PAO1
aeruginosa PAO1 and rhlA-mutant strain. a The graph represents chromosome) and hierarchical regulation of flagellar genes: Class III
the quantification of mRNA of genes fliC, flgL, fliD and fliT by RT- (flgL), Class II (fliD and fliT) and Class IV (fliC). Tested genes are
qPCR, normalized by the 16S rRNA gene, used as endogenous con- represented in blue, black arrows indicate operons and direction of
trol. Bars indicate ± standard error. (*) indicate significantly different transcription
values, p < 0.05 with the paired t test. b Representation of operon

fliT and fliD are arranged in the same operon (regulatory systems, and has the ability to form adherent biofilms and
class II), therefore simultaneously regulated at transcription typical motility patterns, which account to its adaptability
level (Dasgupta et al. 2004). Wild-type strain PAO1 has not to many different hosts and environments.
shown significant change in expression of those genes, in Among its many phenotypical hallmarks, P. aerugi-
response to exogenous rhamnolipids (Fig. 7). nosa  produces large amounts of rhamnolipids, surface-
active amphipathic molecules produced as blends and com-
posed of one or two rhamnose moieties linked to a dimer
Discussion of R-3-hydroxy fatty acids with chain lengths ranging from
­C8 to C
­ 12 (Abdel-Mawgoud et al. 2010). As reviewed by
P. aeruginosa is among the most common causes of hos- Soberón-Chávez et al. (2021), rhamnolipid biosynthesis
pital-acquired infections and is often associated with lung in P. aeruginosa is directly controlled by quorum sensing,
infection in cystic fibrosis patients (Winstanley et al. 2016). through the transcriptional regulator RhlR, which activates
Some P. aeruginosa strains have developed resistance to the rhlAB operon when complexed to C4-HSL (Reis et al.
most antimicrobial agents and are listed by WHO as one 2011; Soberón-Chávez et al. 2021). Most functions attrib-
of the most critical threats to human health (Tacconelli and uted to rhamnolipids relate to their well-characterized phys-
Magrini 2017; Willyard 2017). It produces a wide variety icochemical properties. However, there is a lack of com-
of virulence factors, including specialized protein secretion prehensive studies investigating any possible biochemical

Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304 299

Fig. 6  Expression of rhlA and rhlB in P. aeruginosa PAO1 and rhlA- control. Expression values of rhlA-mutant strain are relative to the
mutant strain. The picture shows the quantification of mRNA of a control (PAO1), normalized as 1.0. Bars indicate ± standard error.
rhlA and b rhlB by RT-qPCR, with 16S rRNA gene as endogenous Relative expression was calculated using the comparative Cq method

mechanisms involved in the phenotypes promoted by rham- with P. aeruginosa biofilms and play a central role in main-
nolipids in P. aeruginosa. taining the multicellular structures and the dispersion of
Although the mechanistic role of rhamnolipids in physi- sessile biofilm cells (Davey et al. 2003; Boles et al. 2005;
ology and pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa is not fully under- Pamp and Tolker-Nielsen 2007). In a similar manner, the
stood, there is mounting evidence showing their involvement hallmark swarming motility pattern of P. aeruginosa is fully
with important virulence traits, such as biofilm formation dependent on the presence of rhamnolipids (Kohler et al.
and swarming motility. Rhamnolipids have been associated 2000; Déziel et al. 2003; Caiazza et al. 2005; Tremblay et al.
DNA microarrays and RT-qPCR have been widely used
to analyze the global gene expression of P. aeruginosa
within its complex adaptative behaviors, including com-
parative analyses of biofilm versus planktonic cells and the
development of a specialized swarming behavior (Whiteley
et al. 2001; Lazazzera 2005; Shrout et al. 2006; Overhage
et al. 2008; Tremblay and Déziel 2010). In the present study,
we assessed the genome-wide expression profiles of a wild-
type P. aeruginosa and its rhamnolipid-deficient derivative,
using independent experiments (Fig. 2) designed at the sta-
tionary phase of growth. Interestingly, the absence of the
rhlAB biosynthetic pathway in the mutant strain revealed
a broad impact on gene expression profile, including 134
loci in the previously published annotation of the P. aer-
uginosa genome (Stover et al. 2000), comprising different
functional categories (Fig. 3). The differential expression of
a diverse group of genes indicates that there is a significant
physiological difference between the rhamnolipid-producing
and -non-producing strains. The set of genes was mostly
Fig. 7  Expression of flagellar genes in P. aeruginosa PAO1 and rhlA- related to motility, prophages, transcription, and translation.
mutant strain with exogenous rhamnolipids. The picture shows the Remarkably, a number of genes that encoded signaling pro-
expression of flagellar genes fliC, flgL, fliD and fliT by RT-qPCR, teins were positively regulated, while a relevant portion of
with 16S rRNA gene as endogenous control, with or without sup-
genes involved in flagellar motility and chemotaxis were sig-
plementation with exogenous rhamnolipids. Bars indicate ± standard
error. (**) indicate significantly different values, p < 0.001, with the nificantly repressed (Table 1, Table S2). Repressed motility-
paired t test related genes included those encoding type b flagellin (fliC),


300 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304

two flagellar secretion chaperones (fliS and fliT), a flagellum rhamnolipids, which may be explained by the high produc-
number regulator protein (fleN) and a putative chemotaxis tion levels of endogenous rhamnolipids at the stationary
transducer (PA2788). On the other hand, the microarray phase, the point at which the supplementation took place.
analyses indicated that pilO, related to the biogenesis and The gene expression pattern observed for the fliT and fliD,
functioning of the Type IV pili (Leighton et al. 2015), was the lack in response to exogenous rhamnolipids, could be
upregulated. Some loci encoding two-component systems partially attributed to the culture conditions adopted for the
also had their expression induced, including a putative sen- supplementation experiment. The experiment was carried
sor kinase (PA1180) and NarL (Table S1), which responds out in culture plates, differently from the culture method
to nitrate sensing and modulates motility and virulence (Van used for genome-wide microarray analyses, carried out in
Alst et al. 2007; Benkert et al. 2008). Erlenmeyer flasks, with larger culture volumes. In this con-
Based on the down-regulation profile of flagellar genes text, it is important to highlight that P. aeruginosa has at
observed on the P. aeruginosa microarrays and considering least one mechanosensory system, known as Wsp (O’Connor
their pivotal role on many phenotypes, we selected flagel- et al. 2012; Huangyutitham et al. 2013) meaning that flagella
lar genes of different regulatory categories, including class can also be regulated by mechanical forces (Belas 2014)
II, III and IV (Dasgupta et al. 2004; Copeland and Weibel which might be affected by rhamnolipids’ surface properties.
2009) for further assessment with RT-qPCR assays. Hence, However, the trigger that activates the Wsp intermembrane
we further demonstrate a significant repression of flagellar complex present in P. aeruginosa is not well defined yet,
genes fliC, flgL, fliD, and fliT in the mutant strain (Fig. 5), although it is likely to be directly related to physical contact
in the absence of rhamnolipids, the final products of rhlAB with a surface (Hueso-Gil et al. 2020). Therefore, flagella are
biosynthetic pathway. not only required for propulsion, but seem to have a critical
Our results demonstrate that the addition of exogenous mechanosensory role in surface detection and in the early
rhamnolipids, at the stationary phase of growth, promote a stages of surface adhesion that leads to the formation of a
positive regulation of the flgL and fliC genes (Fig. 7). These bacterial biofilm, for example (Belas 2013).
findings, showing an extensive positive response to rham- We also consider that the overexpression of fliC and
nolipids, strongly support the results obtained from both the flgL in the presence of exogenous rhamnolipids may have
genome-wide analyses through microarrays and RT-qPCR impaired the proper assembly of the long outer filament of
targeted at the same flagellar genes. These genes (flgL and the flagellum. Some studies have already shown that the
fliC) are arranged in different operons and belong to dif- outer filament is made up of thousands of copies of the
ferent regulatory classes, therefore requiring different tran- flagellin protein, which are properly organized in positions
scriptional regulators: flgL (class III) is regulated by FleR determined by the FliD, which appears to control the polym-
and RpoN, while expression of fliC (class IV) is dependent erization of flagellar proteins, playing an important role in
on free FliA (Dasgupta et al. 2003). On the other hand, the the interaction with FliC, continually adding a new flagellin
fliT and fliD genes, that were repressed in the genome-wide protein to the tip of the filament (Postel et al. 2016). In the
analyses and confirmed by RT-qPCR, showed no increase cytoplasm, FliD forms a hetero-complex with a FliD-specific
in expression after supplementation with exogenous rham- chaperone protein, known as FliT, which prevents premature
nolipids. They belong to regulatory class II and are regulated aggregation of FliD (Song et al. 2017). The FliD protein
by FleQ and RpoN. The fleQ gene that encodes the FleQ also binds to FlgL at the end of the hook where polym-
regulator is part of the genes included in class I regulatory erization of flagellin begins (Furukawa et al. 2002). FliD
level, being constitutively expressed (Dasgupta et al. 2003). is therefore functionally related to flagellin and FlgL (Song
However, other regulators outside the flagellar regulon are et al. 2017). In a similar fashion, at the transcription level,
believed to negatively influence fleQ, such as Vfr-mediated the intense upregulation of of flgL and fliC, promoted by
repression and the involvement of σ70 in transcription (Das- exogenous rhamnolipids, may have a detrimental effect on
gupta et al. 2004). Recently, a new fleQ regulator (OsaR), the transcriptional regulation of the fliDT, as they share some
which was reported to bind to the promoter region of the hierarchic regulatory proteins.
gene and repress its transcription, has also been reported Previous reports suggest that planktonic and sessile sub-
(Ma et al. 2021). FleQ is considered the master flagellar populations of P. aeruginosa interact via lasIrhlI quorum
regulator in Pseudomonas species, allowing the expres- sensing signaling, promoting their movement to the top of
sion of class II genes, inducing the expression of complex the adherent micro-colonies (Barken et al. 2008). This pro-
membrane proteins and regulatory proteins, such as FlgM, cess, apparently mediated by flagella and rhamnolipids, is
FlhF and FleN, in addition to proteins of the two-component believed to contribute to the formation of typical mushroom-
system (TCS) FleS/R (Bouteiller et al. 2021). Interestingly, shaped structures, observed in mature P. aeruginosa biofilms
wild-type strain PAO1 has not shown significant change (Pamp and Tolker-Nielsen 2007; Barken et al. 2008). In fact,
in expression of those genes, in response to exogenous Pamp and Tolker-Nielsen (2007) demonstrated the complete

Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304 301

absence of mushroom-like structures in biofilms formed by virulence factors. TCSs are known to mediate regulation
rhlA-knockout strain, deficient in the production of rham- of flagellar genes, including the GacS network, a complex
nolipids. However, downregulation of flagellar genes in the multi-kinase network, via SadC (Moscoso et al. 2014) or
rhlA-mutant strain was not suggested at the time, evidence HptB branch (Valentini et al. 2016), which affect the levels
that we demonstrate in the present study, for the first time. of the second messenger c-di-GMP. In addition, the Wsp
In a similar fashion, the ability to produce rhamnolipids chemosensory system triggers a signal transduction array
has been associated to virulence, using in vitro and in vivo in response to surface sensing, by controlling the synthesis
infection models, as a rhamnolipid-deficient P. aeruginosa of c-di-GMP, which promotes the formation of biofilms and
strain was eradicated more rapidly and significantly, when decreases the expression of the flagellar genes (Hickman
compared to the wild-type parental strain (Van Gennip et al. et al. 2005; O’Connor et al. 2012; Ha and O’Toole 2015).
2009). In light of the present study, this observation could The main target of c-di-GMP within this pathway is the tran-
be related to the abrogated swarming motility observed scriptional regulator FleQ, which positively regulates the
in rhlA-defective strains (Kohler et al. 2000; Déziel et al. expression of flagellar genes while repressing EPS genes,
2003; Caiazza et al. 2005; Tremblay et al. 2007) and the such as pel. Upon interaction with c-di-GMP, FleQ is inhib-
downregulation of flagellar genes (Table 1, Fig. 3). Sup- ited, leading to reduced expression of flagellar genes and
porting this hypothesis, Overhage et al. (2008) provided that upregulation of EPS genes (Hickman et al. 2005; Hickman
under swarming conditions, P. aeruginosa PA14 exhibited and Harwood 2008). Therefore, the GacS network and the
the upregulation of many virulence-related genes, including Wsp signaling pathway represent systems that are compat-
genes for the Type III Secretion System (T3SS) and its effec- ible with a putative rhamnolipid-dependent modulation of
tor proteins (Overhage et al. 2008) required for colonizing flagellar expression observed in the present study. Interest-
host mucosal surfaces. ingly, within the Wsp chemosensory system, flagellar and
Adding to the discussion regarding surface interactions, a EPS genes are inversely regulated, a behavior consistently
previous study demonstrated that there is an inverse relation- observed in the presence or absence of rhamnolipids. FleQ,
ship between the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS) the master regulator of flagellar biogenesis, is the major
and the swarming motility in P. aeruginosa (Merritt et al. player in the Wsp system (Hickman and Harwood 2008).
2007). The knockout of sadC, which codes for diguanylate Whether rhamnolipids would act directly upon any sensory
cyclase SadC, results in a hyperswarmer phenotype, while system, or indirectly, through its wetting activity, controlling
multi-copy expression of this gene promotes a phenotype bacteria’s surface sensing, remains to be understood.
often associated with overproduction of EPS (Merritt et al. We have also identified the positive regulation of hcp1, a
2007). Thus, understanding how EPS and motility influence gene that encodes a component of the type VI protein secre-
the different P. aeruginosa phenotypes can also contribute to tion system (H1-T6SS) (Sana et al. 2016) and some prophage
the development of strategies against chronic and persistent genes (Table 1, Fig. 3). Prophages play an important role in
infections caused by this opportunistic pathogen. Therefore, the evolution of bacterial genomes and their pathogenicity
we also investigated the expression profile of genes related (Fortier and Sekulovic 2013) and the expression of phage
to the EPSs biosynthesis of P. aeruginosa PAO1. According genes has also been shown to cause negative impacts on
to our RT-qPCR results (Table S4; Figure S1), we observed bacterial motility. A previous study revealed that flagella
an induction of expression of EPS genes (e.g., pel and psl are reduced on the surface of cells that overexpress phage
components) in the non-motile rhlA-mutant strain, deficient genes in strains PAO1 and PA14, in contrast to the observed
in the production of rhamnolipids, when compared to the hyperpiliation by type IV pili (Tsao et al. 2018).
wild-type strain. A recently published study also lists the In the last decades, many different approaches are being
contrast that we see in our analysis, as null flagellar mutants used for a better understanding of the regulatory mecha-
overexpressed exopolysaccharides Pel and Psl in biofilms nisms involved in the formation of biofilm in P. aerugi-
of P. aeruginosa, in the laboratory and in biofilms isolated nosa. Through a proteomic analysis, a hypothetical protein
from cystic fibrosis (CF) infection (Harrison et al. 2020). encoded by the PA3731 gene was identified. The PA3731
P. aeruginosa owes its versatility and remarkable adapta- gene was related to swarming motility and the synthesis of
tive capacity to its large genome, with intricate gene regu- rhamnolipids. The PA3731-mutants were deficient in bio-
latory systems. The P. aeruginosa PAO1 genome encodes film formation compared to the reference strain PAO1 (Macé
a wide repertoire of two-component systems (TCSs), with et al. 2008). Corroborating with those data, in our transcrip-
64 sensor kinases, 72 response regulators and 3 histidine tomic analyses, we also observed repression of the PA3731
phosphotransfer (Hpt) proteins (Rodrigue et  al. 2000; gene in the rhlA-knockout strain (Table S1), compared to
Stover et al. 2000; Francis et al. 2017). These regulatory the wild-type strain.
networks play a central role in several cellular functions Tremblay et al. (2007) have demonstrated that isolated
and responses, including chemotaxis, surface sensing, and fractions from rhamnolipid extracts, containing either


302 Current Genetics (2022) 68:289–304

mono- or di-rhamnolipids alone, were able to restore Declarations 

swarming motility to a rhlA-deficient strain derived from
P. aeruginosa strain PA14 (Tremblay et al. 2007). Although Conflict of interest  The authors declare that there is no potential con-
the swarming patterns promoted by either the mono- or di- flict of interest.
rhamnolipid preparations were rather different from that of Ethical approval  Not applicable.
the wild-type strain, the swarming behavior seemed to be
restored in some extent. Unlike the rhamnolipids, their HAA Consent to participate  Not applicable.
precursors did not promote the typical swarming pattern
Consent for publication  All the authors have read and approved the
swarming when added to the non-motile rhlA-mutant and manuscript.
seemed to have an inhibitory effect on the swarming tendrils
of the wild-type strain PA14 (Tremblay et al. 2007). Taken
together with these previous findings, our results show sig-
nificant evidence that rhamnolipids, the major biosynthetic
products of the rhlABC pathway, seem to modulate gene References
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Mol Microbiol 50:809–824. https://​
de Nível Superior (CAPES-PrInt).
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